The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, March 07, 1910, Image 8

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From Thursday's Daily.
Hi. Gruber, of .Union, is in the city
today on business.
Jamea Dorr of Weeping Water U
looking after inwinexu in riattsmouth
today. '
Mrs. Mary Glenn waa a passenger
to Omaha on this morning's .rain.
Miss Nina Clark returned to her
work in Glenwood, Iowa, this morning
after a visit with' Iter pareufa in this
city. ;
' Mrs. F. McKlroy of this city was
a passenger for Omaha this morning,
on the early train.
Mrs. C. U. Todd and Miss Eleanor
Todd were among those who went to
Omaha this morning.
Win. Staikjolmnn of this city,
s looking after business in the met
ropolis this afternoon.
G. F, S. Burton was a passenger
for Omaha this morning.
Mrs. J. K. Thompson was among
those who took the early train to
George Foster is spending the day
"in Omaha, going up on the early
anorning train.
was in this city today to sec Mr.
W. K. Fox, who is agent for that com
pany in this place.
Mrs. E. C. Ackcrman took the
train for Omaha, this morning for a
abort visit.
Mr. A. Reasonir waa among the
number who paid the state metropolis
a visit today.
M. N. Drake, of Louisville, returned
home yesterday after serving here
on the jury.
at 5 1-2 per-ccnt. w-92 6x
Mrs. A. Gass and daughter Helen Windham Investment & Loan Co.
were passengers for Omaha this morn
ing on No 15.
Mrs. Alfred Ganscmer was a pas
senger for Omaha today going up to
spend the day.
Bennett Chrisweisser and son Chas.
Herman Wcllensick of Avoca is
in the city in connection with tne
lease of Harshman va Royal.
arc looking after
metropolis today.
Mr. E. F. Turk of York, Nebraska,
is in the city today attending the
session of court.
Judge Good of Wahoo returned
to his home yesterday, after corn-
business in the P'ctui8 tne 8e88,on 9 destrict court.
Frank Blotzer and family were
in the city yesterday, returning to
their home at Cullom on the Sehuller.
John Sherman' of Louisville re
turned home yesterday after com
pleting his term here on the jury.
Mrs. Chas. Bell is spending the
day in Omaha, having been a passeng
er nn the enrlv train.
W. A. Kobertson was a passenger
Mrs. J. A. Murray went up to yesterday afternoon tor Lincoln, where
w I. .
Omaha today to visit with her daugh- he goes to look alter legal business
tcr who is now in that citv.
Airs. I.J. 1 odd ol nation, returned
Miss Frances Mehia and Miss home yesterday alter a visit with her
Carrie Michke of this city spent the parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mauzy,
dav in Omaha, coinc up on the early m mis t uj
Cass Land Co. Meeting.
A meeting of the Cass Laud
Co. was held last n ght" and
listened to an encouraging
report upon matters relating
to the affairs of the company
made by C. A. Rawls, mana
ger, who is here for a few
days only. The Cass Land
Co. owns 2,800 acres of land
situated at Prowers, ColM
same being as fine a tract as
can be found any where) in
the west. Among those from
outside who were in attend
ance at the meeting were F.
P. Sheldon, D. C. West, J.
M. Palmer and Fred Mutz
man, all of Nehawka. A num
ber of Plattsniouth men are
also interested in the com
pany in a substantial manner
and they are feeling pretty
goou over tne report pre
sented by Mr. Rawls.
Mrs. Wm. Fuls was among these
who took the morning train for the
north going up to spend the day in
Mrs. Louis Stander of Weeping
Water departed yesterday for her
home, after a visit with Mrs. Fred
Mrs. M. C. Hyatt went to Have
lock this morning on No 15, where
she will visit with friends for a few
Mrs. William Budig was among
those who took the morning train for
the metropolis.
Martin Steppat and daughter Miss
Annie Steppat, are spending the day
in Omaha.
Taiil Welter is in this city being
registered, at the Perkins House.
J. W. Grassman, who has been
at a Banitarium in Colorado and who
later went 10 the Black Hills where
he worked for a short time, has re
lumed to ' P'nttsmouth.
The jury in the Gering-Lyda case
is still out A disagreement is look d
G. II. Olive of the Weeping Water
Republican was in the city, yesterday
and while here paid the News a most
Mrs. Jos. Wells was among those
u'lirt imirnpvrwl tn flip nnrlli fliia
morning going up to Omaha on the Plcasant cal1
lliirlinirmn I
'"'fV'' . IT T O 1 -4t. t
Col. M.A.Bates of the riattsmouth KlUzcn8 wh. bcen fulfi.lling I1!8
t.. i .., .,. uuiy on uie jury ruiuruuu iu ins
for Avoca, where he goes to look uu""3 .. ujr.
nflnf l.iiultinuu I
iMiss neoecca names, wno teacnes
Millinery Opening.
Mrs. Norton will open her
millinery store to the public
Monday with a splendid as
sortment of handsomely
trimmed hats. Her place of
business is on Main street
east of Weyrich & Hadraba's.
Mrs. XortDn has engaged the
services of Miss Lmise
Gabriel, an expert trimmer,
of Kansas City and will be
pleased to have you call and
look over the very latest cre
ations in the millinery line.
Notice to ray Up.
Is the UMwt friendly manner pos
sible I desire to notify all who are in
debted to me in any amount that I will
expect a settlement of their account
at the time of the coining pay day. It
is absolutely imperative that all bills
be paid and no further notice will
be given. If yoa owe me in any
eumr you will avoid additional ex
pense and legal difficulties by calling
upon me at the time specified. If I
owe you, present your bill and you
will get your money. Again I say
that this is positively the last notice.
70&75 t-f M. Fanger.
D yoa want an
Notice of Sale.
In the District Court of Cass County,
In the matter of the E&tate of Waclav
(called Jamesi Crowlck, deceased.
Notice ta hereby , given tha.t in
pursuance of an order of the Honor
able Harvey D. Travis, judge of the
district court of Cass county, Nebraska
made on the 21st day of February,
1910, for the sale of real estate here
inafter described, there will be sold
at the south door of the Court house
in riattsmouth, Castfcounty, Nebraska
on the 23rd day of March, 1910,
at 11 o'clock a. m., at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash, the
following described real estate, to
wit Lot 81, being the west half of
the west half of the southeast quarter
of the northwest quarter of Section
12, township 12, range 13 east, in. Cass
county, "Nebraska. Sale will remain
open one hour. Dated this 21st day
of February, 191.
Will J. Strcight, Administrator of
said estate. " SS-S
Max Adams, residing one mile
south of town was a passenger today
for York, Nebraska, where he goes
to visit with friends.
Mrs. John Ivory of Malvern, Iowa,
cane in this morning on No 15 to
attend the funeral of her brother,
the late II. E. Wilson.
Bruce Rosencraha of the hustling
vnnl nul ntn fi rn et V XT pAonnorunQ
k Son came in this morning from of thc management
a business trip to Linclon.
John Bauer was called to Nehawka
this morning to look after business
matters in that village.
A number of Avoca people came in
to day to attend the trial in the
district court of the case of Harsh-
man vs. Royal, among them being
Charles Royal and wife, Ed. Shoe
maker and Joe Snyder.
Mr.llanna of the Oskaloosa, Iowa,
overall and shirt factory is in the
city today closing up a deal whereby
his son Burt Hanna acquired the
farm formerly owned by Mr. Rainey.
From Saturday's Daily.
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Young of Murray
attended the show here Friday night.
Chas. Martin was a passenger for
Omaha on the early morning train.
Ray Davis from Eight Mile Grove
drove in this morning and took the
early train for Omaha, where he will
spend the day attending to business
Mrs. Fred Westlake was a passenger
this morning for Avoca Iowa, her
old home where she goes to visit with
rrl: tives and friends.
From Friday's Daily.
I here will he moving pictures
at the I'limu'le Saturday nights only
it l t ii .i
u in. uoiiy was among those who
took the train for Omaha this morning
Mr. Wesley Bookmcycr and little
son are spending the day in Omaha.
Legal Notice. -
State of Nebraska,
ss. In County
the intermediate grade in the Union County of Cass. Court.
public schools came over Friday In the mattcr of thc etate of Abel
night for an over Sunday visit. ucyan, aeceaseu.
10 u persons inieresica:-
IT 1 1 ..
F W'hpoW and W T) Wheeler 1 ou are ncreuy notmeu that there
and wife went to Omaha today to has bccn filed in t,lia Court thc P01'"
visit a daughter of thc former who l'on 01 umenne iJevan W1U0W 01
is in a hospital there. 8ad deceased, alleging, therein that
saiu Aoei ucvan ueparteu tms me
Col Askwith of the, Masonic Home n said County, leaving an estate to
was a passenger to Omaha this morning be administered, and praying for the
where he will attend a board meeting appointment of an administrator.
of the institution. iu are further notified that a
hearing will be had upon said petition
Mr. L. E. Moore was a passenger pciore ims coun at riattsmoutn
the 8th day of
went on business
his hct house.
connected with
Baylor the Coal Man took it ino
has head jO take a ride on the var-
nishnd in f lip direr) inn of Omaha.
though neither he nor Charlie Grimes tha 8th day of February 1910,
March 1910, at 10 o'clock A. M.
That all objections, if any, must
be filed on or before said day and hour
of hearing.
Witness my hand and the seal of
the County Court of said County
could get an agreement on just where
that place was situated.
County Judge
J. B. Keil of Cullom, was in
Plattsmouth today.
Captain -.Palmer
from Omaha today.
Philip Meisinger and wife
and Jacob Meisinger,, all of
Cedar Creek, were in Platts
mouth most of the day, shop-
was up pjng anj transacting other
Legal Notice.
In he County Court of the County
ol Lass, .Nebraska.
Acorn, the popular 5 cent
-v , ft T "
cisrar, maao by I'taK cc a
ieck. tf
A daughter was born Fri
day morning to Mr. and Mrs.
Gus Pein.
In the Estate of John Taylor
To all persons interested:'
You are hereby notified
petition has been filed for
that i
thc ad'
FOR SALE OR RENT, a 5 room ministration of the estate of John
cottage and one half acre of ground
covered with fruit.
Windham Investment & Loan' Co.
d-122-2 w-92-2x.
Mrs. Fhillip Hild is among those
are spending the day in Omaha.
(. (5. Sharp is looking after business
iteC-i in the metropolis this after-n.
Irs. 7. ,. l'ickett was a passenger
Dinah this n")rning on the early
Ir J. lii(t wms among those who
k th? tMin tli is morning for the
4rs. Frank lluttfry was a passenger
Ouialt today going up on the
ly train.
G. C. Meisinsrer, of Cedar
Creek, transacted business in
Plattsmouth today.
John Wunderleich, s of Ne
hawka, has been spending the
da)' in town.
Mrs. Andy Seyzert, of Cul-
om, was here on a shopping
expedition today.
C. P. Meisinger and wife,
Cedar Creek, spent the day in
the city of destiny today.
Miss uertie lieeson is
thinking seriously of invest
ing in a pair of roller skates.
Howard Leonard, of Edi
son, -Neb., is visiting with
Judge and Mrs. Beesou.
A theatre party at the Par
mele last night was made up hour
rf ft oin 1 ATVa liVink-fnlle- filed
man, Mr. and Mrs. G. B.
Guld and Mrs. Schalia.
faylor Baird, deceased, and that
George L. Farley has been nominated
as such administrator; that a hcarirg
will be held upon said petition on the
26th day of March, A. D., 1910
at eight o'clock, A. M. at my office in
inc cny oi i lausmouin, neiore wnu
all objections thereto must 1
If yoa do. get ae who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement
Telegraph or Write
Robert Willrinson,
Dunbar, Nebr.
Or call at the News-Herald office and
we will save yea trouble and expense
in getting dates and term.
Good ServiceMRca8pnableRate.
mm 1 1 1 1 h i n 1 1 I I li
John Durman
Expert Blacksmith::
Has taken charge of the Wil- "
liam Puis Blacksmith Shop
4 1-2 miles west of Murray.
All kinds of Fine Horseshoe
ing and all kinds of Black
smithing. Satisfaction guar
Call on Him;
To all whom it may ronpi'rn: Ivotloo Is
(w iy Kfvon that Trte Brumwick-BjOke-
Collcnier Comoany of t'Micano Cook
'ounur lllinou will oil the 2Sth.luy uf Ft-h-
cary r.l() in ttio Kiwn or I'latt.tinoutii uor-
nn lith. iliwl III front or till) Hotel
Kil(v HIiK-k, at 10 o clock A. M. hi'H at I'uUlic
Auction by virtuu and minor tne oonintioiiH
or a ( libit''! .icrinait inn loiiowinx ueii-
crihtvl RMxli and clmlKls. vis l wo 4 x H
ecllpso Carrom Table numlicrs 15'JDH and
.iH I'tios, ( tin KacKi, uridKtM, iwii kuckh.
Kuhhor cover, and two net of CmnpoNitlon
'ool Unit, all IfcloiiKhiK with the roKl taMitt.
mil inv nthor (IxtLtTH thorounto bclonKlni
Tho nason for Raid sale are t follows on
Mnv tin. th. 1MKI H. K Rami nxiXMiliwI
to the Brnnswlck-Ballte-Colleniler Com-
any tan I'ronilnsorv iioum of S 10.00 each
drawinx intcrpst at tho rato o( nix pi-r cent
per annum duo In ono two tluw four five
six nrvim elKht nine and ton month!) alur
date, and to wcuro the payment of said
note he executed a C'hattol MortKaKe of
even date therewith on the ChattoN above
dewrllKvl to the Brunwlck-llalkp-'ollender
Company, which tnort&K wax I1Ih1 in the
office of the County Clerk of Cam County
.Nebraska on the llitn. day or .May iuou at
o clock and 47 minutes a. m. anu duly
recorded. The condiUonji of said morlKaKo
are siii-li that In case default 8liould he made
in payment of either or any of Ruid notes,
or If the mortKaKoe should at any timo deem
themselves last-cure It shall ho lawfuU
for said mortKaK.'' to ,ake immediate puwett
sion of xaid Chattels and dispose of them at
public auction. and out or uio money arising
rom said sale pay all that remains unpaid
on said notes. toKoinnr wnn an cuarges.
costs, and expense Incident theroto.
Thore Is now due and unpaid six or the
above detwrilied nous, those falling due
Octobor Bth.. November 6th.. December
6th. 1W09 and January th.. rebruary Bin.,
and March 6th., 1010, tho last mentioned
noto Im'Iiik due by virtue of default under the
said mortxaKO, a-4otal of SMI. with Interest
at 8 per cent from tne fitn. day oi may iwn,
and the said mortKauor havlnx defaulted
in the payment of said sums, the mortKHKce
now seeks to foreclose. No suit or proceeding
at law has been nstltuted to recover tne sums
herein sought lo be collected. Tho procwds
derived from the sale of the property herein
dnscribed will be applied undor the condition
of the Mid mortgage.
naied this 7th da v or Kevruary into.
ThcBrantwlek-Balka-Collender Company
By 11. B. Windham. Attorney U4 Ageut
! Poultry, Butter,
I Eggs andCream
you own a chunk of dirt,
f i ft : !.
"I hava worn W. L. Dour las shoai for tha
past sla rtars. and always find thr ara far
superior to all ether hlch (rade shoes In style.
comfort and durability." W. Q. JONES.
118 Howard Ave.. Utlca. N. T.
If I could take you into my largo fac
tories at Brockton, Mass, and show yoa
now carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are
made, you would realize why they hold
their shape, fit better, wear longer, and
are of greater value than any other make.
C AUTIO!-8e tlist W. 1. RnnglM name and pries
U tumped on th bottom. Take .o Miihatltiile.
It jour dmler naiinnt flt you wtlh W.l.ttoUKliuialioM,
writs lot kUdOnUr t'atsloo. W.L.DoukIm, Urockloo,
Joseph Fetzer
FOR SALE M. E. Church parsonage
8 rooms and bathroom, barn, two
lots. Price $1500.
Windham Investment & Loan Co.
122-2 w-92-2x
Hy the Court,
County ""JiiflRC.
Byron Clark and Win. A. Kobertson
Attorneys. 1 U2 6
Vinccni Straub, F. P.-Sheldon
D. C. West, L. F. Kopp. John Wundcr
ich of Nehawka and F. II. McCarthy
of Union were in the city last night
in attendance at a meeting of thc
-fra. l'icl F-Kt'tibcrgcr wan a
sciLTor for Omaha today on thc
ruing truiii.
Vof. J. Audi, of Murray was among
w who took thc early morning
n for Omaha.
'red Seynoldn, traveling inspector
the Koyul Insurance Company,
Mr. I. Whito came in from
Murray this morning and bad
business at the court house
FOU SALE A number of cottages
with from 5 to 7 rooms for salo on
monthly payments, nt loss than one
third there orginal value.
Windham Investment & Loan Co,
Legal Notice.
Stpto of Nebraska,
SS.n County Court.
County of Cass.
In the Mattcr of the Estate of Frank
G. Brown, deceased.
To all Persons Inlerextvd:
You are hereby-notified that there
the shape of a farm or a lot
It will cost you nothing, but the
amount of advci Using ycu gain
through our efforts will be of value
to you.
We will sell for you or buy for
you or make an exchange that will
please all parties. Sec us today.
. I (11 1 J 1 S-i A At
Casa County Land Company, ol uwswxu iw u..a va,u.i, t
which they arc members and stock- of N. II. Meeker administrator of
holders auovu vbuuc tugi-uicr mm inn jn:n-
lion ior iinai seiiiomeni inereoi.
Mr nd Mrs. llarrv Graves Ot louareiurinernouneu wiam near.nK
Union came totho city last evening will be had upon said petition before
to attend thc theatre. Whilo here mis touri ai inc ouiuy couri room
they called on the Daily News and at X'lausnioutn is saiu county on mc
passed the time. They were accom- una ay ot iuarcn iyiu, ai iu o ciock
panied by Miss Vernio Jraves,u.. anu mm, an uujt-iuuua,
sister of Editor Graves. any. must bo" filed on or before said
day and hour of hearing
For Infants and Children.
The Kind Yoa Hate Always Bought
Bears tho
A box party at the Parinele Witness my hand and thc seal of
t - i4 i t Hy tlio County Court of said County
ast night consisted of the 21st ' of Fel)nmry 19ia
following- well knovn young goai
noonle. The Misses . Hall ie 90-0
Parinele, Lucillo Gas, Rachel
Livingston, Ielen Dovey and
the Messrs John Falter and
George D,ovey.
County Judge
r.,-,., ,,,, hi,, - 1
At Low
Round Trip
11 I 1 MHI I I ill . ...H W..u
Children Ory.
Smoke an
h C OR N
And be Happy
H I I 1 I ' l I H"H"t"l"H"H'l"l"r
On sale every first ana third
Juesday in each month to every
part of the Southwest.
Hugh Norton, Agent.