The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, April 29, 1909, Image 1

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JJL Ji.Ji uA
N fVS. F::il.:;.fH Nov. 5. I-.'l Apiilli. IS
CWolu!utl Jan. 1. 1
Carries Hancl-
Some Stock
Fanger's Dep:rt;r.ent Store in
This City is One of the
Bestir, the State.
The News-Herald does not believe
that the people generally of Platts
rmmth and vicinity appreciate some of
the stocks of merchandise carried by
Plattsmouth merchants. And we be
lieve that this is partly the fault of the
merchants themselves in not properly
advertising their goods. Our location
bo near the Omaha market and the lib
eral advertising done by merchants in
that city results in a considerable
amount of trade going to the metro
polis that should and could be retained
here. Many of our merchants can and
are underselling the Omaha houses
every day, and as soon as they can
convince the public of this fact just
that soon will we cease to hear the cry
against Omaha trading.
Notable among our merchants whq
undersell the Omaha stores is Mr.
Fanger of the Department Store. Mr.
Fanger handles, among other things,
the famous Wooltex and Sunshine gar
ments for women and thild.-en. These
poods have a national reputation and
are carried by the best stores of the
large eastern cities, and arj known to
be the acme of perfection. Mr. Fanger
carries a full line of them and his
prices are lower than are received by
Omaha houses. And it stands to reason
that he should sell them lower. His
rent is cheaper.his clerk hire is cheaper,
his taxe3 are lower and he is not re
quired to spend so much for advertb
irg. Mr. Fanger's stock is a credit to
the town and when our people come to
realize that they can buy the same gar
ments for less money we shall no longer
bj troubled by our people going out of
the city to do their shopping.
Prof. Davisson
Will Speak
E. Ii Wescott, secretary of the com
mercial club, has arranged with Prof.
A. E. Davisson, head of the agricultur
al college of the State University, to
deliver an address on "Alfalfa" at the
next regular meeting of the club w hich
will be held at Coates hall at 8 o'clock
Tuesday evening, May 13.
Mr. V. C. Hamilton, leader of the
band, has given assurance of some fine
band music. All who are interested in
growing or feeding alfalfa should be
present to hear this lecture as Prof.
Davisson is the best posted man in the
state on this subject. The farmers are
invited. The lecture is free. Be sure
to hear it.
New Bank Examiners.
Governor Shallenberger has appoint
ed a chief clerk of the state banking ;
Iward and seven examiners, but has j
not appointed a secretary for the board '
-a position that pays $3,000 a year. L. j
M. MielenZjOf Eagle, is to be chief I
clerk and George Faber of Blair is to
be assistant clerk, C. II. Beaumont, of
Wouldn'l You Ralher Have
a Hansen Glove Than
AnyOther Glove You
Ever Heard 01?
Of course you would. Every man that's ever worn
very many gloves feels that way about it. We have
the complete line here to show you. Every kind from
50c to the best $3 automobile gauntlet. Silk lined
driving gloves $1.50. Genuine buckskins $1.25.
0. E. Wescott'sSons
For dress wear we have the imported Perrins Glove.
Madrid, and l'. W. Erwin, of Omaha,
republican.!), were reappointed examin
ers. The others are Harry Dowling of
Grand Hand, Charley O'Malit-y of Om
aha, I,. 11. Tate of Omaha, Floyd Soy
bolt of Lincoln. E. H. I.ui'-.hart of Til
den. Mr. I.uiivhart was formerly county
treasurer examiner and was a can
didates lujt J'ali for the nomination for
state auditor at the democratic pri
maries The chief clerk is to receive a salary
of 51.5(h) a jear. No specific amount
is mentioned in the law for the as
sistant, but each examiner is to re
ceive $1.S(J') a year and traveling ex
penses. Lincoln Journal.
Accept our congratulations friend
Mielenz. Mr. Mielenz is one of the
bright, capable and industrious young
men of Cass county. He has held the
position of cashier of the Bank of
Eagle, and has a ho;t of friends in this
county, who are pleased to note his
Saloons Get
City Council Holdi Meeting and
Transacts Large Amount of
Routine Business.
The city council held its regular
meeting Mr. lay evening with all mem
bers present.
The license coinmi'.tee reported that
all applications ar.d bjnds for license
were in due form and recommended
that licenses be issued to P. F. Goo?,
Ed. Eger.berger, H. E. Hand. A.,
Ei. Doi at and J. E. McDaniels. Gor
ing Co. a:vl F. G. Fricke were also
granted druggists permits.
Upon, motion of Dwyer, the city will
purchase 15J feet of new fire hose. And
the city treasurer was ordered to make
a report at the next meeting of the
condition of the different city funds,
the amount issued for the fiscal year,
and the amount paid out from each.
Dwyer also inUoduced an ordinance
providing that garbage . must r.ot be
dumped within rods of the Burlington
station nor more than 50 feet from the
first running channel of the Missouri
Elects New Principal.
The board of education held a special
meeting Monday evening to electa new
principal to succeed Professor Brooks.
Professor Benjamin. Harrison, at pre
sent principal of the Ravenna High
School was selected to fill the vacancy.
Professor Harrison comes highly recom
mended as an educator, and the board
feels that a wise selection ha3 been
Birthday Party.
Last Monday evening the home of
Mr. ar.d Mrs. D. P. Jackson was the
scene of a very happy party, the occa
sion being the eighteenth birthday of
their daughter, Miss Bertha. The eve
ning was spent at various amusements,
after which delicious refreshments
were served. These attending were
Misses Lillian Thompson, Jennie Bat
ten, Cecil Hackenberry, Mattie Larson,
Ina Hatt, Hazel Tuey, Be39te Brendell
and Elizabeth Kerr.
Soennichsen's I
Innovation I
Ha an Ambition to Conduct the j
Beit Store in Plattsmouth. j
i i
I H. M. Soemiiehsen has decided that !
I he wants to handle a larger portion of j
the grocery trade of Plattsmouth and
- vicinity. He is well equipped to gratify
his ambition, having one of the best i
i stocks in this section of the state, has I
I ,t fi;J.-.l..,4 l,;., l. ...!,..
, v ii hi. -?pin vv t i, tua v il : i its ni e lirui ivuua
and obliging and he makes prompt de
liveries. In another part of this paper
Mr. Soennichsen makes a strong talk
for your grocery business. His an
nouncement contains a coupon which if
presented at his store any time Satur
day will be exchanged for a full pack
age of gold dust, the famous cleaning
preparation. There are no strings tied
to this proposition nor do you have to
spend a nickel in the store. Simply
cut out the coupon and bring-or send it
to the store and receive the gold dust
A Souvenir
Formal Opening of J. W. Larkin
& Co. Will be Held
J. W. Larkin & Co., successors to
W. C. Irwin & Co., have an announce
ment in this issue of the NkwsHerald
of a grand opening w hich will be held
nsxt Saturday, when every lady caller
will be presented with a handsome
Japanese fan. Mr. and Mrs. Larkin
take this plan of becoming acquainted
with our people and we feel sure that
the reponse will be generous and N that
m.ny will avail themselves of the op
portunity at that time of calling and
seeing one of the finest racket stocks
to be found in this section of the coun-
try. They also handle books, stationery,
i school sunnliea. etc' "" ---.
Good Roads
Make Business
In a late issue of the Farm Journal
appears trie paragraph below quoted:
"It seems incredible that there are
millions of sane men and women who
would rathe live a cramped and often
squalid and half staived life than to
live a w holesome and ample existence on
a few acres of their own in the country. ' '
"Massachusetts rigures that stone
roads can be kept in repair for $i0 a
mile per year. These Yankees always
seem to have more horse sense than
most other folks."
The number of people who would not
indorse the statement in the first par
agraph is so small as to be negligible
and the natural impulse of the man who
reads it is to look around for an oppor
tunity to acquire the necessary land.
There are tew who cannot do this.
The second paragraph fits a local
condition to a nicety. Ihcre is a stretch
of country on the Missouri River bank
between the t. B. & Q. bridge and
Rock Blufc that is admirably adapted
to raising all kinds of fruit trees and
garden truck. The chief object in the
way of the development of this tract is
its inaccessibility. For the people of
Plattsmouth to derive the benefits of
this most naturally tributary territory
they mttst aid in procuring the road to
tap it and it seems to be calling upon
them to do so for there is most excel
lent road material underlying it in the
shape of a limestone deposit easily
worked. If the money spent in ferries
and pontoon bridges to attract Iowa
trade had been expended in good roads
around and adjacent to the city we
should by this time have been reaping
some of the benefits.
If you doubt any of this, J. E. Bar
wick savs he knows how.
Anniversary Celebrated
The members of the local lodges of
the I. O. O. F. and the Rebekahs Mon
day evening celebrated the 90th anni
versary of the founding of Odd-fellowship
in America. Judge Bceson deliv
ered the address of the occasion. A
large attendance was present from both
orders. Refreshments were served and
an excellent social time was enjoyed by
all present.
Miss Anna P.'laum of Falls City I ns
been visiting several days in this city
with her sister, Mrs. S. C. Brccken-ridge.
Second Church ol Christ, Scientist.
Sunday school, 9:1." a. m.
l'i vine service at 11 a. m. Subject
'Everlasting Punishment."
Mid-week meeting Wednesday even
ing at S o'clock.
Cimivh is located on Sixth itreet,
two blo.-ks south of Main street. The
public w cordially invited to all services.
The reading room in the Coates block
is open ever Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday at It-moon from 2 until! 5
Decoration Day
Decoration Day comes on Sunday
this year and the G. A. R. will hold
their services on Saturday, May '), and
they invite all organizations of this city
to participate with them on this occa
sion. The graves will be decorated dur
ing the forenoon and services will be
held in the Opera house at 2:110 p. m.
The Memorial sermon will be preach
ed at the Presbyterian Church May 23,
by Rev. Salisbury and all soldiers of
any wars are earnestly requested to
attend. Committee,
Tiiomah W. Glenn,
J. H. Thrasher,
J. W. Johnson.
W. L. Pickett Returns
W. L. Pickett and wife returned Sun
day from a month's visit in Evansvillc,
Indiana. Mr. Pickett is much improved
in health and will resume his position
as agent for the Burlington the first of
the month.
Value of
Women's Clubs
Discussed by a Writer in
Ladies Home Journal.
In a goodly-sized town there are six
women's clubs, having a combined
membership of 214 of . what were,-1
was told, "the best women of the
town." These clubs, I was fnrther told,
were "a potent factor of the town."
They hold weekly or monthly meetings.
When I asked what was discussed at
these meetings I was told "the best in
literature, art, science and civics
particularly civics." These disscussions,
I was assured, "were most uplifting,"
and that through them the women's
club ha3 been productive "of the high
est good not oiily to the members but
to the town itself."
In a booklet issued by one of these
women's clubs the following paragraph
occurred: "Recognizing the past which
woman's influence can play in the up
lift of a community it has been the
special aim of the woman's club to
direct a large part of its work to the
uplift of our beautiful town until today
the conditions that surround us art
superior to those in the vast majority
of communities and make our lovely
town a model to the country!"
So I walked around the town for
days to see the things that been done
to make this town "a model to the
conntry," and these are some that I
All the windows in the eight school
buildings in the town were hermeti
cally sealed each day ten minute9 after
the pupils left, and not a crack in them
opened when the children assembled
the next morning; on Saturdays and
Sundays they were closed all day.
The most worthless quack "patent
medicines', -those that had again and
again been exposed in the public
prints-in every drug store in the town
and used by "four-fifths of the peo
ple," so the druggist told me, and, as I
found out, by the club women them
selves! The dirtiest and absolutely vilest
public drinking-cups I have ever seen
at public fountains, being constantly
used by both the filthiest corner loafers
and the loveliest children!
Stands outside of candy-stores, and
push-carts with candies, exposed to all
the dust that was Hying around the
streets and eagerly bought and eaten
by the children!
The worst looking billboards filled
with posters advertising plays, the
pictures of which would be enough to
condemn them to any decent com
munity, prevalent all over the town,
next to the schools, leading to the
public square, and in two cases noxtto,
or directly opposite, the ' leading"
churches of the town!
On the grt unds of the eight school
buildings there was not a wisp of grow
it g things, n:.d yet in the woeds of that
vicinity were to be hud the most beauti
ful Horn in America, easy to trans
plant. In one square I counted an assembly
of no fewer than nineteen children's
nurses gossiping with men, absolutely
oblivious to the doings of their charges;
some of the little children lying on
theie backs in their carriages with their
eyes in full glare of the sun; one child
with a filthy rat in his carriage; an
other child sprawling on the ground,
where he had fallen out of his car
riage! i Vandalism by children ran riot in the
town; it was a common complaint
among the residents that the town hail
"the worst children of any place for
miles around." And upon inquiry I
found that some of the "worst child
ren" belonged to the officers of the
six wemen's clubs. I saw one boy de
liberately tear up a most beautiful
flowering shrub, ana when I stopped
i him and asked him where his mother
was he answered that she was "spout
ing hot-air at n woman's meeting at
Mrs. J's." The humorous ami yet
pathetic side of this incident is
that the mother of this tender-spoken
young barbarian was a "wonderful
speaker on motherhood," as an admir
ing follow club-member told me after
wards! This woman was, by-the-way,
so impregnated with the spirit of
"motherhood" that, last Christmas,
she bought ready-made filled Christmas
stockings for each of her four children!
"They save you so much trouble,"
she explained, "and really, you know,
the children appreciated them just as
One afternoon, hearing that the
"leading woman's club was to hold its
"regular Thursday meeting,"! ventured
iu puuiuer in. ine suojeci announced
for the meeting was "The Modern Up
lift." The meeting had been railed
fcr three o'clock; I arrived at three
thirty. There were five small tables in
the room, and around them stt the
members of the "leading woman's
club" playing bridge for money! I was
apologetically told that the "real meet
ing" was over-so "The Modern Up
lift" must have been disposed of in
less that thirty mnrates, and, by the
watch, the women played bridge until
quarter-past six!
"Bridge," as a matter of fact, and
for high stakes, was rampant among
the women in that community; the
women were "bridge-mad," as some of
the husbands told me at the club, one
husband going so far as to tell me that
his wife had lost more than a hundred
dollars already that week, "and the
way she is playing," he added, "I
YOU'LL appreciate, when you
come to us the pleasure of do
ing business; we believe it can be
I I,M .W kf M.rt & m
rfnMlft fUiwirz yK! Uj I
guess she'll drop a hundred more."
This estimble woman happened to be
the president of one of the women's
clubs: a common gambler!
And these were some of the visible
results of the efforts of fix women's
clubs whose constant meetings had
been "productive of the highest good
tothe town," to say nothing of one of
of the clubs in particular whose efforts
had resulted (!) in making their town
"a model of the country."-From the
Ladies' Home Journal.
A Clubbing
The News-Herald has made club
bing arrangements with the Kansas
City Weekly Star, and to all new sub
scribers paying one year in advance for
the News-Herald the Kansas City
Weekly Star will be mailed ono year
free, also nil subscribers to the News
Hkkai.d who will pay up arrears, and
one year in advance, will be presented
with a complimentary subscription to
the Kansas City Star. The Star is
recognized thrcughout the Southwest
as one of the strongest weekly new
jiapers printed, and we feel that many
of our subscribers will tike advantage
of this offer.
Wedding Belli.
Yesterday at high noon at the home
of Prof, and Mrs. J. W. Gamble oc
curred the marriage of Miss Vesta D.
Eafon, daughter of Mra. Gamble, to
Mr. Herman L. Thomas. Dr. J. F.
Baird performed the ceremony in the
presence of the immediate relatives of
the contracting parties.
The bride is a very estimable young
lady and has n host of friends in thiB
county who wish them a long and hap
py life. The groom is a son of Dr. M.
L. Thomas, of Bartlett, la., but who
was formerly located at Union. The
yoi-ng man is intelligent, industrious
and ambitious. He is employed as tel
egraph operator at Ft. Crook, which
place will be their future home. The
News-Herald extends' to them" Its
good wishes.
W. K. Fox is in Omaha attending the
grand lodge meeting of the Royal Ar
canum. Gertrude Boyd has filed a suit in the
district court praying a divorce from
her husband. They were married Aug.,
21, 1907. She also asks to have her
maiden name restored, which was Ger -trude
made a pleasure; it
is to us. We get a
lot of real satisfac
tion in providing
our customers with clothes
as these; it's all a friendly
transaction; you can always
bring back what you don't
want; we don't want your
money if you don't want
our goods. Glad to have
you come in and try on
some of our one, two and
three button models, some
have regular pants some
medium pegs and others ex
treme peg tops. For the old
middle-aged and the young.
Shades all leaning toward
gray, a few browns, but
very few. We know you'll
be pleased if you see them.
Suits from
$7.50 to $39.00.
Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Manhattan Shirts, Stetson Hats.
S.oJ.sTnd working Totte.