Brief Local Happenings Sam Kedmon and John Clarence were visitor.- in the city today. j Wm. Tritsch came in to line up cm1 the prices of grain today. j Acorn cigars 5 cents each. Smoke an ! "Acorn" and he happy. ; Mrs. Geo. Born drove out into the' witry today for a visit with the fam- j ily of l'hilii Born, j D. Despain and wife came in Wodnes-i day morning from tlicjr home ut Lin coln to he present at the Downing i'ickens wedding. Miss Lizzie lied was a business visi tor in the city Wednesday. Miss Heil j is a sister of W. IL Heil, owner of the line pleasant view stock farm near Ce dar Creek. Former Mayor Henry R. Gering was in Plattsmouth today attending to business matters connected with his drug store and the Building & Loan Association. James Walker was in the city on business to today. Mr. Walker resides about one mile south of Murray and is one of the early and prosperous settlers of Cass county. Mr. nud Mrs. J. G. Hichey and son, Livingston, drove into the country for an outing today. They will visit at the home of Claud Everett, a relative living near Union. Wm. Schutz was in the city today and had a settlement with the Dun Grain Co., to whom he recently de livered about MIX) bushels of corn at 7 1-2 cents per bushel. W. A. Getty of Lincoln was in the city on business today. Mr. Getty represents the Fowler I'ub. Co.,of that dty, standard reference books being the firm's leading line. Clarence Staats, local timekeeper for the Hell Telephone Co., informs us that lack of work was responsible for the laying olT of several of the company's workmen for a few days. The box and ice-cream social given by the Ladies' Aid on the lawn at the splendid country home of It. W. Long was well attended. The ladies took in the neat sum of thirty dollars. Henry Creamer drove into town Wednesday with a large hay rack filled with baled hay. He stated that there were two tons of hay on the wagon and was worth $30. Mr. Creamer lives ncir Murray. Friends in the city will be pleased to flearn that the condition of Mrs. Alice "Towlo, who was reported as being very ill at her home in Omaha, is no worse, and the patient is holding up remark ably well. Mrs. Towlo is the daughter of Judge and Mrs. A. N. Sullivan. in county court yesterday the case of the State vs. Dean Kamin was con tinued to July 15, '0!t. This case comes from the vicinity of Alvo, and the de fendant is accused of taking a sum of money from a carpenter's coat left hanging in the building on which he was at work. Miss Laura Challiii arrived in the city 'Wednesday morning for a visit with Telatives in Plattsmouth and Caes county. Miss Chaffin stated her fam ily had been broken up by the death of her mother recently and it was her in tention to spend some time here with the family of Chas. Shopp and other relatives. Hennet Chrisweisser drove out to his farm near Murray yesterday, to inspect the crops and look after the repairing of some chimneys. John Kinser went with him to do the chimney work. Ren says that some fields of corn have been washed badly, and the stand is poor, while some fields are all right. He says the late rains have put the far mers back in their corn plowing and that there was a heavy rain in that t y y t f y y y y y it t x mm Barber your Lawn tie J V l V H I. JO A good, close clip will add greatly to its personal appearance, as well as prevent "dandruff and "falling out." In other words, your lawn will do better if kept in shape by regu lar trimming with a good mower. We have them in several styles and prices from $2 25 to $15. X y V t t t t y y v y Louisville Gleanings BAUER V vicinity Wednesday which will cause still further delay. Geo. Becker returned from Murdock Tuesday. The latest styles in wall paper to choose from at Gering's. Geo. Sayles made the lucky guess that won the one dollar prize Tuesday at Gering & Co.'s drug Btore. Mrs. Isaac Wiles and her daughter-in-law, Mm. Luke Wiles were in the city to do some shopping to-day. C. W. Haney, representative of the Glcnwood Monument Works, was a business visitor in the city Wednesday. Anna llawkinson came in from Lin coln Wednesday for a visit with the family of Peter Carlson and other friends, The Nebraska Telephone Co. desires to secure the sctvices of a night opera tor. Apply in your own handwriting to the manager, H. L. Davis. IS Mrs. W. E. Boles of Malvern, Iowa returned to her home in that city Mon day, after a few days' visit in Platts mouth with the family of John Leesley. Ward Clark, the barber, made the lucky guess that won the one dollar prize at Gering & Co.'s drug store last Saturday. Hegvjessed that 403 custom ers would trade that day and this proved to be the exact number. Philip Keil, a young farmer living near Murray was a visitor in the city today. Mr. Keil recently started a damage suit against J. V. Sage for in juries from kicking. The case has been continued and set for trial on July 12. George Sayles received a card an nouncing the coming marriage of his cousin, Harland E. Cooley to Miss Edith F. West. The wedding will take place June SO, 1DCJ, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. West at No. 6427 Ver non Ave., Chicago. Mrs. R. R. Livingstone, mother of Dr. T. P., has received a letter from him stating that he is at present in Milford, Penn., near his old home and birthplace and is having a splendid time. The Dr. intend to leave for Washington, D. C. soon. Mrs. Kate Smith and son Benrtie, and Miss Helen Dales, of Chadron, Nebr., were over Sunday visitors in the city with the family of Wm. Cole. They left on Monday for Chicago where they will visit for a thort time before returning to Chadron. Mrs. E. E. Hilton, Miss Matilda Soernichsen, Mrs. G. F. S. Burton, Mr. and Mrs. Silas I.or.g and two daughters, W. H. Venner and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Walters are at tending a Christian Science lecture by Bignall Young. C. S. B., of Chicago, at the Orpheum theater in Omaha this evening. first Church ol Christ, Scientist. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. Subject Is the Universe including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force? Sunday School, 10 a. m. , Testimonial Meeting, Wednesday 8 P- m. Coates Block, Room No. 227. Reading Room same address. Open daily except Sunday and Monday, from 1 to 3 p. m., where authorized literature on Christian Science may be read or purchased. The public is cordially welcomed. A Fine Mechanic. Fridolph Nord, a young farmer from the vicinity of Oreapolis, was in Platts mouth to do some trading Monday. Mr. Nerd is a rustler and in addition to his regular farm duties he attends to the weighing and loading of grain at the DufF Grain Co.'s elevator at that sta tion. Mr. Nord is a good mechanic and nothing pleases him more than to con quer a balky gasoline engine. Take a Kodak with you on your va cation. For sale at Gering's. t y t y t t y t t V t t t t t y t wm VACATION Time Is Here y y y y y y t t t t t t t t t y t t t t t Take a Kodak with you and enhance the pleasures of your trip a hundred fold. We have them in all styles and at all prices and will appreciate an inspection of our line. Down with Rheumatsm. Geo. P. Horn came into the city Tues day for a visit with friends and to da son:e trading. His grandson Georgie brought in a load of fine oats which were sold to J. A. McDaniel at 53 cents per bushel. Mr. Horn says his son Henry has been bedfast for fourteen days Eurler ing with rheumatism and the fact that he is a very heavy man, weighing 2'.'" pounds makes it extremely difficult to move him about much. Mr. Horn thinks the long cod spring ha3 made his re covery very slow and that his son ex pects to (.'et'up and around as soon as nice warm weather sets in. The News and his Urge circle of friends hope this will ;.rove to be the case. Wtll Return Aga n. F. A. Duttntt and wife arrived in the city last wiel: and have been straight ening up the premises of Mrs. Duttor.'s parents, G. W. Osborn who will return to this city as soon as the condition of Mr. Osborn. who has been very weak ut a Lir.eo'.r. hospital from the effects of an operation, will permit of his being moved. Mr. Osbont had been building a houe for his S'r.-in-law at University Pla"e butwascompelltcl to ret. re from action on account of a chronic ailment. Since the operation, Mr. OsOorti has been gradually growing stronger and his niary fner.ds here sincerely hope he will take up his residence among them in the near future. CEDING & CO. Second Church ol Christ, Scientist. Sunday school, 9:43 a. m. j Divine service at 11 a. m. Subject Is the Universe including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force? Mid-week meeting Wednesday ever. r.g at 8 o'clock. Church is located on Sixth street, two blocks south of Main street. The public is cordially invited to all services. The reading room in the Coates block is open ever Tuesday, Thursday , and Saturday afternoon from 2 until 5 o'clock. New Automobiles. Dr. E. D. Cummins, Cass County agent for the Ford Motor Co., of De troit, Mich., received two fine new automobiles from his company this week. One he had bought for himself and the other he had sold to J. W. Crabill. These are twenty horse power cars, Mr. Crabill's being a light colored run about while the doctor's is a dark tour ing car. The machines present a hand some appearance and are noted for speed, durability and hill climbing. Bought New Auto. Fred Hild arrived in the city in his fine r.ew Maxwell tourning car Tues day. Fred had as members of the party: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Philpot and little daughter, Mrs. Fred Hild and daughter, Geo. Hild and Mis Ethel Dennis, a sister of Mrs. Philpot. Bert Philpot is the agent for these machines and had bat recently sold the car to Fred Hil l and h? was helping Fred to make his initial trip. Bert says hs has sold three of the?e machines in Cass County. One to Fred Hild and two to parties living couth of Weeping Water. Bert ordered the News-HE!ULD sent to his address at Nehawka. State Convention. The following named delegates are attending the Nebraska grand conven tion of the P. E. 0. in Beatrice this week; Mrs. J. W. Newell. Omaha: Mesdames C. C. Parnvle, J. H. Sals bury, and J. B. Martin from Platts mouth. To Visit Oklahoma. Dr. Gilmore of Murray was in the city Monday. The Dr. will soon leave on a vacation most of which will be spent in Oklahoma. He has engaged a physician of Omaha to look after his practice while gone. Sxclal Crrcpor.icn'c Gio. Fra'.er was in Omaha Monday. A!!ovy 'a:.s in Onvulia Tues day. St:ir.'.er v. as in Omaha Wednes day. Mrs. Henry Ah! was ii: Omaha Mon day. Little Lhe.-ter Cj.hi is very sick this week. Joe- Klein of Lincoln, is i.i town this vetk. Free! Wagencr was in Omaha this week. Ote Ward and daughter were in Oma ha Thursday. Eir.or.s Richey of Plattsmouth, is in town this week. 0. A. Palmer left Tuesday on a busi ness trip to Chicago. M. L. Williams returned Wednesday evening from Chicago. Mrs. W. G. Erhart left Wednesday for Western Nebraska'. Miss Eller and Mirth Allo way were in Omaha Thursday. Miss Ida Schoeman Sundayed with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Hoover. Misses Edna and Clara Ball visited friends in Springfield Wednesday. M. N. Droke and wife returned Tues day evening from Louisville, Ky. Chas. Richey, wife and daughter, Pauline, were in Omaha Wednesday. Miss Eva Shel'horn is visiting her sister, Mrs. M. L. Williams this week. L. J. Ma field and wife were visiting relatives in Weeping Water Tuesday. Miss Anna Treat of Lincoln, is a guest of Mrs. P. C. Stander this week. Mrs. Ollis of Ord, wife of State Sen ator 011i3. and Mrs. Heltnerof Nehaw ha, visited friends in Louisville Tues day. KhsOlga Raoose of DesMoines.Ia., returned home Monday for a few days visit. Miss Grace Johnson of Springfield, is a guest of Chas. Haye3 and wifo this week. Mrs. George Berger of Elmwood, is a guest of Henry Stander and family this week. Mrs. Geo. Hayes left Wednesday eve ning for Wabash to visit her mother, Mrs. Ottie. Mrs. W C. Dorey and children are visiting at Table Rock, and Stella, Ntbr., this week. Mrs. Wm. Ossenkop and daughters, Mabel, and Mrs. Walter Blake were in Omaha Wednesday. Aur. Stander, wife and two daugh ters, Celia and Barbara, went to Oma ha yesteaday morning. Chas. Fhelps and wife vi.iited their daughter, Mrs. W. M. Lefler, of Elm wood, the fl rst of tho wn'If Arthur Palmer is employed in the Frater drugstore this week during Mr. Frater's absence to Lincoln. The Herbs of Life Medicine Co., are showing in town each night this week in an Airdome on main street. L. C. Stander and family left this week for Colorado Springs, Colo. Mr. Stander has gone west for his health. Wet at Eiht Mile Chas. Hennings and wife, old resid ents of Eight Mile grove precinct were in the city Monday for the purpose of trading and paying a vi.-it to relative?. While here they took dinnar at the home of their brother-in-law, Jacob Tritsch. Charley says crops in his vicinity look very well, though corn is quite weedy as the farmers could not plow on account or the wet weather, ? " t .. -,r-v Plattsmouth Will not Celebrate TriTTTTFTR I You'll want a few fire works lx nnn just the same. We have laid in a line which is as varied and complete as if we expected to hold a monster celebration. All the latest novelties in fireworks. Don't fail to see our stock. 1 1 j. i mm & t"'"' 1 " 1 I HUB. BM,M'tl.';l)