The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, August 09, 1909, Image 4

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The News-Herald
Eatnwd t tlie pootofTice t riatfmouth. Out
CosntT. Nebrwka, lecund -clans mail niktter.
R.O. WAITERS Manager
OmTmt loAdranea 11.60
Bis Month! 75
Plattsuiouth No. 85 Ncbranka No. 85
AUGUST 9, 1909.
' if' h
I desire to announce myself as a can
didate for the office of register of deeds
for Cass county, subject to the re
publican primaries which will be held
on August 17. If selected as the nom
inee I shall put forth my best efforts
to secure election and will give to the
office my best attention. L. H. Daft.
"I have signed the Payne tariff bill
because I believe it to be the result of
sincere effort to the part of the repub
lican party to make a downward revi
sion, and to comply with the promise b
of the platform as they have been gen
erally understood and as I interpreted
them in the campaign before election.
"This is not a perfect tariff bill, nor
a complete compliance with the prom
ises made, strictly interpreted, but a
fulfillment free from criticism in re
spect to a subject matter involving
many schedules and thousands of arti
cles could not be expected. It suffices
to say that except with regard to whis
key, liquors and wines and in regard to
cilks and as to such high classes of cot
tons, all of which may be treated as
luxuries and proper subjects for a rev
enue tariff, there have been very few
increases in rates.
"There has been a great number of
real decreases in rates, and they con
stitute a sufficient amount to justify
the statement that this bill is a sub
stantial downward revision, and a re
duction of excessive rates.
"This is not a free trade bill. It was
not intended to be. The republican
party did not promise to make a free
"trade bill.
"It promises to make the rates pro
tective, but to reduce them when they
exceeded the difference between the
cost of production abroad and here,
making allowance for the greater nor
mal prolfc on active investments here.
I believe that while this excess has not
been reduced in a number of cases, in
a great majority the rates are such as
are necessary to protect American in-
circumstances favorable to truth of in
formation in respect to the price and
cost of production of goods at home and
abroad, which will throw much light on
the operation of the present tariff, ard
be of primary importance of officially
collected data upon which future exe
cutive recommendation may be based.
"The corporation tax is a just and
equitable excise measure, which it is
hoped will produce a sufficient amount
to prevent a deficit and which incident
ally will secure valuable statistics and
information concerning the many cor
porations of the country, and will con
stitute an important step toward that
degree of publicity and regulation
which the tendency of corporate enter
prises in the last twenty years has
shown to be necessary."
Their Duty
Scores of Plattsmouth Readers
Arc Learning the Duty of
the Kidneys.
! T
This is the yearwhen every republi
can should make it hi3 business to at
tend the primary. He should scan the
the list of candidates carefully and vote
for those men that in his judgment will
make the best servants for the people
of the county. If every republican in
the county will do this it will insure the
election of every republican on the
ticket this fall. There is no excuse
why this should not be done. There
be will no doubt about the result this
fall if republicans will only do their
duty at the primary and at the polls.
flPtiv nnnnllnpa mtraitl f aa o nnnli-
date for the republican nomination for ' dustrie8' but are low enoUBh in ca9e of
Register of Deeds of Cass county, sub-1 abnormal increase of demand and rais
ject to the pleasure of the voters at ' ing of prices to permit the possibility
the coming primaries. In asking for
this nomination I desire to call atten
tion to the fact that my services in the
office of county n rveyor, while being
largely of a "thank you" nature, the
remuneration being insufficient far the
Bupport of a family, have eminently
fitted me for the duties of the office to
which I aspire, and in case I should re
ceive the nomination I shall use my
best endeavors to be elected, and will
give to the office my best attention.
E. E. Hilton.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the republican nomination for
County Superintendent of Cass county,
Bubject to the pleasure of the voters at
the coming primaries, which will be
held Aug. 17, 11)09. In asking for this
nomination I promise if selected as the
nominee to put forth my best endeav
ors to secure election.
A. J. Wickland
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the republican nomination for
Road Overseer of Eight Mile Grove pre
cinct. No. 2,of Cass county, subject to
the pleasure of the voters at the com
ing primaries. Sam P. Beaver.
of the importation of the foreign arti
cles and thus prevent excessive price?.
"The power granted to the executive
under the maximum and minimum clause
may be said to assure the removal of
obstacles which have been interposed
by foreign governments in the way of
undue and unfair discrimination against
American merchants and products.
"The Philippine tariff bill section I
have struggled to secure for ten years
past, and it gratifies me exceedingly
by my signature to give it the effect of
law. I am sure it will greatly increase
the trade between the two countries,
and it will do much to build up the
Philippines in a healthful prosperity.
The administrative clause of the bill
and the customs court are admirably
adapted to secure a more uniform and
a more speedy construction of the
meaning of the law.
"The authority of the president to
use certain means assists him in the ap
plication of the maximum and minimum
sections of the statutes, and to enable
officers to administer the law, gives a
wide latitude for the acquisition under
To filter the blood is the kidneys'
When they fail to do this the kidneys
are sick.
Backache and many kidney ills follow;
Urinary trouble, diabetes. Doan's Kid
ney Pills cure them all. Plattsmouth
people endorse our claim.
P. M. Lindiay, Marble Street, Platts
mouth, Nebr., says: "Off and on for
about two years I suffered from pains
in my back and while at work, a dull,
steady ache through my loins greatly
disturbed me. I had reason to believe
that the trouble was caused by disor
dered kidneys but I was unable to find
relief from the remedies I used. Fi
nally Doan's Kidney Pills were brought
to my attention and I procured a box
at Gering & Co's. drug store. The
results that followed their use showed
that I had at last found the right rem
edy for my trouble and thus encour
aged, I obtained another box. In re
turn for the great improvement Doan's
Kidney Pills have made, I heartily en
dorse them."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
Spend Sunday In Omaha.
James Robertson returned this morn
ing from Omaha where he visited over
Sunday at the home of James Chisek,
deputy sheriff of Douglas county.
While there he met Thomas Chisek who
had just brought three carloads of
cattle to the South Omaha market
Mr. Lnisek stated that there was a
heavy rainfall in Norfolk and vicinity
Saturday night and Sunday morning, a
great deal of water running in the
creeks and fitanding in pools by the
roadside. A similiar rain would be of
great benefit in this vicinity now
though crops are not suffering to any
great extent.
Notice ol Sale.
Notice is hereby given that the Board
of School District No. 2, in Cass county,
Nebraska, will sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash, at 2:30 p,
m.,' of the 21st day of August, A. D.,
1009, at the South door of ' the Court
House, in Plattsnou'.h, Nebraska. Sale
to remain open one (1) hour, the Bchool
building with foundation, known as the
Goos School House and located on the
farm of Mrs. Anna Ooos, about one
mile South-east of Plattsmouth, Neb'
Dated this 24th day of July, A. D.,
Hans Hemp
29-8 Director.
Get What You
That is, in the grocery line,
at Soennichsen's. You can
not go to any grocery store
and get anything in the gro
cery line that you want like
you can at Soennichsen's.
You can go there and get
the staple articles at a sav
ing that you cannot afford to
ignore. You also get good
goods and prompt service. Is
not that worth considering?
Just give him your next gro
cery order and see if this isn't
A Fine Trip
Chas. C. Parmele and son Pollock re
turned Saturday noon from their trip
by auto to Mr. Parmele'a large ranch
near Broken Bow.
They report a fine journey everything
looking well and the roads in good con
dition. Pollock drove the car the entire
distance with no mishap of any con
sequence which is certainly a good rec
ord for the boy who though but 15 years
of ae is considered one of the best
chaffeurs in the city. The Overland
machine which they used stood the
trip well responding to all requirements
and returned good as new.
Another New Auto.
F. J. Coddington who was in the city
with a Reo Runabout auto Saturday
demonstrating its hill climbing qualities
returned to his home at Syracuse and
drove back a 30-horse power Reo tour
ing car for which he had a prospective
purchaser. He was accompanied by
Jacob Frey his chaffeur who drove the
touring car back for him while he de
livered the runabout to Mr. Cole for
$500. Mr. Cole lives near Mynard and
is very well pleased with his new car
which satisfactorily does everything
that could be reasonably expected of it
take no other.
Missouri Pacific
Time Table
TRAINS south
No. 104 To K. C, St. Louis,
passenger ; 9:48 a.
No. 106 To K. C, St. Louis,
passenger 12:03 a.
No. 194 Local Freight .... 10:40 a. m.
trains north
No. 103 From K. C, St. Louis.
passenger 5:02 p. m
No. 105 From K.X-, St. Louis, .
passenger 6:12 a. m.
No. 193 Local Freight 3:00 p. m.
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
all points in U. S.
H. Norton.
Ticket Agent
To introduce our laree and corr olete
fall line of beautiful wool dress goods
silks and fancy waistings. The latest
up-to-date New York City patterns
Handsomest line of materials on
market. Dealing direct with the mills
you will find our prices low. Profits
1 110.00 to $30.00 weekly. Samples and
! full instructions packed in a neat sam
i pie case, shipped express prepaid. No
I money required. Exclusive territory.
I Write for particulars. Be first to ap
! ply. Standard Dress Goods Co.,
j Dept. F. 8 Binghamton, N. Y.
I Ice Cream Social,
til D..1...1. ..J i.
mi ivi'ut'ituus uiiu uii'ir inenus me
cordially invited to attend the ice cream
social at Mrs. Waintroub's home, on
Pearl near 7th street on Thursday Aug.
12 at 2:30 p. m.
Fine job work done at this office.
Jersey Farmer Has Device (Not Pat
ented) by Which He Makes Ani
mal Saw Wood with Her
Caudal Appendage.
John Dooly of Jacksonville, N. J.
has hit upon a plan that will hereafter
make "swltchtall" cows bring a pre
mium, Instead of, as now, being un
marketable. Dooly is the owner of a
brindle cow that he has been com
palled for years to milk himself. His
hired men after the first trial of milk
ing the cow refused to remain longer
In Dooly's employ it compelled to put
up with the lashing of old bt Indie's
Dooly has tried for eight years to
get rid of the cow, but her fame hat
spread over Essex and Morris coun
ties, and a purchaser for her could not
be found. She can snap her tail like
a whH, and the result is that Dooly's
face has not been minus several
pieces of sticking plaster for years.
Dooly said recently, "I have been
thinking for some time of using the
old brindle's tailpower to some good
effect, and at last hit upon a plan,
which I have now put Into effect with
such good results that If any of the
farmers around have any 'swltchtall'
cows they want to dispose of they will
And a buyer at the Dooly farm.
"I rut a hole through the side of the
woodshed," continued Dooly, "Just op
posite the circular saw, which we turn
by hand to cut up wood U stove
lengths, and through this hole I put a
beam, which I balanced Just like the
walking beam of a ferryboat on the
North river. On the Inside end
fastened a stick leading down to the
wheel that turns the saw. On the
outside I fastened a rope. I tried the
thing and It worked tine. Driving
stake Into the ground near by. I tied
the old brindle to It, and, fastening
her tall to the beam rope, sat down to
milk. I called Pat DiiBan, the farm
helper, anfl told him to feed wood to
the saw. He thought at first I was
crazy, but I ordered him to do as told
"The next minute the old brindle
gave her tail a switch to swipe me
across the face as usual, but she
couldn't. The rope held, and she could
only Bwltch her tall so far. Then she
tried In the other direction, with the
tame result. Uy this time old brindle
got pretty mad and she Jerked that
tall of hers back and forth as quick
as lightning and, say, that walking
beam kept soing at such a rate that
you would a thought the circular Baw
wna being driven by a ten horse power
"It JtiKt took 15 minutes to milk old
brindle, and in that time she cut up
two cords of wood Into stove lengths
No, ?.ir. I wouldn't take $500 for that
eld brindle cow now," concluded
A pew and thoipiiuhly livi practical rliool. rondurte'l hr tn-vrssful business
rrnplc. lirrpaiins ynmis piwly fnr the lust paviim position. l-:.Uiinient nnt.
i: irtlmrfs the most uiudein. Ptiittinl feattiti'S of insmtrtinn not found in other
schools. We make a specialty of card student, divine individual aid. Many of
run eiad-iairi lire now earniiu mnir in a sinnlc month than the entire roM of tui
tion and looks. We have an ideal lurntion. NO SALOONS IN LINCOLN.
I all npenini: Si-pt. 1. Write for beautiful illustrated catalogue.
ADDRtss W. M. BRYANT. President. 1519 O st . Lincoln ineb.
a. T--T j j rin T7',.
No relief you say? Oh yes there is. Just drop in and try one of
our delicious Soda Confections. Allow us to
suggest one of the following.
Root Beer
Coco Cola
Chocolate Frappe I violet Frappe
( Celery Phosphate
Claret Phosphate
( Fruit Phosphate
Rose Frappe f
'( Caramel Frappe
Sundaes, any Flavor, 5c and 1 0c.
Ice Cream Soda with Crushed Fruit, 5c and 1 0c.
Remember, a 5c purchase is one vote in the diamond ring contest.
Candymaken. Next to P. O.
The present day demands that every one engaged in any of the pursuits per
taining to the earning of a livelihood should have Trained Brains. Men and women
with Trained Brains forge ahead. Untrained Brains stop stand still and when
past 45 realize their unfitness and say: "If I had only Tralnad Brains."
You can not afford to wait when right at your door is a Business University
for Training Brains, with the guarantee of Nebraska City behind it. We Train
Brains If we could not, Nebraska City would not back us up.
We qualify you as a
It Spells "SUCCESS
Fall term opens September 7th. Write for information of our free tuition
offer; also our beautiful book that tells you HOW WE TRAIN BRAINS.
Nebraska Business University
cCu"orCd TSaK'.::'-".' Nebraska City, Neb.
Get Free Lands While
You Can
Big Horn Basin: -This rich land is fast settlinc un with home-
steaders taking up the choicest Government irrigated tracts. The
Big Horn Basin will soon be served by the Burlingon's new main
line through central Wyoming; products will have direct access to
the best markets in the West. Land values are fast increasing.
Get hold of a farm in the Basin before it is too late.
320 Acre Lands: -This is the size farm you can homestead in
east and northeast Wyoming, Colorado, etc. Some of the finest lands
in the West, with 18 inches of moisture annually.can be taken under
the Mondell Act. These 320 acre homestead tracts are a new thing
in the distribution of Government lands.and deserve your attention.
I personally conduct excursions the first and third Tuesdays of
each month to these lands, and am employed by the Burlington to
answer all inquiries, and to assist you in every possible way to lo
cate along the Burlington lines. Write me.
D. CLEA1 DEAVER, General Agent.
Land Seekers Information Bureau, Omaha, Neb.
1 2LrT
Ip Mum .V" jy
A specific for all catarrhal conditions,
a general systematic tonic, which acts
through the blood directly on the mu
cous membranes.
combined Mucu-tone and Asthma Pencils give relief
Hay Fever, Asthma and catarrhal troubles. Satis
faction guarranteed or money refunded.
Rexall Asthma Pencils
For instant relief for Bronchial-Spasmodic
and nervous
Asthma, Hay Fever, Bron
chitis and cold in the head.
Expert Pill Mixers at the REXALL STORE.