I I i Want Column S'av. f N.-Va-la. S I to iny ot" l Notice To Creditor. In County Court. the es'ato f Wiif'.av Kri LITTLE LOCALS. J WANTED. WANTED-Cood carpenters, n other need apply. Waxes JO and 4." cents per hour. Steady work. J. II. Harte KM Webster St.. Omaha, Neb. 1'i-ti v..,,.... w l.i; civen t'lat the creditors "1 aid t.'i!M .1 v. 11 ir.n-l Administrator with w.'.l I iter FriddV. unni'M'l nf .aid i.'a'e. la-lore .e, '.unty JinV" .,f 1'a-s C..iintv. Nebraska, at the Coney v'.-nt rcHii.i in I'lnt'i'iiixutli. tn raid ("outitv. on tho ".-t .lav of June, l'.ns. at MuVI.H-k. A. M . each !av. I f.u 'in' purine of prorntm,r 'heir claims lor e amiratiuu. a lju-.tni.-nt ann a. finance J iliu-i Pit va in the city Saturday. Louis Schultz was a Pt.itt-nnmth vi Ilea;!, .it" hU where I'aul Morgan arrived home Friday to spoil I the summer. F. 15. Thomas visiton hi.- ni mintli.-t an- allowed for th- ci-.cjitrn uf tnA . ,,,. ,,, ... l.Vi.l iv I'Veinr" ,o nn-s.nl their damn, a.id on- vi-ur f.r ; .IAlCn U .Ill's 1 riildV tUlir.. Win. Schultz ar.tl little son wore in the city Saturday t i!t some trading. Henry Thiorotf was in town Satur day from the vicinity of Cedar Crook. J. G. liichev and wife returned from tho Administrator tn settle said esia'e. from the .'I t day nf June. I'.""'. Witness mv hand and seal of said County Court at l'lattsmouth, Ntbra-ka, this !Uth, day of May Ai.i.kn J. Hi:rsiN. ll.g Isi:al.1 County Judit-. Sheriff' Sale. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. -Buy of l n-i'.'wt nd rheuiiest house in world. II , .,),., ,.,.i Cl.iimioiit came f- r I fs countv. N'cbiBsi.a. and to me directed. 1 Mail orders only. Miipmtivt hamH wiMn tllH 14lh ,!llv f Jun,. A. n. i.,.j t m lnv ..r.W U r.i'i-ivi'd Catalog Free ' o'clock A M. of said day at the south dour of the It" virtu- of an Order of Sale issued liv Janus K.ibortson clerk of .the District Court whitin and - ... , l.. P.. l olirt Ill-use in sn-.-j cmmy. i-.-ii ... i-u.... Mamiar i Auiomoune ri( Dept. A. 1-1'J Cago, HI. Michigan Avonue, Chi- SALESMAN-Wo have an opening for a i;o d, up-to-the-minute salesman, capalile of sellii't: a staple line to all class of trade. Lino has unusual in ducements, which make .-ales easy -liberal advances an.l protection in territory iruaranteed. Mercantile Jewelry Co., nth Avi! 111. a'l.T'.i.in I to the hiBhfst liuldi r lor i-asn inn i. i'.nvinK rvai , etate t..wit: Lot nui:dT f-mrteen i'.J.I in lilook four ( I.I in the villa-' of Murray, Ca.-a county,! Niliraska. . . ; The -witp li 'inir levied upon nnd taken a tne lMn.rtv of I.elia F. tjueen and AlU-rt Uu-n. de f ndantH to satisfy a judgment of naid euurt re. covered liy I'e'or Campb-ll. A Iministrator of the estate of Th.inun I.. Camphell, di-cta-d iilnint.IV Miratn.. sai.l di-fendant-i. l'lattsinoiith Neb . May 12th. A. D. V.H'X C. I). ()nr.N. ..i Sheriff Cass' "Unty, Nelir.-ni.a. Notice to Creditors. Stateof Sehr:i.ska. 1 s i r,.niv r,,nrt Jame Dallas Head. The f'Uier.il of James Hallas was I.. ' 1 f'ri-m ll.e reidecv brother ;:.-!.iv. Elir.er Taylor. he p.is-e.l iiway las'. Tue.-day. Mr. 11 a I 'a as born at O-.vet.sboro. ! Kv.. in ls7"i an-l at his death was :!l I yeais t; .ie. The iK ceased wks mai on fii'o. I ried in '.'; to Miss Sibvl Warren at Telluri lv, Colo., an.l later Mr. and Mrs. Head ame to I'httsmouth 'where Mr. Head l ad secured work in the planing mills at the 1!. & M. shops. Until four weeks airo, at which time the doctors advised him that the Ne- liraska .-liniat.- wnul 1 In" better for his Lincoln, whore they attended the Com- j hoalth (, th;lt lu, luul , otur Murn mencetnent. j h..ri Mr Headvasa resident of Se- Henry llirz was in town Friday. He I attk-. Wash., where he conducted a says the Wet weather is holding the j onori.l merchaiuli-e business, plowing back. j M r. Mr!i. Head arrived in I'latts- Olivor Osborne, who is employed n : mouth about the miildle of May, since the I'ovoy section was a visitor in the ' which time the patient crew rapidly I!!! t ! 'Iv ::-w-w-:-i-:-w-- t T A I 't' ,i ! il il y. Songs-Up-To-Date-Songs Coinplctu Words mid MtisicOur New York Hits. Latest 'Don't Take Me Home' "I Re member You." "A Rose In the Path of Life." "Are you Lone some." "June, .July and August." "1 Want a Girl to Love Like You." l'vicc 17 Cents lUich lost raid. Send for complete list of late songs. Send money order.or express order. Chicago, 1:12 itn'.e of lvter Turn, .lo" WANTKD-Trust worthy manor woman in each county to advertise, receive orders and manage business for New York Mail Order House. $K' weekly; position permanent; no in vestment required. Previous exper ience not essential to enairiiirr. Spare time valuable. Enclose self ad dressed envelope for full particulars. Address.Clarke Co., Wholesale Dept., ID.i Park Ave., New York. S-10 County of Ca In the matter of ih Notii-e liei-i hv I'iven that the creditors of snid Saturday on b'.lsill ih'ie.iMi win nni'i i i t .i Mi. .i i - i ... 1 1 . mi... tale, hi foro nio. C unty Judi'i- of Ca..n Conntv. . Nehi-.isl a, at the County Court room in 1'lntH'i m.iuth. in said Couu'v. and on the 21 .V ilay of Do- ! eemlier. I'jo'.t. at 10 o'clock A. M . ach day. for ; HSjIH t ne l.un.'Ke ol in-wininr im-ir i-ihiiim iu v.iiiu i nation, ad mstnvnt and alloiyance. 1 , , acksmith . shop, plailHlir mill, Si monthsaieallowed lor the creditor . t fa-d , , V- dec a-iiKl toir. sent thoir clalnif. and one year for jind lirass lolll'.dl'y ot the l.Urllllfjton the Administratrix to .ttle laid estate frun the! , . . ,. , , . i "lT, day of June. i:. shops were closed all day Niturday. WitneiM toy hand anil seal of .-aid County Com t, ,. , . , ... , , , f j.'.:,!,.,. nt i-iattsmouth. Nehra-ka. tioi .t day of May. I Mr. and Mrs. John V ijrht lett I- ruliiy l;""'- ... I for Lincoln, whore thev wi Visit for city Saturday. Coo. 1'. Mcisimrer. Sr., of near Ce dar Crook, was a husiner-s visitor in the 'ity Saturday. Henry Keil, wife and child came in from the vicinity of Culloni Saturday to do some trading. John K racier, a wealthy fanner from the vicii'itv of Marray, was in town 'SS. Emmons Richoy relumed from Louis ville Saturday where he had been on for several davs. WANTED-Youni? men and women to fill positions payinn .J'.-IH) to i?20iin per annum. l!ijr demand for stenograph ers in the Ciovorninont service, as well as in private business life. Our new method of toiicliinK shorthand by mail insures as thorough and practical a traininc at your own home as is obtainable by personal attend unei' nt iinv business colleire in the country. We guarantee success. Complete course for small cash pay ment; balance to be jtaid when you secure a position. Trial lesson free. Central Business Institute, Central Building, Washington, D. ('. 3AIIEV & EViAGH THE DENTISTS litest PDlnrr niih-Oriil Orr.ll-t'Y Kusoil lilf Prl(. Brt-riiulppf(l Dr-ntsl Of fice la the Viridre West. PICKl OUCOUMT TO CITT VltlTOM. Id riocr I tnn Hik . iti. ft Knrniim, OiflHA. NEB. weaku- from heart trouble, and was . .j. unable to rally as Ins relatives had hoped. His wife alone is left to mourn his death as they ha I no children. A tfi-iat many friends were present at the funeral services which were con ducted by Kev. Moore of the Christian church, with fincinc by the Christian quart-1, and the remains were tender ly convcud to Oakhill cemetery and laid at rest. Th" bereaved wife and relatives have the sympathy of the community in their sorrow. The pall bearers wore Virtril Mullis, Fred IVnson, H. M. Soeiiiiickseii, Ivan Taylor and Elijah Godwin. Up-To-Datc-Music House Suite 5., Ferminich Building, Chicago, Illinois. ...A..vA.A.A..A..:.A.AA.x!:A 11-s Si:ai..1 Ai i.kn .1. Hr.KsoN. County JudK". Legal Notice. Stale of Nebraska. I a.. In County Court. a few days before Koir.e; to Denver. Mrs. A. B. Taylor loft for her home I at Beaver City, Nebr.. after a month's ! visit with relatives and friends here. I Engineer Gibson has rented the oast re.ider.ee of J. IL Becker on It arl st., Casa County. I In the matter of the cK'.nte of Allison II. Jack" j Ulan, deceased. i T.i nil net-sons interested: I You are herel.y notmed that mere na neon i.i.n , am w,i mwc family alioilt June 1 1. in this ciMiit a iietition iilleif.na tla rein that A.r i Henrv Ziickweilei' was siezed with dison II. .liiekman. di'iiarted thin hie i-v a'ato. 1 ... .1... .'.I- .1 PI C . . ..nit 111 linni rimniy itn nn- i'iiioiio ' "" . ' . , . . ! ravinu that sa!d estate leailniinisti ml and that n attaeR of appen SICK IS 1 llUI'Slliiy. It John M .la kinan he aioioint.-d adminixtraior. . , , . .,,,,.,..,...,.;., rnn hn ivnii!- You are herehy notiiiel that a hearing will Ik- 1' t o;,ed that Jllopel.lTloll can tie ,l0K:- ha 1 i n said petition In fore this court in the ooun- t( ty i-oiirt room at riatt--tn'.uth. in said county on tii" :'.;th day of June. i. 'O.i. at i! o'clock a. n... at rhri-; Tschirrcn and family were do- which time, all ohp-c! ions, if there be any, rnu t I ' ' . i,.-fii.d. I n.ir some trading m the city I-nday. Witness my hand and theseal oi in. couiuy ,. , , . . , court of Cass county. Nelirnska. this :ird day of n.-- oi ov- ...... ..j. J-iii". liy the court, Card ot Thanks. We wish in this manner to express our heartfelt thanks and assure the kind friends who performed so many acts of kindness during our recent be reavement, that we jrreHtly appreciated the same. Mrs. Sybil Head Frank E. Warren and wife. Elmer A. Taylor and wife. Bobert McClaiiahan and wife. Charles Warren. Ai.i.ks J. RcrsoN. ( oun'y Juil.'e A. L. TIDD LAWYER references: Bank of Eale, Eagle. Nehawka Bank, Nehawka. Bank of Murdock. Murdock. First Nirt'l bank. Greenwood. State bank of Murray, Murray. First Nafl bank, l'lattsmouth. C. A. MARSHALL, D. D. S. ..Graduate Dentist.. Prices Reasonable All Work Guaranteed I Twenty-six Years' Experience J Office in Fitzgerald Block No.ice to Tax Payers. The County Hoard of Equalization will sot for the iurpoeof I'nuali.inr; the ussennment of Cm county, for the year lw.l. in the ConvninMinnera C'hamlier, at the Cxiurt Huup in l'lattsmouth. Ne-l.ra-kn. hei'inninit June l'dh at 10 o'clix-k A. M. - and continue from day to day, up to and includinK Monday. June 21. IIHW. All claimn for eiiunliiation must be tiled on or before Satunlay thf l'th day of Juno. lflOll. flattumouth. Neb., May Ih, WW. W. K. KOPKNCRANR. 10-K County Clerk. Notice To Creditors. Plate of Nebraska. gs , C()Un, Court Caxu County. In the matter of the estate of Anna Krowlek. de ceased. Notice is hereby Kiven that the creditors of said defeated will meet the Administrator of said es tate, before me, County Judire of Cass County. Nebraska, at the County Court room in I'lut tu rnout h. in said County, on the Slat day of June, I '.OH, and on the 'Jlst day of December. at 10 o clock A. M., each day. for the purpose of pre sentina their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditors of said deceased to present their claims and one year for the Administrator to settle said estate, from the No'ice of Final Settlement.. State of Nebraska ' i County Court. County of ( ass. i In the matter of tho estate of Frederick I), Lehnhoir. deci a. cd. To all pei on interest.' V- You are herehy no tified that the Keontrt of the estate of Kreiler icl: I), l.ehnhoir. d.-ceasid. ha.Mihd her final re port and petition pravinit therein for final settle ment of said estate, that her account be allowed, and that the p-rsntial and real estate lsj a.-siyned to heras provided hy the term of the last will of aid decea- ed, and duly probated and allowed by this court. You arc further notified that there will lie a hearing upon said petition before this court in the county court room at l'lattsmouth. in naid c unty. on the l.M day of JuTH-lrjo".'. at lolo'clock A. .M.ar.d that all objections, if any. must be filed on or be fore aid day and hour of h- arintr. W'i'ness my hand anil the seal of the county court of said county this 24;h day of Ma; l!S'J. Ali.kn J. Hukson, tSKAI.l Cuunty Judire. Notice of Probate cl Will. State of Nebraska. ' , Court- ('ounty of Cass. i In the matter of the estate of Konrad Heinemann, deceaed. You tre hereby nntit-td that there has been filed in thisti urt a petition, tovjether with an instru ment purporting to be the Inst will nd testament of said di-cr-asnl. The prayer of said petition ir that such instrument lw allowed and probatH, and that the estate if -aid deceased he adminis tored. Y'ou are further notified that there will be a hearinif upon sa d petition before this court in the county court room at HattMnouth. in vaid county on the S;th day of June. llrt, at 10 o'clock a. m and that all objections, if any there lie. must be tiled on or before raid day and hour of hearing. Witness my hand and the seal of the county court of raid county this 2nd day of June. A. I).. l'.'O.t. Al-I.ES J. Rekson, ISr.Al-l lr"U County Judire. Legal Notice. In the County Court Within and KorCassCounty, Nebraska In the matter of the estate of ' QKDFIt Hally Ilickinron. deceased. I ' ' Notice is hereby uiven to all persons interested in said estate that a petition has been fikd in the county court of Cass county. Nebraska, on the :lrd day of June. VMi'i. allenirit that Sally Dickinson, late a resilient of Cass county.Nehraska, departed this life intestate, seized and Kissessed of Lots Kiirht (s) and Nine (HI in lilock Two (21 in Sta-lel-mann'B addition to the city of l'lattsmouth. Cars county. Nebraska, nnd that F.li.alielh llouck is the sole and survivinn heir at law of said de ceased, and is of loyal aue, and that raid property is wholly exempt from attachment, execution or other mesne process, and is not liable for the pay ment of the debts of the said deceased, and thut said proierty be assigned to the naid Klizabeth llouck. , , , You will therefore take notice that on the 2nd day of July, l!w, at 10 o'clock a. m., a hearing will be had on said petition in the county court at l'lattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, and unless amid cause is shown, the prayer of said petition will lie granted and the estate or said deceased will he assigned as prayed, and further adminis trillion lie dispensed with. It is flirt her ordered that notice of the pendency of said petition be given to all persons interested In said estate by publishing a copy of this order for a period of thre weeks prior to the .Mb day of July, lim, in tho l'lattsmouth Weekly Nkwx Hkkai.ii. a newspaper published and of general circulation in Cass county, Nebraska. Witness my hand and the seal of the county court of said county this 3rd day of June. WOO. 1A. Al.l.KM J. Hkeson, ISr.AI.I County Judge. Oreapoos. Mrs. Mary Sehn- ider and-' children of Cedar Creek, came in last week for a few days' visit with the families of Henry Schneider, Simon Clark anil Cieorjre Sayies. Frank Parakeninir; was a business visi tor in the city Saturday. Frank ha" been building a n w house on his farm and the extra work in connection with duties keeps him very busy. E. D. Branch, paymaster for the C. B. & Q. railway Co., made one of re gular monthly trips to l'lattsmouth and distributed the pay checks among the employs of the loeal shops Saturday. Henry Heil, one of our substantial farmers extensively engaged in the blooded ptock raisirff business was in the city Saturday. Mr. Neil's fine farm is located four miles southest of Cedar Creek. Mr. W. B. Hobson of Clenwood, la.. who came to the city a few days aco for a visit with his nieces, Misses Mary and Lizzie Hobson visited his cousin, Isaac Wiles and attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Fairfield Friday. Mrs. Charles Bell and two sons, Charley and Raymond and daughter Ethel left Friilay evening for Burling ton where they will visit relatives for awhile. Mr. Bell will join them Iatt r and they will visit in Quincy, 111., be fore they return home. Mr. rieli is foreman of the machine shop at Bur lington shops here. Koy Howard, a rustling young farm er from near Mynard was in town Fri day to do some trading. We noticed Koy was hitting the high places and upon inquiring the cause of his elation, was informed that Mr. and Mrs. How ard were the possessors of a very bright nnd interesting baby boy which the stork had kindly loft at their place Thursday night. Solicitors Wanted. Tin' Ni.w.s-Hi:i:ai.1 is in a position to us.- a couple of good solicitors either all or part of the time. We have a good proposition one you can make some money with. Please write mediately, or call at the ollice. mi- ESTABLISHED 1871 The First National Bank of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. SAFE, SOUND AND CONSERVATIVE Iloaieniber the Christian Science lec ture at the Methodist church Thursday evening. V ? ? ? Y ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y v . Y Y Careful Attention Prompt Service Reasonable Terms (iEoucK E. Dovey, President. Frank E. Sciilatek, Vice Pros. Hokatio N. Dovey, Cashier. Carl (J. Ericke, Ass't. Cashier. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y" f T T f ( Y Y Y Y T Y T Y T T Y Y Y t itdw Y Y f Y Y t iY Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y CHEAPER THAN DIRT Somebody will get a great big bargain in the piano which we have on exhibition at our store. It is an excellent instrument. Note the description below: Mitt Jessie Cilmour Married. Word has been received in the city, lt iinv of June. VMtX Witness my nanu ami seal or said o-ountyuoun. , , i,;A r:i, il,, lf;fl at l'lattsmouth. Nebraska, this lttth day of May that Miss Jessie Gilmour the beautiful ... I nnd cultured daughter of Wm. Gilmcur. 11-8 ISF.AI-I Al.l.FN J. Ilc.rjaiN. County Judiro. Legal Notice. Stateof Nebraska. , Ri , County of t ass. To r lavius J. itritrirs, andsophonia ItricvH, nis who resides on a farm south of Platts mouth, was united in marriage with Dr. Alexander Walker, of Union. The wedding took place in the M. E. church at Nebraska City and the cerc- wife, and unknown heirs and devisees of Kiaviua mony was performed by the pastor, J. Hrilfifs, deceased. S. N Merrinm. and the un" ,, ;:... known heirs nnd devisors Jof S. N. Merriam. di-, KCV. 1". M. MSSOU. The happy couple arrived in Platts- Entertain lor Miss Yelinek. A number of young ladies were en tertained at the home of Miss Francis Hiber in honor of Miss Josie Yelinek, whose marriage to Mr. Wm. Swatch of South Omaha, has been announced. Various amusements planned for the occasion took up the early part of the evening, among 'which was a recipe I book written by the company and which I 4 was presented to the guest of honor J for use in her future duties. Light re- J freshments were served in the dining J room with pink roses, green candles ; and ribbon streamers for decoration, j the Misses Marie Hiber ami Mary Yeli- j 4 nek acting in the capacity of waitress- Jt cs. 1 Before returning to their homes, i many dainty pieces ot linen were pre sented to Miss Josie, each guest also enclosing a written wish which was not to be opened until after her marriage. Those invited to be present at this craseil. and the t-nion Trust Comimny, of New York.as l.ustce. defendants ou ami each of i . ' ' , ..!... . ...,:.. .,.. lti.,. I.,-.. you are hendiv notitliHl that on the Jlth dav or ' mouttl last WCItK wneru iney greuny eiijojaiuu un amun ntn; iumo.n uw.-i- nlnwVhur. surprise manifested by phinc and Mary Yelinek, Mario Hiber, tass county. Nebraska, artainst said defendants, heir circle of frietiils in this fit v. They ' Anna Kiinka, NVIItrrWhalen, Anna Jir- Ihe obiect and prayer of which is to Mirnt-s cor-' , , . . ' ' i , ,, . . . lam clouds from ins title and to. niiet the title m will be nt home to their friends at otisek, Alma i .arson, Mabel rreesc, sndtotheS.W.'.of section :li.townsh,p 1' ranito . ... ... ,,,., ,,..(tu f 11111,),I1 ., Tonv .landa. Julia Kerr. Rebecca Haines, Mary Janda, II. in Caiscotintv. Nebraska, in the said plain-, inion, iNOiir., nuei juij 1, j.e-.. hit anil auaint aid defendants and ea' h of them. 1 . 1 ou anil cacn you are rfiiir-u m answer snt-j petition on ni liet'oro the Ulh ilny of July, 1 ! Iiated thisdhduy nf May, 11" ld. Ckoihii: J. Stomi mann MaintilT. Hy A. L.TIPP. His Attorney. l:i-K V t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y NETZ0W CABINET GRAND PIANO. Perfect scale, drawn on most scienticlic principles; latest patent repeating action, extra heavy felt hammers; exposed pin block; extra heavy three quarter iron plate; very best Herman imported tuning pins and piano wire; patent mulllor attach ment with nickel plated mulller rail, best quality spruce in sounding board; ivory keys. CASE Verj artistic nnd double-veneored inside and out, with maple veneer on interior; oval punel, with rest mest of carviugs. Warranted 10 yeurs. Height, 4 ft '.I in; width .r ft 2 :i-S in; depth 2 ft U in BOBS Herold's Book and Stationery Store Dealers in all kinds of Musical Merchandise, Violin, Guitar, Hanjo and Mandolin strings and parts. All late sheet music, vocal and instrumental, on sale. Y t t Y Y Y t Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A Kodak will make your vacation aland Mesdanies John Hiber, K. E. Fos- . . . . ir:i ir. T,. , 1I.. I-..I.,. Iuil pleasant one lei us snow you one. ier, ai iiiuitoh, nuu.a,.,., .m. v.A. UKRlNii Co. Becker, Louis Jira and Jos. Vostrey.