To Enjoy he full confidence of the Well-informed of the World anil the Commendation of the most eminent physician it wan essen tial that the component parts of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna should be known to and approved by them; there fore, the California Fig Pyrup Co. pub lishes a full statement with every package. The perfect purity and uniformity of pro duct, which they demand in a laxative remedy of an ethical character, are assured by the Company's original method of man ufacture known to the Company only. The figs of California art) used in tho production of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of 8enna to promote the pleasant taste, but the medicinal principles are obtained from plants known to act most iK-neficiully. To get its beneficial effects always buy tho genuine manufactured by tho Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale by all leading druggist. HOW CARELESS! He Thero was nearly a bad fire at the theater. She How wan that? He Tho villain lit a cigarette and tossed tho match Into the snow! TORE HIS SKIN OFF In Shreds Itching Wat Intense Sleep Wat Often Impossible. Cured by Cutlcura In Three Week, "At first Rn eruption of small pus tules commenced on my hands. These pread later to other parts of my body, and the itching at times was intense, so much so thnt I literally toro tho skin off la shreds in seeking relief. The awful itching interfered with my work considerably, and bIho kept me awake nights. 1 tried several doc tors and UHed a number of different ointments and lotions but received practically no benefit. Finally I set tled down to the use of Cutlcura Soap, Cutlcura Ointment and Cutlcura Pills, with tho result that in a few days all itching had ceased and in about three weeks' time oil traces of my eruption had disappeared. I have had no trou ble of this kind since. II. A. Knits koff, 6714 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111., November 18 and 28, 1907." Totter Drug k Chcui. Corp., Sola Propi, BoMoa. 8ucclnct. Justice O'Halloran Have you any children, Mrs. Kelly? Mrs. Kelly 1 hot two living an' wan married! Judy. Red, Wrak, ary, Watery Eraa Relieved by Murine Kye Homrdy. Com pounded by Kxperleneed I'liynlelans. Con form to I'uro l''oo and Drug Laws. Mu rine Doesn't Sntnrt; Hoot Ilea Kya 1'nln. Try Murine In Your Eyes. At Druggtuts. A girl never likes to admit she wu kissed unless she wasn't. Lewis' Single Hinder utrniidit 5c cigar. You pay 10c fur vigitrs not so good. It's a cafe rule to pass up two-thirds of human philosophy. OPERATION HER ONLY CPCE WasCured by LydiaEPink ham'sVegetable Compound Adrian, Ga. "I suffered untold misery from a female weakness and disease, and I could not stand more I than a minute at a time. My doctor said an operation was the only chance I had, and 1 dreaded it almost as much as death. One dav I was reading now other women bad been cured by Lydia E. l'lnk ham's pe table Compound, and decided to try it Before 1 bad taken one bottlo I was better, and now I am completely cured." Lena V. Henry, Route No. 3, Adrian, Ga. Why will women take chances with an operation or drag out a sickly, half-hearted existence, missing three fourths of tho joy of living, when they can Und health in Lydia & llnkham's Vegetable Compound? For thirty years it has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has cured thousands of women who have been troubled with such ail ments as displacements, inflammation, ulceration, tibroid tumors, irregulari ties, periodic pains, backache, indiges tion, and nervous prostration. If you have tho slightest doubt that Lydla K. Plnkhaui'a Vcpo table Compound will help you, write to Mrs. IMnkhnm tit Lynn, Mass., for advice., Your letter will bo absolutely cmudcntUl ftna tueadvlci trco, v. - .' n PLAITSMOUIH NEWS HER41D PI. 0. WAITERS, Business Manager PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA AS IB IH II LIE A BOILING DOWN OF THE NEWS OF THE DAY. MENTIONED IN SMALL SPACE The Busy Reader Can Absorb In a Few Moments a Good Deal of Information. Foreign. Earth shocks, accompanied by sub terranean rumbles, continue dally In the Hlbatejo district, Portugal. No casualties have been reported, al though many walls havo collapsed. A dispatch from licopoldvllle in the Congo Boys tho trial of Hev. William Morrison and the Itcv. V. H. Shep pard, American missionaries, for al leged libel, has been postponed to June 30. Emperor Nicholas will visit King Edward at Cowes Aug. 2. Tho Rus sian imperial squadron will go lirst to Cherbourg, arriving July 31, and play ing until the next day. A dispatch received at tho state de partment from Lisbon says the Por tuguese government has authorized the importation of 8,000,000 bushels of wheat up to July 10. Tho liberals and the radicals os well as tho socialists have refused to par ticipate further In the discussions by tno flnnnee committee of Lie German relchstag of the matter of now taxa tion. iuanuel V. Domenecu and Francisco P. Qulnones, representatives of the re publican party of Porto Rico, dis cussed with President Taft conditions In the islands. Tho president was urged to consider tho mntter of cit izenship for the people of Porto Rico and to recommend legislation along that line. Minister Wu Ting Fnng of China called on Secretary of State Knox to say farewell preparatory to a two months' absence In South America. Tho Chinese diplomat Is also tho dip lomatic representative of China to Peru and It Is to present his creden tials to the president of Peru that be Is making this trip. General. The first night session of the sennto brought a display of temper and ex change of personalities. Senator Uurkeit had a narrow es cape In an automobile accident near Washington. Jack Sheltoh, under nrrest in Den ver, Is considered fourth man In the Union Pacific train robbery. He Is known to have been In Kearney and North Platte, Neb., in an automobile, and Is believed to have carried the swag. Detective McDonald, from Spokane, Wash., arrived In Oinnha nnd at once identified Woods, Torgcnson and Gor don, tho threo men under arrest for tho Union Pacific railroad robbery, as far western criminals who aro sup posed to havo hnd a bund In tho Great Northern holdup. James Shelton, supposed to bo tho fourth mnn connected with the Union Pacific robbery, has been arrested in Denver. Edward Dana Durand, the now di rector of the census, was born in Michigan In 1S71. Ho was legislative librarian of the New York stato library from 1805 to 18!7. Later ho was Instructor of economics at Har vard and Stanford universities. The vice president of tho Union Copper company was sentenced to the Tombs for contempt of court. Germany resents the charge thnt that country is meddling in the tariff affairs of the United States. Thero Is no doubt In tho mind of officials thnt tho three men arrested in South Omaha are those who held up and robbed the Overland Union Pacific Saturday night. They have been Identified by operatives of tho train and will bo held for trinl. tho mail pouches stolen with letters there in rifled, were found in tho attic of a South Omaha school house. Chil dren playing In the woods found guns and accoutrements that gave officials tho first clue. Four men were in the robbery, but only three thus far have been caught. Criticism of the Foraker net was made by Mr. Garrett of Tennessee. James J. Hill says wo should have a rest from law-enactment and a period of law-enforcement. AH over Nebraska on Memorial day honors were paid to the soldiers of G1-'C5. The three alleged bandits who held up the Union Pacific Overland train had examination nt Omaha and were held to the grand jury, with ball fixed nt $25,000 for ench. All Indications are the men held are the guilty par ties. Their caso will come before tho grand Jury In a few days. The Yukon exposition at Seattle was opened by President Tnft from Wash ington, as he touched the electric but ton. The lturllngton crop report shows good conditions. Rains have fallen on nil lines of the road In the Lin coln territory. The negro John Junkln received n death sentence for murder nt Center vllle, la. President Taft was the principal speaker nt the unveiling of the shaft at Gettysburg on Memorial day in honor of regular soldiers who were killed In the threo days' battle. By a premature explosion of a can non, Henry Malum, aged 70 years, un old soldier, was killed "at St. Mary's, Ohio, while oniclally opening the Me morial day observance. The Illinois legislature is again In a deadlock, this time over the question of sine die adjournment. The Wright brothers will arrive in Washington June 10, when President Toft will present them with the gold medals obtained through public sub scriptions by the Aero C!ub of Amer ica. F. P. Iiaker, tno oldest newspaper editor In Kansas, died a few days ago. Hidden In the garret of tho Prown Park school lioube in South Omaha, within a few feet of tho spot where tho rifled mail sacks were discovered, four sticks of dynamite were found by the two janitors. On recoi"nirndatlon of Congressman Klukald, Dr. J. J. Pickett was appoint ed pension examining surgeon at Itroken liow, Neb., vice Dr. C. J. Chris tensen, resigned. The senate refused. lb to 47, to strike tho Dutch standard test out of the sugar schedule. At Denver the federal grand Jury returned Indictments against tho of ficers of tno Union Land company and others Interested In coal lands In Routt county, Colorado, charging them with conspiracy to defraud trie govern ment out of eir,) lands. Temperance people from all sections of the world will gather at London In July to attend the Twelfth Interna tional Congress on Alcoholism at the Imperial Institute from July 18 to 21. Thirteen men were hanged In public at daybreak in Constantinople, having been found guilty of complicity in tho revolutionary outbrea.. of April 13. The bodies were left exposed to view for a short time only. Omaha people arc asking tho Wash ington , authorities for better mall service out of that city Chicagoward. Mrs. May Ion of Silver Creek, Nob., was arrested by a federal officer on the charge of using the malls to de fraud. Held under $25,000 bonds each, tho three alleged bandits, Woods, Gordon and Torgensen, who are accused of having held up the Union Pacific Overland Limited are In jail awaiting their preliminary examination. The fourth man, known to bo Joe McDon ald, a well known Denver gambler, Is still nt large. Gov. Haskell of Oklahoma has again been Indicted for land frauds. Mrs. Alice Choppln, a daughter of a former Austrial consul to New Or leans nnd connected ,with tho best families In that city, died nt Mexico City in poverty nt the home of her aged mother in the leper colony. The ltrotherhood of Railway Train men passed resolutions condemning tho present immigration laws. The Santo Domlngan government is proceeding against the revolutionists as rapidly as possible. The United States army signal corps dirigible balloon No. 1. better known as the Baldwin dirigible airship, made a successful flight at Fort Omaha. Washington. President Taft sent to the senate the nominations of the following post masters: Nebraska William H. Reed, North Loup; Empire, Sioux county, C. M. Cunningham, vice H. II. Cunning ham, resigned. The attorney general says that the charges against Judge Edward R. Meek of the United States court at Dallas, Tex., and United States Attor ney William 11. Atwell of tho north ern district of Texas "are wholly without foundation, cruelly unjust nnd for tho purpose of securing a delay in the prosecution of a man whose of fense ngalnst-innocent victims, In the fraudulent use of the mails, deserved the severest punishment." Senators Gamble and Crawford of South Dakota continue to do business together, notwithstanding that a num ber of newspapers In tho stato are persistent in their declaration that quarrels between the senators are of almost dally occurrence. The senate expects to get through with tariff work this month. Thomas C. Dawson of Council Bluffs, for some years United States envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary nt Bogota, nnd re cently promoted to be United States envoy extraordinary nnd minister plenipotentiary at Santiago, was here, receiving final instructions previous to departure. At tho annual conference of Rtate nnd territorial henlth officers with the United States public health and marine hospital service It was de clared that rabies frequently Is con traded from the bites of "skunks, wolves nnd other wild animals." President Taft approved a chnnge in the navy regulations, recommended by Secretary Meyer, by which mid shipmen are prohibited from marry ing until the completion of the prescribed six years' course of train ing. The twenty-sixth annual readjust men of postmasters' salaries was an nonnced to become effective July 1. Personal. Mrs. Geo. Sheah of Duluth. visiting nenr Seattle, Wash., lost $20,000 which she hnd hidden between sheets In her bed. Senators Uurkett nnd Brown took opposite sides on some tariff sched ules. Senate , millionaires. Stephenson Guggenheim and Newlnnds are ex pected to vote for the Income tax. The two Nebraska senators divided on the question of the sugar standard. President Taft will present the Wright brothers with gold medals. Jmikin, murderer of the chorus girl at Ottutuwu, la., has been sentenced to death. At Greenville, Tenn.. tribute was paid to the memory of Andrew Johu- 8011. warn ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AYegefable Preparation for As similating iheFoodandRegula ling the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Discs ti on.Chec rful- . la ness and Rcst.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral Not Marc otic X Ript eroiHDrs.imiiFtrcfEH ,1 fahelttSmti .. Aniit Sttd lytrmiiti fftrm Srtd HmirjntH 'aver ft A nerfeel Remedy forConslipa- lion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions. Feverish ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP. fac Simile Signature of Tux Centaur Company, NEW YORK. m 4.T .-1 Guaranteed under the Food and. Exact Copy of Wrapper. As the Boy Saw the Lesson. Prof. Charles Zeuhlln of the Univer sity of Chicago was discussing at a dinner the greatest paintings of the world. "The legends that are beautiful and Immortal," he said, "have In them turths thnt wo all, according to our kind, take home. This is true in likeness of Immortal works of art pictures, poems, songs. For different people they have dlft'erent messages, For instance, in my native Pendleton some of tr.e mothers used to cut the children's hair. They did it with shears and a bowl. The operation was often painful, and the result was never elegant. "In Sifnday school a Pendleton teacher once told her pupils the trag ic story of Samson nnd Deliah. Then she turned to a little boy: " 'What do you learn, Joe,' she said, 'from the Samson story?' "'It don't never pay,' piped Joe, 'to have a woman cut a feller's hair.'" Cincinnati Knnuirer. The Captain's Repartee. The captain of a trans-Atlantic liner, having become irritable as a result of some minor troubles in the ship's management nnd the unusually largo number of ridiculous inquiries made by tourists, was heading for the "bridge" when a dapper young man halted him to inquire the cause of tho commotion off tho starboard side of the ship. Pelng on the port side, the captain politely replied, with some sarcasm, he wr.s not certain, but thought It possible that a cat fish had Just had kittens. What-to-Eat. A Plea for Bachelors. There are few people In the com munity more generous, according to their means, more unselfish, nnd more self-denying than the much-maligned bachelor class. Why. then, should It be taxed? If a tax Is required, let It be levied on the pampered, petted, over indulged, usually ungrateful mar ried man. London Dally Graphic. You can never make a woman be lieve that she isn't saving money when she spends ten cents In car fare In Order to obtain a dollar article for 88 cents. vo Appetite Calls For food which promotes a prompt flow of the digestive juices-- r r ... - H IZT1 r rr- r . , F- I """laaBaaaB, p",' Hi aa jf delicious brown. "The Taste Lingers." Popular pkg ioc; Ijirge Family size 15c. En) fa Eh W For Infanta and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years ! The Shortsighted Lion Well, I never dreamed I should finish my days ! behind the bars of a cage. j Is Tired of Praying, j A little girl in St. Louis the other ! evening was going through the usual : form of prayer: "God bless mammi, and papa and make me a good girl," ! and so on, when all at onco she somed to come to a decision. "Now that is the last time I am going to j say that prayer," she said, very grave ly, looking at her mother. "You are i older than I am and it Is your place i to ask for all those things nnd I don't see any use in two people's asking the same thing." Since then she has j firmly refused to pray, insisting that it is her mother's place to ask God ; for blessings. Mutual Surprise. A mission worker In New Orleans j was visiting a reformatory near that city not long ago when she observed among the Inmates an old acquaint ance, a negro lad long thought to be a model of Integrity. "Jim!" ex- ; claimed tho mission -worker. "Is it possible I find you here?" "Yassum," blithely responded tho backslider. "Vs I charged with stealln' a barrel o' sweet ! pertaters." The visitor sighed. "You, Jim!" she repeated. "I am surprised!" : "Yassum," said Jim. "So was I or I ' wouldn't be here!" Home-Made Names. "Thnt little girl," remarked the druggist to the doctor, "was just in ; for ten cents worth of tincture of ben zine. Put I've had it before and gavt her benzoin." "That was easy," answered the doo tor. "This morning on a diphtheria i case the woman wanted to know if I ! administered antitoxin with an ept 1 demlc syringe." innan in addition to supplying nour ishment. Post Toasties is a most delicious answer to appetite. It is, at the same time, full of the food-goodness of White Corn, and toasted to a crisp AH y Kill UNKIND FAKE, i Kt- c Many men who start toward suc cess never pet there because they stop on the road to accejit too many congratulations. NOT A MATTER OF LOYALTY. Simple But Insuperable Reason Why Subject Could Not Kneel Before His King. One fancies that few types of men, can, from time to time, have afforded royalty more amusement of a quiet sort than provincial mayors of-England. "From the Foreland to Pen tance," by Clive Holland, contains the story of a mayor of Weymouth who, during one cf the visits of King George to the town, was destined to afford "comic relief" to a ceremony of some importance. The occasion was the presentation of an address of welcome to the king, and we ore told that the mayor, on ap proaching to present It, to the aston ishment and dismay of all, instead of kneeling, as ho had been told to do, seized the queen's hand to shako it as he might that of any other lady. Col. Gwynne, tho master of the cere monies, hurriedly told him of the faux pas, saying: "You should have kneeled, sir." "Sir, I cannot," was the reply. "Everybody does, sir," hotly asserted the colonel. The mayor grew red, and evidently much upset, exclaimed: "Confound it, sir, but I've got a wooden leg!" History records that "a smile suf fused the face of her majesty, and the king laughed outright." Youth's Com panion. Laundry work at homo would bo much more satisfactory if tho right Starch were used. In order to get tho desired stiffness, it is usually neces sary to use so much starch that tho beauty and fineness of the fabric is hidden behind a paste of varying thickness, which not only destroys the appearance, but also affects tho wear ing quality of tho goods. This trou blo can bo entirely overcome by using Defiance Starch, as it can bo applied much more thinly because of Its great er strength than other makes. Quite True. Marian, a little three-year-old, Is very stubborn. One day, when she was fretful, her mother, wishing to engage her mind, attracted her atten tion to a cow in a vacant lot and asked what it was. Marian replied, "hoss" (horse) and stubbornly refused to give In. Her mother, wishing to get a correct an swer without scolding, asked: "What eats grass besides a horse?" "More hoss," was the quick response. De lineator. Sheer white goods, in fact, any fino wash goods when new, owe much of their attractiveness to tho way they are laundered, this being done in a manner to enhance their textile beau ty. Home laundering would bo equal ly satisfactory if proper attention was given to starching, the first essential being good Starch, which has sufficient strength to stiffen, without thickening tho goods. Try Defiance Starch nnd you will bo pleasantly surprised at the Improved appearance of your work. Athleticism Extraordinary. "Why," said the first athletic boast er, "every morning before breakfast I get a bucket and pull up 90 gallons from tho well." "That's nothing." re torted the other. "I get a boat every morning and pull up the river." Unl versallst Leader. Nebraska Directory KODAK FINISHINGS, A atlfiitliin. AUniiiplii s forllie Amiitcur strictly fresh. Send for entnlotrnp nml fliilvMnir nrl.- THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO., Box 1197, Omaha. Neb. ' PLEATING All Kinds Dyeing and Cleaning tuclilntr, Buttnns, etc. Bond for fri price list ami Bninplcs. IDEAL PI.KATINU CO., 103 DuurIiihh lllk., Omaha, Neb. TYPEWRITERS1; CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Omaha. THE PAXTON Sopm fl Hoom-1 from I.IM up Hinplc. 7." cents tip ilmtlilc. CAFE PRICES KEASONABLK JOHN DEERE Cultivators DCCT are the Dtdl Insist on having them. Ak your lucal nVulor, or JOHN DEERE, Omaha, Sioux Falls. DO YOU WANT CASH ry.Wl"i riolmniio Knglnra, Holler.. Motor. Hvnamos Anion, ami M "'! Mui'hliicrr lorthe.Mill, Klevitlor ream fry nml l-itmiclry. I'oniult-Ki lleatmi!, l.iiihtlini or Power I'lunls tiiMnlleil. 11.1 Kits & 1 DIIOI.M t o.. Omaha, Nob. DRAIN TILE Prnln your lnndi b n il mnkc t h c m v:ilimtlf. 11. .n... nullillnir niocks, HrleU, Tile Hooting nml nil klml of Pulnts iiniH'olors. Omalu Brick Paint' ATlle Co., Works 2nd and Hickory Stt Omaha, Neb PARMER'S COFFEE Rlnn PnckiiBft 9 (IMPS Untuned hjr nil (lrncir. (Juarnntepl to uivn MitKfiietlnn. Imported, lloaste.l nml I'iickert h V. I). l'AKMKK CO., Oiualm, ul,ruki TYPEWRITERS &. v flir nrii'at 1 ... i MAKES r time pny. H ..ii.iiM. iji H0d. .,,, ,. . . aotiThobiiITres am! Tulws. X.avgi' stock. Wnnt vour hnsln,.. Write for prices. 1'IONKF.H IMPI.K.MKST CO Tirv Dcpui-tmctil, Council lllutls, Iowa. Bold by li nt Dentcm. We will rend to nnplln nnd tMrhorn on receipt til llrl. In ,tnH, iMn,.h ,, rtipl. lira H,.n ruin. JOHN Q. WOOD W HO CO.'ThaCind,MnCounaiBlufl.,la0.