1 Absolutely Pure Grapes giva tha active principle, rg?'2 and heallhf ulnesj, to yibsotuuty Pure Insures wholesome and dell- cious food for every day in every home 4 No Phoiphatei No Alum I Advertising is a necessity in a sue-' Here it has been two months and ' ccssfully conducted business just as : Congressman Maguire has not yet built ! much as tea, coffee and sugar are ! the I'lattsmouth post-office. Has any-i necessities in the housetold. It is uni- body heard of Maguir fi::ee he proin. ; versally attested that newspaper ad- ised not to vote for Cannon if elected. vertising is the best kind of advertis- Weeping Water Repuvjli -an. inn. With the publisher of a legitimate j ! newspaper the spare he has for Kale is ; "WjH CllTG just the same as the shoe merchant's 1 ' stock of shoes, the dry goods nier j chant's stock of goods, the clothing merchant's stock of clothing. The space in the newspaper is for saie. It is like a tract of land that is for sale, it needs cultivation. When a business man buys sp-iee in a newspaper and presents his copy for his ad and then i Take your sour atomaeh-nr mv leaves the same ad stand for weeks j you call it Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Gas and weeks he does not derive much trit'!) f Catarrh of Stomach; it doesn't 10 n j 1 at Indigestion! i The News-Herald PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. j Entered at tho postollice al 1'lBtt'mnutli, Cam ! County, Nebraska, iw aecuml-cluns mail mutter. OFFICIAL PAPER OK CASS COUNTY A. L. TIDl) Editor. R. 0. WATTERS Manner ! RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION Dm Tear In Advance U.M b afontha 75 I'lattsmouth No. 85 Nebraska No. 85 TO OUR READERS. To the business public we desire to br) that this issue ends the fourth month of our management of the News- IIekai.d. During that time we have persistently revised the subscription list and have put it on a paying basis. We have cut oft" about 1500 and have added about 700 names. Our list at the present time is one of the largest in the county and is without question the most up to date. We have adopted up to date methods in handling all business. Our purpose is to push the subscription list until we shall number among our readers every live citizen in Cass county andhundreds in the surrounding country. Many of the local merchants have given us encouragement as well as busi ness, for which we feel very grateful. It is the policy of this paper to treat all advertisers exactly alike. Foreign advertisers are required to pay the same rates as local advertisers; this is not always true of country newspapers. If you are an advertiser, or desire to be come one, and we can be of any service to you in the preparation of your onKer tryinK "copy" we are yours to command. We solicit your patronage in the future. A. L. Tmo, Editor. R. O. Watters, Manager. TAFT FOLLOWS ROOSEVELT POLICIES. In spite of the fact that 1'resident Taft helped to develop the Roosevelt policies and that he made his campaign as a progressive candidate the oppon ents of the Roosevelt administration have sought in many ways to convey the idea that he was preparing to re verse himself and his predecessor. They have intimated that the differences to be expected were much more important than mere differences of method. A change in the forestry policy is by no means the only one predicted, and Gilford Pinchot's statement has the greater significance on that account. Pinchot replies to a rummor relating to his work with the full authority of the president. He says that the presi dent is in entire sympathy with the policy that has been adopted. Un doubtedly the gossip and insinuations generally have a weak a basis as the s.ory that is thus refuted. This clearly indicated both by the record and the character of the president. In the case In question he has deemed it advisable to authorize a statement Perhaps he may pursue the same course in other cases, but whether he does or not he is likely to sadly disappoint the men who are deceiving and delighting themselves with the dreams of the be trayal of a public trust. Chicago Record-Herald. benefit after the second issue of the paper. He is like the man who buys! tract of land and plants it to a crop, and does no more. If you have some thing for sale buy space and then make that space talk to the people and they'll buy. The New.s-Hekai.I) has advertis ing space for sale just the same as you have shoes, clothing, hardware, and groceries. Ifyou don't buy space don't complain if we sell our space to the ther fellow. We are in the business and we are going to sell. Now is your chance to buy just as you have had a chance for four months. This papir djes not ask you for any charity -it is a plain business proposition. If you don't know how to make the space you pur chase valuable, we do, and we stand The Union Ledger is twenty years old. : ? The plucky man is usually a lucky man. Every man is the architect of his own fortune. There is no failure except in no AN I'NTRIEI) crackei nut. friend is like an un A MAN may have a good opinion of j himself and yet be a poor judge of Every dog has his day; the kind of j human nature. day depends upon the sort of dog. All Distress From Stomach and Indigestion Vanishes In Five Minutes. I matter-take your stomach trouble right with you to your Pharmacist and ask him to open a "0-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin and let you eat one 22-grain Triangule and see if within five minutes there is left any trace of your stomach misery The correct name for your trouble is Food Fermentation-food souring; the Digestive organs become weak, there is lack of gastric juice; your food is only half digested, and you become af fected with loss of appetite, pressure and fullness after eating, vomiting, nausea, heartburn, gripping in bowels, tenderness in the pit of stomach, bad taste in mouth, constipation, pain in limbs, sleeplessness, belching of gas, biliousness, sick headache, nervousness, dizziness and many other similar symptoms. If your appetite is fickle, and nothing tempts you, or you belch gas or if you ready to help you make the space you fecl bloated after eating, oi your food 1 lies like a lump of lead on your stom-1 ach, you can make up your mind that i at the bottom of all this there is but j one cause-fermentation of undigested food. j pay for earn money for you. It all lepends on how you use your space. An ad" writer is a skilled artisan, and commands high wages. Our advertis ing space is the same price to all. x V t t Y t f Y Y Y t Y Y Y t t BEARSKIN HOSE TAKES the LEAD FOR GIRLSand'BOYS 'mfodby PARAMOUNT KNITTING CO ICMICAGO' Just received a case of this popular Hose. We guarantee them to wear better than any hose you ever bought at any price onty jCj per pair JL3L A fine ribbes Hose at the same price per pair The popular Ox-Blood Hose in ladies' and children. 15c Ok the five senses, common sense and a sense of humor are the rarest. Ik you want push, don't ride and drag your feet, and thus hinder the progress of your town. -Union Ledger. When a man or a woman who may be pressed by poverty or moved by just common, low down cupidity steals a suit of clothes or a gown, his or her name is mightv certain to get into the newspaper. Are the names of the prominent society leaders" in New York who are mixed up with the big smuggling scandal to be made public? nd if not, why not? By this criminal evasion of duties on Paris finery for rich and fashionable women in New York the government has been swindled out of 15 million dollars annually. Can thievery on such a colossal scale as that be covered up, even to shield families of the promi nence which vast fortunes give to peo ple in New York? Is there one law in this country for the man or tbe woman who steals a suit of c lothes or a gown and another law for social leaders who encourage a:id patronize syndicated smuggling? Now is the time to find out whether such discriminations in the administra tion of the law are to be tolerated by the government. Is there to be publicity and punishment for common crimes of need, and secrecy and protection for crimes of greed? The metropolitan press of New York will be watched with considerable in terest for a time. Will they make public the names of the criminals? Here is a chance for William Randolph Hearst to render a great service to the country. Will he do it? Prove to yourself, after your next : meal, that your stomach is as good as! any; that there is nothing really wrong. ' Stop this fermentation and begin eat ing what you want without fear of dis comfort or misery. Almost instant relief is waiting for 1 you. It is merely a matter of how ' soon you take a little Diapepsin. Tuesday Sheriff Quinton brought i John Donohue in from N'.-hawka on a . charge insanity, and at the hearing! yesterday the insanity board fount! the ! unfortunate mar. to be insane. He is a I resident of Iowa. t t Sun Bonnets Just unpacked our new Sun Bonnets. Chil dren's Misses and Ladies',all colors,plain, trimmed, 15c, 25c. Carpel Warp We have a full line of Carpet Warp for those that want to make a rag carpet this spring. We only sell the best grade, Plattsmouth Pil lows, Nebraska Pillows. We will have on dis play several of these pillows already worked and finished. You will be surprised as we TA have never seen anything as nice. Each 3UL WU La iaB aTMB Drv Goocs And Groceries. Old Papers For Sals at This Office t Y Y Y E. G. DOVE SON I ' THE only one braver than the hero who fears not ridicule, is he who fears it, yet faces it in a good cause. A man who wastes his time bragging about his ancestors isn't going to give his descendants much chance to brag about theirs. Fuk four months past there seemed to be no one locally in the market for 'apace for advertising shoes for sale. We felt confident that the people in this section of the wide world were not I going without shoes. We want our readers to be informed in all lines. We shall offer two splendid shoe uds Mon day and call your attention to them. The weakling lives in his memory of yesterday, the sluggard in his hope of tomorrow, but there is only one day in the calendar of w isdom, and that is the present. It is very early to start the ball rolling, but there seems to be a sort of buzzing heard while in the vicinity of Surveyor E. E. Hilton. It is just pos sible that he is looking forward with covetous eyes on the office of register of deeds. Now if he sets his pins right and his chain is accurate, it may be that if he can find the right corner stone for starting he may land in the olllce. In case he should-but never mind we won't grieve over the loss of a county surveyor until we hear from Schneider's friends. Weeping Water Republican. The way to build un a town is to build it. Every fellow should do some building. Nicely kept lawns and newlv " painted houses add much to the attrac- The other day at Onmha, Mrs. tiveness of a city. It gives things the Lillian M. H. Stevens, national presi- j appearance of thrift, comfort and hap dent of the W. C. T. U., announced ! pines. If every family in the lity of that Nebraska is to be the next battle I'lattsmouth will clean up all of the ground in the general campaign for j trash" which has accumulated about his prohibition. MrsT Stevens said Onmha place, will smooth up the rough points .was chosen as the convention city of j hording on his lot, and will spend a th national organization for this your j half dozen evening adding to the ap Drincioa'lv on the erouiui that cond -; iterances of his nronertv in lesa thnn , . -ra tions Is this state are regarded as ripe ; three months the value of real tytate ' as rapitlly a- possiltlo. (let in with the I t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y t t Y if If 1 v . U tl... 1 . 1 a. a 1 I. ! T Belding's Yard wide Guaranteed SATIN l&M ALL COLORS The News-Hkrai.d has tried in its! humble way to boost for this city. It shall continue to do so, but it is not run j for that purpose only. It is a business 1 as much as any other Imsiness. It is I being pushed and is grwing rapidly. I It is conducted on a business basis, and the business is extending. It is the purpose of the present management to We agree to replace without charge any BELDING-LINING- not giving satisfactory wear. Do you think we could afford to make this unqualified guarantee unless we knew that the BKLDING QUALITY of satin would stand any reasonable test? To meet the demands of this Spring's fashions, Itelding's "Yard wide" Guaranteed Satin is made up of that indispen sible soft "chiffon" finish and in all the fashionable shades. Belding's "Yardwide" Guaranteed Satin, $1 per yard While the weather is to chilly and uncomfortable to allow the stoves to be taken down and allow the annual house cleaning to be done, you should call in and look over our Carpets and Rugs, Linoleums and o'her floor coverings which you are going to need. Select what you want and hive the carpet made up or the rug laid aside for you until you need it. kaaVaa for tho submission of a prohibition amendment. The holding of the national convention in the metropolis next October is i itended ita the real openii g ! simple things it will n.it be long before will have increased twenty per. cent. A little paint will add another twenty push. A poi.lTH" as'x promises may sell percent. If each one will do these high ut the poll rxchange, while his of tho can:aigM. und tho full force of the W. C. T. U. will be centered in this State in the fall of l'.'K'. people will begin to talk about the beauty of the city. It is worth thous au(U of do hi s. performances par. in ntlice will be below Man never knows how hard life can he until he has lj-:t a snap. j i i E. G. OOVEY a SON IN X ' at A 2 V A f Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y "1 t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y