The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, April 14, 1910, Image 1

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    S'.-lmka Sto Hist So
NlWS. Eatghlihd No. 5. 1891
HERALD. EnUbliahad April 18. 1864
rCotuolidiUd Jan. L m
VOL. XL VI NO. 103
Tried to Sell Diamond Ring
Worth Two Hun
dred Dollars.
Gives Many Stories How he Got
Jewelry and Has Big Supply
of Names.
(From Wednesday's Dally)
The police late last evening ran in
a peculiar looking fellow who had
made several attempts during the af
ternoon to Bell a large diamond ring
tint he carried. He called at a number
T the business houses during the day
and offered to sell or trade a large
diamond mounted in a ring that would
have tipped the scales at about a
Among the places he visited were
Fricke's, Crabill's and McElwains, but
. ubne of the Plattsmouth men cared to
art with their cold cash for the glitter
ing stone. At one of the jewelry stores
the stone was examined and estimated
to be worth $100 or 3125 but however
the man offered it for $75 or he seemed
very anxious to trade it off for another
He gave different stories as to who
he was and how lie came into posses
sion of the" stone. At one place he
claimed to be Parker, the son of the
carnival company man, and said" that
he had been out in California securing
dates for the show. He said he bought
the ring from a man in San Franeiscao
and that he had been working for the
lasi iew monins at Allies l lty, Idaho.
4Jis appearance did not favorably ini-
1 . A i . .1 . r I r . .
ps the people whom he interviewed
and before he had disposed of the
ring the city police swooped down on
him and took him over to jail.
Here he gave many different stories
and said his real name was McMichacl
When searched it was found that he
had eight signet rings concealed on
his person and he appeared greatly
flust rated when the jewelry was
brought to lighi. He then said the
name "McMicimcl" which appeared
on his key ring, was his true name and
that he had bought the stuff for 2.50
a dozen in Omaha.
Then it was learned that he had
been in Mynard the day before but
when in that city, was wearing a cap
and a pair of green glasses. He had
a ring sent from a Nebraska City
jeweler to a local jeweler at that city,
but it was not for either one of the
names he has given here. The diamond
was sent C. O. D. and when the sus
picious stranger called for the ring he
wished to take it out doors to examine
Wthc light. There were two men
in the store at the lime and he was care
fully watched, and seeming to be
Closing Out My
Owing to my failing health, I have decided to close my
entire line of millinery, mftcr which J shall retire from
business. Prices will be made accordingly. This will
be our last summer season.
Daily 10
dissatisfied with the color of it, he did
not take the stone.
' Now, who the man is amLhow he
came into possession of 4he ring is
the question that the police are trying
to solve. The chief went to Omaha
this afternoon to try to find some clues
in the case. The man seemed very
nervous about the matter but readily
engages in conversation when question
ed and nearly every time he springs
a new story on die officers. The police
arc carefully watching the man and
they will not be surprised to find that
they have a fellow that is badly
wanted somewhere,
Alleged Murderer not Maintaining
Dogged Silence" and Still .
Has His Nerve.
Frederick Osscnkop the alleged mur
derer of Charles Byrnes at Fagle in
190S has recently been committed to
the Cass county jail and he will
have to serve out his ten year sent
ence. His confinement was caused by
the filing of an opinion by the supreme
court affirming the judgment of the
lower court where he had been tried
Ossenkop had been released on a heavy
bond but was taken in custody by
the sheriff a few days ago and placed
in the jail in this city.
Byrnes was killed in a fight Sep
tember lb, 1908, the two men clinched
and rolled off a sidewalk two feet high
and Ossenkop struck Byrnes several
blows while they were down. He
then arose and kicked him seveial
times in the head and Byrnes died
almost instantly.
The defendant attempted to show
that Byrnes was killed by the fall when
tho two rolled from the walk, but
the court's opinion holds against the
defendant in every point. It holds
there was no abuse of discretion in
the trial court refusing a change of
venue and that the records failed to
show any misconduct on the part of
any juror or prejudice to the defendant
caused by the postponement of the
trial on account of the Quarantine
of defendants witnesses.
Ossenkop took his confinement very
much to heart yesterday and fainted
several times in the jail, but he dis
played no symptoms of the "dogged
silence and moroscness "that an after
noon rag told of Monday.
The sheriff this morning was very
indignant over the hot air story that
an air castle reporter had drawn out
of his imagination about the return
trip from Fagle when the prisoner re
fused to engage in conversation with
the officer. Sheriff Quinton had made
no statement about the man and said
this morning that Ossenkop talked
willingly whenever spoken to. It
seems that a reporter must have drawn
on his imagination from the wrong
supply house.
News was received today of the ar
rival of a baby daughter at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Winilham in
Lincoln yesterday afternoon and the
grand father II. B. Windham of this
city is wearing a broad smile on ac
count of his new granddaughter.
Entire Line of
tats a Week
Washington Correspondent Sends Us
Some Good Things For
News Readers,
Several Visitors in the List
Known to Residents of
The balance of power which the
East holds over the west in Congress
was called to he attention of the public
in two notable instances recently.
One came from no less authority than
that of President Taft in his speech
before the Otao Society in Washing
ton. In the course of his remarks
President Taft said, 4'Why is it that
all the small states in the east exer
cise so much power in Congress It
is not because an eastern man has any
more capacity m the matter of legis
lation than a western man certainly
not more than an Ohio man. It is
because when the eastern states get
a good representative they keep him
there as long as he lives, and then he
has an influence that vastly exceeds
the mere numerical representation of
Senator Heyburn of Idaho gave a
further impetus to the growing con
census of opinion that the oidy way
for the west to stremithen itself in the
Halls of Congress is to give the longer
terms to men in Washington who have
proven their ability. Senator Heyburn
spoke to the senate for three hours
one day last week, and the ereater
part of his time was given up to the
theme of the great power the small
states of the east wield over the rest
of the country, to the detriment of
the western states whose Congressmen
and Senators, as a rule, arc changed
so often. Senator Hcvburn stated lie
believed the west had learned its
lesson, and that he hoped when it
lid that a feeling of charity would
prevail, and that they would not take
revenge on the east for the discrinm
ination it now exercises in its own
favor and ngainst the more needv
western territory.
Senator Burkett's bill to allow
settlers on reclamation projects to
assign their patents after five years
residence has been reported favor
ably by the House Committee, and
will no doubt become a law in a few
days. Senator Burkett expressed him
self as much pleased at the action of
the House and stated that while the
bill did not give as broad concessions
to the reclamation settlers as he had
advocated, it was a step in the right
direction, and opened the way for
further privileges in the way of legis
lation. X
Faster time at Washington is the
season for the sight-seer. Washington
is at its best. Spring conies early
here, and nature dons its freshest
garb in honor of the season. The trees
arc in their first tender green, the
magnolias are in flagrant flower,
the dogwood blossoms are showing
in the timber along the streams, and
every day's sunshine brings an in
crease of bloom and verdure that
j Served Papers at Avoca
John Delist in returned tli
ing from a trip to Avoca where he hail
been to serve the leual nailers nn
Charles Toyal who was occiipvimi !
aw. the people were forced t
give up possession of the land follow
at Washington Are
the Antelope State.
maKes Washington a delightful place
ui mis season or the year. Then, too,
it is vacation time. There has been
a veritable pilgrimage of Nebraskans
: it i
isiung asmngton or passing through
the city on the way to other places
during this Faster-tide.
Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. Hone
1 1 m i i. .
wen oi ickanian have been guests of
congressman Latta and have called
me memoers of the delegation. Gov
ernor Hopewell said that he was
going to visit other friends of his on
his way back to the sate, especially
one oi ins lormer associates on the
nench, Judge Keyser, who is now in
St. Louis.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Bryson of
Omaha were here for three days be
fore sailing for Europe from Philadel
phia. Mr. Bryson is in poor health
and they were on their way to Fng
gland for the benefit of his physical
condition and took advantage of this
popular season to see the national
capita. I
Mr. M. V. Nichols of Beatrice was
another Nebraska pilgrim who paid
his respects to those who represent his
section of the country in f'nncrrn
Clay County had two representatives
here during the week in the persons
of C. H. Epperson of Fairfield and S.
. Christy of Edgar. These gentlemen
had been attending to some legal
business in Philadelphia, and found
it convenient to visit Washington on
their way home.
Wakefield, Nebraska, was also rep
resented by Mr. and Mrs. Levi
Kimball. Mr. Kimball is Cashier
of the First National Bank at Wake
field, and he said that he had no other
object in Washington than to enjoy
himself, and he seemed to be doing it.
Hon. E. W. Brown of Lincoln, and
one of Senator Burkett's law partners
came in during the latter part of the
week and spent some time with Sena
tor Burkett before leaving for points
further east.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Chapman,
also of Lincoln, were other visitors
in this city.
A unique bill is now pending before
Congress which proposes to establish
a Bureau of Seismology, in other words
an earthquake bureau. Its sponsors
are, among others, the Directors of
the Smithsonian Institution, and the
director of the Geological survey. The
bill was referred to the Committee
on Geological Survey and a hearing
was held before, the Conimiittee on
the Oth at which the views of these
government representatives were set
forth to the Committee. One of ih;
Nebraska senators. Senator Burkett,
is a member of the Committee, but
ns Nebraska is not very sorely troubled
by earthquakes, his interest in the bill
is probably purely official.
mg a recent
of the
I was
court I
The land
over to
(In H, ,
is being carried up to the
district mint
by the defendant, and
there is
S'liue possibility of the lower
court's decission being reversed by
the court.
Son ol Claude Stiver Dead
A telegram was received, today by
J. W, Seiver of this city telling of the
death of his grandson, Claude Seiver,
Jr., at Marquette, Neb., Claude Jr.,
was tho eight year old son of Claude
Seiver, well known in this city, and
the little fellow had been of ill health
for some time. The exact cause of
his death was not stated in the message
but it was probably from a child's
disease that he had been suffering with,
The deceased died at the home of U
grandmother Mrs. Land in Marquette
where he had been living for Home time.
Misses Molly and Jennings Seiver will
leave in tho morning for Marquette
to be present at the fuueral services,
Mr. Harrison, Principal of High
School Resigns and Place
not yet Filled.
At a special meeting held by the
board of education the first of the week
A I. - A - l . .1
me icacners ior me next year were
elected. The grade school teachers
will bo Vcrna Cole, Amelia Martens.
Estelle Baird, Pearl Statts, Clee Apple-
gate, Mae Morgan, Blanche Bell,
Anna Ileisel, Nettie Hawksworth,
Arlinc Shipman, Altha Peterson, Hazel
Dovey, Lettie Smith, Clara Weyrich.
Hilda Barwick, Mary Julian, Maud
Mason and Christina Hansen. There
arc quite a number of vacancies in
the grade school forces and teachers
for these places will be elected at the
next meeting of the board. '
The following high school teachers
were elected: Blanche Horning, nor
mal training, Alison Johnson, latin;
Florence Dye, history: B. L. Harri
son this year's principal was not an
applicant for reelection as he is plann
ing on entering a law school in the
fall. Mr. Harrison has only been
in office for one year, but he has been
very successful in tho work and has
won great faith with the board. His
resignation is deeply regreted by the
members and so far they have not
found any one to take his place.
Miss Howard, teacher of history.
Miss Nichols, science teacher, audi
Miss Travis, teacher of English were
not candidates for re-election, one
or two of them probably being under
the influence of Dan Cupid.
Superintendent Gamble is contem
plating the introduction of depart
mental work in the sixth, seventh
Thellome of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothos"1"-
I Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats I
Falter & Thierolf i
W IC 1.(11 U '"j
Short Session Was Held Last Even
tag at Council Chamber
To Instate Dads,
A brief meeting was held last even
ing of tho city dads when tho officers
of last year stepped out and the new
councilmcn were placed in office. The
saloon licenses of tho city were taken
and referred to tho license committee.
There were six applicants for the papers
received from the same men who now
have the drink emporiums in the city.
Tho Plattsmouth council now con
sists of:
First Ward V, 0. Dwycr, George
Second Ward-Adam Kurt, VVil
Ham Weber.
Third Ward-J. W. Bookmeyer,
A. H. Wills.
Fourth Ward John Sdmllmff
Frank Ncuman. '
Fifth Wrard Fred Itczner, William
Edward and John Ossenkop, brother
and uncle of tho alleged murderer who
is now in the county jail, and Mr.
Dorn were in the city today from
their homes near Lincoln' to make
arrangements about eettinir Fred D.
senkop out on bail until he is sent to
the penitentiary.
and cigth grades next year. This is
the system that is used in the Mirh
school at present; each teacher only
iiiHii uuis in ner line oi work, as mathe
matics, language, etc., and in devot
ing all her time to the one line of studv. '
she is able to be more successful in
the teaching of the sturdy. This
method of teaching also accustomes
the pupils to the kind of work carried
on in the High school.
The only thing in the wav of th
introduction of .his system is tho ar
rangement of the school building and
it is still a matter of doubt whether it
will be possible to make the desired
The superintendent was instructed
to notify the papers of tho election
and 'of the vacancies which exist on
the teaching force, but he evidently
forgot there were newspapers in Platts
mouth for he notified the Omaha pa
pers with out giving a word to the
local ones.
Maybe You Think
You're Hard to
PIcasc-or Hard to Fit
That doesn't
us because we
more than enough of
good things in Clothes
to satisfy all men. And
we know the kiud of
Clothing you like.
Grays, Blues, with a
sprinkling of Brown,
are the season's new
Any time that you care
to, we'll gladly show
you. Won't urge you
to buy.
Suits $10 to
v I l( flf C f Ui