THE NEWS-HERALD A. Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y t t ? Y Y v f t PIATTHMOUTH. NICHKAHKA Entered at the postoffice at riattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, as second class mail matter. OFFICIAL PAPER OF CASS COUNTY THE NEWS-HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY, Publishers P. A. BARROWS A. E. QUINN Editor Magager RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION One Year in Advance, $1.50. Six Months in advance, 7oc Plattsmouth Telephone No. 85. Nebraska Telephone No. 85 t Y ? ? Y Y ? ? ? t Y Y Y Y Y Y who is sawing lots of wood, then she shouldn't make him promise that he'll be an angel boy when the wedding ceremony ushers in a life of joy; she should murmur: "lies a daisy, and we'll take things as they come; for a man is only human, and his halo's on the bum." Walt Mason. (Copy right 19011) April 21. 1910. The legislature of the state of New York has passed a law forbidding the sale of bird feathers for hats. This is done to protect the birds from wholesale slaughter for trimming pur poses. The new congressman from the 14th Moufinrliiwfltta district how had been unable to get elected to an office while a r..niiJ,1ipiin iind switched to the demo cratic party and landed in a dead man's shoes invites the insurgents to come over and join him in the demo cratic camp where they will find con genial company. Postmaster General Hitchcock has been criticized considerably by those who arc in the habit of knocking on everything they don't like and espec ially everything in connection with tl,. nrpMpnt, administration, because of the deficit in the postoflicc depart ment. However Mr. Hitchcock has attended strictly to business, notwitb Btapdine the knocking and as a re suit is able to aimouncc that the deficit of $17,000,000 of last year is rapidly disappearing. The Keurney Weekly Times has solved the capital removal question It Bavs that the capital should be re moved because the present building is liable to fall down and a new one will have to be built and therefore it would be best to build it somewhere else. Then again the present buil inn could be used for the state uni versitv and save the state from making any more appropriations. Ae cording to the Times if the building was used as a state university building it wouldn't fall down, but if used as a capital building it would. Mavor Dahlman in addition to anting to move the capital from incoln now wants to move the penitentiary also. Lincoln could well spare the penitentiary and it might be quite a saving in mileage for Doug- as county to move the pen to Omaha. The Cass County Editorial Asso ciation which held its session here yesterday was a very successful gath ering. The presence of President Ludi of the State Press Association was much appreciated by the boys and his talk during the business scs sion was one that will be remembered with a great dorJ of credit to those who heard him. The banquet in tin evening tendered the association by the Plattsmouth Commercial club was appreciated by the members of the press gang and the editor of this paper as president of the association desires to express to the club its sin cere appreciation. The boys went ionic feeling that the commercial club of Plattsmouth was composed of a bunch of live bboosters. Tomorrow is editors day in Platts mouth and the town will be full of them. A few years ago such a dec laration would be sufficient notice to the people to lock their chicken houses and put an extra bull dog in the bac yard. But times have changed. The average editor, and especially the Cass county native is prosperous enoug now to have beef steak once a day am yellow leg chicken on Sunday and can walk up to the butcher man and lay down tlie coin if it does cost twice ns much as it did a few years ago when meat and chickens were plenty and cord wood and turnips were taken on subscription. Chickens were also ta ken on subscription, but the editor had to go and get them and then burn the feathers. Omaha and a few other towns which have newspapers which howl for per sonal liberty, take great delight in poking it into Lincoln because the ex cise board has repealed a law down there which prohibited the saloon keepers of Havelock from doing a land oflicc business with the dry city close by them. The Bee says in sar casm: "Does prohibition prohibit? Of course it does. If you don't be lieve it. Look at Lincoln." The City of Lincoln has never 6bjected to any resident of Lincoln drinking the stuff if he wants it. But it does ob ject to him making a blamed fool of himself and a general nuisance to the community. If a man wants to keep it for himself, he can do so, but he shall not make somebody's else life miserable. WHY HAVELOCK WENT DEY. There are two primal causes why Havelock returned such a stiff ma jority for a dry town. One is the un certainty of how Lincoln will go, but the greater was the disgusting scenes witnessed on the Lincoln cars during the past years. Gangs of degenerate individuals, wholly devoid of a sense of decency or shame, came from the capitol, threw countless slugs of every thing from alcohol to soda water into their capacious stomachs and then boarded a ear for the return trip, in many cases before the liquid had begun to get in its work. The motion of the car would churn these mixtures into a lifesized and hilarious drunk before the second tin of the orad of which there are some seventeen was reached. These cars were so numerous, especially in the afternoon and evening that it was impossible for a lady bound for Lincoln to get beyond the range of the low behavior and vile language of these semi-human swine, if, indeed she escaped without direct insult. It was to stop the visits of these degenerates and to save moth ers daughters, sisters and wives from the insults that Havelock men to reg ister such a stern protest last Tuesday Many were so disgusted with the con condition that existed on the cars that they voted dry who under or dinary circumstances would have fa vored the saloon. Havdock Times. With Havelock and Lincoln dry Crete is the nearest wet relief for the burning stomachs of the poor de bauched inebriate specimens of hu manity, who have lost both means aiu manhood through the excessive use of liquor. It will hardly be safe for women to go to Lincoln after May 15. It may be of some advantage to out saloon keepers, but is sure to bring about a radical change in the minds of our voters. They wil not stand for the conditions which lave existed in Havelock, Dewitt and others near dry towns. Crtle Democrul. ced upon our attention, when last evening a report was circulated that two ungainly brutes of the dog variety became involved in a combat in the postoffice lobby, at a time when the patrons of the postoffice were getting the evening mail. The result being that in the melee a little child which was with its mother who was calling for the family mail was bitten. It oks like the dog man with a sure hooting gun should get around, and prepare some of these festive canines for a dog funeral. The way they go around in gangs makes them a menace to any woman or child, and even the lair will rise on a man s head provid ing he has any, when he encounters them at a lonely place at night. It is said that a gang of the brutes make the night hideous near the old mill on Chicago avenue, and worry stock greatly. It looks like it was up to the citizens of Plattsmouth to get out the old "fuzee" and do some target practice, on this dog nuisance. Contributed. Will Hold Affirmatives. The High school debaters received a telegram last night from M. M. Fogg at Lincoln, the president of the debat ing league, stating that Plattsmouth will hold the affirmative side of the coming debate with Wahoo. This news was received with great rejoic ing by the school pupils here, for the team is unusually strong on the af firmative side of the question, having won this side in the last debate with Blair. The meeting will take place sometime within the next week and will probably take place at Wahoo. The Wahoo team consistes of three girls and it is a decidedly strong team. The Saunders county aggregation have taken the highest honors at the last two statejdebates and the Platts mouth representatives will be given a run for their money in the coming debate which is to decide the cham pionship of the district. It was no ticed that Wahoo had a man in the contest Friday night to take notes on the argument, which may give them some unjust advantage. WW mm VP Adds Healthful Qualities to the Food Economizes Flour, Butter and Eggs mU The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream ol Tartar lo AlumNo Unto Phosphates Heard at the Postoffice. It's rather an interesting fact to note that all of the post office boxes at the local building are rented and there is quite a call for additional ones. At the first of the year, there were sixty or seventy of them that were not iu use but the demand has been unusually heavy this spring and additional boxes would be welcomed by the citi zens who have their names on the waiting list. It is a matter of doubt whether any additions or improve ments will be made by Uncle Sam in his present quarters here for the new building will be commenced as soon as the necessary steps are taken and the bids accepted. It was noticed the bids on the Co lumbus federal building have recently been accepted and it is getting com paritively close to home. It is hoped Plattsmouth will be the next. The new Columbus building will cost 803,000 the work being given to a Milwaukee company. the office, Miss lluth Johnson is an employee of the government for a week. Postmaster Schneider is in Weeping Water today to attend a wedding of his friends, Mr. O. M. Card and Miss Mabel Day. On account of the heavy work at Former Plattsmouth Boy to Wed Myron D. Flson, a former Platts mouth boy, is to be married next week at Madison, Wisconsin to Miss Helen von Kaltenborn. Mr. Elson was born and raised in this city and will be remembered by most of tiie citi zens of the town. His father conduct ed a clothing store next door to the News office for a number of years and the family removed from the city about four years ago. The invitations of the coming ceremony have recently been received by his many friends in Plattsmouth and it will be with a kindly interest that his large circle of friends hear of the young man' launching in the matrimonial ssea. The Success Magazine, printed in New York, and which is nursing the "insurgent" movement, with the hope of disrupting the republican party is sending to the weekly newspapers of the slate a communication which it seek o boost the candidacy of CongrcsMiian Noit'is fur the republi can nomination to the Tinted States senate. We do not think that the loyal republican papers of the state will be iiitluci'ced by t his move. Norris is nut. i 1 Seiiarorial calibre. He was ii traitor m !,is party in the hen ) and when lie accomplished' what l.oj went out f.i;-, tiie capture of Spinier Cannon's scalp lie turned tail and ran. Me w;;s too cowardly to stand by his guns and be con-i-tent. The dem ocratic press of the .- ate, the Lincoln Star included, nie all for Norris with the hope that ibis suppori will split and break tb : publican put;.. Ne braska lias i' '.u-hid ut:d r .uldi can regime i L i'ie ,-ia;e and i : u,d it would in.! be Wi 1! fir t' c ';: to break away from the foice which lias foMercd her pro- pent v. Mr. Nurris lias been an aid to the democratic party and an enemy to t he republican i ap ixirtv. If he wants to run for theltf. STATESMANSHIP "I will call your attention to the fact that you who love personal liberty are in great danger. You caa plainly see that any body of men who will stoop to such meth- ods as were used last week in forc ing Lincoln to remain dry will fin ally succeed in forcing laws upon you which will be damnable in their restraint of theis liberty. You must organize and fight hard or you will be defeated. There arc always plenty of politicians glad to jump to the crest of a wave and ride with some so-called "re form movement," hoping thus to be elected to an office they could achieve in no other way." The above comprises a part of a speech made by Mayor James Dahl man of Omaha, candidate for the nomination for governor on the demo cratic ticket and a personal liberty platform, at a meeting of the Danish club in that city which he was in vitcd to attend. His reference of course was to Lincoln and its late action in voting to remain dry Is this the kind of an argument that should spring from a man who hopes to some time be the governor of a great state, or is it the vaporings of a politician who seeks to jump on the crest of a what he thinks is a popular wave and ride into office It is the argument of the anarchis' who seeks to make the foreign citi zen believe that the American people are seeking to put him under bondage which he hoped to escape whin he left the old country and came to Amer- isit is never confined within the reser-1 ' H is the same kind ol argument vation boundaries, but exists in blocks which has been claimed was used by and often in residence districts The j two members of the last legislature question of control is as baffling a which was in patt responsible for the one as is peculation uf the liquor sell-1 doing of that nu itiir, and there alwavs will be secret 2TU two western cities, Lincoln ant Des Moines, have been without a red light district for over a year. Lincoln man who was over in the Iowa capital a few days ago says that the same opinion is held there as here that it was a big step to lessening crime in the community. Des Moinc defeated for re-election the man re sponsible for banishing the bawdy houses from that city, but it is ex plained that it was not because of this fact that he was not re-elected. These places are the natural resort of the holdup men, the burglars and other criminal They commit a crime and Beck these haunts as a place where they may spend their money and find congenial company. When these are not existing, they abandon the section of the country where they are 'proscribed. Nobody has contended that closing up these places banishes the social evil from a community but there is not such a tt ndency to scatter it as some observers insist. The truth Do ou Know cfiSJiatthe ittew'g-iJlerald ' Publishing Co. has the best equipped facilities for ' printing letterheads, noteheads, en velopes, statements, pamphlets, briefs, legal blanks, sale bills, fEtc. of any place in this section of the state, and do it in theneatest and most approved style? by which broke loose and dent roved lift B f?"3 H place:;' where both i''i s Closing up thise houses, had a salutary effect lilies.-- 7,iVc'ii V, ii s. uropractisi d. 1 ins, however, atom other! ADVICE TO A DAMSEL When a damsel h; s a pr i t v decent man. a st auv w no s i in 1 who show in South Omaha and property. j Such sentiments springing from the j lil of a man distinguish him only as; a vampire who is willing to fasten him-! self upon the public artery even at j the sacrifice of the public life. Such j Uttt ranees place him in the same cata- j with Ktnnia b.Minan and hi i 1 s of foreign -thugs and insuris loj raka a governor w hose name will ns ail PI m m nrr 1 trorv 'cla a di-poMt mil to perPirm the he.-t he can; who is r-1 1 of Miiful habits, and whoso IiomiUI needs no guile, and w'to labors in the vineyard with a gay and cheerful smile, tiie.'i she shouldn't make him promise that he'll do a ser- Munt, when they ve stood up at altar with the preacher man in not begin with Jim lhil.hnan. The Dog Nuisance. e notice in the daily papers a f w davs since a warning, giun by one of our citizuis, to dog owners who rac: : ye m in I-T---S lnJ 5 l' J I BECAUSE With our Neio Monotype, the very litest machine invented for getting ou dll kinds of Job Work, tec cm give the very lest 3criice BECAUSE Earyjoh tent out of this e.:' : priulvd lj AVif Type, cast by the Mono type for that particular, therefore the print is eh-v and neat. BECAUSE .,. scared one f the hest ..'. I'rh-I, r- in tie yuariV'Uc you njh tin! r ' run,;; ..' Call in and . ! '" Wist, and vc eon 'rut ( thl III. 11 IP v:ri W B m Era a It p IF1 &il II B m m C.I u V I. PimIi.J uiiii1o lM lim .1.1 w...r.niil ul.ii Jw.nUn't miin' n 1 lilliUV llirir I'll 11! 1 1 1 t Pl'OWl iU'OUU't l lllll M i UIVl. i I" nun ii niiii r .if 1 l 1 'I I I f t L I l I .-li cii'Mieui i ' ""h '- Inn ) ei.mes nmeiid 1 11 , I ml h da VS and nit'.hi s 1 o 1 he detriment banner. It would not be consistent for him to light under the standard he his betrayed. Semuha County lie-pidi'iean. court, for a man is only human and I to the neighbors. When the matter his wings are pretty short. When a (was called to our attention, we saw maiden has a lovir who is surely niak- at once the pertinency of the qui s1 ion. ing good, who is winning admiration, This question was more than ever fot- i