The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, June 06, 1910, Image 8

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More About the Prizes lor Bible
The oliject of the International
Press Bible Question Club in to pro
mote, through the press, thought and
investigation on the teaching of the
Scripturo in connection with the
International Sunday School lessons.
To this end some very valuable
priies are offered on very simple terms.
There are to be given to News readers
in connection with other papers that
join the I. P. B. Q. C. during the cur
rent three months fifty prizes, viz;
Five solid gold medals, five sterling
silver medals, five teachers', Bibles
I worth $550 each,' thirty-Eve copies
of "The Heart oft Christianity," price
$1.50 ea'ch. This book is, said to be
the best thing written, in this century
on its vital subject. The gold and
silver medals are beautifully engraved
with an emblematic design, and the
name of the winner will be engraved
on the reverse ijido. It will be no small
honor to be a gold or silver medalist
in this great international organization
Any person who takes up this simple
Cut Out and Send
Send the Plattsmouth News-Herald from now
to 19 the close of the Bible Ques
tion Contestfor the special price of $3 enclosed.
C ou t me a member of the local club.
Cut Out and Send
International Press
I have read the suggestive questions on the
Sunday School Lesson published in the The Platts
mouth News-Herald, also the lesson itself torSun-
day 19 and intend to read the
series of 52.
Name - -
$400 DOWN
$400 IN 30 DAYS
takes the best quarter section in
33,000 ACRES
of Kit Carson County Farm Lands
Balance carried on the land at 6 per cent
This land must and will be sold to
the highest bidder. You buy at your
own bid. You can count on bargains.
Terms less burdensome than crop pay
Burlington, Colorado
Thursday, June 23, 1910
Special train from Omaha on the
Rock Island, June 21. For excursion
rates, description of the land and full
particulars write
Room 307 First National Bank Building, OMAHA, NEB.
Do it now, the
ad will appear in this issue only Save
the address.
Read The
course tf btudy a good chance
of receiving that honor.
The hiinplc conditions are: (1)
That commencing the In.
ternationul Sunday School Leesons
must be read and the "Suggestive
questions" for 52 consecutive weeks
and a coupon should be cut out of
this paper each week and signed,
certifying to the reading; "Must
answer in writing any five of the ques
tions that are indicated to be so an
swered, getting help from any source
if that is necessary. (3) Within a
week of the close of the contest must
deliver to this office all the coupons
which have been cut out, togcthei with
the, five written answers. The prjzej)
will then benwarded to those who hand
in the greatest number of Coupons. If
two or more send in an equal number
of coupons, the tic, or ties will be
broken by an examination of the
written answers, and the prizes will
be awarded to those who get the
highest number of marks from an im
partial examination of the answers.
Subscribe for the News now, getting
the special rate per the attached cou
to This Office.
to This Office.
Bible Question Club.
time is short! This
Daily News
Suggestive Questions on
Lesson by Rev. Dr.
International Newspaper
Copy't 1910, by Rev.
June 5th. 1910.
Jesus walks on the sea. Matt
xiv: 22-36.
Golden Text Then they that were
in the ship came and worshipped him
saying: Of a truth thou art the Son
of God, Matt xiv. 33.'. . ' -
Verse 22. What remarkable event
had immediately preoeded this les
Whey did Jesua want to scatter
the multitude? (See John vi:15.)
Why did ho, probably, send the
disciples away even before he dis
missed the multitude?
If the rulers of the Jews, and not
the common people only, had wanted
to crown Jesus king, would ho have
resisted them? Why or why not?
Verso 23. Why did Jesus need
solitude and private prayer?
How much solitude, and private
prayer, are essential to one who would
have the spirit and do the work of
Verse 24. Why docs God permit
his children to be so "tossed with waves
when they are on tho voyage he has
sent them?
Which are the more blessed and
why those Christians that have a
stormy voyage and contrary winds
through life or those that have
fair weather and favorable Hinds?
(This question must be answered
In writing by members of the club.
Verso 25. Why did Jesus leave
them in their distress so long? and why
docs God often permit his children to
be buffeted with wind and waves
until it seems there is no hope for the
Verso 2G. The disciples saw Jesus
conung at last, but why is that any
ground for hope that God will, when
we are in trouble, come to our rescue
in timo to pro vent any real disaster?
Local Items
(From Saturday's Dally)
John Reuland was a Louisville
traveler yesterday afternoon.
John Bock, a tiller of the soil near
Murray, arrived in the city yesterday
for a short stay.
II. G. Vanllorn was a traveler this
morning on No. 15 going up to Omaha
to spend the day.
Emmons Richey came in from
Omaha this morning on the early
Burlington train.
Roy Smith bought a ticket this
intoning for Omaha to which place he
went for a short visit.
Mrs, L. E. Shaulis returned last
evening from Friend, where she had
been at the home of her mother, Mrs.
Miss Kathrwic Seiver is visiting in
Louisville with her grand-father, T
W. Sllryocli, going up on the 3:20
yesterday afternoon.
Gus Salsberg and son Walter, from
Cedar Creek returned to their home
yesterday afternoon after being in
the city doing a little shopping.
Mrs. L. Rusterholtz and daughter
Mrs. S. Beckner and Mrs. George
Rhoden left this morning on a week
end business trip to Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wynn and chil
dren were among the Plattsmouth
Saturday travelers to the Market
Town, expecting to return home this
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Trcmain, of
Malcomb returned to their home yes
terday, having completed a visit at
the residence of their daughter Mrs
Chas. Perry of this city.
Hank Meisinger who resides near
Cedar Creek is in town today on busi
ness. John McNurlin returned this mean
ing from a business trip through! the
Thomas Purmcle drove in from
Louisville this morning in his big auto
mobile. George Hainey, a brother of Mrs.
Bennet Chrisswisser is visiting with
his sister today.
Petition to quiet title was filed in
district court today, tho plaintiff,
being Effie G. Wilson, defendants,
unknown heirs and devisees of Frank
lin Wait.
the Sunday School
Linscott For the
Bible Study Club.
T. S. Linscott, D. D.
Can you give any examples, besides
thisof being afraid of the very nu ssen
ger, or circurastat .e, ;hat God is
sending to s.,vc ts fa ra our troubles?
Verse 27. Whin, if ever, is there
need for a true disciple to be afraid
of anything?
! Give a reasoned ar swer to the foU'
lowing.Is god literally in every circum
stance, and docs he speak with words
of cheer in every event, whether loss
or gain, or pain or pleasure, to the dis
ciple who has spiritual faculties to
see and hear God?
Verses 28-51. Was it wise or profit
able for Peter to have made this dar
ing venture, seeing his faith had failed
When God invites us, or bids us,
do anything no matter how hazardous
should we do it, even if our hearts
tremble at the anticipated result,
or should we get the full assurance of
faith first?
Is it wise, or otherwise, and why,
for us to attempt everything that Je
sus did?
What are the limitations to our
duty, and privilege in duplicating the
life of Jesus?
How much risk is there of failure
if we attempt to do all God commands
Verses 32-33. Could any ship sink
in that day with Jesus on board, and
what does your answer suggest, as
to the safety of all today who take
Jesus for their captain?
If they worshiped the man Jesus
in the same way as God should be
worshipped, what comment have you
on their act?
Verses 34-36. How much benefit
would it be today, if all the people
of this community would bring their
sick ones to Jesus?
The lesson for Sunday June 12,
1910. The Canaanitsh Woman. Matt
Continued from page 1.
mits a message from the United
States consul at Nanking, in which
he says that the city has been posted
the destruction of foreign life and
property, in consequence of which
considerable nervousness is ft It. The
minister adds that the United States
steamer New Orleans is there and is
prepared with the German and Brit
ish warships to land a considerable
force if found necessary to protect the
foreign consulates.
NANKING, June 3. The foreign
consuls here have rece ived a warnii g
from the revolutionists, which is
similiar to that sent to the legations
at Pekin. It purperts to emanate
from the "revolutionary board of
war" and announces that a day has
been appointed for the opening of
hostilities. Neutrals are warned not
to interfere with the military prepara
tions and protection is offered foreign
ers heeding this injunction. The con
suls, however, are urguing fellow1 citi
zens to leave Nanking.
Children Cry
Notice of Probate of Will.
In the County Court of Cass County
In the matter of the estate of Edwin
R. Todd, deceased.
All persons interested in said estate
are given notice that a petition has
been filed for the probate of the will
of said Edwin R. Todd, deceased, and
the appointment of the executrix
named therein. A hearing will be had
on said petition in said Court in the
Court House at Plattsmouth, Neb.,
on the 4th day of Juno 1910, at 10
o'clock A. M. of said day.
(sea) Allen J. Beeson,
D. 0. Dwyer, County Judge.
Attorney. . 7-8t
Children Cry
Buy your cotton flannel gloves and
mittens of the Plattsmouth Golve
Co., riattsmouth, Neb., Ind. Phone
White 435. w-tf
For Infant and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signals of Distress
Plattsmouth People Should Knon
flow to Reed and Heed
Sick kidneys give many signals
of distress.
The secreuor.a are dark, contain a
Pagsaaes are frequent, scanty, pain
ful. Backache is constant day andjright.
Headaches cud dizzy spells are ffj
quent. '
The weakened kidneys need quick
Don't delay! Use a special kid
ney remedy.
Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick ked
neys, backache and urinary disor
dres. Plattsmouth evidence proves this
Mrs. 0. J. Gilson, Lincoln, avenue
Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "We have
used Doan's Kidney Pills in our fam
ily for lame back and other kidney dis
orders and "they have brought the best
of results. My advise to anyone suf
fering from kidney complaint is to
give this remedy a trial."
For sale by all dealers. Price
50 cents. Forestei-Milburn Co., Buf
falo, New York, sole agents for the
United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Legal Notice
In the District Court of Cass Co.Neb.
In the matter of the Guardianship of
Donovan A . W allinc. a minor. Order
to show cause.
This cause came on for hearing unon
the petition of George W. Walling,
guardian of the Estate of Donovan
A. Walling, a minor, praying for a
license to sell an undivided one-third
interest in fee simple in Lots Twelve
(iy, Ihnteen (13), Sixteen (16) and
Seventeen (17', in West Greenwood
Cass County, Nebraska, for the sup
port and education of said minor and
for the better investment of the resi
due, there being no personal property
belonging to said minor's estate.
It is therefore ordered that all per
sons interested in said estate appear
before me at Plattsmouth, on the 20th
day of June, 1010, at 1 o'clock p. in.,
to show cause why a license should
not be granted to said guardian to
sell said real estate for the support
and education of said minor and for the
better investment of the residue there
of. W.
It is further ordered that this notice
be published for three weeks success
ively in the Semi-Wee kly New s-Hcrald
a newspaper published and of general
circulation in said county, next prior
to the date e.f said hearing.
Dated this 12th day of May, 1910
Harvey D. Travis,
Judge of the District Court.
Legal Notice.
To Lydia Merriam, Art E. Alex
ander, Lloyd D. Bennett, Margaret
L. Bennett, Medy Bloodworth, Meedy
P. Bloodworth, Abigail Bloodworth,
Spencer Packard, L. R. Baxley, (first
and real name unknown The un
known Heirs or Devisees of Sclden
N. Merriam, deceased, The Un
known Heirs or Devisees of William
Parman, deceased, The Unknown
Heirs or Devisees of EJios Gibbs, de
ceased :
You and each of you will hereby
take notice that on May 28th, 1910,
John W arga, Plaintiff, filed his peti
tion in the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska, against you, and
others, the object, purpose and prayer
of which is to remove clouds from and
quiet the title of record by the decree
of said Court, to the North Eust
quarter of South East quarter and
South East quarter of North East
quarter of Section Five (5) and Noith
West West quarter of South West
quarter and Government Lot Four
(4) in Section Four (4; and also a tract
of land in said Section 4, described
as: Beginning at quarter section cor
ner on West side of said Section 4,
and running thence north 10 chains;
thelicc Southeast 72 chains to a point
intersecting a line through the centre
of said section 4, and whence West
to place of beginning, known as sub
lot 14 of Government Lot 3, in said
Section 4, all in Town Eleven (11)
North, Range Fourteen (14, East of
tho Sixth P. M. in Cass County,
Nebraska, in Plaintiff as against you
and others, and to exclude you and
each of you from ever asserting or
claiming any right, title or interest
therein, or to any part or parcel
thereof, and for such other and fur
ther relief as may be just and, equit
able. You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 11th day of
July 1910, or the allegations contained
in said petition will bo taken as true
and decree rendered accordingly.
Dated: May 28, 1910.
12-St Plaintiff.
By JOHN M. LEYDA, His Attorney.
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This nev;, all-'round
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Pots, pans, kettles, wood
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Painted woodwork and
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do it easily and safely with
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Just You Try It
Do you want an
If you do, get one who has
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Telegraph or Write
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Dunbar, Nebr.
Or call at the News-Herald office and
we will save you trouble and expense
in getting dates and terms.
Good Service. Reasonable Rate.
John Durman
Expert Blacksmith
Has taken chanre of tho Wil.
liam Puis Blucksmith Shop
t 4 1-2 miles west of Murray.
I Ah" kinds of Fine Horseshoe-
t ing and all kinds of Black-
4 smithing. Satisfaction guar-
1 antced.
Call "on Him.
$25.00 to
The World's Greatest
All-the-Year Resort
8 Double Daily Through
Choice of Scenery
The True Southern Route
via El Paso
Through Scenic Colorado
Pueblo and Denver
Ask for Rates and Schedules
Hugh Norton, Agent.
10 jTmw