The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, February 11, 1909, Image 6

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Tw (KD)dl
Arrangement of Pigsties anil Feeding Trough-. Reduces Conditions to a Minimum.
77, .1-.
1 WJT- i-",
Jkw X WHY W old mmiiE jpmx m tior BLOW ALL
Mwmk Mmx -C,
!piip 3pf (J '
iwWP'( n& OTF II&TT ! MPMowm mzmicPAL swhwake zovs t .. yt
Vy,vH ; - "T" :, "Bra
A Corner of the
A picture which wo give of (he pig
geries nl Minlt-y. Kngland, will show
that the owner docs nut. full In with
the proverbial saying that connects
pis with tlirt. As a matter, of fact,
the animal has suffered 'from having
hail ii hail tianie. A pig; filwa.vH dues
hi st when It is kfpt 'with n due regard
to cleanliness, warmth, light and fresh
air. 11 will he seen that the provi
sion for these necessaries has been
(aiefully thought out as far as regards
this lierd. Some critics mli;ht perhaps
hject that the buildings and yards are
silmoBt too well done. flc:nliuess Is
:ittainei in some places by the erec
tlnn only of temporary sheds for the
niilnials, and tliese are periodically
burnt to the ground a most effectual
By W. II. Underwood.
It Is generally understood that many
of the most disastrous diseases that
come to our herds of live stock are
caused by germs of one kind or an
other that may remain dormant for
years In litter about the stables. Such
are hog and 'all' cholera, lump Jaw,
navel ill, infectious abortion, tubercu
losis, etc. There are also parasites
that Infest the barns which cause barn
Itch, scab, mange and kindred (lis
eases. It Is, therefore, of the utmost
importance that the barns be made
clean and kept as clean as possible.
In leaning the stables go over the
hoards and walls with a stiff brush or
broom to remove the cobwebs, dirt
and litter that Is attached to them. 1
have seen stables where the ceilings
were so festooned with cobwebs that
the hoards above were almost hidden
from view. Such accumulations nre
tilled with millions of germs, many (if
which are disease promoters.
Having cleaned the' boards and
walla as suguested, then give them n
thorough dressing of some dependable
sheep dip, and then one of line1 and
A spray pump is an ideal implement
with whlth to apply the lime and salt
mixture, but a cheap brush .or an old
broom will answer the purpose very
well. Lime and salt are cheap, so do
not be too stingy with them, l would
suggest slacking at b ast it half bushel
of fresh lime, with hot water, In a bar
rel and afterward add sufilcient water
to the mixture so that it will spread
evenly ami easily. The addition of a
half gallon of salt will make the white
wash stick to the boards and stone
walls, it is an advantage to apply the
lime and salt mixture while it Is still
hot, especially during cold weather.
it Is very necessary that the barns
and outbuildings be given this cleans
ing before the live stock go into win
ter quarters. It will add (o the ap
pearance of the buildings and also be
of very great assistance in maintain
ing the health of the live stock.
Elggcr Profit, It costs no more to
raise a pound of voultry (ban it does
to raise a- pnund of pork, yet.tho poul
try sells at a much higher price than
method of clearing out. the genus of
disease. At Minify has been fol
lowed a very different practice and
the result has justified the means
taken to achieve It. The plasties
themselves are well built and of a
spaciousness that, leaves not hint; to be
desired in regard to the allowance-of
fresh air. The same characteristics
may be observed ill the yard?, which
have been designed with passages
that lender the work of feeding and
Inspection extremely easy. This sys
tein has been carried out even as re
partis the feeding troughs, width havi
been planned with the object of mak
ing (he work of feeding as easy a
possible and of insuring that the food
receives (lie smallest possible amount
of contamination.
The I'nlted States department of
agriculture lias published the follow
ing amended regulation relative to
renovated butler:
Regulation 13. Whenever any man
iii'aeturcr's package of renovated but
ter Is empty It shall be the duty of
the person who removes the contents
(hereof to destroy utterly the tax paid
stamp on such empty package. Any
person having in his possession empty
renovated butler packages the tax
paid stamps on which have not been
destroyed will be liable to n heavy
Original packages of renovated but
ter for export only may be covered
with cloth, jute, or bdrlap, provided
that there be stenciled on the cove
ing of the package In black letters on
a while background, the words, "Reno
vated ltutter" in one or two lines, In
full faced tlothic letters not less than
one inch square. The words "For
Kxport Only" must appear In one line
one Inch below the words "Renovated
ltutter," in full-faced (Jot hie letters
not less than three eighths of an Inch
square. These markings are to be
the (inly markings on one side or sur
face of the package.
Where possible, inspection will be
made before the outer covering Is put
on the package. If. however, Inspec
tion be necessary after the outer cov
erlngs have been placed on the pack
ages, the exporter or his agent will la
required to remove the outer covering
from any or all packages designated
by the Inspector.
Nothing in this regulation shall In
deemed to change or dispense with
the r ipiiremi nt of Regulation 23 hero
of in any way.
A Good Ration. One good ration
in fad, an ideal one Is: Com, eight
parts; bran, two parts; meat, scrap,
one part; clover or alfalfa meal, one
part; middlings of some kind, five
Not So Hard. 1 he production of
good, clean milk Is not the compli
cated business It has often been re
garded. It simply requires Intelli
gence and care.
Feed Roots. Roots have a most
lwnlthfu! effect en the digestion and
assist In the assimilation of the grain
foods. Palrj cown relish them.
Mtitmmm mi wag m
m mm m.imm ii;
i iiii t ii II ii ii b&ssk
The sketch on the left shows one of
skirt and bodice part are joined and put
green tweed. '1 he bodice is on the lines of a blouse, having three tucks on
each shoulder, stitched to waist at back and bust In front; the slight fulnes.
Is pleated into (be band. The fronts are
above the bust the buttons are put on
to a band to which nlso the skirt Is attached; buttons and buttonholes) are
used for fastening quite down the front. Hat of stretched satin lined with
velvet, and trimmed with a handsome
Materials required: .I'A yards cloth
indies wide, 2',!s yards passementerie, 1
Here is an evening coat for girl
soft old rose-colored satin cashmere is
out with mercerized sateen in white.
with sleeves to the wrist. The deep
and long ends hanging in front.
Materials required: 4 yards ); Inches wide, 4 yards double width sateen.
collar, and 2 'a yards ribbon.
In Navy Blue Serge, with Pretty and
Appropriate Trimming.
For school wear a dress of this style
would be exceedingly useful. Navy
blue serge Is chosen for It, the skirt
Is plaited, the plaits are wide and far
apart. fancy braid trims the foot
of fkirt. The vest Is of lucked silk,
the tucks being arranged in groups of
fours, a strap of material and braid
edges it. Three small tucks are made
on encti shoulder; the plain sleeve Is
set into a turned back cuff, trimmed
with braid.
Materials required: t'. 1 y jurds 4S
Inches wide. S yards build, 1 jar.l silk.
Shoes and Hose.
Low shoes with handsome buckles
and line transparent silk stockings
are worn with all of the smart .short
day gowns, even when cold weather
really makes them seem unseasonable.
Itut In this cas, flesh colored stockings
in line wool or closely woven thin cot
ton are worn under the silk hose, giv
ing the effect of transparency, and
yet plenty of warnnh. .lust as flesh
colored, tight tilting silk jersojs are
worn under the white or black tulle
gulnipe und long sleeves, which almost
Invariably accompany the afternoon
dress. Vogue.
Wooden Candlesticks.
There Is quite a return at present to
j the use of mahogany candlesticks for
I the bedrooms and living room. They
are even used on supper tnbv.
The mahogany is old with a high
polish and stands quite high on a Hat
base. The candles nre used without
shades. A pair of them Is a good fin
ish tn a mahogany bookcase, also to n
tnahoguuy desk.
the. new coat costumes, in which th
on together. Our model Is In cedar
buttoned from Ibe waist to bust, then
for ornament only; the waist is set
feather" mount.
4S inches wide, S vanls satin IL'
dozen yards cord.
from H to 111 years of ago. A iirettv
used for the coat; it is lined through
The form is that of along loose sac'iue
turn - over collar is of ermine with loops
Pans Model Has the Sleeve Cut In
One with the Shoulder.
A new cut of bodice shows no shoul
der seam. The sleeve that tightly
molds the arms is cut in one with tin
shoulder. The filling Is achieved by
the under part. I he one-piece effect
wonderfully shapes the shoulder. I
noted this new sleeve in a gown worn
uy one of a group of women. Of deep
puce colored velvet the princess tunic
trailed beautifully limp in its slender
pointed tail. Instead of buttoning In
the ordinary fashion at the back of the
arm, the sleeve closed on the inside
seam under a line of silk loops and
oval olives. A tiny gulnipe of tinted
tulle laid over gold net filled the small
round at the neck. Rich gold and sll
ver embroidery, mingled with pale.
colored silk embroidery In relief,
adorned the whole front of the cor
sage. Kxtreinely chic was a third
costume. Short und close, the skirt
was hemmed with a band of skunk
The corsage, plainly cut to show no
seams, and loosely fitted, was held at
the normal waist line by a narrow
leather belt, the buckle covered with
leather. Kpaulettes of coarse, leath
it coveieu lace, tranieu a square
gulnipe of tucked ecru mull that
mounted into a high-curved choker
rroni ine uige or me square a nar
row tablier fell to the belt, ltuttoned
on each with large cord loops it cun
nlngly concealed the closing. With
the advent of the one piece gown
for afternoon street wear, the tincoin
fort able and untidy back closing is
disappearing. On nearly all such
gowns the closing is marked by a line
of buttons set straight or in fanciful
insnion. f roni a l'arls Letter to
The Little Collar Button.
I.tttle, but oh my:- So annoying
when it ts not Hat enough ami jabs
Into the back of one's neck all day;
and even more objectionable for a
woman can endure a good deal of
physical anguish when ii presses
against the outside linen of one's
hand-embroidered collar and leaves an
Indentation that rubs Itself gray
against one's coat lining.
Just obviate the whole difficulty by
sewing to every shirtwaist collar hanil
at the center back a small Hat linen
covered button that is of Kngllsh man
ufacture. It Is the flattest button on
the market, and has a metal middle
through which to sew Instead of a
Time to Get White Goods.
Kvery woman has arranged her
household duties so that she may seri
ously attend the white sales. .Now is
the time to restock one's midci linens
and also to buy white materials of all
kinds for summer dresses. Kmbrold
ery lloiincings, Insertions anil band
ings are most reasonable In price and
Infinite In variety. Deep Swiss floun
cing of excellent value, wide enough
for the skirt of n young girl's frock,
was Men ai only SIS cents a yard.
There was nlso narrow flouncing to
match. Many bargains In allover em
broideries are to Ik found. Now is
)h time to buy for blouses or frock
AWh'nrforiAVA 3TfirArtdYmf.r
If scientists could only sink a test
tube down into the center of the earth
liny inicbi be able to ascertain more
iicuraloly just what is going on wlth-
tlie far interior and might more
m arly tell what is going to happen on
the earth's crust. The appalling (lis-
ister in Italy ha;; forced home again
the fact that the earth is really a
iiigh pressure boiler, witli intermittent
nipt ions and ( artliquakcs which carry
destruction to man and the works of
.an. What with volcanic eruptions,
irtiiquakes and tidal waves occurring
in some places, what Is to prevent sim
ilar unexpected outbreaks In others?
Nothing at all, under similar geo
graphical conditions.
These and many other questions and
innwers have probably arisen In (he
iml of every speculative man and
woman since the dawn of the new
year, w lien the lull extent and horror
)f the Italian disaster began to be j
fullv realized. And it is scarcely to be
xpected that very much consolation
will be derived therefrom, or even
from the statements of some scientists
regarding this earth's Internal trou
bles, (heir alarming causes and prob-
ibln disastrous results.
It is not very comfort ing. for in
stance, to be solemnly Informed that
we are living to-day on the outer shell
if a high pressure holler, which leaks
badly in certain weak spots and
'blows out" with alarming frequency,
.long a certain weak plate which is
soogruphleally known as the "earth
piako belt."
If you take :i map of the world and
di aw a broad line straight across the
Pacific ocean, from the Philippine
islands to Panama, thence across the
Atlantic ocean through the Hritish
West Indies to Spain and Italy, thence
:ontinuing across Kurope and Asia to
lapan, and on to the starting point In
the Philippines, you will see exactly
where the earthquake belt lies.
There are other minor belts, one of
which passes southward along the
:-o:st of California and Mexico and the
west coast of South America. There
are evidences observable today in
practically all parts of the world of
other earthquake bells In which tre
mendous geological and up
heavals were wrought In prehistoric
Kven New York city is in an earth
quake belt. At some lime, probably
thousands and thousands of years ago,
i mighty earthquake split asunder the
rock that united what is now the
Island of Manhattan to the Palisades
of the New Jersey coast. That earth
luake formed the Hudson river.
Karthqiiake belts are admittedly
weak spots in the outer crust of the
earth the high pressure boiler on
which we livt and there is no evi
dence that any of them were ever per
manently repaired.
Prof. Kdwnrd Suess, the eminent
Vienna geologist, predicted a few days
ago that eruptions would follow the
earthquake and tidal wave in southern
Italy. He attributed the earthquake to
the sinking of the earth's crust, other
wise a buckling of the boiler plaies, in
tlw zone of which the l.ipari islands
are the (enter, lie declared that as
the process of sinking went, on the
Calabrian and Sicilian highlands on
either side of the Straits of Meslna
would be submerged, only the highest
peaks remaining above the sea. The
strait, he said, would thereby be great
ly widened.
Prof. Suess is of the i pinion that
the earth's crust Is gradually shrink
ing everywhere. There Is consolation
to be found, however, in bis further
remark thai the life of the human
species will be too short to make this
phenomenon Important to mankind.
The average thickness of the earth's
i crust, the boiler plates, Is generally as-
Burned to be f.0 miles nud Its average
density to be about live times that of
water. Scientists have estimated that
the downward pressure at a depth of
50 miles below the surface of the
earth Is somewhat In excess of half a
million pounds to the square Inch. It
V " A vv;v;X -V l
nro ju?7hqmke comnew
is a safe conclwio:! tl,:-.t within a
largo portion ef Hie (ur'.h's crust there
ex't.t pent-up gasi s. ) anicularly steam,
under a pressure; equal to that exert
ed by the .most po'vrlul high ex
plosives. High o:;plo.-;ives probably
exi rt pressure!-, raugii!;: from 200,000
to "."O.O'JO to the square inch.
When a lil .:h explosive is detonated
the amount of pressure depends upon
the volume of M'-"- s liberated and the
temperature of the gases. Nitro
glycerin", exploded in a space where it
could not expand, would exert a pres
sure of probably from "OO.OOD to 330,
C0 loiinds to tl.e square inch. The
pressure would certainly be less than
half a million pounds to the square
inch, although the temperature of the
rase.-; would equal the bulling point of
sieel. Consequently, with a . 300,000
pound force holding in (heck a 330,000
pound force which is continuously ex
erliag it sell in an effort to burst the
earth's crust asunder, it Is reasonably
safe to assume that the stronger force
will continue to prevail, for some time
to come at. least, and that there is not
the slightest danger of the earth blow,
ing to piece.
I'nfoitiinately, as the appalling rec
ord of earthquakes shows, there are
many very weak spots in the earth's
crust. Deep down under the crust,
where water has entered through
faults, to be entrapped and highly
healed, with no room for expansion, it
dissolves the rock, and as under tho
enormous pressures it forces Its way
through narrow crevices to new posi
tions it cuts new channels in the gran
ite floors, just as in glacial time sub
glacial streams cut passages through
the ice.
Consequently, when the eruption of
a volcano takes place, relieving the.
pressure in the deep passages under It,
there is a rush towtud tho outlet of
streams of superheated water made
syrupy with stone in solution. As
these streams of silica-charged water
find vent at the volcano the expansion
of the pent-up stream takes place with
explosive violence, forming volcanic
dust and pumice stone, which aro
belched forth in stupendous quantities.
Then portions of the earth's crust,
which have been resting upon a sup
port of steam under dynamite pres
sures, naturally sag and shift when'
these pressures are removed or ma
terially lessened.
The vast amount of solid malter
ejected at times from volcanoes Is dif
ficult of comprehension. The great
volcano Krakatoa had been extinct
for ages when, in 1SS3, its top blew
off with a shock felt clear through tho
earth, and with a blast that sent a
wave of air around I ho earth three
times, while the fine volcanic dust did
not entirely settle out of the atmos
phere for more than two years, as was
indicated by the unusually brilliant
display of red sunsets. II is estimated
that more mud was ejected from tho
mountain on that occasion (ban tho
Mississippi river discharges in 250
years. This was the greatest volcanic
eruption In 'historic times. The dis
tance is not too great nor tho time
loo remote for the eruption of Mont
I lee to have caused the earthquakes
of San Francisco, Valparaiso and King
ston, while possibly Vesuvius may
have played a material part.
Europe's War Chests.
At the present time, and for tho fu
ture as well, (here Is lying at., tho
Hank of France, In Paris, a reserve
gold store or SI 1150,000.000, which Is In
fact, writes one. correspondent, "look
ed upon ns a war fund, beside wlihji
the c2o,(m)o,oim) of C.erniany looks very
small." Hut the Herman "KrlegR
chat,," or eme. g 'iicy war chest fund,
only amounts to CC.ouO.ono sterling,
and is lying not in the Uelchshank at
Iterlin, buuin the vaults of the Julius
Tower, In the fortrerfs of Spandau,
near the capital, against tho coming
of Germany's next evil day. It has
been lying there as a fund ever
i ..,,.,.,.. t .1 1 r
Mint- i in. in,, i.-i'i.i-u noiii i ranco
her war Indemnity of .i.' 230,000,000,
from which it was taken.
Like Bringing Like.
"How Is it lull Jones seems able to
shovel so much motley Into the family
lie can shovel It because he plays
good poker."