The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, March 31, 1910, Image 5

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Lmlics of Plattsmoulh arc Talking About Fanger's Swell Hats
An Invitation is extended to the ladies of Plattsmouth and
Cass County to come and see the most stylish creations.
We will trim your Hats for nothing, pioviding you buy
your material or shape at our store. We have in our em
ploy this year two first class trimmeis and they will surely
please you.
Presented by the
Wm. Grew Stock
Scats on sale Thurslay
Curtain at 8:15 sharp
Friday Evening,
April 1
Prices - 25c, 35c, 50c
rK fizz i
I f -rv . . i' n I I
If you want to stop that mid right
off and in the easiest kind of a way,
just Ret a bottle of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey.
It's the largest selling
Cold and Cough Medicine in the world
because it slops coughs and colds
quicker than any other known remedy
or prescription, and it does that be
cause it gets at the cause kills the
germs of cold cuts the mucous and
gets rid of it naturally.
It contains no habit forming drugs
nothing harmful only real old fash
ioned pine-tar, sassafras, rhubarb,
honey and other beneficial ingredients
oil nlntnlv ctntpd Oil the bottle.
Made by the same known scientific
process for the past twenty years.
You ought to take Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey
just as soon as you begirt
to feel "coldy" just the minute your
throat begins to tickle then you'd
stave off these colJs and coughs.
Keep it in the house always ready
that's the right wav. Every time you
sneeze, shiver, "sniffle" or feel "full,
in the head" you need it.
At all druggists in 25c, 50c and $1
bottles. Children take it readily.
Look for our trade-mark (the bell)
and Granny Metcalfe's picture on every
bottle. That Klentines genuine nr.
Bell's Pine-Tar-IIoney.
Made by
X x
Grace Sawyer of DeWitt spent the
first of last week with lier folks W. P.
Sawyer and family.
Mrs. M. E. Lansing was a passen
ger (in the Schuyler Friday evening
to Ashland where she spent the eve
ning with friends and relatives.
Mrs. Moorchead and Mary Sawyer
were Louisville visitors one day last
K. Sturzenegger returned the middle
(tf last wee k from his sojourn in 'ew
York state.
Mrs. Chas. Campbell and son Paul
were visiting the home folks in Platts
mouth Friday and Saturday.
Samuel Patterson of Seotts BlufT
was the guest of his sister Mrs. II. P.
Long the past week.
The Whist club had their final
gathering at the A. D. Zaar home
where a royal time was had.
Alfonso Sturzenegger came in from
Lincoln University to spend the Easter
vacation. "
The fish car expects to be taken out
to Chadron very soon by Superin-
jtendent of Fishery O'Brien. Several
of these trips are made annually to
i the streams and lakes throughout
j the state.
i About twenty of the geology class
from the state university are here
during their Easter vacation collect
ing specimens for , their work.
George Vogle received his appoint
ment as enumerator of this precinct
Mrs. J. W. Berge and mother Mrs.
Fountain hit Thursday evening for
a visit with the former's daughter
Mrs. Elda Richardson of DeWitt.
Mrs. J. E. Mellugh visited her
people near Wabash Saturday.
Geo. Vogle, B. Dill, Clyde Berge
were Omaha visitors Saturday.
J. J. Hill has accepted a lucrative
position with Kudgu Giu!sel firm in
Lincoln and for the near futirc will
make their home there.
Mrs. John Campbell visited her
daughter Sarah in Louisville Wednesday.
The people of the community were
shocked to learn of the sudden demise
of Mrs. Maude Finton. Much sym
pathy is extended to her people
during their bereavement. Several
friends from in and around town went
to Ashalnd Wednesday afternoon to
pay the last sad respect to the deceased
Miss Edith Moon of Elmwood was
a passenger via C. H. D. & Schuyler
to her home in Ashland Saturday.
higher than the surrounding ground
and it is seldom if ever covered by the
overflow of the river.
If the club is formed, it is the in
tentions of the promoters to have a
permanent trap installed, and the one
used at one of the neighboring towns
a McCrea Automatic, has been ex
amined. The local men found that
the machine seemed to give perfect
satisfaction, having been used for over
three seasons, and they arc in favor
of investing about S.'JO in a machine
for this club.
The and tronliies for the meets
have been looked up and it was found
that the U. M. C. Contnpuy will pre
sent the club with a bronze trpohy in
the form of a dog, the champion hunt
ing dog of the tinted States, which
measures about nine inches in length
and is engraved with the winners
name when the season is over. I lie.
comnanv also offers a gold medal
for the person breaking 100 blue rocks
in succession and for every additional
hundred a small bar is added to the
base of the medal.
The p'rospeets seem to be bright for
the successful launching of the organi
zation, but if the proposition does not
go through, it is very probanle that
one or two leaders in the sport will
purchase an outfit on their own hook.
H L. Mauzy hit out on No. G this
morning to attend to some business
matters at Burlington, la., His train
was three qurtcrs gf an hour late today
and yesterday it didn't arrive till
noon, being over four hours late.
Small Fire at Ledgway's.
At the sound of the fire bell and
whistle the hose carts were called out
about 11:15 this morning to the home
of John Ledgway on Wintersteen Hill.
The fire was extinguished some time
before the apparatus arrived and the
hose was not brought into use.
Mrs. Ledgway started a small fire
in the heating stove about 10:30 and
it is thought the w ind drew some sparks
out of the chimney which dropped on
the roof, setting fire to the dry shingles.
The blaze was noticed by Mrs. Ledg
way who hurried to her nieghbor's,
W. D. Smith for help. When she re
turned the Maze looked so serious
that an alarm was turned in, as the
strong wind was in the right direction
to fan the small flame into a serious
The loss was very small as it was
confined entirely to the outside of the
roof but it could not be ascertained
definitely whether it was four or
five shingles of the house tluit were
At Woodmen Meeting.
Two Plattsmouth members of the
Modern Woodmen were in Omaha
last night to attend tho annual meet
ing of the lodge at which the state
banner is presented to the lodge getting
the largest number of new members
during the year. The local people,
Henry Goos and Dr. Cook returned
this morning and reported a jolly
time at the meeting.
The banner this year was won by
the Omaha lodge, B and M. Camp 945
which secured 102 new members for
tle year, it's nearest competitor being
Wisner which enrolled 95.
A number of the big officers of the
lodge were at the meeting and at the
presentation was made by Head Consul
A. It. Talbot of Lincoln.
New Veterinarian Here.
Herman Grceder, a veterinarian
of wide reputation, is locating in this
city from Ames, Iowa. Mr. Greeder
has bought the Thomns South place
just south of town and will move there
with' his family from the Iowa town
and will open an office at the place for
the conducting of his practice. The
new doctor has had many years ex
perience in the lines of business which
he follows and w as for eight years em
ployed by the United States Gov
ernment 11s an inspector. The riatts
mouth people join in extending tho
glad hand to the new man who will
come into their rr.nks.
Barnyard Repartee. .
The proud gander and the cackling
hen were arguing.
"But remember one thing," said the
proud gander, "It was a goose that
laid the golden egg."
"Tut, tut!" scoffed the hen. "With
eggs at their present rate we can get
enough for our output without laying
golden shells and losing our heads In
the bargain."
For even then the fanner was an
nouncing to hH son that eggs bad ad
vanced anoiht r 6 cents on the dozen.
&feV At All Druggists v
Tne uaiiv iu lenisa m
Come to our store and let us show you what our wonderful hand-power So E-Z
Vnnnnm f'lpniior will do for vou. The price is right, the weight is right, the result is
V U Villi XX N. ' ..... - 1
right. Operated by hand, cannot get out of order, gets alUhe dirt, saves carpets and
Spring Weather Makes the Shooter
Anxious for Clay Bird Sport.
There is a movement under w ay by
the enthusiasts of the shooting irons
to organize a gun club in the city to
engage in the sport of trap shooting.
J. W. Edwards is soliciting among the
hunters of the town to sec what the
prospects are along that line and if
enough young fellows arc interested
in the pastime a club w ill be organized
at once and the grounds and traps
will be secured.
There is a tract of land just south
east of the pumping station that seems
to be the only available place in this
locality for such a purpose and the
owners of the land are to be seen to
day in regard to the renting of it for
the summer. The laud is a little
nwlu t.hp nlmvft we have a full supply of New Needles, Shuttles and Dobbins,
Belts, etc. for all Machines made and can get you any repairs that you may want for
your machine. We also have some of the best sewing machine oil on the market.
At our store you will also find a full line of Porch Seats and Swings, Hammocks,
Lawn Swings and Seats. .
But now that house cleaning begins, remember ttiat we have a full line of Rugs,
Carpets, Fiber Japanese and Chinese Mattings, at prices to suit the purchaser. We
are in a position to show you different patterns of Linoleum. When you have your
House cleaned then you will be apt to want some new Furniture, of which we have a
complete stock to select from, at prices that are absolutely right.
We sell the Stearns & Foster Cotton Felt Mattrosses-they are guaranteed and
are the best manufactured. Come in and examine our Mattresses.
We also sell the Domestic Sewing Machine one of the best manufactured. We
have three grades at the following prices: !,:, 40 and $4.").
You will soon want Refrigerators. Come in and look over our line. Wc have
some fine ones.
House Furniture and Undertaking
Plattsmouth, Nebraska