The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, February 22, 1909, Image 8

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was us j
I Mr. ami Mr. J. E. Banning enter- When he presorted his bill it
i taineJ a few friends in honor of Mrs. that fainted ar.d a sixty mile
yron ill Co. trior cueun miitiicu uu i huj hujuh au uou m v.iw. o.
Miss Mildred Hringman arrived vd-' Vl'ry Heasant eveninK w3 '"I'0"1' with John B urke returned home from
ncsday from Atchison to vicsit with her J ic a,,d soclul conversation. , Auburn last Saturday where he vi-ited
aunt, Mrs. L. J. Mayflcld. ! Miss Lydia Taylor of Ulysses is here Tom Cusie and family. He said Tom
Mrs. Kdlngrim and little son and ' vWtinff her friends, and renewing old had the best run now he ever had. on
if iwi.i..- u,..r,. i,.,.4m.ri 1 acquaintances. She had been in Omaha the Crete branch, and his train is the
to Plattsmouth Wednesday morning.
Mrs. Henry Taylor went t Sprir-g
field Wednesday to the bedside of her
daughter-in-law, Mrs. (War Taylor.
Oscar Taylor and little daughter
were here from Kearney Monday visit
ing: with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Taylor.
Mrs. Howard F.vat s was down from
Smith Bend forepart of the week visit
ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
L. Hums.
M. I. Williams, J. W. Waldron. W.
K. Diers, C. A. Ki hey and George
Prater were Omaha passengers Wed
nesday morning.
Miss Louise Jung left Wednesday for
North Platte to visit with her brother,
CJeorge Jung. She was accompanied as
far as Omaha by John Rohrdanz.
Miss Mildred Valentine, who has been
here from Norwalk, Ohio, visiting with
relatives left Wednesday morning for
Omaha to visit with her aunt, Mrs. F.
A. Secord.
Fred Twisa and daughter Bertha, are
here from Illinois visiting with rela
tives. Fred left Louisville 21 years
ago and located in Wyoming, and this
ii his first visit to his old home town in
all these years. After a short visit here
with brothers! am) other relatives
they will continue op. to the west where
they will locate.
I for some time and could not return only one that runs over the road. A
without making a visit here. combination passenger and freight,
j Mr. and Mrs. Will Stoll aiethe happy ; It would please the Republican editor
parents of u 10 pound girl who came to ' L all the editors of the papers through
! their home on Wcdncsay, Feb. 17. out the county would lend their sup-
Mother and child are doing nicely and 5 ort to the election of a county corn
Grandpa Hans istaking his honor grare-1 missioner who would agree to make
fully. j some permanent roads in the county.
Henry Ebernoltc left for bis home in N'r't for one locality only.but divide the
Tamarack, Minn., on Monday after an ; work so as to eventually help all sec-
i. tended visit with friends of his eariv : tJina- A north and south road across
days. His visit
very pleasantly
of three weeks was
spent renewing ac-
juaintances with old friends.
Henry Wessel went to Omaha to at-
end a three days' session of the hard-
are dealers of the state the first of
the week. While he was away Henry
ollard tried to sell hardware for him
ith a reasonable degree of success.
Charles and John McCarthy of Wyo
ming were visiting m Nehawka for a
ouple of days last week with their sis
ter Mrs. Andrew Sturm. We under
stand that they have purchased a part
f her interest in the old estate near
George Holmes and wife left for their
home in Chariton, Iowa, on rriday
evening attei visiting a ween wun
home folks. George likes his work and
the city where he lives, and is doing
ell but he delights to return to the old
ome town.
i'riwn the !.cadcr-Eclio.
IJert Pollock was out from I'latts
mouth Wednesday.
Charlie Wilkins of Plattsmouth, was
in town Tuesday evening.
Koy Rhoden's oldest girl and E. E.
Miner a youngest girl nave the pneu
Mrs. L. (1. Hailey and children were
at Plattsmouth over Sunday visiting
Mrs. Mich, who was operated on at
the hospital a few weeks ago, will be
able to return to her home ut Eagle
this week.
J. F. Hoover shipped a mixed car of
stock to Omaha Wo ulay of last week
and two cars of hogs to Nebraska City
the Friday following.
Dr. Munger is thinking of applying
to President Roosevelt for a medal as
he has acted in the capacity of stork at
the arrival of eleven youngsters in
twelve days.
"The Devil" was presented at the
opera house Wednesday evening, and it
cost fifty cents. Now we have the
genuine article at this oil ice and he can
be seen any day except Sunday, with
out cost, unless you wish to give him a
cigar when you call.
There is quite an eqidemic of influen
za among the children of Elmwood and
vicinity, no less than a dozen of the
little folks having had the disease in a
severe form the past ten days, several
of the cases developing into pneumonia
Both of Dr. Neely'a children and two
of Dr. Munger's are sick. Dr. Mun
Iter's three months-old babe is lying at
the point of death, having develope
rptoai meningitis, me doctors are
worn out caring for their own families
and have had to call on neighboring
doctors to attend to a portion of the
Wm. Mueller had his left hand severe
ly humed Saturday night. He carried
a gasoline torch home from the shop to
put in his cellar to keep the fruit and
potatoes from freezing during the night
and i 1 sonic manner a quantity of gas
oline was spilled on the mitten covering
his left hand, and when he lit the torch
hia mitten and coat caught tire also.
By prompt action Mr. Mueller extingu
ished the blaze, although one of the
curtains in the room had ignited, but in
doing so the entire bark of bis left
a 1. ii.
rami was nurned 10 a ouster, lie is
under the doctor's care and laid olT
f 1x1m work for a few days, but is very
thankful there were no worse results.
the country, and an east and west road,
followed by others connecting therewith.
From Iho Lediier
Ed E. McCle?.ve
of Nebraska City
the re
Weeping Water
Mil ford
Ytn ilm KeglMer.
Mrs. P. E. Ruffner of Plattsmouth
was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Kirk
patrick last week.
Bennett Chrisswisser and wife from
Flattumouth were guests of their son,
A. P. Chrisswisser last week.
Robert Lyle went to Weeping Water
tne latter part of last week and pur
chased a Tine Jersey cow, a thorough
bred animal.
Sirs. John Sharp of Nebraska City
was here last week visiting her parents,
3fr. and Mrs. Gruber and other relatives
in this vicinity.
F. August Hansen and wife are re
joicing over the arrival of a new girl at
tkir home, on the 13th instant. Moth
er and child are doing nicely.
Tommy Fulton went to Nebraska
City on Thursday morning to get some
polleys for his new trip hammer which
he is installing and which in about ready
for operation.
ri'm the Kcimhlican.
Mrs. John Badgley was a
passenger Monday morning.
L. P. Wolcott has sod his auto to
Warren Richards of Wabash.
W. H. Lyman is having his residence
much improved with a nice front porch
Howard Kennedy of Lincoln, and
iobert of Crete were visitors home
this week.
Mrs. Elmer Wortman went to Elm
wood Tuesday to see her brother Ellis
Miller's little daughter who is quite ill
with pneumonia.
After having had his hand lanced for
the seventeenth time, John Harrison
has hopes that it will eventually heal
and cause less pain.
Chauncey Orton sends a card home
stating that they arrivrd in Rock Hill,
C, just in time to make garden and
the flowers are in bloom.
R. G. Clizbe departed last week for
Wagoner, Okla., to sec if a change of
climate would be beneficial. If not he
expects to go further south.
J. W. Philpot is sick with scarletina.
It is somewhat of a mystery how such
cases occur as we have heard of no
other patients in that vicinity that
have had scarlet fever.
Mrs. Emma Davis thinks she might
join her husband this summer on a
western ranch. Her daughter Anna
talks of taking a Kinkaid homestead
and be with her father.
Mrs. Wm. Sperry was in attendance
last Wednesday at tne marriage in
Auburn, of Mrs. Lulu Reimer to Chas
B. Ash. There were many guests from
home and out of town.
Victor Sturm who has been attend
ing the Academy, is taking a vacation,
accompanying his parents to Florida
and then to Cuba, where they will so
journ for three or four weeks.
turns Askew has resigned his posi
tion at Auburn and has been visiting
here a few days, leaving Wednesday
for Cody, Wyo., to work for the Bur
lington as operator. He secures
much better salary.
ir. and Airs, win Moncr and son
R ilert, were guests over Sunday with
relatives here. Sunday was Will's
2th birthday and they celebrated with
a big dinner at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stoner.
Jim Slander returned home last
week from Texas, where he made a
purchase of land recently, and wanted
to get a renter. While there he was
offered an increase of $.1 per acre on
the section. He didn't sell.
Miss Helen Kennedy, a sister of J.
L. Kennedy, is here from St. Paul,
Minn., alsc James T. Iugersoll and
wife of the same place. They visit un
til Thursday and then go to California
to spend the balance of the winter.
We are pleased to announce that Mrs.
P. A. Wade, who has been very ill
with diptheria, is rapidly recovering
and the quarantine will be declared off
in a few days. She is at the country
home of J. A. Schwab.
D. E. Jones came up from Oklahoma
Saturday night. He is looking fine and
don't have anything very hard to say
against the country. It has been about
four years since he left here. Mrs.
Jones will come later. Mr. Jones went
to Omaha Monday to visit his son John.
It was not so many months ago the
gas plant man figured up our bill, no
ticed the exceeding size of the same
and was taken ill and fainted. He was
faned, and cooled with water until he
was able to be taken home in a car
riage. But last month how different.
was here Wednesday to view
mains of his burned hotel.
R. W. Hye:s of Lincoln was in town
last Saturday, ar.d made us a social
cull. N
George Baker made a business trip
to I,incoln last Friday morning.
George Leach of near Elmwood was
here last Friday to visit his son Ed, and
all his old time friends were pleased to
meet him.
Mrs. Chas. Mclntyrc came last week
from Sargeant, Neb., to visit her par
ents and other relatives and friends in
this village.
Mrs. Laura Whitting of Litchfield
neicc of A. H. Chidester and wife,
came last week for a visit with her
Union relatives.
Senator Banning came in from Lin
coln on Wednesday to attend the lun-
eral of Thomas G. Barnum.
G. W. Garrison and wife arrived
home Monday fm:n Seymour, la ,
where they were visiting relative?.
Syl Ilathway returned last Saturday
from Iowa, having visited a week at
Sidney and Tabor.
Miss Mary Foster came in from
Plattsmouth on Monday for a tf days
visit with her parents.
Dr. Geo. II. Gilmore of Murray was
here Sunday to lend assistance to the
wreck sufferers.
Earl Upton went up to Wee ing
Water on the Wednesday evening
Creed Harris and Herman Rieke
were transacting business in Nehawka
I .on Clarence of ranama, Neb., ar
rived last Friday morning for a visit
with his parents and other relatives
and friends.
County Attorney Ramsey and Sheriff
Quinton were down from Plattsmouth
last Friday, attending to some official
G. Walcy Mills came down from
Walthill last Friday and made his
Union friends a visit. His conduct here
was all right, and we'll be glad to
have him come again.
Elza -Wilson and family arrived Sun
day evening from Sidney, la., to make
a visit with John McCarroll and family
southeast of town.
Prof. G. W. Chc.iey and wife arrived
Monday from Edison, Neb., having
been notified by telephone of the death
of Mrs. Cheney's father, the late
Thomas Barnum.
Simon Gruber and his son Peter de
parted Monday evening for St. Cloud,
Minn., to investigate a land proposition
and may conclude to make an invest
ment there.
Clint Harris departed Monday for
Creston, Wash., and expects to devote
his time to improving a tine tract of
land in which he owns an interest.
uarenco r.iimisten, who made a vis
it with his Union relatives and friends,
departed last Saturday for his home in
Thurston county.
Earl Clark of Plattsmouth was in
town Tuesday and was one of our wel
come callers. He is writing an excllent
line of accident insurance, and it is a
"cinch" that he has a fine territory to
work, following the Mo. Pacific's
John P. Todd and wife of Lincoln,
Mrs. J. W. Gamble of Plattsmouth, Dr.
R. L. Newell and wife of Omaha, and
D. C. Morgan of Plattsmouth, were
among the intimate friends who came
from a distance to attend the funeral
of the late Thomas G. Barnum.
We wish to turn our remaining stock of winter goods into money. Also wish to make
room for new spring goods that are arriving daily, and offer you first-class
goods at great money saving prices. At the prices quoted
below it will pay you to buy heavy:
Underwear 20 per cent discount. Sweater coats at greatly reduced prices. Some excep
tional bargains in shoes. Our entire line of gloves and mittens at 20 percent orf. A few
two piece suits at 2." per cent off. A few odd pants at 25 per cent off. All Flannels and
Outing flannels at 15 per cent off. All wool dress goods on sale at 15 per cent off. Our
entire line of 12 and 15c ginghams, will go at 10c per yard. Work baskets.all kinds, 25c.
Our grocery line is always replete with the best goods at the lowest possible price.
Childrens bear skin coats at almost half price.
The highest possible price will be paid
for all kinds of poultry and farm produce. Please do not ask for
credit at these cut prices. Sale commences February 18,and closes Saturday, February 27.
A. Kaufman and Daughter
has been visiting at home the past
The Telephone company started their
new building Tuesday morning and
intend to rush it right through.
When completed it will bs a v ery nice !
building and quite an improvement to i
the toA-n. Jacob Hursh is doirg the j
Mr. and Mrs. Walch and son Wesley,
went to Berlin Tuesday to attend the
funeral of Rudolph Schrader. Mr.
Shrader is a nephew of Mr. Walch and
his funeral occurred Tuesday.
Tuesday night Ed. Peterson gave his
first mask ball, which was well at
tended and the costumes
great.some comic, others of a more
sedate nature. The music was a
treat, being furnished by the Bruce or
chestra of Lincoln.
her home. A trained nurse was called Saturday and rer.cwed h'u permit to
from Lincoln Monday, and under her j h'JI't du-ks a"d other wild game,
careful nursing Mr3. Williams is im-; ;
proving nicely. Her many friends j ot'ce'
hrino i;hr uillhi. -ililo tn Iip oiif umnncl To Un.y Mhj-1m defendant, lake notiro tliat
nope bne w ill ue anit to oe out among on lh(, y,lh day of jHnuary vm MHrthn Mayb,.e.
them soon. j plaintiff herein, tiled her petition in the iintriet
j Court of Cass rounty. Nebraska, r.cninst said de
fendant, the ubicct and prayer of which ma
divorce from the liondHof matrimony, for the rea
I son that the defendant has deserted the plaintilf
1 for inoio than two years Inst pant, and fails and
! refused to support plaint ilf, and in an habitual
j drunkard, and has treated pluinlill' with extreme
! cruelty.
You are therefore renuired to answer said petl-
D. L. Amick has moved his family
from Murray to this city.
Mrs. Joe Uiherisvisiting with friends tion on or before Marrh -i. moy,
.... tt 1 1 1 Ualed January -6. 11W9.
ami relatives in naveiocK.
W. Caygill of Wabash wa3 visiting
in the city the latter part of the week.
Frank Duxbury has gene to Hot
I'.y M. Aiu 111:11.
pel attorney.
Martha Mayrer.
Legal Notice.
State of Nebraska. '
l f- -- r 1
I 11 . , iL ; .e I'iKlvnflW I"' 111 .uunijf vouru
worn were , pnnKs, uream, in tne mteieui ; the, natier of the esute of Eliza S. Shepherd.
his health. deceased.
To all persons interested:
CUude Butler and family left Thurs- I You are hereby notified that there has been filed
,,,. '.. , 1 in this court a petition, alleuiwr ainon other
day for Alliance for a Visit Of several , things, that said ElizaS. Shepherd, departed this
lite, intestate, in the City of Denver, and State
of Colorado. luavinK real estate situat - in Cass
f.mntv NZnhriwLn Thn rraunr f uui.l ia
Fred KOSal Of D0Ugla3, IS sawing llO """" -."' ; that sa d estate be administered and that Ja.v
days with relatives.
John Uarkins has returned from Oni-
11. Shepherd be appointed administrator of aal
cs' ate.
You are further notified that n hearing will be
had upon said petition before this court at the
some cf the large cottonwood trees for : ana anu uin umana nclc nu sI)ent
Wm. Lee. Mr. Lee espects to get j sevcral d;iJ'3 visiting.
some 10,000 feet of lumber from his Senator W. B. Banning of Union, got i county court room at riattsmouth, in said county
, . ... i i ..:!! 1 .. 1 ; . ...... . ; on the Uth day of March ltfi'D. at ' o clock a. m.
loresi Wlin wnicn ne win uuiei a laige excused irom the legislature lorg I and that all objections, if any. must be tiled on or
i nnniiirh tn rnme to PlntNmnuth to re- b'fore taid day and hour of hearing.
I CllOUgn 10 come to I Idiumoum IO rt. witness my hand and the seal of the County
ia immvm!llCW his hunting license. Court of Cass County, Nebraska, this ltith day of
13 iui-nii iiiu 1
friends will he John R. Pierson who has lately
barn in the near future.
M.s. Ed. Williams
nicely and her many
glad to hear such good
February. li09.
Kamst.y & Hamsey,
reports from . bought the Union bnnk was in the city j skai.J J- ItKKSON,
County Judge.
Ktoro th Beacoo,
The many friends of Ed. Betts will
be pleased to learn that he is slowly
The Creamciy company expect to
have their new building completed by
the first of the week and will move
into name immediately.
W. O. Wall who formerly lived here
has rented the T. R. Adams residence
and expects to move over from near
Bennett in the near future.
Saturday evening Alma Trimble
entertained a few friends at forty-two,
in honor of her brother George, who
The new 1909 Majestic Ranga
is a beauty. It is made better
and smoother than ever. Over
300 satisfied users in this im
mediate vicinity can testify to
its merits. If you need a range
let us show it to you.