The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, November 22, 1909, Image 7

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    Hidh Effect Upon
nx . Nation Hard
Jl riCeS to Describe
IGII PRICES in thrir
kX I wrilKHl with exactness as
I father are they, as a rule,
M I drd3 of living and a large and buoyant prosperity. It would
I be a grand thing, doubtless, if we could have, side by r,ide with
tnc high 6alane9 and
China, India or Siam,
that this is utterly impracticable, for after all it is usually
ana essentially the wuge
When warc8 increase
though not always in the same proportion. It sometimes hmmens indeed.
it has ofen happened in the development of some of the greatest industries
of America that increasing wages have gone hand in hand with decreas
ing prices, through the skillful use of labor-saving machinery, strenu
ously driven at the utmost speed.
ally attainable is that m winch higher
ing are outstripped by a steady, substantial increase in the earnings of the
1 1 . 1 H.. ... - .
wors people uiemselves. J liat fortunate condition seems to be exemplified
in our own country more signally than in any other nation in the world
There is one class, however, though a small one, on which the higher
cost of living undoubtedly presses
persons dependent on a fixed income
interest on bonds, or the recipients of
persons as these in this time of universal soaring of prices, not even those
ancient retuges, the provincial towns
much hope of escape, nor are their
islative halls. For the perverse statesmanship of modem Christendom,
swayed more and more by a sordid need of the support of popular majori
ties, everywhere insists on deferring
isjhe greatest good
In Midst
of Life
We Are
in Death
questionable. It follows that it is quite
possible that particles of matter which were a part of the earthly body
of Alexander the Great may to-day be present in our city of Chicago
i . it ii
may even oe incorporated in your body and mine.
Matter is used over and over
to-morrow a part of a human body; in a few years perhaps it passes into
a flower or is incorporated into a sturdy oak which is hewn down, sawed
into boards and made into the finish of a room.
Then, too, in addition to the enormous tribute to mother nature
through death, the human body renews itself every seven years, wo are
told. In other words, the human body actually dies every seven years,
which adds another 650,000,000 (nearly) pounds of matter which human
ity annually contributes to the uses of nature.
Of course, such a subject as this is to some extent grewsome, but it
is nevertheless interesting.
The average death rate is computed to be practically one every second
of time.
Every time the clock beats a human soul passes into the great beyend.
Truly, in the midst of life we are in death.
Husbands who allow their wives to
work when they aro able to support them and wives who insist on working
when there is no necessity for their doing so should be fined and impris
oned. The same treatment should be given parents who allow their girls to
work instead of keeping them in school or at home.
A law which would forbid married women from working unless their
husbands were shown to be invalids or dead or earning wages below what
would bo be declared the minimum in such eases would do much toward
adjusting the present unsettled economic conditions as regards the workers.
Keen the I in 11,0
food will accumulate germs of disease un
less they are covered in transit from slaughter houses and railway station?
to their destination in the market stalls.
For years no one has thought fit to interfere in this essential matter
and the consequence is that the public has been forced to purchase insani
tary meats.
either good or bad in themselves
the index of high wages, high stun
wagt'S of America, the low prices of
but the idealist must acknowledge
that makes the price.
prices almost necessarily risp nlo
The happiest economic condition actu
prices and higher standards of liv
without any alleviation. This is the
from such sources as the stated
allowances or annuities. To such
of continental Europe, hold out
lamentations heard and heeded in )cs
ltf $JOJ&K.
is estimated that there are more than
33,333,000 deaths a year in this old world
of our. The figures make one wonder to
what extent nature uses again the par
tides which go to make up the human
form. Estimating the average weight at
150 pounds, nearly 5,000,000,000 pounds
of matter is thus returned to earth annu
ally. And this process will go on in in
creasing ratio just as long as the human
race continues to increase. That a portion
of the human form evaporates into gas and
is blown wherever the wind may go i3 un
by nature. To-day it is a cabbage,
I would favor votes for women if I
thought they would succeed in securing leg
islation which would make it impossible
for women to work when they are not in
absolute need of the money. It is this
which causes, in part, the small wages paid
Parents should be forced to keep their
girls in school longer instead of sending
them out to seek employment so that the
children themselves may gratify a taste for
clothes and pleasures which the parents
arc unable to give them.
In Washington the health department
has lately made a most important ruling
inlorest of llie v-
owners of dressed meat products, the car
casses of beef, pork, mutton and the like,
shall not nllow them to be hauled through
the city's streets unless they nre protected
from the filth and dust that the wind is
ever conveying through the atmosphere.
It is a sensible stand to take and ought
to be adopted everywhere.
The bodies of animals destined for
With a wild look in bis eyes the
man with the green satchel rushed
ahead of the excited mob.
"Discovered!" he shouted ' for the
twentieth time. "Discovered! It Is all
over uow."
"Bet he's a burglar," sal one.
"Looks more like a counterfeiter,'
announced another. -
"Assassin!" whispered the third.
And then they caught him.
"Where'd you escape from?"
"Whnt were you locked up fort"
"Then what In thunderatlon Is dis
"The north pole, gentlemen, the
north pole; and if you will tllow me
to open this satchel you will discover
the greatest bargain In double action,
automatic self-revolving collar buttons
But ten determined men picked him
up and dropped him into the Dearest
ash barrel.
The old gentleman was In a fury.
"Young man," he stormed In angry
tones, "dldn 1 1 tell you never to dark
en my doorway again?"
"But but I didn't darken It this
time," ventured the trembling youth.
hat do you mean?"
"Why. I cleaned mv shoes five times
before I took one step on the sill. If
the doorway has been darkened any I
didn't do It, sir."
Not Angry.
"It has been so long since we met!
"Yes, more than a year."
"I am glad you are not angry with
"Why In the world should I be angry
with you?"
"I treated you so abominably."
"I think you treated me with a great
deal of kindness."
"Why, I Jilted you!"
"That's what I mean."
Nice of Him.
Pearl Yes, he is such an honest
young man I can't help but admire
Ruby And why do you think he ii
so honest?
Pearl Why, he stole a kiss last
summer and this summer he came
around and returned it. I think his
conscience must have troubled blm.
Small Boy I say, why do you al
ways play one tune?
Old Man Because people never
want more than one.
Nobody ever
Won renown
Who only lived
To "do" the town.
A Wise Woman.
"I'm going down to the lodge, my
dear," announced Mr. Ponsonby, with
an impressive air.
"Be sure you don't lodge against a
lamppost coming back," said Mrs.
Well Sounded.
"When those investigating directors
get to work there will be music In the
"So that board of directors is a sort
of sounding board."
Preferred the Baby.
"A Michigan bear carried off a baby
from a blackberry patch when It
might have bad all the blackberries
it could have eaten."
"That was distinctly complimentary
to the baby."
Chance for Both.
"The man who wins." remarked the
morallzer, "Is credited with having
"Yes." rejoined the demoralizer.
"and the roan who loses is elven a
chance to develop his hindsight."
Not So Brave.
"He must be a very brave man."
"How BO?"
"He says he loves the smell of pow
"Ho means talcum powder: he'a a
Skillful Driving.
First Irishman In TnnHnn
Sure an' 'tis a mighty strange way of
Second Irishman Bedad. 'tis a
wonher we don't sthrlke and burnt
some wather pipe. Punch.
In the Natural Order.
"I saw Billy at the party trvlnit to
kiss that fat girl. Did sbo let him?"
"Well, Bhe offered a stout resist
The garden la cheerless, the meadows are
bleak ;
But tho bloom of the rote softly glowa on
your check.
day rloihlbanks have hidden the blue of
Urn skirt;
But the world is made bright by the light
of your eyes
The hodKa are allent, the woodlunde are
But swrctnrss belongs to the aonga thai
you trill.
Good-hy to the blossoms of various hue.
But a spell's In the smells of tho perfume
you use.
-S. K. Klser, In Chicago Rccord-ller
Customer Why do you give
sevens when I ask for sixes?
Bootmaker Ah, sir, you will be so
pleased with these shoes that youi
feet will swell with pride.
Our Guess.
Mary has a poodle
Bhe holds upon her knees;
Maybe that's why Mary
Is always full of Mean.
Marriage Down to Date.
A hat, a cane a nobby beau a sil
ly girl a whisper low a smile, a bow
a chance to flirt an ardent vow as
cheap as dirt for her a mash for him
a klsB both short of cash both long
on bliss the lake, a boat away they
go adrift, afloat bound for St. Joe
a ring, they mate the honeymoon-
then find too late it was too soon.
By Inference.
Bridge Teacher Now. if your part
ner is dealer and has a dreadful hand,
what will she make it?
Mrs. Baker No trumps.
.Bridge Teacher Why. you don't
know anything about bridge.
Mrs. Baker Possibly not. but I
know all about my partner. Harper's
Source of Information.
Browning I hear you are ensaeed
to that young widow who is visiting
relatives here. Is it true?
Greeulng Yes.
Browning How did you discover
that she was the one woman in the
world for an old bachelor like you?
ureening wny, she er told me
Not the Kind.
"I want to recommend to you, sir,
for employment a man of tin flag'
glng industry."
"Then he won't suit us."
"Why not, sir?"
Because we want a man to flag
Her Naaaina Way.
'A monkey which acts Just like a
nuiuan being gets a salary of $500 a
week in a vaudeville theater. A man
who acts Just like a moneky, however,
gets nothing."
"It's a shame! If he did you'd buy
me a touring car, wouldn't you, dear?
"Mark Twain says a happy mar
riage Is a tragedy."
"He's wrong," replied Mr. Henpock,
"A happy marriage Is impossible."
Happy Days.
What do we care
Kor beana or tripe,
When "way down south
The 'possum's ripe?
Natural Inference.
The two women bad Just been In
"My huBband and I," said the one.
"have been married nearly ten years.
and we have never had a quarrel."
"That's too bad." rejoined tho other.
"Any woman deserted at the altar has
my sympathy."
Wherein They Differ.
Her When a man starts to talk ha
never stops to think.
Him And when a woman starts she
never thinks to stop.
Taking Care of Yourself.
There never was a time when peo
ple paid as much attention to their
health and strength as they do now.
Time was when fine stock and fine
horses were fed more carefully than
human beings.
The result of properly balanced ra
tions has worked wonders with stock
ind recent experiments are proving
that the same thing is true of man
kind. It has been found that Quaker Oats
eaten often and regularly taking the
place of heavy, greasy foods will work
sonders In the health and strength of
a family
School children fed frequently on
Quaker Oats thrive physically and are
always capable of the best work at
school. For athletes, laborers, it Is
the best food.. One of the attractive
features of Quaker Oats !s the perfect
way It Is packed. Besides the regular
size package there is tho largo size
family packnge. 10
V - -Vf V,.
Uncle Well, Tommy, how was your
report this term?
Nephew I call foel it yet, uncle.
Two Little Girls Had Ecxema Very
Badly In One Case Child's Hair
Came Out and Left Bare Patches.
Cutlcura Met with Great 8uccese.
"I hare two little girls who bar
been troubled very badly with eczema.
One of them had it on ber lower
limbs. I did everything that I could
bear of for her, but it did not give
In until warm weather, when It seem
ingly subsided. The next winter when
it became cold the eczema started
gain and also in her bead where It
would take the hair out and leave
bare patches. At the same time her
arms were sore tho whole length of
them. I took her to a physician, but
tho child grew worse all the time. Her
sister's arms were also affected. I be
gan using; Cutlcura Remedies, and by
the tlmo the second lot was used their
skin was soft and smooth. Mrs. Chariot
Baker, Albion, Me., Sept 21, '08."
fetter Drag A Cham. Corp, Bole Props., Bosloa.
The father of Judge W. II. Wadhams
bad a chicken-coop and a dog and a
stable hand. It began to look to Mr.
Wadhams as though some one had dis
covered the combination. So he kept
the coop and the stable hand, but be
got a new dog. Next day the bent
old negro who groomed the Wad
hams' horses came to blm. "You los'
you affection fob me, boss?" he asked.
"No, Sclplo," said Mr. Wadhams. "I
like you as well as ever." "Then,"
laid Sciplo, peevishly, "w'yn't you
tie Old Rover In de chicken-coop, 'stld
of dat new dorg?"
A Lay Matter.
"Would you like the floors in mo
saic?" asked the architect.
The Springfield man looked dubious.
"Would you like the floors In mo
saic patterns?"
"I don't know so much about that,"
he finally said. "I ain't got any preju
dice against Moses as a man, and
maybe be knew a lot about the law.
As regards laying of floors, though, I
kinder think I'd rather have 'em un
sectarian." Harper's Weekly."-
Size of North Pole.
"Dr. Cook tells us that the north
pole is not larger than a quarter of a
dollar," says the Montgomery Adver
tiser. However, a quarter of a dollar
sometimes looks as large as the whole
side of a barn.
Probably the reason some girls
make such a fuss when a fellow steals
a kiss Is because tbey are afraid he
won't give it back.
When Cold
When cold winds blow, biting frost
Is In the air and back-draughts down
the chimney deaden the fires, then the
Oil Heater
(Equipped with Smokeless Devloe)
show? its sure heating power by
steadily supplying Just the heat thai
Is needed for comfort.
The Perfection Oil Heater Is unseeded
by weather conditions. It never fails. No
moke-no smell Just a genial, satisfying
heat. Tbt new
Automatic t
Smokeless Device
SreTcntt the wick being turned too high,
lemoved In an Instant.
Solid brass font holds 4 quarts of oil sufficient to give out a glowing heat
lor 9 hours solid brass wick carriers damper top cool handle oil indicator.
Hester beautifully finished in nickel or Japan In a variety of styles.
Brerj Denier Irery where. If Not At Toure, Write for Descrlptlre Circular
to the Nenrcat Agency of the
! iff 9i iff 'ff ft ft
To Eitijoy
the full confidence of the Well-informed
of the World and the Commendation of
the most eminent physicians it was essen
tial that the component parts of Syrup
of Figs and Elixir of Senna should be
known to and approved by them; there
to: e, the California Fig Syrup Co. pub
tishes a full statement with every package.
The perfect purity and uniformity of pro
duct, which they demand in a laxative
remedy of an ethical character, are assured
by the Company's original method of man
ufacture known to the Company only.
The figs of California are used in the
production of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Senna to promote the pleasant taste, but
the medicinal principles are obtained from
plants known to act most beneficially.
To get its beneficial effects always buy
the genuine manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale
by all leading druggists.
Lucky Christopher.
Columbus told his greatest joy.
"I have made an Atlantic trip with
out tips." he cried.
Herewith he pitied those who were
to follow him.
Social Progress.
"The niters are getting on rapidly,
aren't they?"
"Indeed, yes. They used to employ
a washerwoman, but now they have
a laundress." Rehoboth Sunday Her
noma b taken wtihuuldelay when eire cheat and
tickling tbriuil warn Jim thut an annojlng cold
threatens. At all d ruggl mi I d II4c, Ube ana Mo buUlea,
Nothing will thaw the frigid hoart
of a man as quickly as a pretty wo
man's tears.
Pr. Plena's Felleta, mall, tnirar-roeted, easy tm
take aa randy, rogtilala ana Invigorate aUiiuaak,
Uver and bowels. Ixi nut gripe.
It'a a lot easier for a child to in
herit red hair than brains.
Lewis' Single Binder straight 6o cigar.
You pay 10c for cigars not so good.
The average man is a poor Judge ol
his own importance.
- T
x (S0f
VS. 111
What Coventor Deneen, of Illinois.
m mm - .
oaysi mdoui ill
Deneeq, of Illinois, own a see.
oi land in Huakatchewan.
Uanarta. Ho has eald la
aa Interview!
delinhtcd to at the re
markable nrogreee of
Wntnrn Cnnrule. Oar
'Aa mm a hmIu. T ...
boandnr la thoa-
k and 1 have not tat
mat or
one who admitted
he bad a miitake.
i ner are an doing wall.
Tbera la aoaml a com
munltr In the Middle or
naaurn bimm that Baa
not a fapnauotatlve In Manitoba.
Baakatohewan or Alberta."
12S Million Bushels of
Wheat in 1909
. WeaUira Canada field pro pa for
1M will auilrlaM to the fann
er S 1 70,000,000.00 la ruh,
KrMillnnualrniUot lOOnrwee.
ad pm-eaiptloue mt Wum
Et S3.00 aa acre. Railway and
and Oonpanlea have land for aale
at rmaonabl prlcee. Munr form
al hura paid for their land out
of the prnotwHla of one crop.
Bplni!ld rtllinnta, wood arhoola.
Irarrllrnt railway fiirlllt.e,low
might rniwa, wood, water oMul
umber awally obtained.
For pamphlet "Laat Bt Weet."
nartloul.m aa to eoltable location
and low aRtclon rate, apply to
Han't of Immigration. Ottawa,
Oeik, w to Canadian OoVt Agaat.
01 In York lift lldf. Omihi,ltk.
I Die addreee ueareet yoa. I (1)
Winds Blow
ft ft rff rft
w "- M WW I aT aW W
inn ism
ia ri