DOUBLE VISICN. WALL PAPER. Wall paper to please must be up-to-date and the latest design, and not old kept over stock, such as you are some times asked to buy. Our stock is all new, not a roll of paper from last year. WE HAVE IT IN STOCK We can put up your order on short notice and we trim it FREE OF CHARGE The Red Cross Drug Store. WEVRICH & HADRABA Sole agents for LOWE BROS. HIGH STANDARD LIQUID PAINT 3C Return of the Popular WILLIAM GREW STOCK COMPANY In a sumptous production of the Great Dury Lane Theatre, London, Success. HELL CWVMME.. "RAfl.nt.ifnl Rp.pnftrv HncstnTYis TT.fFpnf And a cast of eighteen people. The dramatic treat of the season. Popular Prices 25, 35 and 50 cents. HAVE YOU JOINED THE ONCE-A-WEEKCLUB? Let Me Tell You Something If you want to be properly dressed, you should have your clothes made to order. You can't get up-to-date styles in . ready-ruades, for they are made six months before the season opens. BLUE SERGE SUITS The only place in the city where you can get a good blue serge, fancy worsted, cheviot or Scotch tweed suit to order that are actually worth from $.'." to $40, for only $20 FOR NOTHING All suits made by me on or before March 1st, will be cleaned an d pressed as long as they last for uothing. SPECIAL-Prom now until March 5th, I will clean, dry clean, and press clothing for 50 cents to 1 dollar. ALL WORK GUARANTEED James Socher The Tailor. TWO JACKS Will sell or trade one, at my barn. SAM C. SRflllTH It Affectad the Oculist Wtll at tha Patiant. A well known oculist of New York city tells a Rtory of oue of hi patients who proved rutlicr more tban a mutch for hlra. The patient wns au old fel low f-om one of the rural counties of the state, fifty years of npe or more, who strolled leisurely Into the doctor's office and, after taking a mental In ventory of the place, remarked t tint he was afraid that his eyes were "sit ting a lettle out o' kilter" and be guessed the doctor bad better "take a peek at tbem." He was seated and. as a preliminary, was Invited to look through a prism at a photograph. "Why. now." said he after "squint ing" awhile, "this is curious! I see two photographs. What makes me see like that?" The oculist, who Is something of a humorist and Inclined to be jocose with certain of his patients, replied that this phenomenon was certainly very interesting and that, while pos sibly It indicated some slight abnor mality, It yet had Its compensating ad. vantages. "With double vision you have a great advantage over me, for example." be continued, smiling, "for you will be able to see twice as many beautiful things In the world as I can. You will have twice as many friends. Your family will be doubled. You will hove twice as much real estate and two pocketbooks Instead of one." The old man did not say much In roplv. but seemed to be pondering It. Meanwhile the oculist completed his examination, and the time came to re ceive his foe. which In this case was $10. Very slowly the old man. still pon dering, drew forth a roil of notes and carefully selecting a five dollar bill. looked hard nt It for some moment?1. Then, proffering It, he said quietly. "Here's your $10. doctor!" Spoiled Her Play. A very promising love nfTnlr. if not nipped in the bud. received nn ugly Jolt through he medium of tlmt "In fernal little brother" the other even ing nt the home of the young lndy Involved. An Informal cord pnrty wns In prog ress, and a young renow wno uan been very marked In his attentions to the dnughter of the house had her for Lis partner. In the midst of the pluy "little brother" popped up with this query: "Mr. Blank, does slRter play crrds well?" "Yes. very well, Indeed." replied the suitor. "Well, then, you'd better look out." shouted the youngster. " 'cause I heard mother say that If she played her cards well she would catch you yet." She Won. James -wife had a rather hard time, is a rule, to coax money out of him for new clothes, although he nlwnys wanted to see her well groomed, Su wanted a new dress, nnd she wanted It badly, so she resorted to diplomacy. - a i At breakfast she said: "James, 1 have decided to do with out a new dress, and with the money t t T t t $ $ f t I I GCKSS NOT t" HE EXCLAIMED. it would cost 1 shall have mother here for a nice long visit" James turned on her excitedly. "What wear that old brown thing another season? I guess not!" he ex claimed vehemently. "You go right down to your tailor's today and or der something handsome. Uemember. t ? please, that as my wife you have u certain position to maintain'."' The wife bowed her head In sub mission. On her lips played a peculiar smile. Wisconsin Plans Big Athletic Carnival. As part of a comprehensive scheme to restore tho University of Wisconsin I to n place In the front ranks of inter collegiate athletics it has been an nounced that an lnterscholnstlc bas ketball carnival, In which sectional champions from Iowa, Indiana, Illi nois and other Btates will participate, t T ? t ? ? ? ? ? ? Y ? ? ? ? ? will be held In the gymnasium March 10. 11 and 12. Misnamed. During a geography lesson in l Baltimore school one day the tench er ppoke at great length touching that wonderful Ftrenm, the Missis Bipni. ncC. -tally Fho afforded tin pupils Borne interesting account ot the historic events associated win the prcnt river, "iinallv. sain Mie "wo must not overlook the pwti v.ilun of the name I.Iississinni. 1 - lA means vainer ot titers. in fonrct that, hovs uml cirls." . One lad, however, was not nuicL impressed uv this later contribu tion to his store of knowledge beir pardon, ma'am." said he, ''bul if the name of tho river means 'Fa ther of Waters,' why don't they cal it Mifier Si nmT ". Circle. IK Do You tthatthe SVews-ilerald Publishing Go. Ssp has the best equipped facilities for printing letter heads, noteheads, en velopes, statements, pamphlets, briefs, legal blanks, sale bills, fEtc. of any place in this section of the state, and do it in the neatest and most approved style? BECAUSE II ith our Seir Monotype, the very late-si till kinds of J oh Work, we can BECAUSE Every job sent out of this office is printed by .Yew, Type, cast by the Mono type for that particular job, therefore the print in clear and neat. BECAUSE We hare secured one of the bent Job Printers in the West, and we can quaruntet you a job that will compare with the best of them. Call in and talk to us about your next order "Tired at Three O'clock?" IF typewriters were machines run mechanical means in stead of human hands, you would find that, with a gicen umwnt of power, a Monarch could be run at a higher maintained speed than other typewriters. Run by "girl power," you find that the Monarch is run at a higher all-day average speed than other typewriters,. and without a "tapering off," from fatigue toward the day's end. Both these truths are due to the fact that SVIONARC lightens the draft, uses tower more economically. Eliminates the waste of energy that typifies the heavy-touch machines. This in turn means increased production per machine and de creased cost of typewriter work ter folio. THE MONARCH TYPEWRITER COMPANY. ill South 15th Street, Omaha. Nebraska. Executive Offices: Monarch Typewriter Building, 300 Broadway, New York. Know uc mmmm mm machine, invented for getting out give the very bed amice ivy foil mm "v"iwjM mm m m mm 3 . XT',-iff.- tiv. mm "No Sir! I Use the Monarch" JLJ LTGHT OUCH Monarch The Light Touch and the Monarch Rigid Carriage are exclusive Monarch features, every other import ant feature of the modern typewriting machine, such as Back Space Key, Two Color Ribbon Shift, Contained Tabula tor, etc., etc., will also be found on the Monarch. Let us give you a demon stration of Monarch Light Touch and other Monarch advancements. Write For Illustrated Descriptive Literature. wm , m j$m t ? ? Y t ? ? t t f If x ? z ? T f t T Y ? T ? ? ? T T ? ? ? ? ? ? ? f At