Commissioners' Proeesdings. riattsmouth. Neb. August 24, 1909. Board of County Commissioners met pursuant to adjournment, with all mem bers present. Minutes of previous meeting read and improved, whereup on the following business was trans acted in regular form: Printing of delinquent tax list was awarded the Elmwood Leader Echo. County Treasurer inM meted to can cel certificate of Tax Kile, No. 827, on lots C and 7, block 62. Weeping Water City, for the year l!M4, necount of er ror shouhi have been cancelled by tax sale No. IC'JL A strip of land was purchased and deed given by Mark lies and wife to Cass counly for road purposes, consid eration 30.00. A petition from patrons from school district No. 21. through their attorney, M. Cu ring, wan patented, asking that the county board's action taken on Oct. 20, 10(18, with inference to change of school district rquJry lines b. re seindod nrd k t mde and that said school district No. S be heard and a time and place sot, for a hearing upon the petition filed l,y the hoard 0f ,.,). cntbn of i:iniwood, Neh , upon the L".th day of Jut... m. w.d the sa,i,e was this day ! fu ;. i t.y Onanimoiis vote of I ho hoard. The following MH were allowed. ill.u'.'ttU. I'l'M). Fred Mn-.tclvoj. Flection Board ,Ti;':'" ' 'ri ui. "'. 1 I'M ; iiImIi.. :,:,. ., 1 .'100 t. I.. ,i... s.;, I 'hvli hi i!,,ard and Tipton precinct.. ; -u R. ('. ; ;-cI, :t;Tfi ,.. ., (( " " Wi'M-i, l...clion Hoard Ciwnw u,. p, (.,-,,.(, ;! (( Ceo. p. feci tit. sa::ie .... ; """ ::. (, (Ml K J'l'Tti.n Hoard and returns, Greenwood pre. mc:: ! .rank Nie!;l.;, Election Hoard Salt Creel; precinct ))( A. Johnson, Maine ; on J- K- Wit.i.,,,.-iji, Election Hoard f. ,,1 rt.Ujrn Salt Cet-k pn-n'net . . . H s( C. A. Mat I his, stinn; :t 00 Cnrl E., same ;j oo K. II. Hoyles, Election It(,ar(i Stove Creek precinct ,-) oo D. Sax ton, same ! ()() L. W. lioettger. same'".'.'.'.'..;'. j 0() A. Turk, same E. J. Jeary, Election II mrd and returns, Stove Creek precinct ) 80 Herman Schmidt. Election Hoard Elmwood precinct Fred L. Zink, same o 75 W. O. Shewe. Election Hoard and returns Elinwood precinct 8 75 H. H. Gakemeioi, taint 75 If. II. Weddell. same o 75 John Campbell. Election Hoard and returns South Itend pre cinct 7 ()!. John Wilier, h.iih, 07," sum 075 Wm. Richanli, siuie j 75 II. P. Long, .vime o 75 I. N. Hunter. Flection Ho:ird Weeping Water precinct.... u 00 L. A. Hay, same ... ;! on J. I'. Raniiusoit, same . ;j 00 D. Koester, Election Hoard and returns. Weeping Water pre- .ti, m J. i. Kanney, W. Ttghe. Election Hoard and returns Center precinct 7 30 Kay Wiles, same 07-, Tom Keekler, same. o 75 LI. T. Long, .same o 75 I'T'l- H,l'in' Kl-cti.!i Hoard hoi Keekler, same 2 75 Louisville ptveinet ;, ,)() E. Palmer. Election Itoard and return- Louisville precinct ... 1 o M. N. Drake, s un. ;! 0() H. 0. P .! tier, same ; (, Mike Tritsee, anno ()() E. C. Nutzman, Kloction Hoard Avoca irecind . r M. M. Si r iul, same ; or, H. Wolph, same ;t or, J. S. Uouirh, same ; r Jo.i. C. Zirnniei.T. Election and return. Av;oa precinct. . 8 75 C. S. Newlon. Klection Hoard Mt. Pleasant piecinct ; 00 D. Foltz, sHine 0q Chas. Pinlpot, Hani -j 0o Wilson Cilnioro, sjnie '30,. W. H. Puis, Elect .01. Hoard and returns Mt. Ple.iant precinct G 20 Henry Heil, Election Hoard Eight Mile Grove precinct. . . ; no Louis Fr. .dried, s.imo ;i ou Jacob Tr sell, same. Jj (K) P. T. H. c ;er, L'lection Hoard and re urns Eight Milt Grove prueinec. fi 1Q Ed. Loh -s, same ;i C. E. lb . hner. Eloetion Hoard Nehnwkn precinct 3 (X) L. C. Kirkpatiick,' Election Board nd retunn Nehawka p'PPinet 6 j,q Vilas P 1 heldon, aaint 3 00 G. E. V'.ung, aaino 3 o() A. L C per, b.iiiio 3 00 Chas. L rave. Election Hoard and r ,11s Liboity precinct G 50 II. W yd, same 3 00 J. C hi, satm 3 00 W. It s, same , . 3 00 W. or, same 3 00 II. I im, Eleclian Hoard Fi k ninfVpiccinct 3 00 A. L. Haker, same. " 00 T. W. Vallery, Election Hoard and returns First Hock Hlull precinct (i 10 S. O. Pittmaii, same :5(0 W. C. Hrown, same (it) W. U. Good, Election Hoard Second Hoek Hlulf precinct.. II 00 John Wyatt, same ; 00 M. L. Furlong, Election Hoard and returns, Second Hock HluiV precinct. 5 70 Art Sullivan, same .'! no W. A. Wheeler, same I) no Geo. Synder, Election Hoard and returns Plattsmouth pre cinct' 5 50 Fred Kehne, same. H no A. E. Todd, same :i 00 J. E. Wiles, same ;! 00 J. J. Meier, Election Hoard and Ed. Spatigler, same ;5 00 returns Weeping Water 1st. ward 7 50 J. T. llanim, same 2 50 J. W. Carter, same 2 50 I. V. Teegarden, same 2 50 J. I. Corley, same 2 50 I). T. Dudley, Election Hoard Weeping Water 2nd ward... 2 75 N. C. Ilalmcs, same 2 75 F. M. Timblin, Election Hoard and returns Weeping Water 2nd ward 7 75 J. H. Hungate, same 2 75 W. O. Ogden, same 2 75 Geo. Sloner, Flection Board Weeping Water, 3rd ward. .. 2 50 Geo. Hunt, same 2 50 K. Rector, Election Hoard and returns, Weeping Water or:l ward 7 50 John Fowler, same .... 2 50 O. C. Dovey, Election Hoard Plattsmouth 1st ward :i 00 H. A. McElwain, same II 00 J. II. Thrasher, same :5 00 E. E. Wurl, same .5 (h) W. A.' Robertson, returns same 1 00 Adam Kurtz, 2nd ward same. .. .'1 00 John Kopia, same S 00 J. W. Johnson, returns same. 4 (K) Henry Goos, same .1 00 Wm. Webber, same 3 00 J. II. Hecker, lird ward same. . II 00 Hennett ChriswisBer, returns same 4 00 J. R. Kolly, same 3 00 Geo. Saylcs, same 3 00 F. M. Bestor, same 3 SO J. R. Penson, 4th ward same. 3 00 A. G. Tartsch returns same... 4 00 John Hatt, Jr., same 3 00 Paul F. Hudig, same 3 00 Art L. Anderson, same 3 00 J. M. Vorndran, 5th ward same 3 00 John Wynn, same 3 00 Aug. Bach, same 3 00 Frank Libershall, returns same 4 00 C. C. Despnin, same 3 00 John Burk, Room for election. 4 00 W. P. Hutchinson, same, 4 00 Tresr. School Dist. 88, same, . . 4 00 Aug. Bach, same, 4 00 ml WW 8 W. E. Hand, same, 1 00 i W. O. Schewe, same 4 00 Ed. Peterson, same, -1 00 , John Campbell, same, I! 10 E. .7. Jeary, same -1 00 : James Loughridgc, same, 4 00 : James Woodard, Setting up i booths, 1 00 E. L. Shackley. Booth ropairs 2 05 ('. G. Bailey, Canvassing board 7 10 J. D. Bramblet, same 5 10 I C. F. Vallery, Care of booths . 1 50 ' I ouis Dose, Care of booths Plattsmouth G 00 R. A. Hates, Printing ri'JO 00 C I), (juinton, sutly. and board Co. Pris 210 bO ' C. I). Quinton, Hoarding City Prisoners 15 80 J. S. llall.Mdse. to Mrs. Anton 2 40: Asemissen & Klinger, Mdse. . 5 57: W. E. Rosenerans, Delivering , election supplies and money j paid for tax calculator .",0 50 L. I). Switzer, Saly. ntnl Exii. . :;s 75; Elmwood Leader Echo. Print E.pial. Notice 1 5y V. Burrows, Witness Insai.c Van Horn 4 00 , C. R. Jordan, Saly. and Ep -10 00 Sam (J. Smith, Team to Com missioners 4 50 M. Dalby, Coal to Mrs. A. Bloom 3 21 1 C. D. (Juinton, Ticket for Mrs. Anton, 13 00 ' B. C., Mdse. to poor ! care of sick, 21 75 i C. II. Smith, Postal supplies,.. 10 -10 ' The Worrell Co. Exterminator, 10 00 Dr. J. F. Brendel, care Physi- j Dist. No. 2 11 50, Matt Jirousek, Juror Cert S 00 State Journal, Statutes,. 50 00 j Neb. Telephone Co., Rent and Tolls 3 80 1 N. I). Talcott, G mos. Saly. Physicians Dist. No. 5, 30 00 J. H. Martin, Insane Case A. F. lluturer 8 00; D. O. Dwyer. same 3 00 James Robertson, same 8 05 C. D. Quinton, sime, 5 30 Geo. Smith, same 2 50 Nettie Smith, same 2 50 Bertha Hunger, same 2 GO Mark lies, Purchase of land for road 30 00 C. D. Quinton, State vs John Clarence 4 30 Florence Cory, same, 2 10 Sherman Rainey, same 2 20 Geo. Nichols, same, 7 00 Klopp & Bartlett, Election sup plies 200 01 T. P. Livingston, Expert Testi mony 50 00 J. A. Edgerton, Assigned to M. L. Friedrich 15 00 J. A. Edgerton, Labor at court house 2 50 W. I). Wheeler, Services as acting shorilT, 15 00 B. I. Clements, Inquest John Biscuit are more than mere soda crackers. They are a distinct, individual food article made from special materials, by special methods, in specially constructed bakeries. They are sealed in a special way which gives them crispness, cleanliness and freshness which 6' (ny,ni.,OW ' ' from always 11 rr tion's accepted NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Stu.lkr W. J. Schneider, 15 Constable J.;hn Sttnller John Wolf, Jury John Studler. Con Sears, same il'jnry Inhelder, same Frank, same J. J. Schneider, same 1 A. Raker, same T. Sullivan, Witnes:-, John Stud ler. L. Everett, same Wm. Spencer, same D. Barrett, same R. Rector, same G. W. Voss Lumber Co. coal,.. Dr. J. B. Martin, Care Physi cians Dist. No. 1 W. A. I.arkin. Mdse Klopp & Bartlett, Supplies Month July M. L. Friedrich. Saly. and exp. E. G Dovey & Son. Mdse Will Wherbein, team II. A. Schneider, Transferring numerical index J. A. Wilson, Road work, Dist. No. 7 M. Dalby. Lumber Dist. G, . . . A. N. Speer, same, 8 Frank Rouse, Road work Dist. No. 5 Lee Arnett. Culvert Disf 12... W. C. Bartlett, Road work, Dist. No. 15, 00 GO 10 10 no 50 00 , 50 51 , 50 00 (10 : 50 111 28 100 320 51 31 38 50 I 10 i 10! 75 IS 155 102 G 17 I 8 151 7 8 0 CI 00 00 no 10 ('. F. Vallery, same. 1 James Loughridgc, Repair work Diit. No. 10.... Henry Hansen, Road work Dist. No. G Albert Anderson, same, G A. J. Foreman, same, 1G, M. Su'.ser, same, 1, Chas. Anderson, snnic, G Joseph Vickcr, Fame, 1G, S. C. Boyles, same, 1G Stroemer Lumber Co. Disc. 1G, . W. M. Aulthouse, Road work Dist. G, John Newkirk, same, G John Newkirk, Fame, 1G Stroemer Lumber Co. Lumber, R. D. No. G, 00 j 50 : 00 I ; 10: 00 . 25' 11 ' I 50; 00 1 00 1 12 1) 10 50 48 ; C. M. Jordan, Road work Dist. No. 10 8 A. N. Speer, Lumber, Dist. U, . G Ben Beckman, Road work, Dist. No. 10 242 HKIDCK Kt'NI). Neb. Constn. Co. Bridge work Geo. W. Voss Lumber Co. Lumber M. Dalby, same, A. N. Speer, same, 2251 30 12 13 70 Board adjourned to meet Sept. 7 1009. W. E. RoSKNCRANS, County Clerk. FOR RENT OR SALE-House with four lots, well, two cisterns, out buildings and Fcveral fruit trees. Nice location. Inquire at 71G S. 10th street corner of Diamond. C. A. Ilagerstrom. 38-4 Jl the paper bag They are the Na soda kit ,: a 1 A 1 1 .1 Y V V Hotter 'Than Ever 'No relief you say? Oh yes there is. Just drop in and try one rd our delicious Soda Confections. Allow us to mgges-t one of the following. ? V V f T f Root Beer Coco Cola Orangi ado Chnnolah Ro.-e l'ra Frappe ( ; e Sundaes, ary Flavor, 5c and 10c. Ice Cream Soda with Crushed Fruit, 5c and 10c. Remember, a 5c puicliase is ot.e vote in the diamond ring contest. NEMETZ & CO. Canciymakers. Next to P. O. m.:x t. t ? ? v t f f ? f Y ? v t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? y y v Gel (he From Siisis Get the delicious and en ergy building breakfast foods, Quaker Puffed Rice and Quaker Puffed Wheat, the food shot from guns. The grain is puffed by a special process until it is three or four times the orig inal size. This makes it crisp and delicious,an ideal breakfast lood and costs only 10c per box. Soennichsen's y V Mi y Celery Phosphate (lart 1 hosphate ( Fruit Phosphate Violet F r a p p e ( Caramel Frappe Ec 10c loud Shot Is.- I f y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y f y y i 'i A. Xv T y y y y