f; T I GOTGH TO TAKE ON ZBYSGO, cot PAPERw The printing process which gives you in the print all that your negative contains. Will not fog when you force the developement. As all other developing papers do. Champion Wrestler and Pole to Meet In Finish Boot, FOREIGNER GIANT IN STATURE Weight 270 Pound and It Five Faat Elovon Inehas Tall Ha Defeated Evary Wraatlar of Not Sine Hi Arrival In Thi Country. What promises to be one of the greatest wrestling contests ever held In this country is now la order. Frank Gotcb, the world's champion, has agreed to take on Zbysco, "the terrible Pole," for a bout to a finish In Chicago May 30. The contest between the pair WEYRICH & HADRABA ) jjj Sole Agents in Plattsmouth. j Local Items g mmmmmmmm (Prom Friday s Dally) J. B. Soaholt of Murray was a caller in the city yesterday. The meetings have been on for a per iod of five weeks. Remember a week from Thursday that Maude Adams appears in "Cupid at Vassar" at the l'armele theater. 17C2 A. Bach made a day's business trip to the Market town today. George Powall left this morning on a short business mission to Omaha. The time is May 19, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, the place is the Parmele theater, the girl is Maxinc Eliot who will appear in "Cupid at Vassar." 17G-2t ffm MAT ARTISTS WBO ARE TO WRESTLE FOB TITLE AMD CHAMPION OOTCH IN ACTION. A. S. Will was one of the few trav elers to Omaha on the morning train today. Ed Brancncx returned this morning from Lincoln where he lias been for the lust three or four days. L. F. SaHee bought a round trip ticket to Onmlia this morning and went up to the city on the eight fifteen train T. J. Sokol Dance. On Saturday May 14, the T. J. So- kols have arranged to give another social dance at their hall. The M. W. A. Orchestra have been engaged and a fine time is assured for all. Remember you are invited to attend. 17G-St. Miss Helen Clark started on the eight-fifteen train today for Lincoln where she will remain visiting friends until Sunday. At the handkerchief booth of the Methodist ladies bazaar are two ban dkcrchiefs that are quite a curiosity One of them was presented to the ladies by Mrs. William Taft and the other bv Mrs. Shallenbergcr, wife of the state governor. They have any num. ver of pretty fancy work peiccs for sale at this booth. 176-2t EjMrs. II. M. Leek of Lincoln departed this morning for her home after be ing in town several days visiting with her many friends. She was a former resident of the city and has many acquaintances to visit when in town. The meetings at the Methodist church aro continuing through this week and in spite of the threatening weather last night, a good crowd was in attendance. It is thought the ser vices will be wound up in a shore time now and large congregations are hoped for, for the rest of the week. 'iH)r,',v'.,' , LATEST MEASUREMENTS OF f JIM JEFFRIES. The mensurt'im'iita tnkeu of .llui .leirrli' iiimiIc recently by 'Tanner" Hum mv im follows: i Ane . . So Weight 2a j Height 6 feet 1H I N k 18 Chept. iw;.!1 4a Chi'ttt. exuinit!il 6ClH Waist , 3ti P Thlsh !M T Calf 17 X Anlo ...f 10 'i' I'.lcep IS Forearm IS f Wrtat iA Is attracting widespread attention and should result In one of the best ever staged. The two wrestled In Buffalo last fall, but Gotch was unable to earn a victory over Zbysco, Since that meeting the Pole has had the championship bee buzzing in bis bonnet He has made a systematic campaign In the west, beating all com ers. Zbysco Is In excellent shape and will take on a few preliminary bouts before his meeting with Gotch. The Pole is a giant in stature. He really has every appearance of the pro fessional strong man. , He has got bis knowledge of the wrestling game in the last ten years. He is twenty seven years old, weighs 270 pounds in wrestling togs and is Ave feet elev en inches tall. His nock Is 22 Inches round, bis chest 03 inches, waist 42 Inches, upper arm 22 inches, forearm IS Inches, wrist 13 Inches, biceps 31 inches and calf 10' inches. Zbysco's real name Is Stanislaus Cgaulewicz, and any one trying to pro nounce that name twice in one day will realize at once that the wrestler did a humane uct when be adopted ZbyBco as his professional name. He Is without question the best wrestler Europe has sent to these shores since Hackenschroidt's time. Zbysco's most Important matches have been at the Greco-Itoman style. but since the assurance from Gotch that he may have a chance at t ? ? ? ? ? X t t I t X X f X t ? ? ? ? t y $1,000 H fflffl V ISSUED BY THE NORTH AMERICAN ACCI DENT INSURANCE CO., OF CHICAGO PAID UP FOR ONE YEAR X Given by the News-Herald Publishing Co. for one year's subscription paid in advance to the Plattsmouth Daily News or the Semi-Weekly News-Herald as follows: Daily News in advance, by mail, $3,50. Daily News in advance, by carrier, $4.50. Semi-Weekly News-Herald, in advance, $2.00. i This policy pays $1,000 for loss of life. This policy pays 1,000 for loss of both eyes. This policy pays 1.000 for loss, of both hands. This policy pays 1,000 for loss of both feet. This policy pays $1,000 for loss of one hand and one foot. This policy pays 250 for loss of one hand. This policy pays 250 for loss of one foot. This policy pays 2o0 for loss of ene eye. As will be seenjby the figures given above, the subscription to the Daily and Semi-Weekly has been advanced 50 cents to cover the cost of the insurance policy. The publishers want it distinctly understood that the North American Accident Insurance Co. is considered the most re liable in the United States and its policies are being sold in connection with subscriptions by the Great Hearst papers and other leading papers of America. We absolutely guarantee the insurance. Our arrange ments with the company is a limited period only, for so you will have to get busy if you want an accident policy for one year for r0 CENTS. THE NEWS-HERALD PUBLISHING CO. OLDEST PAPER IN CASS CO. Plattsmouth, Nebraska t ? T t t ? ? ? t ? f y t ? ? f t ? t ? t f ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? J. t f ? r NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWST - s Degree ol Honor Doings. The Degree of Honor met Inst night in it's regular session at A. O. V. W. hall and in spite of the rain a large attendance was present and a most tne enjoyable social session was enjoyed. catch-as-cateh-can style the foreigner Mrs. A. uaKow was put tnrougn tlie hns been dally familiarizing himself process of initiation, following which with the fine points of the take-a-hold- the evening was spent in dancing and Let Me Tell You Something If you waut to be properly dressed, you should have your clothes made to order. You can't get up-to-date styles in ready-nudes, for they are made six months before the season opens. BLUE SERGE SUITS The ouly place In the city where you can ' get a good blue serge, fancy worsted, cheviot or Scotch tweed suit to order that aro actually worth from $35 to $40, for only $20 Cleaning and Repairing A SPECIALTY ALL WORK GUARANTEED James Socher The Tailor. anywhere style. Ills bulk and tremen dous strentgh alone would make him a bard man to bent. He adheres to a strict physical culture dally program and wastes none of his strength In dls slpatlon of any kind. Ills endurance has never been really tested, for he has always won his bouts In fast time. Since his arrival Iji the country a little other amusements, and towards the close of the affair light refreshments were served. Three out of town mem bers of tho order were present. They were Mrs. A. II. Harding of Hebron, secretary of the Grand Lodge Finance Committe; Mrs. Mayme H. Cleaver of Xcligh. Grand Chief of Honor, over a year ago Zbysco has met and and Mrs. Ella Hall of South Omaha. defeated every wrestler of note In the United States. Now he believes he Is capable of beating Frank Gotch. Zbysco hns never been defeated. Gotcb Is In excellent shapo and has been meeting all comers for the past four months. lie will prepare Jilmself for ins coming mntcn witn -oysco ai Jim Jeffries' training camp at Ben Lo-1 mond. The champion Is confident that he will defeat the Pole, but not until after a hard struggle. During the afternoon, the regular monthly meeting of the hnanco com mittee was held. The committee consists of D. C. Morgan, chairman, Mrs. A. II. Harding and Mrs. Ella. Hall. Will Open Tin Shop. Plattsmouth is to have a new busi ness in the form of a tin and sheet metal shop, and it will mean that a vacant building that stood for soi ;c time as an eye sore on Main street, will again take on signs of business activity. Albert Schuldicc has rented the old paint shop east of the News office, formerly occupied by II. E. Wilson & Son, which he will over haul for his new enterprise. Mr. Schuldicc is a old hand at the business Sick at Mas9nlc Home. Henry Jol nson a rather old gentle man who is i n inmati of the Masonic 1 ome in the city, H rcp-rted to be wry ill with .ieart trouble. His condition is considered quite serious by the attending physicians and on account of his age, his chances are not thought to be very brilliant. Mr. John son was a resident of Wahoo until about a year ago when he entered the state home for the Masons here in Plattsmouth. lie has been suffer ing from his trouble most of the time ' wo mew Arrivals. Professor Stork had a busy day of it yesterday in the city and mado two trips to widely seperatcd points in this vicinity. At the residence of Riley Frady in the second ward he left a brand new son for Riley, an em ployee at the Burlington machine shops. At the homo of J. M. Eliot lie expects to open up. He hns lived in the city for 28 years and most of j since lie entered the home that time has worked on metal the Burlington shops. He will do a!! kinds of repair work at his new es tablishment and has ordered mach inery necessary for doing any sort of work in the sheet metal line. The machinery is expected to arrive to morrow which will mean the shop will be ready for orders the first of the week. BackUv Out of Lttgu Baubalf. ' "Old Eagle Eye" Jake Beckley has passed out of league baseball after a continuous service of more than twen tv-thrpa venra. The vptornn first base man was given his unconditional re- on the Pickett place north of town, lease by Danny Shay, manager of the a baby daughter arrived as a result of Kansas City American association tjie stork's call. team. Beckley took his release pnUoaopnl- The bazaar of the Methodist lad caiiy lie says ne wm remaui in ivan- . b m aftornoon and '!!4C,,Jani.P?8!.lb,yp,aywitha8em,' continue until tomorrow night. It Beckley Is forty-eight years old. and s being held in the vacnat Main street for twenty years, until 1900. he played building recently occupied by the In the major leagues. Ills last year hardware firm. The ladies seem to was with the St Louis National league have everything imaginable for sale team In 1900. In 1907 he Joined the a their fair. They have a complete American association team and that year led the league In batting, hitting Read IThe Daily News Jennings Wants Klainow. Ilugbey Jenulngs, It Is said, wants to get Jack Kleinow from Now York. What Jennings wants to do with the veteran Is not apparent. Still. Jack ought to have a lot of good baseball left at that Held Up. Arguing With Umps a Wast of Tims. Ball players who bother their heads about the decisions of umpires belong to the "solid Ivory" class. line of various articles ranging from a box of Divinity to a geranium and they serve coffee, ice-cream and cake. jj Carl Holmburg, a Burlington fire man of Lincoln, left the city this morning to resume his work at the capital city. He was in town yester day afternoon to attend the Renner funeral and missed the afternoon trial for his home. II. P. Davis boarded an early train today bound for th Btate metropolis, On account of the raise in price of the patent insides which has been used by the Daily News and the fact that we have no control over the stuff which is printed therein we have con cluded to cut out the patent and go back to the all-at-home method used be nearly every daily paper in the state outside of Plattsmouth. We have also discovered by interviewing our sub scibers that every few people look over or read the patent insido except possibly tho continued story. We have been running the present serial "The Island of Regeneration" in the patent once a week, but beginning Monday it will be run in the daily every day. mere win be other features in connection with tho change which we believe our readers will appreciate. In fact wc expect to give "quality" rather than "quantity," and trust that it will meet with your approval. Members and friends of the Pres byterian church are cordially invited to attend a reception given by the ladies of the church to tho pastor and wifo Mr. and Mrs. L. W.. Cade Tuesday evening, May 10, from eight to eleven, in the church parlors. 176-2t Gad H:idvriting. Every r.:;n vlio has his living to earn or any work in the world to do ought to be made to understand that if he does not write legibly at least, ii not beautifully, it is entire ly his own fault and that if h made to suffer for it he has only himself to Llanie. .The pestilent theory that bad writing ii the sign of a great mind ought to receive n6 countenance from men of common sense. It is sometimes, no doubt, the result of extreme pressure of business, but in most cases it is the sign cither of bad training or of a contemptible perversity in fashion or of a careless and unstable dispo sition which will display itself soon er or later in things much more im portant than handwriting. In no ease i9 it to be commended. In only few casc3 is it to be even ex cused. London Times. EfUct of Gravitation. If a man weighing 170 pounds were to bo transferred to the moon tho weight of his body, measured at least by the attraction which tho moon would exercise upon it, would be reduced to about thirty pounds. If his muscles and his frame re mained tho same it would seem as if ho would be able to jump over a wall twelve feet high on tho small globo without any creatcr exortinn than would be required to cloaiyv wau iv oBt jygb on th earth