CALLED TO CONVENTION. Notice is hereby given to the repub lican electors, that there will be held a republican convention at 8 o'clock p. m. on October 2d, ' 1900. in each of the following precincts for the nomination of one precinct assessor, one road over- tnr Hph rod district, one con stable, and one justice of the peace, Kil convention to be held at the usual votinir places: Tipton, Greenwood, Salt Creek, Stove Creek, Elmwood, South Bend. Weeping Water, Center, Louisville, Avoca, Mt. Pleasant, Eight Milo Grove, Nehawka, Liberty, Rock lllufTs 1st, Rock Bluffs 2nd, Platts mouth, Weeping Water City 1st ward, 2nd ward, 3rd ward, Plattsmouth 1st ward, 2nd ward, 3rd ward, 4th ward, 5th ward. In the city of Plattsmouth a primary will be held in each ward at the usual place of holding primaries at 7 o'clock p. m. of eaid day to select delegates to the city convention to De ncia bio o'clock p. m. of said day at tire council chamber in said city to nominate one city assessor, one district assessor, two constables and two justices of the peace. lhe apportionment of delegates shall be one delegate for each 10 votes or fraction thereof cast for Hon. William II. Taft for president at the general election held November 3, 1908, to-wit: 1st ward 7 delegates. 2nd ward 8 delegates. 3rd ward 9 delegates. 4th ward 6 delegates. 5th ward 4 delegates. In the city of Weeping Water a pri mary will be held in each ward at the usual place of holding primaries at 7 o'clock p. m. of said day to select dele gates to the city convention to be held at 8 o'clock p. in. of said day at the usual place in said city to nominate one city assessor, two constables and two justices of the peace. The apportion ment of delegates shall be one delegate for each ten vote or major fraction thereof cast for Hon. William II. Taft for president at the general election held November 3, 1908, to-wit: 1st ward 5 delegates. 2nd ward 8 delegates. 3rd ward 5 delegates. Wii.lard Clapp, Chairman. 'HERE are foods for all purposes but For the brainenergy business men need; the muscle-energy workmen need; the nerveenergy housewives need ; the all round energy school chil dren need. A soda cracker in ap pearance more than a soda cracker in goodness, freshness, crispness. Moisture proof packages. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY May Changs Ownership. L. T. Webster, of the firm of Web ster Bros., real estate, loans and insur ance, of Sidney, Iowa, was in the city Tuesday making an inspection of the 'Wetenkamp block, the building in which the News-Hkram) is located. "There is a probability that this prop--erty will soon change hands and Mr. Webster will represent the new pur chasers . New Brirtflo Placed. For some months past a force of men liave been engaged in building a bridge for use on the main line just west of Pacific Junction. It was completed Tuesday and the cement gang of this city was sent over to assist in plncing it in po3 ition. The new bridge is a much more substantial structure than the old. Do Not Ex periment You Will Make No Mistake If You Follow This Plattsmouth Citizen's Advice. Those Creen Dollars, Hugo Ascmifsen was the lucky man InWescott's green dollar stunt this week, the clock stopping at 4 02-44 and his ticket reading 4-20, within about seventeen minutes of the time, and as his was the closest reading present he was awarded the prize. It will be re membered that he missed the winning number two weeks ago by one second. Rev. W. L. Austin, the new pastor of the M. E. church in this city, came in yesterday morning from his former home in Ashland and will hereafter number himself among us. His family is visiting for a few days at Waverly ana Lincoln and vlR arrive the latter part of the week. Like The Northwest. C. C. Wescott is in receipt of a com munication from his father and brother who recently went to Alberta, Canada, stating that they are enjoying their outing very timeh. They are much pleased with that section of the northwest. Never neglect your kidneys. If you have pain in your back, uri nary disorders, dizziness and nervous ness, it's time to act and no time to experiment. These arc all symptoms of kidnev trouble, and you should seek a remedy which is known to cure the kidneys. Doan's Kiddey Pills is the remedy to use. No need to experiment. It has cured many stubborn cases in Platts mouth. Follow the advice of a Tlattsmouth citizen and be cured yourself. Frank S. Brinkman, Eleventh Street, Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "I can vouch for Doan's Kidney Pills, knowing them to be a good kidney remedy. My back at times became so lame that the simplest movement was painful and I had frequent headaches and dizzy spells that caused me no end of annoyance. Mornings on getting up, I could hardly drag myself about and in spite of the many remedies I used, I found no re lief. Finally I began taking Doan's Kidney Pills, procured from Gering & Co.'s drug store. They made a prompt ard permanent cure," For sale by all dealers. Trice 50 cents. Foster-Vilburn Co New York, solo agents States. Remember the name-Doan's and take no other. 4(5-4 New Duties Added, i In addition to his regular employ ment of keeping the peace of the city and rounding up an occasional hobo, the i chief of police must officiate as street commissioner. At the last meeting oi the city council held Monday night this move was decided upon owing to the exhausted condition of the funds and the imperative need for retrenchment somewhere. estate. You are further notified that a hearing will lie had upon Mid petition before thU court on the 16 day of October. 1119. at 9 o'clock a. m. and that all objections, if any. must bo liled on or before said dav and hour of hearing. Witness my hand and the seal of said court this 25 day of September, 1909 ISeai.1 Allen J. Eebson. 47- County Judge. j B3SMtfBBtfMaOlllllliWll I Notice of Dissolution. j riattsmouth. Neb.. Sept 12, 1909. Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership of K. G. Dovey & Son. heretofore composed of the signers hereof, is by mutual consent this day dis solved. Oliver C. Dovey retiring therefrom. The business of said partnership will be conducted hereafter under the name of E. G. Dovey & Son by George E. Dovey and Horatio N. Dovey. who assume all debts and liabilities of the former tirm and will pay the same Horatio N. Dovey. 47-8 GKomiK K. Dovey.,, Oliver C. Dovey u, Notice To Creditors. ATCHISON LEAVENWORTH KANSAS CITY ST. LOUIS Are Best Reached by the TUB MAXY USES OF PAFER In the home cannot be estimated. It can be used to beautify the otherwise ugly pantry shelves, to put under the carpets, in fact it can be used all over the house and is a cheap means of sanitation. We have a limited number of old papers which we will sell for 5c per bunch. The News-Herald. State of Nebraska. ) cq In Pjiuntv C.ntirt Cass County. i ' In the matter of the estate of Hannah C. Black, deceased. ,. , . . Nniirn is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the Administrator of said es tate, before me. County Judge of Cass County, Nebraska, at the County Court room in Platta said Countv. on the 1 1th day of October. 1909. and on the 12th day of April. 1910, at 9 o'clock A. M.. each day. for the purpose of pre senting their cluims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six month are allowed for the creditors of said deceased to present their claims and one year for the Administrator to settle said estate, from the Uth day of October, 1909. Witness my hund and seal of said County Court, at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this 9th day of Sep tember, 1909. Allen J. Hkmon. Seal.1 County Judge. 4.1-8 Have you had colToe and biscuit this week at John P.auer's. If not, why not? Letral Notice. ButTalo, i slnto of N,.brD,i.a , ..... for the United unty of Cass ' i in the matter of tho estateof Tcter Kauen, de- ' Ci-aseil. ' To all persons interested. j You arc hereby notified that there has been liled in this court tho petition of E. D. Cummins. J. U. Martin, C. L Martin and William Welirbein; alleging therein among other things that said l'eter Kauen departed this life, intestate, on the 22nd day of March, I'M, at which time no was n resident nnd inhabitant or snm county, iobvuim both real and personal eMate I he prayer or sain petition is that estate bo administered and that J. 1 Falter apiiointed administrator of said Reduced rates via. Missouri Pacific to Chicago, St Louis, Kan sas City and St Joe. Dates of sale August 28th to Sept. 8th and September Uth to 19th. See agent for rates, limits, and etc. Hugh Norton, Agent. Fall Opening t ii L The Old Buggy... made new for a few cents and a little, labor. With The Sherwin-Williams Buggy Paint you ran paint and varnish at tlie same operation. You will be surprised how easy it is to renew vehicles. Let us show you color cards. SOLD BY F.C. FC3ICKE & CO. EXPERT PILL MIXERS. Rexall Store. 7. v. Mr WW Please call and see my line of HATS. Prices $2.50 to no. f T f ? Y f ? Attention Farmers and Stock Raisers! j Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hog Salvet or mcdi- cated Salt is the best remedy for all kinds of stock to make them tat well and aid digestion i and also a blood builder. If not satisfied witn re sults money refunded. Sold at the feed store of J. V. E6ENBERGER PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Last Rates of the Season $25.00 TO CALIFORNIA: These very Low one-way rates are in eirect until October 15th. The Burlington runs daily through tourist sleepers to Los Angeles and San Francisco, via Denver, scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City. $25.00 TO WASHINGTON, OREGON AND THE NORTHWEST until October 15th. You have choice of two Bur lington through trains, via Billings to the coast, ove via the great northern, one via the northern pacific. All classes of through equipment, including tourist sleepers. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS: October 5th and 19th to the far west and northwest. Inquire about Mondell 320 acre homestead lands. WINTER TOURIST RATES: Ask nearest agent about winter tourist rates to south and southeastern resorts. The United States Land and Irrigation Exposition at Chicago, Nov. 20th to Dec. 4th, will be of vital interest to the farmer. W. L. PICKETT, Ticket Agent, Plattsmouth, Neb. Ii. W. Wakely, G. P. A., Omaha. MM Miss Myers. . ! it.