MURDOCH DLPARTMLNT Bf H R. Bank Building. Murdock, Deposit What You Like When You Like But deposit your money HERE. It is possible that you huvc never felt the abso lute necessity of having a bank account. It is prob able you could drift along for years without one but IF YOU EXIECT TO FORGE TO THE FRONT in thin life in a financial way it is essential that you have a Bunk Account. We Rive you u personal invitation to make this bank your deKwitory whether you have a small sum or a large one to, lay aside for safe keeping. Bank ot Murdock H. R. NEITZEL, Cashier. Individual Responsibility Ovsr $300,000. REPORT OF THE CONDITION Of TIIK BANK OF MURDOCK OF MURDOCK. NKUItASKA. CHARTER NO. 678 (Iiicotpitmlcd.) In the State of Nebraska, at the clone of business, Feb. 2.'!, 1909. REHOUUCKS. Loans and diacniint am? 9Ct n Overdraft. secuml ami uniwrurvd 204 23 I Banking house furniture and fixtures... 3,000 00 Current exnfmiwa and tar paid 11.877 03 Due from national, alalo and private lianka and bankent 17.1H3 OS Cah G.SM 28 2:1.041 86 Total $125,386 61 LIAIIILITIKS. Capital stock paid in $10,000 00 Surplus fund 600 00 Undivided profit 11.374 91 Individual drpoaiU autiirrt to chock 2IUWH 7-J Time certificate of delimit fO.402 46 Canhier'i checka outntandinir 10.510 ir, 1(13.1)1 70 . Total I125.3H6 61 Statk of Nkbhahka l County of CaM I I, II. K. NeitieU cannier of the aliove named bank, do hereby iwcar that the above atateinent iaa correct and true copy of the report mails to the State Ranking Board. Attest H R. Nkit.kl F. Wolf, Dirwtnr. H. A. Tooi, Director. Subociit cd and awi rn to before me thU 2nd day of March. 1SU9. Isral P. 8. Chink. Notary Public. My commiaaicn e: pire July 20. l'.lll. Ferd. Rosenow and family were Om aha passengers last Monday. Sam Kitts is visiting his mother. He intends to make a Canadian trip shortly. Louis Thimgan and family were up from Lincoln to Bpcnd Sunday with relatives. Miss Minnie Guthmann is visiting her sister Mrs. 11. R. Neitzel and family this week. Wm. Nielson while in Omaha last week bought a new engine for his automobile. John Piorenemeier was an Omaha passenger last Sunday, returning via riatlsmouth. George Wallinger is moving on the The Spring Time Will Surely Come. The gladdest time of all the year. With the return of 'the bird?, the coming again of the breezes anil blossoms, comes also more milk thus adding to the duties of the housewife, We have anticipated this contingency and are prepared for the occasion. We have the Best Cream Separator Made. The United States, in a number of sizes at prices which are in the icach of all. Come in and we will demonstrate their utility and ease of operation. H. L. ASEMISSEN & SONS NEITZEL. Neb. 'Phone No. 99 Fred. Guenther farm live miles north : west of Murdock. Markets, wheat $1, corn floe, oats 44c, hogs $5.60, butter 20c, eggs IHe, hens He, cream 21c. Rev. A. Brauchle is at present in ; North Louj) attending a conference of ' German Evangelical ministers. : Earle Clark was in town Tuesday in terviewing our citizens with a view of j writing them some accident insurance. ! The bank of Murdock is publishing its , report in these columns. It shows up , with the beat of the banks in the state. I The family of Wm. Weddell is still j under the weather and they had a pro- fessional nurse from Omaha comedown I to help them out. Matt Schoeman who has been visiting with relatives hereabout the past sev I eral weeks left for his home in Okla I noma Tuesday evening. j The Rikli Tigers defeated the Elm ' wood High school basket ball team last ! week in a well contested game by a scorce of 20 to 18. This is turn-about. Steve Lcis who has been visiting his parents the past week, left for his home in Jackson county, Monday. His father is well on the road to recovery. Carl Rissmann and family are at pre sent occupying the Henry Klemme farm juHt west of town, until he can get his Texas land deal straightened out. Arthur Rikli and son Leo left for a southern trip Tuesday evening, they will make stops in Oklahoma and Texas; calling on Arnold Rikli who is at pres ent located near Abiline, Texas. Word has been received from South Bend, Indiana that Mrs. Neitzel, mother cf the Neitzel brothers Louis and Her man is very low from a third paralytic stroke. Her recovery is r.ot expected. All Dettmann who has been rusticat- ln8 near fimrose, Nebr., the past winter returned to his old haunts last Saturday. He will probably again run the Rush traction engine during the coming season. We understand that Mrs. John Barts suffered a stroke of a; oplexy last week which has left her utterly helpless. We trust that she may soon recover his accustomed good health, as she is a most estimable lady. Mrs. Duesing who has made her home with the family of her daughter the past several years, left for Sugar City, Colorado last week, where her other daughter, Mrs. John Baumgartner is seriously ill with appendicitis. Fred. Wilkens and wife left for Okla homa last Thursday to attend the funer al of Fred. Hartig who died there early in the week. A good many of our readers will well remember Mr. Hartig as he was a former resident of Cass county, living on the C. G. Backemeyer farm west of town. Cause of his death was some affection of the lungs. Insurance Gambling. A system of Rambling In wh!pg by persons who take out policies of In surance on Itrltlsh vessels In which they have not the sllKhtest ownership has become so prevalent that the gov ernment Is determln-d to suppress the practice, If possible, and Hum put a stop to a form of speculation which. If not In Itself ritmlnal, Is held to be conducive to criminality. The London board of trade has also taken tip the matter and will bring all the pressure possible to bear In aid of the efforts of the authorities. As a first step. It has Invited a conference of shipown ers, underwriters and others to con sider the matter and to take such nc tlon as may lm feasible. WORK THAT TELLS Plenty of It Has Been Done Right Here In Platts mouth. Cures that last are cures that tell. To thoroughly know the virtues of a medicine you must investigate' the cures and see if they prove permanent. Ooan's Kidney Tills stand this test, and plenty of proof exists right here in Plattsmouth. People who testified years a'o to the relief from backache. kidney ar.d urinary disorders, now de clare that relief wa3 permanent and the cure perfect. How can any Platts mouth sufferer longer doubt the evi dence? J. S. Hall, South Sixth Street, Platts mouth, Neb., says: "In 18 I strained my back and soon after I began to suf fer from kidney trouble. I had severe pains across ihe small of my back and on this account it was difficult for me to stoop or rise from a chair. I tried several remedies but to no avail and finally w hen I had the good fortune to hear about Doan's Kidney Pills, I de cided to use them. I procured a box at Gering & Co's. drug store and within forty-eight hours after the first dose, I felt better. Since then, I have always kept a supply of Doan's Kidney Pills in the house, finding that they bring the best of results whenever used." (Statement given June 6, 1906. On December 30, 1908, Mr. Hall said: "I cheerfully renew my former en dorsement of Doan's Kidney Pills. I know that this remedy is a reliable one for kidney complaint." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember, the name-Doan's and take no other. 79 5 Rabbi Conn Coming. The next public meeting of the Men's Brotherhood of the Presbyterian church will be held in the church parlors next Sunday evening.. Rabbi Coh'n of the Jewish synagogue in Omaha has been engaged to make the address. ' THE COUNTY BOARD REGULAR MEETING HELD AND USUAL AMOUNT OF ROUTINE i BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Plattsmouth, Neb., March 2, 1909. Board met in regular session, with all members present. Minutes of previous meeting read approved, whereupon the following business was transacted in regular form: Bond of Dr. I. C. Munger, Co., Phy sician Dist. No. 6, approved. Bond of J. H. Tarns, Supt. poor farm, approved. Road petition of S. Goodman and others for the location of a road com mencing at the S. W. corner of S. E. Qr. Sec. 1 T 11 R 12, running thence north one mile, to be located - on the half section line on the south half and on the east side of half section line on thet north half, to be 40 feet in width to be known as road No. 92, .received and the County Clerk instructed to ap point commissioner to view and report on the above petition according to law. Report of Soldiers Relief Commission accepted and placed on file. Petition of S. F. Girardet and others requesting the appointment of C. II. Rager Constable for the city of Weep ing Water to fill vacancy, received. C. II. Rager was this day appointed Constable for Weeping Water city. J. H. Tarns filed his yearly report as Supt. of the Poor Farm as follows: Total expenditures for year March 1, '08, to March 1, '08. $2-166 39 Income from sales, cattle, but ter, eggs, hogs, grain, etc., together with improvements made during the year nnd produce on hand 1062 o5 Leaving total expenditures. .. .$1401 0,1 Average No. inmates during year ' 11 Number of deaths during year. 2 Cost per year for each inmate.. 100 29 Cost per day for each inmate. . 27 Cost per meal for each inmate. 09 C.KNKHAl. FLM. L. H. Daft, expense Brock- miller case A. P. Barnes, meals to jury.... Neb. Light Co., gas to jail Lorenz Bros., mdse to poor ltatt & Son, same M. E. Manspcaker, livery News-Herald, printing for Quinton W. L. Tickctt, agent, ticket to pauper C. W. Baylor, coal to paupers.. F. G. Fricke, mdse F. M. Svoboda, salary and laundry T. S. C. Dabb, Labor Platts. Water Co., water and repairs Katherine Minor, Labor Record ers office W. E. Rosencrans, salary W. E Rosencrans, Expense.... J. H. Latrom, witness Ossen- kopcase J. Hatt, meals to jury Hammond & Stephens, supplies. E. L. Jones, physician salary 10 32 14 GO 15 15 2 00 10 00 1 60 2 60 9 80 63 06 18 65 62 50 5 00 26 00 46 00 125 00 92 32 8 70 24 40 1 60 Advertised Letter Liat. Remaining uncalled for in the post office at Plattsmouth, Neb., March 1, 1901). Brut John Mrs., Kroskio John Mrs., ' Miller Albert Mrs., Medler Violet' Miss. Porn Agnes Miss, Thomas Mar ion, Buten (Just (Photo,) Charles N. S., ; Capeland Harry, Dasher Chas., Ed. ! Hartman, Johns C. C. Johnson, An- ' drew C. Luchinger P. II., Patterson L., j Stilger Emil, Weichel John. These letters will be sent to the dead : letter office March 15, 1909, if r.ot j delivered before. In calling for the above please say "advertised" giving date of list. C. 11. Smith, P. M. Meisinger Will Probated. The will of the late J. G. Meisinger was admitted to probate by Judge Bee son Monday, W. G., P. M. and G. G. Meisinger being appointed to executa the document, as suggested in it. Lrgal Notice. State of Nibraska. ' . . , CauntyoflW V' In County Court. In the matter of the estate of Eliia S. Shepherd. deceased. To all persons interested: You are hereby notified that there haa been filed in this court a petition, alleicinir anionic other things, that said fcliza S. Shepherd, departed this life, intestate, in the City of Denver, and State of Colorado, leaving real cslale situat in Cuts County, Nebraska. 1 he prayer of said petition is that said estaui be administered and that Jacob 11. Shepherd be appointed administrator of faid estate. You are further notified that a hearing will be had upon said petition before this court at the county court room at i'lattsmouth, in said county, on the 9th day of March lituU, atU o'clock a. m. and that all objections, if any, must be tiled on or before sa.d day and hour of hearing-. Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court of Cass County, Nebraska, this 16th day of February, i'M)0. Hamh::y & Ramsey. Allen J. Beubon. Attorneys. County Judiro. Seal 76-6 Notict of Final Hearing. State of Nebraska. ( . n , . County of Cass. t " In Countl' Court To all persons interested in the estate of Elizabeth Davis, deceased: You will take notice that upon this the 2iith day of February, 1909. there was tiled herein the final report and petition for final settlement of K. L. Carson, the administrator c. t. a. of the estate ot Kliiabeth Davis, deceased, therein praying for approval of the administration of said estate as therein reported, and for the entry of proper order ana decree respecting descent and distribu tion of the proporty of said estate in Cass County. Nebraska. A hearing will be had upon said petition and re port in this Court at I'lattsmouth. Nebraska, upon the 22nd day of March. 1909, at 9 o'clock a. m., at which time all persona interested may appear and show cause if any there be why the said reimrt should not be approved and the prayer of said petition granted, By the Uiurt. Allkn J. Hekson. 79-6 Si:ai. County Judge. 4th Qr F. E. Schlater, jury and bailiff certs Frank Dunbar, meals to jury. . Walter G. Ro'ierts, rent to morgue, etc M. Archer.State vs. J. Clarence. C. D. Quinton, fees same James Robertson, State vs. W. Riley Plattsmouth Journal, printing.. E. E. Hilton, salary Hans Johnson, mdse. to poor. . . Mary E. Foster, salary E. E. Hurlbut, costs State vs. J-.ihn Hough J. J. Andrus, same W. C. Ramsey, Saly. & exp.... J. J. Svoboda, Labor Flattsmouth Tele. Co., tolls and rent J. M. Jirousek, mdse to farm... J. H. Tarns, fruit trees to farm. Joe Kastel, labor Geo. Stander, wood to farm .... Fred Olenhausen, Ice to farm . . . Neb. Tele. Co., rent and tolls. . J. II. Tarns, salary... G. O. Dovey, Photos. Ossenkop case C. II. Smith, postal supplies.... John Bauer, mdse II. M. Soennichsen, mdse B. I. Clements, inquest Thos. Barnum G. W. Saxon, same Peter Clarence, same S. C. Hathaway, same ... R. D. Stine, same R. Delaney, same C. E. Young, same 15 00 675 10 39 75 10 00 4 75 2 10 2 60 20 00 48 00 9 05 125 00 2 10 2 10 98 42 26 90 36 35 25 80 10 65 5 00 40 50 4 20 5 85 60 00 7 00 16 72 28 05 31 05 15 19 ' W. E. Clark, same I II. McClure, same E. V. Bell, samo Dr. F. L. McLeod, same C. O. Anderson, same L. I). Switzer, saly and exp... . C. R. Jordan, same M. L. Friedrich, same S. F. Girardet, mdse. to poor. .. Dr. I. C. Munger, post mortem Chas. Byrnes Dr. J. M. Neely, same R. Rector, rent to pauper .... Stone Mercantile Co., mdso to poor Cliver & Vickers, livery Met Prouty, same ROAD FUND. A. F. Sturm, lumber to R. D. No. 12 Pittman & Davis, mdse. R. D. No. 10 .. J. F. Wolff, same No. 2 C. A. Richey, lumber No. 3. . . . . John Bauer, nails to No. 1 23 20 18 05 8 00 50 00 50 00 4 00 8 00 3 00 2 50 250 00 3 10 3 80 9 00 1 50 bridge; fund. A. F. Sturm, bridge lumber... 379 95 C. A. Richey, same 121 25 Cedar Creek Lumber Co., bridge lumber 55 35 Board adjourned to meet March 16, 1909. W. E. Rosencrans, County Clerk. V Pianos for Particular People I Y Y V V f f V f Y Y f Y Y Y When you meet a person who is very particular in musical matters it is safe to con clude that that person owns one of our pianos. The undoubted preeminence of our . Pianos accounts for their adoption by the best judges of music everywhere. The ac tion of our Pianos is up to the standard. Strike a note on one of our pianos a number of times and you will pet a response for every note you strike. Nine out of ten pianos will simply result in a succession of blurred tones. We do expert tuning and repairing. 2S5XHDSEQ 5B&259SBBZ Plattsmouth Music Company J. A. BECKER, MANAGER :: t t Geo. E. Dovey, President. F. E. Schlater, Vice Pres. C. G. Fricke, Ass't Cash. FIRST NATIONAL BANK PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. Transacts a General Banking Business and Repectfully Solicits a Share of Your Patronage. Interest Paid k U U'U'AA'U'UlAr.AT.... f Y Y Y Y t Y Y TF YOU are in need of any sta- tionary, sale bill?, posters or any kind or job printing come to this office. It will be printed right. W f Jl M'i 2H SWli SOV"V . - " Carpets Look carefully through our carefully selected stock of Car pets, Rugs, Tapestries, etc., be fore making any selection, for in so doing you will reap the bene fit of your wisdom in a wider range of choice than ordinary, in certainty of merit of the goods and figures, which will effect you a genuine saving in cash outlay. Agents for the Stearns & Foster Mattress. M. MILD, PROP. I The big furniture and undertaking T Licensed Michael Hild. -H"H- l I I I I I ! I I 1 I W-MWS-H-H' I I M I I I i i i u , , ! , , H. N. Dovey. Cashier On Time Deposits. .T. ... A A " -r -W W Solid Oak Tables in large variety, and everything else in the furniture line can be found here. Come in any time, whether you intend making an immediate pur chase or not. It's well U inou'1 to Know what you "" l t a week though to know what you're or muntu llt'Ill nOV. establishment on South Sixth Street. T Embalmers: ' I John I. Sattler. 1 v t Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T Y v Y Y Y Ml f Y Y v i : s