The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, August 02, 1909, Image 7

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Mysteries of Nature
Good Little Story Told by William
Dean Howelle as a Rebuke to
"It was William Dean Howells,
fald a Chicago editor, "who first re
buked us Americans for our spread
eagleism, for our foolish boasting. I
see that Mr. Howells has Just joined
a men's society for the promotion of
woman suffrage. Trust him to be in
the forefront always.
"I once heard Mr. Howells deliver a
fourth of July oration In Maine. The
orator preceding him had boasted a
good deal. Mr. Howells showed that
some of the man's boasts were even
"He said that these spread-eagle
boasters deserved the rebuke that the
little child administered to the cack
ling ben that had just laid an egg.
The child, angered by the hen's con
tinuous cawk-cawk-cawk, cawk-cawk-
cawk-cawk, shook his little finger at
her and said:
"'You fink you're smart. But Dod
made dat egg. You touldn't help but
lay it!'"
"Farmer, which of those cows of
yours gives the buttermilk?
"None of 'em. The goat"
His Preference.
.. Commander Maxwell of the navy
enjoys telling of an unique complaint
Dreferred by a recruit.
On every man-of-war the bar of
Justice is nft in front of the "stick,"
or mast. The recruit had gone to the
tlck to "state" his grievance. "Well
what do you want?" asked the
executive officer.
"Please, nlr, I want to complain of
the breakfast this morning."
"What did you have?"
"Burgoo, crack-hash, hard tack and
coffee, sir."
, "What did you expect?"
"Please, sir, I always like to start
my breakfast with a nice steak and
pair of eggs." Illustrated Suudaj
By G. Frederick Wright, A. M. LL D.
Bo much has been written about
the valley of the Nile and the fertil
ity afforded to tho delta and to a nar
row Btrlp along either bank through
means of irrigation that little atten
tion has been paid to the immensely
larger area dependent on irrigation in
central Asia; whereas central Asia ex
ceeds, not only in the possession of
fertile soil capable of Irrigation
many times trrrver than that of Kgypt
and equally rich in character, but
also surpasses it in the uniformity of
conditions which supply the needed
volume of water. The delta and tho
irrigated belt along the- lower Nile
scarcely exceeds 10,000 square miles
in extent and is incapable of much en
largement by artificial means.
The recent dam at Assoun can ndd
but a few hundred square miles to
the area already under cultivation.
Moreover, the sources of the Nile, be
ing far off in equatorial Africa, are
subject to various vicissitudes, which
render the supply of water in the
lower Nile somewhat irregular and in
secure. The waterfall over the drain
age basin differs more or less from
decade to decade and the outlets to
the great lakes, which serve as reser
voirs, occasionally become so clogged
by the accumulation of vegetable mat
ter as to interrupt the normal flow
for a number of years together. This
latter difficulty the English govern
ment Is endeavoring to correct by the
removal of the accumulations through
artificial means. How successful they
will be remains to be seen.
mountains on the northeast. Tash
kent has now a population of 160,000.
After a course of 1,200 or 1,500 miles,
the Svr Darla also empties into the
Aral sea, where its water is evaporat
ed in connection with that of the Amu
Still farther to the northeast numer
ous other streams of considerable size
come down from the northern flank
of the Tian Shan mountains and, after
distributing alluvial soil at the base of
the mountain disappear in the desert
sands or in Lake Halkash. Among
these are the Talas, the Chu (which
has a length of 700 or 800 miles), the
III. of equal length, and the Seven riv
ers, which have given name to the
nrovince of Semirechensk. For a dis
tance of several hundred miles along
this northern base of the Tian Shan
mountains there is a broad belt of
most fertile soil capable of irrigation
with the water from these mountain
streams. The Chu Is formed by the
combination of an innumerublo num
ber of mountain streams; so that It
has been designated "the land of tho
thousand springs."
Privilege of English Husband.
A wife who complained at the
Marylebone police court in London the
other day that her husband used
abusive language to her was Informed
by Mr. Plowden that this was one oi
a husband's privileges.- .
"You must put up with it," the mag
Istrate told her. "Better an abuslv
husband than no husband at all."
"But I have had so many years oi
this kind of thing," she protested.
"I cannot give you any redress,"
Mr. Plowden replied. "You must ex
pect a certain amount of abuse in thli
world." '
in central Asia the conditions fa
vorable to irrigation are connected
with the great mountain systems of
tbo region, three of which meet in
the center of the continent to form
the elevated tableland of the Pamir
which Is aptly styled "the roof of the
world." These mountain systems are
the Hindu Rush, which crosses the
northern borders of Persia and Af
ghanistan; the Tian Shan, which
stretches away from the Pamir in a
broad branching belt to the north
east, and the Himalaya, which sepa
rates India from Thibet. The plateau
of the Pamir, from which flows In one
direction the Indus, to Irrigate the
plains of the Punjab, the Amu Darla
(the ancient Oxus), which irrigates a
great belt in western Turkestan, and
the branches of the Tarim, which flow
eastward into the desert of Gobi, h
upward of 13,000 feet above the sea,
and is surrounded by various peaks
10,000 feet higher.
Tuberculosis Conference.
Under the auspices of the Swedish
National League Against Tuberculo
sis, the Internationa) Tuberculosis con
ference held its annual meeting in
Stockholm July 8 to 10. Among tht
American speakers on the program
were Dr. Hermann M. Biggs of New
York and Dr. John C. Wise, medical
director of the United States navy
who was the official representative of
this country. Two subjects of special
interest discussed were: "Care ol
Tuberculous Families, Especially ol
Healthy Children," and "Tuberculosli
and the Schools."
The"amount of land which is cap
able of being made fertile by these
mountain streams of central Asia Is
sufficient to support the population of
many an empire. To limit ourselves
to western Turukestan alone, we find
tho Atrek river emptying into the
soutneastern corner of the Caspian
Bea, watering an area of marvelous
fertility which was formerly the seat
of the Parthian empire, a region
which the ancient historian, Strabo,
said was most highly favored of
heaven, and where, according to him,
a single vine had been known to pro
duce nine gallons of wine and a single
fig tree 90 bushels of figs.
Doctor's Test of Food.
A doctor In Kansas experimented
with his boy In a test of food and
gives the particulars. He says:
"I naturally watch the effect of dif
ferent foods on patients. My own lit
tie son, a lad of four, had been ill
with pneumonia and during his conva
lescence did not seem to care for any
kind of food.
"I knew something of Grape-Nuts
and its rather fascinating flavor, and
particularly of its nourishing and
nerve-building powers, so I started th
boy on Grape-Nuts and found from
the first dish that he liked It.
"His mother gave it to him steadily
- and ho began to improve at once. In
less than a month he had gained
about eight pounds and soon became
so well and strong we had no further
anxiety about him.
"An old patient of mine, 73 years
old, came down with serious stomach
trouble and before I was called had
got so weak he could eat almost noth
lng, and was In a serious condition
He had tried almost every kind of
food for the sick without avail.
"I immediately put him on Grape
Nuts with good, rich milk and just
little pinch of sugar. He exclaimed
when I came next day 'Why doctor I
never ate anything so good or that
made me feel so much stronger.'
"I am pleased to say that he got
well on Grape-Nuts, but he had to
istlck to it for two or three weeks,
tthen ho began to branch out a little
-with rice or an egg or two. lie got
entirely well in spite of hia almost
liopeless condition. He gained 22
pounds in two months which at his
age Is remarkable.
"I could quote a list of cases where
Grape-Nuts has worked wonders."
"There's a Reason." Read "Tho
Road to WellHe," in pkgs.
Kvrr rd he nhnvtt lcHrf A new
oa anneiir from tlin llnif. ill
k Kroiiloe, I rue, awl full M buiuui
To say nothing of the middle por
tion of the valley, which Is bordered
only by a narrow strip of arable land,
rilLniug like a thread through wide
deserts, we come to the remarkable
oasis of Khiva (occupying a delta
nearly as large as that of the Nile),
at. tho southern end of the Aral sea.
So completely is this oasis surrounded
by deserts that for ages the peop'e
have enjoyed immunity from the at
tacks of outside enemies, The story
of the Russian conquest of Khiva,
which was effected about thirty years
ago, Is one of the most thrilling and
tragic In all history. An attacking
army large enough to be effective was
pretty sure to die In the desert of
thirst before reaching the oasis; while
an army small enough to make its way
successfully across the burning sands
was too small to accomplish anything
tt its Journey's end. Time after time
the Russian armies which attempted
to penetrate this region from different
directions were baffled by these condi
tions and compelled to turn back after
heartrending disaster. At the same
time the ruling authorities of Khiva
had no restraint upon the barbarities
they could practice upon the weaker
tribes which were dependent upon Ir
rigating canals running off from the
main stream. It was a simple matter
to tap a canal and turn tt off in some
other direction and thus speedily re
duce a portion of the people to the ex
tremities of starvation.
Going still farther to the northeast,
one comes to the Zerafshan, whose
name is derived from the golden sands
which It brings down from the moun
tains in which it rises. This stream
would be an Important tributary of tho
mu Darla if Its water was not utilized
In Irrigating the fertile plains around
Samarkand and Bokhara, two cities of
great importance at the present time,
but of still greater renown In the past.
Still farther to the northeast the
Syr Daria (the ancient Jaxartes) rolls
down from the Tian Shan mountains,
Irrigating the fertile province of Ferg
hana, which lust year yielded 3,000,000
bushels of rice, 8,000,000 buHhels of
wheat and fiOO.OOO bales of cotton, be
sides a great amount of other prod
ucts. Jho cities of Tashkent, Chlm
kent and Turkestan nre in flourishing
Irrigated areas, watered by branches
of the Syr Darla coming down the
From earliest times this belt of fer
tile soli has played an Important part
In the history of the world. Lying
midway between the mountains Biid
the arid plains to the north, it has
been the favorite resort of seml
nomadic tribes, who venture out into
the pasture lands of the Hteppes with
their (locks and herds in early sum
mer, and retreat to the mountain pas
tures later in the season, while raising
rich crops of grain upon the Interme
diate fertile irrigated belt. The Rub-
1an military road for several hundred
miles In passing through this region
encounters not only a lino of nourish
ing cities of present Importance, hut
passes by innumerable mounus oi
earth marking a prehistoric civiliza
tion. The abandoned irrigating canals
also speak too plainly of a decadence
resulting from the neglect of oppor
tunities due to the social and political
disorganization which has reigned for
centuries. In the thirteenth century
the hordes of Jenghiz khun marched
leisurely along this belt on their way
to the conquest of western Asia and
of Europe.
Altogether these vast areas in cen
tral Asia which are capable of Irriga
tion afford most attractive conditions
for human life. Since the soil has not
been leached by constant rains, the
fertile elements remain in concen
trated from, so as to afford crops far
greater than can be produced by the
broad cultivation necessary to obtain
remunerative results where the rain
fall is such as it is over the larger
part of Europe and the eastern United
States. One acre of the irrigated silt
at the base of the Tian Shan moun
tains is worth three acres of the aver
age soil on farms In the middle states
of America. Prof. Hilgard has recent
ly commented upon this richness of
the soil in accounting for the fact that
all of the early centers of civilization
were in irrigated areas. Instances of
this are the valleys of the Nile, the
Euphrates and, ho might have added
of the Murghab, the Oxus, the Zeraf
shan and the Jaxartes. When the ng
rloulturlst considers also the certainty
of tho water supply furnished by the
melting snows on such lofty moun
tains, he cannot fail to be thankful
that he is not dependent upon fitful
Bhowers of rain for the growth of his
crops, but can look with unfailing con
fldence to the murmuring streams
which flow through the irrigated canals
which distribute the life-giving cle-
ment far and wide.
Another advantage of this Irrigated
belt is the almost perpetual sunshine,
which relieves the inhabitants from
fear of the loss of crops by mildew
and which enables them, even in
winter weather, to utilize the warmth
of the direct rays of the sun In se
curing their bodily comfort. The de
mand for fuel to drive away the dis
comforts of winter is thus reduced to
the lowest point. The famous bazar
in Tashkent occupies several miles of
the ordinary streets, which during the
summer months are made comfortable
by a shading bf matting Btretched
across a network of beams which
cover tho roadway. With this per
petual sunshine, abundance of pure
water, great fertility of soil, the line
of cities along tho base of the Tian
Shan mountains presents the most at
tractive centers of habitation which
can be imagined.
As one looks out to the north from
this irrigated belt and sees tho glim
mering mirage of tho desert, with
camels approaching, seeming to wade
knee-deep in water, and then turns
to the south and beholds the mountain
peaks from 15,000 to 20,000 feet In
height glittering In their snowy man
tles, he can but bo thrilled with the
thought that here extremes meet, and
that midway between them nature. Is
most lavish with everything which
makes life attractive. The only draw
back has been that man throughout
this region has been exceedingly vile.
Thoro can be no prosperity In an Irri
gated region except there Is a strong
and Just central government, which
can protect the rights of the weak
and secure to them all their Ur pro
portion of the lllogivlng water which
uature has provided In but limited
quantities. The advent of British rule
In Kgypt has thus well nigh doubled
the productiveness of the Irrigated
belt that lines the banks of the Nile.
m a
Promotes DiA'sllonfhccrfiA
ncss and Rest.Corttalns nciifer
Opium.Mor)tunc norMiucraL
limtuftm ibmr.
Anerfcct Remedy farCtaisflpi
I Ion , Sour Stomaeh.Dlarrta a
ncss andLoss OF Sleek
facsimile Sifoatureaf
The Hind You ITavo Always Bought, and which lias been
in uso for over SO years, lias borne- tho elgnatnro of
pnu has been niaxlo under 1m per
sonal supervision sinco its infancy.
Allow no ono to decclvo you In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnl"Just-ns-gootl'nre but
Experiment that trifle with nntl endanger tho liealth of
Infants and Children Expcricuco ugainst Experiment
Castoria is ft harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic)
Mibstancc. Its ngo is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverlshnesg. It cures Diarrhoea and AVInd
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signaturo of
Guaranteed. undt-rTheFSoTOj
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Year3
Exact Copy of W rapper.
. -r --in :'1 i .Hi - IT
1 ,iu
Man In the Water Help! Help!
I'm drowning!
Droll Gent What! you don't need
help to drown, man.
Was So Sore, Irritating and Painful
That Little Sufferer Could Not Sleep
Scratched Constantly.
Cutfcura's Efficacy Clearly Proven.
"When ahout two and a half years
old my daughter broke out on her hips
and the upper parts of her legs with a
very irritating and painful eruption. It
began in October; tho first I noticed
waa a little red surface and a constant
desire on her part to scratch her limbs.
She could not sleep and tho eruptions
got sore, and yellow water came out
of them. I had two doctors treat her,
but she grew worse under their treat
ment. Then I bought tho Cutlcura
Remedies and only used them two
weeks when sho was entirely well.
This was in February. Sho has never
had another rough place on her skin,
and she is now fourteen years old.
Mrs. It. R. Whltaker, Winchester,
Tenn., Sept, 22, 1908."
Potter rtif k Cbom. Corp, Bui I'ropi., Uuttoo.
"Tho Autocrat," remarked the Re-
"ondito Person, "made u remark tho
import of which escaped me until the
other day. He said: 'Many a man
has a reputation because of tho repu
tation ho expects to have some day.'"
"That's not a half bad remark," Bug-
Rested the Practical Person, "but my
sou Just out from college, you know,
and In tho habit of thinking hump
backed thoughts, as It were said
something only this morning that ap
pealed to nie: 'Some men,' he said,
get a reputation and keep It; other
men get a reputation and make it
keep them.' "
The Thrifty Scot.
A Scotsman nnd his wife were com
ing from I.ellh to London by boat.
When off the Yorkshire coast a great
torm arose and the vessel had sev
eral narrow escapes from foundering.
"Oh, Sandy," moaned his wife. "I'm
na afeard o' deein', but I dlnna enre
to dee "at sea."
"Pinna think o deein' yet," an
swered Sandy; "but when ye do, ye'd
better bo diooned at sea than any
where else."
"An why, Sandy?" asked his wife.
"Why?" exclaimed Sandy. "Because
ye wouldn't cost sho niucklo to bury."
The extraordinary popularity of fine
white goods this summer makes the
cholco of Starch a matter of great im
portance. Defiance Starch, being free
from all injurious chemicals, Is the
only one which is safe to uso on fine
fabrics. It great Btrength as a stiffen-
er makes half tho usual quantity of
Starch necessary, with tho result of
perfect finish, enunl to that when tho
goods were new.
Well, Not Very Often.
The little daughter of a Republican
candidate for a local otllce down In
Philadelphia, when told that her fa
ther had received the nomination,
looked serious for a moment, then her
wee voice trembled a bit as she ex
claimed: "Oh, mamma! do they often die of
It is n mother' duty to kwp conntantly
on hnnd oouie reliable reiiifily for uhc in
raw of midilcn nooident or miwliap to the
children. llamlins Wizard Oil enn be
depended upon for just nuch emergencies.
It is easy for a woman with false
teeth to bite off more molasses candy
than she can chew.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 31-1909.
tut nil kh uf culm liriilwB, hum ami mrnlnt.
Tiik.-n Intrrniilly II run-n rtlurrlitauuUdywolory.
Avuid tubtUluU-l. Xm, Uc ud Uw.
"A Cheap Skate."
"Joel Chandler Ilarrls.'Bald an At
lantan, "used to write comic newspa
per editorials. Sometimes he made
tun of other editors In them, too.
"Simon Simpson, a rival editor in
Mobile, having been made fun of,
wrote angrily In his rage:
'"Joel Harris has been getting off
some cheap wit at our expense.'
"Joel, on reading this, grabbed his
pen and dashed off, quick as a Hash,
for next day's Issue:
" 'It must have been cheap, Simon,
to be at your expense.' "
Sheer white goods, in fact, any fine
wash goods when new, owo much of
their attractiveness to tho way they
are laundered, this being done In a
mnnner to enhanco their textile beau
ty. Home laundering would be equal
ly satisfactory if proper attention was
given to starching, tho first essential
being good Starch, which has sufllclent
strength to stiffen, without thickening
the goods. Try Defiance Starch and
you will be pleasantly surprised at tlm
Improved appearance of your work.
How an Angry Woman Looked.
The other day we saw an angry
woman in a street car and iitr face
wus anything but a pleasant picture.
She was angry at the cuuluetor, en
tirely without rause, and Unit made
her look more terrible than If she had
had a real j'lievauiu. N-Uuiskii Jour-
I ual.
The wastes of love bring greater
riches than the wisdom of greed.
Mm. VVIrmlow"! Roothlnir Syruii.
ForotilMrrn twtlilnif, wifn-ni Hie i'itii, maurim In
BmuiUou, tlUt'l uln, euro, w Inil cullu. ittc t oolL.
Duty lias a stern face only when
looked at askance.
A Tonic For
The Whole Family
This splendid tonic will keep
every member of your family
in good health. Adults suffer
lng from dyspepsia, or indi
gestion, general exhaustion or
breakdown will And in this
natural tonic renewed health
end strength. Delicate, rapid
ly growing children will find
in this tonic ths assistance
their digestive organs need to
get tho proper nouriohment
and strength from their food.
acts directly on the stomach
and other digestive organs,
toning them up and enabling
them to do their work properly.
In this way it brings about
permanent health and
Strength. On the other hand,
ordinary tonics, which give ar
tificial strength by stimulation
and by supply ing food material,
are only effective as long aa
they are taken.
Sold bf Jilt T)rugxlf$a
timet, 60c, end tsc.
Take Dr. D. Jaync'i Eipctornt
If you want to get nd of your
Cough or Cold.
Ix-wis' Single Bimli-r slruiiilit ftc eigut;
You pay lUv for ciyum not no good.
Gifts to Clod can never muke up for
thefts from men.
Positively cured by
these Little Fills.
Thejr also relieve Dl
trcHMfniiu I).Vhn'mlu, In
ll,THiloiinuIT(iIIviiriy Kiulnjr. A perfect rem
edy for DltftlnexM, Nan
, l)rnHim'HH, 11 ml
TiiHto I u the Mouth, l olil
eil Tutu'"", Falu In tlia
side, toupii)
Iliey regulate Ilia Dowel, l'urely Vttfclalilo.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
1U ST-1' Ii OOF
nntvitnlxeri. Milfix-U
ruHfil up. Kintly 'Ut to-Itt-tlirr
hf t'clUnic nii
aWIUll. V " ,r 1 y ' 1,1 11'
Mini tiiMVMt.bavi
liifumtn m. h I'
ve!-1 Im-iii and
liaiillnir l'Tii for
lt-f II Hi old' year.
ask )-tir dealer
for iri4 ami
r'tmitar on pmi.t
tlirH:gli tnrihtf.
Ir lt U.' it
tiaatJl. " rito tut,
W in Ua -oiu
hniati.-u Hth k
' ntaiyTamc,
M KT.tM X. kKTU,
1430 Vut Timth Kuiirtii City, Mo.
jHave Shingles!
I on Bides on well us the roof. Get '
your architect to show you plans '
Artistic Homes
of cottages Willi Ehinirli-d siiU-s
and insUt on It is specifying tho
br&au bUown Uciow.
Of 03
"I have used yc.ur valuable Cascaroti
nnrt I find them jrft-ct. Couldn't do
without them. 1 have used them for
some time for indirt-stion and biliousness
nnd nm now completely cured. Recom
mend them to everyone. Once tried, you
will never be without them iu tha
family." Eda-ard A. Marx, Albany, N.Y.
rietmnt. Pnl.itnMe, Potnt. Tasto Oftod.
io (iooil. Nover Sicken.Weiikcu or Gripe.
lhc,25- 50c. Nevtr Hold In bulk. Thogen
u;:io tablet ntumpml ( CO. (juurantaed to
Cure or your muiiuy bk.
iova" farms'