The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, February 08, 1909, Image 6

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Cured by Doan'i Kidney Pills After
Yearj of Suffering.
F. A. RJrry. Dppot Ave.. Gallatin,
Tonn., says: "Fifteen yrara ago kid
ney disease pttackod
r" The jiuiu in my
Lai-k was eo agoniz
ing I finally liud to
Klve up work. Thru
came terrible attacks
of gravel with acute
rain and passages of
blood. In all I
passed 23 ntonns,
some as lareo ns a
bran. Nine years of thla ran nie down
to a Bt'ato of continual weakness, and
I thought I never would be better un
til I began using Doan's Kidney Wis.
The improvement was rapid, and
since using four boxes I am cured and
have, never had any return of the
Sold by all dealers. HO cents a box.
Fositer-Mllburn. Co.. lhiffalo, N. Y.
Robert Hustler What did you say
was tho title of jour new Hong?
Successful Chorus Lady I call It
"Tho Proposal."
Robert Hustler And the key?
Successful Chorus Liuly II minor.
Hubert Hustler I) mine eh? How
would you like to change It for a key
in A flat?
EcTema Made Hands and Feet Swell,
Peel and Get Raw Arms Affected,
Too Gave Up All Hope of Cure.
Quickly Cured by Cuticura.
"I Buffered from eczema on my
hands, arms and fact for about twelve
years, my hands and feet would swell,
sweat and Itch, then would becomo
callous and get very dry, then peel
off und got raw. I tried most every
kind of salvo and ointment without
success, I tried several doctors, but
at last gave, up thinking there was n
cure for eczema. A friend of mine
insisted on my trying the Cuticura
Remedies, but I did not give I hem o
trial until 1 got bo bad that I had to
do something. I secured u. set aud 1
the time they were used 1 could see a
vast improvement and my hands ami
feet wero healed up In no time. I have
had no trouble since. Chnrles T.
Bauer, Volant, Pa., Mar. 11, 1908."
1'otti-r Drug & Cheiu. Corp., Hole Prop, Norton.
Laughter In the Court.
An old plasterer is called upon to
give evidence for the plaintiff. Coun
sel for the defense tries to bully him.
"Have you ever been In prison?" "Yes,
twice." "Ah! how long the first time?"
"One whole afternoon." "What! And
tho second time?" "Only one hour."
"And pray what offense had you com
mitted to deserve so small a punish
ment?" "I was sent to prison to white
wash a cell to accommodate a lawyer
who had cheated one of his cllcnls."
Omportantto Mothers.
Lxamino carefully every boti'o of
('ASTORIA u safe aud sure remedy for
Infants and children, and seo that it
BearB the
Signature of
'n Ubo For Over .' Years.
The Kind You Have Always nought.
A Great Care.
Cella Her hair turned perfectly
white In one night from trouble.
Delia Really? What was the
nature of the trouble?
Cella Chemical. .Judge.
Hetl, WrnW. Wenry, Wnlrry l-'.jod
Tlu'vil by Murlni' Kyo llcmuily. Com.
luiuiutvil by Kxpei'lrncrU t'liy.iliiuitH. .Mi,-lint-
Doesn't Smart: Sonlln'K l.yr 1'iiin.
Wrilo Murine Kyo lb'ineily Co., Vlilrntj",
fur Illustrated Kyo Honk. At DruKijlMlH.
There is In man a higher than lov
of happiness; ho can do without hap
piness, and Instead thereof find bless
edness. Carlyle.
Ui not iiotflcrt const million, for tlii con
.titum poisons the blood and leads to cliron-a-
ill health, liurtii-ld Tea, the mild herb
laxative, corrects const inat inn, keep the
blond pure, und the health pwd.
Many e ninn has lost his life in try
lug to collect tho living he thought the
world owed him.
Tlirre Is no Kifor for ti ('oiicli
r (hioat tn.iihl,. than "Kio'wh'h Jtronrhml
T,. "i'" ., "'l."M. " I"'"- Xamel" fuc.
001,11 ! Hiown A: Son, Uo.ston, Mass.
The rulfl In a prohibition
seems to be "bar none."
o,.. mn mm ..f h. W. ciuovk. I wit tho World
rr u. Cur. a Culd In one Dtj.
A happy medium ought to make
j:nod at a spiritual seance.
Mr. Wlnnlow n Knnthlnr Srrnn.
'r rbtl.lrpQ ti-Pthlnn, nfl.-n. ih kmu, rr.lurr, m.
BuuuikUuB, all) piu, tune w lnd cullu. lc i butue.
Marriage is tho hurdle between ro
mance and leallty.
nr,.,!1""' T'r"'-A'liliiR rt of Ymir.
J"""l Audi l, tH.l-.iiM. -Js- Hi Jnur I'nivuill'k
The more a jlrl snilleB the less sho
mean it.
Mdreim's Matt:
I 1
I'Cll has been said, and more has
mat. nave iieen shown by the way or rosterlng a desire on the part of
mothers and among those who dress our offspring for smart clothes for
small childre n, but we have come suddenly upon a demand for the
picturesque. "A picture child will make Its way anywhere," we are told.
These little Krenchy chnpenux are not playtime bats; it is one form of
tsruelty Is it not? to burden a child during play hours with personal ele
ituncos that Impair Its freedom, but perhaps equally unsuitable to tie nnder its
chin a "sundown" when it is garbed as a Mower girl for a wedding or decked
in furbelows for a dancing school soiree.
Tho large white fur hut, with its niching of lace-trimmed net around tho
brim, and held near the crown by a cord with a tassel at each side, is among
the richest.
One of the nrotllest hats shown is n turquoise felt of the very soft variety,
faced underneath in a smaller clrcle-with velvet. Thecrown is draped wlthsatln.
niessaline bordered with ribbon velvet, arranged in a soft chou on ono side.
All of these materials are of the same turquoise blue.
Goes Charmingly with Coitume of
Some Brilliant Color.
A new muff has made Its appear
ance In the fashionable shops this
year that is bound to take with per
sons who can afford an extra expense
for such trappings.
It Is made in tho fashionable rug
style, the skins sewed together flat,
with tails, paws and heads at the ends
und a poclw-t for the hands on tho In
side. The rug simply throws over, with
out being caught at the sides, anil the
pocket for the hands is of fur like the
The rug Is worn thrown over this
pocket or thrown under it.
This brings equal wear on the upper
and under sides of the skltiB, as well
as varying the style of the muff.
Similar muffs that are reversible
have the pocket for the bands made
of satin or shirred chiffon.
A new kind of muff, intended to be
used at formal indoor functions, hits
been put in the market this season.
It is not. made of fur, but or white
or pastel-colored marabou, and Is not
Intended to give any warmth.
It Is merely to give an effective
touch to the costume.
In it, as in most other muffs, there
Is a wide pocket of satin, which holds
the purse, the cardcase und the hand
kerchief. It is not very large, this mulT, ami it
is so soft and fluffy that it goes charm
ingly with a long, sweeping indoor
frock of some brilliant color.
Trimming for a Corset.
For the girl who Is slim and who de
sires to wear a rullle inside her corset
of something else to make her look
a little stouter, there Is an Idea that is
well worth trying. This Is to buy some
dainty and thin material such as nain
sook or dimity or use any thin ma
terial that you may have handy, and
make a rullle for the top or tho cor
set, muklng It full at two ends where
it will be sewed to the front of the
corset and leaving the part that will
be sewed to the back of the corset
with barely any fullness at all. The
riiille can be edged with lace und be
made dainty with the lace and ribbon
and it will be found much daintier
than bows. The rullle can be made so
that it can be easily taken off when
It ne?ds laundering. It will always-be
fresh and dainty und it will give the
appearance of fullness to the front of
the waist. , .
Trimming a Blouse.
If you have only a scrap of material
left over from a cloth skirt, trim your
blouse with it. if the blouse Isn't of
the cloth, it will be of net or chiffon
dyed to match tu color.
To be quite correct, it wants a touch
of the skirt material on it. The mere'
scrap left from the skirt will do It.
Cut It Into as wide a baud as the
shoulders will stand and the material
allow. Stitch It at edges, (over It with
un Egyptian design In soutache, anil
apply It lo the blouse.
If you have still another piece left
over make another band as wide us
you can, soutache it, mid put It around
the bgure. under arms. Where it
passes under the upricht band Join
with an einbroldend crow's foot or a
SUlln-ooveicd button.
Marie Antoinette Toques.
S line new velvet to pies have been
exactly copied from the toque worn by
Marie Antoinette In the lovely Vlgee
Lebrun pain; lug. The use ,f large
mittons, plaques of braid und flat braid
iuiiUs continue their triumphal
natch. The ease l;h which they mark
.he long line accounting for their reign
The newest neck chain to suspend a
,)ondatit Is a lucre thread of n'atluuin
powdered with diamond dust. 1-Voni a
Vails Letter to Vo;ue.
been dono, and many are the hats
Designed to Be Made Up in Oyster
Pink 8tin Cashmere.
Oyster-pink satin cashmere would
look charming In this elegant style;
the bodice and skirt aro cut in one, the
the lower part of th skirt is cut up
In a "V," showing un under skirt of
lace; silver trimming, in key pattern
Is sewn along the lower edge of over
skirt, and also on the bodice; the lat-
mv 'W
ter has a strip of insertion sewn above
the trimming, and a white tucked
chiffon tucker; the undersleeves are
also of chiffon, edged with Insertion,
while satin is used for the over-sleeves
with trimmings to edge them.
Materials requited: Seven yards
satin 42 inches wide, C',j yards trim
ming, two yards Insertion, one yard
tucked chiffon.
Floral Trimmings for Millinery.
An enormous velvet iminsettta In Its
exquisite natural coloring rich car
dinal, toned down to a warm, clowinc
chlaut I tone. Tho long, slender petals
are only loosely joined, and the imita
tion Is perfect. One of these flowers
Is quite sutllclent for trimming a hat
of even large size, but It may also be
combined with ostrich or other flno
plumage If desired,
A large chrysanthemum looks like a
little feather ball In softest mauve
tones. It U composed of Innumerable
crinkly petals of soft velvet, and may
bo used instead of the marabou or os
trich pompons so very much In vogue
at present, on ono of the chic, largo
toques, or combined to form a garland
or wreath on a large hat a la direc
tolre or Itoucher. Vogue.
A New Veil Roll.
Which Isn't veil roll at all, because
It's a 6tick owing to the manner of
its making and to the present width
of veils. It looks like a stick of mint
candy, and is made of six inch red
satin ribbon, edged with half-Inch red
satin ribbon, und then twisted in a
bias twirl, exactly like striped candy,
down along pasteboard roll. The roll
has first been covered with scented
cotton, and the whole thing has a de
licious look when finished.
Grccming la an Art.
Ileauty of grooming, correct polso
and ability to make the most of one's
good points count for more than a
beautiful face.
Any woman with a passable face
may be attractive, un) even be con
sidered beautirul if she will cultivate
the art of Lclug will groomed.
y mm
7 Vfl
The Slogan of the First Negro Con
gress on Tuberculosis.
TiiKkegee. Alabama "Down With
Dirt, Darkness and Disease" was tho
slogan adopted at the First Negro
Congress on Tuberculosis held at
Tuskegee, tho third week of Decem
ber. The Negro's fight against tuber
culosis for the sake of both races
was tho burden of the week's meet
ings. During "Health Sunday," the open
lng day of the Congress, seven meet
ings wero devoted wholly or In part
to problems of the human body. For
six successive days tho entire group
of nearly fifteen hundred students at
tended tho evening platforn meetings
which included a series of stereopti
con addresses having to do with var
ied conditions conducive to the spread
of tuberculosis and the control of the
disease. "School Improvement,"
"Children's Gardens and Civics,"
"Playgrounds and Recreation," "What
Churches Have Done," "Better Con
ditions for tho Worker and What tho
Worker Can Do," and "Neighborhood
Improvement in Town and Country"
wero some of the topics illustrated by
Btereoptieon slides.
During five afternoons group meet
ings were held. These brought to
gether circles of earneskmlnded lead
ers who sought to define possibilities
for themselves and their people
throughout the country, for it was
early decided that the results of tho
congress should be made as far-reaching
as possible. Doctors, teachers,
church organizations, including the
Young Men's Christian Association,
women's clubs and other societies,
business leagues and other men's as
sociations, as well as the Interests of
the country home and school were (lis
cussed and plans for future work out
lined. What Next?
Tho closing conference included
representation from the thirty local,
Btate and national welfare efforts cen
tering at Tuskegee. In this session
the leaders sought to answer, "What
are we going to do nbout It?" They
planned a permanent tuberculosis
committee at Tuskegee with similar
committees at other leading Negro
Institutions such as Hampton and
c-naw, these schools to work togeth
er, each pushing the tuberculosis
campaign in their immediate terri
tory. The colored press of the coun
try will be counted upon to spread tho
propaganda, and the state boards of
health will be asked to supply printed
inmtter about tho disease and the
manner of living which will control
Its spread.
Health Month.
Of greatest hope Is the plan for
making February a "Health Month"
for Negroes north and south. This
New Year's effort began December
30th In a conference at Chicago where
it was determined to lay plans so that
durln? February practically every col
ored church, lodge and society iu
Chicago will hold a meeting to con
sider "Tuberculor'.s Among the Ne
groes: Wha'. Are We Going to Do
About It?" In preparation for this
plan It Is expected that general ad
dresses upon tuberculosis this shall
be given before all of those Negro
organizations In Chicago which havo
not already been lectured upon the
The same plan will bo followed
wherever any considerable number
of Negroes nre to be found. With
January as a month of preparation,
February will bo a month of discus
sion among these people who form so
large a portion of the population in
many sections. White citizens aro
asked to call attention to these plans
and to give such encouragement ns
will advance this attempt of a race
to free Itself from the ravages of a
needless disease nnd at the same time
to serve the highest interests of both
races. Nebraska Association Study,
nnd Prevention of Tuberculosis, 408
City Hall, Omaha.
American Emblem Was Not Torn
Down In Riot of Students.
Washington Reporting upon the
recent riots in Prague, Ambassador
Francis of Austria-Hungary takes oc
casion to deny the report that an
American flag was torn .into strips
and tramped in the mud. The riots
were tho result of the advertised lay
ing ot a cornerstone of a new Ger
man university in Prague. The Bohe
mian students wanted a Bohemian un
iversity instead.
Bogus Insecticides.
Washington. Lawrence A .Bruner.
entomologist of the Nebraska S&it?
university, W. It. Meller, secretary or
the state fair aud a number of other
peoplo have written letters to mem
bers of the Nebraska delegation call
ing attention to the sale of bogus and
dangerous preparations labeled insect
icide, fungicide, etc., and asking if
steps cannot be taken to have It
stopped under the pure food law or
to have the law amended to prevent
such sales in Nebraska and elsewhere.
Judge Removed From Bench.
New York Otto H. Droege was
removed from his position as city
magistrate by order of the appelate
division of the supreme court on mo
tion of council for the Bar associa
tion ot New York. The appellato
division of January 8 found Magis
trate Droege guilty of charges that
he had released Illegally prisoners
whom he bad committed to the work
house, nnd that an attempt had been
made to bribe a newspaper reporter
who was preparing the story upon
the magistrate's-Judicial act.
Six were killed and others Injure J
when a Now York Central trait,
dashed into a group of track walker.-,
in Gotham.
No legislation concerning the re.
form of the navy department will b?
enacted by congress at this session, it
present plans are followed out.
.Mine. L. Young Klonian, aged 40
years, teacher of vocal culture at
Hamilton female college, Lexiugton.
Ky., died suddenly at a hospital ot
Walter Weaver, son of S. M. Wea
ver, a member of the supreme court ol
Iowa, was held to the grand jury in
the district court at Iowa Falls on a
charge of having issued forged papers
John Clarkson. famous the land over
as a baseball pitcher in the days when
$10,000 release prices began to be paid
between National League clubs, died
at the McLood hospital In Walthum,
The bouse of representatives of
Iowa voted down a resolution offered
by Representative Scheeper, proposing
medals for each Iowa born member of
the naval fleet just completing the
tour around the world.
The bodies of John Minck and Dan
iel Murphy were found in the ruins of
the Mahoning county infirmary at
Canfield, O., which was destroyed by
tire about ten days ago. This makes
four lives lost in the lire.
Clarence M. Jones, president of tho
Commonwealth Feed Company of St.
Louis, and brother of Police Commis
sioner Jones, was murdered. Herman
A. Kretschmar, a discharged official of
the company, has been arrested.
Charles K. Holmes, charged with
having killed his wife. Pauline, was
acquitted In Chicago. Tears came tc
Holmes' eyes when he thanked tht
jurymen for the decision. A recon
dilation between father and son fol
Mrs. Henry Jackson, widow of Hrle.
Gen. Henry Jackson, died on an Atchis
on. Topeka & Santa Fe train near
Dodge City, Kan. Mrs. Jackson was
en route to Las Vegas, N. M. Gen.
Jackson was Inspector of the National
Guard of Missouri.
Capt. James Brown, who was a
member of a party that searched for
the famous Cocos island treasure in
1850, sailed again for the South seas
to recover the spoils of the Spanisl
freebooters taken from them by Capt
Smith of the schooner I Hack Witch, in
The contest over the will of the late
Mrs. Lydia Itradley has begun in
Peoria, III. Undue Influence on the
part of Oliver J. Hailey, W. VV. Ham
mond, Albion W. Small and the lat.
William Rainey Harper, president ol
the University of Chicago, is given at
the main cause for the breaking of thr
The deadlock in the negotiations be
tween W. I. Buchanan, America's spe
cial commissioner, and the Venezuelan
government, remnins unbroken through
the refusal of either bide to yield in
the dispute over the method of arbi
trating the cases of the New York ani
Itermudez Asphalt Company nnd the
Orinoco corporation.
Fred Walton, former grand master
of the Odd Fellows for the state of
Idaho, was shot twice by John II. Cra
dlebaugh in Denver, Col., and died
shortly ufter being removed to a hos
pital. Both men are from Wallace.
Idaho. Cradlebaugh also is a promi
nent Odd Fellow. Walton was dying
when the hospital was reached, but
gasped: "That man thought I stole his
Tells Southerners Promises for 1912
Are Very Bright.
Tampa. Fla., Feb. 5. Speaking to
an immense throng of people from tht
grand stand at the race track yeator
day afternoon, William J. Bryan said
he brought to the Democrats or tb,'
south a message of good cheer that
there is a steadily increasing senti
ment that makes for the growth :1
the Democratic party in the PnitoJ
New York, I't 1).
I.IVR STOl-K -Steers R xT, ( .; in
I togs
FMH'K-Wiiilei- stralKlits
i - in 7 fill
9 i,r i; in
4 7.1 H 4 -
I l:'Y-t- 1 V.
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IIVK-No. i Western
Ht'TTKlt-C'reain. ry
1.,-Jl! IV.
M 'i;.
l"J 'a
1 1',-
V, '
CATTt-R-rauey Steers
Medium lo linoil Steers..
Cows. Plain to I'aiH-y....
Cholee I'i filers
II(m;S lleiivy I'neliers
Heavy Hutiiiers
Diin v
t.tvF. l-ot iritv
POTATOKS tlii-i- Int. I
.in ' 7 I.".
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:t hi 'a :, -f,
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7."i lil M
KLOl'll-Sprlng Wheat. Spi 5i 'n 6 )
WI!l-:.T-.lay l my. i,
July !
Corn, May t"S hi t-i,
Oats, May SI n i
Bye, May 7-i fi Tf'i
GUAtN'-Wlieat, No. 1 Nor'n $1 13 ID 1 It
May t CV -ti 1 i.'i-
Corn, May ('
lilts, Stainliinl ft ' ft
Uyo "'J.'ii 7ii
GItAlN-Wlieat, May $1 e'V, I u! .
July !)" u yi .',
Corn, May .V' , i i- ''
Outs, No. 1 Wlilto ul j -,J
CATTI.K Beef Steers t M 'e. 7 in
Texas Stei ra 3 e:i ft ii -m
r ii 4-1
OM IMA. Ste. .
Strieker nml t'eedors
Cows unit Iptifrrs ,
HOi IS lli'iivv
. . If,
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IN 'e
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Pertma Drusr Co., Columbus, Ohio.
Gentlemen: I have used Peruna
(and find that it cannot lie equaled as
a tonic, us well as a cure for coughs,
s- colds and catarrh.
lou are authorized to use my
photo with, testimonial in any pub
lication. Joseph II. Chase,
884 Tenth St., Washington, D. C.
Cold and La Grippe
Mr. C. Happy, Hardin, Kay Co., Mo.,
writes: "1 can safely recommend l'e
runa as a remedy that will cure ull ca
tarrhal troubles.
"It was of great benefit to me, as it
cured me of catarrh of the throat, and
1 took a very bad cold and had la
grippe last February. It settled in my
throat and lungs. 1 toolc thrco bottles
of l'eruna aud it cured me.
"I highly recommend it to all who
are sick, and I am plad to add my en
dorsement to that of others."
Pe ru-nd for Colds
Mr. h. Clifford Figg, Jr.. 2029 Evl
Marshall St., Richmond, Va., writv
that when he pets a cold he takes Peru
na, and it soon drives it out of his sys
tem. For several vcars he was not
entirely well, but Peruna completely
cured him.
People who object to liquid medicines
can now secure Peruna tablets.
For a free illustrated booklet entitled
"The Truth About Peruna,? address
Tho Pern-ia Co., Columbus, Ohio.
Mailed postpaid
If You Want the
you will ask fop
and if you pet it you will
have a remedy for coughs
that will be satisfactory iu
every respect. If you accept
something else we do not
know what you will get, but
it will not be the JJest Cough
At all druggists', 25c, 50c.
Don't accept anything else.
Do You Love Your
Then protect it from the dan
gers of croup to which every
child is subject. Keep
in your home all the time, then you're
ready for the sudden attacks o croup
and colds. Neglect may cost you the
life of. your child. It's safest to be
on your guard,
fir. D. Jayne's Expectorant is the
best remedy known for croup; it gives
quickest relief . 6
Sold eecnichcre in three lize lotlltt
$1.00. 50c, 25c
Positively cured by
these Little Pills.
Tlll-V alnn roller ni.
trcHHtrom DyspepHlivIn.
I tm '"'"lio" ami xoo Hearty
I V Hit l:atiiiK. A perfect rrn
"'a, DrowhliifsH, Had
T.-iHtelullieMoiitu, Coat
ed I'Ulir'llP. PmIii In ..
ULL. ri' t. n . . .
liiey refcTilata the HowcIh. Purely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
iithi-r ntnrchi'n nnl i-j .,.,....
77 7 tniai..! uie pucKttK.
Beware of the Cough
lint natiRi en pwlitently.
brp.ililn); your rii-tit'i n t and
e!iAUtin?voii with the violence Afcwdont.
cf I iso tur will relieve wnn.
clTlul.y any couch, n, mMn
tinw l.i r advanced or mrmtu,
url.ices, the closed ir
rigc and tho couch' dii.
j4IS, 1
At all druggliii', 25 tU.
sf " -v
Kemp Balsam