The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, August 02, 1909, Image 2

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R. 0. WATTERS, Duslnen Manage!
. i" J
r 1
of the
(CuiiyrlgUt, luutt, Uobbit-Murrtli Do.)
At 14 yciim of utfi' Admiral Hlr refer
JLiwkHlinw'H iii-iiId-h', Itlrlmril lllyn, fell
)ily In Invu at Hi hi nUht Willi Lady
Ai.iIm IIu Slonnunt, who r.piu nril IiIh M
ti'iilliiiis. Tin' lail, an urplian, wum Klvi-n
a liertli uti iiililHliliinan im tht AJax by
Mm iini'lf. (illt'ii ri nun, ni'plii'W if Sir
TIidmiiih Vt-rtion, tifcuini' tin- Ixiy'n pal
'I'li-y alttMiili'il a thciilir where Hawk
hIiiiw')) ni pliew hhw Laily Arulii ll i. Ver
riun met I'lillip Overton, next In line for
Sir TliimiaH Vrrmui'tt entitle. Tliey Hlart
ed a duel willed was interrupted. Vermin,
in ill, in and MawkHlniw'M m-pliew found
lln iiiki IveM altrarled liy pretty Lady Ara
lalla. The AJax In liattle defeated l''reiu-h
uarHhlpM In the Meiliterranean, Itlrhanl
Civil nut prize money. He wim
railed Inline ly Lady llawkahaw uh lie
mm nhoiit tu "hlnw In" his earnitiKX with
Vernon. At a llawkxhiiw party (!lyn dla
invered that Lady Arnliellu wan a poor
hilt pei'MlMtent KiiuilihT. Me talked niileli
ulih her cousin ImphiiH. Laily Arnliellu
UKiiln Khoweil love for KiimliiK. Later Hhe
laid (llyn and Overton prlHoners. thim
:leluyliiK the duel. In the Overton-Vernon
duel, neither waii hurt. Lady Ara
1 1. 1 la humiliated Itlchard hy her praukH.
lilrhaid and title Khlpped on a frlKiite.
lilh-H wan ruptured hy the r'renrh. Hlr
I'eter arraiiHed for IiIh exehaime. iHiph
ni' allowed a II k I ii k for (llyn, who wax
I hen 21 years of ace. tilleu wiih releaMed.
ItlleM and lilclinnl planned clopenieiitH.
Hlr I'eter ohjeeted to the plan to wed
liaphne. Hy clever rime lilleH and ltlch
u id eloped Willi Lady Araliella and
liaphne, reHpeellvely. The latter pair
lirru married. Daphne waa pleafed; Ara
liella' raved In aimer. When the p:ir
Iv returned, Arahella asked Sir I'eter to
aid In proxcciilliiK (illes In court on the
cliarKe of commlttiiiK a capital crime.
All attended the trial.
CHAPTER IX. Continued.
The evidence being all In, and the
iirKuments nimle, a recess was taken.
We were not the only ones who iuld
our respects Immediately to Giles
Vernon. Many persons went forward
and shook his hand, while I think Sir
Thomas did not receive a cordial greet
iiiK from n single man or woman In the
hall, although he was known to every
one present.
We got n hurtled dinner at the tav
ern, and returned at once to the hall.
It was about half past four In the win
ter afternoon, and the day being dark
and lowering, candles were required.
The lord justice's Instructions to the
jury were then read, and my heart
sank, as In a dreadful monotone, he
expounded the law to them. Alas! As
long as the statute against the abduc
tion of an heiress remained, Giles Ver
mm was guilty of a capital crime; and
not one word tittered by any one of us
who testified in his behalf did might
but prove the more strongly that he
hnd curried Lndy Arabella off against
her will.
The jury retired, and, the day having
been fatiguing, the lords justices de
termined to wait In their retiring room
for an hour, where they could be
called, If the Jury promptly reached a
verdict. This troubled me this ex
pectation of a quick decision.
The judges having retired and sus
pended the sitting of the court, we at
once went over and sat with Giles,
who maintained perfectly his manly
composure. He laughed with Sir Peter
over some of the events of the fight
between tho Ajax and her two ene
mies, complimented Lndy Hawkshaw
upon her triumph over the laws of the
land relating to evidence, and Raid
many kind things to Daphne.
While we were In the midst of a
cheerful conversation, and not observ
unt of what was going on In the other
part of the hall, we suddenly heard
the crier proclaiming the entrance of
their lordships, and at the same mo
ment Sir Thomas Vernon entered by
another door. Hanging on his nrm
was Ijidy Arabella Stormont. And
then the Jury tiled In with solemn
faces, and what followed all seemed
to me like some hoi rid dream.
Although several persons were
moving about, there seemed to me a
dreadful silence; and although the
candles burned, and a great hobgoblin
of a moon peered In ut the windows
there seemed an awful darkness. And
after a time, In which 1 was oppressed
by this ghostly silence and darkness.
1 saw the senior lord Justice put on n
Hack cup and sentence Giles Vernon
to be hanged by the neck until he was
dead, that day fortnight.
My eyes roved aimlessly around, and
fell at that moment cm Lady Arabella
Stormont. A faint smile flickered on
her lovely mouth.
In that hour of horror I became
weaker and more helpless than the
weakest and most helpless woman
Sir Peter and Lady Hawkshaw wen
too stunned to think. I remember
now, the look of despair on Sir Peier'i
countenance, where I had never be
fore seen anything but sturdy conra;.;i
and it was an added terror. And tht
one who retained her senses, who su?
pebted a forlorn hope, was Daphne
th youngest, the least experienced o'
us all.
"To London!" she said. "To th.
king, lor pardon! I myself will gi
upon my knees to him. Hu shall lw
shall pardon Giles!"
We were all huddled together, then,
In our parlor at the inn, having just
returned from the assize hall.
"Richard and 1 will go," said Sir
"And Daphne and I will stay and
comfort Giles," spoke Lady Hawkshaw.
A week to London, and a week to
return, was easy traveling but how
long, would It take us to reach the
king? And what ministers would be in
town? And what would be the earliest
moment we could leave London? All
these things were In our minds to tor
ment us. Nevertheless, within half an
hours we were on our way.
While we were demanding the best
horses, and having them put to, an In
solent groom came In the stable yard
and asked for horses for Sir Thomas
and Lndy Arabella Stormont and Lndy
Arabella's companion, Mrs. Whltall,
and two servants, for Ixndon. The
head hostler replied roughly that they
had no time to attend him then, as
they were starting Sir Peter Hawk
shaw and Mr. Glyn off for London, too,
to beg Mr. Giles Vernon's life. The
man, at this, grew saucy, and offered
a handsome bonus for the horses
which were then being put to for tia.
I caught htm. by the collar, and threw
him out of the stable yard, where the
hostlers drubbed him soundly, thank
One hurried kiss to Daphne, a brief
farewell between Sir Peter and Lady
HawkHhnw, and we were off for Ixn
don. Our race Into Scotland was noth
ing to It.
The roads were much cut up, and
although we traveled day and night,
we were more than four days on the
way. We reached London early in the
day; and, without stopping for food,
or to change our linen, we went to the
admiralty. There we got the Informa
tion that the first lord was visiting in
the country, in Kent. Within the hour,
I was on my way to Kent. When I
reached tho place, the first lord had
left, not moro than two hours before,
My Senses Seemed Preternaturally
for London. I had passed him on the
road, without knowing him. I re
turned to Iondon. Sir Peter had seen
several members of the government,
meanwhile, and had been privately In
formed that the king was suffering
mentally; and although hopes were en
tertained that the spell would pass
away, without the necessity of inform
ing the country or parliament, still,
access to him was refused to all by his
physicians, except the members of his
family and immediate household, and
they were charged not to mention busi
ness to him; It would be impossible to
approach htm.
When Sir Peter told mo this, I be
came so weak I was forced to sit down.
After a few minutes of agony, a desper
ate resolve came to me. I rose, and
"I have a scheme desperate, but
not impossible. Go with me to the
prince of Wales. He is at Carlton
house, but goes back and forth to
Sir Peter Jumped nt this poor chance,
nnd we ogreed to go Immediately.
We had left York on a Friday, nnd
had reached Umdon on the Monday.
Two days had abeen lost In the Jour
ney to Kent; Hnd It was now late In
the evening of Wednesday. We had,
luckily, brought our uniforms along;
and, dressiiiR ourselves in them Sir
Peter with all his orders sewn on his
coat we culled a hackney coach nnd
drove to Carlton house.
When we got there it was about ten
o'clock In the evening.. .The windows
were brilliantly lighted up, and It was
about the hour that the prince of
Wales was known to be In hla best
humor but the hour when he most
hated to be disturbed.
We descended, nnd tho sentries
passed us through on account of our
uulforms and Sir Peter's decorations
on his breast. We reached the dixir
and knocked. The porter opened the
door gingerly, when Sir Peter, giving
it a kick, walked In, followed by me.
The man attempted to arrest our prog
ress, but sir Peter said to him,
fiercely :
"Do you think, yon damned lackey,
hat you can be Insolent to an admiral
n his majesty's service?" The man
lpologlzed humbly nnd inhered us Into
large reception room on the first
ioor, saying he would cull the gentle
man of tho chambers.
We seated ourselves, liven In that
time of agony. 1 noted the beauty of
he roow Indeed, my senses seemed
ureternaturally acute, and every In
blent of that dreadful time is deeply
lxed In my mind. The celling was of
;llt, while around the walls were paint
ings of Flora. A gilt chandellct
diffused light through tho apartment,
and at one side was a pair of largi
folding doors. -
After a long wait, a gentleman, Mr.
Dlgby, appeared. He received us po
litely, but said it was impossible to dis
turb the prince then as he was Just sit
ting down to piquet. Sir Peter re
mained silent ; he was used to giving
orders, and the words, "It is impossible
to see his foyal higness," were pe
culiarly disagreeable to blm.
I then made my plea. I told Mr.
Digby that the life of a gallant officer
and gentleman was in Jeopardy, and
that we begged to see his royal high
nesB in the hope that the king might
be approached.
"That, too, Is impossible," coldly re
plied Mr. Dlgby. "The king is far from
Just then some one on the other side
of the folding doors opened one of
them the least bit In the world, and
then closed it but not before we hnd
seen streams of light pouring from it,
a long table brilliant with plate and
ornuments, and a company of about
20 gentlemen sitting around It, and
at one end sat a personage whom we
at once recognized as the prince ol
Without a word Sir Peter arose, and,
darting toward the door for he was
ever an agile man threw it open, and
walked Into the presence of his royal
"Sir," eald he, marching up to the
prince, "I am Admiral Sir Peter Hawk
shaw, and I have boarded you, so to
8ieak, sir, In order to save the life ol
one of the gallantest officers In the
service of his niujesty."
I had always heard that his royal
highness was a gentleman, and I saw
then such an exhibition of readiness
and good taste as I never saw before
and never expect to see again. Every
ono at the table, except the prince,
seemed astounded at the sudden en
trance and statling address of a short,
active little man in an admiral's uni
form. Hut the prince offered Sir Peter
his hand in the coolest manner In the
world, saying:
"Most happy to meet you, Sir Peter.
I recollect well that you carried the
Indomptable by boarding very success
fully. Lint how did you get past the
watchdogs at the door, my dear sir?''
"Hy carrying sail hard, your royal
highness," responded Sir Peter, "and
seelnK this door open, faith, said I, to
myself, having risked my skin these
40 years for the king and his succes
sors, sure, I can risk it once more by
walking in on my prince, and here I
am, sir, ready to state my case. That
bloody popinjay, Dlgby (Dlgby was
right behind him), wanted me to let
you alone because you were about to
go to piquet, but I think no prince of
England would, sacrifice a man's life tc
a game of piquet."
"Certainly not, Sir Peter," answered
his royal highness, rising, "and now.l
have nn hour entirely nt your ser
"Sir," said Sir Teter, "I ask the
honor of shaking hands with you, not
as a royal prince, but as an honest
man and good fellow."
I think the prince was ever suscep
tible to honest praise, for he was no
fool, and he was undoubtedly pleased
when Sir Peter wrung his hand. He
then led the way Into another room,
and the door was closed.
The rest of the party behaved very
civilly to me, and 1 accepted thankful
ly an Invitation to have something tc
eat and drink. They were merciful tr,
me, seeing my distress of mind, and
did not plague me with questions, but
resumed their conversation with one
Little Negro's Explanation Certainly
Bore Aspect of Truth.
Irvin Cobb tells a story of a little,
weary negro who went into a resort In
Natchez, displayed a large roll of bills
and bought a drink.
As he was paying for it another ne
gro came in, very large and very
black. He looked at the little man and
said: "N'lggah, whar you cU all dat
money ?"
"Ilah-tendah,' said the little negro,
by way of a reply, "Ah think Ah shall
tek a bottle of dat-ah stuff. 'Pears
quite satisfyin' tuh me."
"NIggah," roared the big one, "whai
you git dat money? I ast you. I's th
town bully, I Is. I follow bullyln fob
a trade. Whar you git it?"
The little negro began stuffing the
money back Into his pockets. "Seem?
to me," he mused, "I ain't got 'nufl
pockets to hold all mah wealth."
The big negro Jumped at the little
one. "Your hear what I said?" he de
manded. "I's the town bully, an' 1
wanter know whar you git all dat
Quick as a flash, the little negro up
percut the big one, catching him on
the point of the Jaw and knocking him
down. In a moment the big negro re
vived enough to look up from th6
floor and ask humbly: "N'lggah, who la
you. anyhow?"
"Why," replied the little one, blow
ing his knuckles, "I's th' pusson you
thought you wuz when you come in.
Saturday Evening Post
Treasure Hoarded In India.
All tho world knows that gold, silver
and gems are constantly disappearing
In India to swell the hidden stores ol
the people. What no ono knows is tht
accumulated amount. The late Dun
ning MacLeod estimated that theri
might be $1,500,000,000 in hidden gold
alone, cf silver there may be even
more In proportion, as the silver rupee
has Song been the common money cur
rent in India. Of hidden gems no on
has ever b"n bold enough to estimati
tl.4 value
' ..
Nallire Earth's Pageantry
"sr . Always Grat-
inspires ifymd
I IJj the dim, tired eyes linve dosed out the litfht forever,
firin's green that fades into summer brown, nnd after Hash
ing out in n transient glenni of gold and purple dies in wlrite,
will he the nioht beautiful and refreshing of things seen.
And the chief excellence of this delight is that it is
accorded not only to those who have cultivated it during years
of solitude and contemplation hut to the greater number who,
engaged in the world's endless strife and arduous pursuits, see
but u tusuul and occasional interlude of rest in nature. He
who wooes pleasure in field and coppice and walks with her
in purple moorland where blue sky is the only roof is slowest to discover
any falling olf in tho beneficent sweetness of his mistress.
The devotee of wealth or fame, even after accomplishing his desire,
is still a bondman. For renown does not come till the heart is withered
in its search and the dear circle of those who would have shured it is nar
rowing to an end; while long ere the riches have lieen accuiiiulateil the
joys to be bought with them pall upon a jaded mind.
Hut while our senses endure they will not i-ease to lie gratified with
the music and pageantry of earth. The fragrant goddess whose shrine
is among the tall ferns and under the oak boughs answers like an echo
to tin; tones of her lover. If he carry a weary and disappointed heart
to her for solace the blowing wind will sing to hint of buried hopes and
the running wafer shall murmur a tale of sadness. It is only those who
are happy themselves who can detect any gladness in the wild bird's carol,
or be merry within hearing of the sea's lament.
Nevertheless, amid all this lamentation of things about to perish there
grows up a feeling of content that is almost happiness, mirthless and
subdued, but pure and perfect. "When the ear has grown weary not only
of human intercourse but of old tunes and instruments and songs, it still
will listen with content while tlu summer wind, traveling over field and
sea. sighs out the faint, low melody it has sung to past generations, the
melody it croons upon their graves and plays to their children.
The pleasure that resides in art is identical with that which dwells
in nature. What the writer or painter docs is to catch and fix for all time
the vision or emotion or impression that yielded pain or pleasure to him.
In a seeming paradox it may ho said that he singles out and stays the
pregnant moments; for the only material he can work u-xm is his own
experience. The life he has lived, the beauty he has seen, the joy, pain,
love, loss, regret, hope, triumphs, sorrow, he has felt; the dreams and
fancies that have come to him these are what he may set forth in his
chosen medium.
In an idle dream such as lias come to many a poet as he rested or
sauntered by familiar streams, faint winds of thought and fancy blow
across the mind, nourishing ideas that the most consummate art is hardly
able to convey with any fullness or . adequacy. Hut it is something
of the music of the lines, the sound of the words, the ring and rhythm of
the syllables which create in the imagination of the atmosphere
ukin to that of the writer.
Abuses of
Noted Italiaa Jurist
the possessor of the "artistic temperament"
but a medium through which to bare his soul and expose his emotions
to mankind, and the odds are in favor of his winning the sympathies of
the unthinking multitude, who are disposed to accept him as an artistic
ally irresponsible being and solely the victim of his emotions or emotion
alism. The old method of trying certain men and women for murders has
practically departed. The actual circumstances of a given murder are
not inquired into half so deeply as the "state of soul" of the murderer,
and however ''inartistic" they he as regards temperament, few are so stu
pid as not to fall back on excuses which have saved .many from well
deserved retribution. Explanation of the psychic temperament which
characterizes any particular delinquent amounts almost to justification of
the deed committed, provided only your criminal lie interesting enough
in the possession of great wealth or unusual intellect, for example. Should
his personality be dull or his social standing be poor, interest in him fails
altogether to come into play and then only does the rigor of the law assert
itself mercilessly.
Is Full of
me forcibly. A man, (55 years of age, arrest
ed under the vagrancy law, was sentenced to be Hogged. The press gave
the public information of the incident and forthwith it seemed to become
for a time the momentous issue in (5 rent Hritain. Scores of letters were
written and" published in the daily papers, protesting against the whip
ping of so aged a man. It was even made the subject of parliamentary
inquiry and tho home secretary was interrogated about it in open session
of the house of commons. For the tiliie it superseded in the London mind
the hobgoblin of (icrnian aerial invasion. Everybody was excited and so
strong did the pressure Lvcnme that the flogging was called IT by the
authorities. I do not think u siniihi case would have made half the s'.lr
ui any other country
The vogue of appeal to the 'unwritten
law"' is one of the abuses of modern times.
Nowadays any man who can claim to be of
a highly sensitive temperament can appeal
to this- legal phantom with many chances
in favor of his issuing successfully from
any crime he may have committed. If he
i& an artist, he. has especial chances of es
caping conviction, since he can plead, as
most artists do, that he comes within the
category of supermen, and that ordinary
laws are not applicable to him. ("Jive the
person claiming to be an artistic leing or
The English are, after all, a nation that
is largely influenced by sentiment.
I had always considered the Uritons as
a cold and callous lot, but during a late stay
in King I'M ward's country I came to rather
a different conclusion. The average Eng
lishman looks on you with scorn if you at
tempt to enter intn a conversation with him
without having been formally introduced,
but he is quick to respond to an appeal to
his humane side. .
While I was in Iindon I saw this illus
trated in a dozen instances. One case struck
Farmer Had Not Much Expectation
of Turkeys, But He Was Not
Losing Anything.
A Rhode Island farmer set a ban
tam hen on 14 turkey eggs, and great
was the scandal thereof throughout
the neighborhood. Friends from far
and near dropped In for to see and
for to admire the freakish feat.
"Sa-ay, Silas," asked envious Hiram
Haggers, "haow many turkeys d' yew
cal'late ter git outer them aigs?"
"Oh, shucks!" Silas answered. "I
ain't cal'latin' t' git many turkeys. 1
jest admire t' see that pesky little,
critter a-spreadin' herself." Harper's
"J I
Mrs. Rant Do you think men are
more clever than women?
Mr. Rant Some men are.
lira. Rant Who are they?
Mr. Rant Single men.
Laundry work at home would be
much more satisfactory if the right
Starch were used. In order to get the
desired stiffness, it is usually neces
sary to use so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of the fabric Is
hidden behind a paste of varying
thickness, which not only destroys the
appearance, but also affects tho wear
ing quality of the goods. This trou
ble can be entirely overcome by using
Defiance Starch, as it can be applied
much more thinly because of its great
er strength than other makes.
The Real Friction.
Actor's Wife Do you know, my
dear, this massage treatment Is dread
fully expensive.
Actor (tragically) Ay, there's the?
Smokers find Lewii' Single Binder 5?
cigar better quality than most lUc cigars.
He never has a message who does
not know how to listen.
For Benefit of Women who
Suffer from Female Ills
Minneapolis, Minn. "I was a Treat
sufferer from female troubles which
caused a weakness
and broken down
condition of the
system. I read so
much of whatLydia
E. 1-inkham's Veg
etable Compound
had done for other
sufferin? women I
felt sure it would
help me, andl must
say it did help me
wonderfully. liy
naina all lpft ma T
grew stronger, and within three months
i was a periecuy wen woman.
"I want this letter made public to
show the benefit women may derive
from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable;
Compound." Mrs. John (1. Moldan,
2115 Second St, North, Minneapolis.
Thousands of unsolicited and genu
ine testimonials like the above prove
the efllcicncv of Lydia E. llnkham's
Vegetable Compound, which is mada
exclusively from roots and herbs.
Women who suffer from those dis
tressing ills peculiar to their sex should
not lose sight of these facts or doubt
the ability of Lydia E. llnk'aam's;
Vegetable Compound to restore their
If you want special advice -write
to Mrs. Plnkhani, at Lynn, Mass.
confidential. For 20 years sh
lias been helping sick women in.
this way, free of charge. Don't
hesitate write at once.
Nebraska Directory
mu-ntion. All supplies for Hie Auintrui-Htrietly
fresh. Mend for rntnlnfnift ami ttiiNlilm urli-ru
Box 1197, Omaha, Neb.
Dain Hay Tools are the Best
Iiwlstonhavlugtliero. Ask your local denier or
THE PAXTON European Plan
KoniiiH from 1.00 tip single, 7S rriiti up double.
Ht5rVff 0ixi.'' '' ."u.uonwSolii!
km...... ii.,itinM.UIUiUulllli
M. Soiesbereer & finn r.n
Wholesale F.lillinerv
The But tilth Wilt OMAHA. KM.
FI1 bjr tli nt Donliri. W will wnd to mi pi It
Utclionun receipt 0(110(11.111 ilimn. . iilV-'w i
and hraxcdni r,,.. JOHN Q. WOODWl.n
OO.-Th. end, M.nCouBPB?H,".D.