Y ! c V i Pure A the chief ingredient, ff&L 1 ftf the active principle, t-jQ I and healthf ulnesa, to tjf JOM mm SB j Absolutely Ture f$ j Jnsures wholesome and deli- ffl cious food for every day jr 1 vS n every nome &rHnTYI W No Alum .wMif f fLmen t ? ? t ? ? t Y ? t ? t 20 per cent Discount on Towels We have linen, cotton and bath towels, good values. Also napkins, handker chiefs, etc. We Have only a few rem nants of embroideries left and we are selling them at 8c per yard. J. W. LARKIN & CO. C"C"C K. .00COC ! City And County J Geo. Ray of near Murray, had busi ness in the city Tuesday. Never has a woman created greater enthusiasnTor wffjf more waTIted for a return date than Mrs. Richards. Mrs. Richards is the most enthusias tic speaker that has ever visited our coast. San Francisco Examiner. H. B. Hansen has returned to his home at Herman, Neb., after a visit of several days with F. A. Richardson. The Washington, Chicago, III., -We consider Mrs. Richards the strongest woman on the American platform to day. Hans Tarns returned to his work for the Burlington at Ashland after spend ing Sunday at home with his family in this city. Mrs. Richards meets the highest ex pectations, and Fends people away with wiser heads, lighter hearts and more hope for the future. M. II. Pollard, the Nehawka miller was in Tlattsmouth Monday evening to look after the mill interests among its customers in this city. We t re in a position to furnish apple barrels in car load lota or in small quan tities. For prices write Isaac Pollard and Son. Nehawka, Neb. 32 4 Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Johnson and son, who were visiting in the city at the home of J. W. Johnson, have returned their home at Lincoln. Mrs. W. A. Mietz departed for her home at Pender, Neb., Tuesday having ; spent several days with relatives and ; friends in Plattsmouth and vicinity. Mrs. Richards, national lecturer for the W. C. T. U., will deliver an ad dress at the Presbyterian church in this city Friday evening, August 6. County Commissioners C. R. Jordan of Alvo, and J. L. Switzerof Elmwood, arrived in the city to be present at a meeting of the county board Tuesday. Judge W. II. Newell has gone on a trip of inspection to his quarries at Wymore, Neb., and Amazonia, Mo. He will return the latter part of the week. Rev. Salsbury was engaged Tuesday in loading his household goods into n car preparatory to shipping them to Auburn, Neb., where he will take up his new residence. MrsJ. S. Hall and daughter, Miss Ruth, have returned to their home in this city after Hn extended visit with datives in the east. Mrs. Rachacl Campbell of Pennsylvania, accompanied them home for a few days visit after which she will proceed to Montana for a visit. Mrs. Hall enjoyed her trip very much. Mrs. Wilson of Detroit, Mich., who has been in the city for some time vis- Sale I t ? ? t ? ? ? ? ? t t Y f king at the homes of H. N. Dovey, G. Knapp and W. K. Fox has returned to her home in that city. Mrs. Mark White, who has been ser iously ill at a hospital in Omaha, has almost entirely recovered from the ef fects of an operation and has returned to her hryne near Rock Bluffs. , Grandma Clark whose home is at Cedar Creek but who has been in Oma ha came in Tuesday to visit at the home of her son Simon. Grandma though quite aged appears to be enjoying splen did health. Prof. J. W. Gamble was in town Monday on business and to visit with his family. He returned to Lincoln Tuesday morning, where he will re sume his work a9 a teacher in the University summer school. Sol V. Pitcher, one of the pioneer farmers and school teachers of Cass courity has arrived in the city for a visit with old friends and relatives. Sol is now located at Rushville, Nebr., and is one of the prominent men of the west. Bennie Fanger, son of M. Fanger, the department store man, has gone to Omaha, where he will spend some time studying German. A good command of that language is very helpful and the time used in learning it will be well spent. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Smith were pas- ledgers for Omaha Tuesday where pas- I sengers for Omaha Tuesday where they joined their daughters who are 1 camping out at Y. M. C. A. park. They I will enjoy an outing with them being absent for several days. -T W Rnnlcmpvpr n mpmlipr nf thp Q. councU from the third Wflrd hag returned from ot e--,... Aru where he had been for a week taking medical baths. He looks quite well and has no doubt but that the baths and the trip benefitted his health con siderably. Mrs. Florence D. Richards, Lecturer, Organizer, Evangelist. ''God furnishes the work and calls for the workers, not merely to bring heaven down to earth, but rather to bring earth up to heaven." Those who listen to Mrs. Richards will feel the call to "go work in my vine yard" as never before. C. W. Mort of Nebraska City was a business visitor in the city Tuesday. Mr. Mort is traveling auditor for the Duff Grain Co., and was looking after their interests here. His company owns elevators at fifty different sta tions and his work keeps him busy get ting around over the territory. James R. Hills, the special agent for Swift & Co., was in Lincoln the other day and closed a contract for the exhi bition, during the Stato Fair, Sept. 6 to 10, of their six horse team, wagon and harness. Without doubt this is one of the finest equipments of its kind to be seen in the United States. Hon. Jesse L. Root returned to his home in Lincoln Monday. Mr. Root has been taking the baths at Burling ton Junction, Mo., and stopped here on his way back to mingle with old friends and neighbors for awhile. The Judge is feeling much better and his friends wore greatly pleased to meet him. The Dist. Conventions of the Cass County Sunday School Association will be held as follows: First Dit. Aug. 17, at Murray, Nebr. Second Dist. Aug. 18 at Avoca, Nob. Third Dist. Aug.'.li). Any intelligent person may earn a good income corresponding for news papers; experience unncccessny. Send stamp for full particulars. Empire Press Syndicate, Middleport.N. Y. 31-3 Frederick Emil Karl Tewes filed a declaration of his intention to become a citizen of the United States with Clerk of the District Court Robertson and has possession of his first papers. The gentleman is a native of Germany but thinks the opportunity for making money is better in this country than in the Vaderland. Jim Dahlman is pining for another "Waterloo." He has sent out notice that he will meet Mrs. Richards in joint debate at Itellcvue August 31. Those who remember the few shreds that Mrs. Mary Armor left of him last year, will wonder and perhaps admire his courage, and turn out by thousands to see hi3 finish. Judge Harvey D. Travis has gone to Waukeeney, Kansas, where he owns some fine farming land to make an in spection and superintend the handling of a large wheat crop his men have just harvested. Judge Travis will be gone for several days and Judge Dun gan of Hastings will hold district court at Nebraska City in his stead. Mrs. Florence D. Richards of Leipsin Ohio, at the Presbyterian church, Fri day evening Aug. 6. Mrs. Richards has been before the public as lecturer and entertainer for 22 years. She has been all over the world and her experiences from the aristocratic parts to the very shims have combined to make her a successful platform entertainer. W. G. Meisinger of nearCullom, was in the city Tuesday and in course of his visit statpd he had finished threshing his wheat which averaged 22 bushels to the acre, a good yield, but not bo good as his brother, L. A., whose wheat went 28bushels and was very good quality. , Oats are running from 20 to 24 bushels to the acre in their neigh borhood. Mrs. E. Chandler of Fairbury, IN'eb who came down for a visit at the home of her father George Poisall left Tues day morning for Fremont where she had been called by a telegram announc ing the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Mabel Speck, at the hospital in that city. Mrs. Speck is suffering from typhoid fever and is in a very critical condition. - Mrs. Louise Dutton of University Place, Neb., is here for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Os born, who have both been quite serious ly ill. She will remain and assist in caring for them while her sister, Mrs. Delia Long goes to her home in Omaha for a short rest. The many friends of these good people hope to soon see them up and about again. County Treasurer Frank E. Schlater is building a fine new barn on his prem ises in the north part of town. Mr, Schlater believes in doing things rigbt and he has hired Wm. Howland to do the carpenter work which insures correct and speedy construction of the building. Frank has a splendid resi dence nnd the addition of a good mod em barn on the premises will make his one of the best improved residence properties in the city. Notice ol Sale. Notice is hereby given that the Board of School Distiict No. 2, in Cass county, Nebraska, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at 2:30 p. m., of the 21st day of August, A. D., 1009, at the South door of the Court House, in Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Sale to remain open one (1) hour, the school building with foundation, known as the Goos School House and located on the farm of Mrs. Anna Goos, about one mile South-east of Plattsmouth, Neb raska. Dated this 24th day of July, A. D., 1909. Hans Hemp 29-8 Director. Protest Against Change. A number of prominent citizens from Elmwood and vicinity were in the city yesterday to protest to the county com missioners against a proposed change in the lines of a certain school district in their neighborhood. The board had adjourned and the matter cannot be taken up until the next meeting which is the 24th of this month. Matthew Gering was retained by the party to present their claims to the authorities and the matter will be thoroughly threshed over in hopes that an amica bleaettlement can be agreed upon. CHICHESTER S PILLS yean taima h llf ,t, knfttl, Alolvt Krll.l l SOLD BY DRTS EVERYWHERE .annul Ak ynmr Hrncul.tr. . hlM-kea.lrr'l IMamnnd Ilmndr I'llls In I(r4 n. ).ol4 n.rlilllAV t.M, iralrd Hh Mi Kit., V Tale .ihrr. II r t jnur V PrW'' Ak'r'"l-'llfc.TFR DIAdoNO HKAND ll l.t.o. 1 I J 8 Want Column KOR SALE. FOR SALE - 40 acre farm about G miles south of Plattsmouth, new five room house, good barn and other out buildings. Price $tiO per acre, with terms to tuit purchaser. For further particulars see J. R. Denson. 32- FOR SALE - Several cottages on monthly payments of $10.00. Three cottages at a great sacrifice for spot cash. Windham Investment Co. .'12-3 Foil Sai.k-A IliO acre farm of first class wheat land in the wheat belt in eastern Oregon all in cultivation with a good running feed yard and barn for $4,000 if sold soon. For particulars write to or call on Otto L. Hoiilkkld, 29 3 Madras, Crook County, Ore. FOR SALE-Four cottages for less than oiio half what they cost. Five acres about 2 miles southeast of Platts mouth for $240.00. Five acres well im proved to exchange for a larger tract and will pay diirerence. 80 acres in Knnsas to exchange for Plattsmouth property. 17 acres on the rtver, $850. 30- WINDHAM INVESTMENT CO. WANTED. WANTED-Young men and women to fill positions paying $000 to $2000 per annum. Big demand for stenograph era in the Government service, as well as in private business life. Our new method of teaching Bhorthand by mail insures as thorough and practical a training at your own home as is obtainable by personal attend ance at any business college in the country. We guarantee success. Complete course for small cash pay ment balance to be paid when you secure a position. Trial lesson free. Central Business Institute, Central Building, Washington, D. C. Notice to Creditors. State of Ki'liraHkn. I County of Casn. 1 In County Court In the matter of the estate of Konrad Hcinemann deceased. Notice is hereby Riven thnt the creditors or Baid deceased will meet the Executor of said es tate, before me. County JuiIko of Cass County, Nebraska, at the County Court room in I'latts mouth, in said County, on the 23rd day of Au gust. 190(t. and on the 2'ith day of February. l'JIO at 10 o'clock A. M , each day. for the purpose of nresentinir their claims for examf nation, adjustment and allowance. Six montlisaro allowed for the creditors of said deceased lo present their claims, and one year fur the Kxecu tor to settle said estate from the 23rd duy of Aujjust 1 W.I. . Witness my hand nnd seal of said County Court, at I'lattvmouth, Nebra-skn, this&lrd day of July 1U09.. A 1. 1. EN J. HKKKCIN, 208 Seal. County Juda-e Legal Notice' All pi'mona intt'it'sted aro hereby notified that John Albert Uauvr. aa administrator with the t ill anntveed of the estate of John Ih Bauer, de ceased, has tiled his final account with the County Court of Cass county, Nebraska, a motion to be permitted to file a claim aicainat said estate, and his petition for linal neitlement of aaid accuont. and the distiibution of the residue of aaid estate. real and personal to all permna by law and the provision of the will ol aaiu deceased entitled thereto. That a hearing will be had on said report and petition in the County Court room in the city of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, On the 10th day of August, VM, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M.. at which time the aaid account will be allowed and the prayer of said iietition granted, and the administrator permitted to file his claim aitain't said estate, if no objections bo made thereto at said time. Dated at Plattsmouth Nebraska, this 17th duy of July l:W, Ali.kn J. Bekson, 27-6 County Judue Cass county. Neb. Legal Notice. State of Nebraska, ' County of Cass. I To David K. Thomas, the unknown heirs and devisees of David K. Thomas, deceased, Simeon A. Thomas, the unknown heirs jind devisees of Simeon A. Thomas, deceased, the unknown heirs and devisees of Aaron Cochran deceased. Tootle a FarleiKh, a partnership, Thomas E. Tootle, his wife -Tootle, first name unknown. Milton Tootle.,the unknown heirs and devisees of Milton Tootle.' deceased. William (i. Karleixh, the uiw known heirs and devisees of William G. I arleiich, debased, non-resident defendants. You and each of you ore hereby notified that William A. Cleuhorn, executor nf the last will of Frud'-rick Brunko, deceased, Edward Brunko, Krnest Brunko, and Annie Brunko, children of August K. Brunko, deceased, on the lHth day of July. I'.09. filed their petition in the district court of Cass county. Nebraska, axainst you, the object and puriHMe of said act ion b"in(t to quiet and con firm the title of said plaintiffs in and to all of the Kast ' i of the N. E. 1-4 of Section ft. Township II, Ksnite 1 1 east, in Cass county, Nebraska, and airainst you and each of you and for equitable re lief. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 6th day of September William A. Clenhorn. executor of the las will of Frederick Brunko. deceased, Edward Hrunko, Krnest Hrunko, and Annie Brunko. children of Auiru.it F. Brunko. deceased, 1'lainlitTs. By A. L. TuD. Their Attorney. 29-8 Legal Notice. The defendants Mary Msyowan. Harriet I.. Carper. Carper, (first name unknown). William Rolls. Joshua Stroud. Sarah A. Stroud, Lombard Investment Company. Harry E. Mooney, Sanford D. I.a Id. and Frank Haverman, Receiv ers Lombard Investment Company non-resident defendant. and the unknown heirs of kiley Jones, Tennessee Rolls, nee Jones, Wiley O. Jones.lsabeli Ruby, nee Jones, and (Jeortfe S. Ruby, deceased, will take notice that on the flth day of July John C. Knabe, the plaintiff filed his petition in the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, against the above named defendants, the object and prayer of which is to cancel a certain mort gage given by Oswald Baier, and wife, to the Lombard Investment Company, dated March S. 1Hj, and to quiet the title in the plaintitf to the following described real estate situated in Cm county. Nebraska, to-wit: The Wostone-hnlf (W) of the southeast quart, r (), the southwest quarter (') of the northenst quarter (' the south twenty-five 12.11 acres of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter! 1 the east lifteen (lDacresof the northwest quarter (' of the northeast quarter ('), the south six (ti) acres of the remainder of the northwest quar ter (') of the northeast quarter tl) the west 17.ltf acres in lot three CI) in the northeast quar ter (' I of the northeast quarter lot six (i) containing IH 21 acres in the southeast qunr(cr ii) of the northeast quarter 'i i all in section Thir. tytwo Township Eleven (11) Range Thirteen containing 19H.S.1 acres, and that each of said do fendunls and those claiming under or through them, be forever barred from having or claiming any interest in said real estate, and for equitable relief. You are required to answer or plead tu said pe tition on or before the Z-ini day of August, l'.KW. Dated at I'laltsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, this sih day of July I!si9. r-S John C. Knadk, Plaintiff. THIS MASY US1SS Ol 1JA1JBR In the home cannot be estimated. It can be usid to beautify the otherwise ugly pantry shelves, to put under the carpets, ih fatt it can be used all over the house and is a cheap means of sanitation. We have a limited number of old papers which we will sell for 5c per bunch. Tub News-Herald. A Sink in I ? t ? ? V Y t ? ? ? ? ? t Y ? ? Is the most handy and sanitary article that you could have there. In these hot days it is not very desirable to have waste water standing around in or about the kitchen. Isn't it more desirable to dump it into the sink and have it car ried away from the house? Think it over and then come and let me show the finest and best line of sinks in the city. 1 " JOHN Attention Farmers Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hog Salvet or medi cated Salt is the best remedy for all kinds of stock to make them tat well and aid digestion and also a blood builder. If not satisfied with re sults money refunded. Sold at the feed store of J. V. EGENBERGER PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. ATCHISON LEAVENWORTH KANSAS CITY ST. LOUIS Are Best Reached by the G. A. R. REUNION -AT- Salt Lake City At-flost Oth-1 4th Best Reached Through Scenic ' Colorado via Missouri Pacific Iron Mountain Special Low Ratea Hugh Norton, Agent. Western Lands for Sal fline Bsnslnt. In Perkins and Deutl counties. All smooth, level land, tdar.k, rirh soil. Ner railni.nl. Good towns and ad nininf farms, fu tolM per a'-in. Terms reasonable Cotrespond-en-o soli iteil. NVill 8end mspH, literature, etc. Wilis rnq,tT, Ih Weitera Lean Trust Co.. Holilng. Nebr. BAILEY & MAC II THE DENTISTS Latest 90llOCM nl;-0nfH Oeatl.tr tt III MUMim. Bft-tqulsafi0fts Of fice ll th Midell ttttt. eceiai e couNT to citt vitiToe. M floor l .tlor. H.k , lilb rarnam. OMAHA, NEB. Acorn ciga'8 5 cents each. Smoke an "Acorn" anil be happy. T T T T f r r r T T T ? T t T BAXUCR T and Stock Raisers! I hello Do you know that unless you have the old reliable' Bell Phone in your business place or residence, you are not getting the best service you can get, you want the best service always, and we can give it to you. Have a Bell phone put in your place now. Smoke an ACORN I And be Happy a i Tinn - Ma Emm I I mS La? 4 ' i Atuvrn References: Rank of KaRle, Eagle. Nehawka Hank, Nehawka. Rank of M unlock, Murdock. First Nat'l bank.tlreenwood. State bank of Murray, Murray. First Nat'l bank, l'lattsmouth. a Kilelten t