A PUZZLER. Th Enigma th Secretary Was UnibU to Dtciphar. From Horace Urecley'i time great men have been noted for their poor chlrosrapliy. and lu this connection Joaquin Miller, the "poet of the Sier ras," Is no exception. Hut the best story regarding the poet's handwriting that I have heard came recently from the secretary of a well known local club. It seems that the club desired to have the poet address the organization at an annual affair at which an elaborate program hud been prepared. The sec retary addressed a letter to Joaquin telling blni of the purpose of the Jlukj and requesting his co-operation. He was scheduled for a recitation. In duo tlmo there came an answer from tho poet. It was In his own hand and covered four pages. In vain the secretary pored over tho mnnu script. He turned it over to the presi dent, tho board of directors and tho members in turn, but all failed to de cipher tho scrawl. The question be fore the club was, lias Miller accepted or has he declined 7 The secretary finally took the mat ter Into his own hands and addressed the following note to Miller: My Doar Mr. Mlllor-Your letter re ceived, but I have been unable to deter mine whether you have accepted or de clined our Invitation. If you will be pres ent on the date mentioned will you kindly make a cross on the bottom of this letter? If It will be Impossible for you to appear will you kindly draw a circle? In due time the letter camo bnck marked as requested, but tho secre tary could not decldo whether it was a cross or a clrcle.-Snn Francisco Call. The Scrap BnnttlrlTOcPlatemou!hTclcPhonc(:oh Don't Seek Trouble. Dispel thnt prophetic gloom which dives Into futurity to extract sorrow from . days and years to come and which considers Its own unhappy vi sions as the decrees of Providence. We know nothing of tomorrow: our business la to be good and nappy to day. Sydney Smith. A Popular Role. Mrs. Rogers bad the barrel of russet apples placed In the attic because they were not quite rtpo enough to eat, and she warned her three boys, whose ages rr.nge from five to eleven years, not to touch them. Then one rainy day when she sought the attic to get something from a trunk sho came full upon her sous sur rounded by apple cores. At her ap proach two of the boys drew closer together, but the third, a little distance An Embarratting Blunder. Toward the closo of a lawsuit. In Massachusetts the wife of an eminent professor arose and with a Darning face timidly addressed the court "Your honor," said she, 'If I told you I 'had made an error lu my testimony would It vltlute all I have said?" Instantly the lawyers for each side stirred themselves In excitement, while his honor gravely regarded her. "Woll, madam," suld the court after a pause, "that depends entirely on tho nature of your error. What was It, please r "Why, you see," answered the lady, more and more red and embarrassed. "I told the clerk I was thirty-eight I was so flustered, yon know, that when he asked my ago I Inadvertently gave him my bust measurement." Everybody's. Life's Compensations. Why should we ever weary of this life? Our aouli should widen ever, not con tract; Grow stronger and not harder In the strife. Filling- each moment with a noble act If we live thus, of vigor all compact. Doing our duty to our fellow men And striving rather to exalt our race Than our poor selves, with earnest hand or pen, We shall erect our names a dwelling place Which not all ages shall cast down again. Offspring of time shall then be born each hour, Which, as of old, earth lovingly shall guard To live forever In youth's perfect flower And guide her future children heaven ward. James Russell Lowell. The First Patient. An eminent New York surgeon, now very wealthy and the envied possessor of a large practice, often tells with glee of an incident of bis younger days. When be first bung out his shingle and started In to win fame and for tune things looked pretty gloomy. Six whole weeks be sat in bis modest lit tle office without a call from a single patient and bis first fee seemed a long way off. At last, one night there came a ring at the oitlce bell. The servant flew to the door. The doctor could not make up his mind whether he would rather be called to a good chronic pa tient or to some sensational accident to a well known citizen. He opened the door of the consulting room as calmly as be could and saw a young man there. "Excuse me, doctor," the young man said. "I wished to know If I could ar range to collect your bad debts on commission." Her Aim, Two men who bad apparently been doing the towu and not missing any of the places where liquids were dis pensed were unsteadily ambling home ward at an early hour after being out nearly all night "Don't your wife miss you on these occaslous?" asked one. "Not ofteu." replied the other. "She throws pretty straight." "WUATEVEll ABB iOU DOnJO?" off, who lay on bis stomach contented ly munching an apple, apparently paid no attention to his mother's entrance. "Juck: Henry! Willie'." she exclaim ed reproachfully. "Whatever are you doing? And those apples! Didn't tell you not to touch them?" "Yes, mamma," replied Jack, the eldest, "but we're not really eating them. We're acting the garden of Eden. Willie and 1 are Adnni and Eve. and Henry, over there, Is the scr pent trying to lead us to our downfall by showing us how good the apples are." "Hut," began the mother as sternly as she was able, "you two must have been eating apples. Henry hasn't done It all. I see as mauy as ten cores around you." "Oh. yeth." returned Willie, the youngest, "we've all been taking turnth being the therpent." Green's Fruit Grower. . Mistaken Identity. a man going home at a late hour in the night saw that the occupants of a house standing flush with the street had left a window up, and ho decided to warn them and prevent a burglary. Tutting his bead Into the window he called out: Hello, good peop" That was all he said. A whole pail ful of water struck bim In the face, and as he staggered back a woman Dhrlcked out: "Didn't I tell you what you'd get If you wasn't home by 9 o'clock!" One Way of Doing Business. Biliy Emerson, the minstrel, took a company of black face artists to Aus tralia In the old days and bad hard luck. On the way back he landed at Shanghai and gave a show. Emerson saw there was a good house. "Doing pretty well," be said to the box otllce man. "Fine!" that otllclal replied. "We've gut lu $400 In money and $1,400 lu chits." "In what!" gasped Emerson. "In chits." "What are chits?" "Why. promises to pay. Everybody uses chits here. Give a chit and settle it the end of the month." "Do you menu to tell me that you have let $1,400 worth of seats go for them chits, as you call them?" "Sure! Why not?" "And those people Just sigued their names and dldu't pay cash?" "Certainly." "Heavens: What a business I could do that way lu tio States!" groaned Emersou. Saturday Evening Post No Puvor Needed. The story Is told of the I!ev. James Patterson of Philadelphia that he once declared in u circle of his brethren he thought ministers mmht to be humble and poor, like their Muster. "1 h:ive ofteu prayed." said he. "that 1 might be kept humble. I never prayed mat i might be poor. I could trust my church for that!" Counterfeiters. Tommy had been reading a great deal lu the newspapers about senators and congressmen and lawmaking, and his tnlnd was tilled with legislative mutters. On tunuy occasions bis fa ther had explained as best he could the articles of which the newspapers treated and took pains to voice his opinion, which was not always favor able. With lils mind so actively fertilized and growing Tommy could not help asking his father one day: "Say, pop. why Is a senator like a counterfeiter?" "That's too Rtrong for me." replied his father. "What's the answer?" "Recause." answered Tommy trlum phantly, "he makes and tries to past Home pretty bud bills." ill Install Telephones on Short Notice Business rate per month $2.00 Residence rate per month $1.00 650 Telephones on the Platts mouth Exchange. Office Next Door to Post Office. The Platlsmoulh Telephone Co SEE PLATTSMOUTH SUCCEED See Plattsmouth Succeed, Smoke Acorn Cigars, IVIade here at home and famed near and far; Of flavor the finest you smoke and repeat Kings of their kind They cannot be beat. Every Puff is a pleasure, enjoyment complete. And their fillings selected from Cuban choice fields, Complete satisfaction the Acorns yield. Over the country they jumped into fame, Right from the start they are always the same. No Products are better all men have agreed. Smoke Acorn Cigars See Plattsmouth Succeed. Manufacturers George Hild accompanied by Joseph Bcril went to Omaha on the first train this morning. Mr. Beril has been in America but eleven months yet he speaks English very well. He came from Bagern, Germany. In that country the farmers live in villages and till the land adjoining, having their schools and churches more convenient than in this country. John Fredrick of McClcan Nebr. and Philip Phorniff, of Pckin, 111. arrived from the east this morning, and will visit relatives in Cass county for a time. Over the Mil to Ferry. Yesterday County Clerk D. C. Morgan, appointed Fred Patterson as viewer of the road from Wintcrstine Hill over to the ferry, with instruc tions to report by Feb. 10. After the report of the viewer is in the hands of the parties interested they will have not less than sixty nor more than ninety days to make their objections and requests for damages. As fast as the law will allow the matter will be pushed so that before many moons the highway to the ferry will be in shape for autoa and other vihiclea. The Kansas City Weekly Star The most comprehensive farm paper AH the nens Intelligently told Farm qusstlons an swered by a practical farmer and experimenter Exactly what you want In market reports. One Year 25 Cents. Address THE WEEKLY STAR, Kansas City, Mo. ColdWeafter lH'T'H"r'H'H"H"H"H"fr'H"H' Comforts Our Coal is the best cool weather comfort that you will be able to find in town. These chilly fall winds will soon turn into winter and you will need the comfort that our coal will give you. Better order early to avoid disappointments when an extra chilly day comes. I; J. V. Egenberger j 1 .. J. W. CRABILL Watchmaker and Jeweler. JUST RECEIVED New Belt and Collar Pins. New Bracelets. New Hat Pins. Dia monds, Signet and Plain Rings. CALL AND SEE THEM ART STUDIO and GRAFT SHOP If Instruction In water color, art leather, hrwsjh and copper. Home decoration A graml op portunity to learn art. When you once know it. you ca.i earn a treat deal of money in your I Lome Heat of instruction by teacher who spent I many yenis in a:t centers in the east, and in 1 Atlifs H.rin Write for free particulars. I Mrs. M REX COTTON. 607 Bos Bl Jo-Omaha, Web. Postponed. The first appearance of the Grew Stock Company at the Parmele has been postponed to February 9th instead of February 4th as has been advertised. They will play the "In vader" at the opening. Buys Eusche Property. A deal was closed today completing the sale of the Jonh Busche property a block cast of Columbian school to Ed Bratner. A BOY OR A GIRL CAN EARN AS MUCH AS A MAN We want boys and girls who want to earn money to so licit subscriptions to The Kansas City Weekly Star. Don't hesitate because you are young, as you can do the work as readily as older persons and we will pay you just the same. The Kansas City Weekly Star is the best known weekly newspaper in the West and your spare time spent working for it will pay you handsomely, not in toys, watches or other small wares, but in Cash. Write today . for terms and full information. Address THE KANSAS CITY WEEKLY STAR, Kansas City, Mo. An Anocdoto of Maeready. One of tin most amusing anecdote: fif MiicromlyV petulance of temper re lates to n revival of 'Henry VIII." un der tho management of Maddox nt the Princess' theater. In Londou. The pari of Cardinal Catnpelus was assigned to a brother of Mr. (Spurge Augustus Sain whose stage tin me was Wynn. for whom Macready hud an Inveterate (lis like. The tragedian had Implored tti manager to see that Campelus was fur nlshed with a costume which should tiot seem entirely ridiculous beside the splendid robes he himself wore as Wolsey, but Mnddoz, of course, disre garded the Injunction. At the dress rehearsal Maeready. en throned In n chair of state, hud the various characters to pass before him He bore all calmly until, chid In scar let robes bordered by silver tissue pa per and wearing an enormous red hut. Wynn approached. Then, clutchln both arras of bis chair mid closing bU ryes, thp (treat tragedian gasped out. "Mother Suipton. by heoveu!" Dr. A. P. Barnes, moved his house hold effects into the Wilson three story dwelling on south Ninth street, formerly occupied by ex-county trea surer J. L. Barton. The Doctor will will be properly equipped to take roomers. It has become necessary to postpone tho first appearance of the Grew Stock Company nt the Parmele and instead of showing on next Friday night they will be here on the follow ing Wednesday night and will open with "The Invader." Fed. 9 the time. MASQUERADE BALL. The Jollv Six Indains will hold their Masnucradc ball at Coates hall on Saturday cveninir Feb. 5. to which the public b attention Is called. Ihoe Lichen the Aksarben costumer is to furnish tho costumes and will be in Plattsmouth from noon Saturday till midnight, having a special room at tho Coatca block for the purpose of displaying the suits. Phono Anton II. Koubck No 87. t ? ? t ? t f y ? ? ? t 1 I X X X X X f ? ? ? ? T ? ? t "Tired at Three O'clock?" "No Sir! I Use the Monarch" MONARCH IF typewriters were machines run b mechanical means in stead of human hands, you would find that, with a given amount of power, a Monarch could be run at a higher maintained speed than other typewriters. Run by "girl power," you find that the Monarch is run at a higher all-day average speed than other typewriters, and without a "tapering off," from fatigue toward the day's end. Both these truths are due to the fact that LIGHT TOUCH lightens the draft, uses tower more economically. Eliminates the waste of energy that typifies the heavy-touch machines. This in turn means increased production per machine and de creased cost of typewriter work ter folio. The Monarch Light Touch and the Monarch Rigid Carriage are exclusive Monarch features, every other import ant feature of the modern typewriting machine, such as Back Space Key, Two Color Ribbon Shift, Contained Tabula tor, etc., etc., will also be fourd on the Monarch. Let us give you a demon stration of Monarch Light Touch and other Monarch advancements. Write For Illustrated Descriptive Literature. THE MONARCH TYPEWRITER COMPANY. 411 South 15th Street, Omaha. Nebraska. Executive Offices: Monarch Typewriter Building, 300 Broadway, New York. t T T t t t t f t t f V ? T t ? : f f ? T ? ? ? ? f ? ? ? Y ? ? ? f ? ?