4 NEW ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL CLUB Committee Appointed to Investigate Matter and Make Report. CLUB WILL VISIT Invitation of Superintendent Baird Accepted and the Trip Will be Made by the Members Next Monday. (From Friday's Daily) The city Coinnierhial club held forth last evening at Coates Hall and a number of important matters were discussed and action on various questions taken. The attendance was not very large and the membership committee was notified to get out and hustle up the delinquents. The club has recently made arrangements to secure daily reports from the In ternational Clipping Hureau, of in dustries who are seeking new locations. Several companies have been written to and there are brilliant possibilities foi new concerns in the city through this source. The alfalfa meal factory was dis cussed at length and it was moved to send P. A. Harrows to Omaha the last of the week to interview a represent ative of an Albion factory who is lo cated in that locality. If the repre sentative of the club meets with suc-.-"cess, a committee of Mr. I'itz, Mr. Luke Willes, Mr. II. A. Schneider and Mr. Harrows are to confer with the alfalfa man at Omaha and find out the cost of starting the industry it's operating expenses, etc. The road which is to be constructed by the county from Rock Bluff to the Burlington bridge was spoken of, and it was proposed to have a good road thrown up lrom (he subway at the foot of Main street to connect with the new road at the approach of the bridge. On the movement of Mr. Barrows it was decided to order teams to grade up Chicago Avenue and put it into nuKKiihle shane at once. It is expected that Mr. Will's proposition to maca dam the avenure will be taken up and an engineer was on the giound yester day making preliminary estimates, but it will be some time before the work can be started and in the mean time the travelers on the street will not have to contend with impassable conditions, if the plans of the club are carried out. The grader was or dered out for the work today. A letter was read from the engineer ing department of Omaha inviting a delegation of the Commercial club to attend the good roads meetings to be held theie today. There will be two meetings, the one in the afternoon at the council chamber and in the even ing at the Commmercial Club. The riattsmouth men who were appointed to renresent the citv were Messrs. John, Bauer, Patterson, Falter, K. H. Wescott, Joseph McMaken, Sattlcr Tidd and Schlater. One of the leading motions of the Scxxxxxxxxxxxxx X DIAMOND DUST X xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Minneapolis won from Omaha yes terday by the score of 7 to 8. An un fortunate inning in which Sindelar the promising recruit for Omaha was re sponsible, netted the foreigners seven runs, or the Rourk's would have had a walk away. X The Chicago White Sox defeated the Sioux City club yesterday easily, winning by 19 to 5. The hit and er ror column tells the story of the game. The Sox made 18 hits and no errors while the Sioux tribe annexed 25 hits and 5 errors. It must certainly have been a game which would have paid a man to stay away from. X Lincoln went over to Cotner college yesterday and defeated the fast bunch over there by a score of 7 to 4. Paul Cobb swatted the ball for two singles and a three ply. j. Considerable dissappointment is felt ' by local fans that the deal fell vhiough to bring the Lincoln team here next B. & M. SHOPS evening was to accept Supt. Baird's invitation to make a visit and inspec tion of the Burlington shops. The date was set for next Monday afternoon at two o clock and a crowd of fifty boosters is expected to iurn out for the trip. It will be a veiy interesting and instructive afternoon and it is assured that a person's time will be well spent if they will spare a few hours and join the forces of the club on next Monday. 1 lit; members will meet at Presidint Falters ollice in the Coates Block at l:o0 and march down tin street at two o'clock in a body. They are going to have a big time and it is hoped that nobody will forget the time Monday at two o'clock. The county editor's convention will be held in this city on Tuesday, April ',), and a royal entertainment is being planned for the visitors by the clu It is proposed to give the editors a visit at the local shops. I he club has made arrangements to hold a banquet in the evening of the nineteenth and a cordial invitation was extended to the editors of the coun ty to attend, which was accepted by one of their representatives who was present at the meeting. Following the feed, a short entertainment with I toasts and after dinner speeches will be arranged and the county men will be shown a big time. The last matter brought up was that of securing some rooms in the business district for the regular headquarters of the club and a committee of Mr. Faltei, Mr. Patterson and Mr. Tidd was appointed to look up the propo sition, and report at the next meeting of the club. It is expected that in a short time the club will have comfort ably fitted rooms in a good location where they may eiuertain their friends and conduct their meetings. After several propositions of minor importance had been discussed, the evening'ss meeting was adjourned. Immediately following the meeting two members of the committee in spected a suite of rooms in the Coates Block and found what they considered to be the ideal place for the club headquarters. There are two rooms which occupy the entire space from the main hall to the north end of the building, connected with each other by large doors and in every way they seem to be just what is needed for the boosters. 1 he rent ot the rooms is very moderate and it is nearly assured that the Coates Block rooms will be decided upon at the next meeting as the Commercial Club headquarters week. I nlortunateiy the train ser vice is such from here to Hutchinson, Kansas, that connections could not be ma'de so that they could reach that town in time for a game. President Despain was very anxious to show the people of his home town the fast aggiegation lie had secured and fur ther showed his good will by promising the locals the use of one of his batter ies for the game. Preparations had been going on to make the day a big one and much disappointment is felt that the matter must be dropped. It may be that we can secure the Antel opes for a date later in the season. X Omaha will try conclusions with the W hite Sox tomorrow and Sunday at the V inton street ball yard. X Lincoln is playing Minneapolis to day at the home yard of the former and will try a round again tomorrow. Lincoln has pulled out for the long end of every game so fat, after giving St. Paul three trials, Omaha two and the White Sox one. Today she will have io play ball for the Millers arc a fast bunch of tossers. X Ashland High School will eomo to riattsmouth tomorrow to try and win a game from the bunch which hails from the high school here. BeLcr get out and do a lit tie rooting for the home team and don't forget to en courage the visitors just a little, es pecially if they are on the short end of the score. X Next week will lie the great week for the fans. On Thursday both the big leagues will open the season, the National starting off with New York :it Boston, Biooklyn at Philadelphia, Pittsburg at St. Louis and Chicago at C incinnatti. 1 he American will start with St. Louis at Chicago, Cleveland at Detroit, Philadelphia at Washington and Boston at New York. On Wednesday the American association will start the season with Indianopolis at Toledo, Louisville at Columbus, Milwaukee at St. Paul and Kansas City at Minneapolis. The Western League will not open uutil Friday, April. 22, when Lincoln will open at Denver, Omaha at Wich ita, Des Moines at St. Joe and Sioux City at Topeka. UNIVERSITY CLASS SPIRIT University Students Appre ciate What Tax Payers Are Doing. BLOODY NOSES AND OTHER NICE THINGS Two Hundred Students Indulge In Tree lor all t ight on the Campus. LINCOLN, April 7-(Special) An innocent young ster of ten years placarded with notices of a class meet ing of the fieshnien and carrying a small cow bell started a fight bet een the members of the classes of 1912 an 11)13 at the State university this morning that resulted in the fiercest scrap seen at the local school since l'JUG. One sophomore, llliam Nettle- ton, waas knocked unconscious, and twenty ot thirty other students re ceived more or less serious injuries, while every one of the 300 students who took part in the fracas sustained some damage to his clothes, and either tore his pants or coat or had his shirt ripped from his back. The scrap was begun with only twenty men taking part, but this num ber was augmented to fully 300 be for the encounter had been in progress ten minutes. Then the members of the two classes began a free-for-all in which they slugged one another with their fists, tore clothing, smashed hats and tlisiigureu laces. Une senior counted at least thirty men who had bloody noses. A member of the faculty who witnessed the affair said he did not think that one of the partici pants emerged from the fight with a complete shire. Several of the students entered the engagement wearing their derby a and this headgear was smashed dur ing the first ten minutes of the fight. This afternoon the campus in front of Library hall is littered with rem nants of hats, shirts, pants and other wearing apparel. The only serious injury sustained by any of the students was that which fell to the lot of William Nettleton. He was senseless for fully fifteen niin utes and was carried to his home in the city. This afternoon he had fully recovered from the effects of the blow on the head that laid him low. Three freshmen sustained sprained ankles and another of the first year men had a bone in his nose broken Several members of the sophomore class were injured on the arm by be ing thrown against the ccme.nt pave ment on the campus. The fight was stopped by Chan eellor Avery, who arrived on the scene after he had been notified of the fight bu Superintendent Chowins. He at once told the crowd that any man who continued to fight would be expelled from the university. Even after his warning some of the younger students carrietl the fight into It street, where it lasted but a minute or two. The main engagement took place on the campus near the university fountain which is situated near Libiary hall and the ad ministration building. It was begun at 11 o'clock, just after the chape bell had sounded. Ik e. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of &aSjffi&&&t "AS CRAZ AS A LOON." Old Phrase Seemingly Not a Libel on That Eccentric Bird. "One often hears the expression 'As cru;;y as a loon,' and yet 1 won der," ki a writer in St. Nicholas, "how many realize how peculiarly fitting it sometimes is. Of all tho ; birds and animals that have eomo under my observation 1 know of Done that in any decree approaches the loon for sheer crazincss or weirdness. "Kvenin seems to be the loons' favorite tune for their peculiar be havior. They collect in the middle of a lake, and w hen they have sum moned all of their kind within hear ing the ball commences. They raise their bodies half out of water by furiously flapping their wings, at the same time making a most ter rific splashing. "They then propel themselves backward and forward, half swim ming, half Hying, all the while screaming at tho top of their voices. They keep this up from ten to fif teen minutes and 6ecm to get a great deal of satisfaction out of it. In the calm of a Bummer evening and aided a bit by the echoes a half dozen loons can make the fellows in a college cheering section hang their heads for shame. "The loon is not only crazy act ing, but at times is very aggravat ing. Perhaps for instance, after a hard day you are sitting by the canipfire, quietly smoking and at peace with the whole world. Sud denly there breaks upon your ears tho most bloodcurdling scream, fol lowed by heartrending cries. Your first thought is that there is a child being murdered or a woman in dis tress, and you start to your feet. Then you realize it is only a loon. ' Or perhaps, having turned in, you arc sleeping the sleep that comes only in the pine scouted north. Again you start and wake as you hear a long, mournful cry echo ing through the forest and involun tarily e.veli.ini, 'Wolves!' There is a grunt, and the sleepy voice of your guide conies from the depth of his blankets, Aon, in sieu ; loon. "In the morning a hunter arises bent on vengeance for his broken repose and resolves to destroy the fiend as he sits mirrored in the lake. Although the modern cartridge riflo gives no warning of the shot, as did the old fashioned flintlock with its 'Hash in the pan,' nevertheless the loon nearly every time seems to know when the bullet is coining and dives just in time to escape. Imme diately after the discharge of the ri fle the loon is serenely up again, his mocking laughter being but an add ed irritation. On the whole lie seems rather to enjoy the perform ance. 'As a diver the loon excels, and naturally, for it is his solo means of livelihood. Not only is he marvel ously quick, but he can remain un der water for a seemingly endless time. In swimming under water he uses both wings and feet and can go for several hundred yards in this fashion. The loon, like many other water fowls, sleeps on the water with his head tucked under his wing. "Several summers ago a friend of mine while camped on Lake Kia tnika was out for an early morning paddle. It was just after dawn and very still. Out on the lake he espied a sleeping loon, and by dint of care ful paddling he actually succeeded in approaching and capturing him. Proud of his capture, lie took the loon ashore and tethered him to a flake. The loon struggled at first, but after awhile seemed to becomo reconciled. All went well until nightlall. I lien the loon set up such a hideous outcry and kept it up so persistently thut before morn ing he had earned his freedom." How to Light a Solid Body. Cadogan Morgan was the first electrician to experiment with elec trie light in solid bodies. This was in 1785. He first inserted two wires into a stick of wood and caus ed the spark to pass between them. This had the effect of illuminating the stick a beautiful blood red. An ivory ball, an orange or an apple may be lighted in the same manner Some experimenters prefer the lem on for this puqiose, it being very susceptible to the electric discharge, flashing forth at every 6park as a spheroid of brilliant golden light. The wires used for this purpose should be brought within about half an inch of each other inside the lemon. Generous. Wife (who is playing chess with her husband) Don't you know that today is my birthday? Husband (abstractedly) Is it? "les; aren t you going to give me nnvthmg ns a birthday pres ent?" " "1 had forgotten all about it. Certainly I'll rive you something, WILL TIGERS WIN FOURTH FLAG? Jennings lias Chance to Equal MANY OTHERS HAVE FAILED. Hanlon, Anson, Clarke, Chance and the Late Frank Selee Piloted Three In Succettion, but Fell Down on Fourth. How Detroit Team Sites Up. M ill Hugh Jennings, uinuager of the Ietrolt Tigers and inventor of that now famous tmttlecry "Ee-yah!" whose specialty is smashing records, fracture another one this season? Four time winners In the American and National leagues ore unknown in fact, the only team in a major organization that won four tings in a row was Charley Co uilskey's 1st. Louis Browns In the American association. If Jennings can pilot his Tigers to the top this year he will hare accomplished a task that proved too much for Adrian An son, the late Frank Selee, Ned Han lon, Fred Olurke and Frank Chance. Each one of these men was tho com mander of n club that finished la front three years In succession. Noue of them, however, could land the banner for the fourth consecutive time. Anson had tho chance in 1SS3, Selee In 1804, Hanlon iu 1807, Clarke In 1004 and Chanco in 1009. The Chi cago team, which carried off the hon ors in 1880, 1881 and 1882, finished sec ond in 1S88, being 41 points behind Boston. The Boston club led the field in 1S01, 18H2 ond 1803 ond finished third in the rnco of 1801, Baltimore winning the pennant, with New York as the runner up. The pacemakers of 1801, 1805 ond 1800 were the Baltimore Orioles, ono of whom was Hughe? Jennings, dls turber of lioselmll records. In 180" the Bostons wrested the championship title from tho lilrdlcts, who made gallant effort to enter the ranks of the four tlino winners. The Mary landers failed to do so, however, and UANAUKU BHOII JRNNINOR, MOW AFTER A FOURTH l'EMNANT. when the Until returns were all In the Boston team's average of victories was .705 and Baltimore's .003. The 1807 destination of the pennant hinged on tho result of the flnal se ries played lu Baltimore between the Orioles and the Bean Eaters. When this set of games started on Friday, Sept. 21, the Blrdlets were on the top rung of. the championship ladder, though their advantage in the per centage column was only one jMilnt. The fourth National league combina tion to win three 1m liners In a row was Pittsburg. Tho Pirates, command ed by Fred Clarke, topped the list In 1001, 1002 and 10O.1. The next year they fell vft badly, dropping to fourth position. Ahead of them were the Giants, the Cubs and the Beds. Pitts burg's 1004 record was .509, that of the pennant winning New York club 003. Last year the Cubs, with Frank Chance directing them, had the oppor tunity to become four time winners and might have done so bad it rot been for Johnny Kling Joining the holdout brigade. The Windy City troupe ran a poor second to the Pirates and were 41 points behind the Cor sairs when the season ended. Until Jennings entered the Ameiican league that organization never kuew what It was to have a team that fin Hied tlrst mere than two years in sue cession. Chicago won the Imnner In tOofl and 1001, and Boston turned the trick In 1003 and 1004. Jennings shat fered precedent Inst year by piloting the Tigers to the top for the third consecutive time, and now he Is out to win another ting. It Is the general opinion thnt Ilughey will experience tremendous difficulty lu keeping the American league pen nant In Iietrolt for another jir. Fans think the Tigers are destined to go b.oi;, and go back badly, In 1010 and thnt some club from the east, olthor I Philadelphia or Boston, will be found I To California. New through tourint car lino to Los Angles, Calif. Leave riatts mouth each Friday 12 .0.1 o. m. via Kansas City C. WAX. I. h V. Fl Paso arrive Loh Angeles Thursday 3 p. m. arrive Los Angeles Monday 7:05 a. m. Returning leave Los Angeles Thurs day 3 p. m. arrive riattsmouth 5:03 p. in. Sundays. Hugh Norton, tf Agent Mo. Pac ART STUDIO and GRAFT SHOP 4flntrurtinn In witm color, art leather, brt mid copper. Houm deroititinii A f rand oo- PIUIUIIIIJ III IfTMIU m. .MUM T.FU ..V it. you CHii eaut a Ntritt rfr-nl of iitoner in jour tioina Hl ol initiiiriiim by tam-hai who (pent man? mi in rt catiima in the eaat. end in Atlimt en Willi) lor free paitimWra. Mrs. H HEX COttON. 607 Doe BMfl..0mahi. Neb- - - t ...... ........ . . knnu. The many fine points ahout this store, should induce you to buy here when it comes to cigars, tobacco, con fectionery, ice cream and cold drinks. It is not price alone that makes our values, but price and quality. Koto the following: Cream, 35c quart; 20c pt.j cones 5c; and thcy.are always filled. Try our lilue Seal Fruit Punch 5c. Ice Cream Parlor. J. E. MASON. BUTTER, BUTTER. Who has the butter? If you are looking for butter made from the clean est and purest cream butter that has a golden color, on exquisite flavor and creamy tasty, then TUEY'S GROCERY. is certainly the place to find it. We keep the first grade only. No seconds found in our stock. For reliable groceries at reasonable prices, call on us. J. E. TUEY The COZY CORNER Perkins House ED. BRANTNER Proprietor Cigars, Candies and Tobaccos 7 cordially invite my old friends, as well as new, and all others in search of a cozy corner for an hour's rest, to come to my place, where you can enjoy a refreshing smoke An unexcelled line of choice Tobaccos always in stock. Ed. Branlner, Prop. PETER CLAUS lie has just received boiiio fine new MONITOR RANGES He also will convince you if you call at his store that he can Ot you out with FURNITURE and GRANITEWARE in a very satisfactory manner. my deHr T'll 1f von Ulr " ' the top at the end of tkv campaign.