The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, August 09, 1909, Image 2

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n. 0. WAITERS, Buslnes Manajjef
of the
(Cupjrlglil, 1VUJ, Uobbt-MurrtllCo.)
At U yvnra of uso Ailiuliul Sir ivter
Ilawknhiiw'11 nephew. Klcliiinl (llyn. Ml
deeply In love ut Hint hIkIiI with Luily
AralwIU Htormnnt, who Kpurneil IiIh at
tentions. Tim l-ul, an orphan, waa Klven
li..nli aii nililHliltirimri on tlio AJux ly
IiIh umle. titles Vermm, nephew of Hlr
Tliuv nttimlil 11 Ihl'llIlT WllCfC HAWK
1 linillllfl ITIIfm, IM-lninn lilt? uwj w "
nhaw'i nephew naw Lady Arabella. Ver
non met I'hlllp Overton, next In line, for
Hlr Thorium Vernon's eatate. They start
ed a duel which wim Interrupted. Vernon,
Overton and' llawkHliuw's nephow found
theinaclvea attracted ly pretty Lady Ara
bella. The AJax In haltle defeated French
wnnrTilpa In the Mediterranean. Hlcliard
niun ir,i Omul ni'lzc iminev. lln waa
cailed home by Lady tlawkahaw an he
was annul to mow in nix earninKH wmi
Vernon. At a llawkahaw party tilyn dla-
covered that Lady Arabella waa a poor
but persistent gambler, lie talked niiicn
with her etnmln Dmihne. Lndv Arabella
again showed love for KamliiK. Later alio
held tllvn and Overton prisoners, thua
delayliiK the duel. In the Ovvrlon-Ver-non
duel, neither waa hurt. Ijuly Ara
bella humiliated ltlchnrd by her pranks.
Richard and dies ahllilieil oil a frluate.
( Idea waa captured by the French. Hlr
I'eter arrnniied for IliM exchnnKe. Ilaph-
nn ahowed a llklii for tilyn, who wag
then i years of hk. Mien waa releaaed.
'lllea and Richard nlanned elonementH.
Hlr Peter objected to the plan to wed
Daphne. Hy clever ruses Giles and Hlcli
ard eloped with auv Arabella and
Daphne, reHpecllvely. Tho Intter pair
were married. Daphne waa pleased; Ara
bella raved In aiiKer. When the par
ty returned, Arabella aiked Blr I'eter to
aid In proaeoiitinK Mica In court on the
charge of eoininlttliur a capital crime.
All attended the trial. I'pon Araliella'a
teatlniony Wiles waa convtctea ana sen
tenced to be banned. Hlr I'eter vlalted
the prince of Walea In effort to secure a
pardon for uuea.
CHAPTER X Continued.
Presently tho nrlnce and Sir Peter
appeared, and his royal highness said.
with that charm of manner which He-
duecd some men and manv women:
"Hnrk'ee. Sir Peter: I do not t.rom-
Ise that the affair will be complete be-
fore Sunday night; I go to Windsor
arlv In tha rrmrnlni? and two ilava la
hrlpf time In which to arrnnne so
important a matter. Hut If you will be
at Windsor on Sunday morning, I
i.lo.bro vnn mv word no n Pontlpnian
the paper shall be ready, signed, sealed
and delivered."
At that Sir Peter fairly broke
down, and could only say: "God bless
you, sir; God bless you!" and the
prince, turning the old man's emotion
off gently, smiled and said
"Tls for the preservation of the
gallantry of our sex, Sir Peter, that
this young officer must not hang."
He warmly Invited us to remain and
finish up the wine, and then one of the
gentlemen at the table, whether of tie
sign or not, mentioned the extraordln
ary reports which had Just reached
Ixmdon concerning the trial at Yok,
and I, encouraged thereto by a subtle
look and a question of his royal high
ness, told the whole story, assisted by
Sir Peter. It was listened to with the
deepest Interest.
Lady Arabella Stormont was known
to every person there, and the prince
remarked that he had danced with her
at the last blrthnlght ball. Her In
fut nation for Overton was well known
and freely commented on, and the
strange measures that women will
Bonietlmes venture upon In the Inter
est, as they think, of the man they
love, was exemplified In her testifying
against Giles Vernon. Sir Thomas
Vernon's hatred of his heir was also
well known and as the web was tin
folded to the prince he listened with
an air of the profoundest thought, and
his comment was significant:
"The king can pardon."
He had pity on us and did not press
us to remain to cards, so we left Carl
ton house about an hour after entering
it, and with hearts immeasurably
lighter. Our first thought was to
hasten back to our lodgings to send
off our good news to Lady Hawkshaw
and Daphne by the northern mall.
Sir Peter told me then that the
prince had directed him to go to Wind
Bor In the morning and remain, and
that he himself would bring him back
on the Sunday morning, If the coun
ter signatures to his majesty's could
not be had before. The prince was
quite familiar with the procedure, and
engaged to get the pardon from the
king without difficulty,
Early next morning Sir Peter left
me. It was agreed that I should pro
ceed on the Sunday morning to tlu
Bear and Churn, a tavern and posting
station near London, on tho northern
road, to arranco In nrlvniirn for tho
best cattle, In order that not a moment
might be lost in returning to York. So,
after two miserable days alone in Ixn-
don, while Sir Peter was at Windsor, 1
was glad on Sunday morning to be on
the northern road, preparing for our
rapid return to York. The Bear am!
Churn was directly on the highway,
and was well out of London, being sur
rounded by green fields and orchards.
It was a beautiful morning, more
like April than February. The green
ness of the earth, the bluenoss of the
heavens, the quiet of (ho country, after
the rattle and roar and dun skies of
London, were balm to my soul.
I reached the inn by ten o'clock;
and, hnvlng arrangedvfor their best
horses, and Rent word two stations
ahead, I sat down to pass the day as
beat I might. I wrote a long letter to
Daphne, and then. It being about 12
o'clock, I went out for a walk.
There was a pretty pathway through
a little grove toward a rolling Meld
next the highway. I took this path,
and presently came face to face, at a
turn In the path, with Overton. He
waa singularly dressed for a man of
hla quality and profession.
He wore black clothes, with plain
allver buckles at the knees, and black
silk stocking!) and shoes. His hair, un-
powdered, waB tied with a black rib
bon; but he wore no crape or vestige
of mourning. I had ever thought him
the handsomest man in England; but
In this garb, ho different from the
brilliant uniform or other exquisite
dress in which I had heretofore Been
him, he looked like an Apollo. He
greeted me gravely, but not Impolite
ly; and we walked along together. He
had heard of my marriage, and felici
tated me on It.
My heart waa bo full of Giles Ver
non that I burst out with the story. It
seemed qulto new to him; and he
listened to it with breathless atten
tion, occasionally ejaculating hla hor
ror at the conduct of Sir Thomas Ver
non and of Lady Arnbella Htormont
n Kavo ine a snvago pleasure to tell
him every drendful particular concern
Ing Arabella; and by the look of con
sciousness which came into his ex
pressive face, and by the way In which
ho avoided my eye, 1 saw that he knew
he wns a fuctor In the caso against
his will. At last, quite transported by
niy rnge against these two. I cried OUt
And It is for the purposo of secur
ing tho estate to you that Arabella
Stormont thus swore away the life of
Giles Vernon; but God will confound
her and Sir Thomas Vernon yet!"
"Truly," said he, In a thrilling voice,
God will confound all the wicked. He
will bring this horrid scheme to
naught In every way; for know you,' II
Lady Arabella Stormont were to throw
herself on her knees before nit
He stopped, and colored violently;
he had not meant to admit what the
whole world knew that Arabella
Stormont had adored him for seven
years past. He hurriedly changed the
subject, saying:
"Perhaps you do not know that I am
no longer In the army."
I Bail I did not.
"Although 1 have recovered the use
"iy Hubs and look to be In health
' am not fit for service; and I was re
tired on half pay only a few days ago
My Hfe Is not likely to be long; but
released as I am, by God's hand, from
the profession of arms, I shall devote
the remnant of my life to the service
Of the Lord God Almighty. His IllCS
K came to me years ago, but 1
was deaf to It. I was In lovo with the
world, and possessed by tho flesh and
me devil. I committed muruers unuu
the name of war,
I dishonored my
"Will You Speak to Me?"
Maker by my dissipations. I spent in
gambling and vice the money wrunp
from the poor that were bond slaves to
labor and poverty. I blasphemed, and
yet I was not counted evil by the
I listened and wondered to myself
should this be true, where stood we
Overton's face had Hushed, his eyes
were full of rapture; he seemed to
dwell In the glory of the Ixnd.
"But now I am free from the body
of that death, and Biibject only to the
yoke of the Nazarene the Jesus who
labored with his hands to show thai
work was honorable; the carpenter
who called about hjm those as poor as
himself, nnd preached to them the
love of God and one's neighbor; who
received tho Magdalen as a sister and
the leper as a brother."
I was silent. I had heard many
sermons from deans and dignitaries
all well-fed men, nnd every mnn jack
of them after promotion from the
Whigs and these aernions had left
my heart as untouched as that of Uk
wild Indian of North America. But
tn'8 was Hff'vent. After a while, Over-
ton continued:
"As this Jesus called all manner of
mnti I f .1 1 1 . tt 1,1,., ll.n I .. . I
in it iu iuiiuh linn fit-eiiy tax-
gatherer, as well as Peter the poor fish-
erinifn, nnd John the gentle nnd studi
ous youth so he called me; and, like
'i taxgatherer, whose stony In-art was
meiieu ny mo voice or Jesus. I Bay
with tears: 'My God! I follow Thee!'"
We had now approached the coiner
of the field, nnd Involuntarily Btopped.
I said to him blunderingly :
"Shall you take ord,lrs?"
"No," ho replied. "I do not aspire
m m
to open my mouth as a teacher I am
not worthy; but a few of tho humblest
people about here I have been In this
place for some time come to. me on
Sundays, in the forenoon, to ask me
to speak to them. They are day labor
ers, hostlers the kind of people I
once fancied to be without souls. I
speak to them, not ns a preacher and
teacher, but as a brother and a friend.
It is now time for them to assemble."
I saw, sure enough, a number of
poorly-dressed rustics coming toward
tho field. They came by twos and
threes, the women mostly' with chil
dren in arms, or hanging to their
skirts. When all had arrived there
were about 30 men and women. They
seated theni-telves on the grass, and 1
along with them, und, In some mys
terious way, I felt, for the first time in
my life, that the plowman was my
brother and the kitchen wench my
When they were all seated. Overfrrn
took from his pocket a small Bible and
read the Sermon on the Mount. The
people listened reverently. He gave
thm a short discourse, suited to their
understanding, and then read to them
a tlmple hymn, which they sang with
I listened with a strange feeling,
half pain, half pleasure, half satisfac
tion, half dissatisfaction. I wished for
Daphne's sweet spirit to be near me.
It came to my mind how like was this
moetlng of the poor and unlearned to
those held by the Carpenter of Naza
reth on tho Rhores of tho Sea of Gall
lee. The hymn echoed sweetly over
the green fields; It was a part of that
great antlphon with which Nature re
plies to the harmonies of the Most
High. The quiet scone, the woods, the
fields, the klne In the pasture near by,
all seemed one In this act of worship.
But presently my soul was distracted
by whnt I saw on the highway close by
us. A handsome traveling chariot fol
lowed by a plain post-chaise going
Londonward, stopped. Out of the
chariot stepped Laday Arabella Stor
mont, and, through an opening In the
hedge, she entered tho field. After a
considerable Interval, Mrs. Whltall fol
lowed her; and, after a still longer one,
Sir Thomas Vernon.
Iady Arabella walked noiselessly
over the grass, and, when she reached
tho edge of the group, stopped. Het
eyes were full of laughing contempt
at first, but, when Overton turned his
glance full upon her, she suddenly as
sumod a look of seriousness, and folded
her hands as If in silent prayer. Be
hind her, Mrs. Whltall's foolish face
was all fear, while Sir Thomas Ver
non grinned unpleasantly over her
shoulder. Overton, without taking the
slightest notice of them, at the con
clusion of the hymn announced that
he would make n prayer, and asked his
hearers to Join with him In n petition
that the life might be spared of a cer
'uin ouug man, Giles Vernon, now
under sentence of death In York jail.
We all stood up, then, the men remov
ing their hats. I held mine before
my face to conceal my tears, while
Overton made a brief but earnest
prayer for Giles, and I could not re
fraln from crying: "Amen! Amen!'
when he concluded.
The people then trooped off, nnd
we, the gentlefolks, were left to
Overtcn surveyed Lady Arabella an I
Sir Thomas With much contempt. Lady
Arabella was the first to speak. She
held up her head timidly, and said:
"Will you not speak to me?"
"No," replied Overton, sternly.
"Giles Vernon's life may be spared;
but upon you Is blood-gulltlness."
There We Are in Contact with. Some
of the Finest Issues of Life.
The field of friendship Is a wide one
and all our neighbors, both near and
far, should be candidates for admis
slou there. The appearance of cold
esteem, the passing salutation, empty
of everything save chill formality,
hava larger possibilities behind them
than we are wont to imagine. At any
rate, to believe bo, honestly and con
scientiously, is an indication of an ac
tive faith, and is far wholesomer than
the suspicions that do their utmost to
master us. It is only through this be
lief Hint we shall bring ourselves In
contact with some of the finest Issues
of life and como to understand tho
unities and harmonies of existence,
Nevertheless, It Is well to bear In
mind the important fact that man is
not our only friend and neighbor
Neither patience nor Investigation Is
necessary to the discovery that all
things about us are capable of lnvlt
Ing neighborlinesB and dispensing It
to those who arc wise enough to take
advantage of the hospitality that Is
constantly proffered. The towering
trees (though they do not seem to
tower as high as they did when we
were younger), the humble creeping
vines, the delicate flowers that spring
up tn a night, casual and ravishing
the whole movemeut and rush of na
ture In her vigorous and Insistent
moods, belong to nelghborlincss In tho
most significant nnd satisfactory
sense. It is something of a relief to
discover that we need not depend en
llrely on man for companionship
though beyond all doubt the beBt of
his kind are to bo treasured in what
ever relation or condition they are
i found. The late Joel Chandler Harris,
""I understand your wife has joined
tho suffragettes?"
"Yes," answered Mr. Meekton; "and
I'm glad of It."
"Then you approve of the suf
"No. One of these days they'll do
something that Henrietta disapproves
of, and then sho'll glvo them tho talk
Ing to that they deserve."- Washing
ton Star,
Incandescent Lamps in Inaccessible
Places Replaced Without Much
Incandescent lamps are often loated
In almost Inaccessible places, as in
high ceilings, domes, etc. Obviously,
when the lamps are burned out they
must be replaced by new lamps. They
ulso require cleaning at stated inter
(tls. In both operations, it is neces
tary to employ some device by which
they can be quickly removed from the
lockets and replaced. A simple con
trivance for accomplishing this has
recently been patented by n New York
man. As shown in the Illustration
It consists of wire jaws protected by
rubber of like substance, which fit
over the bulbs. The Jaws are at
tached to a long pole, so that the op
erator can reach the lamp from a
considerable distance. A flexible mem
ber holds the jaws to the pole, which
Lamps Easily Replaced,
an be pulled over by a cord. With
this arrangement lamps at right an
gles to the pole can be unscrewed as
readily us those directly above.
Timepieces of Great Cities to Be Set
by Electrical Currents and
Kept in Time.
To set the clocks of n big city by
eleetrieal waves and keep them uni
form lu time this is the latest facil
ity afforded to municipalities by a
magician In the science of Marconics.
The Inventor is a Viennese and his
name is Franz Morawetz. He has
been experimenting for some years,
but It is only within recent days that
ho has thoroughly perfected his Inven
tion. At first It was found that at
mospheric upheavals nnd other dis
turbing factors rendered his process
futile when at every moment in the
day the receiving clock operated on
by the transmitter was attuned to the
action of the latter, the result being
Hint lilud winds and great disturb
ances of the air upset the proper ac
ttion and course of the electric waves.
In the case of the present contri
vance, the objective clock is Isolated
during llfty-nlne seconds In each mi
nute, in which time it Is insensible
to all emission of electrical currents.
In the sixtieth second, however, the
receiving apparatus, hitherto Idle, la
automatically brought Into circuit
with the transmitter. No two clocks
travel at precisely the same speed,
and since there must be a divergence
from, a given standard, the waves di
rected from the transmitter of the
central clock the standard time
proceed to adjust the objective time
teller to the standard of "headquar
trs," or the exact sun time.
The Electro-Technical institute of
Vienna has adopted this method of
looking after the clocks of the Aus
trian capital. Indeed, the municipal
council votes a yearly subvention of
about $1,000 for the upkeep of the
"central post." which radiates waves
to a distance of nearly a mile In all
directions over the city. The In
ventor holds, however, that his pro
cess could keep the clocks of a whole
province In order.
Home-Made Barometers.
There aro many devices by means
ol which changes In the molstness of
the air may be shown, some of them
exceedingly easy to arrange. Perhaps
the simplest form of all, knowu to
every housewife In the coast towns,
Is the suspended piece of seaweed.
Any kind answers the purpose admir
ably A email bunch tied together
and bung up on a wall Ehows the ex
cessive humidity In the atmosphere,
which often precedes rain, by becom
ing damp and flabby. A very ingeni
ous contrivance Is the old-fashioned
"weather house," largely made In
Switzerland. It Is arranged In such
a way that two figures act In response
to the twisting of a piece of catgut
Tho material, supported by n wire,
controls the movements of a little plat
foria on either end of which Is placed
a model. Excessive moisture In the
nlr causes the catgut to twist and
rm-n the ulatfomi 'round, so that the
man emerges from one of the doors in
the front of the house. Reverse con-
dlvloiis of tho atmosphere bring about
the contraction of the catgut, and the
platform swings back, thus bringing
the ligure of tho woman Into proinln-
once at her particular door.
J j
Unique Electrical Contrivance to B
Presented to Theodore Roose
velt on Return' Home.
When Theodore Roosevelt returns
from his African hunting trip he will
find awaiting him a "shadow" clock,
the second of Its kind in existence.
The gift will be received from its In
Ingenious Clock for Ex-President.
ventor, an Australian, who wishes to
pay his respects to the ex-president
because of the visit of the world
girdling fleet to Australia.
The clock Is made with two dlala
one for day use und one for night,
says Popular Mechanics. The night
dial Is transparent, with lenses above
it and a small electric lamp under
neath. When tho possessor of tho
clock retires for tho night, he turns
the night dial toward the ceiling. At
tached to the side of his bed is an
electric push-button, connected with
the lamp by a flexible cord. By press
ing this button at any time during the
night, the lamp is turned on, and the
outlines of the numerals on the dial
aro thrown against the celling. The
shadow of the dial Is four or live feet
in diameter, making the numerals
easy to read.
.Photographs of Mr. and Mrs. Boose
velt will be placed on both dials, the
front of the case will be decorated
with crosHed American and Australian
flags, and the sides will bear reproduc
tions of the Australian coat of arms.
Telephone Cables Suspended 700 Feet
Across Valley to Avoid Flood.
It is sometimes difficult to string
wires to telephone poles In tho valleys
of some of tho rivers of California
because the water carries them away
during the flood season, says Topular
Mechanics. This illustration shows
the plan adopted to suspend the w ires
across 700 feet of a river valley near
Suspended Across 7C0 Feet of Space.
Fresno. Tho ordinary telephone-pole
crossbars are made fast to heavy ca
bles, and these bars carry the wires,
as under ordinary circumstances.
Three sets of crossbars are attached
to the suspension cables in tho 700-
foot space.
The Birth cf a Whistle.
Compared with tho guttural "cough"
of the motor-car's warning signal, the
whistle emitted by a railway engine
is musical. Seventy-five years ago,
however, this shrill note was un
known and a provincial contemporary
reminds us that engine drivers of a
former generation kept by their 'sides
a tin horn, which they blew before ne
gotiating curves nnd dangerous cross
ings. Hut the noise thus mnde was
feeble. In 18P.3 an Kngllsh farmer's
enrt was run down on the way to mar
ket and 1,000 eggs, 100 pounds of but
ter, two horses and a man were de
stroyed by tho engine. The railway
had to pay damages. The managing
director sent for George Stephenson
nnd said angrily, "Our drivers can't
blow their horns loudly enough to
clear the tracks ahead. You . have
made your steam do so much, why
don't you make It blow a good loud
horn for us?" Stephenson pondered.
An Idea camo to him. He visited a
musical Instrument maker and had
constructed a horn that gave a hor
rible screech when blown by steam.
From this horn the locomotive whistle
of to-day has been evolved.
The Longest Wire.
A "world's record" for long-distance
telegraphy was established when the
direct transmission of messages be
tween London and India wns begun.
The extreme distance over which n
j message was flashed without Interriip
tlon and repetition was about ,oot)
! miles.
j The line of wires that carried these
1 messages was recently completed by
the filling up of the gap between Te-
hcrnn and Karachi. Tho Whealstone
ostein of automatic transmission Is
usei throughout the line.
Vienna Sausago
Is distinctly different from any
other sausage you ever tasted.
Just try one can and it is sure to
become a meal-time necessity, to
be served at frequent intervals.
Ukby's Vienna Saw
Sago just suits for breakfast, is
fine for luncheon and satisfies at
dinner or supper. Like all of
Libby's Food Products it is care
fully cooked and prepared, ready
to-serve, in libby's Great
White Kltchon- the
cleanest, most scientific kitchen in
the world.
Other popular, ready-to-aenrt
Libby Pure Foods are:
Oooked Corned Boot
Peerless Dried Beet
Veal Loaf
Evaporated Milk
Baked Beans
Chow Chow
Mixed Pickles
Write for free booklet, "How
to make Good Things to Eat".
Insist on Llbby'S at your
Ubby, MoMolll & Ubby
Mail Carrier Must Have Realized
That. He Picked Out Wrong Man
to Have Fun With.
The new mail carrier on the rural
free delivery route glanced at the
name on the letter box by the road
side, stopped his horse, and spoke to
the roughly attired farmer with the
old slouch hat, who was resting his
sun-browned arms on the gate and
looking at him.
' i see," he said, "your name Is
"Beverly G.?"
"Yes, I'm the man that lives here."
"Any relation of Sherlock Holmes?"
gravely asked the carrier.
"No, sir," answered the farmer, "but
I'm detective enough to know that
you're not a very good judge of hu
man nature. You took me for an Igno
ramus because I've got my old work
ing duds on. I'm Sherlock Holmes
enough to look at a man's face and
eyes before I size him up as a
Rome mail for me? Thanks." Youth's
0H, MY1
He A woman Is peculiar in one
She What's that?
He She won't tear up a love let
ter, even after she's forgotten who
wrote it.
Either Way.
Mr. Wilkins had been sitting quietly
on a nail keg, perusing a paper which
he had found on the counter. The
date of It he had not noticed. Finally
he looked up with a puzzled expres
sion. "What's this wireless telegraph sig
nal, this O. IV they're talking
about?" he asked.
"I guess it's 'C. Q. D.' ain't It?' sug
gested Holbrook, the grocer. "Any
way, it's a signal of distress," he add
ed, moodily.
Every package of
Post Toasties
Contains a little book
"Tid-Bits made with
A couple of dozen recipes
Of fascinating dishes,
A help in entertaining
Home folks or company.
Pkgs. 10c and I5c
At grocers.