The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, December 09, 1909, Image 3

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A&Z' r"ftV 'ttV-'"1'" O'A"
Frozen Chunks as Workable at Wood
and Can Easily Be Cut Into
Any Size Desired.
Ice 1h as workable as wood, ko can
be either split or sawed Into desir
able sections for handling and stor
ing. Commercial lee making is gener
ally carried on with an eye single to
rapidity, rather than accuracy In cake
dimensions, bo the ice plow is used
and the cakes split off, thus leaving
the under side of each cake Irregular,
making close storage Impossible. Tho
slower and better process for the
farmer Is the ice saw, or, in lieu of
this, the common cross cut saw, which
is found on nearly all farms, writes E.
L. Keasey, in Orange .ludd Parmer.
Lake or pond lee has the preference
over river Ice, due to the fact that
there is no current beneath. Pond
Ice freezes thicker, is less liable to
contain air bubbles, meaning clearer
and more uniform cakes, which in It
self insures longevity to the stored
Avoid slush or snow lee as much
as possible. Watch for those several
days of continuous hard freezing, then
tap the ice field at its best. Six-inch
Ice is, of course, good, but 18 Inch Is
better, as the thicker the cake the
better its keeping finality. Clear the
field of snow, and with either line or
straight edge mark off the cakes to
Exterior of Ice House.
Ye tut, using any sharp-pointed in
strument for the marking. An old file
makes a good tool for the purpose.
Mark the . field oft Into 18-lneh
squares, being careful to have cakes
'ut exactly to measure, for In no other
way can close storage be accom
plished. Cut out corner cake with an
ax and start the saw exactly on the
line, holding saw straight up and
lown. Remove one handle from the
saw, and In Its place attach a small
weight, said weight adding much to
the rapidity of the sawing. Two pairs
of Ice tongs at about CO cents each
complete the outfit for the farmer's
ice harvest.
Elaborately constructed Ice houses
are a delusion and a snare. No great
er mistake can be made in the stor
age of ice than putting it Into air
tight compartments. First thoughts,
of course, tells us that such a build
ing will hold outside heat In check
and avoid circulation, but this Idea is
all wrong. In fact, Ice to keep well
must have both side and top circula
tion, for confined moisture is the very
medium that wastes away the cakes.
No tidy farmer cares to spoil the
appearance of his home by erecting
an unsightly building, so we would
urge that good, smooth drop siding be
used for outside, and this painted;
-while for the Inside any old lumber
will do, for all that is necessary Is
something to hold the sawdust used
in packing from the outer wall.
Scald the drinking vessels often.
A little varnish daubed on the
thread will make a loose nut stay on.
December is the general butchering
time among the farmers of the corn
lelt, though some kill twice a year
about November and again in
Notwithstanding the fact that it Is
conclusively proved these common
tdrds destroy the insect pests, a cen
sus shows the number of birds in the
country to be decreasing rapidly.
Hay from the different legumes con
tains about one-third ns much nitro
gen ns does cotton seed meal that Is,
about two per cent., as against about
six per cent.
Cement is a promoter of health for
man and beast. Cement cellars keep
away dampness. Cement walks dry
quickly after a rain, minimizing the
danger from wet feet. Cement cis
terns provide pure rain water.
An Idea of the great preservative
quality of good paint can easily be
gotten In an old settled section of
country by noting the condition of
buildings that have been kept painted
compared with that of buildings on
which the painting has been neg
lected. I'ncle Sam's census man will be
around early next year to get some
substantial facts regarding your farm
ing operations and equipment, liegln
now to calculate things. Weigh tho
milk of your cows and test It. Your
especial items may not be worth much
in the sum total for the nation, but
they will be worth much to you. It
will tend to develop business habits
that will help to make dairying pay.
Care of Tile Drains.
Lay new and mend old tile drains
la the garden at this time of the yenr.
A tile drain through the gnrden Is
worth five times as much as the cost
of the drain. The better the garden
la drained the warmer the soil will
be, und tho sooner It can be worked
In the spring. Perennials, too, will
thrive better with under drutnagt.
One That Is Cool in Summer and at
Even Temperature in Winter
Dimensions of Structure.
What I have found to be a good
smokehouse for curing "5 to 100 hams
should be about 12x14 feet. Ilulld a
goo-', strong frame and fill the space
between the siding and celling with
soft brick, writes A. C. Wharton, in
American Agriculturist. This will
make your house cooler In summer
and will keep (lie temperature more
even in winter. Cover with Hliingles.
A good solid clsy lloor will do very
Floor of Smokehouse.
well, but a tight plank Jloor is better,
but best of all is a good concrete floor.
In the center of the floor there should
be a firebox built of brick; this is
about 12x18 inches inside measure
ment and 12 inches deep. When cur
ing build your fire in this and cover
with a piece of perforated sheet iron.
The house should be eight feet high
at the corners and left open to the
comb, the inside of the rafters pre
ferably celled. Place 2x8 Joists two
feet opart on the plates, and 2V4 feet
above these put in another set of
joists on the rafters; these can be 2x0,
and In both sets of joists which will
be used to hnng your hams place Iron
meat hooks two feet apart and two
Inches from the lower part of tho
joists. These hooks can be made of
Front View.
one-quarter Inch rod iron and should
be lon enough to let the meat hang
clear of the Joists.
A window should be made In one
end of the house to give light when
needed, and this fitted with a tight
shutter, as we do not want much air
and sunshine to strike meat before or
after curing.
Solves Problem of Storing Apples and
Produce of Garden in Good
Condition in Winter.
Doubtleifs many have found it diffi
cult to keep apples and the produce
of their gardens, such as carrots,
beets, turnips, celery, etc., In perfect
condition until they could be used.
The accompanying drawings show a
cheap and easily-made fruit cellar in
which I kept 12 bushels of apples,
besides carrots, squashes and pota
toes, from October until April, write;
S. A. Kaiser, in Scientific American.
My house was six feet wide, eight feet
long and six feet high, and cost me
' A Simple Fruit Cellar.
about four dollars. Smaller ones can
be built for a proportionally smaller
I dug a hole about eighteen Inches
deep and set the house over it, as
shown In the cross section. The en
trance Is made like a box,, about
twelve Inches deep, so that soil or
manure cr i be spread over the roof
to a depth of about ten Inches. Cleats
T on the inside of the opening hold
slats H at the bottom of the box open
ing. In the space C I stuff an old
tick filled with straw or leaves. Out
side cover D protects the tick from
moisture. The rafters should be
about two Inches square, or 1x3.
Provide a phlmncy, K (of wood),
which must be stuffed with struw dur
ing item weather. The chimney Is
not absolutely necessary, ns the hotiBe
can be ventilated through the door
during mild weather. The proper
Blant for the- roof Is about 45 degrees,
as earth can be packed on at that
1 J J J J J J r
1 I 1
In the Matter of Shoes
Fig. 3.
By Julia Bottolnley.
American-made shoes have outdis
tanced those made nnywhere else in
the world in the rqee lor excellence.
This has been true so long that the
American shoe in American shoe
shops is sold everywhere. In poinls
of style, finish and variety the Ameri
can shoe Is first and so far In the
lead that there Is no second. Even
the French shoes strike the educated
taste of our country-women as un
shapely and ' uninteresting, almost
wholly lacking In style.
Women have grown more fastidious
in the matter of shoes and the advance
of the manufacturers In variety of
models produced, meets with a de
maud so ready that our mind is in
doubt as to whether this demand was
in existence before It was met, or not.
At any rate, each season brings forth
numbers of new models, and tho stylos
In shoes are getting about as much at
tention these days as the styles In mil
linery. Women have outgrown tho foolish
practice of pinching the feet, or wear
ing shoes unsuited to their Individual
needs. Such Is the variety of lasts
made that there is one for almost
every foot. There are several "types"
which are understood, and shoes arc
so cleverly cut by the manufacturers,
so well thought out, that shapeliness
is the effect in all the different models.
"Mannish" shoes are chosen for
walking, having good substantial soles,
Cashmere, veiling or fine sorgo
might bo used for this simple little
dress, which has ono deep tuck at the
foot of skirt, and slight fullness at tho
waist, fulled ,to a little band, to which
the bodice Is also Joined. The pret
tily shaped bertha surrounds a yoke
of tucked silk, It Is edged with plaited
silk, and has silk covered buttons
sewn In the corners.
Hat of straw trimmed with a wreath
of roses.
Materials required: Four yards 42
Inches wide, two yards silk, 20 but
heels moderately high and very strong
and a general appearance of strength'
nnd durability in the entire make-up.)
For such shoes, tans and blacks are;
naturally most popular. One may get,
thein In brown, gun metal, ox blood'
and probably a similar shoe in other
colors. Kid and calfskin furnish the
materials of the greatest, number of
models in street shoes. In Fig. I an
Ideal shoe for general wear is shown.
It Is as trim and sensible looking as
the plain and handsome tailored gown,
with which it is Intended to be worn,
and chows the same beauty and sim
plicity in cut, the same care In its
finish. Such a pair of shoes. It goes
without saying, almost, is the first
essential in any woman's shoe-outfit-ting.
These she must have bo she
poor or rich. Happily, the prlco Is
not above tho reach of any one. Two
pairs of walking shoes, in good con
dition should be always on bnnd and
worn alternately. One should keep
the pair not in use, on shoot roes and
In good shape as to cleanliness. Oc
casional attention to the heels, where
there Is a tendency to wear them off
at ono side, will prolong the life and
keep the shape of the shoe. It Is n
.good idea to have one pair with high
tops so that the ankles will be protect
ed In wet weather. Nothing repays
care better than shoes. A shabby ap
pearance Is the fault of the wearer,
and any shoe man will tell ns that
proper- care in keeping up tho good
appearance of shoes lengthens their
term of service by half the usual tlmo
of wearing.
Street shoes are distinctly not for
the bouse. A pair of slippers or a sof
ter, dressier boot, should replace them
Indoors. This change Is good for the
shoe, for the wearer and for the floors.
If one lives in a house with a summer
atmosphere all winter, there Is no
reason why slippers should not be
worn. A lovely slipper Is shown in
Fig. 2. Every woman should provide
herself with such a pair. Most of all,
the business woman, who lu apt to
come home fatigued from a trying or
a monotonous day. A simple toilet
finished witli a dainty and comfort
able pair of slippers. The "feel" of
the light, flexible and womanish slip
per seems to pervade one. It shows
in the carriage and amounts to a posi
tive refreshment. A little gown for
evening wear at home should bo of
the same characteristics as this slip
per, simple, pretty and most easily
taken off and put on.
A dross shoe, is another essential
to the wardrobn. This Is lighter In
make than a street shoe and a great
variety of styles is shown to select
from. Where the purse allows only
one pair a fine, plain, well-made kid
boot, like that shown In Fig. ?,, Is the
happiest choice. This model Is cut on
beautiful "classy" lines. One may buy
It with patent leather tip or vamp,
or In (lull-finished kid. Tho moderate
French heel Is graceful and redeems
the model from too severe lines, with
Just a hint of the frivolous In shoes.
The cloth top shoe shown in Fig. 4
Is for those who require a little more
elaboration in a dress shoe, or for
those who wish to match a costume.
It Is very quiet by comparison with
the footwear of those ultra fashion
ables who can indulge themselves In
luxuries In shoes as well ns other
things. The cloth top has n velvet col
lar and' Is finished with a silk cord and
tassels. The Cuban heel brings the
design down to earth, as It were, so
that milady may wear this boot on a
clear day with a visiting gown, when
she goes to pay her calls or to attend
some of those gatherings for which
she must "dress up" a bit, This beau
tiful boot is dressy enough for any oc
casion, and appropriate for any, ex
cept, perhaps, for dancing.
White satin bracado In pastel colors
is one of tho loveliest of tho new uia
A Split
u'lipyrlKlit, hy Mliort
"I must deplore" began Prof.
Went worth, removing his glasses.
"You have no idea how funny you
look without them." interpolated his
companion: whereupon he hastily re
placed them, lor nothing could have
been farther from his wish at the
moment than to appear funny. How
ever, as he hooked them over his ears
he reflected that Miss Sherman prob
ably meant odd. He had noted with
disapproval her cureless manner of
"You began to say something, pro
fessor; I did not Intend to Interrupt,"
Miss Sherman added alter a consider
able pause, as she shifted her Huffy
white parasol from one shoulder to
the other.
"I beg your pardon, 1 unt very ab
sent minded I do not recall" he
hesitated, wondering how long It had
been since he last spoke.
"I'll excuse you upon one condition.
You must tell me what you were
thinking about; you looked as solemn
as an owl."
The professor blushed like u girl
under the scrutiny of those mischiev
ous blue eyes, in whose sight he felt
sure he must appear a sort of light-nlng-chango
artist. "It was your use
of the word funny. I was reflecting
that yon perhaps meant odd," he re.
"I have noticed that you reflect too
much," said Miss Sherman severely.
' It makes me feel us If 1 were being
This was so like his own sensation
the professor was surprised. "I am
far from presuming to criticise," he
said; "yon remember you Insisted."
Miss Sherman again shifted her be
coming background and gazed out
upon the lake. "How did you like
'Across the Storm'?" she asked. "I be
lieve that Is what we were discuss
ing." "I have to confess that a story of
Hint kind Is not in my line, yet I do
not deny Its merits, a certain spright-
s-Vy V?y4.T ,yyj TV.C V.lAr'
liness, and some not unworthy charac
terizationbut as regards style ono
must deplore tho colloquialisms, and
among other things, the frequent use
of the split Infinitive"
"It may be true, but for all that It
Is a delightful love story. It Is quite
clear to me, Professor, that you have
never been In love," she looked at him
archly over her shoulder.
"J must beg to know upon what you
found that conclusion," he answered,
moving nearer.
"On thin same habit of reflection.
Now all you find In this story Is split
infinitives. At most It is to you an
ungranimatlcnl romance."
"And you? I am to draw tho In
ference" She laughed. "No, It Is not neces
sary you should draw any."
It would be unjust to Miss Sher
man's penetration to suppose she did
not know what was coming when
some minutes later Prof. Wentworth,
In language as clear and concise as
he was master of, made her an offer
of marrlnge, but she was surprised
at herself that she did not find It
more amusing. She upon whose word
a multi millionaire and a novelist of
wide lame, not to mention certain
lesser lights, were at this moment
hanging in eager suspense.
Tho professor might be stilted, hut
he was earnest and manly, and she
felt a strange reluctance to wound
him. "It wouldn't do nt all," she told
him. "We have been very good friends
this summer, and you have perhaps
found mo entertaining; hut after a
while that would wear otf. You
would begin to to tee nothing but
the split Infinitives. 1 should shock
you In various ways, nnd you would
bore me, and wo'd both ho miserable.
I am dreafully sorry, but"
He accepted her decision quietly,
but she remembered long afterwards
how white ho looked.
Professor Wentworth was deliver
ing a course of lectures on Philology
at tho summer school across the Ink
from the home of his college frVnri
Arthur Sherman. Mr. Sberimin'9
pretty wife and no less attractive sis
ter made their cottage tho center of
social llfo on the lakeside, and la ao-
fciltiilt i'u., l.ld.)
cept in;; their cordial invitations tho
professor had found himself in an un
wonted atmosphere of careless gayety.
Several days after the episode by
the lake, Mr. Sherman one alternoon
came upon his sister ensconced in n
large wicker chair on the porch, some
salts in her hand, and a disconsolate
expression of countenance.
"Py the way, Carolyn, Wentworth
asked me to say good by for him. His
lectures are over and he leaves to
night. Ho had intended to call this
afternoon, but I told him Helen and I
were going to Jamestown, nnd that
you were not well."
"That was very tiresome of you
when I wanted particularly to see
111 in." was the pettish reply.
"I fear Carolyn Is In for nervous
prostration," her brother remarked to
his wife as they drove away.
Something did seem to go wrong.
The millionaire who appeared nt this
Inopportune moment was dismissed
witli scant courtesy, mid then, left
to herself, Carolyn began to cry silent
ly. It was thus tho professor found
"My dear Miss Sherman," Jio ex
claimed, 'i hope nothing is tho mat
ter." "Oh, nothing; I was only feellnff
tired and bored." she replied, hastily
drying her eyes. "I have a tiresome
headache.'' .
"Then I fear I shall not help mat
ters, but there is something I'd really
like to say to you If It would not bore
you too much."
"It Is only myself that bores me,"
Carolyn replied, encouragingly.
"Well, I have Just discovered that
I must be something of a bore," tho
professor spoke, cheerfully: "I havu
been thinking over what you said to
mo, and I see I have grown into the
hahit of laying ton much emphasis
on corrections of form. As you ex
pressed it, where others found a
charming story I found only some
the sin of the specialist, but I want to
thank you for opening my eyes. I
hope you will believe how I value
your friendship"
"Oh. don't!" cried Carolyn, putting;
her handkerchief to her eyes again.
"Is anything wrong? I don't want,
to distress you" the professor felt
greatly embarrassed. "II Is impossi
ble for mo to to adequately express
Carolyn sat suddenly erect. "Do
you know what you have done?" she
cried. "You have split an Infinitive!"
lie looked nt her in astonishment,
then said, recklessly, "Well, I don't
"Put I care, for It niters the case!"
For a second Prof. Wcntworth's
grammatical mind was bewildered,
but he w as not dull, and In the flushed,
tearful, smiling face he read that
whlcn thrilled him as no masterpiece
of language had power to do. He
bent over her. "My darling, I came
back because I couldn't stay away,
and now 1 begin to believe you wanted
me," ho said.
"I should ncor have acknowledged
it If you had not split that Infinitive,"
was her mischievous reply. "That
showed me you really cared."
l Grandpas of To-Day.
"There are no more old people,"
said the man who studies types. "At
least not In Chicago. Of course women
took the lend In abandoning ago. It
has been generally recognized for a
long time that women were refusing
to be relegated to chimney corners or,
steam radiator corners, and now I
look In vain for old men. 1 mean menj
who are willing to accept age and In-i
llrmlty and even to make capital of;
them. Tho modern man does not con-i
slder it a dosirablo thing to flaunt
long white whiskers, rheumatic Joints,;
a benign smile and the title of 'gram
pa.' Tho modern grandfather would
much rather bo called 'Dad' or 'Foxy'
than 'Revered Sir." The up-to-date
man of mature years is slim, thor
oughly groomed, prefers to wear his
face smooth, because thereby less,
grayness shows, knows how to run an'
automobile, challenges his grandson
at golf, sails his own boat, is useful at
society affairs where his polished
deference Is a pleasing contrast to
the sometimes careless attentions of
youth gives sound advice on the
stock market and enjoys life to the
fullest." !
The Glazed Age.
"Why not a white enamel ga
range?" asked a stove manufacturer
of himself some time ago. This Is an.
ago of white enamel, he reflected;
Kunmelod cooking utensils are com
mon and clean and save labor; enam
eled refrigerators arc clean and sweet;
and appeal to tho eye; Milks and bathi
tubs are praeilcully all enameled.
Zinc, and galvanized iron are excellent
materials so, tho old gas range Is a
tine thing for overworked cooks. Good,
products and processes, however, give
way to better. This stovemaker be
gan to experiment with white enam
eled iron and invited housewives toi ,
insped results. In its advertising;
pamphlet the company emphasizes the
fact that 12 parts of the range are
enameled. These include oven racks;
guides, plates, and door, and broller
pau. Ilathtub ai4 stoveinnker ftvoi
followed the tendency of the gljvedi
age. The woman who first covered
her plno kitchen table with oilcloth
showed the war. Scientific American,