The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, April 05, 1909, Image 2

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Notable Event to Occur at Spo
kane this Summer.
SroKANE, Wash., April 4. -Apostles
ol irrigation, deep waterways, drain
age, good roads and conservation cf
resources and recruits from various
parts of this continent, England, Ger
many, France, Hawaii, the Philippine
J elands, the Latin republics, and China j
and Japan, representatives of foreign j
nations and colonial governments, offi- j
ciaU of the federal reclamation, for
estry and agricultural departments,
governors and members of state and
territorial legislatures, railroad and
bank presidents and members c f agri
cultural, horticultural, commercial and
fraternal organizations will gather in
gather" in Spokane, August 9 to 14,
where the National Irrigation Congress
, will have its 17th sessions.
'To save the forests, store the floods,
reclaim the deserts and makes homes
on the land," are the four primary ob
jects outlined in the official call, issued
by George E. Barstow of Barstow,
Tex., president, B. A. Fowler of
I'hoenix, Ari., secretary of the national
organization, and R. Insinger, chair
man, and Arthur Hocker secretary of I
the local board of control, adding.
"We aim to demonstrate to the west
the wonderful development possible
through irrigation, drainage, forestry,
deep waterways, good roads and home
building, and to show to the east the
economic importance, to the whole
country of this development."
Arrangements have been made by the
board of control for the entertainment
of 4,000 accredited delegates, in ad
dition to which it is expected there will
be between 35,000 and 40,000 visitors
from the irrigated districts in Kansas,
North and South Dakota, Montana,
Wyoming, Utah, Arizona, Texas, Caii"
fornia, Nevada, Oklahoma, Idaho, New
Mexico, Oregon and Washington and
the provinces of British Columbia, Al
berta and Manitoba, and from districts
in the middlewestern, southern and
eastern and New England states, where
forestry, deep waterways, drainage
and good roads are the chief problems
in the development of the countrv.
The regular program will consist of
addresses by officials of the reclama
tion, forestry and agricultural depart
ments of the United States, statesmen
and scientists, railroad and financial
men, promoters of the Carey act re
clamation projects and officials of pri
vate irrigation enterprises. The call
"Speakers will be allotted to exceed
not 20 minutes on any one subject and
addresses will be followed by general
discussions by delegates, limited to
five-minute talks.
"It is planned to make this a practical,
live congress for the consideration and
discussion of the question in which
the delegates are interested and whose
action will be of great value in the pro
motion of the objects for which this
congress is working."
The federal department of agriculture
has taken charge of a 20-acre tract of
land in the Spokan valley, where there
will be demonstrations of the latest ap
proved methods of supplying the Foil
with moisture by artificial means
demonstrated by irrigation experts.
In this connection the call states the
"The selection of Spokane was pe
culiarly fortunate for this congress, as
it provides every opportunity for the
study of all methods of irrigating and
various systems of irrigation projects.
Within a few minutes car ride of the
city are gravity canal systems, pipe
distribution of water and modern elec
trical pumping plants.
"The irrigated areas in Idaho, Mon
tana, Oregon and Washington produce
every kind of fruit and vegetable that
can be grown in the semitropic zone,
also the perfection of the red apple, as
was demonstrated at the first National
apple show in Spokane in December,
The board of control will maintain
free information departments for the
convenience of delegates and visitors,
and it is officially announced there will
be no advances in rates at hotels during
the convention.
Th onen air features of the con
gress will be the parade of the Irriga
tion Army of 10,000 and the industrial
parade, in which Indians from four of
the reservations in the Northwest will
participate. In the latter it is designed
to show the progress of the western
country in the last quarter century.
rtno iinv baa hppn opt aside for the
! governors of states and territories, and
there will be a series of banquets, re
ceptions, theatre parties and excursions
to nearby lake and river resorts.
The personnel of the congress will be
permanent officers of the organization
the president and vice president of the
! United States, members of the cabinet,
i members of the United States senate
j and house of representative, governors
of states, territories and insular pos
(hp United Mates, mem
bers of Etate and territorial kgisla
tures, ambassadors, ministers, consuls
nnH nthnr rpnresontatives of foreign
nations and colonies and members of
Sanitary Plumbing
See first window east of our store for
the finest display of plumbing fixtures
and bathroom supplies ever shown in
this city. We carry a complete line of
everything necessary for a first class
job and will guarrantee satisfaction
and sanitary installation at greatly re
duced prices over last year.
Uohn Bauer, Platlsmouth, Neb.
441 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 4 t M I t I I i !-H tH I -H-H-H Mil I W H IUHH
The News-Herald is equipped to do all kinds
of Job Printing and will appreciate an opportunity
to figure with you when in the market for anything
in our line. No job is too large for our ability to
execute and no job is too small to receive ouv most
painstaking rare, we cordially invite the attention
of our farmer friends to our sale bill department.
This is splendidly equipped for the prompt execu
tion of work of this character, and our prices will
be found to be as low as the lowest. To the bus
iness men, if you will telephone your wants a rep
resentative will call and quote you prices an any
thing you may need. We earnestly solicit a sh are
of your patronage.
Because they're the Nation's Choice
Because Baking Perfection approved
by the whole Nation made
The National Soda Cracker
Sold only in
Moisture Troof
wp NA1
state, territorial and insular irrigation
and forestry commissions. "There are three principles which in
Gavernorsof states and territories I a) efforts at reform should be borne in ,
are empowered to appoint 15 delegates, j mn& ymt politics is an experimen
and other officials invented with ap-' tal science. Let us approach it with
pointive power being as follows: scientific methods and make it as exact
Ten delegates by mayors of cities of M we C14n. Second. patience. How
25,000 or more, rive in cities of 25,000 ! many experiments are there not made
or less, five by each board commission-1 j tne physical sciences in order to es
ersor supervisors, five by each na-!tav,1ish Rrm crmHt. scientific truth.
tional, interstate or state organization , There must be equally great patience i
interested in the work, five by each j jn political science. Third, we have
c .nservation, irrigation, drainage, for-! got to combine two things in our pro-!
estry, agricultural or horticultural ; gress toward civic reform, viz, a rigor- i
association, five by each state associa- j ous punishment of wrong doers and an I
t'on of professional, commercial, j infinite charity toward those who merely
fraternal, patriotic, religious or labor differ with us in opinion. The reformer
Zeal For Good Government. ; m$3m$
organization, two by each former cham
ber of commerce, board of trade, immi-
ought to be charitable and a profound
student of human character. He must
gration or commercial club, two by i have zeal for the good of the city, irre ;
each regularly organized irrigation, j Bp32tive of political party."-James j
arrtnnillr n vol hntt SMt Tnta1 rf TAMkc tvu '
club, two by each irrigation company,
two by each agricultural college and
college having chairs of hydraulic
engineering of forestry, and two by
ench regularly organized society of
ergineers in the United States.
Twice Con
firmed Proof
Bryce. '
Embassador J-mco Bryce
en Roosevelt
Confining myself to only a few reflec
tions on the United States, twenty
years after I wrote the "American
Commonwealth," and twenty-six years
after my first visit to California, whr.t
strikes me most now is the extraordin
arily firm mind with which you are at
tacking great problems. In this attack
you have received nowhere greater help
than that from the man who yesterday
quit American shores for Africa. I
know there are great differences of
opinion in re 'ard to Theodoe Roose
velt, but the longer I have seen him
the more I have admire 1 the versatility
In gratitude for omplete relief from ; 0f his mind and the purity r.nd eleva-
Spring Is Here At Last
We are prepare'1 with a nice line of the la
test styles in ladies hats. One will have to
see our our display of Faster millinery to
realize their beauty and the astonishing
low prices at which they go. Our lines of
Dry Goods of all kinds is full of money sav
ing bargains as well as all other goods.
(Jive us a call and be convinced. No
trouble to show goods. Just received a
line of Mn'.s Pants.
AA. Aa. AA. AA. Afc. AA. Afc. AA. AA. AA. AA. AA. Afc. A. AA. .AA. AA. AA. A. A
Residents of Plattsmouth Cannot
Doubt What Has Been
Twice Proved.
aches and pains of bad backs-from : tion of his purpose,
distressing kidney ills-thousands Have
publicly recommenled Doan's Kidney
Pills. Residents of Piatt mouth, who
Cood South Dtkota Farm.
lo'O acres, located 1(5 miles, fiom Hu
so testified years ago, now Fay their ron and only 2 1-2 miles tromliipadland,
cures were permanent. This testimony Beadle county. Sixty i cres broken and
doubly proves the w nth of Dean's Kid
ney Tills to Plattsmoith kidney suffer
ers. John Janda, Street Commissioner,
North Twelfth street, Hattsmouth,
ieo., says: "i nave previously en
farmed 2 years. Every footo the
quarter can be plowed and in fact, lies 1
exceptionally wjII. A number of Cass j
county men own farms near this one. '
Land is rapidly increasing in value in '
this section. Can sell this tpiaitcr for'
For Hot Fires Get Egenber
gcr's Coal!
Sure satisfaction every time you light a fire if on
top of the kindling is ebony fuel from cur yards.
It's heat and light giving and slate-free when it
leaves the mines, screened and cleaned again here
and served to you full weight and with celerity of
delivery. Order any way that suits ycu. Bah
dorsed Doan's Kid icy l'iils through the S-8'" tr. if taken soon. For further
local papers and at this time, 1 do not particulars, call upon or ade'ress.
Ci!;o:wi-: L.,
Office in Coates Block. Telephone 127.
1 1 .l I. ft .I 1 f f h--iW-H-?--X"'''
Old Papers For Sale at This Officp
. hesitate to confirm all that 1 have pre
j viously said them. We procured
! this remedy at tiering & Co's. drug
store and it brought relief from an
1 acute attack of lumbago and various
! annoying symptoms of kidney trouble
: after other remedies had failed."
j For sale by all dealt rs. Trice 50
'cents. Fostor-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
j States.
Remember the name-Doan's-and
take no other. n? 4
Entertainment Antique.
In the dramatic defurtment of the
"F.ntertainmmt Antinut" April lUth, j
will be given: j
The Girls o' Our School,"- Mrs. C.
S. Johnson and a bevy of girls.
"The Wrong n,ttlc,"-Men Windham
and John Falter.
"Heading. "Wrnt Signing the Pledge
did for John avl me, "-Mrs. jr. S.
Y'anriereo k.
J ist as you would have (hein i.t
15 irnes' restaurant. The viani'
iii of the best, the cuisine n
perfect, and our sauce?, entret?.
li-h, meats, oysters, clams, div
erts and pics' are prepared I y
experts. Our prico -we', iu
will say they are small when veil
lest the culinary reins that we
pr;ierit f..r your delectation.
7. S.