The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, June 17, 1909, Image 1

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    5 4
N nVS. r.slubli. Kh! N v. 1 -'.'1
ULUALD. KbUbUohcd April 1''. hil
Cundbliaatcd'Jan. 1. lSX".
Meeting of
City Council
Regular Monthly Meeting Held
and Routine Business
The City Council held its regular
meeting Monday night.
The finance committee reported
favorably on the following claini3 and
recommended they be paid, which re
port was adopted:
M. Archer $30 00
riatts. Tel. Co., rent ... 3 00
Neb. Tel. Co., toll 20
John Waterman, lumber. 8 00
Olive Jones, salary 25 00
Ja9. Donnelly, salary 3 00
Ike Cummins, burying dogs 2 00
Public Library, ex 1 35
Neb. Light Co., light 2 50
Neb. Light Co., light 1 55
The finance committee reported the
following claims to go to the claims
committee for investigation:
Neb. Tel. Co., fire bell 5 00
Kroehler Bros., mdse 2 85
H. M. Soennichsen, mdse 1 80
I lowed ly the following vote: Aye
I Weber, Kurtz, Bookmeyer, Neunian.
ar.d Ueasoner 5. Nay Dwyer, Dovey
Steimker, Mei.denhall 4.
Stt-imker raised the point that it re
quired a two-thirds vote to appropriate
money, but Mayor Sattler held other
wise. The petition of Wcyrich &. Hrdraba
for a druggist permit to sell liquors,
was read and referred to the license
Nothing further of importance was
Al!.niflimr.mi!.. 2 e-, i this estimable family and
i. i.v, in itjtj. i . """b i ......
McMaken & Son, cement wall.. . . 71 85
The finance committee refused to pass
upon the following claims and referred
the same to the council:
Adjudged Insane.
Dr. I. D. Jones of Murdock arrived
in the city Wednesday from Murdock
in company with Deputy Sheriff Man
speaker who had charge of Mrs. Bertha
Ohlerking, wife of Henry Ohlerking, a
well-to-do farmer living near that vil
lage. The doctor states that Mrs.
Ohlerking was afllicted with paranoia
and had been brought for an examina
tion before the board of insanity.
Mrs. Ohlerking was later adjudged
insane by the board and was taken to
J the hospital for insane at Lincoln on
j the Schuyler in the afternoon. She
was accompanied by Sheriff (Juinton
j and Mrs. Manspeaker.
This is sad news to the friends of
the News-
Herald joins their many friends hop
ing that the splendid treatment avail
able at the hospital will speedily afford
relief to the demented lady.
Wm. Elliott, street work.,
Phil. Harrison, same
W. B. Rishel, same...
Jas. Marasek, same ....
Ellis Goolsby, same . .
E. E. Hilton, engineering
N. Y. Belting Co. hose...
Herman Holshue, foreman 33 20
A. Nitka, night police 68 33
After a heated wrangle participated
in by Steimker, Dwyer, Weber, Kurtz,
and Mayor Sattler, the bills were al-
28 88
2'J 08
28 00
33 25
4 00
127 50
I'lattsmouth, Nebr., June 15, 1W.
Board of County Commissioners met
in regular session, with all members
present. Minutes of previous meeting
read and approved, whereupon the fol
lowing business was transacted in regu
lar form:
The following bills were allowed on
the General Fund:
F. E. Schlater, Juror and Bailiff
Certificates $815 30
M. L. Friedrich, Saly Exp and
mileage 42 50
L. D. Switzer, same 35 75
C. R. Jordan, same 23 00
Geo. W. Voss Lumber Co., coal
to paupers 2 50
Hammond & Stephens, supplies 80
Neb. Lighting Co., gas to jail
and court house 21 53
B. C. Marquardt, mdse to paup's 12
Plattsmouth Telephone Co., tolls
and rent,... 27
Union Ledger,' Printing notice of
Dust To Go Co., mdse
Hatt &. Son, meals to jury
Neb. Telephone Co., rent and tolls
i Wm. Wehrbein, livery to Com
1 50
3 00
13 85
4 00
F. H. Dunbar, board and lodging
jury (allowed) $51 00 51 50
C. D. ('uinton boardingcity pris-
oners 41 45
Wm. N. Becker, Jr., land sold
to Cass county 20 00
Peter F. Goos, meals to jury.'. . . 21 Ou
Claims allowed on the Road Fund.
E. T. Hurlbut, road work R. D.
6 $ 13 10
Turner Zink, use of land for road
Dist No. 7 (allowed $3 00) . . 15 00
Wm. Kitch, road work No. 12. 134 00
L. D. Muller, same No. 6 11 00
Geo. W. Voss Lumber Co. lum
ber No. 13 15 25
II. H. I'arkhurst, same No. 4. .. 85 48
W. B. Banning, same No. 11,. .. 19 25
W. A. Cole, road work No. 14. . 71 00
The U. S. Culvert Co. culvert 2 31 (it
N. Speer, lumber, 8 21 30
C. F. Vallery, road work 1 21 00
J. M Hoover, same 5 125 55
C. T. Richards, same 4 63 W
W 95
5 10
5f 00
11 25
Critically lit
J. F. Stenner who resides in the
western part of the city is reported as
being very low with heart disase.
Mr, Stenner has deen a sufferer from
rheumatism for a great many years and
the disease has resulted in a general
breakdown of his system and the doctor
holds out little hope of his recovery.
Message have been sent to relatives
requesting their at the sickbed and
among those arriving yesterday were
his daughter, Gertrude w ho is attend
ing school in Omaha, and W. 11. Stenner
and J. C. Stenner of brothers of Mr.
The many friends of Mr. Stenner and
family are much grieveJ to learn of
his condition and hepi their fears will
prove groundless.
Will Advertise
Commercial Club Back of a Move
ment for Publicity.
75' A
Up Against The Real Thing.
II. H. Huette, the alleged bootleg
ger, who is charged with selling a
bottle of whiskey to W. C. Cook on the
night of June 10, was in police court )
yesterday and was bound over by Judge
Risser for trial in the district court in
the i urn of $',)Q ). --Lincoln Evening News.
Huette is a cigarmaker, and former
ly worked in the Julius Pepperberg
I factory in this city
W. G. Bartlett, same 15
; Will Schneider, coal to grader 2
' Frank Reuse, road work 5
Cha. Goldsmith same 4
I A. W. Barrett Lumber Co. lum-
5 oo 1 LerT
The Cudahy Packing Co., powder 12 00, Jhn 11 Huffman road work 4. .
Klopp & Bartlett Co., supplies 51 00 ' Lnucy, lumber, 5
Antn Vnlaspk. labor at Court - I H. J. Richards road work 4 . . ..
house 30 00
C. D. Quinton, Boarding Co.,
prisoners and salary 195 30
The Plattsmouth Journal print'g 30 25
nirl TVT1 wl Pfl Knuip f progressive businessmen. The
VTUJ. llltUilCU committee from the Fourth of July
The Commercial Club held its regu
lar meeting at Coates Hall Tuesday
evening. There are a number of busi
ness men who ought to attend the meet
ings, who do not. The weather condi
tions were fine and the stores were
closed so that the merchants could go,
but. they were not there. Do you know
why Plattsmouth does not accomplish
greater thing9? It is because of just
such indifference, as was shown by
most of those who were absent from
the meeting last Tuesday night.
The meeting was composed of a small
Burlington Conductor on Lincoln
Division Captures the
A. P. Barne3, boarding jury 10 50
John Mercer, witness State vs.
Fiesner (Refused) 26 00
11 fi5
G 00
It 2(5
3 75
A. D. Hathaway. same 11 71 25
Wm. Stohlman, same 8 U5 10
Ben Beckman same 10 ...... .. 133 75
Lee Arnett culvert 15 65 71
Same 7 49 30
Same 1 56 00
Claims allowed on the Bridge Fund.
J. II. Tarn?, extra labor 20 00 1 Neb.-askaCon.Co.,Bridgework $2153 51
(Catherine Minor,
corders office.
labor in Re-
44 00
Shirts! Shirts!
One of the principle hot weather needs, and with
out which no wardrobe is sufficient is
Into this lot we have put for your benefit a
splendid assortment of negligee, and neck band
SHIRTS in soft, washable materials, attractive
patterns, and servicable fabrics. Formerly 75c
and $1.00.
This lot contains some shirts of our best makes
in both negligee and neck band styles cuffs at
tached, pleated and plain fronts, and those with
soft collar having tie to match. Worth $1.50.
Geo. W. VassLbr. Co.. lumber 21 00
W. B. Banning, lumber 122 (J0
i A. N. Speer, same 77 85
A. P. Hathaway, bridge work 27 50
Stroemej Lbr., Co., Bridge
Material 35 60
Board proceeded to open bids for con
crete bridges, as advertised, there be
ing four bids in all as follows:
The Neb. Con. Co., of Lincoln,
Elmwood bridge $3450 00
Mynard bridge 3250 00
Freeman Bridge Co. of Tecum
seh, Elmwood bridge 3237 00
Mynard bridge 3525 00
Concrete Co., Lincoln
Elmwood bridge 2M0 00
Mynard bridge 2M0 00
Lincoln Con. Co., of Lincoln...
Elmwood bridge 2375 00
Mynard bridge 2520 00
Board adjound to meet June 16
Board met pursuant to adjournment,
all member present. Board decided to
postpone letting contract for concrete
bridges until 1 p. m., June 21 and ad
jouned. W. E. Rosencrans,
County Clerk.
This morning at ten o'clock at the
e urt house in Omaha occurred the mar
riage of Frank L. Granger of Lincoln
and Miss Louise E. Kissling of this
city. The young couple were accom
panied by Mr. Roy May field and Miss
Lizzie Hraska of this city. Immediate
ly after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs.
Granger took the train for Ashhnd
where they will spend a few day9 with
the parents of the groom, after which
they will go to Lincoln where they will
be at home after the 21st.
Miss Kissling was born in Platts
mouth and has lived here all her life
She is known and admired by all for
her charms and many lovable qualities.
ana her host or friends will join in
wishing her a long life of happiness and
prosperity in her new relations.
The groom is a young man of ster
litirr rhacafffii anrl a Vil if 47 ITa la Am
n - I : .. ........ A H.nll nl. It. fi.fl.. r r,r '
ployed by the Burlington as conductor H", '
on the Lincoln division. He is not al-
A Most Jolly-
Fishing Party
Cedar Creek Bunch Spends a De
lightful Sunday at Metzer
1 Pond.
association reported that nothing had
been accomplished toward an enter
tainment. It was decided to hold the
First.Annual Business Men's Carnival
this year, and the president of the club
was authorized to appoint a program
committee of five.
The band committee reported that it
hired a band for the 5th of July to fur
nish a concert at the Garfield park from
2 to 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and
from G to !) o'clock in the evening on
Main street.
A committee to look after home in
dustries was appointed. It was the
unanimous sentiment to encourage
home industries. Buy home made
cigars, home made flour, home mado
brooms, and wear home laundried
A. L. Tidd then called the attention
of the club to the Olson Photograph
Co. This company has a rapidly grow
ing business now employing from a
dozen to twenty people. Mr. L. D.
Hiatt was then called for and explained
their enterprise and how it had grown
from a small beginning to iU present '
Mr. Tidd then pointed out to the club
what other cities were doing in the way
of advertising such cities and a motion
to appoint an advertising committee
was adopted. This committee should
have plenty of work to do.
All in all the meeting was a good one
and the progressive are pushing right
along. Push for Plattsmouth is the
Hat Fine Auto.
Will Visit Texas. John Gauer drove his large Mitchell
J. E. McDaniel. Hans Schneider. J. aut0 Irom -etlar -reelt luesaay.
II Tama Will Pamwu nml Hr Fljtpr UP. hlS U13t trip to thiS City JODn
eomnosed a nartv of Plattsmouth iren- !ys he had a splendid opportunity to
miLo n irin tn thn test hi j car us he was caught in a
farming lands recently sold to parties neavy rain on the trip home,
in this city
together unknown to our people as this
was formerly a division point in his
work, and during that time he made
many friends here who will extend
heartiest congratulations upon this
mo3t momentous event in his life. He
has prepared a home for his bride at
20116 J street in Lincoln, where the
News-Herald will keep them posted
on things in Plattsmouth.
$1.50 to $3.00
The Matchless Manhattans and
other QUALITY brands, m silk.
pongee and madras fabrics, in plain, fancy and
shadow effects.
Come in and let us tell you more of this tale of
Wescott's Sons
"Where Quality Counts."
Early Sunday morning a jolly party
gathered at Her.ey Sanders' place east
of Cedar Creek, and arming themselves
with plenty of fishing tackle, bait.lunch,
etc., proceeded to Metzzar's ior.d
where the morning was
1 he land is located in lexa3 near a
new town named Gardendale and was
sold in ten acre tract? for the purpose
of colonization. The company owning
and selling same being called the Hus
ton Brundage Co., and their headquar
ters are at San Antonio, Texas. As
the land is owned in parterr.ership, and
some plans for division of the holdings
must be made the aforesaid committee
was appointed and has been sent there
for that purpose after which nn allot
ment to individuals can be properly-
He said the car easily climbed up hill
in deep mud and in some placej pulled
through mud axle deep. He had a
load as he took four of the base-ball
boys home that night.
He was accompanied home this time
by William Stohlman and Mrs. Chria
Gauer and daughter.
John has sold a car to each of the fol
lowing gentlemen : Dr. Worthman,
Chas. Pankonin and Rolla Noyes.
Mrs. Horn Seriously Sick.
I Word has been received in the city
! saying that Mrs. Fred Horn, who moved
delightfully ' from Cass county to Beaver City, in
spent in ungling for the finny tribe,
(.rough fi;-h being secured by the noon
Inur to make a fine repast for tho.-e
After dinner some wer.t to
Furnas county, Ntbr., with her hus
band and family ali.jut four weeks ago,
is very low with a severe illness and is
not expected t' recover.
Cedar Creek to witness the ball game, i Messages were received in Cedar
the balance spending the afternoon ut ! Creek last week by relatives saying
the scene of the morning's festivities, j that if they wished to see her alive to
many more fish being secured. j come at once. Nearly all the relatives
The party assembled again at the i have gone to Beaver City to be present
at her bedside. Fred nnd his family
have a large circle of friends in Cass
spent. Those present were Ferdinand 1 county who are very sorry to hear of
Hennings and wife, Gustave Burmies-1 his wife's illr.ess and sincerely hope
home of their host and hostess for sup
per, and a most delightful evening was
that some means will be found to
her life.
ter ar.d wife, Henry Sanders andjwife,
Philip Albert and wife, and Misses Dor
othy and Anna Sander, Louisa and i
Helena Her.r.ings, Alma Burmiester, j Mr- Schneider Recovering.
Margaret and Emma Albert, Henry, ; Jacob Schneider, one of the substar.
Andrew and Babe Sanders, Otto Wohl-: tial retired farmers who lives at Cedar
farth, Henry Soennichsen, Otto and Creek, was a visitor in the city Wednes-
Carl Burmiester. Albert a'd Hermann
I Jennings and Willie Pohlmann.
Geo. Heil and wife were in tin
Wednesday t do ome t radii.-. Mrs.
Heil i? rapidly recovering from her n-.-i-nt
operation at an Omaha ho-ita!.
The-e :ire spli-ndiil ptot 'e urc! the
Nkv.-.-Hi;:;a:.I is glad to r.uml er tiiorii
c.r.K-:-g iS fri-.rds.
Old Residents Here.
T. S. Rhoden and wife who formerly
lived near Murray but are now living
living at Waukeeney, Kan., have ar
rived in the city for a visit with rela
tives and old neighbors.
Mr. Rhoden will return to his home
after a week' stay, but Mrs. Rhoden
will spend most of the summer heie, aa
her health been fuiling for some time
and she wishes to take advantage of
medical treatment from Dr. T. P.
Severe Accident.
Aug. Sitzman met with a very seri
ous accident Tuesday morning while
trimming timber.
In some way his ax slipped and struck
his foot between '.the first and second
toes, cutting a gash about three inches
long and clear to the bones. August
will not be able to work for some time
as the wound will require many weeks
or healing.
Should Have Hospital.
F. Vanderpool and wife departed
for Bartlett, Iowa after consulting one
of the local doctors. Plattsmouth
should have a local hospital where pa
tients coming from a distance for treat-
our deservedly famous local
Jake has practically recovered from
his long illness but he is still far from
..... i..' ..... .. .i .:... ,u ! ment by
. , L . , , - phvsiciuns and surgeons, could find as
br ."..?(? east of Cedar Creek. i i ,- t i :
,, ,, , , ! good accomodations as are found in
Hesavs the stand of crops is very... , ,
' . . Omaha or Kansas Citv.
in trat vicinitv. Mr. Schneider: I
i a iu!lu:vd
wlvnTi it ha
at.. I well read man with .
''t;'.:-.i)-e to C'l'iV'-iw. I
C. D l.'hpp of Elmwood was n busi-iv.-ss
visitor in the city Wednesday.