The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, April 15, 1909, Image 5

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Ends Soon
Water Items
.J C'Tri-i.oniit lu-c.
Misery From Your D
0:1 th
t '" :nj ie H ib.-on has a!: m been
sick list, but is able ti be about
mms ft
Stomach Goes in r Minutes.,
You can r:it arvthi's: your stomach
rraves without fear of a ca-e of Indi
e;t" tion or Dvs;tpsia, or that your food
will ferment or svur on your stomach if
you will oi'rasi'.nhily take a little Ilia
pepsin after eating.
Your meals will taste tr;, and any
thing you eat will he digested; nothing
a;i ferment or turn into acid or poison
or stomach as, which causes Belching,
Dizziness, a feeling of fullness alter
eating, Xausea, Indigestion (like a
lu;n; of lead in stomach.) Biliousness,
Heartburn, Water brash, Pai:i in stoni
a -h and intestines or otlv.-r symptoms.
Headaches from the stomach are ab
solutely uiikr.own uherv this eil'ective
rer.iody is ttscd. Diapt-psin really does
all the work of n he-Uthy sio.-nach. It
digests your n-cil- whvn your stomach
caift. Each ti'i;!iH;l, will digest all
the food v( U c. !i cat a:-.d l"ave .'."tiling
to ferment or svjr.
(let a huge Zn-n ;.t case of rape's
Diapepsin from yv-ir druggist and s;art
taking today and by tomorrow you will
actually bras about your heal thy, strong
Stomach, for you then can cat anything
and everything you want without the
slightest discomfort or misery, and
every particle of impurity and (Jas that
is in your stomach and intestines is go
ing to be carried away without the use
of laxatives ot anv other assistance.
Old Reliable
Quaker Oats
i'crhaps in no line of foodstulfs fcas
there been a keener rivalry than in the
manufacture of breakfast foods. Every
grocery house in the land is out periodi
cally with an nn:j::ci tnt-nt of some
thing brand in this line. It i in
teresting to note, thi-jvfore, that thi
ol ! reliable Quaker ( tats is one of the
few breakfast foods that has retained
it-! popularity sipfo i's introduction
years ago. Th Xr.u s-Ii::i:Ai,ii has
just closed a contract for the advertis
ing of this article which iray be found
in another place in this paper.
Is a Sit'y ractice.
Now that election is over, let's stop
the silly practice of partisan politics.
A mass meeting of all shades of poli
tical belief could place a strong ticket
in the field and elect it without leaving
the Bore spots that tire bound to be
left by Tuesday's election. -Ilaveloek
Anton Bajeck ca.r.o in tlve latter part
of the week from Denver and will make
an extended visit with home folks in
this vicinity.
F. G. Fricke who met with an acci
dent by falling through an open radia
tor in the floor is getting along as well
as could be expected and it i thought
that he will Foon be able to be around
I have just moved into the Union T
V block, and respectfully solicit a
!j! share of your patronage.
.T.'.so Perry, 1 3: i i-l i-
..Graduate Dentist..
I'rices Reasonable
All Work Guaranteed
Twenty-six Years' Experience
umce in fitzgeraioi uiock a
i mtam sarjiuiMiiff cn9
a ah'.
The rtw quarries :.ri employing a
poo 1 many men and will need more as
soon as Mtsiness is fairly opened up.
Uncle Vn:,h King of Omaha, v. ho is
visiting his daughter, Mr--. Jewvli. is
piite feeble fiom a slight stri ke of
F. li. Compton of Nebraska City wa
in our our city on Friday and Saturd ly
visiting friends and relatives he is a'.-o
li king for a house.
Grai'.t'ma Hashim is quite poorly with
th.; la grippe. It is an unpleasant
thing to have, but it don't seen; to
slight anybody, young or old.
F. W. Fowler, who lias been is; poor
health fcr some time. i:i vnw cm'iri'.'d
to his. bed and o: a'vnict of old ago
bis case is consider d serious.
The combination t-alc at Dunns i,;.
vih'H! on I-'atur.l'iy did not draw as large
ennvd as uual but a good many bor.
were sold and brou; lit good prices.
Mrs. Charles I'hilpot return" d home
last Friday after an absence of two
weeks visiting in the country among
her children and helping care for the
sick twins.
On last Saturday quit 11 number of
friends of Olive and Eva Fowler gath
; ered at their home on Eldora Ave. for
an er dinner and a good time was
enjoyed by all.
j Mrs. IJ. 15. Jamison was on the sick
. list the latter part of last, week and for
: a time her recovery wus doubtful but i.
some better her many friends hope in
I see her out soon.
; The high wind of Saturday ui d .yu:i
; day wr.s followed by a much i'j'd''d
. shower on Sunday nieht. Wi'hviry
' h -avy thunder and much lightning like
; "good old summer time."
Mr. and .Mrs. Alec Patterson took
their "little f-ix months M son to Omaha
' for a critical operation which proved
I yun cssful. Their many friends are
li iping for a speedy return, with the
little one all right again.
I The Missouri Pacific unloaded twenty
, t.'ams and all the paraphernalia fir
grading, bia.-tii.g, laying heavy steel
j and fixing their trac k generally a:.d
j they went to work immediately on the
; Lincoln branch west of town.
On Saturday John Colltcrt left his
spirited team standing in front of his
ofiice and they took fright at an auto
mobile and started home to the barn.
They reached their st ills in the barn
j safely, but what was left of the bugpy
j could be stored in a small place.
j The Faster programs at the churches
I were exceedingly well rendered and
j were a grand treat, for all present and
! also demonstrates the good the Sunday
I school is doing in the land. May the
good work go on and the future grow
I brighter for all the workers.
I On Monday at II o'clock occured the
j funeral of the four months old twin
j girls of Mr. and Mrs. Klmer Philpot
j they had been sick for some time with
I whooping cough and nothing seemed to
! give them relief until death claimid
' them for its own. This is a sad blow to
j the fond parents and they have the
; sympathy of the entire community,
j On Tuesday of last week Mrs. A. W.
j Heach of this place attended a farwell
j parly at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fay
J liichards, and visited her daughter near
Wabash. While there was taken sick
and although every care was given her
I she grew worse and on Saturday, April
10t h, at one o'clock she passed away.
The funeral services were conducted by
: llev. J. II. AwlriBof the Congregation-
al church on Monday at 2 o'clock P. M.
! after which the remains were interred
I in Oakwood cemetery.
rt!l mmw 4mMu m mmw mmiim i rsa
Itafiiff Free k kifmm Wamen
WM Be Ssz& To Evecjf Wmmm Wlio is Aillga
i.crA lc:.v Tvrr, ill Cv V '.
m 9 A I r
:'ir ;.v; to
r I- r
! -'. .j i n t j
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. r r.v,,.r, ;. p.p., y .. . . .. -TO.,
'hurt? !
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flit.: 4M , '. Mii. .t rtV . U '
x?&tr?r 'MiYfcfc? k & krM
'. .'.t.k : .. "r;.i.?r. -trAr?-y rfi-r,''.-- X ,-YA,. -'il, ,
' .v 1
Wir m MAM Wives.
Z:-) '.fx-.vO.ic: V.i.-Vii DrserUonn
nju' i;:i.''.-cc Cue it Jvum'o
I ' :m 1. .1 ; . . c n-.y-
. I '. ! .t.i,....-. 1 " . . .i' I 1 . .T. r Nov.
,,i . ,. I i !' fvi : ..i.i i'.' i' iiii,w hitv
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, ... t 1 ' -on:' ! u 1 l- i . r e -..;.l
l',-. lie' IV. l.'ili.ll '. !!,; i.l'i'n'il i"ill,
1.. vil! i... I'll1 ).; 1 1 tl!iiivi:.lH of !'
i i ui v.' in. '11 1. ui .'ivnr ell. know
1: ,i li.. ..i In n 'i wis I'.m real
! a .K i- in' In r '. 1 . i 0 1 1 .
A 'i.l; Will , II .ii ;i" t' l luiiv, ini'l t hrt
1. 1. l llr.iv ami ili'.c'ii.i- of lln rniin room
ti mil ii all 'I'll. uouliln't lif liulf as
inii-h l.ili; ui' II,.- illviri' t'Vll In ttio
w 11 lit it m,iy i'.'i-v ' lfi Mini mother
winilil :'.!i:!e' l-.'f 'Idy to iiiwrva her
luallli iiihI Mi.irili
Nn w-1.1n.1n lii' tln ilr.lit in expfct liiT
lr,:.,.:e.iil In ilrvnl" iili. lel-nrc lioma to liiu
iniiiit al. 'I i 1 r v. i.i. r-li" Is li'inlliii; a
ili;u( 'l-oiii. Inn ' ! ikivn-in-liiii-HloiiHl
exiMiai" n.iilil illK'ininmO tlio
lin .. i I n,i; mil-1 1 11 r:i . 111.
Mn. 1.1:1 !' :.! ""!'! irnrvrlowR tiomo
ir:.;Ci!v !..i'i 1I1 '' 1 ' ' '" !" I'i'l"'''nt illvoreo
t ri-l ;ill I'.c hi ."':' tn ch:h;ii'K' anil
, . , .i,i, In 1 i- v.cI'I. 'I'lc woman
v. i,i, 1. : i.;-.t :i I '.i- I nr. I v "I! luift a
! ,.!,,.. 'i,,i ri'lc . I" I i- c I fi-olillR
si.. ri.'fi li 1 l-i 11 ' I'i ice I'.'-nin.
' .),!,. .. ii, : ,,. .iil I 1:1 us fret'
.ii.i.'ijrJ..?.1 -
nr Mil' iilr you
:(. . hi yen Iior
01 nt will corn
: 1 ;n i'il li'.'r years
irmil .1 fv f.-mnlo
,1 It Is, ("111 tlio
11. .Vllllcf at
i ! 1
t '.i Vl'lll!. VV
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.1 v.i I vl. ! , . - ;. -. 10 I: ...
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i.t'tl'i:- .':' Jsiclc i :i': ) ;.:'. .r In
I-!. :; 'I : , K .1 'Tn. i J'-ic
r ynii-i-i 1" : '. .Mr--, .'..lin':' i .;.::. : the.:
.I'iS I 'U '. i l ui r.-Ti iy ii' .1' I .'!' y ij.
'..) t.t; i'.(luy, r-rr.c ti e eiu:jio:i Jio-.v.
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1 .
1 . v. . 1 .' ; nn
1 a;: 1,'.- rt:: '' r f :;;..i', !! r , -i
W f- 1 ; :,:, . v :.; 1
There Is Sows Gas Hear Yna
Cured By Uiz. Wkh
TIito is !.:ir'!ly n country. r!'v, town
or vitl.i?" In v. I j It li tiinc i n ii.: nut i-.ilf
"nn .'rati-uil le.iiy v.lm hr.s hcri ii'liovcil
.ifiii- ynrv if n.ffiv Iw; :inil ln'iiiiiiriu'lv
ui'f i ly .Mif. Mill'-r'n liiil.l limn., ir.'nt
ii '.(. i.(-n s:f tfi- il'ii tms ;niil ji' lans
tullcii. No m.'itti r T!im. vr,j lvi . s!i" r:Mi
(fir yen to le.'iio: in your own ln n'.ir"
who ci.n i.inl v.ill till any mi'li-itr tlmt
this iiiarvi leu.s r im.ily lially turcs
Duly ticnr linn in niln.l. Her offt-r will
not I.i st li'!i;r. for ihcumails ami t'.nv
runila o' women who urn wtffiTini: will
talc inlvantn-it i f lliis p-ni'i'iUF nn-:nis ot
itini' tiiri-ii. i"'o if yi.ii nn- ailinir. ilo
rut puffer fi n t !u-r ilny, but. -nu tlio f vt'"
t'.ii.i.ii to .Mrs. ililitr without
day's dtlay.
I '.Inn:' rniu'ii'Iic 1 1 j (-. '.: !.-.;. -i i;iiart' re.
I : r. c.v ior. . i f lily's l. ii'vt
!-!'. i.iilllilhli-.', "A '.I li ;, . -.v:.: , 1 (.
j i.v o::.." li'.::uln I li.i'y tl.'its aa'l h-o-
l.e.-ai-li.':-!. in i ri..ii!r.'.l to a:f!st in tlii.s
. fjie.'t hcsii:- -y,
I P.::ie tl:v.. arn 11 v.-..s ;. r.m'mce 1 that
' f'ic v. u i I :;!v ti A. r.i'n v.!; i mgi ri'il
'riilil ft -1 1 1 il ill.-' :iscy a.: 71 o. (::.(
.1 f. . ,r.
: ...... li.a fi-.: nn :'
"' :-. ? i.f-i 1 '; ,i.
! !'.' ' V i f i 1 : .ic? .. I, i-i Vi -iiv-
r . ,. (' ,. fMil:,.-, ,J.l.
;-'i i v. ir t !!. :-..cs. v.".-.;rl-"
f:. ri an i,".iso, or :.o liiat-
' i.,ti Uti ft.
i'.v w i'i 5"-rT' r. tir.nblo to flml
.iir"li i f I.
! :
hi :n.
lias falfiiii-il
:cl:if, wiin will writ" ?.:ni. Mi',!er now
V.T.'.i.'.it r::y. will im-lvo by mall free
f i-hni-Rn, a .'ii-eint lux ef hr
l,e::i ' icwily. nlno her Imr.k 'vlth i-il,,nn-turv
iilii'itiatimis ylinwliijr why v.nincn
::.l?or h w 'hfv cm o.iflly cure t'li'in
i !vi m at I..i:r:i v. itli'n'.t tl.o akl tf a
All il...t Is '-.or.TF.iry Ir to cut oat tlio
f(i::',n at ih.. l.ottom of tlilc ikirp, (ill In
ilii.s lr i;Tii.-. -. but n:i :hi. . li c l. hu; i your n:ii:i" niel a.lilrcfi tin sivii-I It to
re. inert s f: :". tlri::s:i:: Is in i :i thi.i:-::::eh; .M:x. Mi!!i-r, K..l:i.tiin, lii l. T!ir i:ii.11i'Ii,
of wo'ci n f-'im all i arts ef the v.'nrl.l, ar,l honk v'tl h.7 rent to you at one",
wlio lnvo r.ot y t iei I l i r r'iuiiy, ph" !i ml nnw before tlio ?.'.'',i'00.oo worth In
l.n.i il.-c I led to fj'vo nwiy . IO.ihiO.Iiii rnuro I nil t"no.
Koft Yft Gyre Any Base Of PHes.
1 1:1 1 r-'mcily nns cnirtl more hid enrcs r.f
I'ilt-H of all liiml.-i than nil the K'l-c.tllc:)
" il" in ami tliii-tors in tm r.ic.ti'i y.
A (lire with my ri'ini'ly in Hiwedy. 1''h
nfe anil ll's In line. 'I hi' lnli-nsi' tortnif.
biiitiini;. smaillmf anil Itrlilin; lop nt
earn mill yi.'i feel hetter rl;;lit from tlio
I'I lit. Si-nil for lav f iv: trt'at.'IH'tit l.t
1in.o and ttu lor yourself.
T rt Inlt t.ii IItII.. ..l-itl.
I lint mi Woman, or man either, fur that
in liter, who i iifieiK fr-mi any fujm of
t lie.u. n'.iy , la, ii tin f r faith alirnluti Iv In
mv t'-i-iti'ii-iit They won't lip illsaii
! i.'ilnte.l. ItV Intemleil for tiles iim -.vt 1 1 as
llio ttlxe.l -(.-H ji. i to women. It he.:l:i
I ilisenHi'il ui'iiiliniim Mirfaei-K, r.n malti r
i wl.eio 1 leatcii, an l I verily btlicvo that
y, :, ' .-: -. I
;., i in : ' in i' '"
'!' -a --:.'
ten l-. . in i i.i : Itr,
f.!l II t '"'V I I :'
ft;': Ttv-r 5'.:'t h ?!rs. Killer.
-,jv ' , -.1 ,::( -v.- I'.unn ti'c.itmotit
ho"ilil '' i,- Mi.j'i" '"ii" '' von of feinalo
,1 : ,,. ',i.-..: ,1 sic-. litv ini'iill
ii. t.1,,1 ''I l V'l" II ir.v V.'CI'I 11 II' I n.'ll
' . (I I I i v i.'. i-i- a mlliii'M bolli'H,
.i. ,i ., ,., i, f. -,i i :,. u oi li-nilit. 'l'hro
i.-"!i:.r:I!' .1 H i c viniil vill i-:o 111 the
i , nl ti.i.i .1,,,-s - o 'niciiier ."im poor
iii'ieior .-en i'. 1 ilvln'l fori-i' Hivn to use
r niii' .i ii 'i h.'v o.nii it of tl'i'ir own
f ( vie H ii ii fi. I hem. Vmi can put
v, mi- f,i Hi In that mhI ef a ri"iiily every
tb-ic .las' i nt mil I Hi- i-nntinii, notiil It
to.:,iv an. I move 'i-.,t this marveloui
treatment v.lll ilo for yen.
This Xolfil Wvlno Says:
"I am I'fVMii.aHy .nei,ti,ilnlf"l with Mr(.
Cora H Mllltr I mi.rt rlierfnlly nnil
viiliu.l.irilv ti i'lfv Hat nivni'lf ntnl fam
ilv h 've tueii ui' ally henrliteil by tho uiifl
of Llm. Mllli i'i hnmr irmeillew nnil heart
ily in emnn ml 1li. ni In (lie ijcimrnl piib
,.."t;, v. p. ft. Koseanip, 1). 11., I'roshy-
.Mi'lht. r.
: 1.1 .. . llill.l" I,
lin not iii lav. Trinl Hie coupon today.
Freo Truainiont Coupon
This fiiiipoa in (mini for a full
nizi il ii'Kiilar lii-ient p ii'kiiKO v of
Mir. M itlf r: Milii Itnmn Trpnt
iiint. Jiat (ill In vonr nni'.io ini'l
.uli'ic. i on dotti'il l.niR lielmv arel
i.iall at oini I., Mrs. f'nra II. Mil
li r. 1 1. I Miller I'.i.ii: . im.Ioiiihi, lnil.,nii'l
yt n will re. -ive tl.r remi'dy In
lain j :n liaa e.t once.
i '.m
Furniture That Pleases
Jury for May
Term of Court
Don't Wear
A Truss
After Thirty Years Experience I Have
Katie A New Discovery For Men,
Women or Children That
Cures Rapture.
Costs You Nothing To Try It.
If you lmve trlnl mint uvt'iyililnif elm", coma in
Ric. When' otli.Ti full l wliuru I luvu my itrfHlunt
i-.H'rt-m. Send alt Relied couioii tuilay am I will nnml
uu (tfe my bu iltun ICupturu ami Itn cum. utenvtiu
my now illtcuvcry hui kIvIiik yuu iirlren airl imiui-t
u! many people wlm hare Irti'U It aiitl wuril curil. It
la limti.n: relief when all el hem full. Keiiiemb.-r
1 line uo nalvcR, un li.aneini, nn lien.
I nrrid on trlitl to pruv what I Pay ti true. Yo'i
are tbe Jiitltra and uui e liuvlmi .n'en my book anj
ria l It yuu will lie nn eiitlnmlanle, a my hninlrrili ut
I atleum wbimu li'tlura ynu van nlxo rend. Kill out
tree coupon lieluw and mall tudny. It's well wortli
yuurtline whether yuu try my itl'vovery ar not.
C. K. IIkooK" li:Ulr.H,l; llliln., Murnliall. Mli li.
I'leam aeiiunie by iniill In ilnlu wriiin r full
liidirniiitlou ot yourne-.v clfcovery ler the t un"
i.t ruiturc.
Tlio following named persona have
b-ten drawn for tlio May term of tho
district court:
K. V. Marshall, Weepinp Water;
j Jamt'3 Turk, Klinwood; 0. C. Dovey,
I riattsmouth: John I'.ajeck.l'lattsmouth;
j Max Strauli, Avoc; Win. A. Cleghorn,
Louisville; P. A. Miller, Wot'pinjr Wat
! er; S. IJ. James, Klmwoiid; tleo W.
Snyder, riattsmouth; John Edmunds,
i Murray; ("has. Gerlarh, Mauley; L. I),
j, Klmwoml; Lyman James,
1 Greenwood; Geo. Barton, Union; Wes-
ley Davis, Weepirp Watcr;J. U. Noyes
I Louisville; Q. K. I'armele, l'lnttsmouth;
Geo. Hom.Cet'ar Creek;Matt Jerousek,
! I'laatsmouth; J. W. Rudgo, Avora;
j Win. rankonin, Louisville; Geo. Cook,
j Alvo; John Colbert, Weepinp; Water;
Wm. Starkjohn, riattsmouth.
laTiXTBMffTIMiiT!T!BaVBir-illllil JIH I liTTI
Old Winter with his rciffn of ice and snow will
soon be gone. Those chilly Masts will be a thins of the
past. Spring with its new demands will soon be here,
and you will need some new furniture. Our line is re
plete with up-to-date, designs and patterns, which
sure to please, and at prices, which are sure to appeal
to the prudent buyer. See our display, we are glad to
show the goods and quote you prices.
For Hoi Fires Get Egcnbcr
gcr's Coal !
Pleasantly Surprised.
t'pon returning frotn her school work
Monday evening, Miss Verna Cole was
delifrhtfnlly surprised to find about 110
of her pupilii had preceded her and tak
en possession of her home. Tho r.ft'T
tioon was spent in various jrnmos and
refreshments were seived.
See us for sale bills.
Sure satisfaction every time you light a li ro if on
top of the kindling is ebony fuel from our yards.
It's heat and light giving and slate-free when it
leaves the mines, screened and cleaned again here
and served to you full weight and with celerity of
delivery. Order any way that suits you. Both
lleadijuartm For Sjiauld'niffi: Athletic Goods Jiais, JJaf.s; O'orcs, Mitts,
Mash; etc., this season at
Herold Book & Stationary Store
Uuy Spaulding's Base Ball Goods. There is
none none "just as good." Beware of the
"just as good" dealer who makes "appear
ance" first and "quality" secondary, and of
fers the customer the "just as gocd" article
when Spauldings are asked for.
Full Line of Fishing Tackle.
Frtsh shipment of Bed Band Brand Candies
just received from New York. See window
display of these 20 cent candies which we are
selling at 12 cents a pound.
Read all the latest copyright $1.50 books for
10 and 15 cents. New arrivals, "The Bound
Up," "Serventin thellouee." "Lewis' Rand,"
"The Man in Lower 12," "The Bronze Bell.,'
"The Yoke," "The Music Master," "54-40 or
Fight," "Red Mouse," "The Missioner." Be
sides about 200 other books of recent popular
fiction for rent at 10 and 15 cents a week.
Herold Book & Stationary Store
One Door West of Fanger's.