The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, August 26, 1909, Image 1

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NKWP. EslaMi?h-H Not. 5. 1!U
1IKKALO. Khiablibhwl April ir. lMVt
Conso'.idatod'Jan. 1. 1895
Meet Mishap
Carnival Committee Particpatcs
in a Runaway while Inter
viewing; the Farmers.
Several members of the committee on
the Live slock show Sept. 1st took
teams and drove out through the county
to inei t so::, 'j of Cass Coii'Vtyks er.ler
prisir.g live tock, fruit. ai:d grain
raisers Tuesday.
(!.. S. y!-s ami Julius Pit, drov
thioi.gk Urritory In tv,'i 11 L IV a":!
We. i
s Im'::
i'i tin.
tog t:
in-.,' C
while (I, KalVeiihergcr a;s!
s winks a similar t rip to the
r Lotii.-ville, Murdock and
Vi:" t.'.i iiilrii.i'ii were 0'iur
ceived i.y the farms rs and
v!i.i are rreatly intere.-,ti .1
!.i'. an I ate united in up; nv-
L n:,il in iiyrard to its
io farmers intore.-tcd in ns.k
: i y famous for it'! put e
t': an;! improved grain and
'J'.'a; wonder v.'as dry iv. d hot
ami ti.o road.; dusty which made trawl
ing ip;'te disagree able but this feature
of ti.e l riii was i ;
lost sie;ht of in
the sphndid roioplion accoided the
mer..hers of the committee by the
farmers who are keenly alive to the
situation and seemed glad to show their
animal. i and product:--, many of them
having evidently been expecting a vis
it from tile boosters. Nearly all of the
cattle, hor.-.cs and hogs were in splendid
condition with the exception of fatness
anil this w ill be of no particular dis
advantage to exhibitors an quality is to
be the main feature in I'rof. Ashby's
judging. The farmers were assured
that this was not a fat stock show and
were urged to bring in their animals no
matter if they were not in their custo
mary weight and condition. And right
here the committee wishes to state that
it was not shown an animal which it
TV jvi'.d rot !s proud Usee put on exhibi
tion at the show Sept. 1st. Nothing
happened to mar the successful con
clusion of the trip other than the ac
ciilfr.t to Messrs. Tit:', and Sayles, their
team becoming frigtened at an auto
mobile resulting in a broken buggy pole
and spilling the boys out. A few cuts
ar.d bruises which were not serious
covered the extent of the physical
damages. The horses were not hurt,
and a broken pole and buggy top were
the only damages to .the rig.
The accident happened r.ear the farm
of ("hurley Jean, who offered every
thing at his command in the predica
ment, bringing the boosters to town
with his splendid single driver, for
which In; has their thanks. Everything
points 1o success in connection with the
stock, fruit and grain show feature of
the carnival and the committee is busy
at work completing final arrangements
for the care and protection of the ex
hibits expected.
William Hohlshub returned Monday
evening from a trip to Oklahoma. He
reports that the weather in that part
of the country is about as dry as it is
hereabouts, with the corn suffering
greatly though the small grain did well
and a fair crop of cotton has been reali
zed. iafisfiei
are our greatest asset. We are more par
ticular to have our goods satisfactory than
we are to make money on them. That is
the way we have built up our business.
You can rest assured that anything you buy
here will be your moneys worth as we con
sider your money on deposit till that time.
For Carnival week we are making special
carnival prices and the lowering of theprice
does not mean the lowering of the quality.
Keep your eye on this store during Carnival.
It will pay you.
C. E. Wescott's Sons
'Where Quality Counts.
Big Class ol Red Men.
The local lodge of the Improved
Order of Red Men is making great pre
parations to participate in the liig juhi-
I lee which will occur in Omaha on Octo
ber 2.'!, whi n it is the purpose of the
! promoters to initiate a class of 1,(K)0
i new members. Members all over the
! i;tate have been invited to join in the
elfort, anil for that occasion the initia
tion fee has been reduced to out i f
which the dues for one month
and fare to Omaha and n turn will be
paid. The local tribe is displaying much
! enthusiasm in the matter and have ns-
sura! the stale ooieials of the in .k r
! that I ' 1 . l I ' : n.i.u'.ii may ln ilept mled
upon to iiu U.eir full share i:i fur' i. h
! ing thi ir o i'U.1 of palefaces.
American Apples
In Dementi
! I'u ro .can Fruit (Vop if, SI. oris
j Payers in Ihis: Cui.',::trv.
j Spokane. Wash., Aug. IT,.-Ren H.
i Hiee. !'.eiYtary-i!ianagor of the Nation
al Apple Show Inc., has received ad
vices from London, Liverpool, Dublin,
and Hamburg, whi.'h indicate that le
. cause of the shortness of th,; crop in
! Europe there will l.e a large demand
for American apples the coming fall
' and winter, with the promise of better
prices than in, former years. The apple
-crop in England is reported to be far
' belo w the average and there is an in
! creased demand, not only for fancy
fruits but also medium grades. Robt.
1. Skinner, United States consul, writes
from Hamburg, there is a larger de
' mand in Germany for American apples,
adding that this European business can
j be increased by sending only the best
I fruit and honest pucks. GroweJs in
j the Northwestern states and provinces
j are preparing to send large consign
j nients of fruit abroad this season
! A Notable Event. .
! Mrs. J. W. Larkin left this morning
j for (.'larks, Neb., where she will visit
j for a time with her parents, Mr. and
! Mrs. W. R. Morse. When she returns
' she will be accompanied by her daugh
! ter, Mildred who has been visiting her
grandparents for some time past,
j Mrs. Larkin expects to bo present
I next Sunday at the dedicatory services
of the new Congregational church at
uiai piace, ami ,wiss Mildred will par
ticipate by the rendition of a vocal solo.
This congregation erected the first
church in ("larks in 17-1, the different
I members getting together and doing
the work themselves, Mrs. Larkin's
father, Mr. Morse, performing his
share of the work in laying the
shingles. And it is worthy of note
that in the present work of rebuilding
the church, Mr. Morse is chairman of
the building committee.
Mayor "Jim" Dahlman of Omaha,
wlio debated Mrs. Florence I). Richards,
president of the Ohio State W. C. T.
U., at Albion chautauua lasc week on
the "liquor question," seems to have
gone into the ehautauqua business. He
I is iu ueoaie . c. rricc 01 Lincoln, a
j prominent democrat, on the same sub
I ject at the Dellevue ehautauqua Tues
I day evening, August SI.
Tilings Social
At Mynard
Sprcial Corret-pjhdi-noe.
From present indications Nebraska
is about to go dry.
! W. 1. Porter and wife wen; shopping
' in Omaha Tuesday.
Mr. Nearhoud of Ong, Neb., is visit
! ing willi L. L. Propst.
I Master Garwood Ilichai'dson of So.
Omaha is visiting at Mynard.
Je Sheheii of So, Ouirha is visiting
' at i lie home of J. K. Vallcry.
John S.-h'vait:: is enjoying a visit
I from 1.1s 1 re. her from'Montan.i.
; 11. L. 1'rop. i and wife were trattsac'.
.:;c, h i: i,.i-s - a; Onn.i a Wednesday.
' )'! ilip M ' 1 igi-r of Oklahoma is vis-
il ' ; i.l- p .i . iits. Philip appears to bj
t p; ity well .-tti-l'.u! with the toulh.
I 11 !,; -r P-irkei lies returned from Ok-
lab. i:-t to . one of us. We are glad
j t.) have ii.i hack with us llilgnr.
G. W. Pun.iei.-ter returned recently
from Oklahoma. lie reports the south
; dry but says they Lad a good small
j grain crop.
; Wm. Marry is pow shipping tipples
! by the car load to Omaha. The apple
crop appears to be quite bountiful but
I the peach crop is a total failure.
I F. A. Marker and wife, I). J. La r
j and wife. Grandma McCoy, lyd Por
! ter, Will Propst, Mrs. S. O. Colo and
daughter 0ial atlendjil the Elmwood
ehautauqua Sunday.
The Wild West
and Far East
Many Interesting Features Will
IJe Seen with the Buffalo
3 i 111 and Pawnee Bill
Considerable interest has been arous
ed in this vicinity through the announc
ed appearance of IHilfalo Hill's Wild
West and Pawnee Pill's Far East at
Nebraska City, Sept. 7th.
Col. Wm. V. Cody, the original and
only "Huffalo Hill," travels with the
big exhibition and positively appears at
every performance, rain or shine. Ar
rangements have been made with the
railroad officials to run excursions at
special rates from the various stations
along the line and there will be special
provisions for the accommodation of
those who wish to visit the exhibition.
To the small boy and grown up Buffalo
Pill will be the chief attraction, for his
fame is not dimmed by the years w hich
have elapsed since he helped write the
story of the west through his heroic
deeds. One of the principal contests
of the redmen, in which he took active
part, will be pictured in the open air
melodrama, The Battle of Summit
Springs, an engagement in miniature
j introducing more than one hundred In
dians and as many cavalrymen and sol
diers. Contrasted with this scene will
be An Oriental Spectacle which will
picture the gorgeous heuaties of the Far
Etist, its pageantry and people, its pleas
ures and pastimes, and its strange cos
tumes and customs. Turning again to
American hsitory there will be An At
tack Upon an Emigrant Train, A holiday
at "T-E" Ranch, and The Great Train
Hold-Up by Indians.showing varied pic
tures of early life upon the boundless
1 plains. Rossi's Musical Elephants will
be a particular feature of the Far East
scene, and as an individual feature of
the Wild West section of the exhibition
Ray Thompson's Trained Western
Range Horses will be shown in feats of
grace and equine skill. Sharpshooting
i by Johnny Baker will be a particular
attractive feature, and a bunch of
bucking bronchos will furnish the prin-
. cipal comody element of a truly exhil
arating and strenuous exhibition.
The Managers of the State Fair nt
Lincoln, September fith to 10th, have
again secured the world renowned I.ib
erati's Band of New York. They will
give three grand concerts in the Audi
torium every day and one concert each
evening in front of the Grand Stand.
Besides the band he has with him a full
complement of Grand Opera singer.
To those who have attended the State
Fair the past two years that is an
nouncement enough.
County Commissioners Switzcr and
Jordon, of Weeping Water and Alvo
respectively, were in the city Tuesday
attending a meeting of the board.
Oak Leaf Diet
Kills Cattle
The stockmen grazing their cattle on
the National Forests in the southwest,
esre. iaily in Colt rado an 1 New Mexico,
have suffered serious losses during the
pres nt summer through the cattle eat
ing oak leaves.
1 1 that section of the country the
seas"!i has been unusually dry and grass
cxircticly scarce. To eke out the scanty
for.. supply, the cattle have browned
U : on the scrub oak which covers
!a:y. j tioi.s of the range. Ordinarily
tin : ;:.!; does not bnwse much on the
oa;. : :.,! the little th-y do get. taken
wi.i;. i I'irfood, n not injunoi; , but
wli .-, atinli.o present, season, the oak
l "o,' inrni -lies a large proport ioii of
the .. :ly food of the cattle, the re. alls
lire : "V. oil.:.
T; e o ik leaves a I id sprouts contain a
lar , pt iv. iilage of tannic acid. The
act :i i i' this acid on the stomach isex
tn :i.--'y inJuriwiH and the lo. so.-; have
been ;.',i;.-ually severe. The symptoms
are slaring eyes, feverish and
blistered lips and nose, the animal
eea.- i s to graze or seek for food, stand
in" ::. one place fur hours at a lime.
T:.o coat becomes rough and the hair
isa.l in1, lied the w Tong way, as in cases
of io'S) pi is'sning. The animal dm a not
chew its cud and in a comparatively
short time it. becomes too weak to re
main on its feet anil death rapidly fol
lows So far as is known the only available
remedy for this trouble is linsead oi
given as a drench in amounts from one
to two quarts. The oil appears to over
come the injurious effects of tannic acid
and if the disease is not advanced to far
and the animal can be furnished suffi
cient food so it will not be forced to eat
the oak, it will generally recover. The
best method, of course in handling the
trouble, is, if possible, to get the cattle
away from the range where the oak is
fouir! and furnish them with plenty
of fresh green feed to build up again.
This is Sure
And Certain
The Proof That Plattsmouth
People Cannot Deny
What could furnish stronger evidence
of the efficiency of tiny remedy than
the test of time? Thousands of people
testify that Doan's Kidney Pills cure
Home endorsement should prove un
doubtedly the merit of this remedy.
Years ago your friends and neighbors
testified to the relief they had derived
from the use of Doan's Kidney Pills
They now confirm their testimonials.
They say time has completed the test.
J. B. Patridge, Sth st., Plattsmouth,
N'ebr., says: "I suffered almost con
stantly from pains across my loins and
kidneys and at times I was in a bad
way. On several occasions I was so
badly crippled that I could only get
about with the aid of two canes. The
first box of Doan's Kidney Pills, pro
cured from Coring t Co's. drug store,
helped me so greatly that I continued
taking the remedy and it brought me
entire relief. It would be impossible
for me to speak too highly of Doan's
Kidney Pills."
The above statement was given in
Juno l!)()ti and on Dec. 2), l'JW, Mr.
Patridge said: "I still endorse Doan's
Kidney Pills highly. I willingly renew
the statement I gave over two years
ago in their favor."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-ft ilburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name -Doan's-and
take no other. yr,-1
Back From Wedding Trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Don York returned
Tuesday evening from their wedding
trip which included the Seattle exposi
tion and other coast cities as well as
Denver and other mountain cities. They
were absent about four weeks and re
port themselves as having enjoyed every
moment of the trip. They commenced
keeping house yesterday in the groom's'
property on South Kh street whi re
they will be at home to their many
Mrs. W.IL Scnildknccht has returned
from a trip of a year or such a matter ,
spent on the Pacific coast, in the inter- i
est of her health. Her many friends'
are glad to see her back and trust that '
the improvmetit in her health will be '
War on Dogs.
In compliance with the proclamation
of Mayor Sattler tho police yesterday
were notified to commence tlio war of
extermination on the horde of hungry
canines which have been wont to roam
the streets of tho city unmolested. Ac
cordingly the chief came on duty armed
with a doubled barreled shotgun. The
result of the first half day would seem
to indicate that our minion of the law
did not avail himself of the opea season
on ducks last fall and was consequently
not in the best of practice. However,
ho dal not make many cry bad blun
ders m marksman-. hip, and by the time
of the no-m hour the dogs hud become
very scarce. Dr. Lister r ports a sdight
increase in the s;de of liccti -e lags.
Young People
Cat'iulle Church Scene of Ilril
llanl, Nupital Event.
Yesterday morning at LI o'clock in
this city at the Holy Rosary church oc
curred the ceremony which united the
life interests of Mr. Anton W. Vetesnik
and Mists Ilermia Novotny. The cere
mony was performed by Father M. S.
Shine. The wedding party entered the
church lo the strains of wedding march
played by Miss Mary Jtinda, the bride
being attended by Misses Rose Novotny,
Anna Yitousek and Clara Jirousek,
while Messers Louis Vetesnik and Tim
Wooster of this city and John Skouinal
of Omaha acted as groomsmen.
Immediately after the ceremony a
reception was tendered the newly mar
ried couple at the residence of the bride,
which had been handsomely decorated
for the occasion, a wealth of cut flowers
being in evidence everywhere. Im
mediately following this a wedding
breakfast was served, and last evening
a hall was given in honor of the happy
couple at the new K. S. hall on West
Oak street.
Both of these young people have
grown from childhood in this city and
number their friends by the score who
will join with the Nkwm-Hf.hai.I) in
wishing them a most happy voyage on
the matrimonial sea.
Adam Kaffenberger and Adam For
nolf went to South Dakota the first of
the week. Both of these gentlemen
have large farming interests in that
state and this trip was made for the
purpose of lookingafter the same.
4$kzi i-i-"V ?
tern m l:0f'ij.
Yes everybody's coming to the Mer
chants carnival.
It's certainly going to be one big time, and we want you
all to be here. While you're in town, we want you to
visit our new store. See our large display of new fall
wearables for men, young men and hoys.
You're going to get a letter from us in a day or so. Real it,
we want to give you something.
The Home of Hart SchafTncr & Marx clothes
Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats
Wedding- at
Cedar Creek
Andrew Thompson and Miss
Ruth Sayles tho Contracting
Andrew Thompson, one of Cedar
Creek's influential business men waa
in (he city on business Tuesday return-
ing home that evening. Mr. Thomp-
san has been :i resident of that thriving
little village for about two years and
during that tune has made hosts of
warm friend s, who will ho pleased to
learn that while m the county seat ho
secured a marriage license to wed Miss
Ruth Sayles, tin; hnlid '.oine tiild accom-pli.-hod
daughter of Mrs. Ceo. E. Sayles
of Ceilar Creel;. The wedding wh'ch.
occurred today was a quiet home affair,
owing to a recent bereavement, in the
deal h of the bride'ti father, the late
Ceo. E. Sayles, only immediate rela
tives of the contracting parlies being
present. The ceremony was performed
at high noon by Canon Burgess of
I'laltsmoiilh, the beautiful ring cere-,
mnny being used. Miss Honor Seyberf,
niece of the bride, presided at the piano
and played "The Bridal Chorus," the
bride and groom at the first, strains ap-
pouring in the doorway of the large
parlors, which had been beautifully
decorated for the occasion. The bride
was exquisitely gowned in white while
the groom wore the cu ttomary black,
the couple presenting a handsome ap
pearance. A splendid wedding dinner
was served in the comfortable dining
room at the conclusion of the ceremony
and an inspection of the wedding pres
ents, which were numerous and costly
including many sets and pieces of beau
tiful silverware anil handsome furni
ture. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson departed on
a few weeks' trip to Denver and other
Colorado points, and afler a visit, later,
with the groom's, relatives at Fremont
will be at home to their friends in the
dwelling which has been rebuilt and
furnished for their use. The Nkws-
! 1 1 i:kai.i joins with the numerous friends
'of the happy couple in extending con
! gratulations anil best wishes.
Sell your junk to Wave Allen and get
the highest market price. 36-10.
Reduced rates to Lincoln, Neb., and
return on Aug. 2th to Sept. loth and
and on Sept. 11th to lDlh inclusive via.
the Misouri Pacific. II. Norton, Agenti