The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, September 13, 1909, Image 1

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Christian Science
Lecturer Makes Strong Point that
Universal Belief Does Not
Alter Facts.
The lecture on Christian Science at
the Parmele theater Friday night by
Frank H. Leonard, C. S. B., of Brook
lyn, N. Y., drew a good sized house.
The event was given under the auspices
of the Second Church of Christ, Scien
tist, of this city, and the members feel
highly elated that such general satis
faction has been expressed.
G. F. S. Burton of this city presented
the speaker of the evening, and in his
introduction said in part:
"In this day and age, when material
science is making such wonderful
strides; when so many of our beliefs
and preconceived ideas, entrenched for
centuries in the convictions of the hu
man race, are being shattered and
proven erroneous; and when the sub
jugation of the elements is realized to
be but the comprehension of a demon
strable principle and the perfect pro
cess of reasoning intelligence, thus ful
filling the prophecies and declarations
contained in the Bible, surely it be
hooves us to ponder and inquire, What
is man? who thus has dominion over all
the earth, the sea, and all that therein
is. Man, reasoning man, cannot be
called an accident: He must be admit
ted to be the product of a Supreme
Principle. Even Darwin and Hux
ley the great natural scientists, after
all their research and apparent proof
of material evolution, admitted that
there must "be a supreme principle or
intelligence governing life. And just
recently the material scientists declare
that the human body i3 not composed of
atoms of matter, but that each atom is
a cosmos of Force, and that Force is
God. In the midst of this uncertainty
and dissatisfaction we feel us Cato did,
when in reasoning out the immorality
of the soul, he said, 'It must be so,
hence whence this pleasing hope7"trih
fond desire, this longing after immor
ality?' Every thinking man and woman
is seeking for a practical religion, a
religion that can be lived daily and
hourly; a religion personal, not vicar
ious; a religion that embraces man,
individually and collectively, in all his
thought, in all his action; a religion
that in any circumstance is not found
wanting; a religion not only the for
future but for the NOW."
Mr. Leonard in a man of pleasing
personality, a strong, resonant voice, a
convincing speaker, and he handled his
subject in a masterly manner. In dis
cussing the proposition that universal
belief cannot alter facts, he said,
"What about this belief of sin, disease
and death being real? A universal be
lief is not any more a foundation for
fact than is the belief of a (ingle per
son. To illustrate, let me call your at
tention to the time of Columbus. You
remember that he was treated with
scorn and contempt and cast into prison
because he stood up before the wise
men of his time and said that every
one of their scientific thtses, all their
scientific deductions, all their scientific
experiments to prove that this earth is
New Fall Suits
Designed by Rosen w nUl tt Well.
wearing a sixe 52. Every suit we sell has our guar
antee back of it. . You can take no chances hero.
C. E. Wescolf s Sons
"Where Quality Counts.
flat were worthless, because the earth
is a sphere. Who was right? Colum
bus was right, of course, and the wise
men were all wrong. What effect did
the universal false belief have on the
shape of the earth? None whatever!
The earth continued to be a sphere just
the same. What effect did the false
belief have on the people who believed
it to be true? So long as the people
believed the false belief to be true, they
were held within the narrow confines
of that belief, and stayed on that little
speck of the earth's surface because
they feared if they sailed beyond a cer
tain point they would fall off the edge
of the earth onto that something or
nothing on which Atlas did or did not
stand when he did or did not hold up
the earth.
"For ages those who have deemed
themselves wise in religious matters
have held the world in the grip of the
belief that God is either directly or in
directly responsible for sin, disease
and death; and until we break that
false belief, until we turn away from
it as the prophet E'.ckiel implored the
Israelites to do when he said, "Turn ye,
turn ye from your evil ways; for why
will ye die, "we shall continue to sin,
we shall continue to be sick, and con
tinue to die. God, as the supposed
creator of good and evil, of life and
death, sin and disease, is not the God
of the Christian Scientists, nor is He
the God of the inspired Scriptures,
which teach that He is the same yester
day, today and forever, without vari
ableness or shadow of turning. The
letters C. S. stand not only for Chris
tian Science, but for common sense as
well, and it is common sense, because
it is my sense and your sense; it is a
sense that belongs to all of us; and
Christian Scientists have nothing that
is not yours; they are simply putting
into use what non-Christian Scientists
are letting lie dormant in their thought.'
Inttalling Big Machinery.
Lee C. Sharp left yesterday for a
trip through the east for the purpose
of installing a lot of can manufacturing
imchinorjLwhich his company has built
and delivered during the past summer.
To a representative of tho News-Herald
he stated that the company has
had a most prosperous season, the busi
ness widening out remarkably consider
ing the fact that but little advertising
has been done, only recently inquiries
being received from Melbourne and
Brisbane, Australia.
The points sold at by Mr. Sharp
which he will visit during his trip and
install plants, include Fairport, N. Y.,
New York City, Baltimore, Washing
ton, Pittsburg, Chicago, St. Louis and
LaCrosse. At the present time the
brothers are operating a shop and
foundry in Omaha, the best of their
kinds west of Chicago, and have now
under construction on South Fourteenth
street another shop which will be a
model of excellence.
Another Big Suit Commenced.
Jesse F. Blunt has commenced a suit
against the Burlington for damages in
the sum of $15,01. It will be remem
bered that Mr. Blunt was injured in
March of the present year by fallirg
from a locomotive at McCook, and dis
locating his knee cop.
The largest line, and
of course we think the
best line of new Fall
clothing is to be found
at our store. We
want you to examine
it, compare it and
satisfy yourself that
it is so. We have '
men's suits in price
from $.") to $3:. There
is no desirable kind of
a suit that you cannot
find here, and every
size from the smallest
boy to the largest man
Young Idea
Gets Busy
Good Attention and Splendid Or
ganization Marks Close of
First Week of School.
Friday closed the first week of the
city schools for the fall term. The en
rollment in the High school is 155 and
for the grades about 900, just about
the same as last year. Superintendent
Gamble had made all possible prepara
tions in advance so that no time was
lost in organization and the close of
the first week shows the student body
already hard at work on the coming
year's grind. A considerable number
of changes are to be noted in the corps
of teachers, the complete list for the
coming year being as follows:
Benjamin Harrison, Principal.
Pearl Nichols, Science.
Blanche Horning, Normal Training.
Genevieve Howard, History.
Alliston Johnson, Languages.
Helen Travis, English.
Anna Heisel, Blanche Bell, Estelle
Baird, Pearl Staats, Martha Goehry,
Mae S. Morgan, Clee Applegate, Henri
etta Martens, Verna Cole, Amelia Mar
Nettie Hawksworth, principal; Ar
line Shipman, Altha Petersen, Hazel
Lettie Smith, principal, Clara Wey
rich. Maud Mason, First Ward; Mabel
Davis, East Second Ward; Frances
Hiber, West Second Ward; Hilda Bar
wick, South Park; Ella Sattlcr, Mer
cerville. The Labor Celebration.
The Labor Day festivities, which ow
ing to the inclemency of the weather
were postponed from last " Monday till
Saturday, were all that could have been
asked. The day was fine, large crowds
were in from tne surrounding country
and the d fferent events provided for
the amusement of the people were
thoroughly enjoyed by those present.
The feature of the day was the pa
rade of the shop employes. Each de
partment provided a float, and the rival
ry between them resulted in a half a
dozen of as nice floats as were ever rep
resented in a parade it this city. Fol
lowing this occurred a hose cart race
between two of the local companies, and
a nozzle fight which was much enjoyed
by the crowds. The ball game at four
o'clock between the local team and
Cedar Creek drew a good crowd. Platts
mouth carried off the honors by a score
of 7 to 1.
Big Advertising Campaign.
M. E. Manspeaker made a business
trip to Lincoln Thursday in connection
with his agency for the J. I. Case
Threshing Machine Co. Mr. Manspeak
er has been conducting a big advertis
ing campaign in the News-Herald for
this machincry.and the manager of the
Lincoln division took occasion to com
pliment him highly upon same. Mr.
Manspeaker is very enthusiastic in re
gard to the many excellent features of
Case machinery and does not believe
that he has exceeded the truth in any
of his advertised statements. During
the past four months he has used over
1500 inches of space in this paper.
Will Visit Big Flir.
AD. Despain, accompanied by his
niece, Mrs. Irene Purker, will leave in
a few days for a trip through the west
the Seattle exposition being their ob
jective point. While absent Mr. Des
pain will visit with his brother, Augus
tus, or "Gus" as he was more famil
iarly known here twenty-five years ago
I who now resides at Tacoma. Mrs. Fur
j ker formerly resided in Houston.Texas
but has been visiting relatives here for
! several months past. Her husband is
i organizer for a fraternal order and only
recently was transferred from Texas to
Washington, hence she goes there to
make her home.
Case Dlsmiaaed.
In county court last Thursday, the
case of the State vs. Maud Finton and
Nellie Clifton was dismissed. This is
the caso from South Bend in which a
j neighborhood quarrel resulted in the
arrest of the above parties on a charge
of assault and battery. The trouble oc
curred some time last June, and has
j been continued from timo to time until
i the present, with tho abovo result.
Quite A Com
mon Error
The same Mistake is made by
many Plattsmouth people.
It's a common error
to plaster the aching back,
To rub with liniments rheumatic
Whan the trouble comes from the
Doan's Kidney Pills cure all kidney
And, are endorsed by Plattsmouth
Mrs. John Sharp, Cor. Third & Dyke
Streets, Plattsmouth, Nebr., says;
For a long time I had trouble from my
back and kidneys. There were terrible
pains in the small of my back often ex
tending into mf kips and limbs and
though I doctored and tried various
medicines, I was not relieved. About
a year ago I procured Doan's Kidney
Pill's from Goring & Co. 's drug store
and in a short time they brought me
complete relief. This remedy has my
hearty endorsement. " (Statement
given June 9, 1806.)
On December 29, 1908, Mrs. Sharp
said: "I gladly renew my former en
dorsement of Doans Kidney Pills. I
still think highly of this remedy, know
ing that is a splendid one in cases of
kidney trouble."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster, ilburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, aole agents for the United
Remember the name-Doan's and
take no other. 42-4
Old Se tter Dies.
Word has been received in this city
by Judge J. E. Douglass, a nephew, of
the death in Lincoln yesterday of
Jesse Cromwell, aged seventy-four
years, at the home. of his daughter,
Mrs. Killen.
Deceased was born in Kentucky, in
boyhood moved with his family to
Adims county, Illinois, later was mar
ried to Anna McMurray, and with his
wife and family came to this county in
1881. where he bought a farm near
Victoria postoffice, where he resided
until a few years ago, when he re
moved to Oklahoma.
Besides his wife he leaves surviving
him three sons and four daughter, as
follows: O. W. of Oklahoma, Walter
of Elmwood and T. H. of Omaha; Mrs.
Jones of Oklahoma, Mrs. Killen of
Lincoln, and Mamie and Fannie of
Oklahoma. Deceased was a man who
stood high in the community in which
he lived, and from his young manhood
was a consibtent member of the M. E.
church. Interment was made today at
A Subscription Campaign.
We wish to call the attention of our
readers to the ad in another part of the
paper in which we are making a special
rate both for the campaign and for the
balance of the year. This late will
just about pay for the paper it is print
ed on, but we propose to make a cam
paign for subscribers between now and
the first of the year and make this rate
so that all can give the paper a trial.
At this rate you of our regular sub
scribers who wish to have your friends
take a good paper can send it to them,
making them a present for the balance
of the year. All subscriptions will stop
after the time subscribed for, or with
in a reasonable time aftci, unless a re
newal is received at the regular rate.
Therefore, no one need to Tefuse the
paper on the grounds that the subscrip
tion will be allowed to accumulate
against them. If you receive the pa
per you will know some friend is send
ing it to you as a present, and that you
will not be required to pay for it up to
the time it is paid for.
Evangelistic Meetings.
Next Wednesday is the time set for
the commencement of the evangelistic
meetings by the Messrs. Willhite and
Tutkerman in the mammoth tent
erected for the occasion in the rear of
the court house. These gentlemen
come highly recommended as men of
wide experience in their chosen work,
and the membership of the Christian
church under whoso auspices the meet
ings will bo conducted anticipate that
much good will be accomplished. Spe
cial pains have been tuken in the prep
aration of music for the occasion, and
the public is assured of a cordial wel
come. Peter Caus has opened a second
hand store in tho first room cast of
the court housj.
Cot Caught.
George W. Dally, Rufus Ireland,
Wilberforce Sully and Frank T. Wells
have been arrested by United States
Marshal Henkel charged with con
spiracy in defrauding the government
out of 1,750 acres of coal lands in the
Lander, Wyo., land district.
The prisoners were arrainged before
United States Commissioner Gilhirish
and held in $5,000 bail.
Wilberforce Sully is a lawyer and is
vice president and a director in the
American Malt corporation, which has
a capital of $30,000,000 and is also
chairman of the board of directors of
the American Malting company, with a
capital of $16,000, 000. Both companies
have their offices in New York.
Ireland is president of Long Island and
Dally is said to be Sully's stenographer.
All gave bail.
The entries on account of which
Dally, Sully, Ireland and Wells; were
arrested involve about 69,000 acres of
valuable coal land in the Lander, Wyo.,
land district.'
The entries were made in 1906 and it
is charged that all the entrymen about
190 in number, were residents of New
York City, most of them barbers and
In the indictment it Is asserted that
the entrymen engaged in a conspiracy
with Dally, Sully, Ireland and Wells
and others to defraud the government
the entries being made in the interest
of the Owl Creek Coal company, and
the Northwestern Fuel company. Others
who were indicted were Samuel W.
Geboof Montana, Thomas McDonald
of New York and John Nelson and
John B. Wright of Wyoming.
The New York people are said to be
people of prominence and wealth.
There are two indictment against each
of them. There are also civil pro
ceedings looking toward the cancella
tion of the entries and testimony was
to have been taken today in the civil
cases in New York City. The land
office has received no information con
cerning the New York arrests.
Birthday at Murray.
' Friday" marked the 71st, birthday of
James A. Walker of Murray, and in
honor of the event his daughter, Mrs.
Dr. Gilmore, assisted by her sister,
Miss Marjorie, served an elaborate
four-course lunch to a number of
friends. Those present were S. J.
Latta, F. M. Young, sr., D. J. Pitman,
A. M. Holmes, J. W. Berger. II. L.
Oldham, Even White, W. A. Brown
and Mont Robb.
Trifl a fT a! lira a n trnwtf Ani'mrnln nni
Mr. Walker receiving the felicitations
of the assembled guests in a happy
manner, and they expressing the hope
that he would live to participate in
many more like functions.
The local W. C. T. U. organization
is holding a meeting this afternoon for
the election of officers for the coming
-W J.M:?-.:.-?.vr:.i.:::r.T. o
Copyright iwkr Hirt Sctisrhirr (V: Mir
West End
Brief and Breezy Letter Relative
to Doings in Elmwood So
cial and Otherwise.
M. II. Tyson's new residence is
rapidly nearing completion and will
add much to the appearance of Quality
Wil'iam Leffler has just completed
the remodeling of his residence prop
erty, which adds much to its appear
ance and convenience.
J. D. Brittel has sold his new resi
dence which was just completed to O.
Lau, who will move to town and take
possession immediately.
Miss Ochlcrking of this city has
purchased one of the B. I. Clements
farms about three miles south of town.
The consideration was 115 per acre.
Richard Smith, who represented Cass
county in the legislature last winter,
has shipped his goods to Perkins
county, where he will reside in the
D. L. Clapp, father of C. D. and H.
L., died the 6th inst. at Hot Springs,
Mo., in the 97th year of his age. Mr.
Clapp was one of the early settlers
near Elmwood.
William Atchison, who for some time
past has been very low with typhoid
fever, is much improved at this writ
ing, and his many friends hope for hyi
speedy complete recovery.
A. B. Dickson has moved to Lincoln
after a residence in and near Elmwood
extending over a period of over forty
years. His many friends will wish him
happiness and prosperity in his new
Mrs. J. C. Hayes is lying very ill at
the residence of her daughter near
Weeping Water and owing to her ad
vanced years her recovery is hardly
looked for. Mr. Hayes was formerly
county commissioner from the third
After an absence of five years Dr.
W. A. Alton has again established
himself in Elmwood for the practice of
his profession. He is located in the
offices formerly occupied by Dr. N. R.
HofTs where he is ready to answer all
calls, day or night.
Change In Time Card.
A new time card went into effect on
the Burlington yesterday which will be
of interest to many Plattsmouth people.
The"dhly trains affected are Nos. 6 and
15, the former arriving here now at
7:53 instead of 8:08, and meeting No.
15 at Pacific Junction the latter ar
riving here at 8:16. Elsewhere in this
issue will be found a revised time card
of the Burlington.
We have an un-
iisuallv stroner line
of medium and popular
priced suits for Fall.
$10, $12.50,
$15, $16.50.
They're all wool worst
eds made to hold their
chape and wear.
The patterns are gray,
London smoke, a few
browns, greenish shades
and a line of black sand
Come in we'll bo glad
tj show you.
Hart SchafTner & Marx Clothes.
.U;n(ttttiin Siirti. Utttton Halt.