The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, April 11, 1910, Image 2

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n rt nz n
We have
1 5 Days Only, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
For five days only I will place on sale my entire stock of fine Clothing;
any Suit in the store for $12.50. These suits range in price from $15 to
$35. You wait on yourself, pick out your own suit and pay $12.50 for
it. Take the suit home, look it over, and if you have not been given as
big a bargain as you anticipated, return it and get your money back.
f ;
X Suit
X Sale
h i ft r
a large number Y
of cheaper
suits ranging
in price Irom
$8 to $13.50
and these suits
will be placed
on a table
by themselves
and sold for
Half the
I Local Items g
0 iSf
(From Fridays Dally)
J. H. Peoples wub a morning so
journer to the market town today.
J. A. Collins, a resident of Ashland
wan one of the yesterday visitors in
W. W. Moore left last evening for
Nebraska City to look into a business
proposition in that city.
Judson Brown of Auburn was one
of yesterday's callers in the city
registering at one of the local hotels.
Miss Kittio Smith took one of the
early trains for the metropolis where
she will visit her uncle Mr. Charles
The Burlington platform at the de
pot is being repaired. The brick along
the track had become loose and un
even and the walk is being relaid.
for Omaha where he will attend the
good roads meetings this afternoon
and evening, which.are to be given at
the Commercial Club.
J. E. Tuey and daughter Zclma
made a round trip to the (Jate City
today coming back on one of the even
ing trains.
A., vs. vfuiino ui wan 111
the city last evening and left on a
morning tram today lor Ins Capital
city home.
Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Davis and
daughter Maries from near the city
of Murray went up on No. 15 this
morning for a day's visit in Omaha.
C. F. Hall, the old citizen of Green
wood, is leaving today for Vcnturia,
California. It is hoped he will enjoy
the trip and the western country.
The family of L. C. Anderson take
this means if expressong their thanks
for the kindness and assistance ren
dered to them in their trouble by their
friends, neighbors and the officials.
Mrs. It. Micklc of Avoca was in
the city this morning on her way to
Shannon City, la., where she has
been called by the sickness of her
brother James Micklc.
Mrs. Wash Smith was a morning
passenger today on the north bound
Burlington. She went to Rosalie
to make an over Sunday stay with
her daughter Mrs. W. K. Coolidge at
. Mayor Sattler departed early today
Louis Thomas and wife of Omaha
were in the city yesterday as gueasts
at the home of his father M. W. Thom
as. The couple departed for their
home on the 8:15 train.
J. II. Ilaldeman was among the
Plattsmouth travellers on the north
bound Burlington this morning. Mr.
Ilaldeman spent the day in Omaha
and returned to his home in the evening.
J. W. Kirkbey and P. J. Bartell
two young representatives of the
Home Life, a monthly paper, came in
on the Burlington from Iowa this
morning to do some work for their
paper in this town.
New stock of Diamonds, Watches,
and Rings at Crabill's jewelry store, tf
D. K. Barr a prominent lawyer of
Louisville is in town today on legal
At Crabill's jewelry store you will
find an elegant line of new and late
designs in ladies belt pins for 75
Philip Sehaefer from the city of
Louisville is a Plattsmouth caller today-
Charles Murphy a farmer near Man
ley is in the city today tending to
small matters of business.
Robert Viall one of the Nehawka
residents, was on the streets of this
city today.
The Ladies Aid of the Methodist
church met yesterday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Kennedy, about
thirty ladies being present.
Miss Marv Junda of North Platte
sister of Mrs. Tom Svoboda, is making
a several weeks visit at the home of
her sister in this city.
Miss Pearl Allen one of the young
ladies on the Olson Photograph Co.'s
force has been on the sick list for the
past few days and has not been able
to report for work.
Call at Mrs. Norton's millinery store
and see the new line of trimmed hats
and nobby street hat that arrived too
late for Easter. tf
The condition of "Grandpa" Bailey
is reported to be vety encouraging
today. He was quite low ycsteidaay
afternoon and evening but rallied
considerably this morning.
D. C. West, Vilas Sheldon and Dr.
Walker of Nehawka drove in from
their town in Mr. Sheldon's autonmo
bile yesterday afternoon and demon
strated their speed on some of the
Plattsmouth hills.
Ladies' Oxfords
Regular price $1.75, $2.00 $2.50
and $3.00. Sizes 2 1-2 to 7, patent
leather and vici kid on bargain table
at per pair, 1S.08, $1.38, $1.68, $1.98.
E. G. Dovey & Son
will attend the funeral of a friend.
She will remain in the capital city for
several days.
W. F. Moore a farmer of Murray,
was among the day's visitors at the
Cass county court house.
Judge Travis has called a session
of district court for tomorrow where
several minor cases will be brought up
Mr. F. A. Dobeck, wife of M. E.
Smith's general manager, is in town
today inspecting the factory here.
Surprise at Mumms.
A delightful surprise party was held
last evening at the home of Peter
Mumm on Vine street for Mrs. Aug
ust Mumm of Gillette, Wyoming,
who is visiting at the Mumm resi
dence in this city. About thirty-five
or forty of the lady friends were
guests of the evening, the principal
diversion being cards. Towards the
close of the evening, tempting re
refreshments were served and a few
musical selections were enjoyed. The
guests departed at a late hour for
their homes after pleasantly spelling
the few hours in the Mumni's hospitality.
Mrs. Norton, the milliner has sam
ples of ladies suits and all kinds of
ladies wearing apparel. Orders taken
and satisfaction guaranteed. Call
and see her. tf
H Sole Afrents in Plattsmouth.
Georgo Van Dyke, government post
office inspector, formerly of Des
Moines who is now locating in Monroe,
is making an inspection of the Platts
mouth building today and seems to
be finding everything in a very satis
factory condition.
J. E. Nemetz went up to Omaha
this morning to attend to a few busi
ness matters. Ho will bo met there
this afternoon by his sister, Mary,
who will leave later in the day for a
California trip. Miss Nemetz will
go to Ontario in the sunny state to
make a visit with her brother Joseph
who is located in that city.
Mrs. G. B. Gould of this city left
this afternoon for Lincoln where she
The Feed lor Saturday Night.
In addition to the excellent patriotic
program to be given by the G. A. It.
boys and the Women's Relief Corps
at Coates Hall tomorrow evening,
the following will be the menu served :
Baked Beans.
Chicken Salad.
Bread and Butter Sanwichcs.
Pickles Cheese
Don't fail to come and have an en
joyable time and help celebrate the
Surrender of General Lee at Appomattox.
Hung New Arc Lamp.
Tho electiic lighting company is
today putting up the big blazing arc
which was spoken of some time ago
in the News, at the corner of Sixth and
Main streets. The light has been lit
up several times in the company's
ofice and the peculiar glow has always
attracted considerable attention of
the people on the streets. The big
glim is a sample of the company's
and will be left at the corner for some
time and will blazo forth on special
occasions and probably on Saturday
Barclay's Restaurant
.v;v;!vp- mmm T0 EAT
''V.Vt. &"rh&'2 Everything mat and
sssfst )ro2fcl 1 90 fur your SUNDA Y
tWf0"Z. MlUSiJ DINNER. Board by
Itllir 4 fMir-. 1 1 0 Vt. the week. Lunch counter
mill - 'l-vi-eo;U
Hi &&&0i. m connection.
' I Open AH Night
Center oi Block Between 4th and 5th Sts.
Fit out at Frank's get a suit up to date,
Right in the fashion of woolens first rate.
A suit that will fit goods sound as a bell,
No outside shops will fit you as well,
' Keep track of Mac's good value he sells.
Mac builds good clothes garments all neat,
Chicago's ready made agents cannot compete.
Examine his line and prices all through,
Look him up for a suit, saves money for you.
Reliable goods, all through his line,
Order a suit for the on coming spring time,
You find value for money here every time.
Building Material
Estimates Furnished.
Prompt Attention to Orders.