The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, September 27, 1909, Image 7

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    Breaking In Shoes.
, Frederick the Great had tender feet
and used to have an old double who
broke 1 nnow boots for him. Hot
weather Is a mad time to break them
In. Every one Bhould keep old shoes
on trees for wet and hot emergencies.
False Pretense.
Mrs. Hyup "I was so disappointed
In Dr. Pullera!" Mrs. Hyer "In
what respect?" "Mrs. Hyiip "I un
derstood he was a great bridge ex
pert, but he was only a dentist."
Applied Learning.
See the ninnl
Oh, yes, the man is swearing rap
idly. Now he is putting his thumb In his
That Is why ho has stopped swear
ing; not because his thumb has stop
ped hurting.
How did ho do so?
Do you not see the book on the
It is entitled "Every Man His Own
Yes, the man was holding it in his
left hand and reading the instructions
for driving nails while he tried to fol
low them with his right hand.
Now he has removed his thumb
from his mouth and is saying sonio
more things.
Ha, ha!
' We should not laugh so heartily had
we not smashed our own thumb onco
or twice.
Wo learn from this that in tho on
ward march of time we often learn
that from our misfortunes of today wo
glean our joys of tomorrow.
Is not that helpful?
Let uswatch the man. Maybe ho
will attempt some more hammering
and we will bo helped even more.
A small boy's Ideas of brownies:
"They livp In very hot countries.
They eat with their fingers and wash
their teeth with sand and water. Somo
are like savages, hunt for their prey
and they worship ideals. Some boys
and girls who have never seen these
brownies think they are fairies, but
of course they are not."
The extraordinary popularity of flna
white goods this summer makes tha
choice of Starch a matter of great im
portance. Defiance Starch, being free
from all injurious chemicals, Is the
only one which Is safe to use on fine
fabrics. It great strength as a stiffen
er makes half the usual quantity of
Starch necessary, with the result of
perfect finish, equal to that when tha
goods were new.
Succinctly Put.
"He dances beautifully," said the
summer girl, "but he hadn't been here
a weejt before ho was engaged to bo
married. "Ah: replied miss Lay
enne; "he two-steps better than he
6lde-8teps." Washington Star.
A Practical Youngster.
"Why do you think your baby Is
such a clever child V' "Because," an
swered the sensible woman, "ho just
laughs and plays and has a good timo
instead of thinking up smart sayings
for us to repeat to the neighbors."
With a smooth Iron and Defiance
Starch, you can launder your shirt
waist just as well at home as tha
toam laundry can; it will have the
proper stiffness and finish, there will
be less wear and tear of the goods,
ant! it will be a positive pleasure to
use a Starch that does not stick to tha
Don't trust your eyes to pedlars and
traveling grafters. Call on us and wo
will examine vour Ejres Free. We are the lar
gest optical nianiifai-turerH in the middle west.
Huteson Optical Co., 213 south iem strut
l actor on tho 'remises
Nebraska Directory
attention. All supplies fur tile Auiuteur strictly
freiih. Send fur entnloirtte inl finishing prlees,
Box 1197, Omaha. Neb.
art the best; lualnt on baring tbem.
Ak your local dealer, or
THE PAXTON European Plan
Room froui 1 1. 00 im alngle, 7rcentn up double.
k to H Mfr's urhs. Utsli or Urn imiti
mtntt. Kentert, rwilapnllML Weidiip
An? where for fr exaiulimtlon. No d
pMM i. Writ ftf btf bmrifclu Uai tni, y(Tr
old or Mis Bert nsalere. We will lend to pupils .-
aaacheraon rwalpt of l&cta.tii stamp, a IVtnph, hurt
ispla. tnuiwlirdrul. JOHN G. WOODWARD
CO."Th Candy Man"Counoll Bluffa,
f i I r RI 'onto Ronous l!
YV b la 1 1 OU CI thi). rm email broken
imrlftof miii'liitierv made kooiI an new, Welds
iHt Iron, cast meei. nliimiiiiim.rrpver, tirasfio
nv oilier mrtal. Kxpcrt automobile reiHirinif.
Pay Fee When
iOoiiliI beFlttedbyalLiHlsl
Established in Omaha 27 years.
Investiirato our success, reliability, hon
est and honorable tlenlinjr and officn
where thosick are treated and Cured
FKEK Symptom lllank, lOxiiminaiitm
and Consultation All ailments, no
mnttor lwv nrnuired.
215 S. 14th St,, Omaha, Neb, V
Cured by Lydia E. Pink
ham's VegetableCompound
Mablton, NJ. I feel that Lydia E.
rinkham's Vegetable Compound has
given me new me.
1 suffered for ten
years with serioui
female troubles, in
flammation, ulcer
ation, indigestion,
nervousness, ana
could not sleep.
Doctors pave me
up, ns they said my
troubles were
chronic. I was in
despair, and did not
euro whether 1 lived
or died, when I read about Lydia E.
rinkham's Vegetable compound; sol
began to take it, and am well again and
relieved of all my tmfferinp;." Mrs.
Gkoroe Joudy, Uox -10. Marlton, N J.
Lydia E. rinkham's Vegetable Com-
found, made from native roots and
lerbs, contains no narcotics or harm
f ul drugs, and to-dav holds tho record
for the largest number of actual cures
oi female diseases we know of, and
thousandsof voluntarytestimonialsaro
on lilo in tho Tinkham laboratory at
Lynn, Mass., i'rora women who havo
been cured from almost every form of
female complaints, inllammation, ul
ceration, displacemcnts,libroid tumors,
irregularities, periodicpains, backache,
indigestion and nervous prostration.
Every suderinfr woman owes it to her
self to give Lydia E. linkham'a Vege
table Compound a trial
If you would like, special ndvico
about yourcas write confiden
tial letter to Mrs. Pinkbam, at
Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free
cud always hclpf uL
. From Overhead.
A canary hung directly over the big
square table in the Hungarian res
taurant, "Once," said a woman who was din
ing there, "tho bottom dropped out
of the cage, the bird flew at the or
chestra yonder, and we had bird seed
In our soup. It was awful."
"That reminds me," said the cross
eyed man, "of one time when we were
having a little game of poker on the
B. & O. You know how those trains
roll. Well, just about the middle of
the game down came all the grips and
dress suit cases straight into the
kitty and broke up the game. Money
flew everywhere. We got so mixed
we couldn't tell which had won or
whero the money was that whoever
had won it won. Talk about bird
The Root of Altruism.
The three eternal roots of altruistic
energy are these: First, the principle
of justice; that there is a moral law
before which all men are equal, so
that I ought to help my neighbor to
his rights. Second, the principle of
charity; that I owe infinite tenderness
to any shape or kind of man, however
unworthy or useless to the state.
Third, the principle of free will; that
I can really decide to help my neigh
bor, and am truly disgraced If I do not
do so. To this may be added the
Idea of a definite judgment; that Is,
that the action will at some timo ter
rlbly matter to tho helper and the
helped. G. K. Chesterton.
His Size Was Known.
"I want some collars and neckties
for my husband!" she snapped.
"Yes, madam."
The clerk offered her the latest
"What size are these?" asked the
"Why, twelve and a half, madam!"
"How on earth did you guess that?
"Ah," replied tho clerk, smiling,
"gentlemen who let their wives select
their collars and ties always take that
Agrees with Kim About Food.
A trained nurse says: "In tho
practice of my profession I have
found so many points In favor of
Grape-Nuts food that I unhesitatingly
recommend it to all my patients.
"It Is delicate and pleasing to the
palate (an essential in food for the
sick), and can be adapted to all ages,
being softened with milk or cream
for babies or the aged when deficiency
of teeth renders mastication impos
sible. For fever patients or those on
liquid diet I find 'Grape-Nuts and albu
men water very nourishing and re
freshing.' "This recipe Is my own Idea and Is
made as follows: Soak a teaspoonful
of Grape-Nuts In a glass of water for
an hour, strain and serve with the
beaten white of an egg and a spoonful
of fruit juice for flavouring. This af
fords a great deal of nourishment that
even the weakest stomach can assim
ilate without any distress.
"My husband is a physician and he
uses Grape-Nuts himself and orders It
many times for his patients.
"Tersonally I regard a dish of Grape
Nuts with fresh or stewed fruit as the
Ideal breakfast for anyone well or
In any case of stomach trouble, nerv
ous prostration or brain fag, a 10 day
trial of Grape-Nuts will work wonders
toward nourishing and rebuilding and
in this way ending the trouble.
"There's a Reason," and trial proves.
Look In pkgs. for tho famous little
book, "Tho Road to WclklUc."
liver rend the above Irtterf A new
one nppenm from lime In time. Tbey
are ttenulne, true, and full ol humaa
ft!: - IV V igj
Head of Mailorder House,
Retired with $25,COQ,0CO,
Works In Fields.
Chicago. Richard W. Scars, who
has retired from business with $25,
O00.O0U made iu 17 years, took ?harge
of the threshing at his farm at Gray's
Lake, 111., the other day.
At five p. in. the man whoso finan
cial career would have been meteoric
had it not been for his quiet way ol
doing things was out In tho field
supervising the work that the 20 men
who came an hour later were to ac
complish before sundown. Wearing
overalls and wide-brimmed straw hat,
as if he were accustomed to them,
Mr. Sears surveyed his model farm as
If it were the only interest h had In
life. He refused to turn from it and
Richard W. Sears.
look backward over the 17 years that
have elapsed since he loft his post as
telegraph operator In Redwood Falls
Minn., to start the mail-order business
that has grown Into the greatest 1c
the world.
"I'm awfully busy," he declared.
have to look after the threshers and
get this work done to day. I haven't
any time to talk about myself. Ncvei
did have," he added, with a merry
twinkle of his eye.
"Farmer" Sears, who has announced
that he intends to devote the rest ol
his time to his family and his farm, is
only 45 years old. Ho was a telegraph
operator of a wayside station when an
eastern watch manufacturer sent hire
a watch with the privilege of returning
It If he could not sell it. He found
that he could sell that watch and
many more. So large did the water,
trade he established become that h
resigned his position and went to Min
Two years later he came to Chicago
and began the business career thai
ended recently with the sale of . his
stock in Sears, Roebuck & Co., to a
New York syndicate and his retire
nient with great wealth.
Mr. Sears' family is enjoying th
farm life as much ns the head of th
house. His four children two boyj
and two girls hate been reveling In
rural domesticity and say they want tc
be farmers too.
Aula Christl at Chautauqua, N.
Only Building of Its Kind In
the World.
Chautauqua, N. Y. Tho dedication
of tho Aula Christ! or Hall of Christ
the only building of its kind in the
world, took place recently In this city.
Tho one who first proposed the idea
16 years ago, Bishop John H. Vincent,
gave tho dedication address.
This new building to be devoted ex
cluslvely to the study of Christ, was
erected at a cost of ubout 1 10,000. The
largest single contributions to Its
erection were J10.000 from the Massey
estate in Toronto; $5,000 from Mis?
Helen Gould and $3,000 from the es
tate of N. T. Arnold. Tho last $ 12,-
000 for Its completion was given by
Chautauquas at a Blnglo meeting last
year. The building is constructed of
white Roman brick, stone, steel and
white terra cotta. The windows are
all of historic significance presenting
in chronological order events in the
life of Christ.
All the books whlcji have been writ
ten upon the life Christ, including 8
very largo library dealing with the
interpretations of Christ, and Christ
in ethics, in social science and ir
Aula Christl, or Hall of Christ.
modern civilization, are soon to b
collected in one room of this hall. In
another room will bo collected and
placed In easily accessible files copies
of all tho engravings or other pictures
of Christ which the art of ages has
brought within rench. In charge ol
the library and engravings will be a
curator. A beautiful main audience
room will ho used exclusively for np
propiiato meetings. Already these
meetings nro being held in the new
building. Later courses in study are
to be Inaugurated In the life, word?
and deeds of Christ and In the results
of his teachings. These courses arc
to be conducted for both old and
young A special st rvice Is to he held
in this building at least once a month
throughout the entlro year.
r 111
How to Make a Bad Back Better.
Women who suffer with backache,
bearing down pains, dlszy spells and
that constant feeling
of dullness and tired
ness, will find hopo
In the ndvlce of Mrs.
"Mary Hluson of 21
Strother St., Mt.
Sterling, Ky. "Had
I not used Doan's
Kidney Tills. I be
lieve I would not bo living today," says
Mrs. Hinson. "My eyesight was poor,
I ruffered with nervous, splitting head
alius, spots would danro before my
eyes and nt times I w ould bo so dizzy
I would have to grasp something for
support. My back was so weak and
painful I could hardly bend over to but
ton my shoes and could not get around
without suffering severely. Doan's Kkl
ney Tills helped mo from tho first, and
I continued until practically well
Tirniemher tho name Doan's. Sold
by all dealers. 60 cents a box. Foster
HUburn Co.. Buffalo. N. Y.
Dobson Can your daughter play the
Sububs (wearily) I don't 'know
whether she can or not, but she does.
The majority of property owners
are under the impression that spring
time Is the only painting time. Hut
the fall of the year offers several ad
vantages to the painter. One of the
most important is that surfaces are
almost sure to be dry, and there Is no
frost or Inner moisture to work out
after the paint is applied.
Ture white lead tho Dutch Hoy
Painter kind mixed with pure lln
seed oil (tinted as desired) gives a
winter coat to a building that is an
'.rmor against the severest attacks of
the winter rain, sleet, winds and snow.
National Lead Company, 1902 Trln
lty Cldg., New York city, makers of
pure white lead, Dutch Hoy Painter
trademark, are offering to those In
terested a complete painter's outfit,
consisting of a blow plpo and lead
tester, book of color schemes, etc.
State whether you want exterior or
Interior decorating.
Fooled Them Thirteen Years.
Frank Nelson, former state superln
tendent of public Instruction of Kan
sas, and "Cap." Gibson, the veteran
record clerk in Auditor Nation's of
flee, are great friends. Nelson Is now
prosident of a Minnesota college.
When Nelson was still In tho Btate
houso ho and Gibson had a talk one
day about teaching school. "I was
once a school teacher," volunteered
"Is that so?" asked Nelson. "How
"Yes, I fooled 'era 13 years," re
plied "Cap."
"How Is that?" asked Nelson.
"Oh," said "Cap.," "I quit .when
teachers had to qualify." Kausas City
$100 Reward, $100.
The reft'len of this paiier will he pleiwt In leuro
thnt there at le:wt one tlrrmli-J dlNvw that frienr
lit) hreu alile to rure In all It Bttutes, and that la
Uitarrh. Hull's Oiturrn Cure Is the only pcwitlvt)
turn uow Known to the meiilral trnt rnlty. t nlnrro
bring a rormtltiitl.jtiiil llniM, miutria a roriMllil
tional Hall's .itarrh ( tiro la taken In
lirnallv. acllnir illrcetlv tiiHiii the bloix! and muroits
furfures . ot the svstetn, thereby destroying lha
(I'limlfitinn o the dlwase, anil im-ing me patient
ftrength by bullillng up the cotntitutl'm ami awwl
tit nature In doing Its work, 'the proprietors hnvi
m muph faith In Its curative powers that they oflri
on Hundred Dollars (it any rasu that It lulls la
ture. riend for HM of teatlmr.nlals
Address F. J. CIIKNr.V 4 CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druitulnu. TV.
lata UaJ s 1 amily Tills for constipation.
No Shape in It.
, " Did she leave her business In good
No; she couldnt. There Is no
shape in her business. Shu's a fash'
ionable dressmaker."
A little bottle of lhmlin Wizard Oil
is n medicine chest in itif. It can 1
applied in a larger number of painful
tiluicntt than any other remedy known
A train of thought won't do you
much good unless you get up enough
steam to carry it through.
fholt-ra IM!ii'Wnr-t. Trentmi'M inuM br prompt.
I i in k m le r i i-errr i m vis t w nii-n oven-nines nil nowl
Ituublttliku dla rrhcu.r tioh-ru tuurbua;i lid U' hen tvrjr,
When a man is his own worst ene
my he really doesn't need any others,
Mm. Wlnalow'n Soothlnir Srrnp,
For children teething, softens the sunn, reduces h
CuiniaUuu, aluys pln, cures wind coilu. '' a bwtus.
Out of-a total of IS south polo ex
peditions nine have been Uritlsh.
Smokers find Iwis' Sinpls) Binder 8o
Cigar better ipulity than lnoat Uc cigars.
Brazil grows moro coffee than any
other country In the world.
Pr. rteree's Pl"nvnt Pellets flrt pnt tip 40 years
siro. Titer rvtiliite and Invlcomto Momuch, liver
and bowels. Sut;.ir-eoated lin gtutiulfh.
A brain Is worth Utile Ubout
tongue French.
W V 13"
A New One About Napoleon.
A "new" story nbout Napoleon Is
rcssarily doubtful; the probability
is that it is simply so old that It has
en forgotten. However, here Is one
that Arthur M. Chuqiiet prints In
.'Opinion n never before published.
It relatesto Napoleon and llltieher.
The emperor received tho general
at the castle of Finkensteln, while ho
as preparing for tho siege of Danzig.
He drew him to a window In an upper
story and paid him compliments on
his military gifts, and Illucher, going
iway delighted, described the Inter
view to his alde-de camp. V Hat a
chance you missed!" exclaimed the
"You might have changed the whole
course of history."
"Why, you might have thrown him
out of tho whitlow."
"Confound It!" replied Tllucher. "So
1 miglit! If only 1 had thought of iu"
New York Kvenlng Tost.
Laundry work nt homo would be
much more satisfactory If tho right
Starch were used. In order to get tho
eslred Bti tineas, It I J usually neces-
lary to uso so much starch that tho
beauty and flneuesa of tho fabric Is
hidden behind a pasto of varying
hlekness, w hich not only destroys the
ippearnnce, but also affects tho wear-
,ng quality of tho goods. ThU trou
ble can bo entirely overcome by using
Defiance Starch, as it can be applied
much moro thinly brcauso of Its great
er strength than other makes.
Where Sitting Bull Was.
Donne Robinson, head of the depart
ment of history of tho state of South
:ikota, says of Sitting Hull and the
Custer massacre: "Tho Indians tell
me that Sitting Hull was a medicine
hli'f! thnt lie wns tho ereatest in Ali
enee anion;; the Sioux nt that time by
rtnson of his constant agitation
lU.alnst the whites, and that he did
not i;ersonnlly engago In tho fight
.gainst Custer, but that ho was back
on an elevation between tho Little
Big Horn and the Illg lloru making
medicine." Imlian School Journal.
Carnations Go to Sleep.
Florists often suffer losses through
I habit carnations have of sometimes
going to sleep" and never opening
igaln. A series of experiments made
In tho Hull botanical laboratory and
described In the Botanical Gazette
nakes It seems probable that this
sleep" Is caused by tho effect of 11-
umlnating gas, to which, even In very
small quantities, theso flowers are
surprisingly sensitive.
Sheer white goods, In met, any flna
rash goods when new, owe much of
their attractiveness to the way they
ire laundered, this being done In a
Banner to enhance their toxtilo beau
ty. Homo laundering would bo equal-
y satisfactory it proper attention was
liven to starching, the first essential
Velng good Starch, which has fluRlclent
itrength to stiffen, without thickening
',he goods. Try Defiance Starch and
fou will be pleasantly surprised at the)
Improved appearance of your work.
Its Troubles.
The family skeleton complained.
"I wouldn't mind being exhibited
once In awhile," said tho skeleton, ar-
I'culatuiB with difficulty through Its
tot leeth, "but they air me so fre
quently In the courtroom, where the
air Is alwnys notoriously bad."
Hut who ever thinks of looking at
such exhibitions from the family skel
eton's point of view?
Important to Mothers.
Ftnmlnn rnrofttllv everv bottle Of
CASTOKIA a safe and sure remedy for
Infants and children, and bco mat 11
Pears tho
Signature of
In Vso For Over HO Years.
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
The Old Man's Joke.
"Mary," called her father, "has that
young man gone yet?"
"No, pa," replied the maid. "Dut
he's going right now."
"Then ask him to empty tho pail
underneath tho Ice box before ho
goes, will you? I forgot It."
Her Bathing Suit.
"Papa, the stuff I want my new
bathing suit mado of costs ten dollars
a yard."
"Well, here's S1.E0 get what you
'(want, my dear."
Twi' Kindle Binder straight 5c cigar.
You pny 10c fur cigitrs nut no gaud.
In India there are nearly 26,000,000
XT? . 2-
I is i in Ai Hn ivr k i m j
weakest orjjan. If there is weakness of stomach, liver or lungs, there is
weak link in the chain of life which may snap at anytime. Often this so-called
"weakness" is caused by lack of nutrition, the result of weakness or disease
of the stomach and other organs of digestion end nutrition. Diseases and
weaknesses of the stomach and its allied organs are cured by tho use of Dr.
Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery. When the weak or diseased stomach ia
cured, diseases of other organs which teem remoto from the stomach but which
have their origin in a diseased condition of the stomach and
other organs of digestion and nutrition, are cured also.
The BtronS man has a strong etomaeb.
Taka ibo above recommended "Dlscov
cry" and you may bavo a atroai atom
ecb and a etronQ body,
Civbn Away. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser,
new revised Edition, is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay
expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for tho
book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound vol
onic. Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Unm etire snd posltlvs
NuikiwI." I.itiuid. Ktvan
It. Miow to jiMiriintirirst.
enautiroA." ttpaeiai ugviiia
YOU'LL feel
better for work,
play or rest if you
eat Ouaker Oats
at least once a
day. i
Tills Trade-mark
Eliminates All
fn tlie purchase of
paint mate-rials.
it It an uhviltite
gti.irantee of pur.
ity and quality.
Tor your own
nrntrctlon. sea
h.l It is nn the side of
every keg ol white lead
you buy.
1901 TflsIN Buiialm, Htm Tsrfc
Positively cured bg
these Little PUIa.
Ther also rollers) Vim
ITI'TsLF treats, from PyspepstftBst
Wl f dUteatlon and Yoo Hearty
I Vr K Lnllnir. A perfect reus.
sea, Prowalness, Basl
Tawte In the Mouth, Coat
ed Tousrtte, Tata In tha
The rcgnlevU tha Uowala. Purely VsgeXabl
Genuine Must Bear
FaC'Simile Signature
Four hundred thousand people
take a CASCARET every night
and rise up in the morning and call
them blessed. If you don't belongto
this great crowd of CASCARET
takers you are missing the greatest
asset of your life.
CASCARRTfl inc box for week's
treatment, all druggists. UigRest seller
la tbeworlj. JLlilluiu boxes a mouth.
This Brand of Washing-
; ton Red Cedar Shingles
1 Is Different.
They are so well made carefully
jrraiied not over dry they lust,
and cost no mora to lay than
ordinary brands. Insiston having
this brand
1 iiyi,ww''ASK: YOUR DEALER1 'M iff Hi
Register for Free Home
Only official map prepared by State
Engineer, showing Standing fcock and
Cheyenne lauds with full information
great land drawing, aoc silver. SOUTH
MENT BUREAU, Pierre S. D. Lista.
Cheap Homes for the Million
Along lha
Kansas City Southern Ry.
In Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texai
and Louisiana.
Write for copy of "Current Event"
Gulf Coma liiHik, etc., to
F. E. R0ESLF.R. Und Commlit loner, K.C S. Ry.
We secure find promote tiivients. Kt-iriuetit IS
nitimifiii'ttirinit ttriim looking for Improve
ments. HUES AGO., ratent Attorneys, 2loD8t.,
WuMlitngtou, D. C. No uUvuuce fee. Advice free.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 39-1009.
F.ach of the chief or
guns of tho body is
i link in the Chain of
Life. A chain ia no
stronger than its
weakest link, the bod
oo stronger than, its
Pink Eye, Fplzootlo
Shipping Fever
& Catarrhal Fever
prrrsntlT. matter bow tienee at any agi are tnfaetd o
on tUe tontntei aets on tbe HunxI ami tjUiutSi vioeis the
I lfoy iihi niieoi nil . mtinn, im
La tlrliip aaiuiiif hitman bolnire
foanilfi a bottle, aoanil lid ailoien. I'ntthisouL Kaep
wnnwiiiifewiiorjuu. rnt uvusiai, -unwmxr, causae
Chomlnte and
iff sswi'rjfvi
rtpK' A?'.' --. ft