The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, September 02, 1909, Image 4

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Entered at the posteffice at Plattsmouth, Casa County, NebMska,
as second class mail matter.
One Year in Advance, $1.50. Six Months in advance, 75c
riattemoifth Telephone No. 85.
.for Justices of the Supremo Court
.For Regents of the State University
For Regent of the State University -(To
All vacancy.)
County Clerk
County Treasurer-
County Judge
County Superintendent
HegiBter of Deeds
In taking the business and editorial
management of the Newe-IIerald we
desire to say a few words to the people
-of Plattsmouth and Cass county.
The News-Herald has been placed
upon a strong financial basis and we
desire to make it a factor in the up
building of the business interests of the
city and also of Cass county in general.
We come to the paper an entire strang
er to the people of the community but
not to the newspaper business. We
realize that it will take time to get
acquainted with the people and with
conditions, but we believe that over
thirty one years residence in Nebraska
as a farmer, newspaperman and public
officer, enables us to know something
about Nebraska and what is for its
best interests.
Having been given absolute control
tf the business and political policy of
the News-Hkrald wc shall give the
people of the city and county a live
newspaper always working for their
interest and the interests of Platts
mouth. Politically the News-Herald will be
for a progressive and aggressive re
publican policy, hoping thereby to be a
factor in some degree, with the assis
tance of others in rebuilding the repub
lican party of Cass county upon the old
foundation that has Btood for years for
peace, progress and prosperity.
As fast as possible changes will be
made in the equipment of the paper.
New machinery, type, a folding machine
and other needed material will be added
and the paper brought up to the stand-'
ard of the best paper in this section of
the county.
From a business standpoint we shall
endeavor to do business upon business
principles. We expect to pay living
wages to our help and shall expect liv
ing prices to be paid us for our adver
tising tnd other work. We do not pro
pose to accept advertising from out of
town business firms which will have a I
tendency to come into competition with ! a few words of wifdom from Rev. Bat
our own businessmen. In other words 'ten might oprn his eyes. And if no
we expect to try to draw business to
Plattsmouth instead of driving it away
and with this palicy before us it is up
to tha business men of the city of
Editor and Manager
Nebraska Telephone No. 85
2, I9C9
Plattsmouth to show us that they will
back us up in that policy by their pat
ronage. We expect to give value re
ceived and will deliver the goods.
The latch string to the office door
hangs out ward and we will be pleased
to meet all and become better acquint
ed as time goes by.
P. A. Barrows
The complete returns from the state
give Judge Fawcett th nomination
over Judge Hamer by 357.
The Plattsmonth Telephone Company
has been allowed by the state railway
commission to issue $45,000 of new
stock in addition to its capital of $190,-
C00. This will be used in making im
provements and paying off some in
Dr. F. A. Cook, the American ex
plorer, after being lost eighteen months
sends the message home that he has
discovered the north pole. He does
not say, however, what the pole is
composed of and until later reports
arrive we shall have to grope in dark
ness. He will probably cut off a piece
and bring home so we can all Bee it.
The World-Herald pays a great
tribute to Judge Sutton in an editorial
in a recent issue. But then the judge
is not running for office this year,
which accounts for the fondness of the
W-H for him. Wait till the judge
comes up for office "on "the Republican
ticket again and then the Omaha daily
will discover all of a sudden that he is
not such a fine fellow, from a World
Herald standpoint.
Tha large bunch of prominent phy
sicians who were recently hurried so
swiftly to the home of Mr. Harriman
the great railroad magnate for an op
eration should be summoned at once to
Fairview. Mr. Bryan has announced
that he is tired of talking, and there
must be something serious that needs
looking after. If an operation can re
fil Mr. Bryan's wind aparatus he might
still be useful as an air ship if his talk
ing days are over.
The state fair this year, notwith
standing the partial crop failure, is go
ing to be the greatest in its history.
The stock entries in ail departments
have exceeded all expectations, and
other entries are greater than ever be
fore. The fair will be nothing short
this year of another great world's fair.
The Lincoln ball team will play two
games each day and the man who stays
away from the fair this year will miss
the big event of the year in the west.
Last Sunday afternoon witnessed a
new innovation in base ball. The Min
neapolis management before the game
engaged Rev. R. L. Morrill to deliver
a sermon in the grandstand before the
game and a large crowd listened atten
tively during the discoursf. His sub
ject was "Sermon in Stones and Good
in Everything." Of course the home
team won and too by the decisive scoro
of 8 to 0. We would Buggest to De
spain & Stoner, owners of the Lincoln
team, that they try the same thing and
engage the Rev. Samuel Zane Batten
to deliver the sermon. It it Bhould
happen that that model of punkness,
Umpire Clark, should be sent to again
umpire the game on the Lincoln grounds
otm?r ooi wa3 accomplished by the
sermon a testimony by Mr. Clark
testimony by
"Whereas 1 was blind, now I aci,"
would do more than anything else to
make the new innovation a success.
The Republican state ticket nomi
nated through the direct primary elec
tion of August 17th meets with hearty
approval and support of the rank and
file of the republican electors of the
state, it being the deliberate choice of
the republican electorate expressed at
the polls, and from the high character
and special fitness of the entire list of
nominees, the ticket appeals with un
questioned force to the best citizanship
of Nebraska regardless of party align
ment or affiliation.
For the firBt time in the history of the
state the people of Nebraska are con
fronted with the important duty of
selecting at one eletcion three members
of the highest tribunal created by our
constitution and laws, the Supreme
Court of the State, and in full recogni
tion of the grave responsibilities resting
at all times upon that court the repub
lican party has selected as its candid
ates and presents to the electors of the
state for tneir approval three of the
ablest and best qualified citizens of
Nebraska for election as Justices of
Supreme Court.
All of the three distinguished citi
zens nominated by the republican party
for Justices of the Supreme Court,
Judges Barnes Fawcett and Sedgwick,
have served the people of the state on
the Supreme bench and the record there
made has received the approval of the
intelligence and integrity of our people
and is in itself the highest warrant for
the confidence reposed in the republican
candidates by their , fellow citizens.
Judge Sedgwick served on the Supreme
bench a full term of six years, Judges
Barnes and Fawcett are present mem
bers of court, the former just complet
ing a Bix-year term to which he was
elected in 1903 by a majority aggregat
ing nearly 10,000 votes; the latter com
pleting a term of one year to which he
was appointed by former Governor
George L. Sheldon on the adoption of
the constitutional amendment at the
last general election enlarging the Su
preme Conrt.
Judge John B. Barnes is a native of
OHo, a veteran of the Cival War and a
citizen of Nebraska since 1871, when
he located in Dixon county and was ad
mitted to the bar in 1873, engaging in
the practice of law, to which he has
since given his entire attention.
In 1865 Judge Barnes was1 elected
district attorney of the Sixth judicial
district, was re-elected and served un
til appointed Judge of the district to
fill a vacancy caused by the election of
Judge Valentine to Congress, was re
elected for a full term and later de
clined renomination to enter upon the
practice of his profession. Judge Barnes
was appointed Supreme Court Commis
sioner in January, 1902, serving until
his election as a member of the court
in 1903 since which date his service on
the court has been continuous. He is
now approaching the completion of the
six-year term to which he was elected
in 1903 a:id holds the honorable position
of Acting Chief Justice of Nebraska in
the absence of Judge M. B. Reese.
Judge Jacob Fawcett is a native of
Wisconsin, a veteran of the Civil War,
and was admitted to the bar at Galena,
Illinois, in 1873. Judge Fawcett was
appointed county judge of Jo Davies
county, III, by Governor Oglesby, and
was elected to the office at the expira
tion of the term for which he was ap
pointed. He resigned the office the
following year and removed to Omaha
and was selected as one of the lecturers
in the College of Law in the Nebraska
State University. In 1895 Judge Faw
cett was elected a judge of the district
court of the Omaha district and was re
elected in 1899 serving eight years on
the district bench of Douglas county.
He Tetumed to the practice of law in
Omaha in the spring of 1904,continuing
in practice until appointed ' supreme
court commissioner in Octobar 1907.
Judge Fawcett continued on the su
preme court commission until the adop
tion of the constitutional amendment
enlarging the supreme court at the
last general election, when he was ap
pointed a judge of the supreme court,
to serve until the general election of
190J. Judge Fawcett is now complet
ing the term for which he was appointed.
" Judge Samual H. Sedgwick is a na
tive of Illinois, in which state he spent
his youth on the farm and inj the dis
trict school, graduating later from
Wheaton College. He studied law at
the Michigan State Uuiversity and in
a law office, and was admitted to the
bar at Green Bay, Wisconsin, in 1874,
since wh'c'i time he has given his en
tire attention to his profession.
Judge Sedgwick removed to York,
Neb., in 1878, and entered at ence into j
active practice. Devoting his entire
time to the law, his practice loon ex
tended over a large portion of the state.
Serving one term as judge on the dis
trict bench, he was later supreme court
commissioner and was subsequently
elected a justice of the supreme court
at the general election in 1901 by a ma
jority aggreging nearly 13,000 over
HollenbecTt, his fusion opponent. At
the close of his six-year term, Judge
Sedgwick was a candidate for renomina
tion, but was defeated in the primaries
by Judge M. B. Reese. The usual cus
tom has been to concede a renomination
to judicial officers, when their service
has been faithful and satisfactory. This
however, had been denied Judge Reese
some years before and republican vot-1
ersat the dcte of the expiration of
Judge Sedgwick's term seemed to think
that the wrong done Judge Reese at a
previous peroid should be righted with
out delay. In this decision no one ac
quisccd more cheerfully than Judge
Sedgwick, although feeling that pa
tient, faithful work fairly entitled him
to a second term.
Since the expiration of Judge Sedg
wick's single term on the supreme
bench, he has continued in active prac
tice of law at York, and the splendid
vote cast for him in the recent primaries
evidences the regard in which he is held
by the citizens of Nebraska and their
desire that a renomination denied him
through no personal fault at a previous
time, shall now be his as the first step
towards again placing him on the court
of last resort, upon which he rendered
distinguished and meritorious service.
In the republican nominations for re
gents of the State Uuiversity to fill the
regular term, the party is fortunate in
having secured the consent of Charles
S. Allen of Lincoln and W. G. Whit
more of Valley to permit their renomi
nations for these important offices.after
each having rendered six years of con-
scientious and valuable service to the
state as members of the directors
The merchants and business men as well as all citizens of
Plattsmouth welcome you to partake of the fun and pleasure of
the first Carnival. Help us to make it a big success, so that we
can make it a big feature in future years to come.
We want all our friends and customers to come and see us.
On Merchant's Day we will serve you with a hot cup of the
celebrated Chase & Sanborn's Blend Coffee (for which we are ex
clusive agents). Ice tea will also be served if the day is warm
enough. Call in and register at our Coffee and Tea Booth.
A prize of one pound C. & S. Tea and one pound Blend Cof
fee will be given to the person guessing nearest to the number of
the names registered on Merchant's Day.
Come in and register: you won't be asked to buy.
board of the state's greatest and most
important school.
Both of the nominees above named
were elected to the office of regent of
the State University for a six-year
term at the general election of 1903.
The confidence of the people of the
state in their ability and integrity was
shown by the flattering majority of
approximately twenty thousand re
ceived by both these candidates at the
election cf that year. The six-year ser
vice rendered by both gentlemen is
ample proof that this public confidence
was well founded and there is little
doubt but that they will be returned to
the offices they hold by largely in
creased majorities.
For regent of the University, to fill
the vacancy caused by the recent res
ignation of Regent Abbott, the repub-
lican voters have placed in nomination
Frank L. Haller of Omaha Mr.
Haller is a well known business man of
j the state's metropolis, and has been
among the men who have stood well to
the front in the material and educa
tional progress of the state's largest
city. Mr. Haller is a native of Iowa
and holds the degree of B. A. from the
State Uuiversity. of our sister state to
the east. Mr. Haller came to Omaha
in 188-1 and shortly after entered the
employ of the largest wholesale agri
cultural implement house in that city.
By shear force of ability he worked his
way up from shipping clerk to genral
mai.ager and successively to secretary,
vice-president and is now the president
of the institution in which twenty-four
years ago he began as shipping clerk.
For fourteen years Mr. Haller has been
a member of the board of directors of
the Omaha Public Library and is at
present the president of the board. Mr.
Haller is also president of the Nebras
ka Public Library Commission, a posi
tion which he has held since the res
ignation of Chancellor Andrews from
the Commission in 1906. He is a mem
ber of the executive committee of the
Omaha Commercial Club and a moving
spirit among the directors of the Na-
tional Corn Association. For many j
years Mr. Haller has kept in active
touch with the agricultural department
to oi sim
of the State University, and has beea
a frequent and deeply interested vis
itor to the Agricultural Experiment
We are publishing at the hed of our
editorial columns to-day the republi
cans state and county tickets. The ste
ticket is composed of men whom no
republican need find excuse for not
supporting. The candidates for the su
preme bench are all men of experience
who have been tried in that position
before and have not been found want
ing. They are men whose experience
on the bench has fitted them for the
position and the people have confidence
in them. There is no reason why
Judges Barnes, Fawcett and Sedgwick
should not be elected, and any man
who want3 competent men on the su
preme bench should not forget that
they are the men who are worthy of
his support. The county ticket is com
posed also of good men. Unfortunate
ly for the editor he has not the pleasure
of a past acquaintance with any o
them, but the fact they have been
chosen by the people in the way that
the people demand should be suffi
cient evidence that they are worthy
of the support of every republican in
the county. You cannot build up your
own business by neglecting it and sup
porting the business of your competitor.
Neither can you strengthen and build
up the republican party in Cass county
by supporting the democratic candi
dates. It may be true that the candi
dates of the opposition are all right.
For the sake of argument we will grant
it, but the republican ticket is composed
of candidates who are also all right.
Then if it is poor policy to build up
your competitor at the sacrifice of your
self, then why support the opposition
candidates to the detriment of your
'. own party. Business is business, whether
in private life or political life, and you
can't make the rule work our way in
one and different in another. If you
believe the republican party is all right
then it is your duty as a republican
ican to
't do iNv
help win the battle, but you can
by voting for the other fellows.
Fine job work done at this office.