The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, June 28, 1909, Image 7

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By LydiaE. Pink hams Veg
etable Compound
Chicago. Ill "I want to tell you
what Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound did for me. I was bo sick
that two of the best doctors in Chicago
said I would die if I did not have an
operation. I had
already had two
operations, and
they wasted me to
go through a third
one. I Rutlered day
and night from in
flammation and a
small tumor, and
never thought of
seeing a well day
again. A friend
told me how Lydia
E. Rnkham's Vejr.
etable Compound had helped her, and
I tried it, and after the third bottle
vras cured." Mrs. Alvena Sperlus'O,
II Langdon Street, Chicago, 111.
If you are ill do not drag along at
home or in your place of employment
mtil an operation is necessary, but
build up the feminine system, and re
move the cause of those distressing
aches and pains by taking Lydia Ji
llnkham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs.
For thirtv years it has been the stan
dard remedy for female ills, and has
positively restored the health of thou
sands of women who ha ve been troubled
with displacements, inflammation, ul
ceration, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, bearing-down
feeling, llatulency, indigestion, dizzi
ness, or nervous prostration. Why
don't you try it?
Teacher Now, Jimmy Green, can
you tell me what an octopus is?
Jimmy Green Yes, sir; it's an
eight-sided cat.
The extraordinary popularity of fine
white goods this 6ummer makes the
choice of Starch a matter of great Im
portance. Defiance Starch, being frco
from all injurious chemicals, Is the
only one which is safe to uso on fine
fabrics. It great strength as a stiffen
er makes half the usual quantity of
.Starch necessary, with the result of
perfect finish, equal to that when the
goods were new.
A Difference.
There is a time la every man's lite
when the softly breathed "Yes" ofa
pretty woman sounds as loud to his
ears as the notes of Gabriel's rumpet.
Afterward there comes a time when
she has to yell at the top of her voice:
"John, John, it's time to get up,"
seventeen times before he becomes
aroused enough to hear It
Is "an tiuucn uf pri'ventiun" an well as a
' pound uf cure." Kor bowel troubles, hln
Wuuuils, eolda, and other Ills. S60 and 6O0 sliut
Without Saying Anything.
They always talk who never think.
Many who used to nmoke 10c cigars nre now
smoking Lewis' .Single Binder straight Sc.
Your country manufactured 25,000
Positively cured by
these Little Pills.
They also relieve Dis
tress from Dynpepsln.In.
dltfi'Mlon and Too Hearty
Ealing. A perfect rem
edy for DUilness, Nnu
sen, Drowitlncgs, Bud
Timte In the Mouth, Coat
ed Tongue, Pain In tin
They regulata the bowels. Purely Vegetable
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
LANI-IKKIO TKn-T.AM. Pcrprtiml
atir rlnlit; tine wnieri productive loll: rror
fulliircs unknown! Wl hu. heal. mtu ri'i tofiton.
airiilfu; healthful clliniiin: Iruc tnnlier: iv terms
write uow. Ll.muuu UNU 10., Bk krln, joli,,
BSw2:l Thompson's yc Water
i Mr i
of the
(UuprrlKlil, l'JWi, Uubba-MornllCo.)
At 14 yenrs of ae Admiral Sir PUr
lluwkshmv'8 nr)liew, UUhunl lllyn. fell
deeply In lovo ut llrst BlRht with I.mly
Arabella Storniont, who siiurncd hl.s ut
lentions. 'flic lad. nn orphan, whh ulv'n
a berth ns midshipman on the AJax hy
Ills uncle. Giles Vernon, nephew of Sir
Thomas Vernon, lieeamo tint boy'n pal.
Thoy uttetideil a theater where Hawk
lliaw's nephew naw I-Jidy Arabella. Ver
non met Philip Overton, next In line for
Sir Thonius Wrnon'M e. They Htnit
pd a duol which was Interrupted. Vernon,
Overton nnd Hawkshaw's nephew found
theniHclvcs nttracted by pretty IjhIv Ara
hella. The AJax in battle dereuted Krrm ll
worships In I ho Mediterranean. Uiehard
Ulyn got 12.IKKI irl7.t) money, lie w.'ts
called h?itno by lady llawkHlinw as he,
was about to '"blow in" his purnlmrs with
Vernon. At a Hawkshaw party Ulyn din
covered that l.ady Arabi'lla was a poor
but persistent Kamhler. lie talked much
with her cousin Daphne, Lndy Arabella
BRaln showed lovo for miming. Litter kIio
held Glyn und Overton prisoners, thus
delaying the duel. In the Overton-Vernon
duel, neither was hurt. Lady Ara
bella humiliated UK-hard by her pranks.
Richard and Giles shipped on a friKutc.
Giles was captured by the Kreneh. Sir
I'cter arranged ,'or his exchange. Dnpli
ne showed a liking -for Glyn, who was
then 21 years of aire. Giles wis released.
Giles and Richard planned elopements.
CHAPTER Vn" Continued.
I was so staggered by havliiR tho
words taken out of my mouth, that I
could only gapo and stare at her. To
render my confusion worso, she added:
"And you want to marry Daphne."
"I can not deny it, madam," I man
aged to say.
"Will you ring the boll?" eho asked.
I rang the bell like a church war
den, and the footman came, and Lady
Hawkshaw Immediately sent him for
Sir Peter.
I think my courage would wholly
have given out at that, except for a
glimpse of Daphne, flitting up the
stairs. The dear girl wished to give
me heart, so she told nie afterward.
Sir Peter appeared, and was greeted
by Lady Hawkshaw as follows:
"Sir Peter, here is Richard Glyn
wanting to marry Daphne. He has
but 3,000; but she might go farther
and fare worse."
Sir Peter literally glared at me. Ho
gasped once or twice, then broke out
n a torrent.
"He wants to marry my ward, does
he my ward, with 30,000 In her
own right! I wonder, damme, he
didn't propose to marry Arabella,
too. Young gentleman, you are too
modest. Heiresses in England ko
about hunting for poor lieutenants to
marry. I suppose you think It would
be a fine stroke for mo to marry my
ward to my nephew! Ha, ha!
Ho, ho!" .
His laughter was demoniac.
"Sir Peter," said Lady Hawkshaw,
severely for I remained mute "I am
astonished at your violence and un
reason. Did you never hear of an
heiress and a fine, handsome girl, too.
with many accomplishments, and of a
great family marrying a poor lieu
tenant without a penny, and without
an ancestor?"
"By Jupiter, I never did!" roared
Sir Peter.
"Then, Sir Peter," cried Lady
Hawkshaw, rising with awful dignity,
"you forget all about Lieut. Peler
Hawjikihaw and. tho Honorable Apoi
Ionia Jane Howard."
At this Sir Peter fairly wilted fur a
few moments; and 1 heard something
strangely like a tittering In the next
Hut Sir Peter presently recovered
himself In a measure.
"Hut but there are lieutenants and
lieutenants, madam. 1 was considered
a man likely to rise. And, besides, If
I remember rightly, I was not an ill
looking fellow, madam." ' I
"Sir Peter, you were no taller than
you nre now flvo feet four inches.
Your hair was red, and you were far
from handsome. Richard Glyn is as
good-looking as you ever were In your
life; and ho has already made his
mark. Richard Glyn," turning to me,
"you are at liberty to marry Daphne
"Richard Glyn," bawled Sir Peter,
"If you dare to think you nre going to
tnarry Daphne Carmlchael mind, I
say, If tho thought ever enters your
damned head It wftl be as much ns
your life 13 worth! I am going, this
moment, to tho first lord of tho ad
miralty, to Bee If I can't have you sent
to the West Indies, or the Gold Coast,
with my best wishes and endeavors to
keep you there for ten yenrs at least."
"And what will you do with me,
dear Uncle Peter?" suddenly asked a
soft voice; and Daphne, who had
stolen into tho room (she must have
been very near), blood before him,
and nestled her pretty head against
his shoulder.
Sir Peter was too ustonished for a
moment of two to speak. Tho whole
thing hud fallen upon him like the
Shock a', an ea-'huuuke. Hut lu a lit-
tlo while lie recovered lite voice, and
all of his voice, too; lie shouted as If
he kti'o cn the bridge of tho Aj;ix,
with a whole pale blowing vuntl the
enemy In sight.
"bo!" he shrieked. "What shall 1
do? and water, inKs, for six
months! Discipline, miss!" And much
more of the same sort.
This roused Lady Hawkshaw to take
our part. She shouted back at Sir
Peter; und 1, not to be outdone,
shouted that Daphne was mine, nnd
I was hers, as long as life should last;
and presently Sir Peter Hung out, in
a royal rage, and Lady Hawkshaw
Huns uf. . him; and Daphne s;uik, in
tears, on my shoulder, and 1 kissed
her a hundred times, and comforted
her. But I knew' Sir I'eier was a de
termined man In some respects; and
I felt assured he would shortly carry
out his threat to send nie to sea. and,
once ut s. a, it might be years before. I
should again set foot in England.
Scotland, then, t-.oumied sweetly in our
ears. I found, in truth, that when It
canio actually to going off, Daphne's
romantic willingness changed to a
natural hesitation at so bold a step.
But tho near prospect of going to the
Helluna turned the scale In my favor,
and I won from her a sort of obllquo
consent. And another thing seemed
to play directly into our hands. Sir
Peter had business at Scat borough,
which might detain him some time;
and, although it wust late In the .au
tumn, he determined io take his fam
ily with lilin. I believe it was by way
of separating Daphne nnd me that lie
canio to the decision. Lady Hawk
shaw was to go, and his two wards;
irtul they were to remain a month.
Tills was so obviously showing us
the road ncrcss tho border that I told
my sweet Daphne plainly 1 should car
ry her off; at which she wept more,
and protested less, than I had yet seen
In the whole affair, I had counted
upon the assistance of Giles Vernon;
and on the very night tho party left
for Scarborough, after a tearful fare
well between Daphne and me, I went
to Giles' lodgings, to make a clean
breast of It.
Giles' voice called nie upstairs; and
when I reached his room, there, spread
out on tho bed, 1 saw a beautiful suit
of brown and silver.
"Do you see that?" cried Giles.
"That Is my wedding suit. Kor it I
"That Is My Wedding Suit"
spent Ws of tho last 100 I had in
the world, and it. is to marry Lady
Arabella Stormont that I bought it."
I thought lie was crazy, but I soon
perceived there wua method in his
madness. He told mo seriously
enough that lie meant, to carry off
Lady Arabella Storniont from Scar
borough. "But but she does not like you,"
I said, hesitating and amazed. '
"Wo shall see about that, my lad,"
he said, and then began to tell me of
what ho thought a great chaugo In his
favor with Arabella. Ho put many
trifling things which I had not noted
in such a light that under his eloquent
persuasion I began to believe Lndy
Arabella really might have a secret
weakness for him which pride pre
vented her from discovering. Ho had
never failed to win nny woman's re
gard yet; and it had always seemed
a miracle to me, Richard Glyn, who
had fallen under his spell so many
years ago, how anybody could resist
him. He wound up his argument by
saying, in his usual confident manner:
"Trust me, there is something com
pelling in tho love I feel for Arabella.
Women are nil alike, my boy. They
want a master. Once put the bit in
their mouths, and they adore you for
it. Let mo have the spirit to run uway
with that adorable creature, and see
how quickly she will come to my call.
You will shortly see her clinging to
nie like poaches to a southern wall."
"And her fortune ?"
"She is nonetho worso for that. Hut
I swear to you, Dicky Glyn, that I
would cany her off as the Romans
(lid the S'iblne maidens, if she had not
a shilling" which I believed to be
true; for his wns'an Infatuation which
takes account of nothing.
He then began to tell nie of his
plans, and in (hem he showed his usual
shrewdness and boldness. Tho trip
to Scarborough had put Scotland In
his head. He was likely to be 'sent to
sea any day, to bo gone, perhaps), for
years; just the arguments I had used
to myself first and to Daphne after
ward. 1 remembered that, scene five years
before, wlih Overton and Lady Ara
bella In Sir Peter's cubby-hole; and
tho memory of It made nie think with
dread of Giles Vernon's marrying
Arabella. But I could not speak open
ly; and, after all, she was so strange
a creature1' that oipi could scarcely
Judge her by Hie standard of' oilier
women. And then I lie plan 1 had to
confide to Mm very effectually with
drew the charges ut any battery I
iniglit have brought to bear on him.
V. lion be had finished his tale, and
I h:id told him mine, Giles was in an
rcsi:i.,y. l. laughed in his uproarious
good humor.
"Oh. you sly dog!" ho shouted. "So
you ure up to the Same game!"
1 explained that I had not much to
fear. Daphne was undoubtedly fond
of i, io, and Lady llukshuw being on
our side, nnd other reasons in our
favor all of which fitted Giles' caso
cxiirtly. And at last I gave up, In
sheer despair, and agreed to Giles'
suggestion that wo should together
carry oil the two- damsels of our
he, und then and there wo mailt)
our plans, sitting up until tho gray
dawn came.
Oh, tiu nuidness of It; tho ftlldness
tif I,! But wo were two dare-devil und
happy-Ko-lticky lieutenants, without
the prudence of landsmen. We
loved, and wo were liable at any
moment to bo torn away for many
years from tho idols of our hearts.
Runaway marriages were common;
ninl only the parents and guardians
were offended in those cases, nnd for
giv iiess uf nerally followed. We were
about to commit a great folly; but
we thought we were nobly sustaining
(he reputation, of his majesty's sea-officers
for our spirit and gallantry with
the fair sex, anil looked not to the
(lj-e:idfiil consequences of our desper
ate adventure.
Giles Vernon and I agreed that it
wai necessary we should strike the
hlovv as soon ns possible, while we
had the wenther-gage, so to speak, of
Sir Peter; ami on the day after his
traveling chariot took its way north
a very plain post-chalso followed it,
and in it were Giles Vernon and my
Giles was In a state of the wildest
happiness conceivable. There Is some
thing appalling in that fervor of mind
when the human creature, forgetting
all the vicissitudes of this life, treads
on air and breathes and lives In heaven.
Thus I was made sad by his gladness,
but I dared not show it, lest; It bo mis
taken for a want of spirit in our enter
prise, so I joined with him In his Joy
and revelry. '
We reached Scarborough at four
o'clock in tho afternoon, nnd put up at
a small Inn on tho outskirts of the
town, and some little way on tho road
to the north. Wre sallied forth im
mediately to find out something about
our inamoratas, and Fato whether it
was (hat kindly goddess who leads our
footsteps toward those wo love, or
whether it was the cruel Destiny
which delights in torturing men at
once directed us. We were walking
along near the playhouse, which had
been lately opened in tho town, when
wo saw James, Lady Hawkshaw's own
foot man,' go inside the playhouse and
buy some tickets of tho man at tho
dtxir. As soon ns he was well out of
tha way I sneaked in, and, thrusting
two shillings Into the man's hand, In
quired If Sir Peler and Lady Hawk-'
shaw ami the young ladles would favor
the performance that night. The man
grinned nnd showed me a slip of pa
per, on which was written in Lndy
Hawkshaw's bold hand: "Three stalls
for Lady Hawkshaw and party."
English Joy That There Is One Door
Riches Won't Unlock.
The Royal Yacht Squadron Is prob
ably tho most exclusive club In exist
ence, says the Gentlewoman, and won
derful to relate in this plutocratic ago
money Is quite powerless to unlock
t lie charmed portals of tho castlo.
One or two millionaires with splen
did yachts have tried In vain to pass
the ordeal of the periodical ballot,
while men of no fortune or only Just
enough to defray tho upkeep of a small
yacht have been elected without an
idea of a blackball.
The only npparent qualification is
that the candidate must possess a
yacht of his own; but there nre other
nnallfleations much more difficult of
attainment by tho man of money, and
It Is Just hero that the question f
blackballing conies in, it must bo
owned, rather refreshingly.
For really one had almost said that
there Is no social "holy of holies" Into
which he who is rich cannot penetrato,
until one recalls the pleasant circle of
gentlemen who go to make up tho
Royal Yacht Squadron. There Is, ono
remembers gratefully, Just one insti
tution left to which tho mystic words
"I am rich" do not have tho effect of
an "open sesame."
Establishing the Plural.
Fred, who was four years old, Vis
ited his undo on tho farm. When ho
came home his father asked him what
had pleased him the most.
"O, I liked tho geese. I had such
fun chasing them, and wo had a grcnt
big goose for dinner ono day!"
"Well." said his father, "how can
; you tell nie airrereuco between a
i goose and geese?"
I "Aw, that's easy," said Fred. "One
! geoRo is a gooso nnd two gooses Is
, geese."
; Camels and Campbells.
I An Irishman and a Scotchman were
discussing the horrors of living in a
j prohibition slate, when the Irishman
i remarked:
j "Sure, an' you might get used hi it
1 after awhile. Ye know they say n
i camel can go eight days without drink
j In'."
i "Hoot, mon!" retorted tho other,
i "it's little ye know aboot tho Cump
' In Us w hen ye say that. There is no
! on o' them could co eight hours
wl'out a drap o' something!"
i Which ended the discussion.
I iiii
r4 l I
uiivj.. . 4ii i. i. ii i
AYeCclablc Preparation Tor As
similating iheFoodandRegula
ling iho Stomachs and Uowels of
a 1 r mi at i nx-o ruT
Promotes Digcslion,Chccrful
ticssantlResl Contains neither
Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral
Not narc otic
h'vkrllt Saltt
horm Sttd
Canitti Sufi
AnrrfcdRcmcdv forConsliba-
lion . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca,
Worms .Convulsions. Fevcrish
ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP.'
Toe Simile Signature of
Tins Centauh Company
Guaranteed under the Foodanj
Exact Copy of Wrapped
"Excuse me, enn 1 speak to your
typewriter a moment?" .
"You cannot; she's engaged."
"That's nil right; I'm the fellow
bIio'b engaged to."
A Reflection.
"To my annoyance," Bho said, "I
found he had a lock of my hair. How
he got It I can't imagine."
The older girl smiled oddly.
"When you were out of the room,
perhaps?" she hazurded.
Mr. Wlmtnw'i Fnothlnir Hyrnp.
Far children imtlilnK, pnfli-nt llio gurui, reduce! In
flimnUuu, allu) i lu, curti wind cullu. Kit boiue.
Or, They Should.
Shakespeare: Welcome ever smiles,
and farewell goes out sighing.
LettiB Rinttla Hinder, the famoui
straight 5c cigar annual sule 9,000,000.
After breaking a $5 bill the pieces
are soon lost.
Arc Best
For Your Tabic
Because they are
made of the choicest
materials and guaran
teed to be absolutely
Llbby's Voat
Loaf makes a delight
ful dish for Luncheon
and you will find,
Vienna Sausage
Cornet! Beef
Pork ami Deans
Evaporated filliir
equally tempting for
any meal.
Have a supply of
Llbby's in the house
and you will always be
prepared for an extra
You can buy Llbby's
tt all grocers.
Uhby, MoNoiU A Ubby
For Infants and Children.
Ths.Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tho X
Signature A$
W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 26-1909.
Interesting Facts
The only effective and reliable
remedy known for Gout, Dyspep
sia, Jaundice, Kidney and Blad
der troubles, Constipation, Head
ache, Biliousness and all disor
der of the bowels is
For icveral penerations they hare
been household necessity for relier
ing and curing complaints of this kind.
They are safe and sure in every in
stance. As a laxative, purgative and
cathartic tbey are unexcelled. "
SJd ly Jruggitls evtrywhere In
25c and 10c boxu
TIIP TCCTU Phn exceli aay dentifrice)
nt I kL I II in cleaniing, whitening and
removing tirtat from the te:th, beiidea destroying
II germi of decay and dueaio which ordinary
tootn preparation! cannot do.
TUP ifertllTU Paxtine wed a-a mouth
I rlL MUU I n wuh diiinlecuthe mouth
and throat, purifies die breath, and kills the terms
which collect in the moulh, cauting tore throat,
bad teeth, bad breath, grippe, and much sickness,
THF FYFQ k"1 w",mel re ,ch
lilEi blb and bum, may bo uutandy
relieved and strengthened by Paxtine.
ft ATA DD U Puh'ne will destroy the germ
H I Hlslsfl that caute catarrh, heal the in
Oammatiou and stop the discharge. It it a suHj
remedy for uterine) catarrh.
Paxtine it a harmless yet powerful
Sjermickie,duinleclarit and deodorizer.
Used in bilking it destroys odors and H?1
leaves the body anuseptically clean.
Your Liver's
Your Life
A dead liver means awful sick
ness don't let it come when
it can bo prevented. Cascarets
keep the liver lively and bowels
regular and ward off serious,
latal illness.
CASCARRTS ioc box-week' treat
tuent. All dniKKtsts. Disuest teller
la tue world. Million boiet a moulli.
ull KIm. Natl.
l.u a 1 1 . aM. 1 ' iv
nut spill or tip
orr. will nottvU
tlva. ur.lltf.l.n,
if MUf prtwtidfot
.11c H.rl4!Mart,
HOD. k.lktma,
The Only Perfect Razor
HM (1 UU
IF For Over
Thirty Years
i TSy't..' I ClouiM od bMOltllu th halt,
.iV.afr rminotw tj lniurlaul iyowOi.
rWr-' ' J! Nor Fall to llaatora Gray
? lt VT -lu" Touthftil QolorT
i?3tAr-4ki Cmw a-aip dm a. hair Uuaa