.HHHHtlllMtMMlHMO Spend a Pleasant Hour at The Cosy Corner ;T()M TROOP, PROPRIETOR, OPPORTUNITY. f THE PLATTSMOUTH 3 I HOTEL i P. F. COOS. Prop. HHHHIMIHMUMmi V1k ii in Plattsmouth get your dinner at ! t The Perkins House ! (Inthmann & Cory, Props. 4 I C. A. RAWLS ATTORNEY Ollices in First National hank hldg . L. TIDD LAWYER References: Rank of Eagle, Eagle. Ni-liawka Rank, Nohawka. Rank of M unlock. Munlock. First Nat'l hank, Greenwood. State liank of Murray, Murray. First Nat'l bank, Plattsmouth. t n. a. MARSHALL, D. D. S. ..Graduate Dentist.. Prices Reasonable All Work Guaranteed Twenty-six Years' Experience unite in r ltzgeratu uiock 200,000 iQloiiiiii:; year ij m You may rc:id how to avert an ever I'lcatcr annjal slaughter than this at home. Consumption, the uliite death, h y)e slayer. Read about it in current number, of THE METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE On you know tluit consumption is commit- ri?R ARI F7at-r.iS ,revc'";ll,l- That it is L.LKAULL? J hese are facts. 2 00,000 Killed every year in the United State s Get Acquainted With Diner's Digesters For your stomach's sake, Relief of I Ittiilliiirn, Indiges tion, etc. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. tie! Into Businessior Yourself A BUCK CEMENT BLOCK MACHINE will mai;ayoti money. ThcSUCK is the only two-piece, seU-binilmi;, sell-lock-inR, water-proof, frost proof, sani tary, dry air block made. Takes less material and is madequiclcer than any othor block. Write to JiiyanJ lit us tfll you all about it, unit how ou cn make finui fi.oom Jjn i f nvi'iy rtnv thai you work. K xrlu . i vi nulii in iMt-li rouiity. Get In first. Interlock Block Machine Co. -lt OffW; 24th nud Paul St.. '-aiJRi OMAHA, NEB. ll r-.l L Kg IT'S VERY UNUSUAL to sec such handsome turnouts as goes from Manspeakor's livery st libit. Our rips' are up-to-date, our carriages are swell in stylo and comfortable to ride in, and our horses are always well groomed, well dressed and well fed. When you want a drive come to Manspeakcr's for your turnout. M.E.MAN SPEAKER Jones' Old Livery P.arn Seventh & Main Ft. I'liiltHimmth, Neb. t t ? ? Y T ? ? ? V t ? ? ? ? Master of human destinies am I! Fame, love and fortune on my footsteps wait, Cities and fields I walk; I penetrate Deserts and seas remote, and passing by Hovel and mart and palace, soon or late I knock, unbidden once at every gate! If sleeping, wake; if feasting, rise before I turn away. It is the hour of fate And they who follow me reach every state Mortals desire, and conquer every foe Save death; but those who doubt or hesitate, Condemned to failure, penury and soe, Seek me in vain and uselessly implore I answer not, and I return no more! - John J. Incau.s. They do me wrong who say I come no more When once I knock and fail to find you in; For every day I stand outside your door; And bid you wake and rise to tight and win. Wail not for precious chances passed away, Weep not for golden age on the wane. Each night I burn the records of the day, At sunrise every soul is born again. Laugh like a boy at splendors that have sped, To vanished joys be blind and deaf and dumb, My judgements seal the dead past with its dead, Rut never bind a moment yet to come. Though deep in mire, wring not your hands anil weep, I lend my arm to all who say, "1 can." No shame fneed outcast ever sank so deep Rut he might rise and be again a man. - Wai.tkk Mai.onk. V T V V T ? V y y y y y y y y y y y Hcrold Book & Stationary Store i i i v.. ! Want Column i I i t FOR SALE. FOR SALE-A good team, harness and wagon. Apply to J. Jordan, oppo site J irouack's store. 82-3 Cbc Modern Vaudeville WANTED. WANTED-To trade, a line piano for a good single driving horse-Platls-mouth Music Company. (i;-tf i 1 WANTED-Manager for Rranch office we wish to locate here in Plattf mouth. Address, The Morris Whole sale House, Cincinnati, Ohio. 815-8 $.'!(') PER WEEK and expenses to men with rig to introduce poultry and stock remedies. Experience unneces sary. Reliable company and exclu sive territory given. The Grant Co., Dept. 9:1, Springfield. III. 78-12 MAN WANTED QUICKLY by big Chicago Mailorder House to distri bute catalogues, advertise, etc. $2." n week. $ts) expense allowance first month. No experience required. Manager, fiUO Wabash Rldg., Chi cago. 7!-t YOU NO MEN FOR RAILROAD MAI L SERVICE-Exam. May 15. Intend ing applicant should begin prepara tion at once. Sample questions and "How Government .positions are Se cured," sent free. Inter State Schools,21S College PI., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 78-G $1200.00 FOR YOU-Stoneman made $1200.00 monthly; Korstad $2200.00. New, exciting business. Hundreds averaging $!0 weekly. Experience unnecessary. Credit Strange inven tion. Gives every home bathroom for Clcunse almost automati cally. Startling inducements Free. Allen Mfg. Co., 1018 Adams, Toledo, Ohio. 7;m; The "hootchie-cootchie" and "Sa lome" dancers are not semi-nude. They are semi-naked. It has occurred to me that some celebrated dramatists, like many bad painters, are trying to sell nakedness under the guise of the nude in art. No one can take exception to the marble nudity of the Venus deMilo. Ever since art began, great artists have promoted the artistic nature by painting and carving the nude figure which is art at its best. Others have painted and carved nakedness which is not art at all. As a matter of fact it has served only to deprave. Are there not similar conditions in our theaterland? Are not many of the best known playwrights exploiting in their writings facts which they would not even whisper in their entertain ment. Now it is being presented as a show most critics agree appeals chiefly to licentiousness not a meritorious achievement for one of the producers of the deservedly successful "Floro dora." The public, you say, demand sensa tions. Ye, you are right. Hut there spected and is wealthier than Madame Herniiardt -which does not mean that Reriiliiinlt is not the greatest actress of the last or present generation. "Florodora," "Little Johnny Jones," "The Red Mill," and "Mademoiselle Modiste" have made more money than a hundred such productions a the "Queen of the Moulin Rouge" have or will. Rut-and here's the rub-if this wave of suggestive drama, vaudeville, and musical comedy continue to grow big ger, its audience is bound to increase. The children of today are going to be the play-going adults of tomorrow. If they acquire a taste for the immoral in theatricals while they are young, they will demand its satisfaction when tliey are older, and with the increase in the demand there will come, naturally, a further increase in the supply. And there you are. That is the problem which confronts this country right now. To make the stage clean tomorrow we must keep it clean today. It will lie a fatal error to our national pro gross to let it relied the rottenness - ;even. the gilded rottenness - of life. 11 li U11MUI1 1 flit. I aoiina I i,..! .t I ' "' " ! Sunshine is the light that counts. Two auo m;im.yare not ..1 10 iw ioui.,1 111 . of it ,., t lhe wo,.; ni liifff trill ltJ Uiiannu n il ,ir 1 1 . li.,l " ' ' " ; than twelve hours of electricity. Why V , ,:UV. "7 , '" I depict the sordid things that exist in strunientabty of it" American founders the j1)Variill)1 plavwri(,ht's ex- ;, J """. ;"'; cuse ,s that these things exist-they ,. .........1- u. are truths-truths that we try to cover .,.. ...v. .... r . uiiiiiiK. 1 n n.uR.i - an(1 ke tnm ()(lr Wh t , nitmiiorihiF.i iimiullii. T.m it... .....kt.. ! , "r IT u K , ' is 10 lomu ()f our "KB'"B tl'i'in shriek dollar, it has become the place where InR , IjInki lo the foflli ht3 ,, you may i.ul the latest and most dar-, e Uu,m thm, lu miU,rii fM ,ng sensat.on and w.thin the last eight , HmmmvnMlR pi,oplo? A mnn often called the "Melo-drama King," told me, a few days ago. that he coul l not produce popular-price thrillers suc cessfully without having wayward girls months you have seen half a dozen of the most successful and most cele brated American variety houses change their function. This brings me to a WORK THAT TELLS Plenty of It Has P.een Done Rijjht Here In Plaits mouth. Cures that last are cures that tell. To thoroughly know the virtues of a medicine you must investigate the cures and see if they j rove permanent. Doan's Kidney Pills stand this, test, and plenty of proof exists right here in Plattsmouth. People who testified years ago to the relief from backache, kidney and urinary disorders, now de clare that relief was permanent, and the cure perfect. How can any Platts mouth sufferer longer doubt the evi dence? J. S. Hall, South Sixth Street, Platts mouth, Neb., says: "In lS'.ni I strained my back and soon after 1 began to suf fer from kidney trouble. I had severe pains across the small of my back and on this account it was dillicult for me to stoop or rise from a chair. I tried several remedies but to no avail and finally when I had the good fortune to hear about Doan's Kidney Pills, I de cided to use them. I procured a box at Goring & Go's, drug store and within forty-eight hours after the first dose, I felt better. Since then, I have always kept a supply of Doan's Kidney Pills in the house, finding that they bring the best of results whenever used." (Statement given June 0, l'.HKi. On December lit), liios, Mr. Hall said: "I cheerfully renew my former en dorsement of Doan's Kidney Pills. I know that this remedy is a reliable one , for kidney complaint." For sale by all dealers. Price f0 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Rutfalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. i Remember the name-Doan's and 1 take no other. 7'.i-!i 1 point with which you may or may not , ; . .... be conversant. (llm, ..Vja Wiri., B hiRh.Iirittl lhe most successful plays and the f nil.,,wIrama, with ai(, f ,;,,. most successful musical entertain- j aMl, , v,ntll,.(. U)(; ,imil.tion tliat jt wi meats, not only of recent years but of sun.(,(,(, rilllimin,llUlly for 1( a I ne. have been clean. !h,s , a p f()rm . statement which goes w.th abso utely tht thfi , f (;arl(.M K. , , lid nil'ilif nvit tnn rnunrirai uiti It- . . r 1 " , w ; Hroailhurst, lines also vo piayers, piaywrignis and manager just why I don't know, un less, as I said before, cleanliness of all kinds is a tremendous factor in final success. And by success I, as a man ager, am still talking of dollar and cents. Klaw and Erlanger's "Ren Hur" and "Little Nemo." and William A. Brady's "'Way Down East" have made more money and will live longer y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y II 1,1 Th 1. o n cm V One Door West of Fanger's. Y Leading: local dealer in Books, Stationary, School Sup plies, Otlice Supplies, Post Cards, Sheet Music, Sporting Goods, Candy, Tobaccos and Cigars. Local agent for the Omaha World-Herald, Lincoln Journal, Chicago Examiner, Inter Ocean. Tribune, Record Herald, St. Louis Globe Democrat, Republic, Post Dispatch and all current periodicalsjconstantly on our counters'or yearly subscriptions taken at publishers prices. Disrtibutor for this section of the cele brated Red Rand Rrand candies warranted pure coeoanut bon bons, cream covered dates, fig candies, crystallized cream candies, dipped candies, fudge cream, butter and soft cream candies. All the above at 12 cents a pound, the the kind that usually sells at 20 to 25 cents else where. Also agents for Raldufi' Fine Choco lates, Ilot-ubeys Fruit Tablets, I Iornbeys Putter Scotch, Hornbeys Toll'ey Candy. SPORTING GOODS. Local agents for Spalding's line of athletic Goods, base balls, bats, masks, gloves, etc. Fishing tackle, tennis goods, etc. Full line of tops, marbles, etc. Dealers in all local brands of cigars, also full line of Tobaccos in stock. tWM HH IM M !! Wise talks by the office boy f Some one sent the boss a bunch of books en- tilled, "RusincsM Nuggets," "The Road to Suc t cess," " The Mun in Front" and such like.I think T he s been looking them over, for when I came to work this morning he handed me this: Every thing comes to those that wait, and the lazy boy waits to greet it; but success comes on with a rapid gait, to the man that goes to meet it." I X hail to laugh, because he's the boss; but to tell T you the honest truth, a boy on this job doesn't get any chance to apply thess wise hunches. Actually it's no credit for a lcllow to beindustrioua here, because he cant be anything else. If he lets up for an hour he wouldn't get his orders out and then there would be people coming in and saying lots of fierce things, but nothing about, "business success" or the "lazy boy waits to greet it.'' Have you tried Curtis Rrothers Janis. Retains all the fine natura flavor. Great. Picnic size, 2",c. Don't forget to order a sack of Goods Rest Flour with your next order. IH. M. SOENNICHSEN il z Wt44mWMMHMHHIMmilMHMmHMHM Augustus Thomas, and Eugene Presby are not made more valuable financially and artirdically by their freedom from filth? Of course you don't! Nine-tenths of the Ameri can theatergoers tire good, and have a wholesome admiration for decent things and decent people depicted in an inter esting way. That's why they still pre fer the writings of possibly inferior mitill t 1 11 T ivrinr ti t ti ii'lii.j.i innixiL ,.i.i . , , , ., ..,hv..w , 1 liwrl, 11111,113 uiv on me ioriy-weeas-a-year ooanis man i ,.. .,u 1 1 t L , . . . 1 clean, to the clever works of French, any two cleverly written but sugges-: p,ll;o. . . , ,, , ... . .. , . , , ,.hr English, and Italian dramatists, whose tively immoral French or Engishor .1 .... k n . . . ... 1 plays reflect the very thing we must v.v inuii i. imii-iivaii iFiava vy iiiui vuu 1 ..... : I , , , , , ... J. j avoid -artistic decadence or any one eise can name. "Urewster s Millions" and "Polly of the Circus," both of which I am proud to have pro duced, have been are now, and will con tinue to be, productive of bigger re- "A place for your wife, your mother, your sister, your sweetheart." is the label I tacked on Luna Park when I first opened it. It's there yet, and will ' remain as long as I am proprietor. It tiiftia (Vtnn ntitr tin A m amIah . t .1,- f L. .k:u : : ls my motto 1,1 thentriCMls, and I be wiiv i,v,ii. liujr niiivi. uL-ni wil,ll in-' decency. Miss Maude Adams is the lieve it good enough to pass along. 1 1 roperiy iiveo up to it can not tail or I . t greaiesi drawing cant in tne whole profit. -Frederic Thompson, in Success theatrical firmament. She is more re- Magazine. Death of Mrs. Anna Schutz BAILEY & MAGH THE DENTISTS lltftt PDllBf e Itlgh-Gf i(t Drntlttry Rritoi ble frli e. Bfsl-rq.lonfil (I'Mll 01 (let I ID. Middle Met. HCll O'lCOUNTt TO ClTT VldTOOt lil floor I'kOoii Mm . lit,. Kin, .in, OlrltNt, NEB. Mrs. Anna Schutz died at her resi dence near this city last Monday of paralysis, aged f0 years, 7 months and 11 days. Anna Fisher was born in Germany on Julv 27, 1818, and came to this coun try in 18(18. She was married to Louis Schutz in 1870, residing at that time in Minnesota. They removed to this vicinity in 18!i;i, where they have since resided. Ten children were born to this union, of whom are still living: Mrs. John Paul and Charles GuetsehofTof Minne sota, Mrs. A. F. Rraun, W. A. Schutz ami John Schutz of this city. Funeral services were held Wednes day afternoon at one o'clock, being conducted by Rev. Langhorst, and in terment was had at Oak Hill cemetery. Send her a post card of your favorite float. At Nemetz & Co. a' Cood South Dakota Farm. K')0 acres, located Id miles from Hu ron and only 2 1-2 miles from Rroadland, Readle county. Sixty acres broken and fanned 2 years. livery foot of the quarter can be plowed and in fact, lies exceptionally well. A number of Cass county men own farms near this one. Land is rapidly increasing in value in this section. Can sell this ouarter for $2S an acre, if taken soon. For further particulars, call upon or address. Gkok;k L. Faki.kv, Office in Coates Rlock. Telephone 127. A Cash Olfer. The Ni:ws-Hi:UAI.D has made a spec ial clubbing rate with the Memphis Weekly Commercial Appeal by which we will furnish both napers for one year for$l."tO, the regular subscription price of this paper. The Commercial Appeal is one of the largest and best papers in the south and we hope to re ceive many new subscriptions on this olfer; If 1. oil cash for both papers. Farms For Sale. I am offering a farm for sale two miles south west of Mynanl at ninety dollars per acre. Abo one I! -2 mile's south-east of Murray. Earl V. Cole, Mynanl, Neb. 7 j-s I -j A Hale, Hearty Old Pomes with a good stomach and a TSx ill If ilfm pol1 l'lH'litt'.l'"l e wherewith- it v&f AW 'M f't p ' to tempt anil satisfy vour long- yL fmW I if B i"K for good food. You can al- yVTKr'MfflSlif I ll I ways pt'1 il at ,Hnu'8'- Dishes V'S&vMlm I for the epicure cooked by an ar- VJMIJ Wl Mst. ami foods of the choicest . K67'--::.j grades and flavors at Humes'. Ty A. J.BARNES The Spring Time Will Surely Come. The gladdest time of all the year. With the return of the birds, the coming again of the breezes and blossoms, conies also more milk thus adding to the dutiis of the housewife, We have anticipated this contingency and are prepared for the occasion. We have the Rest Cream Separator Mad.-. The United States, in a number of sizes at prices which are in the icach of all. Come, in and we will demonstrate their utility and ease of operation. H. L. ASEMISSEN & SONS y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y