The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, March 08, 1909, Image 8

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Pianos ior Particular People
Bank Building.
Murdock, Neb.
'Phone No. 99.
Martin & Tool, Murdock, Neb.
'ARTIN & TOOL at Murdock, Nebraska, have.
inaugurated a Bargain Sale. This sale no
doubt will create spring smiles. Honest de
pendable and reliable merchandise thrown upon the
market at prices which will please the eyes and open
your purse. Every man, woman and child are
commanded to attend this event. Pay this store a
visit by all means. Read on.
Opening Day Wednesday Mar. 10
At 9 A. M.
Continues 16 days, get one of our full page circu
lars and read very carefully each and every price.
These few prices below will give your some idea of
what you can expect here.
Ladies' and Misses' Jackets, regular $3.50 to $10 qa
values. Public sale price UuC
About 100 dozen Hankerchiefs, good 10c values.
Public Sale price UV
$8.50 suits all to match, $4.95. A fine suit of clothes,
all to match, come in homespun and worsted Scotch
mixtures. This suit is positively worth $8.50 or
your money refunded at any time. Ayi qp
Public sale price MJO
$15 for $11.75. A comprehensive line of excellent
mannish mixtures in cheviot creations, represent
ing only latest fashions. ' Come in single and
double-breasted. A suit that you would have dif
ficulty to duplicate at $15 anywhere, am iu
Public sale price Vll'iO
Corset Covers positively worth SOc. i
Public sale price I C
25c towels, honey combed. q
extra large UC
Ladies Black Petticoats,allsizes;vere considered ex
cellent values at $1.50. Watch 'em go. qq
Public sale price if 0 C
2,000 yards of Cambric Edges and Insertions from
3 to 5 inches wide, 12Jc values.
Fublic sale price IC
One lot of Staple Shape hats, worth $1. q
Public sale price OuC
50 dozen men's heavy work socks, cotton, good m
quality. Public sale price
About 100 dozen Handkerchiefs, good 10c values. n
Public sale price OC
The best shoo on the market for the price, certainly
the equal of any $5.00 make; the latest toes and
styles in all leathers. These shoes compare with Aa qq
the most expensive shoes made. Public sale price Vuv 0
A good 25c Suspender, only 20 dozen at this a
Public Sale OC
The trimmer for the Martin & Tool
miTnery department arrived Monday
E. N. Green, Wm. M. Schewe nnd
the Livery barn will" be added to the
Murdock exchange this week.
David Thimgan and his sister Zelma
left for a short visit with the family of
Mannie Thimgan near Sutton, Neb.'
Fred W. Backemeyer took up a 25
pound red pig about February 1st. The
owner can reclaim property by paying
for this notice and cost of keep.
Mrs. Augusta Neitzel, mother of
Louis and H. R. Neitzel of this place,
died last week at her home in South,
Bend, Indiana, from paralysis. Further
particulars will be given next issue. II.
R. Neitzel left for her bed-side immed
iately upon advice of her serious condition.
Mrs. E. T. Tool received a dispatch
Tuesday informing her of the death of
her first father-in-law back in Storm
Lake, Iowa. The old gentleman cele
brated his 83th birthday on the 28th of
February and died on the 2nd of March,
cause of death being due to old age.
Mrs. E. T. Tool and her two daughters
left for Storm Lake to attend the fun
eral. The postponed stock-holders mpMino-
of the Murdock Telephone Company
wa3 held March 1st, when the followings
Directors were elected serve the en
suing year, II. V. McDonald, H. A.
Tool, Herman Kupke, J. L. Goehry
and II. R. Neitzel. The report render
ed by the Treasurer showed the busi
ness to be prosperous and besides hav
ing added materially to the plant a ten
per cent dividend was declared on the
stock, which is payable at the Bank of
Things doing
at Mynard
Spociml Correspondence.
J. H. Adams has gone on a land hunt
ing expediton down in New Mexico.
Joe Heigh left Monday with a car of
emigrant stuff for Petersburg, Neb.
Will VanEvery of Wabash, was visit
ing friends in Mynard the first of the
Mrs. A. L. Cox of Nebraska City was
visiting friends and relatives in Mynard
R. L. Propst returned from a visit to
South Dakota Wednesday he reports
everything there prosperous.
. S. O. and Earl Cole left Tuesday for
Alherta Province Canada they expect
to be absent two to three weeks.
W. B. Porter local manager for the
Jones Grain Co., for the last 6 years
has resigned his position, effective
April 1st.
Rock Bluffs, Roy Thompson, Clarence
Beal, Earle Hasskr, Wayne Dickson,
Robert Newell, Cirl Smith, John Fal
ter, Will Shopp.
W. L. Street
Has Returned
It is with much pleasure that we note
the return of W. L. Street, who spent
about fourteen weeks in Emmanuel
hospital in Omaha, where he under
went a severe surgical operation. We
are glad to see you out again Bro.
Former Lincoln
Resident Dies
A Preacher
Rev. F. J. Warren, the "preacher
brakeman," who is conducting a ten
days' revival campaign at the Salva
tion Army hull, 1430 O street, will give
a lecture on Gen. Lew Wallace's "Ben
Hur, a Tale of the Christ," tonight in
the Army hall. The lecture will be
illustrated by sixty slides; there will
be several illustrated songs, moving
pictures, good singing, and a free-will
offering at the door. Lincoln Journal.
Fred was born and grew to manhood
in this city.
Party for
Miss Sanders
At the home of Miss r'reda Wolfarth,
Thursday evening, the Misses lillie and
Minnie Ploeger and Freda Wolfarth
gave a most delightful party in honor
of their friend Miss Mary Sanders, of
Cedar Creek. An elegant three course
luncheon was served.
Among those present were Miss
Ethel Jones, Freda and Otto Wolfarth,
William and James Andrews, Minnie !
and Tillie Ploeger, Albert Timms, Anna j
Deutch, Katy and Louise Hesse, Glen
Mullis, George Goblemnn, Mary Sand- j
er, Harold Williams, Henry Hesse,
Eugene Dawson, and Jesse Ledgway,
New Store in
Harvey Shotwcll. formerlv a residpnr.
of this county died suddenly of heart
failure yesterday morning at his home
in Seattle, Wash. Information to this
effect was received yesterday after
noon by Mrs. Wallace of this city,
his sister-in-law, who immediately
started for the northwest. Mr. Shot
well was married two years ago in
January to Miss Lottie Pollard of tie
hawka, sister of ex-Congressman Pol
lard and Mrs. Wallace. He was form
erly a student in the university and is
wen remembered by the graduates of
twenty years ago. He was connected
with the engineering department of
the city of Seattle. -Sunday State
When you meet a person who is very
particular in musical matters it is safe to con
clude that that person owns one of our
pianos. The undoubted preeminence of our
Pianos accounts for their adoption by the
best judges of music everywhere. The ac-s
tion of our Pianos is up to the standard.
Strike a note on one of our pianos a number
of times and you will get a response for every
note you strike. Nine out of ten pianos will
simply result in a succession of blurred tones.
We do expert tuning and repairing.
Plattsmoulh Music Company
Geo. E. Dovey, President. H. N. Dovey, Cashier
F . E. Schlater, Vice Pres. C. G. Fricke, Ass't Cash.
Transacts a General Banking Business
and Repectf ully Solicits a Share
of Your Patronage.
Died From
Mrs. Lewis Schutz, died this morn
ing at her home north of the poor farm
from the results of a stroke of Daralv-
sislast Wednesday.
Hard Luck
The opening of the new store of Falter
& Thierolf, which was extensively ad
vertised to take place Saturday, has
been postponed, much to the regret of
tf management. To a News-Herald
reKrter Mr. Falter stated that on Jan
uary 2 an order was placed for the
fixtures, same to be delivered in Platts
mouth on February 15. However, ow
ing to the crowded conditions of the
furniture trade the goods were not
shipped until February 23 at Grand
Rapids, Mich., and have not yet been
received, the result of course being that
the "uncovering" had to be postponed.
Murdock, Nebraska
Friday evening a number of his
! friends gave Mr. Ray Smith a surprise
party, the occasion being his 21st birth
day. It was a most enjoyable occasion.
Among those invited were Mr. and Mrs.
Torn Smith of Illinois, Mr. and Mrs.
Gobelman, Mrs. D. O. Dwycr, Misses
Lillian Thompson, Olive Jones, Gret
chen and Mario Donnelly, Edna Peter
sen, Esther Larson, Hernese Newell,
Edna Shopp, Stanficld Jones: Messrs.
i Stapleton of Nchawka, Will Smith of
Legal Notice.
In the County Court of Cam county. Nebraska.
In the matter of t hi. iAu. m ci i.
To Thomas K. Clark and all persons interested in
incimieoi jonn w. iiark. deceased:
..Yo'i".r"j!rhy rortilwl that on the 8th day of
March A. D. 19td'. Anna E. Clark filed a petition
in above entitled causa in th Cmmtu rv.,,..
tana county Nebraska, asking for an order and
decree of the County Court removing and dis
charging Thomas K. Clark as executor of the
entato of John W. Clark, deceased, and for the
appointment of Anna K. Clark to act as executrix
with will annexed of said estate to complete the
administration thereof. You are further notified
that there will be a hearing on raid petition and
tho allegations therein contained, which allege
the removal of said eiecutor from the stale of
Nebraska, and failure to inMke any report of his
acts as such executor to the County Court, on the
3Uth day of March A. D. l'Jtlil. at 10 o'clock A. M.
f said day. and if no objections to said petition
are tiled within that time, the prayer, of said
petition will Im granted, said executor removed
and said Anna K. Clark appointed in his stnd. Of
all of which you will take due notice. Dnted this
ttlh day of March A. D. 1WJ.
Ai.lkn J. Hkkson,
t,'"B County J uilgc.
Legal Notice.
State of Nebraska, i , ,
County of Cuss. In County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Lliza S. Shepherd,
To all persons interested:
You are hereby notified that there has been filed
in this court a petition. alleging among other
things, that said Eliza 8. Shepherd, departed this
life, intestate, in the City of Denver, and State
of Colorado, leaving real estate situat in Cass
County. Nebraska. The prayer of said petition is
that said estate be administered and that Jacob
11. bhepherd be appointed administrator of laid
You are further notified that a hearing will be
had upon said petition before this court arthe
county court room at Plattsmouth. in said county,
on the Kth day of March WU9. at It o'clock a. m.
and that all objections, if any. must be riled on or
before said day and hour of hearing.
Witness my hand and the seal of the County
Court of Cass County. Nebraska, this 18th day of
February, 1(KI9.
Ramssy A Ram dEy, Allen J. Bkkson,
Attorneys. County Judge.
Notic of Final Hearing.
State of Nebraska, t , , ,
County of Casa. I County Court,
To all persons interested In the estate of Elizabeth
Davis, deceased:
You will take notico that upon this the 2tith day
of rebruary. 190U, there was tiled herein the final
report and petition for final settlement of E. U
Carson, the administrator c. t. a. of the estate of
Elizabeth Davis, deceased, therein praying for
approval of the administration of said estate aa
therein reported, and for the entry of proper
order and decree respecting descent and distribu
tion of the proporty of said estate in Casa County,
A hearing will be had upon aiiid petition and re
port In this Court at I'lattsm iuth. Nebraska, upon
the 22nd day of March, liaiy. at B o'clock a. m., at
which time all persona interested may anin-ar and
show cause if any there be why the said report
should not bo approved and the prayer of sakl
petition granted. Dy tho Court.
Allen J. rkmom
78 ISEALj County Judsa.
Interest Paid On Time Deposits.
TF YOU are in need of any sta-
tionary, sale bills, posters or
any kind or job printing come to
this office. It will be printed right.
Solid Oak Tables in lar
variety, and everything else
in the furniture line can be
found here. Come in any
time, whether you intend
making an immediate pur
chase or not. It's well
y though to know what you're
planning to get a week or
month from now.
Look carefully through our
carefully selected stock of Car
pets, Rugs, Tapestries, etc., be
fore making any selection, for in
so doing you will reap the bene
fit of your wisdom in a wider
range of choice than ordinary, in
certainty of merit of the goods
and figures, which will effect
you a genuine saving in cash
Agents for the Stearns & Foster Mattress
; The big furniture and undertaking establishment on South Sixth Street
1 Licensed Embalmers:
Michael Hild.
John p. Sattler.