Not ce to Creditors. Want Column ( ss. In County CYurt. j e;ar if Zoiah Wiii ur Cole. J Slav 1 1 N rayka. Cu'.'lt', of I In lK rti-t'tfr 'f 'I t li'H'HSl 'All t'lf AJltlllSlMi lil-T '? !.!!. !fU tVen'y J nlv I t km C .titi-y. , :.-' a. ut Coun'y iVvrt wit n i iwv'h. r f4i I C-mty. fi th Sift y of V. ! 1 " i. u-vl on 1-1 my of r. 1 0 . u !'.' I ji'.iv A.M. J. lor tV i uti.- ut r. Had DEVOTION TO RULER COVER UP DEFECTS KOREANS SHOW HIGH DEGREE OF PATRIOTISM. REASON FCR CLCTKINC THE MAN FCRM DIVINE. HU- WANTED. WANTLU-Trtt worthy n,an or woman in i-ai-h county t advertise, receive orlers find manage business for New York Mai! Order House. .?H.'.m' weekly; position permanent; no in vestment required, i'reviom exper ienee not essentid to tr.Kne;infr. Spare time valuable. Enclose self ad dressed envelope for full particulars. A Idress, Clarke Co., Wholesale Dept., lOi Park Ave.. New York. S-10 i I t.'ntinb: xhr.r i.t t-.u'-m nioi.n. n.lj jcOifrt , at1.! Hl'.r.vani- S t iti" 't)n ar- n'luv ei fur e cp-ilN m i f .'ii fN-TfiK.ii to it -nt Unr ciJtifM-. i.'k win tv,i the Ailnun.'ru'.iir urttle il t-.". i.vrn '.h il-t day ..f M:iv. : .1. j W'tnriv 1 an. I ami ! of ed IVnn'y ' urt at IVat'-'nuutl.. Ncl.iu.-ka. I .uy i.. Arr.l. 1..'. At. 1. 1 N J. Hi IVKS. 37-3 l.5t:Al l an y Ja Itfe. Decided Freely to Give Their Lives to Warn Eirperor cf What They Considered Grave Danger. WANTED -Younjr men and women to Jill positions paying $'.00 to $2(KW per ai.num. Big demand for stenograph er in the Government service, as well as in private business life. Our new method of teaching shorthand by mail insures as thorough and practical a training at your own home as is obtainable by personal attend ance at any business college in the country. We guarantee success. Complete course for small cash pay mint; balance, to be paid when you Kecure a position. Trial lesson free. Central Liusines Institute, Central Building, Washington, D. C. SALESMAN-Best commission oileron earth. New-all retailers samples, coat pocket. Reliable, Iowa City, Iowa. 09 Sheriff's Sa'. TU-virtue of !in 'r l' rfk.V i: 1 ly .lami f IN.ti'itMin c! i .i .f O.t? I) .-tru 1 t'ojrt w'.-tin urd . r IV. roun'y. N'.t ':a. fc:t.l v ::i -jti.;.ti ! w;!l n the 4-li ilnv i Jul." A. I. !''! at U' ..'cKk's A. M. f u il i! iv a! IV .. th I'tn.i i.f the Cour ili u-c .i ai' i i . r y . m il i.t i-uhe autftion tu t he h-h st t .tl.itT f.-r cai h f' r(? ril i stall' ttt.-a luurty. FOUND. FOR SALE 10 acres, 2 miles south of town with good 3 room house 20x24 and kitchen 12x16. 3 acres of apple, peach and cherry orchard. 7 acres timber. Can all be plowed except 3 acres which is good pasture with tun ning water. All fenced. Will take in exchange a piece of town property consisting of a 3 or 4 room nouse with from' 2 or 3 lots to an acre or two. See J. E. Barwkk in the Dovey Block. SM ti wit: Lit' ruiT.. r'"t luur ,.! in '.i f vinaK il Slurtay N'Ha...a. The saine he re . un i.nj ta! n as the r n ertv of 1 a K. W'l- n ani! Mhs-rt Ivu'-en. de f n ii'.t'tii to nt:fy a tij'lvt.ieM of au x court re covt'i hv 1'itr I'mnjiiifil. Ailrninift ra'i.r nf the estule tiian I.. ('uni t' II. 'if-'eat .!amtirl airainnt snid fiMendaiits. t'la.-m'.ulh Ni-b . Muy lUlh. A U. l'.. ('. l i.riNTi-N. &.J S'ni,t:iTC.''?'onty. M-hru. ka. License Notice. Not ce of u;i'lation uf Oeo. G. Will i ;nson fut lir.'Jor I ci rie n.;. . (,Tti v rive"tha Wo '"J 'A ' Ihi: wtron hi-l'.'h (lav i.f May. bl t.l'd I i'i v-'r:iin with the Viliaa." i."!ei k "f li. i ass t'u'in'. Ne- hraskn, a r" iiiirtd tiy the t.i'ii'ts if Xf,- State i .'f .'i hrasl'n, and l'-i t:diriinees of the 'iriij;e of Mi.'ilwli tiru itK fi r a l;'et:-e to sell rial' jiiritows anl vinous li'iu'.rs in the htii'i! nk- liK-atl in lot 3. llii.' 1'. M'lnlnck. N'. lra-I.a. f'r the J liscsl yhr en.l'n- .Vay V.i'.n Ar.v;etnin 'thereto mutt t- :'lel v:th the Viliige tk-tK no late- than Mr-1 J7. '.' H. UalHat Murduik. -Nel.rasV. A;.r l. 1 '. l!"9. Cl.o tj. Wm.1k.mmin. S-G Ari'licant Legiil Notice Stuterf Nehraska. - , c , c Cass County. 1 In the mat'er of the estate of And:ew H. Taylcr. lit-cad. To all i ergons ititerestnl: Yoa a-e herehy nrt.t ed that a hea15' tr w 1! he had at 'he County C oar Ko.;m in the Cm t Hoas at I'latl.nw.uth, Nelrat.l:a. on the ''hra, o. Jute A. I), lwft. upon the refert anil ;e;:'iim for ti'ial settlement in the uhove e.-t'i'e l.liil hy the adrninisi ratrix: a:d heuiintr t. : at nii.i o's'lwk A. M.. Vfore w hirli dayunJ iojr nil h jectiens to nidrepmt ut; 1 tiet.tion r'"i-' t'.IW. UVRliS C'i.akk, AIM'S J. B :s v. Att'Tiev. C'oi.lily Judyr. !m:ai. THE PLATTSMOUTH HOTEL P. F. GOOS. Prop. .j..x:x:-wtx'X"!":'-:-K' HAS A FEHSISTZi.T H30DCO. Mr. Oliver J. Gctlirftcn Gives Faint Outline cf the Troubles That Pursue Him. BAILEY & MACH THE DENTISTS Latest roil"CM ni.h-Grin Drtitl try BfJiot bit Price. Hri-"iuiDprd lirntal Of flcr litht Middle Writ. Pteiai oicount to cit vit'TOe. M rioor I niton H.k . Kti. ft 'nrnm. OMAHA, KEB. A. L. TIDD LAWYER References: Bank of Eagle, Eagle. Nehawka Bank, Nehawka. Bank of Murdock. Murdock. FirFt Nat'l bHnk, Greenwood. State bank of Murray. Murray. First Nat'l bank, Plattsmouth. C. I. MlRSHtll, D. D. S. ..Graduate Dentist.. Prices Reasonable All Work Guaranteed Twenty-six Years' Experience Oilice in Fitzgerald Block "I den't know why it Is." said Mr. Goslinjiton, " when I travel I al ways stem to pet the worst of it in some way; if there's anything poing that isn't pleasant it tonics to me. "Yesterday 1 ninde a little trip to a place about filly miles from the city. Wi"i-!X:"H"J y. i f T f I IMONROE! Second hand goods of all descriptions. Sewing machines, washing ma chines iind wrirgers re paired. All kinds of stool repairs. Store on Oth st. opposite postoflice. MONROE 1 went to the station early to get a seat by a window. I managed that all right; I pot a window seat and just where I wanted, not at the end of the car, but about, two-thirds back from the front, where 1 would ride easy and at the same time have homeihlng to look at ahead, and ol couree that all pleased nie very much. "At the first station out there got aboard the car at the forward end seven men, a very assorted lot ol men, some tall, same short, some thick, some thin, and among theia one man of phenomenal proportions, a giant of a man, with legs slicking out heneath and a head projecting up on top, and tlH'n I watched with (earful Interest the procession as It started down tho cur, for 1 was seized wlih a mortal terror that the big man would went to s;t with r.:e. Keally he ought not to, for I sat two-thirds of the way down the car and there were plenty of vacant seats ahead; hut you never ran tell about a thing till it's settled. "I watched that procession coming with a great and fearful nwerest. the big man bringing up the rear, and then with increasing hopefulness I saw It dwindle as one ine-mber after another of it dropped out to take the first seat he came to, until nil were seated except the Riant, who was left alone still four rows In front of me and with three vacant seats In those four rows to choose from, and then my hope ran high, but he kept a-oom-ing and passed them all until he came to mine, where he halted. "is this seat taken?" he said to me, and what could I say hut: " 'No, sir,' and then he sat down, sitting partly on that vacant place In the seat and partly on Oliver J. Cos llngton. "So I drew tho fat man after all; but thinss live that liappen to me whenever I travel." Put of Korea comes a story of the i fanniifiil divoticn shown to the shad ! ew emperor cf the land ! v those ef ! his subjects who still n sent the rule of the Ja; ai:i se and view i sudi u.ove ! of their virtual masters with -Sep suspicion. I:i ti ls Instance several pa 'Mots were willing to It I themselves ! lie t un over by a railroad; If only ! his majesty lulght he warned by their t death that he was flylag into '.he tra.i set for his fu t by Prlne" Ho. A mt .nth ago the emperor announced that l.e was geltig to leave Seoul and take a trip to Fusan, the most j easterly city f Ihe peninsula and whol'.y a Japanese settlement. - This ' was an nnpreet dented thing for the i pir.pi ror to do, since for rountb ss gen- j oratli-ns Korean Kints and emperors had In en i m tent to sit in the ball of cnm;itulMii ns In the Mulberry pa'ace ! nt Seen! rtiul let subj' cti from other l r:!s ef the land come to them to pny luiiiai.-e. In spite the protests 'f the! patriots Prince lu who wa engineer- ing ti e trip, ruled and the emperor set ; nut fiver ti"' Seoul Fusnn railway to j visit the si a; tirt at Ihe other terminal. I It beta me known by the Koreans' along the route that the Japanese bat tleship Azirna was to anchor In tho ' harbor of Furan and that a j art of the welcoming c( n monies that were to I occur in Fnsan was to be a luncheon to the empiror on board the ship, i Immediately the rumor grew to the cor.vlctli.n (hat as soon as Prince Ito j hi.d the t r.iperor snMy on the Azunia's deck anchor would be hoisted and the i laft of tin line of Korean rulers would ; It? wlils'.-.ed off to Japan, there to die ! In n dungeon. Perhaps (he simple Koreans had some justification for believing that the crafty resident ire'ieral would llko to execute a coup like that; certainly the hand of the Japanese had made such startling moves on the Imperial ch'ss hoard at Seoul that even a du plication of the murder that was done In the Mulberry palace some years ago at the instance of a Japanese minister would not seem Improbable to the Ko reans. At any rate the emperor bad his luncheon on board the battleship In Fusan harbor and was put safely back on his own territory a-aln. During the course of the luncheon Prince Ito made conversation by telling the pup pet ruler that he had learned that at. Taiku, one of tho large towns on tho line of the railway, a parly of pa triots, convinced that the emperor was going to his doom, had determined to lay themselves on the rails as his train approached the station. They believfd that by this act of sacrifice (heir monarch might be made to see that he was approaching Immediate daiiRer. The patriots had been dissuaded by a very material Japanese policeman. In Memcry cf Old New England graveyards ara not the only ones which contain cu rious epitaphs. The old-time dweller ef Maine who "died of a falling tree," as his headstone asserts, hud a fellow In misfortune In far-off Australia, as Is r.hown by W. A. UnillleGrohnian's "The Tyrol and the Tyrolese." A wooden slab, painted with the rep. resentatloii of a prostrate tree under which lies a man In spread eagle atti tude, bears testimony to the violent death of "Johann I.eniberger, aged f)2i years. This upright and virtu ous youth was squashed by a falling tree." The record of Michael Gerstner Is even more succinct and convincing. Ho "Climbed up, fell down, and was dead." i Youth's Companion. Acccrdirg to Writer in London Peri odical. Vanity Is Rctpcrsibie fcr Carr.cnts Prescribed by Preset. t Fashion. It w.;s t'.-e opinion ef (Vt.uvayo, a noble African monarch who ilispised all garments, thai w look to clu'tilio', to kci'ii ou;-m1v s eh an, because we were loo l;.zy to Wi.rh ours-dves. This howp.vr. w::s an errr on his. majesty's part. Tb. hlmple fact is that we mh'pt d elothes b:i an-t we wete r.s.ja .ed of our a; piaiaimo, says a writer In Loudon I '.ivs. To bti:!n with, leg coverings were lnvei.ted to corneal bony knees and shapeless caUis. Pouts were artfully divlttd to curtain off uidy f-et from the uhlie gaze and silence loud jeers. Th.' bi.t. It is e;;sy to see, was the era ft invention of seme frivolous pat'l.'.nh with a bald head, who was ur.xioes to hide It in order that he coul I cut a youthful llguie with the ladies. Gloves were devised by pretentious women of the lower middle class In Merc uhineuia. who wanted to pose as g, ;itl. '.i!li. Having to do their own housework, they bit upon this ingeni ous plan of coverlrg the redness and roughness of their hands. Thus they were able to cut a dash and delude so ciety lirn ihe belief that they kept servants. Ileire the name "kid' gloves. Sinks derived their name originally from shocks, as describing the eff ct frequently produced on the mind by the spectacle of feet in their naked size and simplicity. Shirts, and, after them, doublets and coats, were icsourcess to cover pigeon bre.vsts, hollow chests and curved spines. The collar Is a development of the silken scarf or bandage, first worn by that hideous old porcupine. Unmeses I., nharaoh of L'gypt, to con ceal a boll on his neck. Con. Ing to the face, we find the veil. This was Int induced owing to the annoyance occasioned to King Ptolemy by the countenance of one of his ladies. She developed a squint, and one day the king, being uncertain whether she was eyeing bltn or not, shouted furiously: "Cover that wom an's face:" The offensive countenance was instantly obscured by a window curtain torn down by a resourceful courtier. And thus veils for ob jectionable laces rapidly became pop ular. Now, we have been told, and are constantly being told again, hy count less scientists, that In strrn:;th and beauty we are a deteriorating race. Our forefathers and mothers had j their little Haws in figure, but, com I pared with us. they were perfect ! Vniuses and Adonises, A high authority says that "scarce I ly oije man In a hundred Is properly j proportioned, and most women would : be shapeless without the cunning i curves of their stays." Another stern ! authority says: "We are a physically degenerate people, round shouldered, j sunken lolaed, narrow chested, crook j ed ribbed, splay footed, knock kneed, I short winded and weak backed." j So, on the whole, clothes are not ; only desliable, but Indispensable. To j cast them off and permit an astonished i universe to see us as we really are I would be a great mistake. t f V V V ? ? V V f r V ? V Gasoline Stoves. V 2 burner Juniors 2.50 and up. 3 " " S3.75 and up. Detroit self-generating Gasoline stoves SI 0.50 and up. 1 burner Oven. . ..SI. 50 and up. ' " -$1.75 and up. Remember we have a complete line and all styles. Call and see them. JOflN BAUJE.R. f t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t f Y Y I'M:mImmK Defense of Canned Products. That foods properly canned do not deteriorate with age was n statement made at a dinner of canners In Chica go a few days ago. "Suppose a custom er desired a can of corn on February 22, 1920," said one of the speakers, Prescription work fierir.g's & Co. a specialty ut Notice to Creditors. In County Court. . us. State of Nehra-'ka, County of faun. I In themn'teruf ttm cftntc nf Jnuien H. Cnthey. ileeeiiKl. Notire i hereliy iriven that the creditors of said ! deeeail will meet the Administrator of Kind estate, hefore nie. County JihIki- nf Ca.-is Coiioty, ! Ni hriukn. at the County Court rco- in Plaits- , mouth, Hi said County, on the 24th ilnv nf May, ' l.f'i, and on 'he L'lthdny of November, l'"1, at ill ' o'elo k A. M eni-h day fur the inrinsi. of pre-s.-ntinit their claim for i'iuninal ion. niljiint'n'.n; and allowance. I Six months nreullie'ed forth" cr.xlilors of .aid del eased to tirei.i nt their claims, anil one your fur th" Administrator t.i settle mid estale, frum the ! :;th dn of May, I w itness my nan.i nn.i cai ol ;'at. voun'y I our at t'la'tJiiMiilh, I '. i.rMl this 1 duvf Airil, .M.t.i-.N .1 iiri'is, t' j-jiler l Retains Health by Fasting. . To prove that complete abstinence from food for indefinite periods Is not only conducive to good health but also to perennial youth, Miss Claire do Serval, niece of the famous "fasting" Dr. Tanner, Is submitting herself to a remarkable series of experiments nt tho Royal Charlte hospital in Berlin. Miss Serval ended at noon Ihe other day In perfect health a fast of ten days, without nourishment of kind, either liquid or solid. During ! that time she lived in a glass cage, : Into which fresh air was pumped hy 1 a motor. She was then removed from 1 the cage and placed in the ordinary ward, but she Intends to abstain from ; food for another 20 days, living in tho meantime on mineral water. Her weight has dec reased from 114 pounds to 101 pounds, hut her condition other wise Is perfectly normal. She stated, at the end of the tenth day, that she ' tuner once felt ill from lack of food and drink, and was entirely free from fover or headache. The young lady says that she was Induc ed to beeoite ; a "faster" in order to cure herself of I rhrotile headaches and lack of appe tite, and also bec:iu;'o she finds she emerges rejuvenated after a in riod of self Imposed starvation. "and was given corn canned In 190!).: It would he rejected with a demand j for 'something fresher,' and, although j the 1909 article would he found ns fresh as that of 1920 It would be lost At a recent banquet In London canned fruit taken from the ruins of Pompeii was found to h fresh and fine. There should be n law to compel the canning of all products In such a manner that they would keep for ages." Hungry Thespians. j They looked like actors, or rather I they looked as If they would have ! been actors If some manager with ' more than the usual discernment would I recognize their ability and give them a job, says "The Stroller" In the Port land (Me.) Kxp.ress. Just now they were staring through the window of a popular-priced restaurant In Congress street absorbed in Ihe unerring ac curacy of the chef as the gi Iddle cakes were flipped Into the air by him, only to fall gracefully back Into tho grease mark they had Just quitted. The tall man Jingled some keys In his pocket and the little one pulled bis belt an other notch. "Lord!" said the big one; "I'm hun gry enough to eat my own words." "I'm In Just ns bail," complained tho little one. "I feel ns though I could bolt a front door." Telegraph Letters. A novelty In correspondence, re cently Inaugurated by the French post any I ofllce department, has met with surf. niccess that it might be tried nil over the world. This is the telegraphic letter. The hours between 9 p. m. and 4 a. in. are not busy ones for the French telegraphic lines. So the postal iiithoritles decided to turn these hours to some use. Therefore, If one misses the post for n provincial town in France to-day one can at the rate of MO words for 20 cents have the letter telegraphed and delivered by the first post next morning. The scheme Is very simple and Is working admirably In Pails. Figures on Drink Question. Speaking before the Church of Eng land Temperance society recently the bishop of London said Mint, as the re sult of an Inquiry regarding the drink evil. 15 doctors stated that In the middle class there was a decreaso of! drinking, In fashionable practice ; spoke of the Increase among the well- j to-do, and 9! of the Increase among j working women. At the request of tho home office 21! London public houses j were watched for four days, and .'!!), ! f.40 women, with 10,471 children, en-1 tered. The chief rauuo. said the bishop, of drinking among the wi 11 to-; do was want of occupation ; among the poorer classes It was overwork and ovcrworry. American Horses for Srazil. I James H. K'ene ami J. H. Ilaggln1 recently sold In Aires T." thor oughbreds from their radtm and breed ing farms In the fnl'ed Suit's. 'Ihe sales were only fairly successful be cause Anieilean bosses wmo previous ly unknown then; Quantity. "Don't you admire the l.h- hats that women are wearing?'' "Well," answered Me. M must say lln y look more m m y's woiM,." at the ekton, "i lie tho "nut,' Itles at the Top. lit v of room mora'!','.' r. lei 'i;ie, if,' demoralizer, iere al'.il s wMi !"' Utiles:; facll- i ir yetting theve are Improved," Room "There Is pi tip," quoted lln ESTABLISHED 1871 The First National Bank of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. SAFE, SOUND AND CONSERVATIVE Careful Attention Prompt Service Reasonable Terms GnoKGK E. Dovey, President. Fkank E. Sciilatek, Vice Pres. Hoiiatio N. Dovey, Cashier. Carl G. Fuicke, Ass't. Cashier. V ? ? ? ? ? ? Y ? ? ? ? t ? ? ? Y ? Y Y ? Y t V t ? Y Y Y ? ? Y Y Y ? Y Y Y Y Y ? ? Y Y Y Y Y Y X Furnishings and Work Clollics FOR KV.EN It may be that you do not know we carrv a full line of Overalls, Shirts, Jackets, Cloves, Underwear, Sox, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, etc., suitable for every man. Work Shirts, all sizes and colors 40c and 50c Men's Overalls without bib GOc, (0c, 85c " Overalls with bib GOc, 75c, 85c, lX)c, $1.00 " Jackets 50c, COc, 85c, $1.00 " Cotton Flannel Gloves, 3 pair 25c " Leather Cloves at per pair. . . 50c, 75c, $1.00 " Underwear, per garment.' 25c and 50c " Union Suits, per suit $1.00 and $1.25 " Mixed Sox, per pair 8c and 10c " Fine Cotton Sox, brown, black and fancy at per pair 10c, 121c, 15c, 25c, 35c " Suspenders, at per pair 25c and 50c . " Red and Blue Handkerchiefs at 5c and 8k " All White or White with Colorul Border each at 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c Boy's Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Gloves, Under wear and Handkerchiefs. GROCERY SPECIALS No. 1. We are headquarters for Butler and Evgs for we receive more and better quality than any store. Let us add your name to our already larKe list of cus tomers that get their butter and ew:s every week from us. Market price always. No. 2. We are headquarters for all kinds of Cheese, American full crcam.Brick and Limburpr, 20c lb. Sap Sago 10c, Lunchen l.'c, Imported Swiss -lOc. No. 3. We are headquarters for vegetables, fresh every day, Strawberries, Cucumbers, fresh Beans, Rubarh, Green Onions, Tomatoes, Lettuce, Radishes, Cabbage, etc. No. J. We always have on hand a nice line of fresh Oranges, l.'c, 25c, 35c, 45c, per dozen. Bananas, 20c a dozen. Pine Apples, 10c and 15c each. We Want to Talk Quality Not Quantity. Plattsmouth L Nebraska. V f ? V V T t ? ? ? Y V ? ? ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T r ? ? ? t ? ? ? Y f ? ? T t ? ? ? ? Y T ? Y t t ? ? ? ? f ? ? Y t ? ? : t Y ? Y t ? ? Y Y ? : t t t ? ? Y Y Y ? ? ? V v t Y ? ? ? ? ? Y