The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, May 02, 1910, Image 4

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Entered at the postoffice at Flattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska,
as second class mail matter.
One Year in Advance, $1.50. Six Months in advance, 75c
plattamouth Telephone No. 85.
Nebraska Telephone No. 85
May 2. 1910.
believe they have right to indulge in
We believe that force in this case is
not the proper thing.
Taft reminds one of a great big
fat, luberly, moonface, booby
schoolboy, always smiling and
trying to be cute. C'rte Demo
crat. A bright thought from Bowlby.
Probably he is right regarding the one
that is reminded, and the editor of
the Democrat is the only one. It is
not to be expected that such rare
gems of thought would spring from
more than one.
Fifiy Years the Standard
t.. insurants arc not the only I . And now some bright fellows have
" 4:.... hatched alp " ll to change tne con-
ones who are uneasy as in. - r BtitutioI1 of n1(. HtlftC bo Hint tin-re will
nroaches when Iloosevelt win ot i, ,.0 state oflicfrs excrpt tlio covtTiMir.
pectcd to arrive home. Even the jjow 8Wiminingly everything would
elephants recognize the danger nnd go along without any state officials.
Jt uneasy They have doubtless Why not cut out the governor also
get untasj. imy , incumbent spends most
i..,i ,.f Tiwhlv's exnloits in Atnta ... . . .. .,,...
4i.:. t.rnttinrR nnd sisters and
Willi Mivn u"""1'"
of his time outside of the office.
the thoughts of his approach makes
them uneasy. Of that fact Rmgling
Brothers had an exemplification this
week when their herd of big animals
went to the bad.
Speaker Cannon will probably
hold onto his job the rest of the ses
sion as the democrats have decided
that thev will not monkey with the
The Omaha Worl-IIerald publishes
the following prayer and asks that all
democrats use it in their devotions:
,0 Lord, now that everything
is coming our way, purge every
democratic soul of hot air and
vain glory, and insert large .in
stallments of common sense in
every democratic cranium; and
oh, remember, Lord, our pronc
ness to make fools of ourselves
just when we have the world by
the tail and a downhill pull, and
sec that we don't get in bad this
It may be. that the time has come
when the prayers of the unrightous
will avail much. Possibly the time
has come whfn like the man who lias
a a
r m
Made from Grapes
Highest award Chicago
World's Fair
..: I ii i.:.. i:r i. 1 r..
insurgents any longer but will go it "' i ' M .
Thi. lonvn u,n l,tt,.r bo- anythniR and never expected to, but
I TliSu nnvn ln l-. r tin.
tween the devil and the deep Liuc ;vhen grin, death stared h.m in the face
, rr i -11 bn held an elec- k, they may conclude to come l ' u '" a li,Bt
Next Tuesday will be held an titc f..A,.,,.,, Bn,i i iho the democratic party now sees that
ytion in this city for the purpose of be kille(Hor thm to fcast there is efficancy in prayer and hopes
i ,,,.inn uiitiio f)I Hie . . uiat an nvvniui iioui linn finiuu n in
VOlinK OOIHIB 1U1 iaii, UOOII. ;. , .... , ,
. , ..-..u.. v v.fnrshnul ' ave H from -political damnation
Btrcetsoi uiuch.
should get busy on this proposition
and HOP
that the bonds carry. If we m. Rrvan's move' in the matter
want to "succeed" we must do those 0( cuinR an extra session of the legis-
things which will tend in the i direction aturc (i0(,s llot In(,et Wlti, favor ,y
of improving the city. We cannot tic Douglas county members of the
l.nm. in imnrove unless wc take hold h.rriv1atiire. Thev are unable to un-
,f4lioiTiinrnvement propositions which (l,rstand how the people shouliLwant
come up and push them to a successful to have a say in matters of iiTlport
termination. Everybody vote for the ancc f1Cy ,0 ,u,t K(a, 10W anything
bonds and cet the good work startcu coui,i ,,, Kai,1(.d by letiing the people
as soon as possible.
The papers from Texas announce
that Governor Shallenberger passed
himself off as the republican governor
of Nebraska when he was down there
last week, or at least the press dis
patches state that "the governor of
Texas (democratic) and the Governor
of Nebraska (republican) held a con
ference and it was noted that they
agreed in everything that came. up
for discussion." Some times it is
necessary fur a man, if he wants to
get a stand in, to pose as belonging
to an organization which will give
him the prestige required when away
from home. It might have been a
decide the great questions which have
to be sctt'ed from time to time. The
three senators who controlled the lust
lamented senate, recognize the fact
that it would be quite another thing
to control the people.
Lincoln's excise board is going
through many gyrations in an
effort to secure control of the
liquor supply. But all the time
the cool draught trickles pleasing
ly down the parched throats of
the thirsty denizens of the "dry
town." Prohibition is certainly
a beautiful thing Omaha Ike.
The average Omaha newspaper
would rather see the law broken than
to see the city of Lincoln prosper un
der its dry policy. It is true that Lin
coln is having some trouble trying to
pass such measures as will be right am
train for Barnston for several days
Mrs. Nellie Hush of Murdock is
visiting at the home of her uncle
J. II. Foreman.
Mrs. I' M. Prouty was a passenger
ti Lincoln Friday evening.
Mrs. Frank Uptegroye is visiting
relatives in Raymond this-week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ayers, Mrs.
C. C. Bucknell were Lincoln visitors
Lloyd Sheesley and Bert Kitzel
were home Sunday.
('race Bailey was a guest at the home
of Miss Grace Soreman Sunday.
Mrs. Aaron Bailing of Greenwood
spent Wednesday at the home of her
parents W. E. Ncwkirk.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dreamer drove
to Elmwood Wednesday.
Clyde and Minnie Xewkirk attendc
the dance in Greenwood Friday night.
Carrol Brown of Lincoln was a guest
at the home of G. P. Foreman's Sun
E. M. Stone ami C. A. Gullivan
made a business trip to Lincoln
Mrs. II. A. Barley and Ituth were
shopping in Omaha Tuesday. .
. Mrs. S. M. Prouty returned from
Lincoln Friday where she is now tak
king treatment in a hospital for sev
eral weeks.
Geo. Sheesley drove to Lincoln
George Brown made a business
trip to Fairbury Friday night return
ing Saturday on Xo. 18.
Messrs. Sam and Will Cashncr
were passengers to Omaha Tuesday.
Alfred Stroeiner came in on No. 18
Monday from Barnston, Neb., where
he has been visiting relatives for some
J. II. Stroeiner was an Omaha
visitor Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mrs. J. E. Parcell is visiting relatives
in Lincoln this week.
Harry Linch of Lincoln spent Sun
day at J. II. Foreman s.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cahner, jr.,
of University Place, Mr. and Mrs'
Walt Jordan and children, Mr. and
Mrs. Jesse Stone and children were
guests at the home of Sam Cashner,
Sr. Sunday.
Guy Parcell of Lincoln was in town
High School Boys Play Ball Today.
The Plattsmouth High School base
ball team left on the morning train
for Omaha from where they proceeded
to Ashland to meet the high school
team of that place. The boys were
in high spirits and had considerable
confidence in their team for they suc
ceeded in trimming up their opponents
in their first game of the seaason which
was played at the home grounds a few
weeks ago. Ashland has been having
pretty good scores so far this season
and the local nine will probablty find
them a difierent proposition than
they ran up against here in the city a
few weeks ago. The Ashland team
seems to outstrip the home fellows in
size and age, but as to skill in the
game, the Plattsmouth team had
them skinned by four city blocks in
their last game. They were accom
panied on their trip today by Princi
pal Ben Harrison who has been act
ing as their coach.
The Nebraska Citv Press, oflicial just to all in its dry condition. U ere
organ for the Hayward boom for con- it not for such backing by such papers
grcss is certainly not making any re- u,Hm" 01 lIIC UiIuor "n tresis,
cruits from the Pollard camp since therefore making it harder to enforce
the retirement of the latter by its laws regulating and prohibiting the
slighting remarks regarding Mr. Pol- of intoxicants, the city of Lin
lard. It has not at any time conducted w,),lltl '"jfhave the trouble it
itself in a manner where it could hope uus llinp- . "lfU
to gain anything for Mr. Havward men ami newspapers win uyineir ac
in the event of the retirement of Mr. tions and sentiments expressed, en-
Pollard. What the oolicv of this courage the breaking of the law in
...;n l, .; ,.f this reirard when such .sentiments
, ... . I I'lij'.i win ii: nuiii' tin J ( l ll t lllfll l OI --n
cood thins for the governor, but just . ,,. . , . . ,
rfwirdini? nnv other hrcnkairos of tho
" ... mi i .ui. t wuani jiwiii mil till lias HtJL I Mill ' 1 r - - r-- - -
think how the republican party win .i,t(irnijnp.i i.t tu0 (,,s (,f r law would make them accomplices
Hayward receiving its support has not hvl,h the ollender to a greater or less
been strengthened bv the remarks Flejuvc. lhe newspapers of Omaha
The realm of base ball has developed
some great men. It has also called
out some great men to assist in making
the came popular. All over the coun-
niade by his official organ during the
pst few weeks.
Af!ir srvi'Hil vpnrs nf sp.irrminir
try the different teams seek to popu- 0V(,r thj, ,,,., i,m ()f Sunday base ball
larizc their opening day by securing tl, I)eoI,e ()f i;mc(,i jiave concluded
the very biggest material which can that thc worijmpn 0f tlttt ciiy havc
be had to start the ball rolling. In som(l ri(jlts 8 W(ll as oth)rs aml
Washington President Taft threw the base ,all win Lo pjaV(,(1 th(rp thisj
first ball to the pitcher and in nearly gumnM.r on Sunday. "The fight has
every large city in the country borne been a bitter during that time. Three
great stunt was pulled off to help the vpars ftiro t1P ministerial nssorm-
good work along. Lincoln not to be m m ti1P pavers who par icipa oil
outdone by any other town will in- in t1P Lincoln-DesMoines game on
auguratc a new performance. .- Sunday afternoon arrested and thej
liam Jennings Bryan, who missed the L.prp "triPj anj fount not RUjity
opportunity to open the game at WasJi- S0(, became evident that it would
ington, has been secured to pitch the i)L. impossible to find, even in a city
first ball at the opening game in Hko Lincoln, a jury which would
Lincoln on May 10th. Ordinarily convict anyone found cuiltv of olav
that would be worth going many miles jIlg m on Sunday, and after much
to see, but the management will pre- discussion it was deemed advisable
gent another attraction in the person to pass the matter up rather than to
of Governor Shallenherger who will Rct into a fight which could end only
don the wind pad and the nut and m bitter feelings and factional difll
endeavor to catch the offering of the culties. The church people bolicvc
great presidential candidate. That that it was wrong to play ball on
isn't enough for those people up there. Sunday. The non-church people be
They will have Mayor Love grasp lioved that they had a right to go to
a willow bat and endeavor to Knock n game on Sunday. Each one helievei
Mr. Bryan's first ball over into the that they were entitled to their be
raging waters of the Antelope which lief which of course they were. Thc
Hows along the left field fence in the question than naturally arose' was
rear of the grounds. Just think of had one side nnv right to interfere
it, and who knows? Possibly the roc- with the rights of the other so long as
ord which some of those men may make it did not interfere with them, and
on that day may land them in a po- the fact that the game will be played
sition in the big league, and to the av- there this summer tends to the belief
eragc boy, that would be a greater that they had not. It. is an experiment
thing than to be president . Possibly for Lincoln and the church people were
Mr. Bryan may acquit hims. If so willing to '.ry thc experiment and see
nobly that Mr. Murphy of the Cubs how it wou'd work out. The editor
may offer him ten thousand a year of this paper does not be'ieve in Sun-
for the season. Perhaps Governor day ball, but believes that the question
Shallenberger may throw to second can be settled in some other way than
base with tfueh unerring aim that going to law. We believe that the
Catcher hung may retire from thc matter will some time be adjusted sat
public eye to give w ay to thc new star isfactorily to both sides, but do not
of greater brilliancy. It might be that believe that the cause of Christianity
Mayor Love may knock thc hall so will be advanced or the feeling toward
far that the wonderful Ty Cobb will the churches bettered by a resort to
be thought of no more. All these the law to force others who differ from
things may happen and again they I the churches to cut out what to them
cannot see, or rather will not see how
any town can prosper under dry con
ditions. Instead of assisting in trying
to make the experiment a success
they do all in their power to mae it
failure, why.' Because Omaha
has several branch hells in her midst
which are furnishing material for the
main plant, and anything which would
tend to lessen the product from those
factories would be a loss to Omaha and
consequently a loss of business. By
standing as backers for the breweries
and distilleries of that city, Omaha
newspapers arc placing more value
upon u barrel of whiskey than they do
upon a man, and a starving family
is not to be considered as worthy of
attention as long as it interferes with
business. A douar m the bank or
placed in the pockets of thc drunkeries
gives them more real pleasure than if
it was taken to buy grub for a poor
family or medicine for a starving
baby. The archives of Hell are fillet
with just such records as the newspaper
men of Omaha arc making m their
efforts to uphold the business inter
ests of the metropolitan city of Ne
may not, Who knows?.
is thought to be right and which they
Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Jackson
llaveloek spent Saturday and Sunday
at the home of Mrs. Jackson's parents
Mr. Will Higgins.
Mrs Bert Hollenback came in on
No. 18 Sunday from Eldorado, Kan
af ier two weeks visit with her parents
Mrs. Belle Bennett and Arzel
Foreman attended the funeral
Mrs. Allen in Lincoln Thursday.
Miss Minnie Bucll spent Saturday
and Sunday in Murdock
Mr. Abel Prouty returned from Os
ceola, Neb., Friday after several weeks
visit with relatives.
Ed Stroeiner drove to Elmwood
Thursday morning and took the early
Do You
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