The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, December 02, 1909, Image 1

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JJ. JLJI 114
Nebraska State Hint
NEWS. FstaWlnhed Nov. 5. 1W1
UEHALD. EsUb uihed April 10. 1SC4
VConwliJ.led Jn. 1. 1896
Two Mggefs Blew Into Town and
Then Out Again.
Glen Rawls Plays Sherlock Holmes
With Telling EBect.
This morning there stepped off the
Burlington train from Omaha two
niggers who proceeded to visit the
stores of Plattsmouth on a sight-seeing
tour. They inspected several before
they finally brought up at Weseott's.
The gentlemanly and wide awake
clerk, (ileii Rawls, waited on them,
but found difficulty in attending to
the wants of both at the same time
owing to the fact that the worthies
separated and got as far as possible
apart. Then bad his suspicions arous
ed that all was not right and tried to
keep his eyes on his customers, but
they were pretty smooth and got away
with four pairs of pants and four
re ts. Although Glen did not see
them take anything be was positive
something had been stolen and com
municated his suspicions to the mem
bers of the firm and they in turn sent
Deputy Manspeaker after the colored
individuals. Rawls and the sheriff
found their men at the depot, but the
niggers saw them first and took to their
bee's, heading north up the Burling
ton tracks, throwing their suit case
away as they ran. The deputy fired
upon them and then gave chase but
to fir the ftgutivrs hae not been
i.ppiehend( d and may be on the run
The suit case was picked up and
taken to Weseott's stoic and opened,
and only then was it discovered for
a certainty that the sot re had been
held up for a portion of its stock of
men's clothing. The shoplifters did
not exercise very good judgment in
selecting their goods for they took the
h a pest goods of the kind in the store.
We eoi gratulatc the Weseott's upon
. having such a wideawake clerk as Mr.
Rawls. lie may let a horse get away
from him occasionally, when he hasn't
his n ind on them, but when it comes
to other people's interests he is ever
LATKR The two colored fellows
were discovered about three o'clock
half a mile west of Oreapolis and the
station agent phoned that he and
another man would make an attempt
to surround them within few min
utes. Sheriff Quinton and Deputy
Manspeaker. are "both out on a strong
scent and there is no doubt but what
they will be caught.
3:15 A special to the Daily News
states that Russell Todd, on horse
back and armed with a shotgun had
met the negro and turned him toward
town and was bringing his prisoner
here. Sheriff Quinton and his deputy
are near by and will probably over
take the two others in a few moments.
Our 3 for $1.00 ties make a beautiful Christmas present.
They are durable same on both sides. Satin and
Here's something new. The "CHANGEASTONE" tie pin.
A neat box containing tie pin and 6 other stones
which can be used in the same pin. Price $1.00.
Handkerchief and tic boxes. This is the latest idea for a gen
tlemen's present. Made of fine calf leather with
Snap buttons. Price $1.25.
Holeproof Certificates. This is the up-to-date method of giv
ing a present. Ask us about them.
C. L Weseott's Sons
Tally, But Not TaHy.
Last Saturday night Miss Jessie
Robertson most delightfully enter
tained at a taffy pull the most charm
ing and pleasing bunch of young la
dies in the state of Nebraska. The
Misses Bccson and Hassler proved to
the satisfaction of all that they under
stood just how taffy should be made
and doled out. The hostess served
popcorn, apples, nuts and candy. The
party was composed of the court house
ladies and were present as follows:
The Misses Barbara and Mia Gcring,
Anna Hassler, Miss llenipel, Ger
trude Beeson, Lillie Murphy, Ner
ncse Newell, Alma Larson, Miss
Corrigan and Jessie and Blanche
Robertson. The evening was perfect
in its social enjoyment to all and its
repetition will be eagerly looked for
ward to with pleasure.
Gcrlngs Want Jury Instructed in
Favor of Defendants.
Jury Dismissed While Arguments
Are Being Made.
LINCOLN, Dee. 1. The plaintiff
in the suit of J. M. Leyda, trustee of
the bankrupt estate of Henry Herold,
of riattsinoutli, against Matthew tier
ing, Henry Gering and the First Na
tional Bank of riattsinoutli, rested
yesterday afternoon, and the defend
ants' attorneys at one moved that the
court instruct the jury to return a
verdict for the defendants on the
ground that tho plaintiff had not
proved a case and for the further
reason that the bank and the Gerinirs
had been made parties to the same suit
whereby a misjoinder to facts had oc
curred. The jury was dismissed while
the motion was being argued. When
court adjourned the argument was not,
yet concluded.
If this motion is denied by the court
the 'defendant will at once move that
the plaintiff be required to elect which
party in the complaint shall be pro
ceeded ngairst. It is maintained by
the Gerings 1 1 at the Gerings took
over the stock of merchandise from
Henry Herold and that after it was
sold the proceeds were turned over to
the bank to liquidate a debt uf ?7,(MK)
owed the bank by Herold.
The plaintiff contends that when
the transfer of the stock of merchan
dise was made the defendants had
reasonable grounds for the belief that
Herold was on the verge of bankruptcy
and that the knowledgo of the other
debts of Herold would make the act
illegal in that it made defendants
preferred creditors. The defense de
nies that there was any ground for the
belief that Herold was not sound fi
nancially, and the declaration is made
in arguing the motion to instruct for
the defense that the plaintiff has not
proved that there was any chance that
defendants should know of such other
the Christmas Push. Only 2
i a n.ii i. ..
weens ou, cewer gei reauy now.
We can make your Christmas
shopping easy.
Commercial Club Affair Pronounced by the
Visitors the Most Successful
Ever Attended.
Over One Hundred and Fifty Representative
Men from All Trades and Professions
Touch Elbows and Become
Better Acquainted.
At s:m)
o'clock last night 150
boosters and two from
Omaha stood
hy the banquet board
ami with bowci
heads listened rever
ently to the eloquent invocation de
livered by Rev. Austin of the Meth
odist church, following which they
were given the .signal to be seated.
Then the feast was on. For weeks
preparations have been maturing for
the event and it has required the stren
uous efforts of a number of our most
strenuous hustlers to insure the suc
cess which crowned their labors last
night when the most representative
body of men this city can produce got
together for a heart to heart talk.
The Klk club rooms had been ten
tcred the committee for reception
purposes and at an carl;, hour were
thrown open to the guests of the club:
Business man, laborer, professional
man, politician and others rubbed
elbows in good fellowship and diss
lilies, had there ever been such a dis
tinction, were forgotten. Every man
present was there with a feeling in his
heart that he was welcome; that he was
not an interloper; that others were
glad to see him and talk with him;
that he was there by right of his own
individuality; he was there because
he wanted to be there and he felt that
he was wanted by the commercial
club, whether he was a member of the
club or not;he was there because he
wanted to be known at that time that
he was a Plattsmouth booster now, if
he never was before; he was there be
cause it was his duty to be there and
he proposed to be on hand to do his
duty from now on; he was there be
cause he thought, the best interests
of Plattsmouth demanded his pres
ence; he was there because he of
right belonged there and he was going
to be there in the future whenever the
commercial club of this eitv held a
meeting. HE WAS THERE RE
TO STAY AWAY and that is a good
enough reason to give.
The banquet, was prepared and
served by the accomplished ladies of
the Presbyterian church and right
well and royally did they acquit them-
selves, so well, in fact, that the senti-
incut was universal that never before
had a more pleasing supper been set
before a lot of hungry men and never
before was a supper served with more
charming grace and so little fuss.
We congratulate the ladies upon the
success of their efforts. It was a ser
vice will and most satisfactorily per
formed. Following the good things provided
by the ladies came cigars, made in
Plattsmouth, and as the smoke wreaths
curled to the ceiling the flow of elo
quence was turned on. Before coming
to that part of the program we wish
to go back a few steps and mention
something we inadvertently over
looked. As the guests filed into the
banquet hall their steps kept time with
the music provided by Miss Hazel
Dovey, whose performance upon the
piano as well as that of Miss Ruth
Johnson, was a delight to all. During
the banquet the orchestra from the
Parmele made its appearance and was
greeted with applause. Two song
and dance artists accompanied them
and that they were artists nil will at
test. The orchestra and dance ar
tists were the happy thought of Mr.
Charles Parjncle, and to him is due
the thanks for that part of the eve
ning's entertainment. We also failed
to mention the table decorations
which were very beautiful. The large
white chrysanthemums and the wax
candles lent a beautiful effect to the
otherwise perfect appointment of the
The toastniaster of the evening was
Prof, (iambic, and to that gentleman's
happy faculty of saying the right thing
at the right time is due the smoothness
with which the specchmaking was
carried out. His introduction of the
various speakers was graceful and was
such that each of them when called
upon to respond to their toast felt
at ease. The opening speech was de
livered by Mr. E. H. Wescott, sec
retary of the commercial club, who
responded to the toast "Eleven X.
Space will not permit of more than a
brief mention of the speakers. Mr.
Wescott handled his subject with ease
and proved a most pleasant speaker
His points were well made and before
lie concluded his remarks had the sym
pathy of his hearers. Mr. Wescott
has the rare gift of holding the undi
vided attention of his audience and
of saying things. His address would
be worth reproducing were it possible
to do so.
The next speaker to be introduced
by the toastniaster was Mr. A. C.
Smith of Omaha, president of the M.
E. Smith Co. Mr. Smith opened his
address with the remark that ho was
not a public speaker, but only a com
mon every day business man. He said
that he wns the latest resident to be
added to Plattsmouth and was glad
he was here. His remarks were along
the lines of business and he said a
whole lot of good things that will give
us food for thought.
Col. P. A. Barrows responded to the
toast, "The Press," and although he
was not notified until the afternoon of
i yesterday that ho would be called
j upon for a speech, as usual ho pulled
himself and the press out of the hole
, in a highly satisfactory manner. The
, colonel is usually an interesting talker
and his few remarks appeared
j strike the boys in the right place
J. M. Guild of Omaha, secretary of
the Omaha commercial club, was called
to the floor by the toastniaster and
made to tell why ho was present and
what he knew about commercial clubs
in general and some of them in partic
ular. He was expected to say some
thing and he was equal to the call,
lie stated that he was at one time a
resident of Plattsmouth and somehow
gave the impression that he wished
he was now. He told how they did
things at the metropolis of the state
and gave a whole lot of good advice
which will undoubtedly be followed
later. by the commercial club of this
city. Mr. Guild gave out many good
ideas which should prove of value at'
the proper time.
Although the hour was now late Rev.
Father Shine was called upon to ad
dress the gathering and had he been
overlooked one of the most delightful'
speeches of the evening would have
been missed. Father Shine is a most
entertaining talker and should be
down on future programs for ad
dresses. Charles Parker was called upon to '
speak for the Burlington shops and)
in a few well chosen words expressed
sentiments in harmony with the ob
jects of the gathering.
The last speaker was Mayor Sattler
who talked brielly and to the point
and showed the proper Plattsmouth
spirit. His words were listened to
with the closest attention.
The commercial club banquet is
now history. It is history that will
be handed down and always read with
interest. As a result of the meeting of
the people of Plattsmouth there is
already a new spirit noticeable. It is
a spirit that spells progress and ad
vancement. It is a spirit that means
that the people of this city know no
boundary lines, but on the contrary
the broad expanse of territory con
tiguous to the city will be made to
subserve the business ends of what
promises to become a greater Platts
mouth. There is a new feeling in this
blessed town of ours that is good to
feel. It is a feeling of community in
terest and good fellowship. It is a
feeling that every man in Plattsmouth
proposes from now to work shoulder
to shoulder for a common good. It
is such a feeling, once felt,is not noon
forgotten and means that there is
to be something doing in this old town
that will make the other places in the
state stand up and take notice.
The sentiments expressed by all
the speakers lends force to the belief
that a new town has been born since
yesterday morning, and while the name
will remain unchanged, the people
have experienced a new and lasting
change and that they will never more
be satisfied to sit idly by and "hold
the bag." It is only by concerted ef
fort that anything of importance can
be accomplished. The idea of expect
ing one or two men to do all the hus
tling for a city is radically wrong.
The commercial club of Platts
mouth has started the ball of progress
to rolling. Now it is up to our citizens
to assist in keeping it going. If you are
not a member of the commercial club,
get busy and join. You are wanted
and are needed. Don't be a "leaner."
Be a "lifter." Re one of the men be
hind the guns. Talk Plattsmouth,
write Plattsmouth, and work early
ami late for rhc building up of Platts
mouth. United wo can accomplish
more in a short time than can be ac
complished in years by the effort of
the single individual. To the men who
made possible the successful event
last night we desire to express our
hearty appreciation, and in the name
of every man, woman and child in the
city extend to them the freedom of
the city. Gentlemen, we thank you.
What's Your Choice
In overcoat style?
Do you like form
fitting or the loose
back? Do you pre
fer a velvet or a
cloth collar? Silk
lining or not? High
or low collar or
convertable (either
high or low)? We
will show you any
style you want
from this large
stock of fine
Hart SchafTner &
Marx overcoats
$18 to $30.
Others goodones I
$10 to $16.50.
The Home ofjllart SchafTner & Marx clothes
Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats
Falter & Thierolf
Value Giving Clothiers.
Prohibition Deleated In that State
By Eighteen Thousand.
Was Not, However. Straight Fight
For Prohibition.
RIRMINGIIAM, Nov. 30. -All in
dications point to a majority of be
tween 1S,()()) and 20,000 in Alabama
against the prohibition constitutional
amendment today. Chairman J. Lee
Long, who has been in charge of the
light against the amendment, claims
that the majority against the amend
ment will be fully 20,000.
The early returns indicated a land
slide against the amendment and suc
ceeding bulletins bore out the early
Jefferson county, in which is Birm
ingham, the largest city in the state,
in spite of the fact that the fight has
been concentrated here, gave a major
ity of over 1,000 against the amend
ment. Mobile, Montgomery and Cull
man counties show the largest major
ities on the victorious side and it ap
pears the amendment has carried but
three counties, Talladega, Macon and
Sumter, with Lee in doubt.
Today's election cannot be regard
ed as a straight anti-prohibition vic
tory because of the personal politics
that has been injected into the case.
Its association with the adminis
tration of Governor R. R. Comer and
his reported ability to name n suc
cessor to the governorship in Judge
S. I). Weakley, author of the prohibi
tion bills, have figured prominently in
the result.
A significant feature of the result
is the fact that sentiment against the
amendment 'm ho widespread. Rural
precincts, small towns and cities alike,
for the most part returned substan
tial majorities on the winning side.
For Sale.
Team of good horses, weight 2,!)00.
Price, $400. f3-4x D. M. Graves.
For quick sales of farms write to or
sec Harrv Smith, Plattsmouth, Neb.,
R. F. D. No. 2. 03-1
Copyright Hart Schaffntr Sc Nfsne