SILO IS PERMANENT FACTOR IN HUSBANDRY FaFIIierS9 Their Motives Pure apd IdealS Records Good st3S Time Not Far Distant When Stock Raisers as Well as Duirymen Will Depend on It Entirely lor Feed-By Prof. A. S. Glover. Chat on Interesting Topics of Many Kinds, by a Recognized Authority Hy MRS. GEORGE S. LADD the M Showing How to Start Silo on Foundation. ' It Is more than n quarter of a cen tury since tlio American farmer bo t;nn to can somo of Ills green crops In a vessel, t ailed n silo. There lias been much written and a great deal of ex perimenting done to prove the. feasl Mllty of preserving some of our green food In this Manner. There Is no longer any question that this method ,ls one of tho best as well ns tho cheapest ways we have of storing Bomo of our green crops. In the beginning man;' ill-construct-d silos were built and extravagant claims were made for their use. In many Instances tho silage was very jioor In quality, which led many thoughtful and conservative people to condemn the silo. Since we have learned to fill them properly tho prejudlco and suspicion nro fast disappearing nnd silos are lielng built In every part of the coun try where livestock is kept. The silo has become a permanent factor In American husbandry and tho stock raisers, as well as tho dairymen, will depend largely on tho contents of tho silo for green feed. Tho progressive dairymen have long realized the value of succulent food for their cows, and they have been using silos for many years. It is the more conservative farmers who are now rapidly becoming converted to th 3 use of silage and nro making In quiries In regard to tho building of alios and many other questions per taining to this method of preserving feed. These questions havo led the writer to prepare these notes on tho silo and silage. it Is a settled question that the silo snould bo built round, for In a build in.; of this shape t ho silage is best pro nerved. In a round structure tho con tents settle more evenly than in nny other shaped building, and If the corn Is properly put into the silo the ma- to havo more material to feed It Is better to build two small receptacles than one larger than 20 feet In dl anieter. It Involves considerable more labor to handle silage In a very largo structuro than In one of reasonable slzo. Many farmers prefer to have two silos. They feed from one during tho winter and havo tho contents of the other for midsummer's feeding, Tho silo should never be built In the barn. Sllago Is more or less a fermented product and must bo fed with care, otherwise tho milk may be. come tainted by Its use. Ilarns that contain a silage always bear the odor of the silage, and this should be avoid ea ir nigh grade milk Is to be pro duced. A circular foundation of stono, brick or grout is constructed from two to three feet above tho ground to protect tho timbers from moisture. The wall Is built from 14 to 20 Inches thick, do pending upon tho nnturo of tho soil nnd tho slzo of tho silo to bo built. Tho top of tho wall should be beveled outward, which permits the water to flow awny very quickly from tho base of the building. SOY BEANS A GOOD CROP Hogs Take Very Kindly to This Plant and Eat Ileana Readily Fleoh Former Hy Prof, II. A. Moore. Roy beans were first grown at tho Wisconsin experiment station in 18U9. nnd each year since the acreage and tho number of varieties tested have been increased. The tests at this station have been made for the purpose of determining their valuo as a forago plant and of tiding out which varieties, If nny, were adapted to our soil nnd climate. Twenty-nine varieties have been on trial. Of these the Michigan green seems especially adapted to be grown with corn for silage. This Is a me dium early variety and is noted for A Harvest Home Party. In Sweden they make a ceremony of bringing in the last sheaf of wheat signifying that tho "summer is over and the harvest ended." With this in mind, a hostess who is noted for her originality issued Invitations for a Harvest Home" party at her place In the country. It is now quite the thing not to return to town until the first of November, so the beautiful foliage and the glories of autumn are enjoyed to the full. At this party, which was given last year, too late to get In the department owing to the fact that It must be made up several weeks in ad vance, tho house and spacious ver andas were literally covered with gor geous oak and maple leaves, as was tho lower floor of the great barn where dancing took place at eight o'clock. The hours were from five to ten, which just permitted the making of trains to and from the city. A novel feature was the playing of the band composed of the workmen on the place. They wero mostly Ger mans, nnd as each department had Its own foreman with helpers the or ganization was quite complete as well as unique. They played for tho dan clng, and to a most stirring march they led the gay party to the last sheaf of wheat in the field. It was laid In the pony cart belonging to the ten-year-old daughter of the house, who drove tho prettily docon pony into the barn, where the sheaf was placed in the middle of the clean ly swept floor nnd the hostess paid a tribute to Ceres, a health being drunk In mulled cider made on the place and served by the hostess. After a supper of fried chicken, boiled ham, hot muf fins, rice nnd tomatoes cooked to gether with shrimp, which the colored cook said was "Juinbalaya," tea, cof fee, Macedoine of vegetable, salad nnd pumpkin pie, the dancing began. After a few informal dances there was what tho hostess called a "Farm ers cotillon, because nil the ngures pertained to work on the farm, and the favors consisted of big straw hats, sunbonnets, whips, milking stools, tin pails, spades, rakes, hoes, etc. It was all very original and pretty. Cider frappe was on hand for the dancers. HaUHHHOHISMHMI name of a state. The story here has the blanks correctly tilled for the ben efit of tho hostess. A handsome (Mil.) foil In love with a (Miss.) whom ho attended when slio wan (111.), and who wus sweeter than any Mower of the (Del.), lie asked her hand In marriage, but liT (Pa.) wished her to wed his war tlmo friend, tho (Col ), who was rich, but who looked as If he had rome out of the (Ark.). So ho put the doctor off by saying he would (Conn.) tho matter (Ore). Hut the lover pressed him, nnd said: "(Wy.) will U.) not clve (Me.) un unswer?" The father, being a 1 ankee, answered his question by ask Ing another, AM only doing justice to tin' farm people when 1 allinn that their ideals of life are higher, their motives purer and their records of crime less than those of any other class of people. The great majority of them arc honest, industrious, intolli-. nt and charitable. 'What can constitute a higher typo of citizen ship? The atmosphere of tho farm home is.pure. It speaks for itself. From it has conic the majority of tho greatest and best, men women of the nation. Statistics prove this assertion. Nowhere docs the love of home seem so strong as among th 3 (Kan.) you support a f.irm nonnln niwl it n reeivmieil fuel that, ''the home makes the nation." wife?" and added bluntly that ho feared I I r his dauKhter would have to (Wash.) for Theodore Ii'oosevclt realized this when he said: lhere is no more impor ter living, should she marry so poor a , , i ,i i;r nf iUn .,;, 41.., .1... The young man replied: "Although l;t"1, pci-oii cvtiiiilt hit liniucuce upon inu iuu ui w. mm"" mm. mi: could SpnrtIOn,,i:1) loKol ilTm wif 110 K 1"'C rmf ll0m a"'1 St marry." When ho met his sweetheart is 0f national importance to do the host vc can for both." next morning at early (Mass.) nnd told her of tho interview, she said: "(ha.) i Ask anv merchant in any town or citv to what class ot people lie could love you no (Mo.) had you ull tho . . , ... ,. " .. if ., ' .. wealth of (ind.)." So they wero married would rather extend credit, and lie will tell you the tanner every tune; XHtaVtai but in order to pay his honest debts the farmer and his family deny to keep them from being happy. themselves innnv of the uleasurcs of life and some of the necessities. People representing the great basic industry of this country should not he obliged to do this. They should receive a just compensation for the After this came a map-drawing con test Tho guests wero handed large sheets of paper with pencils and told to draw any country they chose, with products of their farms a rew principal rivers, mountains and cities; to write their names and the name of tho country on the back and pin the paper on the wall. Then all had to guess what was what. Tho one who guessed the most correctly re The thought of the farm people is not ''How innch can I get out of you?" but 'ilow much can I do for you?" The old saying that "virtue is its own reward" does not seem to apply to the farmer on this earth, but it may in the hereafter. He does not seem to be a part of anything wooden mouldings. celved a prize. Slips of paper were really, except work and taxes. The same tax rate is placed upon him as then passed containing tho names of u.)(m t, ,imn w1(,so business pavs a 25 per cent, dividend. He does not two rivers, which were to be woven . ... , , , . . , .. ,. Into a rhyme. The results were rend ulTIU 1111 l"i"""s oi minor ami huh. tuai are gneu men in oiner can- aloud and were very amusing. Float- ings. Ho knows that in the majority of cases it is only the poorest of ing Island and small sponge cakes anv profession who stav in the country, for the nffr.neiions of the .rreat wero served. The prizes wore inter- . . .. . . . ' J it estlng foreign prints framed In plain American dollar to most people are far greater than the song of tho birds, the hum ot the bees, green grass, pure air and beautiful sunshine. His charity! If you are unfortunate ask any one in the country for money or food. If they have it, see how (iiickly you will receive it. Ask in the city for the same and you will get "() days. I know there is a law against begging, but there is no law which prevents a pirson from being hungry or unfortunate. Charity ttiu'iirrl nil M nil, rtf tlio s!rmicr ,.!inrni- MADAME MERRI. A Geographical Party. This was given by a gay party of young people and nil pronounced it a success. The invitations had the usual day, date and hour, with the jingle given, which explained a wee bit the character of the affair, or, as a youth aptly expressed it, "what you were up against." All Kiusts who want to win a prize Should on tho atlas nine their eyes, Itifcsh up their knowledge, cram their pates With abbreviated stntes: its height and great growth of foliage. With maps of many n foreign rlime, The stems are stronir nnd It nn.ii.11v Anfl rlvo" '"' n,,1!it Pllt " yme. t --;y 1 1 ii i in miiinii ie""T7 Inside Cell'ng. terlnl In nearly ns good next to the .Wall as it is In the center. It Is not always so with the square structure the silage In tho corners of a square building is apt to bo very loor in quality and often unlit for feed. Blnce tho round building Is the best form to construct the next question to consider is what kind of a round eilo should be built? The stave silo, which Is manufactured by a number of firms, makes a very satisfactory build ing and one that lasts for many years. Tanners who have built the stave silos aro well pleased with them. It should be borno In mind that a silo is nothing more or less than a largo air tight vessel in which feed Is "canned" for future use. The size of 4 ho silo depends upon the number of animals that are to be fed from It, In the main il should be tall and slim. It Is dilllcult to build a silo too high, but It Is easy to build it too large in diameter. The diameter should bo of that size to allow at least a two Inch layer of silage to bo fed each day from tho top surface. If tho silage Is exposed too long to the air it will spoil, the samo ns canned fruit or vegetables. Tho average feed of sl lago is about 40 pounds a day and tho silo for winter feeding should hold enough to feed tho stock for 200 days. Tho following table gives the di mensions the silo should be built for a given number of animals and the number of days that It will feed them; It also gives the approximate capacity of each size and tho average number of acres of corn It will take to fill the eilo: stands erect so that It can bo harvest ed nicely with tho corn binder, or if grown alone can be cut to advantage with a mower. If grown for seed or pasture pur poses tho soy bean should bo bowu la drills about 30 inches apart. Wherd a small acreage is desired a hand drill can be used, but where a largo quan tity is planted a grain drill can be used by stopping some of the inter vening spouts so ns to have the soy beans the proper distance apart. A corn planter can be used to ad vantage nnd the seed sown the usual distance allowed for corn, or by doubling put them one-half the dis tance apart. Where the greater distance Is al lowed between the rows the seed should be sown about twice as thick in the row. If tho desire Is to cut for hay, sow broadcast with seeder or by band. Where sown in drills nbout one-halt bushel of seed should bo used per acre, nnd If sotfn broadcast about one , bushel. The soy bean can bo harvested to advantage by being pastured oft with hogs and it seems that this will be one of its principal uses In tho future, as It is high in protein and a great flesh former. Hogs take very kindly to this plant and eat tho benns readily. Ry plant ing a few acres of tho early varieties each year a farmer can not only re new the fertility of the soil, but have an abundance of feed for fitting his hogs for tho fall market The first stunt was to read tho fol lowing "stately story" and 1111 In the blanks with tho abbreviations of the Long sashes are being worn with coat suits. Paris Is offering all sorts of hats ex cept small ones. White cony will be a leader in fur coats for young girls. Gold braid will figure prominently as a coiffure ornament. Corsets aro longer over the kips but cut lower at tho top. Newest belt buckles and pins com bine mother of pearl and jet. Puffs are Etill worn, but are small and soft and Irregular in shape. The scarab Is a leader among dec orations for pins and dainty buckles. For fall wear many double veils of contrasting colors are being offered. Red is a brilliant exception to the rule that makes for dull hued colors, Sleeves In little girls' dresses are fuller, long, and have often one or twe puffs. Dog collars In velvet are being em broidered In tiny buds and flowers in natural colors. teristics of the American farmer. Closed to the Public on Sunday By ARTHUR BLANCHARD Autumn Street Suits Number of nnlmaU to 1mi fed from thetillofor In. 'M day. Ul l- JO to Z 1 ' to 3M IS ) to X H :c. to ft n 40 to r h 00 to (" I'- CO to Id -t Approxl- jsuniDer mate acres capacity. Iloiglit. corn. ton 2S 8 to 9 100 :0 9 to 10 J I.", 32 II to 12 145 ;I4 12 to 14 1,5 'M 15 to 1? MO M IS to M 250 40 13 to 26 m A silo should never be bunt over 20 feet in diameter. If it Is necessary Cleanliness in Dairy. No matter what tlmo of the year It Is, too much cannot bo said In favor of cleanliness In tho dairy. Many per sons think that In summer time when the cows do not sleep in the filthy lot It Is not necessary to wash the udder before each milking. This Is a mistaken Idea. Pasturing Hogs on Alfalfa. In pasturing hogs on alfalfa It Is better to provide more pnsturage than the hogs need. Then cut what Is left for bay, Just as though It had not been used for pasture. Cutting gives It a fresh start, and the field produces more pasture than It would If these patches were allowed to mature. Time for Churning. After cream becomes sour the more ripening the more It depreciates. The best time for churning Is Just before acidity becomes apparent. The fact that Blount Vernon, the home and hist resting place of Washington, is closed on Sunday has brought disappoint ment to thousands of people in every part of the country. In many cases visitors from distant points, who hiive but a short, while to spend in the city named for America's greatest son, ii iv ignorant of the fact that his home on tin- l'oioiiiac is not o be seen on tho first day of the week. They find out too late that no one can enter the grounds on Sundav or gaze on the tomb of tho father of his country. When Sir Edmund lbir- ton, then prime minister of Australia, visited this country some rears ago he was keenly anxious to see Mount Vernon, but the only day he could devote to the pilgrimage was Sunday. Extraordinary exertions were put forth to get a relaxation of the rule in his case, but to no avail. It was in midsummer, during the absence of the president, and no one at the capital or at the mansion could be found to take the responsi bility of setting a precedent. (Iivntlv disappointed, Sir Edward lbirton hail to leave without having his wish gratified, as he was forced to hurry to catch his ship. r Disease Given by Man as Business A New York man was brought before a magistrate the other day for speeding. The magistrate asked his occupation. "IJheu inatisni," replied the prisoner. It was so recorded. When you think of it. he was probably not far wrong. anything will keep a man occupied it is a pet trouble like rheu matism or indigestion. (Jive it a chance and it will make other mundane matters relatively unimportant. It will prove the most exacting of occupations. It has one advantage over the ordinary ones; hard limes can't interfere with it. Every factory in the world may close, hut the man who makes his disease his occupation need not work. His occupation will not bo touched. It will always lie open, beyond all "chance and change of the unsteady plan ets, l.ut it lias the advantage that it tends to grow more and more onerous. A man begins, say. with a little light and easy employment at indigestion. His hours at first nre reasonable. Soon he discovers that he must pay more attention to it if he would do the thing ri"ht. He gives it several hours a day additional, lie begins to think about it at odd times, lie fore he knows it he is occupied with it for practically all his waking hours. By J. K. ADAMS, M. D. The suit on the left Is made up of a gray cloth, and it worn with lynx fur. The collar and the cuffa are of corded silk In black. Tho suit on the right Is of dull green broadcloth, with trimmings ot silk and silk eo Melodrama that is really high class and artistically presented will never lose its hold on the playgoing public. (iood melodrama will never lost its popularity, because it is founded on basic principles that appeal to all human beings. It amuses men and women, beguiles them from morbid introspection, takes their minds off their troubles and contains no degrading lessons. It also goes right along in the old nnd approved channels, reward ing virtue and chastising vice, and getting the plaudits of the good people who make up the. audience. High-class melodrama will be os popular 1,000 years from to-day as now, even if by that time, they have invented a new name for it. High Class Play Will Always Endure By E. F. BOSTICK Thuuicil Nioiiir ored buttons. .