The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, February 07, 1910, Image 5

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Good Selection Made by Governor
Hon D. 0. Dwyer of this eity
received notification from tlie capi
tol at Lincoln, this morning that
Governor Shelenberger had honored
liiiu with the appointment on the
board of Trustees of the School for
the Deaf at Omaha and the Mind
at Nebraska City. Mr. Dwyer is
appointed to fill a vacancy made by
the resignation of V. H. Patrick,
of Sarpy county. The situation
came to Mr. Dwyer without soli
citation, and while the duties arc not
entirely clear, we predict that our
townsman will acquit himself with
credit. Mr. Dwyer's commission will
arrive today.
Carthage and CartervIIle Re
solve to try the Dry Method
a While.
By majorities of 172 and 132 re
spectively, Carthage and Carterville
adopted prohibition in elections that
closed a county wide local optic n
campaign Thursday. The elections
were marked by great excitement.
Returns from all over the county
assure county-wide prohibition by
probably 2,000 majority. This will
leave Joplin the only "wet" spot in
Jasper county.
Funeral of A. B. Smith.
All that is mortal of the late An
selmo B. Smith arrived at the Bur
lington station this tnorning at 8
o'clock. Accompanying the remains
were Mr. Smith's two daughters,
Mrs. Pratt and Mrs McGinnis and his
two sons Warren Smith and Elmer
Smith all of Denver, also Dial Smith
a nephew of Beaver City, he is a
brother of our townsman A Baxter
Smith, also John Young and wife of
The casket was opened for a few
minutes at the station and friends
had a last look at the familiar face
of A. B. Smith, his look was peaceful
as if in sleep, and so natural one
almost expected him to speak. The
casket was born to the hearse by the
following, old time friends: J. N.
Wise, Joe Roberts, Henry BoccJ;,
Judge Johnson, J. P. Falter and
Kelly Fox.
The casket was banked with beauti
ful flowers from Denver friends and
neighbors. The remains were taken
to the home of A. Baxter Smith,
and lay in state until the hour of
of 10 o'clock when the funeral pro
cession started for the cemetry.
Beginning today we offer
tunity of the year to secure a
at HE
PIANO at a bona fide saving of $100.00 and upwards.
Factory prices to every buyer. The last margin of profit
a 'e placed on sale at prices that never before have been equalled.
No Money Down, Free Stool, Free Scarf, Thirty
Days Free Trial, Then One Dollar a Week.
Come in early to the greatest Piano Sale ever held in Cass Count).
Finally, to every buyer
will give an additional credit
One coupon and only one
This Coupon presented before February 12th, 1910, at Herold's
Piano Sale, will be accepted as $23.00 on any Piano. Only one
Coupon as part payment on each Piano Sold.
Henry Heroic
Special Factory Tuner With Us During This Sale.
Representative for Schmoller & Mueller High-Grade Pianos.
Canon Burgess conducted the fune
ral services at the grave, which con
sisted of the impressive ceremony of
the Episcopal churchj
Census Takers Examination.
A class of twenty or more, young
men of the outlying towns of the
county, were in Pluttsniouth today
and at the High School build
ing this afternoon submitting
to a written examination as to their
qualifications to take the 1910 census.
Tost Master Schneider conducted
the examination.
We Lose Good Citizen
Hugo Asemisscn and his father de
parted this morning for Oclney, South
Dakota, where they will open a hard
ware store. Mrs. Hugo Asemissen
went to Lake Park Iowa, where she
will visit her parents for a few weeks
until the store is put in shapcA Thus
Plattsmouth loses two good citizens
while South Dakota gains two. -
Mrs. Gorder Laid to Rest.
The mortal remains of Mrs. Char
lotte (Jortler, were laid to rest, this
afternoon, the funeral occuring from
the German Presbyterian church, and
were conducted by the J lev Lucas
Abel, of Hickman. The funeral was
largely attended by sorrowing friends
and neighbors who came to show
February Bulletin
of Special Rates
Homescekcrs' Excursions: February 1st and 15th, and the first and
third Tuesdays of each subsequent month, the West, Northwest and South
west, new farm land regions. A chance for a splendid tour of the West at
very low rates.
Winter Tourist Rates: Daily through February and March to all
Southern, Gulf, Cuban and California resorts.
Very Cheap One Way Rates
To Puget Sound and Pacific Coast
Only S2.J.00 from eastern and central Nebraska to Seattle, Portland,
Spokane, Butte, Helena, San Francisco, Los Angeles and other far western
destinations. Tickets sold from March 1st to April loth.
Through Service: These tickets honored in chair cars and tourist
sleepers; daily through tourist sleepers via Northern Pacific Express, daily
through tourist sleepers via Great Northern Express, through upper North
west; daily through tourist sleepers to California, via Denver, scenic Colorado,
Salt Lake City, and Southern Pacific.
Get in touch with me, and let me give you descriptive literature,
arrange for your berths and assist you in every way.
W. L. PICKETT, Ticket Agent, Plattsmouth, Neb.
L. W. Wakely, G. P. A., Omaha.
Will sell or trade one, at my barn.
5, Until Feb. 12
to music lovers in Plattsmouth and vicinity the oppor
Like Emerson, Steger, Schmoller & Mueller, and others
who brings the attached PRICE-REDUCING COUPON, we
of $23.00.
being accepted on the same Piano.
their regards for the deceased and
the bereived family. The casket
was born to the church by the fol
lowing palbearers: Byron Clark,
Carl Kuuzinan, J. M. Roberts. J.
C. Petersen, Joseph Fetzer and Jacob
The floral gifts were very beautiful
and expressed the esteem and high
regards of the donors for the many
womanly virtues of the deceased.
The interment took place ' in Ouk
Wood by the side of her husband
who died several years ago.
Now, Then all together.
the ice is a thing of the past and the
back yard looks like well, when
it shows up badly, lets all have, a
real old fashion cleaning lip time
and start a "City Beautiful". It
is one thing to say "See Plattsmouth
Succeed", but it is another good
slogan to adopt, "See Plattsmouth
Clean and Beautiful." Try it.
Miss Anna Johnson who has for
a long time been connected with
the, business at the Variety Store,
will sever her connection with that
house tonight. We understand that
Miss Johnson has a much better
position under consideration, in
fact, it is said that she has accepted
it and will enter upon her new duties
sometime this month.
has been cut out.
State of Nebraska, Cass County ,ss
In County Court
In the matter
of Estate Mary Al'
Tucker, ileepused.
NOTICE is hereby ;ivcn that the
creditor of said deceased will meet the
administrator of said estate, before me,
CountyJtfdge of Cass county, Nebr
at the County Court room in Platts
mouth, in said county, on the 9 day of
F('1)nmry 1'JIO, and on the 12 day 'of
August 11110 at 9 o'clock A. M., each
day, lor the purpose of presenting
their claims for examination, adiust
nicnt and allowance. , jt
Six months froiu,grffe; 9th day of
February I9l0y$1jowed for the
creditors of d deceased to present
their elainirf, And one year for the ad
ministrator 'to settle said estate, from
the 9th day of February, 1910.
Witness my hand ami seal of said
County Court, at Plattsmouth, Nebr.,
this 14 day of January, 1910.
(SEAL) Allen J. Beeson.
78-8 County Judge.
Notice to Pay Up.
In tho most friendly manner pos
sible I desire to notify all who are in
debted to me in any amount that I will
expect a settlement of their account
at the time of the coming pay day. It
is absolutely imperative that all bills
be paid and no further notice will
i ? if .
ue given, u you owe me in any
sum, you will avoid additional ex
pense and legal difficulties by calling
upon me at the time specified. If I
owe you, present your bill and you
'II -A A
win get, your money. Again,! say
that this is positively the last notice.
7075 t-f M. Fangcr.
Statu of Nebraska,
Cass County
In (lift Mattnr nf thn Extntn
of Vt illliim Henry KclKiTlon,
lo all iH'rsonH Inf'TCHtal In mild sttittv-
You aro hereby notified that thn ad
ministrator of km Id emu! i) li mo filed their
final report and petition, in tills court, prav
ItiK thai their uccounts he. allowed. nhIiI
OMlati'8 HCtlled, and the admlnixtriitoni (ll
clmiycil, and tho rcxldne of xnid awlKned
aceonllnK to law. That a hearing will lie
nod upon mild report and Htltlon before thin
Court at riHlUinotith. In wild county, on the
11 day of Kebriiary. 11110, at ! o'eloek A.M.
and that, nil oheetlonn, If any, mum Iio filed
on or Ixifore Kiild day and hour of hearinK.
iwtmva my nana and tlm ra-al of the
County Court of Huid Counlv Mil '24 ilnv
of January, 1U10.
HU-fl County Judite.
CUl.Vi r OK 'ANN,
In thA matter of the eNtateH j NOTICE
of Sumuel Mrl'adden. UK
Margaret, M. MeKudden, HEARING
i niiriouo .M. AiccaMden,
l.aura Mcl'mldi n.und Suritli
C. MeKudden, deeenNed.
ure hereby notified that on tho
JJn-l ilnv or Muirli. A. I) Mini m o nViix.k
A. M. there vi 111 lie a hctirinir uHin tho aivounlsi
in i no Administrator and J'etlllon for final
settlement in miiil estate) and (llstrlliiitli.n
made thereof, and that all objections thereto
must Ixi IM in this Court before said hour
or neaniiK on raid day.
.! Clark anl County Jtnliro.
in. . Kiioer ison.
Attorneys for KnUtos.
Stulo of Nebraska.
Cass County,
In tho matter of the cstato of Mary Mown
Nut lev Is hereby Riven that the creditors
of wild doeeaxed will meet tho administrator
of Huid estate, before me. County Jiidiro of
i as county .x'urasna. at t no County Court
room In i'liittsinoutli. in mild County, on the
I'.ilh day of February I'.HO and on tho Tl
AUKHKi iuiu at 10 o'eloek A. M each day
for tho purpose of present ln their claims
Mr examination, adjustment and nJlowanee.
si months are allowed for the creditors
or said deceased to present their claims, and
one year for tho ad ml n 1st rut Ion to nettle
said eft ate, from the I'.ltli day of Kebruaiy
1 1 in.
Witness my hand and ral of said Count v
Court, at I'lnttsinouth, Nebraska, this 2
day of January 1!I0.
(SiU) County Court
To all whom It nmy concern: Notice Is
hereby Klven that The Drunswlek-B ilke
Collcnder Company of Chicniro Cook
County Illinois will on tho of Kcl
eurv lulO in tho Town of riuttsmoutli Nebr
instill on litli. street in front of tho lintel
Riley lilock, at 10 o clock A. M. sell at I'ubllc
Auction ny virtue and under the cone It ions
of a Chattel Morttcime. the followliiK lies
(Tilted Roods and clialtels. vis Two 4xS
is-lipse Carrom Tables munlicrs IfiBOH and
ir,22H CHies, Cue Rucks, Bridges, Rail Racks,
Rubber rover, and two nets of Composition
I'imiI Halls, all ItclotiKlnK with the said tcbles,
and any other tlx U. res thereunto lieloiiKini
Tho reasons for said sale are as follows on
May the nth. liMHl li. K. Rand executed
to 1h Bruiuwlck-Balkc-Collenilcr Com
pany ton Promissory notes of sio.oo each
drawing Interest at tho rate of six. per cent
mt annum duo in one two three four five
six seven eight nine and ten months after
date, and lo secure the payment of said
note ho executed a Chattel .Mortgago of
even date therewith on the Chattels above
described to the Ilrunswlck-Iliiike-Coilender
Company, which mortgage was tiled in the
otllce of tho County Clerk of Cass County
Nebraska on the imh. day of May lutlti at
U o'cliM'k and 47 minutes A. M. and duly
rcrordtsi. Tho conditions of said mortgage
are such that in cast default should be made
In payment of either or any of said notes,
tir if the mortgagee should at any time deem
themselves Insecure they shall ho law lull
for said mortgagee to lake Immediate posses
sion of said Chattels and dispose of them at
public auction, and out of the money arising
from said sale pay all that remains unpaid
on said notes, together with all charges,
costs, and expenses'. Incident thereto.
There Is now due and unpaid six nf the
above doHcriliod notes, those falling due
Octolsr tllh.. November (1th., Dis'omlior
tltli. I'Kin and January mil., February mil.,
and March I'.HO, the last nicntloiiisj
note lielng duo by virtue of default under tho
said mortgage, a total of $iiO. with Interest
at 0 ior c'iit from the ttth, day of May lliou
and thn said mortgagor baring dcfai.lUsl
In the payment of said sums, the mortgagee
now seeks to foreclose. No suit or proceeding
at law ha been Instituted to recover the sums
herein (ought to lie collected. Tho procetsls
derived from tha tain of tho property herein
(loscrllxxl will he applied under tho condition
of th mid mortgage.
Datnl this 7b day of Kamiarr 1910.
TbeBrauwIrk-Balka-CollaaJar Canpany
By H. a. nuaaaw, Atturmay and Auut.
Public Auction.
I rill sell at public sale, at the
Ray Chrisfwiser homo on Monday,
Feb. 14 my horses, cattle and farm
Implements. Sale to begin at 10
V. M. sharp. Lunch at Noon.
J. W. SAGE.Ownej
Old Way The Best.
Much dissatifaction h!Vbecn ex
pressed regarding the primarysysteni
gf.nelecting candidates for state ami
county offices. A year ago the re
publican central committee under
took to name the cnadidates for
county office but their plan mis
carried and caused no little dissatis
faction. The Couiier never has ap
proved of the primary plan of nomi
nating. It is a useless expense to the
tax payers and does not insure us
the best men for office.
Why not return to the old plan of
nominating m conventions. You will
say, perhaps, that until the primary
law is repealed a defeated candidate
at the convent km would still be able
to file for the office under tho pri
mary law. That is true, yet the
same privilege was open to him to
file by petition under the old ilan.
Men selected in a convention would
have little to fear, however, from
the candidates who were unwilling
to abide by the wishes of the majo
The Courier suggests to the re
puiiiean9 oi cuss county mat we
hold a county convention, one of
the good old-fashioned kind in
Louisville s new opera house. We
would like to sec Dr. M. M. Ilutlcr
of Weeping Water, chairman of the
convention; hear Hob Windham, Ex-
Uovernor Sheldon, Congressman l'o
lard and others tell the old story of
prosperity. We will nominate Henry
Schneider for secretary and might
allow A. L. Tidd to say a few words
providing he will tell is in advance
what he intends to say and promises
not to keep the boys in suspense too
What do you say,, you republicans
of the old school. The Courier will
gladly donate space for your opinion.
Louisville Courier. T
Rev. L. W. Gade of Cincinnati,
Ohio who preached at the Presby
terian church yesterday was a plea
sant caller at the office of the Daily
News tins morning and visited nF
short time with the editor.
In tho Mattor of the Estate ORDER
of Waclav (called James) TO NIIOW
hrowlck, Deceased. I CAUSE.
This cause came 6n for hearing on the
petition of Will J. Hfrelnht. administrator
ol llie estate or Vtac aV Krow ek. deceased
nraylnff for license tojwll I-ut 81. fielng the
' oi me nrm uair or Mount Kast
quarter of North West. quarter of Hec.U,
i wp. ij, iiko. i.f r,. in i tins county, Nebraska
or a sulllclis't amount of the name to brlim
Iho sum of tm.r, for the payment of the
costs of administration, there, not IicIhk
siiiim (cm pcrNiuui properly in pay tno same.
It Is therefore ordered that all persons In-
lercsuti in sum estate, appear IxToro.ino at
ho District Court room In Pliitikituintli
Cass county. Nebraska, on the 21st day of
or i-otiy. HMO, at HI oclock A. M.. to show
cause why a license should not ho Kranied
in huiu aoiiunistraior to sen so mucli of the
alKivo described real state of said deceased,
as shall lie necessary to nav said debts nnd
expenses. It l-fffiirther ordered that this
order lie published in Tho Srmi Werklu rir
ntrnm. a muni weekly newspaper published
at, i iiiiismoiitii. ass county. Nebraska,
for a period of four weeks next, orlor in the
date of said lioalnij. Dated this 10 day of
juniiury, iuiu.
JudKOof tliu District Court
In the District Court ol
County, Nebraska.
David C. Craig
Delia M. Henry, formerly Delia M. Clark: Frank
J. ( lark: Wallace li. (;iurk: Jennie K. Clark
since Intermarried with A. J. Anderson: Cliff.
ton S. Clark: and all other persons or parties
iiiikiiuwii. claiming any rigtit. ime. or interest,
In the real estate described In plalniifl s peti
tion, and their unknown heirs defendents.
To all the above minted defendetils, except
r runii .i. iiiii K. ami Jennie k. i.iui'g, now Inter
married with A. J Anderson, defendents.
You are hereby noli lied that tlieulxive tunned
plaintiff, did on the thirteenth day of January.
A. i.. r.iio. mo Ids petition In the nfTiee of the
clerk of the district court above niimed.iigalnst
you and the other defendents above named the
object and prayer of which Is toquiet the title
io mo imisi otie-niiir 1'.. 1- or the Northeast
(juaruir(M'2 1-4) of 'Section Twoiitv-six (.'i!) and
the South one-half of the .Southwest Quarter nni-1) in .-leeiion wwetity-inree. lill In
lownsuip twelve t north of range Nine 9
in Luss t ouiity, Nebraska, In him the said
plaintiff for the reason that plaintiff and his
grantors, the defendents named, who were the
sole ami only neirs at Jaw of William W. Clark
(lecensed, late of Cass Couritv. Nebraska, hav.
Itig been In theopen, actual, vislnle, continuous,
lieucerui exclusive, notorious, adverse, undis
liirhod, and undisputed possesion of all the
said real estate desert lied for more than twelve
years lust past, claiming title thereto, puvini;
the tuxes on the same as they became due and
puyahle, and inuklng vuluiilile Improvements
inereon, ana tor a ierpelliul Injunction for
bidding all of said defendents from claiming
any rigni, line, interest, or estate, In or to
said real estate and premises described, or
interrupting Ms use and occupation thereto.
I'lutntlff prays fur a decteo quieting the title
to suid real estate In hlin, and for other relief
that equity may demand.
You are required to answer said pet II Inn on
or before the Twenty-tlrst day of tvbuury, A
I . Ifliu.
Dated January Vi. I It 1 0.
David C. Craig.
778 J'lalnlilT.
Smoke an
I And be Happy
M t . II I 4
Do you want n
If you do, get one who haa
Experience, Ability, Judgement
i Telegraph r Write
Robert Wilkinson,
Dunbar, Nebr.
Or call at the News-Herald office and
we will save you trouble and expense
in getting dates and terms. .
Good Service. Reasonable Rate.
.1.4.,l.,l,.l.,,4..t..l..l..f M...M .I..I .M I h it
John Durman
Expert Blacksmith
Has taken eharge of the Wil
liam Puis lUaekNniith Shop
4 1-2 miles wetd of Murray.
All kinds of Tine Horseshoe
ing nnd all kinds of Olack
smithlng. . Satisfaction guar
anteed. Call on Him.
Eggs'and Cream
"I havo worn W. L. Douflat shoes for th
past tls years, and always find they ar far
superior to all other high grade shoes In style,
comfort and durability." W. Q. JONES.
I 110 Howard Ave.. Utlco, N. Y.
If I could take you into my large fac
tories at Brockton, Mats., and show you
how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes ar
made, you would realize why they hold
their shape, fit better, wear longer, and
are of greater value than any other make.
'AITIOV-Hw that W. I Dough! roini-Rrol price
is Riamrns'l on the Imiiioiii. 'I'like n ftwhsiltiitci.
II yiiiirrii-nli-rraiimit lit you Willi W LliiiiurlBsiihws,
write tor Mail Orilur l.'alnKin. W.l..llaii(lat, llrm kuin,
Joseph Fetzer
At Low
Round Trip
On sale every first and third
Tuesday in each month to every
part of the Southwest.
Hugh Norton, Agent.
it r.
r r x Mr -r m.