The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, May 20, 1909, Image 7

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Mr. Cra-r.terlain aa the Baler. HOUSES UNDER THE GftCJSD.
The foreign oSlre t t:i;T of the kind's
Substantial Reasons Why Business ,
Firm "Stood For" lrr.psrtir.ence j
from Employe.
The New York dry goods firm of .
Itlumstela & Rosenberg had a travel- !
Ins salesman named Richards. Uieh
aids was a pond salesman, and when ,
sober a genial fellow. Once, however,
af'.er nn unusually successful trip h"
indulged la an unusually successful
celebration, and ended ly goiiis tc
sleep in the public oflico cf the com
"Get up." said Mr. Husenbcrg.
kinc him violently.
"Hosey, go jump on yourself," said
his sleepy employe.
The senior partner tiled !t next and
was rewarded with the words:
"lilunisteln, you i;o to thunder."
The firm held an Indignation meet
ltiS. decided to dispense with Rich
aids' services, and a ;k-d the book
k-vper what they owed this erring
"Fifteen hundred dollars." he report
ed. "Richards has sold $i;!).nnt) worth
of poods In the past three months."
The partners looked at each other in
"Rosey," said the senior partner,
n-iffin rrr numn mi vmirii'ii in i'ii
ing to thunder." Success Magazine.
house sevvl-.e nes.-eiine.-s Just lost
tne of its uu nili'Ts. t,- whose nick
fume, "Sir .ti'sepii," a si cry bohmss. I!
occurred when Mr. Chamberlain wa.
a! the coli nial office.
One iiifdit, or rather very early in
the inortdir.;, the r.ieen:; was sent
to 1'rince's lianhT.s with Jin important
"cabinet circulation." M.-. Chamberlain
was working late and had seat all his
i-rvants to led. and the inesnser had
to wait a Ions; lime- before getting an
i.nswer to his kuncl:.
At las; he pave a thundering rat-tat
and presently had the satisfaction of
seeing tome one whom he supposed tc
L; the butler appear in answer to his
call, wearing a ph. in smoking jacket
lU'.d smoking a clay pipe. "Oh," said
the messenger, "you have come at last,
have you? Therp's no lurry. It's only
a message from the prime minister."
The "butler" smile, 1 serenely, and the
messenger, then recognizing his man,
stammered rut: "I bg your pardon
Sir .Joseph, I have a dispatch box for
Dve1;ers In fie Desert Mskj Prac
tical Use of Wa'la Erected by
the Ancient Romtrs.
In a Pearl Factory.
The pale, bent workmen were, most
of them, drilling costly pearls, but
here a man in kid gloves performed
the operation of skinning, the opera
tlon of removing a pearl's outer, (lis
colored coat so as to give it again its
original luster, and by the window an
other man shook industriously three
pearls in a bottle.
"It Is a secret of the trade, of the
pearl driller's trade," he said, "this
bottle-shaking. You see, in pearl drill
ing, a drill point often breaks off in a
pearl, and to get it out may take a
whole dixy's work that is, if you don't
know the secret."
He looked closely at the bottom of
the glass bottle, and then, continuing
his shaking, he resumed:
"Hut if you put your pearl in a bot
tle and shake it up, the drill point in
a few minutes will fall out of itself
Look! There's another out already.
The thlrd'll come soon now."
Poor Old Beggar Was Not on This
Particular Occasion Lookirg
for Charity.
Microbes In City and Country.
The microbes in city air nre
.times more than in country air.
The prosperous wholesale grocery
dealer had sold out his business pre
paratory to departing for the west to
I live, lie was reflecting, the next j
I morning, on the prospect of getting a'
I good price for his hoine, which the ;
day befoie he had advertised for sale,
! when the doorbell jingled merrily. '
"Sir," said the maid, putting her
head in at the library door a moment
: later. "It's the old lieggnr from the
I earner near your !ore, sir."
"Old Jo. the boa nr. ch0" rejoined I
the retired buslm s i-.ars. taklr.g from
Ki. 1.. -l i umtm lllO I
II S I III lt L ,1 ll'lll. I 'l'fi'l -
wretched idd fellow missed my
toir.ary contiiliuiion this morning
l.s come for It. Here, Rive him
The mail wont away with
, money and again returned.
"I gave the dollar, sir." sai l
I "and he secne'd v for It;
1 but lie says he'd li t. speak a mo
ment with yen on L isir. ss, sir."
"What bmlnrrs can t'.:at eld beg
' gar have with me?"
"He i-av.s ihiit if you cm brim the
I no of this l. !i;s r...w:i to $J0,0!)
cash, lie a nay . . .iuus-
she, ruing the mysterious urder- j
ground duellings in the iloxTt back ;
if Tiipoli llanus writes In
(he Geographical Jotirnal: "On the !
northern edge of the mountains the i
little land of tlharian, with Its vil- j
luges and gardens, stands like an j
island among the general destruction. !
I'o this day the old Roman terraces !
have i!h:tood the keen wind from
the sea and the w inter rains and give n
ore an idea of the, country's former '
prosperity. The village of Gharlan
ies among ancient (dive groves and
large frait gardens, built on the old
terraces. Ruined castles look down
from every little rill, old Roman or
earlier towers. The present Inhab
itants live iu underground houses,
hewn out of the solid rocks, the
ancient dwellings probably of some
prehistoric race.
"A curious maze of earth mounds,
which rote on either side of the road,
showed the position of the village.
From one of these mounds, the rub
bish taken out of the ground when the
house was built, I looked down into
a square courtyard about thirty feet
below the ground, with walls hewn
perpendicularly out of the red rock.
Around the walls several doors and
narrow slit windows showed the dif
ferent rooms. The master of tho
house then led us to. a door wiiicn
was built above the ground, like th
entrance to some cellar, and down a
narrow passage or tunnel to the court
yard below. The first apartment we
came to held donkeys and some goats
and was used as a stable.
"The living rooms wfro nil white
washed and, like the courtyard, ex
ceedingly clean. It looked most pic
turesnue-the little house with the
i whitewashed arches leading into the
rooms, the red sines oi n.e roc. o
by a fresh green creeper,
all the square of dark-blue
inhabitants praise theit
they are cool In sumiuei
In winter, when the cold
blows, but they knew
original builders."
Well fcr Parents to Respect Dreams of
Future G-e.ilness Which May En
ter Youngster's Mind How
Much Injury Is Dene.
ered partly
and oer it
sky. The
houses, for
ami warm
northeast wind
nothing of the
Beard Heavier on 3ids.
A man's beard Is generally ho
ler on the risht side.
Saltan Fcrd of Zcslojy.
The su'.tjn cf Turkey is the proprl-1
etor of a f::io zoological garden. I
Ho Needed Them.
'What with whcoplmr cough, measles
ar i nil that," the first traveler
"children are a great care; but the)
a.v blessinss same! lines "
"Certainly they are." Interrupted
the fecund traveler. "I don't know
how v; should get along without
"Ah, you are a family man, too?"
"No; a dactor." Tit Lilts.
A Piano Bargain I
At Herold's Book and Stationary Store
Many a bey has gone to lied in tears
because his father criticized or de
nounced his effort at playing the vio
lin; ma le fan -f r simple little eonipo.
sit Ion or shay which he wrote; dis
couraged his attempt to make some
little nitvhaaleal device, or threw a
wet blanket on bis dreams, laughing at
his prediction of what he would do in
the future, writes Orison Swett Mar
den in Su-c. ss Magazine.
A man who has recently come Into
great i ; eminence In his profession
says that wlnn. tremblingly, he told
his fattier what ho wanted to be, bo
was tol l that a padded cell was the
only plai i for a boy with such crazy
Ideas, and that he was forced for years
to do that which dud had forbidden In
every fiber of his being, and ngalnst
which every drop of blood In him pro
tested. The father who has made up his
mind that his son must continue his
business and keep his estate Intact, is
not in a position to decide on the boy's
bent his special aptitude. Ho is pre
judiced at the very outset.
, The reason why there are so many
''.k.;iocre men and women in tho world, so many failures, Is because they
never found their right places.
Kvervw lu re we see men and wom
en, capable of much better things, who
wore discouraged and diverted from
their natural bent when young. Their
own families did not take stock In
them; they laughed at their young am
bitions, and strangled their aspira
tions, either by harsh treatment, or,
what is even worse, ridicule; and their
teachers did not understand them.
You cannot read the sealed message
which Ciod has wrapped up hi your
boy or girl, and you should regard It as
sacred. You should respect the dreams
of fill lire greatness of your son, be
cause the Creator may have inlende
him for a grand and far-reaching mis
sion. You cannot tell what Is going on
iu his mind: you cannot tell what pos
slbllltle.i are locked In his brain, lie
may be perfectly conscious at this mo
ment that he was intended for a much
higher place In tho world than you are
occupying yourself, and to denounce
him, to scoff at his dreams, to laugh at
his predictions for the future may be a
source of great humiliation to you
some day. It may also work incalcula
ble Injury to your boy. A thousand
times better strike lit :n wlih your hand
than blast his hopes by ridicule, or by
a cruel, chilling, cutting word.
A brand new ?3S0. 00 Cabinet Grand Piano for $280. Spot cash or bank
able paper with payments adjusted to suit convenience. A leading western piano
manufacturer his consigne 1 15 us a new piano, everything first class, note de
scription below. We offer it at MANUFACTURERS PRICES, saving you the
usual agent's commission of $100.00. If you are in the market for a first class,
guaranteed for 10 years, instrument HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY T0J-3AVE
$100. This will be the only piano offered on these terms.
Flower Dances for Children.
French mothers have been showing
unwonted Ingenuity this winter in
Jrpsslns their darlings for the popular
flower dances which are now the fash
ion for Juvenile society and carry all
before them. Generally a number of
blooms are selected, and these ar
called bouquet parties. The charm of
thesn parties Is that the little people
are well suited to represent flowers
farlslan society has gone daft over
some of the designs and also th
beauty of some of the children. Thelt
dresses are floral, cf course. Trails
of blooms are draped together from
the waists, tho ends floating on tho
airy skirts, or loose petals are scat
tered nil over the material. I'.ut thli
gives little Idea of the chic and tho
detail of the dress or of the human
floweret that carries it off. Nothlns
has so lilt the French taste as these
flower dances, nnd many of tho elder
spectators have grown quite seutt
mental about them.
NETZOW CABINET GRAND PIANO. Perfect scale, drawn on most scienticfic principles;
latest patent repeating action, extra heavy felt hammers; exposed pin block; extra heavy three
quarter iron plate; very best German imported tuning pins ar.d piano wire; patent muffler attach
ment with nickel plated mufller rail, best quality spruce in sounilir.j? board; ivory keys. CASE
Verj artistic and double-veneered inside nnd out, with maple veneer on interior; oval panel, with
i dsomest of carviugs. Warranted 10 year. Height, ft 0 in; width C ft 2 3 8 in; depth 2 ft 3 in
HeroM's l&mk and Stationery Store
Dealers in all kinds of Musical Merchandise, Violin, Guitar, Danjo and Mandolin strings and
parts. All late shoot music, vocal r.rl in.r'.rumentrt!, on :a'e.
Demand for Professional Mourner,
lne professional mourner who cm
be hired in many European cities
follow In the funeral procession and
look grief stricken Is usually secured
through burial societies. These furn
ish men and women, and sometimes
both, dressed in keeping with the de
sire of the family of the 1 ito lamented
They also weep to order. At homos
where self control is deemed a vlrtun
ther Is no loud demonstration or sor
row, but where the rial mourners ar
emotional nnd glvo way to weeping
they are usually outdone by tha pro
fessionals. An undertaker iu Dehi
ware furnished mourners several tlnioj
recently, and the experiment was
successful, the stricken families wertl
so well pleased with til manner
which the mourning parties had been
augmented, that the fun-Tal director
has determined to enter the prof
shmal mourner's business with hopej
for success.
And Wedding Gills!
A few suggestions along this line at this popular
gift giving season might be of great assistance to
the purchaser seeking something that will please.
Hoar in mind that we carry the choicest line all Gift
Goods. Diamonds, Watches, Rings, Bracelets,
Broaches, Cut Glass and Hand Painted China
From tho largo assortment carried in our stock you
will find no difficulty in making a desirable present
for any member of your family. Also a fine line of
solid Silverware.
Jeweler! Watchmaker! Optician!
Rich Roast Beef.
After all there is nothing so good as a
good U0AST cooked well. We have the
knack of cutting and tying up a roast
that makes it cook well and taste well.
Send orders in by either phone.
II Kunsman & Ramae
Collar Button Defender.
The collar button has been libeled
Since It first came Into being It has
provided the writers of Jokes for the
comic papers with a large share ot
their material. That it possessed 8
remarkable tendency toward losing It
self has been accepted almost as an
Pacts have come to light which
ehow that tho collar button has been
mnllened. A man In the employ of th
Burlington railroad has worn one col
lar button for 28 years. It has slues
bv hi m without any undue precautions
against loss and has never shown a
tendency to wander.
This man says he has always treat
ed his collar button kindly, hns never
sworn at It nor blamed It for his own
faults. Ills Idea Is that if mankind ac
cords due respect to the collar button
it will reciprocate.
Not for Herl
"With one wave of my wand," says
the fairy, "I can inalie you grow yonnp
"Excuse me." replies the woman, "II
I decline your kind offer. If you can
bring youth to me at my present age
all right; but I positively refuse tc
travel back through pyrography, the
first stage of bridge, the habit back
the straight front, balloon sleeves anu
all the rest of the fads 1 can reuiem
be:." Life.
Observant New Yorker Noted the Dif
ferent Pronunciations of Singer
in the Choir.
"In so cosmopolitan a city as this."
began a man who was on his way
from a choral service at one of the
New York churches, "I fancy a choir
master's duties are doubly hard."
"How so?" asked his companion,
who, though loss-' observing, had sat
through tho same service.
"Because of tho various pronuncla
tlons of the members of the choir. To
day I heard distinctly four different
methods of pronouncing tho word
mercy. It took me some time to fig
uro them all out, but I happened to
know tho line 'Ird, have raercy upon
us,' etc. There were some who said
'molcy,' and they seemed to be In tha
majority; others ang 'murcy' with all
the b-rr to the r that they could get
In; still there was some one, a so
prano who pronounced It as if It were
spelled with a double e, 'meercy.' and
some one gave It a French finish and
I said 'mercay.' Now I don't doubt that
! choir master has worked over those
I people in his effort to get a uniform
pronunciation, but so far, at least to
I mv nerhnns too critical ear. he has
failed to do'so."
"Now," said the distinguished rep
resentative, "wo have arranged the
tariff precisely as It should be and all
you have to do Is to say 'Amen.'"
"No," answered tho distinguished sen
ator, "not 'amen;' 'amend.'"
Tha Young Idea.
"Ma," said a newspaper man's son,
"I know why editors call themselves
'we,'" "Why?" "So's the man that
doesn't like the article will think there
are too many people for him U
tackle." ChrlsUan Work and Eraa-gollst.
That Wireless Signal.
The family circle was discussing tin
Republic cllsnster and the now famous
"C Q D" signal sent out by Jack Illnns
that carried to the world the fateful
".Say, pa, wj,at does that '(1 Q D"
reiilly mean?" askcj the youngest
i'a continued reading.
"Aw. I know what It means," spokw
np the elder brother. "It's this: 'Come
Quick, We're Drowning!'"
uvi vljij uiivvj a vi
Women, Boys
and Girls
Owing to the beautiful
lines ard proportions of
Sorosis Models and the su
perior quality of leathers and construction, Sorosis
Shoes forcibly commend themselves to women of fash
ionable requirements. Their correctness in shape and
leathers is assured from season to season by the fact
that Sorosis Style Creators studiously follow the de
mands of fashion and suggestions and ideas of patrer.s.
i staple Sorosis
f Sorosis Specials
Rather Slow.
"She is reei ivlng attentions f:ir.i a
TO'iii"-; lawyer mid tils.) I'oi.i a young
dor" or."
"Which Is ::iic.d?"
"They're both somewhat backward.
'!.. lawyer ;': merely hypothetical
Sorosis Shoe Store
203 So. 15 h St.
Frai.k V.'il 'ox, .V:;r. Omaha.
t U U lA
fJU- S
ItUs and I he
her buiid to
d ictoi ii'!y s 'eiiis Ui
take Uvr pulso."
" V
' V