X MYNARD ti r Count us among the dry wiih no assurance that we will ever he wet. Price of corn has made a small advance and Coo. Graduville has shell ed and delivered his corn to the local buyer. Guy Kuer had an autoinohile mixup Saturday and landed on the ground with one wheel of his carriage to the bad. Corn planting is progressing nicely among the farmers in spite of the dry weather corn is sprouting well. Rev. Ixwley preached at Liberty chapel Sunday morning and evening. to an unusual large audience, Kev Leslie is a fine speaker, and all were well pleased. Miss Eva Porterl is lliome over Sunday. Eva likes hcr new work very much. Hi Gruhcr bought a fine large span of nicely matched mules at Louisville paying $500 for them. They are well worth the money. Hi expects to work them on the rock quarry at Nehawka. Mrs. It. L. Propst visited in Ralston and Omaha for several days. Edna and Roberta accomapnied her. W. B. Porter has mushed Ins cencus work. Mr. Porter is to be commended for the efficient work and the short time it has taken him to complete such an undertaking. Mrs. E. K. Goodwin has returned from the northern part of the state where she has been visiting friends Rainfall has been quite plenty in the countries of Rock and Brown. Mont Kobu visited at nome over Sunday. We arc pleased to inform the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. William Stokes that they arc very much taken up with their new Canada home and think the county simply fine. jfjEd Rummell is dressing his farm with a new fence. Geo. Snyder shipped a fine car load of hogs to the South Omaha market yesterday' The ladies missionary society will meet fo an all day Wednesday at the home of Mrs. John Livingston one mile north of town. f"rtpfl6 Chris Parkcning's smiling face was seen on ovlr streets Monday. He be- bclongs four miles west of Plaits mouth. Nevertheless Chris knows where to market his produce raised on the farm. Flaming Arcs Fall Through. The big flaming arc light that adorn ed the corner of Sixth and Main streets s a tiling of the past, for the time being at least, and it is somewhat doubtful whether it will ever be taking it's con- spicuous plane on ine corner again. It was put up by the light company as a sample of what the business streets would look like if the company's proposition of lighting was accepted Now it looks like the proposed system of flaming arcs on the principal busi ness corners had fallen through and the city will not get its new light ? i l-ii i i ...it mg scuemc which iookcu so proutame for a while. The men who circulate the paper to secure the names of 80 boosters willing to pay the sum o fifty cuts a month for the brighten ing up of Main street, have about given the matter up and utiles Mann ger Clabaugh revives it when In comes back, the new lights will never be more than an air castle. The company was unable to get the num ber of signers it had hoped for, but were willing to order the lights with 70 names on the list. They lacked about two names of having enough when some of the people wished to withdraw their signatures and the compny threw the matter up in dis gust. "The members of the Jolly Six are 'advertising their next grand ball which they havo arranged to have the com ing Saturday night at Coates Hall. The music will bo rendered by the M. W. A. Orchestra and as the com bination of the Jolly Six and the M.W. A. Orchestra is always a good one, the dancers are looking forward to a very enjoyable evening. Mrs. F. K. White a former resident of this city is in town making a visit . among relatives and many friends here. She now resides m Omaha. The Senior Class of the high school is planning. on a big class banquet which will be given tomorrow night at the residence of H. N. Dovey. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Pres byterian church met yesterday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. T. II Pollock and a very pleasing session was enjoyed. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A In Need of Ambulance. It seems as though this city were badly in need of an ambulance or some humane means of conveying a sick person when the occasion arises. This dray wagon means of transpor tation when a sufferer is in a critical condition is enough to kill a person if he has not a constitution like an ox. An ambulance is not a thing that would be used every day in the week, but when one is needed, its condition may mean life or death to the suffering party The need of a comfortable carriage for this purpose has ric intly come to the notice of the people when two Bur lington victims, both in very critical conditions, were jolted up in a cum bersome dray wagon. It is natural for people to think no'hing of a matter of this kind until they are afflicted themselves or when some of their very close friends suffer from a bad accident, then it unfolds to them as a vivid night-marc. Think of a person suffering with a crushed lung or mangled limb being carted to tho physicians office like a side of beef, when every jolt on the rough cobblestones Bends a thrill of pain through the system of the in jured. How much better it would be and how much safer he would be trans ported in a rubber tired carriage, fitted with a stretcher which combi anation would take all the jolt and jar of the uneven pavement. A person is not required to ride very often in such a carriage, but when he is, ho would certainly be willing to pay the price to ride in case. What do a few dollars amount to, if a per son may be relieved of part of their sufferling or if their chances of life are brightened? At present it is at the peril of life that a person in a weak condition is brought from the country for medical care. It ought to be worth while for one of the livery barns of the city to purchase an ambulance; there is not a first class one in the county. It seems a conveyance of this kind would be a money maker for its owner, besides being a good adver tising card for the establishment and city as well. Can't Plattsmouth se cure an ambulance. Deserves Big Crowd. Green's Nebraska Indians arc get ling m he neighborhood of Platts mouth and next Friday afternoon they will be in town to put up the best of ball played in the city this year. These red skins have got a reputation all over the United States and Platts mouth is going to rub against the real thing when they meet the tribe The boys say they can tend to their part of the game, if the citizen's will only tend to Jieir's and see that the grand stand is filled until their isn't room for one more. The team cer tainly deserves better support than they have been given at the first ... (ll .. T. in u KiuiK-a i " season, it is not ery etieournging to the promoters to bring an expensive team into the city nn take in about enough off the crowi. to pay for the balls used. If you've got any American blood in you at all, come out Friday and see the no.- tional game between the aborigine .! ll I. r r. . V ami mir (;ui: laees. ivery business man of the city out to have a repre sentative of his firm on the eran stand and he ought to be there him self even if he is going to lose the sale of a ten cent pair of suspenders in his absence. Make a big turn out an help the boys make the Indians bury their tomahawk. Debate Called oil at Train Time The High school debating team was given a sudden surprise yesterday when they received a telephone ca troni Vtahoo about ten minutes before tram time saying they would be un able to handle the question without more preparation and refusing to d I.... I - . 1 m Dim- uim mum h ijciieuiueu. i wo 0 the home team were already at the depot when the message arrived. Plattsmouth were to try and take the matter up she could very probably secure the debate bv default but they want to give the Wahoo bunch a show for it before pinning the district championship to their own mast i lie state ueuate ut uncom has lieen postponed for two weeks, were not for this, they would have been compelled to pull off the contest ast night as arranged. It seems )c a clear case of cold feet on the part of the Wahooites and all they want is another week to practice up in. The date set yesterday afternoon was next Tuesday evening nnd it is hoped they will "cut out their kid play and get up enough back bone to meet the Platts mouth trio by that time. The Seniors have decided on Thurs day May 19 for the date of their class play "Cupid at Vassar." The theate has been secured and all arrangements made for that evening and the caste is now busy in practicing for the pro duction which they w ill give. ART STUDIO and GRAFT SHOP Intlrunlon In wnlrn color. ri leathur, br mil copper. Home ilecotntinn A Itind op- portunily in ltn in. wnen ou once mow ll, )ou cua irn t (real detl of money in your boat Hdit ol initruciion br lenchtr who ipeni mnr n In rt canters in the eeit. end in Allien rii Wine lor Ire particular!. Mr!. M HEX COTtON. 60T Bee BIHl..0w!M. Articles of Incorporation. Know all men by these presents: That we, Gustavc 11. Olson, T. II. Pollock, H. N. Dovey, F. L. Cummins, and E. W. Cook, all being of full age, and residents, Cass county, Nebraska, do associate ourselves together for the purpose of forming and bcocom ing a corporation in the State of Ne braska, for tho transaction of the business hereinafter described. ARTICLE I. The name of this coiporation shall e the Olson Photo machine com pany. ARTICLE II. The principal place of transacting business shall be in the City of Platts mouth Cass county, Nebraska. ARTICLE III The nature of the business to be transacted bv said cornoration shall be the procuring of patents on new mnrovcnients. the manufacture and marketing of yhotoKraphic printing Machines, photograhic supplies and apparatus, and the making and mar- kcting of photographs, and the manu facture and marketing of other ma- lincs and mnchinery, and the pui- haseof material therefor, and the crcc- tion and maintenance of Buch build- ing or buildings and structures as mav be necessary, and to purchase real estate as a site therefor, and the urchase of such machineiy as may be necessary for the operation of said business, and to do any and all things set forth in this certificate as objects, purposes, powers, or otherwise, to le same extent and as fully as natural persons might do, and in any part of le world. ARTICLE IV. The authorized capital stock of said corporation shall be the sum of Twen ty-five thousand (825,000.00) dollars, to be divided into shares of One Hun dred ($100.00) dollars each, and the irlin1 number of shares beine Two lundrcd Fifty (250) of common stock, in bn R.ibseibed and paid as rcouircd by law and the Boaid of Directors, and when said stock is issued the same mil be fully paid and nonassessable. ARTICLE V. The existence of this corporation hall commence on the 4th day ol April, A. D. 1910, and shall continue during the period of 99 years. 1 ARTICLE VI Tho Whips. of sa d coinoiation HnnrH of ni. not PvoPPdine FIVE n number, to be elected by the stockholders, such election to take place at such time and n Pn.liift..(l in mich manner as s ha e prescribed by the by-laws of said .nif.rii nn RTICLE VII l . ii l. .; ... ecretaiyand treasurer, who are to I..... j - i - be chosen by the board of Directors, and shall hold their offices for the per iod of one year, and uiuil their suc cessors shall be elected and qualified. ARTICLE VIII. The highest amount of indebted ness to which said corporation shall at any time subject itself shall not c more than one third of the pan; up capital stock. ARTICLE IX The manner of holding the meetings of stockholders for the election of officers and the method of conducting the business of the corporation shall c as provided in the By-laws adopt- ed by the stock holders. ARTICLE X. These ARTICLES OF INCOR POKATION may be amended by a two-thirds vote of nil stock represent ed at any regular or special meeting ,.ll.t (J !. nmo l,v tho Knnrrl of directors, provided that notice there ,f .linwtnm nrnvi.hwl tlinf nnlifo llinrn. of shall have been mailed to each stockholder at his last known address at least ten days prior to the time of holding such meeting. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The undersigned nave nereunto set tneir nanus tins an uay oi inarm A. u. 1910. Gustavo R. Olson. T. II. Pollock. II. N. Dovey. F. L. Cummins. E. W. Cook. State of Ncbraska ) ( ss. Cass County ) On this 29th day of March, A. D 1910, before me, A. L. Ticld, a notary Public duly commissioned and qua li- neu in anu ior saiu coumy, .u.auim.., appeared the above named I Gustave n.uison, i. u. roiiocK, . . "ovt. f. L. Cummins and fc. w. cook, who are personally known to mo to be the identical persons whoso names are affixed to the above and foregoing ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, as parties thereto, and that they sever ally acknowledged the instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal the day and year last above written. (seal) A. L. Tidd, 4t Notary Public My commission expires Oct. 5, 1915 Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Notice. In the county court of the County of Cass, Nebraska. In Re Estate of Nicholas Bintner, deceased. To all persons interested: You are hereby notified that a petition has been filed for the probate of the last will and testament of Nich olas Bintner, deceased, and praying for the appointment of the Executrix therein named, Katie Bintner; that a hearing will be had upon said pe tition on the 30th day of April, A. D. 1910, at ten o'clock a. m. at my office in the city of Tlattsmouth, Nebraska, before which hour all objections thereto must be filed. Done this 9th day of April A. D. 1910. By the court, (Seaf) Allen J. Bceson, Byron Clark, County Judge. Wm. A. Robertson. Attorneys. 102-8 Notice to Creditors. State of Nebraska ) I ss In County cass county j ourc in the matter 01 the estate of ueorge Sitzman, deceased. Notic is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the Executrix of said estate, before me, County Judge of Cass County, Nebraska, at the County Court room in Plattsmouth, in said County, on the 10th day of May A. D. 1910, and on the 10th day of November, A. D. 1910, at 10 o'clock a. m., each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the cred itors of said deceased to present their claims, and one year and six months for the executrix to selttlc said estate from the 10th day of May A. D. 1910. ltness my hand and senl of said County Court, at Plattsmouth, Ne braska, this Gth day of April, A. D. 1910. Allen J. Bceson, County Judge. llllam Kamscy, Attorney. iu- Legal Notice. gtate 0f Nebraska ) ( ss In county Cass County ) Court In the matter of the estate of aclav (called James) hrowlek, deceased To all person interested in said estate You are hereby notified that a hear I i i ii f . t l "ig will DC nan on me nnai report anu nnal petition o the administrator ol said estate Deiorc mis court, at Plattsmouth, in said County, on the 29 day of Aptril, 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m. and tnat an oojeciions, 11 any there be, must be hied on or betore saia uay ami nour oi nearm. ltness my nana unu seai in uic nr., 1 1 1 I ..t il. u.iv in .i nn, iviv. SEAL Allen J. Beeson, County Judge 102-G Notice to Creditors, In the County Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska In Ke Lstatc ol John laylor, Baird deceased. Notice is hereby given that at nine o'clock a. m. on the 30th day of April A. D. 1910, and at nine o'clock a. m. on the 31st day of Oct, A. D.1910,at rny office in the Court House in the City of Plattsmouth, in said Lounty, hearings will be had upon all claims against the estate of the above named deceased, by which last named hour all claims must be filed, and all claims not filed will be adjudged barred at said time Done this 2Gth day of March, A. D. 1910. By the Court, (Seal) Allen J. Beeson, By Chirk, County judge " Dl. A. UObC Robertson, attorneys. 100-8t Sherilf's Sale. By vitruc of an order of sale issued by James Robertson, Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass .nt y Ncbraska, and to me directed, j wiu on tho 1(Jth dfly of Apri, A D 1910 at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day at the south door of the Court House in Baid county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing real estate towit: Lots Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) of Block Twenty Seven (27) in the City of Plattsmouth County of Caas, Nebraska. The same being levied upon and taken as the npfinorf.v nf .T T? fnrftilT firai. nnmn unknown Rebecca Cardiff, William w Coat Iva M Coat Frank n Dunbar an(j Adolph C. Swanson Defcndants to satisfy a judgment ol Baid court rcCovered by E. Y. Sarles PI tilT .-.ji .a-.A rWonrWo Plattsmouth, Neb. March 14th A D. 1910. C. D. Quinton, 94-10 Sheriff Cass County, Neb Byron Clark Wm. A Robertson, Attorneys. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska. In Re Estate of Nicholas Bintner, deceased. Notice is hereby given that at nine o'clock a. m. on June 4th, 1910 am at nino o'clock a. m. on December 5th 1910, at my office in the court house in the City of Plattsmouth County of Cass, Nebraska, hearings will be had upon all claims against the estate of the above named de ceased, by which last named hour all claims must be filed and all claims not filed will be adjudged barred at said time. By the court, Allen J. Beeson, (seal County Judge Byron Clark, Wm.A. Robertson, attorneys. 4-8 Positive Froof. Should Convince the Greatest Skeptic In Plattsmouth. Because it's the evidence of a Plattsmouth citizen. Testimony easily investigated. The strongest endorsement of merit. The best proof. Read it: J. W. Hickson, Oak street, Platts- moutn xsebr., says: "i will never cease to praise Doan's Kidney pills, as they proved of such great benefit to me several years ago. For some time I was caused much suffering by attacks of lumbago that came on without the least warning. The simplest movement was painful and I was annoyed by irregular passages of the kidney secretions. I read so much about Doan's Kidney Pills that I finally procured a box from Gering & Co's drug store. I was gratified with the results of their use that I publicly recommended them in 190C and at this time, I willingly renew that statement. I hope that other kidney sufferers will profit by ' my experience. For smIo by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doans and take no other. License Notice. Notice of application of Peter A. Smith for liquor license Notice is hereby given that Peter A. Smith on the 11th day of April 1910, filed lis petition with the Village Clerk of Greenwood, in Cass county, Nebraska as required by the statutes of the state of Nebraska and the ordinances of the Village of Greenwood, praying for license to sell malt, spitrious and inous liquors in the building located on lot Nb. 277, Greenwood, Nebraska or the coming fiscal year ending on the First Tuesday in May, 1911. Any objection thereto must be filed on or before April 25, 1910. Dated at Greenwood, Nebraska, April 12, 1910. 04-4 Peter A. Smith, Applicant Notice. In the District Court of the County of Cass. Nebraska. John. II. Spangler and John W. Lloyd, Plaintiffs, vs. Peleg Davi.- et al., defendants. To the defendants in the above entitled cause, to-wit: Peleg Da!s, Albert M. Davis, Benson Davis Lucian Davis, Darwin Davis, Lovorne Davis, Helen Davis, Lavora Davis, Emma Davis, Matilda L. Worden, Lucinda Calkins, Martha Jones anil the unknown heirs and devisees of William A. Davis, deceased, and Mrs Ann Jane To,tten and husband, Clin ton Tottcn. You and each of you arc hereby notified that on the 28th day of Apri'., A. D. 1910, plaintiffs filed their pe tition in the District Court of the County of Cass, Ncbraska, claiming title to the east half of the. southeast quarter of section twenty-eight, town ship eleven, north of range thirteen cast of the Gth P. M. in the County of Cass, Nebraska, by reason of their adverse possession of said land for more than ten years by themselves and grantors prior to the time of filing said petition and .its verification, and that the defendant Ann Jane Tot tcn and husband Clinton Tottcn are notified that the purpose of said pe tition ns to them is to correct, be cause of mutual error and mistake, a deed by them executed to tho Plain tiff, John II. Spangler, on February 2nd, A. D. 1909, recorded in Book 48 at page 127 of the Deed records of the County of Cass, Ncbraska, and to substitute the name of the plaintiff John II. Spangler, for that of said de fendants , in the habendum clause, which reads as follows: "lo have ana hold the premises above described together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the Baid Ann J. Totton and Clin ton Totton, and to their heirs and as signs forever." and to quiet the title to said premises against each and all of said defendants forever. Each of you arc required to answer said petition on or before the 13th day of June, A. D. 1910. John II. Spangler, and John W. Lloyd, Plain tiffs. Byron Clark. Wm. A. Robertson, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. 4-8t Do you want an AUCTIONEER? If you do, get one who has Experience, Ability, Judgement Telegraph or Write Robert Wilkinson, Ounbar, Nebr. Or call at the News-Herald office and we will save you trouble and expense in getting dates and terms. Good Service. Reasonable Rate. H..i H-j 'M , MM llllll 11 John Durraan Expert Blacksmith! Has taken charee of the Wil liam Puis Blacksmith ShoD t 4 1-2 miles west of Murray, All kinds of Fine Horseshoe ing and all kinds of Black smithing. Satisfaction guar anteed. Call 'on Him. $25.00 to California The World's Greatest AU-the-Yoar Resort Double Daily Through Service VIA Choice of Scenery The True Southern Route via El Paso OR Through Scenic Colorado via Pueblo and Denver Ask for Rates and Schedules Hup;h Norton, A jent. Smoke an And be Happy J BAILEY & r.lAGll THE DENTISTS UUtU inllriiCM. nigk-Ortft ttotktn rtea Deelktn leeeee. Ml lie rncf. DrM-reilaeee' teate! ML TIM ll tM WdfM Wett. Pf eiei oiacouMT t itt etarreea. M Fleer Paatnn Bin., nth Pemiea. OMAHA, NIB. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A Wholesale. A Frenchman was teaching in large school where ho had a reputa tion for making some queer mis takes. One day he was taking a class which was rather disorderly. What with the heat and trouble some boys he wa3 very snappish. Having punished several boys and sent one to the bottom of the class, he at last shouted out in a passion, "7 whole class co to ze bottom I" CASTOR I A For Infant! and Children. Tti9 Kind You Have Always Bought sfgZur, of ACORN