MewsHer The ALB, TWICE A WEEK NKWS. Tstablhel Nov. f. 1-!I 1H-KALD. KiUblishwl Ai rii lO, PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, MAY 21, 110! VOL. XLVI NO. II Const liJfcUd Jan. 1. 133 Public Roads Are Neglected. It id now a dozen years since the Rood roads campaign was begun; per haps .in r.o other particular has our country been so far behind the, rest of t.ho civilized world as in the matter of highways, especially in the country dis tricts. Started by the popularity of the bicycle, this 'movement has been helped powerfully by the increase in the use of motorcars. The only bure way to insure success is in educating the mass of the people, and this may be said now to have been accomplished, since the farmer is a3 fully awake to the necessity of good roads as the city dweller, and the question of expense has now become the most important one. In this matter we may probably take a lesson from the Old World. With our American readiness for doing things on a large scale, when roads were laid out we took a generou3 width of land for them. Of course a wide grar.3 strip on each side of a well-kept street, with shade trees properly cared for, is a thing of beauty, but huw often is this realized? Instead the average rountry road is a poorly built and poor ly kept affair. As regards the trees, there aiv now rr.a:,y local improvement societies that are bettering their condition, but it is ton great a financial burden to cure for mast roadsides as they should be kept. J n France and Germany, where the traffic is immensely greater than in this country, a road width of 60 feet is found ample; our roads are more than twice as wide. This extra wid'.h uu ally serves as a nursery for weeds, whose seeds are blown into the fields on both sides. In ten western states the figures show that there was TO.OuO miles of road with an average width of fifi feet; if they were reduced to 38 feet it would restore to productive use land woith $30,000,000; interest outhis sum would yield $12,000,000 a year, which would in a few years give these states a road system the finest in the world. Figuresare not at rwnd for Now. Eng land, but the same would undoubtedly hold true. Boston Globe. Notice to Contractors. Didj will le received at the oflice of the County Clerk of Ca County, nt Plattsmouth, Nebraska, up to r.oon of Saturday, June 12, l'.nn). for one Fifty (",0) foot reinforced concrete arch, located about four t$) miles weft of Myr.ard Cass County, Nebraska, and one Fifty (50) foot reinforced concrete arch locate! one-half (!) mile east of Elmwood, Cas county, Nebraska. Specifications nay be seen at the County Clerk's office. Didders may also bid on their own plans and specifica tions. Bids required on each job separate and each bid must be accompanied by a certified check in the sum of $o00 made payable to the County Clerk. Bids w ill be opened June 15, 19. W. E. ROSENCRANS, 10-S County Clerk. How We Get Pure Food Law. Seed Bed For Alfalfa. I have had about iwer.ty years of ex ' perience feeding alfalfa, and have never j mi-r:ed gettirg a stand even in the 1 drio.-t sea-or.s. Mv experience is that you must have the ground in unc mm and well packed. My way of seeding for spring sowing is to disc the ground thoroughly, then harrow and plow shal low. Follow with the harrow and if . soil is dry use a heavy float. When j through plowing, harrow until the sur face is thoroughly pulverized and sow j one and one-fourth bu.-hcls of barley ! or oats-barley prefe rred-either with jdri'.l or broadcast, then harrow the ground again. Now, take a hddle bow or any broadcast seeder and sow twen ty pounds of alfalfa seed to the acre. Give a light harrowing. Your field is row as fine as a garden and not only that but you have a seed bed that will hold moisture for thp making of the nurse crop. George M. Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Anderson return ed Friday from their visit to Seattle, Wash., "where they spent several weeks. They were well pleased with their trip ar.d.ure enthusiastic in their praise of the country and enterprise of the people. The people of this country were eat ing poisoned food. The president, the secretary and the treasurer met, dis cussed the matter and the I'ure Food association greatly to be sniffed at by the entrenched forces of culinary pois on, began its work It had no money. It had r.o newspapers. Newspapers and magazines ten years ago were tak ing millions of dollars in advertising from manufacturers of improper foods. But the pure food shows began to ap pear in American cities and towns just as the tuberculosis exhibit is moving over the country today. The people learned the truth. The wholesale Gro cers' association took up the fight, and in spite of all the money behind the manufacturers of the adulturated and poisoned food, the pure food and drug act passed Congress and became a law. The sacrifice of hundreds of men and women who were willing to give their time, their service and their names to the cause of pure food for the masses wa3 more potent than all the legisla tive machinery, all the lobby of retail ers, all the Hood of telegrams from growers and all the forces of selfishness. Henry Lelmhofts Will Probated. The will of tb.2 late Henry LehnhotT was filed for probate in county court yesterday afternoon. To his widow he left $.",000 in cash and a life estate in 210 acres of land in Cass county. Of this land 100 acres is to go to the boii, William, and eighty acres to the daugh ter, Minnie, upon the death of their mother. Minnie is also to receive all of the personal property and William is to pay to his sister, Julia Frampton, ?S')0: to his brother, Henry, $500 and to the surviving children of a deceased sister Emma, $300. No inventory of property tuu been filed. -Lincoln Journal. High Quality Clothes and Your Money's Worth is Our Policy Department stores in large cities advertise suits at $15 and say they are "made to sell for and ac tually worth $20.00 to $25.00." This is a misrepresen tation on its face. Don't be deceived. They offer suits at $11.95 and say "not one of them worth less than $15.00 and up to $20.00." Will you be deceived by such bare faced deception? dc will sell you a suit for $10.00 even money that we dare say is in every way equal to the so-called $15 or $20 suits which they sell at $11.95. These suits were just received by express. 30 days ago the cloth was in the mill. They are made with fancy cuffs, fancy flaps, peg trousers and all the mod ern improvements. The material is a new shade of green, very stylish. They offer suits at $7.00 and say they "should sell at $10.00, 12.50 and $15.00;" you know this is a false statement. They think you are an "easy mark." OIc actually sell suits at $5X0 which we challenge comparison with their 7.00 suits. Our clothing is worth every cent you pay for it. We don't try to deceive you. We guarantee every suit we sell to be exactly as we represent it to be or WE REFUND YOUR MONEY. Our Quality line ranges from 20 to $35 and is equal to the best custom tailors. We Challenge Comparison ol Goods and Prices. We Save You Money JICll C. jE, Weseott's Sons Where Quality Counts." Germany Grants Big Subsidy The Germany Reichstag passed the first reading on May 1, f the bill granting an increase of $12",0O0 in the ; annual imperial subsidy to the North j German Lloyd Steamship Company for the establishment of a 4-weekly service between the German protectorate of New Guinea, Japan and Australia. The under secretary of state eiuotcd statistics to show that the development of the new mail steamship lines had given very satisfactory results since 18S6. The total tonnage on the East Asian and Australian lines of the North German Lloyd had risen from 83,417 in 1S88 to 2X3.S33 in lODfi, the total value of tho cargoes from 74,500,00) marks (1 mark equals 23.S cents) to 3i!),000, 000 marks, exports of merchandise from 33.00'),ooo to l.rG,.r)00,000 marks, and the number of passengers carried from 12, 253 to 33.0IS. The exports to China hak increased in value from 24,200,000 marks in IS.) to (il, 100,000 marks in li07; those to Japan from IS, 500,000 marks to 102,000,000 marks in the same lime, it i in iihbu iu iiimiuita uuni 4.1, 000,000 to 07,100,000. The subsidizing of the company had thus, according to tho under secretary of state, being highly advantageous to Germany. lie said, however, that the lines from New Guinea, Australia, and Japan could not be maintained without the increase in the subsidy. Daily Con sular Report. Advertised Letter List. Remaining uncalled for in the post office at Plattsmouth, Neb., May 24, I'.XIi). Mrs. Chas. Farrell, Messrs C. Car penter, Oscar Sampson and I). M. Stanley. These letters will be sent to the dead letter office June 7, l!H'.t, if not delivered before. In calling for the above please say "advertised" giving date of list. c II. Smith, P. M. Everyone is invited to attend the ice cream and box social to be given on the lawn of Watson Long, Saturday, May 2!, by the Ladies Aid Society of Eight Mile Grove church. E. W. Pitman of Shelby, la., pur chased a number of thoroughbred Red Tolled cattle from Wendell Heil Thurs day. Mr. Heil has a very fine herd. Promotion for Clement STItAYED-Ilrown horse, bob-tailed, white around nose. Has halter on. Last seer, going south. Phone in formation to Pete Hansen, No 331. 11-2 The Ladies Aid Society of Eight Mile Grove church will give an ice cream and box social on the lawn of Watson Long, Saturday, May 2i. Everyone invited. W, H. Stewart, of Wymore, Neb., wa tile guest of W. H. Newell several days last week. J. F. C e nent, a brother of R. W. Clement of this city has recently been promoted to the position of General Superintendent of the Chesapeake & Ohio railroad with headquarters nt Richmond, Va. A few years ago he was a lad on the afreets of this city. He had no "pull," but has demonstrat ed what a young man with energy, de termination, and application to busi ness can do. Young man take a lesson from J. F. Clement, do not idle away your time. Delegates Appointed. Sues For A Divorce Nebraska City, Neb., May 22. -Mrs. Maud Moran, wife of William F. Moran one of the leading attorneys of this city, created a sensation here by filing a petition in the district court praying for a divorce from her husband on the grounds of cruelty. She retained a Lincoln firm of attorneys to bring the suit. Mrs. Moran is a daughter of W. T. Canada, claim anient for the- Unioii Pacific railway. -Lincoln Journal. To Attend National Irrigation, Congress to be Hekl in Spo kane. W. J. Furse, private secretary to Governor Shallenbarger, announces in a letter to R. Insinger, chairman of tho board of control of the National irriga tion congress that the following dele gates have been appointed to represent the state of Nebraska at the seven teenth sessions in Spokane, August 9 to 14: I). Clem Deaver, Henry T. Clark and E. A. CuJahy, Omaha; W. S. Lorlan, McOook; Grant L. Shumway, Scotta Bluffs; A. M. Morrisey, Valentine; Charles Coffee, Chadron; James B. Mo Donald andJ. G. Dealer, North Platte; Adna Dobson, Lincoln; C. A. Edwanta, Kearney; H. O. Smith, Lexington; Page T. Francis, Crawford; M. B. Smith, Bridgeport and W. A. Sharp aack, Alma. "The delegates from Nebraska will come among friends on their arrival in Spokane," says Mr. Insinger. "Many of them are well known to our people through trade and other relations, and they will meet some of their fomer ac quaintances who are now residents of the Inland Empire and other parts of the Northwest. "It may be a bit of news for theNe braskans to know that we shall have United States Senator Jonathan P. Dolliver, of Iowa, with us at one or more sessions of the congress, also that Mayor A. L. Fugard, of Pueblo, Colo., U arranging to bring a party occupying a special train to Spokane to capture the 1910 congress for his city. "Another distinguished visitor will bo Professor Liberty Hyde Bailey, direct or of the college of Agriculture of Cor nell University, who headed President Roosevelt's farm life commission last year. We also have reasons to believe that President T,af t and , several mem bers of his cabinet will be attendants." Books For Commencement icr Make the most appropriate gifts. Full and large assortment of latest ideas in Commencement Books at Herold's Book and Stationery store. Every graduate will want one. "The Girl Graduate" Her own book designed by Louis Perrett and Sarah K. Smith boxed with pages for class colors,class yells,motto,class photos, class autograghs, class officers, teachers, class prophecy, her invitations, social events, press notices, her gowns, her presents, and etc. "My Commencement" by A. M. Chase, with bord ers in two colors, contents similar to the first men tioned book, neatly boxed. "My Graduation:" School Girl's Memory Book by Marion L. Peabody, with Border Design and selection on every page. "My High School Days" a Memory Book with illustrations. "Dont's for Boys." or Errors of Con duct Corrected by an Old Boy. "Dont's for Girls," A Manual of mistakes by Minna Thomas Antrim. "When Good Follows Sit Together," a book for Boys printed in two colors. "Girls I have met" ar ranged by A. F. with Frontispiece by Louis L. Heustis. "The Beauties of Friendship" by Samuel Frances Woolard. Graduate Edition of Literary Masterpieces. Dainty Small Gift Book. All latest roopular novels. Henty and Alger books for boys and etc. We guarantee to duplicate Omaha prices on all gifts books and in most instances sell for less. mm Book