The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, March 11, 1909, Image 4

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    The News-Herald
Etrtrrfd at th pogtotJW at PUtt'mouth. Can
County. Nebraska, aa nvond-clan mail matter.
A. L. TIDU Kditor.
R. O. WATTERS Manager.
Om Year la Adranc 11.(0
ta Month 75
Plattsmouth No. 85 Nebraska No. 85
red to the navy department. He was does not or cannot measure upto larger : CITIZENS PARTY CONVENTION. ' man, or
Secretary of State-KNOX. Philan
der Knox, the new secretary of
state, was born at Rrownville, Penn.,
Way 6,' 1853. He graduated from Mount
Union College at Alliance, Ohio, and
studied law in Fittsburg. At the age
of 24 he was appointed assistant U. S.
District Attorney for the West Dis
trict of Pennsylvania, and afterwards
was a partner of James II. Reed. In
1K91, Pres. Mckinley appointed him
Attorney-General, and he prosecuted to
a successful conclusion the Govern
ment's suit against the Northern Secur
ities Co., also the suit against the beef
trusts. He also assisted greatly in the
matter of the purchase of the Panama
Canal. He was shortly thereafter
elected to the U. S. Senate.
Secretary of Interior-BALLINGER.
Richard A. Ballinger, the new secre
tary of interior, was born at Boons
boro, la., in 1859. He practised law
for a time in Illinois and Alabama, and
afterwards in Port Townsend, Wash.
He was Judge of the Superior Court
there and afterwards for 5 years mayor
of the city of Seattle. He has been
commissioner of the general land offices
under President Roosevelt's adminis
tration. Mr. Ballinger's father studied
law in the office of Abraham Lincoln.
Secretary WILSON. Secretary of
Agriculture, James Wilson, is too fa
miliar to need introduction. He was born
in Ayrshire, Scotland, and at the age of
37 removed with his parents to this
arountry. They settled in Iowa an:l it
was in this state that Secretary Wilson
was educated. He was a practical
iarmer and for three terms was . a
membr of the Iowa Legislature, and he
served three terms in Congress. He
served twelve years as Secretary of
-Agriculture. He has done more for
the advancement of agriculture than
any of his predecessors.
Secretary of Navy -MEYER. Geo.
"Von L. Meyer who has during the lat
ter part of President Roosevelt's ad
ministration been Post-Master General,
has by President Taft been transfer-
born in 1858 in Boston. He has served
as ambassador to St. Petersburg and to
.Secretary of Commerce and Iabor
NAGEL. Chas. Nagel, the new Sec
retary of Commerce and labor, was
born in Colorado County, Texas, in
18-19, and he graduated from the St.
Louis High School and St. Louis Law
School, and took a special course in law
and political economy at the University
of Berlin. He has served as a member
of the Missouri Legislature and was
professor in St. Louis Law School. He
is probably one of the best educated
men in the country on the subjects of
political economy and sociology.
Attorney-General - WICKERSIIAM.
George W. Wickersham, the new attorney-general,
was born in Pittsburg
in 1858. He studied civil engineering
in Lehigh University, and afterwards
graduated from the law college of the
University of Penna. He practised
liw in Philadelphia and New York, and
has had large experience in the law
Postmaster-General - HITCHCOCK
Frank II. Hitchcock, the new postmaster-general,
was born in Ohio in
1SGG. He graduated in 18'Jl from Har
vard. He has filled positions in the
departments of agriculture and com
merce and labor. He was chairman of
the republican national campaign last
Secretary of the Treasury-MAC-VEAGIL
The new secretary of the
treasury, franklin Macvcagh, was
born near Phoenixville, Penn., and
graduated from Yale University, and
from Columbia law school in New
York. He practised law for some time
and afterward entered the mercantile
business in Chicage, where he has
achieved marked success. He has been
for a number of years one of the di
rectors of the Commercial National
Bank of Chicago. In 1895 he was nomi
nated by the democrats of Illinois for
U. S. Senator, but when free silver
became the issue he left the demo
cratic party.
Secretary of War-DICKINSON
Jacob M. Dickinson, the new secretary
of war was born at Columbus, Mis?.,
in 1851. He graduated from the uni
versity of Nashville and studied law at
Columbia University at the university
of Liepsic, and in Paris. He is presi
dent of the American Bar Association.
He served on the Alaskan arbitration
tribunal, to settle the boundary line
between Alaska and Canada, and also
served as assistant attorney-general
under President Cleveland.
things. His previous record had been
creditable and promising. He showed
industry, quickness and aptitude. On
these his promotion came. But some
how, when he got into the bigger place
; and drew the higher salary he had not
the control of self, the continuity of
effort, or sense of hard work needed to
score success. Or he may have come
suddenly into money or the management
of a business or a large scope of re
sponsibility; he tried fitfully, but he
was not equal. We, have, as a rule,
only bitter criticism for his inadequacy,
and we hear on all sides the phrases of
the day: He got the swelled head. He
could not make good. He was a round
peg in a square hole. He was small
potatoes. He used up all his steam in
hot air. And so on through the slang
of the day.
Life's pathway is strewn with these
failures of clever men, of men of great
adeptness in narrow pursuits and cir
cumscribed duties, who went to pieces
when they reached positions of power
that called for steady, patient, courage
ous grasp and push. They lacked the
dogged quHlities. They endeavored to
The Citizens Party, of the City
of Plattsmouth, Cass County, Ne
braska, will hold a mass convention
at Coates' Ijall, at 8 o'clock p. m.,
Thurday, March 18, 1909, for the
purpose of nominating one candidate
for mayor; one for city treasurer;
one for city clerk; one for police
judge; two for members of the
school board; one councilman for
the first ward for one year to fill
vacancy; one councilman for the
first ward for full term; one for
Becond ward for full term; one for
third ward for full term; one for
fourth ward for full term; and one
for fifth ward for full term, to be
elected at the next general city
election to be held on Tuesday,
April 6, 1909.
By order of the Committee.
wage earner you have no right ! other words the liquor interests pay to
1 . . n.. i:n I
, to ask protection for your person, your the wage earner urmuunj
m : il 1 1 O .mw nont l $ tllO Tlinti'l Tt firm
property, your business, or your tamuy. ;inan 1 1- --v -r--
so long as you are afraid to do.your.! the liquor traffic in wages. Can it be
whole duty to assist to give us good- contended that the wage earner de-
, if vmi orfl ofraifl tn ex-1 rives any practical financial benefit
! ercise your full duty as a good Amer- from the liquor traffic. How does this
can citizen in your local government, compare with other industries? Of the
you have no right to ask for protection. boot and shoe industry nearly 21 per
,.mmt ,inoa nnt mm nn n ' cent of the total receipts are paid to
Rev. D. M. Finder, of Exeter, Ne
braska, in the State Journal, said:
The climax Las come. The cat is out
of the water. The die is cast. Mr.
Bryan, who for twelve years has been
the idol of democracy has been asked
golden platter.
labor; of the furniture industry nearly
24 per cent are paid for labpr; of the
How strong do you believe in the I iron and steel industry more than 24
welfare of your city? Do you believe j per cent are paid for labor; and of the
in it strong enough to devote some of I clothing industry more than 17 per
your valuable time? Do you believe in ' cent are paid for labor.
it strong enough to share your personal
responsibility in promoting its best in
terests? Nothing is needed in this city
more than a clean and efficient city
shorten the long road of necessary toil I to take a s,aml on county option' and
There is one form of failure surpris
ingly frequent and familiar in America,
which though it seldom excites pity,
is yet most pitiful. It is the man who
by short cuts in method and finance.
Frequently it was speculation instead
of butiicss and these tragedies are
spread over the newspapers every day.
Very often they throw away the hard
lessons of experience that mark the
evolution of business, and rush into
mere schemes under the fatal belief
that they are more progressive than
their elders. And promptly the wrecks
When we study this phase of daily
life we soon discover why it is that the
commonplace, keep-at-it boy of the
town becomes the successful man, while
his brilliant playmate flits from one
failure to another until he reaches an
old age of despair. This plodding fel
low moves to the bigger things with a
solemn realization of the work and re
sponsibility they require, while the
geniuB takes his burdens lightly and
realizes too late-if he realizes at all
that the long pull is the moving force
in all great problems of business as
of transportation.
Americans have more insomnia than
any other people on earth because they
cheat themselves of good sleep by the
dreams of sudden wealth. Immigrants
come to us with the same expectations
as the first gold-seekers. But all this
does not change the immutable; success
here or elsewhere is serious and con
servative; it stays with those who woik
for it and who work with it. It flies
away when played with.
t $
Solid Oak Tables in large
variety, and everything else
in the furniture line can be
found here. Come in any
time, whether you intend
making an immediate pur
chase or not. It's well
though to know what you're
planning to get a week or
month from now.
A city full of hope is always full
of hustle.
Goo made the county, but man made
the country roads.
If at first you don't succeed, don't
count the first time.
Opportunity knocks for those who
wake up early, seldom for those who
sit up late.
j, ! city, who is not thoroughly disgusted
There is a wide difference between
the man who seeks a position for him
self and the man who makes a position ' American
for himself.
to lend his support to woman suffrage.
He said he did not discuss it because it
was not in the platform. Is not that
something like a Pharisee? But did
you not hear a sound a few months
ago ringing from ocean to ocea,n, from
Canada to the Gulf, "let the people
rule?" Who was the author of it?
Did he mean it, or was he "just a fool
ing?" Wonder if he meant that a
certain distinguished citizen of Ne
braska meant the people? Was it a
fair chance to let the people rule to
appear before the house committee and
try to get them to kill a bill and not
let the larger number of our law
makers have a right to rule?
Listen! Here is Mr. Bryan condemn
ing a man, whose money only a few
years ago Mr. Bryan was very anxious
to have as large a sum as possible
given for a library. Is it any more
sinful to accept money for a library
than for him to help a man who has
sacrificed years of service for the bene
fit of his state? Oh, Mr. Bryan, is it
any worse to accept the license money
from the saloon keeper to educate the
youth of our land than to take the
money of Carnegie after it has passed
beyond his control? Are you not afraid
that our army of public school teachers
will be biased in their views of the
mighty monster of the land and will
not teach the tender youths under their
care that it is not wrong to put
poisonous alcohol into their system?
I urn a minister of the Gospel, and
have always been a loyal supporter of
the "Peerless leader," but my faith is
becoming shaken.
A very soft nest seems to have been
made for the distinguished gentleman
to occupy two years hence. People
change their minds sometimes, and not
even "brine"can always preserve them
in their original condition. I do not
claim to be a prophet, but listen! Two
years hence if there is not too much
brought to bear through that school
of "iiryanism" at the university, a
man other than the one whom the
people have twice turned
From the reports from the last meet
ing of the city council, we would sug
gest that the appropriation of $300 for
City Attorney Ramsey's salary should
be amended to read "donation." If
anything, we are convinced that the
present city attorney is a poorer excuse
than the city attorney, of a few years
ago, under John A. Gutchey's administration.
It is estimated that the wage earners
of this country alone, annually pay into
the coffers of the liquor traffic the sum
of $4;$G,1GO,000. In other word3 for
every dollar that the liquor traffic pays
to the workingman, it receives out of
his wages from other industries the
sum of $15.58. As a matter of practi
cal economics can it be said that the
workingmen of this country derive
any benefits from the liquor traffic?
These are practical facts and worthy
of careful study.
Some months ago it will be remember
ed that in northern Tennessee the night
The saloonkeeper, who runs a dis-1 Mm murdere( Capt Rankin on the
reputable place, and constantly violates bank of a ,iu,e ,ake caed Reel.foot.
the law, is the fellow who makes trou- T rim m, mmitto,i fnr nn n,OP
ble for all the rest. The fourth para-, reason than that a company had been
graph of the resolutions adopted by the ; organized and purchased this small lake
Model License League, a liquor dealers ; and took some steps toward the re
association, says: "The licenses of all ; striction of the inhabitants in their
retail liquor dealers who violate the j time-honored custom of fishing. These
law should be cancelled." Plattsmouth
has had some very reputable saloon
men, ani these men deserve to be pro
tected from the abuses of the disre
putable rellows.
fisher-folk considered this an unwar
ranted interference with their rights
and they resented, it. Their resent
ment inflamed the minds of the more
reckless of the inhabitants until
they took up arms to avenge this
imagined wrong. Capt. Rankin and
Col. Taylor were two of the officers of
the land company. In the middle of the
night an armed band of these fisher
folk called at the homes of Capt. Ran
kin and Col. Taylor and took these two
men out of their beds to mpft thpir
fate, at the hands of the mob. Capt.
Rankin was hanged to a tree near
the lake and shot to death. Col. Tay-
There are 104,716,965 bushels of
gram used in the United States
annually in the manufacture of intoxi
cating liquors, being a little over than
two per cent of the entire grain crop
of this country. It cannot be said that
the manufacture of alcoholic bever
ages makes any material difference in ;
the price of the grain crops raised by 1 r, however, made an almost miracu
the farmers. So that as a financial lous escape.
proposition it cannot correctly be con-! It was now up to the administrators
tended that the farmers derive any of the law to enforce it. The sheriff of
practical benefit from the manufacture the county with a posse of men caught
of liquor. The total amount paid for ; these night riders. It was but a short
grain used in the manufacture of liquor 1 time until eight men out of this mob
is the sum of $61,079,000. 1 were brought face to face with a jury
The total amount paid in wages to of their peers. The men were charged
the workingman in the United States ; with murder. Within three months
annually by the liquor interests is the ; from the time of the commission of the
sum of $28,005, 454; v.hile the liquor crime, six of these men had been regu
interests receive annually the sum of i larlv tried and condemmed tobehaneed
$1,880, 000.0(H) from the people. Or in ! and the other two were sentenced to
down for one whom they thought a
more capable niler, will occupy the
"(..00!) business administration nest that H. R. No. 1 made. I believe
should be the slogan thi3 sprirg. If j inexactly what the words ray "Let
there is a single business man in this : the eoile rule." CJive us a fair chance
at what we ask for. The 'people are
Look carefully through our
carefully selected stock of Car
pets, Rugs, Tapestries, etc., be
fore making any selection, for in
bo doing you will reap the bene
fit of your wisdom in a wider
range of choice than ordinary, in
certainty of merit of the goods
and figures, which will effect
you a genuine saving in cash
Agents for the Stearns t Foster Mattress.
with the present city administration,
we have not, yet, heard of him.
It 13 believed that a graft is soon to
be sprung in this county. As soon as
we have satisfied ourselves in this mat
ter the News-Herald will expose the
whole scheme. It is a matter in which
the whole county and city are interested.
Y '
demanding other methods than those
used in the committee room last week
to humiliate. Gag rule will not work
How many business men in thi3 city
would employ the present night police
for one of the most important positions
in his private business? If not for your
private business, then why for the city
business? That seems to be the whole
trouble with this city. You may talk
factories and advancement for the city
until your hair grows white, your scalp
I should be untrue to myself, to my
; promises and tc the declarations of the
1. 1 party platfomi on which I was elected
n UHi noi mane the maintenance and uu,,i on,i vnllr l,h dnrnv. hut so lonir
kin i v t it i vi j s i wwjp . - - - - t-j
enforcement of my predecessor's re- j flS you sit around anij tolerate such
forms a most important feature of my 1 rnn,i;t;nn, n now txist in the adminis-
J. 1 administration. - From President Taffs ; tration of this city, take our word for
inaugural .ad.lress. ; it you will live in darkness and dis-
" ' grace.
How would you like to vote for a '
The big furnitu;
Michael Hild.
e and undyrtakiiur establishment on South Sixth Street.
Licensed Err.balmers:
John P. Sattlek.
j. person'for a city office, who would in
J. when she goes into hi.-i place of bus;
You may say you are a good citizen
suit your wife, daughter, or sister, and want irood city government, but
are you willing to do your part to get
That kind it. Goo;t citizenship consists in cioing
1 of a cuss will very pnbably be asking your duty as a citizen, feanessly, and
1 vein- mnnort thiM c,,rir Will vr.n !...' recardiess of personal consequences.
ness to transact busiiu
M"!";"M"HMH,i , gia-le yourself to vote for hi,n?
As man, business man, professional
Our New Goods for Spring
Our Dress Goods are different from the
ordinary kind. Style is different. Colors
absolutely fast and prices to .-uit everbody.
The best Ginghams at 10c, 12k, 25c
All the new shades and patterns in Tissue
Soisette, White Gcols, Dot Swiss, etc.,
at 23c yard
Half Silk, Messaline in plain colors such as
crushed Raspberry, Wisteria, Mulberry,
Wood brown, etc., at. . .-. 50c per yard.
Dress Linens at 25c, ,13c, 40c pard.
Galatea Cloth, Dress Satin, India Linen
white and colored.
Try us
Just received a fine
line of those new elas
tic belts, some have
the leather trimming.
50c Each
The most fash
ionable modes
Dutch Blue,
Wood brown, in
the drop stitch
or thin Lisle
for spring.