PlAHSMOimiKWS-IKMlD R. 0. WATTERS. Business Manager H.ATT.-vMdl.TII. XEHRASKA AS TOLD III A HUE A COILING DOWN OF THE NEWS Or THE DAY. MENTIONED TfsilL SPACE The Busy Reader Can Absorb In a Few Moments a Good Deal of Information. Cungress. The house of ri ir-sont;itiv-H rulopied i ho r'ini f a spot'lnl com mittee favoring the expunging of Wlllctt's ipetth attacking President Iloosevcli. The euminiitee mi public lands of 1ho senate reported favorably the fol lowing iiomlnnt ions : I'M win (1. Colo, receiver; Cyrus ('. Carpenter, register, Dnited Slates land ollloo, Leiunion, S. I).; John 1,. Lorkhait, lobster, Culled Slali'it land oHlee, rioirc, S. I).. John H. Adams, re ceiver, Culled Slates laud ofllre, All crdeon, S. I). Representative Kiukuid Introduced a bl providing that a certain portion of the Nebraska national forest re tcrve originally designated as North 1'latte national forest ho made sub jct to a:i m l entitled "an act to pro vide for entry of allien ltural land within forest reserves." The senate committee on Judiciary has found that tlio senate has no right to call upon President Roosevelt for information he secured front the steel corporation. The Reaver oil portrait of the lat" Senator William II. Allison of Iowa will lie purchased for $1,500 hy tin HcnaU' in accordance with the tonus of a rosolut'oii iniroducoil hy Sena tor Tidier and adopted unanimously. Senator Cummins of Iowa delivered Tils maiden speech In opposition to the postal savings hank 1)111 in the form In which It had been reported to the senate hy the coinmltleo on jitHoflirT and post roads. Tim house insurgent;? who are Ad vocating chaises in ihe present rules of the house met. recently to consider various amendments. No definite de cision wan reached. The postal savings bank and the omnibus claims l 1 1 1 were before the M'liate Monday for discussion and nmendnienl, hut no subs'tautal pro gress was made on either measure. In the agricultural department ap propriation hill, reported to the holism there Is an increase of $1,208,820 over the amount Riven the department for iM work duriiiR the present year, nl Hioiich the dinouut It-ported, $12, n,S2; Is less hy $1.7:'.!.!,i: than was expected hy 'In secrelary of ngrlcul turn. Congress is likely to refer Ihe liar litnan claim for expense In slopping Ihe hreaU In the Colorado river 'o the court of claims. There will he free seeds for lh' farmers of Nebraska and elsewhere next spring. The cointiiittee on agri culture decided to vole mi npproprh lion of 52iiii,ftii() fur free seed distribu tion hy eon ;rcssincn. February 12. next, was the day de rided to ho a special legal holiday i till a survey and plans for a highway Ironi Washington to dot tyshin g., to he known as "The Lincoln Way," as a memorial to Alualiam I Lincoln, was provided for hy a joint resolution passed hy the senate, after an ex ('iided dehati'. The resolution did not not commit congress to the con- '(ruction of the highway when veyed. A special session of congress sur ma v le railed without specific iitirposo, as many things of Importance mini he considered. Senator llnrUct. has up the niatier of making Omaha a deliver point for nodical ami veterinary sup plies f ir the ai'tny. Ceneral. The American Live Stock associa tion passed a resolution asking for a law prohibiting an i:dvnnce In freight ratis uulil commission lias had op portunity to approve llioin. Hurling! ".n ofiielnhi test Hied at Chi cago In the Missouri river rate hear ing that payment of rel ates was com mon up to a few years ago. Plairo for Ihe collision between the Republic mid Hie Florida will be lived by the ad:rliality court. I'liltei Mine Workers voted down n n s.iiiilon protesting a;ainst pro posed n n oval of duly on coal. Rns'ia makes another partition of Poland by detaching two provisos and ii'a'iliif thcin a part of Russia !'H ;. Tl'c I.ein-c ribipted tho c. inference i,"it on the hill providing for t:.k ll't.' lie next census. T!.e v"; iholie population In Kansas c:tv : ;r-.i)"0. I'e.ier ill'' auspices of Kim: Kd ward tile,. ' Ml hill H Iv he established the l.-:i: .Mi K!i (f t Until Institute. Tiie I 't. estate Cniniiurco romnils t iff put i:s seal of approval on the e:!tr;r,!,o er-'nineiy system and says i T' : in i 'in led on pa' senger trains as ba-'rave-iS',1 hntjljtliato tV'tifir of In ters Pile ocnilleree. 'i .H i"l ' .In :. eelt'.s b'ltel' to Cov- '!.;. ' '-ill. M el' Cilir. ri'ia had the !; 'i o!' p.iMpnning h":islailon on the ' i:"- e hill . i . i ; S : ; n .-re. I i:i appropiia'ion hill f.;r ihe p is ' !' ii .ni !iiieni cnnles Wih p ,n, BiMotitit aggiTgatinu $'.':n ,01)0,000. ! Crnnd jury inveiihating town lo! ! frauds tt Muskot;e-, rcturne I liirei : bills after holding a brief se.-ioii. I The conspiracy Is said to be more ' extensive (hap was at first mis-pfrted I U'ciirhtv uroblems confront. Mr. ! Knox when lie heroines Becretary (! state. I Judge T. C .Miinger. of Nebraska, j rules state law unconstitutional i prohibiting appeal to federal couiii! from orders of the slate railw:,y com- j nils;ion. President Roosevelt lias huhmiited plans for reorganization of the navy The New Kiiqlaml fishers d'spilte is in fair wav of settlenient. fiovernor Iieneen of Illinois, Issued a requisition on tne governor or ,p- 1 raskn for ( in return to Canton. III.. f James llliike, who Is now an in nate of the Nebraska slate penitentl- ry nt l.ineidii ;:nd whose term will pire (,n February 29. Old age pensions in Ireland nre paid in Hstufllee saUsins and pen sioners are told the proper way is to patronize the bar. Two thousand people were at a country church near Axtell, Neb., to intend the funeral of the Olsons, killed in tin Colorado wreck. A bill Is to be Introduced In the New York legislature to compel In struction hi boxing in (he public schools. California racing men are of the opinion that I lie null pool selling hill will pass and sound the knell of rac ing In that stale. A drastic prohibitory bill was In troduced In the Ptah legislature and It is expected to pass. The tlenoa, Neb., Indian school will be retained. The steamship Republic and th' Florida were In collision and the former sank. No lives wore lost. Attorney (iencral Hoiiaparle de clined to honor a polite summons to appear before a house committee. .Minister Loomls, in an interview on the Japanese question, gives thai, country credit for good faith in its effort to stop emigration to (lie Pnlted Stales. The hoard of consulting experts rules that beu.ouie of soda used as a preservation in foods Is not deleteri ous to health. A landslide following a severe curlh shock In the region south of Tetuan has wiped out several vllages. Lincoln's native county In Ken tucky has voted fur prohibition. Washington. Senator Urown desires the senate to lake his hill to prevent Injunction of collection of state taxes by fcderel rouits from the committee on judici ary and consider the same directly. President Roosevelt believes the orgaui.allon of the navy department is not as to bring the best results and he has appointed a committee whose announced duty will be to consider "certain needs of the navy." Pleading for the establishment or a chll. Iron's bureau In one of Ihe do pa rtnients of the federal government Jit Washington, promoters of the wel fare of children, who have been in conference here, bore down on con gress. The niiliiary Order of the I.oval Loylnii of Nebraska, through Its olli-l ri-ih, W. J. Rronleh, lloraeo Lading ton and F. II. Lawrence, have sent a petition to Senator Urown calling upon congress to place outers on volunteer relief llsl. President Samuel (inmpcrs. Vic President John Mitchell nnd Secre tary Frank Morrison, of the Ameri can Federation of Labor, recently ndjudaed in contempt of court and s ntenced to imprisonment in the District of Columbia jail, were or dered by Justice Wright of the dislric4 supreme court to pay the costs in curred In (he proceedings which re sulted in the sentence for contempt. These ngregi.te about $l.,ri0ti. Hy a vote of ft to S Ihe house com mittee on agriculture agreed to report favorably the Weeks hill providing for a commission for the establish ment of a White mountain nnd south ern Appalachian forest reserve Senator Iturketfs bill to allow th Fremont, Flkhoni and Missouri vallev railroad permission to change its course was refused. Senator Frazier of Tennes-see said that the negroes in the Hrownsvlllo affair did not deserve reinstate ment. Personal. President (ionnv. was hiniwurntcd nt Havana and Provisional Governor Magnun and sla.f sailed at once for home. Judge J. J. Sullivan took the oath of efllce nt Omaha and accepted ap pointment as justice of supreme court of Nebraska from (Jovernor Shallen ber:er. Nebraska state senate employes will be pall only for tin' time 'they actu ally have employed. K. II. Ilarriman was clotted a di i.cior of the New York Central rail road. Fnioeior William was the hero of pecial exercises on the occasion o? the fiftieth anniversary of his birth. Presidentelect Taft and partv sail ed fro'n Charleston for Pnnama aul 'voro r.ive-1 an oval 'on as they left. PoiiRlaa Robinson, brol lier-ln-law of President Roosevelt, has filed an af fidavit charging the Now York World with criminal llhe. I Silas A. Ilohonib tendered his res ignation as appointee to the supreir.e b nch of Nebraska, and (iovcruor Shallenbcrger npaolnted P., Oldham. Wllltam H. I.iavllt. now In Pai ls, was noil (led of a suit by his wife, formerly Ruth llryan, for divorce, and says he will not contest It. John ('nihil O'Loughlin. the ne.v assistant secretary of stale. olyHern years ano, was a sienogranher In Nebraska. RurnmiHiTP nnirrvT liltllbllillllD UDuTO THEY ARE AGAINST THE ATTI TUDE OF CALIFORNIANS. ORIENTAL TRADE IS IMPORTANT Japanese Play Largs Part in World'i Affairs and Are Entitled to Fair Treatment. New York Aii important move ment with respect to th, Japanese question in California was Inaugu rated here at a meeting of th" Hoard cf Trade's transportation committee on foreign nnd Insular trade. It was derided "to report to the boarj that (he merchants jf New York appeal t? the merchants and manufacturera ot all the other states to co-operate with them in impressing upon the people t f California the unwisdom of persist ent discrimination against the people (f Japan, who have shown themselves entitled to the respect of the world n' large, that. Japan has proved itself to be a great factor in the civilizing and progressive influences of the world. and whose trade Is of Importance to this country." The committer strongly deprecated the agitation In California and ex pressed the four that Its continuance will seriously affect the amicable rela tions between Japan and the United States. At the conference, which was coin posed of (hi! committee and others In tertsled In the Japnneso trade, were the Central FJeetrie company, Kuhn, U)ol & Co.; A. A. Vantyn company; the National City hank; the China and Japan Tradliu company and Miller, MncLean & Co. It was pointed out that while Japan sells us $:!0,0i)o,0ii(i more annually than we sell Japan, it Is also true that the $;fj.0iiO,0!K of goods which I! sells us consists almost entirely of raw materials which are pro duced In this country, such as tea and raw silks, while the $;;9.ii0(i,t)0f of goods which wo export to Japan consists of manufactured nrtlcles. the products of our factories nut work shops. The com.;nitter feels that while the autonomy of the states should he zeal ously guarded no stale should disre gard the fact that International trea ties constlulr the highest law nor should they attempt to nullify such tieatles or do that which would Injure all the states and the union. GIVES PRAISE TO HARRIMAN Depew Calls Him Strongest Railroad Man in World. Washington 'K. II. ilarriman is tho biggest and strongest railroad man In the world," declared Channeey M. Depew of New York in discus sing Mr. Ilariiinan's election to the hoard of directors of the New York Central, of which he Is chairman. Senator Depew asserted that the New York Central hoard is the strongest of any railroad. The name of Mr. llarrLnan, he said, was proposed for the directorate by Mr. Vantlerbilt. Mr. Depew refused t0 discuss the. report that the aVn.lerbilt and Hani--nan lines in!;ht be combined lis a result of Mr. Harriman becoming Identified with the former's interests. Badly in Need of Offlcero. Washington- Declaring thnt tin? army is badly In need of officers of the line, Major Ceneral J. F. Hell, chief of staff, appeared before the house committee on military .iff aim In favor of a, proposition 'to Increase the number of officers. Ceneral Hell declared that it had been found im practicable to detail ofllcers on the re tired list to certain duties as author ized hy law. Forming Monrter Petition. New York - Slips for signatures distributed by the national sufirago association, which will bo pasted to gether to form a monster petition in behalf of votes for women are bcim? returned by the si mors and will l o recorded at national headquarters In Washington. Kach of tho smaller pt C'.ions or slips contains twenty-one names and t lit suffragists hope to get a million of these signatures. Judging from the returns received so far It i.t predicted that several million will bo procured. Would Burn Constitution. (iuilirie. Okh.-Senator Hlalr In the senate here in all seriousness moved tint hotly burn the crnstliutlon adopt, etl by the slate of Oklahoma. Uis words created a deckled sensation and were lollowcd by an Immediate adjournment. Big Fire nt Si. P.-.yl. Si. Paul Viie stalled In a depart ment store on Seventh street, and for a while threatened t a lanre part of the biisiue.-s illMrlet of the city. As It was, a half dozen buUdliiKS were almost wholly do stovod wlih an augegate hus uf about $i;t)o,0oo. Texas Bark is Robbed. i:i I'uso, Tex -The vault of the Carlton State bank of Carbo.i, T.x.. wits' blown teien by robin rs. wl'ii M cured nearly $1ii.oou, in curiene; Although the force of the ex;i--sien blew out a port'on ef the front of po bulldlnV. no one was aroused an.! Co robbers cleaned. P'ovid1! "Heck Court." Washington.--"Dot I; courts" for t' e trial of initio.' c.i-e,i in i.,. a'.v o marine corps are provided for in t bill passed by the senate Friday NEBRA3HA NEW 3 NOTTS Agricultural, Sojir.l. Religious, Poli t: cal and O.hcr Matters cf Interest The Ims'iifhj men cf Florence have1 organized a Comim-i i iul t in j. The N; rtlrv-. ;t i n d -pot nt Ar'.hi:; ion wa broken into but nothing b; missing oxotM some bottbd beer. Ceorgo i". cbik. an old tl'.i.r rt-i dent of Arapahoe, hot liinu c ti" throti'.ii ;he hea-'l with a revolver, dying instantly. if nil are Pi reed or old line life insurance, or w'i an a-'.ency to life in.'.rr.u.t cci-r. spend wiUi The Midwf-t I l; of L 'nctia. Quite a niir! t r of o'tl s-Mi'T' of Nance e.'ui.ty me! for the' cf taking n't pi; io form an astern lion to be kr.ew n ;;: '.Iv Na.n e corn ty old settlers ; -.' ; i it William I'm r A: Sons f iVeiinut h l ave be n nwurd' d the -tr.mitt rr about 0 worth of gr.-.d t'.g en the tracks oi the One County S;.''id a. socl.tlc.n at Nebraska C:y Harry Lehigh of lien; rice wa-.t woundtd in the breast whi'e cut hon ing. The pun was accidentally dis charged as be was in ihe act of pick ing up a rabb t. Hoys of the Aikhison Huh schtcl defeated roprr-seiiialivoH cf tie O'Neill High school in a deba'e upon tlu: conipuhory arbitration ij m-h': it:t fis ippcal-:d to railroads Tli" liaptii'l church of Neiirasksi City has iintia'niously elected K.n. Joo V. Jtieclis of Kansas City, trn vot ing secretary of the I!'.pi;si Puldica tion society , io (lie local ptisiorate. Hight'.'i'ii visiting n't'tithcrs of tho legislature soon; an afternoon t;t the insane hospital at Norfolk and at nighl were entertained at a stnoker Ly the .V.jfoll; Coniinercial tiul). Fanners should ajl have telephonca. Write to us and le.nn how to get (H.r best service for the least money. Nebras'-ta Telephone Company. 1 M th antl Douglas streets, Omaha. 'T:,o the Pell." w ill have ihe sec: ml hank lu about two weeks. I'tibl'catlon of llit! nrtides of incorporation has l.oeu t'oiiiple id and the new 1 ns--i 'tittf :n will be know n as the Lawn n re Stite hank. P i announrtd t.''.at tin1 Y. M. C. A. has arranged v.ith W. .1. r.r;.::n tt. liiiiytr all I'llircsn at the i timing ct n vtnt'f u of ihe V. C. A. of tne s'ltte to he held In Hastings Felinmry to '.'I. Someone has l.-een admliiilert:i.-' poistiii to Tecumseh dogs and (is a re sult a li-iniher Imc died. In the lot were some of value and others that were priceless, as they were family pels. rani"! C. Call. th in. cm v it led in the iihtt'itt cunt of ix.nglas county on a charge c: desecrating graves in 1'icspeti Hill ttnielery ai Ouiaita, lr.'.t been gr.'.'.it'. i! attothor trial by the su preme court. W. M. Childors, whil" w or!. ing o'.i t'ie rive'- ;.t .Ve!;ra.',k f'i y catling ice, bi'ik" thro igh while over the deep channel and went down twice li. ioi'e his ccn"!J!i!r.iiK retiched there stid htik' ( h'!i. oi't with a p'ke pole. J. Uuiilu, a 1'i'cniont mm, Y.uu lo.M ncroi'dcil Hie h nor of a nit ri It tsl'ip on the t'ot'i'd ef tl rectors ct' ihe ii.'1'onnl (rotting a-sociatit.a. Ho was o'or-t. 1 In New Yoik Cily at il meeting held last week. An explosion of g;s in the l avement of (he 'I lini.iti n hotel in Couimbii.t k 'dly vrcekeil (he building mid seri oui ly ii jured .1. L. Hunter, the nude, and y.v.-.. Hniier, hi. nssh.tatn. t'..o wtn.ii in h;,'jiy she liniay not re cover. l'rnf. C. c. Datil'i i th of Tet'iim.-e-b, Who for severr.l niolUh:; has been d ) Ing spteial work in the Chlrngn nti! '.ei'siiv, hu.-i accented th" potsil'on ns teai h.ev in maitit aie.iics und physics iti the Illinois Normal college, ami will lei.ii! his new work on JiMe I. A. L. Caviness of ihe slate teach-er.-i' a.-'sneiarlon, says lie is meeting t nco urag iir; letters troni school boaribi nil e ver the slate promising to lend a litl'iing hand in swelling the attendance of teachers at the next anneal state inectlu'j to be held in I'ncoln. By the deah of Marvin Wailnll, '', ye-iis old, who was dragged to tb'.i'.h hv a fractions cow, Dr. J. (i. W'athall has lost (he second member of hi -family hv uccideiil iti the h. I few years. The li-tle boy tiiscrven 1 the cow had been let out of the Inn by n tartiess lehor r and attempted lo lead her Park In. He became on tat::;h'd in the rotie and the niiln.n! driii-ged him through two wire fen . D Lt c. Wa' -on, the wt ll known N bins! :i C ly attorney, is found by the (;: it not gttil y ot conduct such at to w.".riT!'.t .'talgment of disbui ii"'i:t or siii-pensifiii ironi practice, tiioudi it was noi such as to be eonnn .nl. tl. Mrs. I-Y.lrohild. a Ir.r's vv'fe, livilii; t v.. it y-live miles r.mlh t'' V ,! ill ". ci.niiuiliei snicid-' by ha:i'.' !::; 'm i i if to a ivi'.ci' in her own home. She ant! her husband have been hav ing trouble and she had been Iiv.iij, In lo.vti for tome lime j,ih; until i cently. In :i her hu.iliand cam.' In and in ;..ii!ti way got her t.i move U:v'. on ;iie r.ricii, mid al'itr g-dtlajT li-cl; hi nt" sh took her own life. She leave; -! smill children, ihe oldest under ten ycus of age. The ,. . .losepil Itlie.-iug of s IVHii lilt i. r Wnsliiivaou. I (".. i .1 Ho- p'.'is 1 invliatlon of ri.vir.,".: KtH,:-eve'i to r.ltcu.l a coniVt'oivo of the lt;"d of ehaiiib'.-i of M'-i vniie.'i..' if'its of whieh .p'. It'iossing 's a Nehraska luember. Ca.-s con r, y h:. lotig l-tea litov.n as one if Hie ujni uro: net.ius nnd l.nv-aiiltiiug counties of tie- si.iie. 1 ;;l tor ihe I tit few lmj'iihs it hat !e-:i stii rtd by title nu'ttler niter inn Thof la i.'.cb c.a;.e the vic-ini ha:, bee'i i. t'.e of It's best and inosl res,;eei-d fillens. There have been 1'iitir li'iu, tiers is as many nieniliv. FLmAFM Sill CILL3 ON THE SUBJECT COME BEFORE BOTH HOUSES. . 10 tsmm TO BEPPEAL Leaders Confer With the Governor and Mr. Eryan Concerning the Catik Guaranty Measure. Tlills have been inlrotluced in both hourea to a'r.tnd or repeal the pri 'i r.ry law. Ti'e nieesure for aintnrl tneiii Is bv Mr. Kuiil In Ihe senate. It is in keeping with suggestions made curing th' cr.n.paign by adherents of both parties. Mr. Scheele, in the ,'iottse h:s a bi'l to do away with the piintary law altogether. His measure tarries with it no suggestion to take th" plate of the pn'mary law, passed l y the thirtieth session of the legls l it.iro. H presumes a return to the old t onvrntioii system. Senator Hatfield of Ante!o;.r introduced a similar bill Many democrJls will vo'r to repeal. .Many remibliians want to see i( re I'.tahd. hut may not stand lire when (lie measure comes up lu the house. Action on the Scheele bill i not likely to be entirely along ptn'ty lines. "I will vote for Ihe bill." sa'tl ft proini ient democrat. "The primary 'u. l- 's not been tt success in our neck of ihe weeds. If it could be so amended that It would only apply to cities cf "i o.iwiij population or over, it would be nil right. Hut in the country it is a failure. Tht- people did not gel out to the prininies. The entire cost of a campaign is more than the ad vp'imges of the nicaMue will war rant. One member is considering tho Intrcdutiio:! of a bill frdng every voer who does not appear at (he polls t;u pn'mary day or on general election day. knhl's amendment to tlw law pro vides thai the state cc-ivenlion shall he h.eli the last Tuesday or July in older that It lify frame a platform belt iv ihe candidates fi'c applications for office. In at'dhlon In thi he would hive the ci inmitiets, couniy, t oagref onal. judicial and state, se lected according to a plan arranged by th stale committee of earn party. These nit (hods need not be similar in each pari v. The slate convention shall select the slate committee, ami shr.ll issue a platform. It shall not cn ' any candidates for any office. The d'iegii t's to tli statu, convention titill le selected by the county com mit toe, but shall not he one from tath county, but shall he apportioned by th'. state committee according to the vole t ast for presided' lal doctor at. tin.' In.-d presidential election. Bank Guaranty Law. Democratic leulers conferred with Mr. Iliyan and Ciovernor Shallen- 1 1 rger and ngretd uiion the provbiioiis of the bank guaranty law thai Is to be passed by the iogisla 'ttre, There were present Sena or Volpo end toure seiifntve (luf, chair men of the senate and hein-e banking ct niniiiiei s, and sevend leading meni hen of both house;!. The bill which Mr. Hi van w is hes passed will be p. ct;tni uh-ory act ami for infineJIato payment eve i as distinguished from Koiipioc Volpp's thirty-day payment I'tovsitn. it huving been ir.;press-d oi. the monikers that this Is necis sary, and Mr. I try in - desires losses hhall be mntle gotal (lie tr.initiit the 1 ank r nnnot'be' chockt d up.--' The hill inust also have a tix e(u;il tfi 1 per cuit in the average ci -nosits untl the n.axiiiiuiii levy In any one year mus' Vol exceed 2 pt r cent of the deposits 1 in t mordent cs. I he money is to lie reioe:ted n ihe banks and they are lo furnish securities to the sttate for sabty. Letters Seeking Information. I.e ti'i-s are being received by Secre tary of State Junkln freni ;:ll parti ct the rurally asking for copks of the bill providing for tli." cleetion of I'nitid Sta'cs senator.', by direct vote and fcr the guaranty of bank deposiis The fecretary of the democratic slate committor ef New York has wrliten for a copy of the banking bill, lndi tating tl'.n his state has troubles in this line. Inasmuch a-;- Ihe hU'.A itave noi yet been passed aatl there Is some (U.'Ul.l whether the senatorial pr'ni.tiy law will be enacted, the measures are held lor the pic.-ent and not lifted upon. Garnithcement Lew. N't ti It-ten of ("lav ha:, hit rotl'itvd a ' I I ,o wi;e on' the attachment l .w j'li - ' d by the !as sos. ion of the leg ir idic re. lie would have s'xty davs' wa'.es ..f the head ol a lanal.v exeiniu Iroin garni; hiuoio. attachment or exe cution, '.I'ovldeil In.. I such head of n f.:m.i.-' is :tt:t i boat to leave ho sta'" vi''i tleiils unpa'd. The last loislptutv pn. i ;;i'.ed lit" law so iliel only4 !t) per Kill is evenrii from atl;i'iin.,t. I'n tier the provisions of Ihe law oi l;ei' inui h work for jiisi.ct- cur's hr.s iirhen thiough attachment en wages. Aimed .'.t Through A hill win be i.itrotliie. , ia t;;, iii t.vidlii'; thai .all lr;t".is r;. In.: a;-.-011401' s shall pi.ividr ,-ae r..r. at b ast. In which there .'hull be eon -r.itt.'iile .Mais for pasta .ig r . :er vin'.i no ex'ni charge is i.t !. Tiibt T i I i j.; .ir.t .1 directb' i'.' (he titviugii train i which now" crAy r.iM'nan n iv. but wimli st'-: it division :'t:tions. Ti.e .bill .'s in tho !r.'T : t tliUclliii; tilt II v. h.o have -on sy , ; lil l-i'il'.l'.'S ol Ipl .i".i. i !,!:(, II! ;-.;niiir, lo I iu cl-argo.., Lil' hc.l' i on tit..e trains' PHYSICALLY VALUED. - - - Tho 01 li Measure Relating to Public Servics. This measure, introduced by Olllt or Valley, who is chairman of tho coininlitt o on railroads In the senate, embraces the best feature of the Wis consin pud other laws, and is con-t-ldered to comply with the demands made by the democratic platform and is endorsed by prominent men who have the very best interests of tho stale in this matter in mind and purpose. The 1 lil provides that in employing professional and expert as sist auee In making: the physical valu tuion of pulilc service corporations, the governor's approval must be ob tained, thus placing a check on the number and kind of help that may lie used by the railway commission un der whos'o supervision the valiiat'on b: made. When a physical valuation Is made, a time not less than thirty days nor more than sixty d3ys from the daf ' of notice, when any corpora tion by its representatives may ap pear antl give reasons for lowering or raising, or in any way modifying the of such properly; nnd, it' the commission deems the evnlenoe sofiiiient. It may modify its own valuation. In the senate attention was called lo the house resolution asking for the appointment of a conference commit tee on the bill fcr the physical valiia t'on of railroads and other public ser vice oorporaiii ns and tiaying that it had iX'cn sent lo the desk. Tho sec it tufy then read the resolut'on pre senied by Senator Ollln of Valley, who, in making the motion for the ap pointment cf the committee, naitl there might be some- quest Ion as to whether the oonslitiiiif n provided for the com mittee, but he believed it warranted and might, he a means of economy of time ami money and he moved Its adoption. After some discussion the resolution Carried and the coinmltleo t n railways, of which he is chairman,, was appointed as" the conference oom-niittee. Taxation cf Mortgages. ! This is ti measure introduced by Mr. Taylor of York. It was recom mended to the judiciary committee, niter it had been discussed in the committee of Ihe whole, the author etiiisetillng to a further investigation of it by thp committee. Wibnn of I'olk county led the fight against the bill, basing his' objections te ii on his experience in California for four years as a banker. Cali fornia has such a law. Mr. Wilsion In sisted that where tin? mortgages were taxed, invariably the rate of interest on loans-, was fixed suflllek-ntly high o cover what the holder of thr- mort gage would have to pay. No fieurflt theioforo accrued to the person who owned (he equity in the real estatp. In arguing for his bill Mr. Taylor gave Illustrations of what occurs un der the present revenue law. A per son hnd $2.H'iO previous to ihe visit of the assessor ' nnd another" party owned a JinJbH) farm. The day tho assessor is tine the man with llit" ?.ihi( pays that amount on the farm and gives the owner a mortgage, for $ 18,ono. The man then pays (axes on t ;e $2,(ioo he ha received and the SS.or!) no' ho received from tho owner of the farm, while the man who bought the farm pays taxes on that at a valiiat'on of $l".(it)0. He insisted this Is double taxation. Mr. Taylor to-smctl the house that Ills bill was a copy of the California law, which, he said, had been held (onsliiutioml He went' further nnd said Ciovernor Sheldon hut! looked into the matter can fully and his investigations were to the effect lha( Massachusetts antl rilicr Mates hnd practically tho same law and the preposition hnd proven eminently sa'lsfaetory. Must Not Coerce Employes. Cccrcion antl Intimidating by em ployers of labor will be thing of the pas-t m Nebraska elections if a hill by Ilov.nfaii of Nuckolls, introduced in the house (r passed by the legislature. The bill is short and to the point. It forbids any employer, under pain cf a. $ICii line tr a forty day Jail sentence, usljig apy means to influence the ae tteii of his employe either by threat en'ng d'sniissiil or promising to close down the business. Karly action on the idl s anticipated. fieporto of Corporations. Sna'or ritzpaiiick has introduced a I ill f'-r an annual report of p.ll cor petal. ons and ii these ropeiis arc not f; lih.t ol.lillg then the t orportttlon ciiiiiiers are to ftirfeited. An a'.inua! fee Is nbi required from. $10 to $2"), v hieh v.tuil I ntltl, perhaps, $l,noo a yc".i' to the i"voiiuo of the Mate. Tho hiil wa: I'ecep.i.irnded In the govern : f's n;t ssage. Lincoln Memorial in Senate, k A committee of the senate haa been appeinteil io colder with a conimlitee from i he reuse p.tid (he (h'aiitl Army of the Hepubli'c. to arrange for a Lin cola ri.' "l'crii'.l service to be held In tli" senate chamber, February 12, the Hud uuniversarv of Llneoln'tt birth. tietl. Railroads Committee Meets, The railroads committee of the hc.i'.-o i oiiMilflvd two niellSllt'es that had been referred to it for considera tion and rein tied thai hoin . mdefl nifly postponed. These bills were one l Kvae.sor ILuellii n, which required rail. (i 'ds to neeept Ihe V.i-ighls of shipper when ihcy have no railroad real s m f.e point of shipment, and lie tht t leahim: them absolutely nobles I'M' I'tiV ;-!;iin! i;o sdiown Tim iilim- jit i:at!'-ei .-, . in to ( cuupt I ull tall I maiU where I vvo or morn run thrtiiiglt 1 the same c'ty lo niiiintnlii depots.