i I Brother Taylor of the Central City NonjK.riel says thut we arc a foot ball rooter and therefore Ret hilarious over Lusted heads and broken bones, eonscqueiit'y ire net a eo!iiHtrnt j judge of the outside merits of the game. We are not a foot ball rooter. We don't like to see busted heads at all. lint we do believe that there are many worse things at the state university of Nebraska than foot bull. There are some things which cause more harm and are instrumental in more failures than foot ball and there fore are more dangerous. If a loving mother and fond father sends his boy and girl to the state university, there are things that they need to steer clear of which are much more harmful than foot 1 all. The two United State Senators from this state certainly did a wise thing when they got together on the recommendation of Frank S. Howell i for United States District Attorney Mr. Howell is a good lawyer, a hard worker and a straight 'republican, just progressive enough to be lieve that there are reforms to be brought about which should . be made, but not so "progressive" that he thinks that the republican party cannot solve them. His appointment will bring credit upon the party and also upon the state of Nebraska The editor of the Journal 's so hard up for inateriid to hurl at this pajter that he must needs invade the Han- city of the death bed to find material from which to booster up his argu incuts. We will admit that the special correspondence sent to this paper was a day late owing to the fact that it got mixed with dead copy and was not discovered till too late to be set up. This paper can find plenty of stuff to sling at our coni- yVemporary up the pike without re sorting to such extremes. The two spot up the pike thinks it wonderful that this paper should devote so much ppace recently to it. There is nothing strange about it at all. We are here practically a stranger and not aware that those who know the Journal well do not consider its utterenies of suffieent account to be noticed. Candidly we do feel that it was good animation wanted on game that is of so little consequence that there is no closed season. The Journal answers the article in k this paper last week showing the un reliability of its information regard ing the running of the state institut ions by saying that the editor of this paper got fired from a soft snap in the state house. That is pretty good argument and next fall when the editor of the Journal tries to get elected again to the soft snap he had in the legislature he will know just how we feel. The editor of the Central City Nonpariel offers a years subscription to any man who will tell just what the legislature was trying to get at when it passed that celebrated pause- less section in the law for nomination United States senators. Masy money, Taylor. Th.y were trying to pass a sum tiling law which would get Bill j Bryan into the United States senate. ry us on a hard one. In explaining the word "insurgent" the Minden Courier says that a deni crat is an insurgent and don't know it." It also says that an "insurgent in politics is the same as nn infidel in religion." According to that ruling a republican who is an insurgent is a democrat, a democrat is nn insur gent and the whole darn bunch are infidels. We are glad that our unfortunate, unreliable, unsophisticated and un apreeiatativc contemporary up the pike 1ms at last taken a tumble to the fact there is something doing down at the office of the Daily News. His acknowledgement that we are a "Joker is owning up to the fact that we are the best card in the deck. If the "special correspondent" was right in his statement made in the "two spot" why is the latter keeping ; 1101 cor o mum over the article published this paper that his statement was not true. Has he examined the re cords and found out that he was luukood ly his "special"? $ Store Class In our selection of the most or dinary drug store goods as well as in our selection o f rare drugs, every effort is made for new nes and quality We Are Agents For , Nyal Family Remedies These remedies are made by one of the lar gest manufac turers of.; high class pharma ceuticals in the United States and this alone is a guarantee of their worth. Weyrich & Hadraba THE RED CROSS DRUG STORE Plattsmouth Phone No. 121. Do you want an AUCTIONEER? If you do, get one who has Experience, Ability, Judgement Telegraph or Write Robert Wiikiiiscn, Dunbar, Nebr. Or call at the News-Herald office and we will save you trouble and expense in getting1 dates and terms. Good Service. Reasonable Rate. i,il,ii....H..lltt,,eiiilliil,ii,i,H"t-"i"t"t' John Durman I Expert Blacksmith Has taken charge of the Wil liam Puis Blacksmith Shop 4 1-2 miles west of Murray. 1 All kinds of Fine Horscshoe f ing and all kinds of Black f smithing. Satisfaction iruar- I antecd. Call on Him. Mrs. McIIugh and daughter Mary who have been the guests of friends in this city and at South Bend for three weeks, departed for their home at Fall City this afternoon. Notice. Notice U hereby Klven that the antiunl m. I.... tt.n Ut....lh..l.li.u ... f...-ti. . in " .''vniiiFtu. n in ma iiuriiiiKion A Missouri Klver It It Company In Nebraska, win or. neiu in riaiismuutu, Isco.. at It) A M Fell. 84. IUIO. 1h. m llnif -.111 .u kuM 1 . 1 I . uu NKici.un "m ucw IUI UC I'irCllUn 01 nlna Directors for the company to Nerve during the etinurlnK year, and fur the transaction of such other uuluet im may legally come be fore It W. V. Durke, CO. BOARD IN SESSION Much Business Transacted and Adjourn to Meet Again On Feb. 1. NEWSPAPERS REQUIRED TO BUTCHER RATES Same' Old Stunt Pulled Oil Re quiring Pappers to do Busi ness at a Loss. Plattsmouth, Neb., Jan. 11th, 1010. Board nut pursuant to adjourn ment. Present, ('. H. Jordan, L. D. Switzer, and M. L Priedrieh, County Commissioners, D. C. Morgan, County Clerk. Minutes of last session read ami approved, when the following business was transacted in regular form : Petition from Army Post at Mill wood, requesting the appointment of David MeCoig as member of Soldiers Relief, received and placed on file. Joseph Mullen was this day ap pointed member of Soldiers Relief Commission. M. M. Butler was this day apio:nt ed County Physician for the year 1910 the compensation shall be $5.00 per day, and mileage not to exceed 20.00 per day, nor shall the total fees ex ceed $500.00 per year. lioardof Health organized with C. R. Jordan Chairman, L. D. Switzer Vice-Chairman, M. M. Butler Phy sician, and D. C. Morgan Secretary. Intimate of expense for year 1010, are as follows: Court House Expense, - $ 5000 00 Commissioners Salary, - - 3000 00 County Superintendent saly. 1500 00 Assessing County - - - 3500 00 Making Tax List - - - 700 00 Books, blanks and supplies - 2000 00 Election Expense - - - 2300 00 Fuel ------ - 1500 00 Jail and Jailer Fees 1S00 00 Paupers and Poor Farm - 2000 00 County Attorney, salary - 1000 00 Bridges - - -30000 00 Roods ------ -25050 00 Incidentals ----- 7500 00 Soldiers Relief - - - - 1000 00 Courts Expense - - - - 7500 00 Sheriffs Salary ----- 17.50 01) Total ? 100,000.01) The county clerk was this day in structed to call for bids as follows: County printing, burial of pauper poor, county physicians, bids to be filed by noon, February 7, 1910. Official bond of George S. Smith, Assessor Rock Bluffs prect., approved. Bond of Bank of Commerce Louis ville, Depository Bank, approved. Bond of Bank of Murdock, De-1 pository Bank, approved. Bond of Bank of Union, Depository Bank, approved. Report of fees earned by county judge 4th quarter, approved. In the matter of John McMaken, killed by the cars at Ceder Creek, PREIIWENTORY SAIE 9 Our Pre Inventory Sale means a 20 per eett deduction until January 15th .throughout our store, without a reserve not a limit placed on any article. ft-' Our Rummage Sale means that nil odds, all merchandise slightly soiled from handling or faded from being exposed to the sun in windows, it means all remnants, it means all dis continues, it means our bargain counter is filled with bar gains of the deepest water,bed rock Bargains. It means such low prices that will turn them into Money. If you fail to take advantage of these bargains you are the loser. Come and rummage through, get our rummage prices and you will never fail to attend our future rummage sales. The Variety Store Plattsmouth, Neb., 3rd Door Last of Hank of Cass County. ! It-M-M-M 1111 II I 1 I I lit Cold Weather Comforts Our Coal is the best cool weather comfort that you will be able to find in town. These chilly fall winds will soon turn into winter and you will need the comfort that our coal will give you. Better order early to avoid disappointments when an extra chilly day comes. j J. V. Egenberger j Xeb., it appearing that after having been buried by the County of Cass, the following money wae found upon his person and due him from A. V. Atwood & Co., for labor which was turned over to the County as fol lows: Remittance Letter, Cedar Creek, N'eb., 12, 2S, 1(109. M. L. Friedrieh, I'lattsuumth, Neb. Particulars of Remittance: 1 check No. -1 tS ft Dee. S, favor of Mike McMaken - - -$19 00 1 U. S. Silver Celt fieatc No. 2(125790 ----- 5 00 1 Bank Note No. A 2S0512S1 10 00 1 National Note No. M MOO 10 00 1 National Note No. I) 0919 10 00 1 National Note No. M 3055 10 00 Total ------- $c,t 20 Witness as to counting, sealing and dispatching, C. E. Metzger, A.O. Ault. In addition to above the following cheek paid to county by A. V. At wood it Co., No. 17, Jan. S, 1910, amounted to J10.90, making grand total of $75.10. The following list of names selected by the county commissioner from which!') elioos; a jury for the next term of district court : Plattsmouth City First Ward, John Linderinan, James II. Thrasher; Plattsmouth Second Ward, Charles (Iradevill, h'nord Born, Einil Walters; Plattsmouth City Third Ward, Win. Holly, Win. Wehrbein, Albert Des- pain, Jomes Ptoeek; Plattsmouth City Fourth Ward, (leorge L. Farley, L. 11. Egenberger, Ben Hyde; Plattsmouth City Fifth Ward, John Vondran, (ieo. Perry; Plattsmouth precinct, C. A. Vallery, John Kaffenherger, William Adams; Eight Mile (irove precinct, Adam Kaffenberger, Ed. Becker, Jacob Buehler; Mt. Pleasant precinct, John Kreager, Carl Englekcmeior; Center precinct, Joen Domingo, Win. Wendt; Nehawka precinct, Vilas Shel don, John Knabe; Lonisville precinct, John Schocnian, Miles Drake, Clias. Jaekman; Liberty precinct, Creed Harris, Matt McBuin, William Cross; 1st Rock Bluff, W. E. Dull, Henry Cramer; 2nd Rock Bluff, M. L. Fur long, Mark White; Avoea precinct, Emerson Dowler, John Bogarp; Weep ing water 1 ity first warn, Jonn Carder; Weeping Water City Second Ward, Wash. Bullis; Weeping Water City Third Ward, John Fowler; Weep ing Water precinct, II. II. Lawton, J. P. Ilasmussen; South Bend precinct, Geo. Vogel, Hill Targening; Salt Creek precinct, J. C. Lemon, S. M. Mourey, II. II. Wiedeman; Tipton precinct, John Elliott, John Trolich, Lee Suavely; Greenwood precinct, John Arfes, II. Hart; Stove Creek precidct, Wm. Kunz, Claus Ohm, Henry Miller; Elnr.vood precinct, Ilenrv P. Dchrine, W. V. Lau, Id- ward Hcinke. The following claims were allowed on the Goneral Fund: Nebr. Lighting Co., Gas to jail ami Court house, - - - A 1 32 J. K. Tuey, Mdse. to County farm, - - ----- 38 91 Streight it Steight, Burial of Mrs. Finney, - - - 39 90 T. P. Livingston, M. D. Addit ional fees in Thacker case, - 22 90 Road Fund. Johnson it Jones, Repairs to RUMMAGE SALE II I I 1 "I "H"M"I"H I 1 I II M 4 road District No. 9, - - 9 75 Board rdjourned to meet Feb. 1st, 1910. 1). C. Morgan, County Clerk. In the District Court of Caas County, Nebraska. Puvld ('. Crulti. 1'luintllT, VH KelUM. Henry, formerly Delia M. ('lurk: Kriink J I'lurU: Wul litre II. Clark: Jennie K. ( lurk, sliwe Iiileriimrrled with A. J. Anderson; ClilT lull S. I'lurk; uud all etlirr persons or parties unknown, rlaimlnif any rliriit. title, or Interest, in Hie real estate ilrsrriheil In tilalntifT's peti tion, ami their unknown heirs ilefemlenls. To all thi! above nainetl ilefeiulents. except Frank J ( lark, ami Jennie K. Clark, now Inter married with A. J Anderson. iWendetils. You are hereby iioiillrd that thealiove named plaintiff, did on the Uniterm li day of January. A I)., I Hill, tile his petition In the uthVe of tlie clerk of tlie district court above nitnied.at.'ainst you and the other drtetulentH above named the objeelund prayer of which is toiiulet the title to the Kast one-half K l-'.' of the Northeast yuurter(NK 1-4) of 'Section Twenty-six (.11) and the South one-half of the Southwest Quarter (Sl-i SWI-4) of sect Ion Sweaty-three, all in Township Twelve north of rani(e Nine ill In Cass County, Nebraska, in him the huui plaintiff for the reason that plaintiff and his Krantors, the defendents named, w ho were the sole and only heirs at law of William W. Clark, deceased, late of Cass County, Nebraska, hav ttitr been in theoen. actual. visible, eontintious, peaceful exclusive, notorious, adverse, undis turbed, and undisputed possesion of ail the said real estate described for more tban twelve years last past, claiming title thereto. paying the taxes on the same as they became due and payable, and milking vitluuiile Improvements thereon, and for it perpetual Injunction for blddinK all of said defendents from rhilmliiK any rlnht. title, interest, or estate, In or to said real estate and premises described, or Interrupting his use and occupation thereto. I'laintlff prays for a decree ctiletlnit the title to said real estate In him. and for other relict that eiuitymay demand. You are required to answer said petition on or before the Twenty-llrst day of Kebuary, A. I). IttlO. Dated January 13, I 10. David l Cralif. 77 8 I'laintlff. 111 (111 A. MYKH8. Atttirtryat'I.au:, Omnhit, A'r6. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER CHATTEL MORTfiACS. N'bllee Is hereby lvrn that liy virtue of a chattel iiiortKiine. dated the iMth day of February, I'.mih. and duly Hied In the otllce of the County Clerk of CaHX County, Nebraska, the 2Mh (lav of Kebrunry, LSI is, and exes-uted by W hite llros.. Charles L. W hite and Paul A. White, partner, to K. S. L). VtMirheoH. to secure the payment of the sum of Two Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy-One and 70-IOO Dollars (S2.471.70). and upon which there is now due the sum of Two Thousand Three Hundred and Ninety Dollars (IJ.H'.MI.IKI), default having lon made In the payment of said sum. and no suit, or other procoedliiK at law havitiK Ixvn Instituted to recover said debt, or liny part thereof: TIIKItKKOItK. I will sell the property therein deserllHsl, to-wit: stork of hardware, furniture, tinware, stoves, shelf kihmIs, evcrythiiiK carried In stock In the store known as llurr llulldiiiK. in the village of (ireen wood. Cass County. Nebraska.: also all Im plements twine, fcncltiK. store llxtures in said litiilditiK. anil In basement: also all notes and book accounts taken for sale of said stock, at public auction at the Itarr llulldiim. in the vilhiKo of (ireenwood, County of Cass. State of Nebraska, on the 3lNt day of Jan uary. 1010, at 3 o'clock p. nt. on said day. 73-81 K. S. I). VOOHIIKKS, MortKwe. IN COUNTY COURT. State of Nebraska, , RH. Cass County. In the matter of (lie estate of Mary Mornnn, disvasisl: To all iiersons Interested: You are hereby notified that there will be a hearing upon the petition of W. H. Askwllh. tiled in this court, for the appointment of an administrator of above estate, on the -'Jnd day of January. I'M (l. at !l o'clock a. in. That nil objections, if any, must be filed on or before said day and hour of bearing ilness my blind and the seal of the County Court of Cass Count v, Nebraska, this "Jllrd (lav of December. IHO'.I. (SfcAL.) Al l KN J. HKKSON 7I-7U County Jutle IN COUNTY COURT. State of Nebraska, S3. Cass County. In the matter of the estate of James li. Cat hey. deceased: To all person Interested: You are hereby not Hied that . 11. Piilt:, the administrator of above estate, has Hied in this court his report and petition for final settlement of said estate. That a betirini: will lie had upon said petition before tills court, at I'lattsniouth. In said county, on the ilL'nd day of January. HMO. at 111 o'clock a. in. Thut all objections to said petition. If any, must be Hied on or before said day and lioiir of hearing. Witness my hand and the seal of the Count." Court of said County this 2ftth day of Decem lier, l'JOU. (SKAL.) AMES .1. niCKHON, 74-7U County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. State of Nebraska. S8. In County Court. Cass County. In the matter of the estate of I'eter Haticn, dts'eased. Notice Is hereby given that tiiorrislltorsol said dis-eiised will mtvt the administruti r of said estate, before me. County Judge of Cass County, Nebraska, at the County Court room In I'lattsmouth. in said county, on Jan uary 'it li. ItilO. and on July IKitli. Itild. at 9 o clock a. m. each day. for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, ad justment and allowance. mix months iroiu tne ::itn nay or Jan uary. l'.IIO. are allowed for the creditors of said ricreasiil to present their rluinis. and one year for the administrator to settle said estate, from the 2l)tli day of January, ltllll. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, at I'lattsmouth. Nebraska, this 2'Jth dav of December, liltlll. (SKAI..) Al.I.EN J. IIKESON, 7-4-NI County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. State of Nebraska. S3. In County Court. Cass County. In the matter of the estate of Cflrollno liauen, deceased : Notlve Is hereby Riven that the creditor of said defeased will meet the administrator of said estate, before me. County Judge of Cass County, Nebraska, at the county court room in I'lattsinoutli. In said count v. e:i January 2Mb. luio. and on July With. MHO, nt U o clock a. in., each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Hlx months from the 2m h day of Jimunrv, 191(1, are allowed for the rreditoni of m. id dint-cosed to present their claims, and one yi ar for the administrator to settle said estate, from the 2.'th day of January, 1011). Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, at riuttsuioutli. Nebraska, this 2m (i day of December, ItiOU. (HKAL.) A1J.KN J. HKKSON. 74--KI County Judge. ..ntM4MMH-4..t,.,li,l;Mt4.w.'- Smoke an ACORN And be Happy Want Column WANTED. W A NTED- Wotnan to do laundry work. Good whch, a ply at onre at Hotel Rilev. FA KM LOANS NeRoin ted at 5 1-2 percent. Windham Investment it Ixmn Co. V-7(Mx FOIL SALE An NO-aerc farm inOtoo county. 40 ucrt-H Adjoining Platts nioutli, also small acreage tracts. Windham Investment & Loan Co. W-7G-3x Wedding Bells Ring Saturday afternoon Judge liecson issued a license to lister L. I'utton giving him permission to wed Miss Carrie Nelson, lioth parties were re sidents of Omaha. Yesterday after noon at the home of the 0 room's parents Mr. and Mrs. (!. L. I'utton of this city in the presence of friends of the contracting parties, the happy couple were made one. Tlie cermony was performed ly Ucv. Austin of tin? Methodist church Mr. (iernie Thomas and Miss Mary Sharp stood with the contracting parties during the ceremony. Thu young people will make Omaha their future home, and they have the hesi wished of a host of friends to attend them in their new home. HOT & SON BUYS Poultry, Butter, p Eggs and Cream UHWHUS 3.$350&$4.SHOES B0YSSH0ES. 2SS THE LARGEST MAKER AND RETAILER OF MEN'S FINE SHOES IN THE WORLD. "8UPERIOR TO OTHER MAKES." "I have worn W. L. Douglas ihoes for the pait tia years, and always find ther are far1 auperlor to all other high grade shoes In style, comfort and durability." W. Q. JONES. 10 Howard Ave.. Utlca. N. V. If I could take you into my large fac tories at Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefully W. L. Douglas shoe are made, you would realize why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and re of greater value than any other make. CAHTIUN-Hw that W. I.. DoiikIm naino and price li MainpNl on the bottom. Tuk Niibatttiite, If your ilraler raiinol at you with W l..luuii!iilni, write tor Mail Oiilrr CstaloK. W.L.Dougla, UrocktoD, Maw. FOR BALE BY Joseph Fetzer 1 w Houiitl 7 r ip Rotes On sale every fi' l rv ' ! Tuesdiiy in each m.i;tli l i. .y j part of the L(Kllhwct. MISSOURI. ARKANSAS, LOUISIANA, TEXAS. OKLAHOMA, KANSAS AND COLORADO Huh Norton, Agent. r t v n - TTLEfS c: ll W 71-1 bearetart.