L tiAtauo Powder Absolutely Tare The Only Baking Powder made from IvivftTffN Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Made from Grapes A Guarantee of Pure, Healthful, Delicious Food JJj? I Monday Evening's Conetrt. j Tb performance of the Qrylc Con c.'rt company Monday evening was one of the finest ever heart! in ihis city. The different numbers ' of trW troupe were in excellent form and from first to last the attention of the audience , was undivided. Miss Mullineaux on LITTLE LOCALS. C. A. Marshall, dentist. We sell the Monarch Malleable Range, j Kroehler Brothers. Coates Block. Something new in post cards every week. Nemetz & Co. next to P.O. Some cigars are only cigars, but are a good smoke the violin and Miss Hecker the eelloist 'exhibited a command of the'r ir.stru-' Pcpperburg's "Buds msnt3 which can only bo attained by "Always reliable. year3 of the closest attention to technic. When buying cardies, why not ! Miss Helen Tinker's fame as a ccn-j the best? We always have a fine i trulto had preceded her, nor was tl e of the superior grades on hand. ; audience disappointed. She has a ful', i metz & Co. next to P. 0. buy line Ne- WE have just added a complete line of stationary, school and office supplies to our already large stock of sundries. VOU should not fail to see the values we are placing on our 5 ar.d 10c( counters. OUR candy is guarranteed strictly pure and fresh and the most popular varieties, large assortment, 10c per pound. surprise you Glassware, China Wins First Prixe Again. Dr. J. H. Hall who won first prize at Glenwood and Omaha on his barred Plymouth Rock cockerel took the bird to Lincoln lat week and Saturday re ceived from the State Association an other blue ribbon which gives him the first prize at Lincoln. The Doctor has had many chances to sell his bird since the Glenwood show, and at Omaha several fanciers aHked him to put a price on the cockerel, but the Doctor has declined, as there are few birds the equal of the one grown in Plattsmouth. One celebrated fancier suggested that the Doctor name $150 as his price, as the bird would be worth the money to some breeders. Fifty dollars each for birds scoring under the Doctor's fowl is not an uncommon price among poultry fanciers. Tho prestige of hav ing the blue ribbon bird for the three shows, and when the competition was strong, is quite an advantage and to one in the poultry business can hardly be measured in dollars. Doctor Hall is receiving ,the congratu lations of his numerous friends over the Buccess of his poultry breeding. t MHIMH Protestor Route Aoceplt. Prof. E. 1 1. Rouse, head of the de partment of professional training in the State Normal school, Peru, announced his intention to accept the appoint mint as director of the inspection of normal training in high schools. State Super intendent E. C. Bishop appointed Pro fessor Rouse to this position because uf the exceptional advantages he has in knowing just what ought to constitute the right kind of normal tra;ning in our schools. Professtr Rouse certainly ha3 had the very best possible oppor tunity to know correct standards of work. He will continue his work in the model schools here and at the same time direct the other work. His ap pointment meets the aproval of the educators of the state. j rich, beautiful voice und throughout the ; program delighted her hearers with her superb executiop. Miss Edna Rickard. the reader, wiA a favorite. Different people are differ I ently costituted, und while everybody j is more or less susceptible to the charms of music, only an artist of the rarest ability as an elocutionist can command the undivided attcntionvof a mixed audi ence. This Miss Rickard did in a mark ed degree. It is to bo regretted that a larger number of our people did not avail themselves of the opportunity of hear ing this company. OLD GOLD WANTED - Bring us your old gold watch cases, rings, chains etc. Canh or goods for them. Silver also. J. W. Crabill, Jeweler. C7-4 A new supply of sheet music has just been received by the Plattsmouth Music Company. All popular hits, 60c music sold at ;!Cc and 50c music at 25c. MMM i Spend a Pleasant Hour at i The Cosy Comer f tom troop. proprietor; Plattsmouth dinner at get your T When in I The Perkins House T Guthmann A Cory, Props, MMMMHMMMMMMM To Buy New Machinery. A. L. Becker, of Union, stopped oer awhile in the city Tuesday and rr.atb the News-Herald a pleasant call. He was enroute to Omaha to pureha?esome additional machinery for his elevator. Send her a post card of your favorite float. At Nemetz & Co.s' WANT COLUMN. FOR SALE. MONEY FOR FARM LOANS. H m tti i lti oi lairtvtt' Firs Uni tt ittMMklt rid ( litimt. Writ, sn. II Mir . SIBBEIHSEN, 208 DMtts Start BU . Oaiki. FOR SALE-Two or three loads of seasoned hedge post 10 and 15 cents each.- Wm, Gilmour, route 1, Platts mouth, Neb. 70 2 (UK ball 150 improved farms in Kansas. Lands for sale in Oklahoma, Texas and Colorado. Improved farms in various counties in Nebraska. Let us know what you want for we can furnish it. Windham Investment Co. BAILEY & MAGII THE DENTISTS lltfSt ADOHdiKri lll.fl ful'f Urnll t V Union able Prli'v Itr-l - iwipprit Osntal Of flu Is tilt MuldleMrst. ICIll DISCOUNTS TO CITY VlS'Tnt 5d flour I Kl.,i. ink imi. Kinm OirAHA. NEB BARGANS IN REAL ESTATE-30 acres adjoining Plattsmouth $35.00 per acre. Well improved five acre tract $1000. Eight room house with two acres $!00, easy payments. A $1250 property for $850. 15 acres well improved on Chicago avenue, $2600. A 7 room cottage at one-half its cost on easy Payments. Cottages to pell on $10 monthly payments. Cottages for rent. Windham Investment Co. C. A. MARSHALL, 0. D. S. T LAND AGENTS JOIN US-Thc Kan sas City, Mexico Ai Orient Railway now has a completed line through Kansas, Oklahoma and a portion (f Texas, opening up a new ar.d rich territory, comparatively undeveloped. An Immigration Department is now being organized and active, refutable Telephone Improvements. T. E. Parmele, and T. JJ. Pollock, Manager of the Plattsmouth telephone have just returned from Chicago where they have investigated improvements in the telephone systems. They were impressed with the stride made in the telephone business during the last few years and will put the home concern on a basis equal to the best in a ehort time. The improvements mean the ex penditure of a considerable sum of monay, but the same will pay in the 1 ng run. IlfE are offering at price3 that will Enamelware, Tools and Tinware. WE carry a complete line of paper backed Novels, popular copyright Novels and Magazines. E sure and pay us a visit as we have the goods and at the lowest prices. W. C. IRWIN & CO. The Savings Bank Store. i i t rfvrh G. H. Pratt, General Contract agent for the Bell company was in the city yesterday and informed a News-Herald reporter that his company contem plated putting in the common battery system which consisted of two wires. The entire wire system would be put in cable?, and about 30.000 feet of cable would be used in the city. None of the old plant could be usid in the recon struction, and the flash system would be installed. Diatriet Court Notet. The case of State vs. William Riley, Thomas Owens, William Murphy and Michael Gleason, charging the defend ants with burglarizing a box car. in which the household goods of Master Mechanic Wm. Baird were shipped to this city, a trial to a jury resulted in a verdict of petit larceny. This is re garded as a victory for the defense. Many criticisms are made of the prose cution Dy those wno Heard it. it is generally conceded that the case ought to have been tried in a half a day, and instead it took a day and a half at the expense of the taxpayers. The case of Otto F. San vs. Charles P. Hall is set for trial Feb. 1; SUte vs. Fred Ossenkop for Feb. 3; Henry Stull vs. Mo. Pac. Ry. Co., for Feb. 8; in the matter of the estate of Samuel S. John sin deceased, for Feb 9; ar.d Ethel Clark vs. Jacob Fleischman, et. al., for Feb. 11. ..Graduate Dentist.. land agents are wanted, write F. A. Hornbeck, missioncr, Kansas City, Act quick; Land Com Misso'sri. 70-3 L Prices Reasonable All Work Guaranteed Tweaty-aix Years' Experience ar. i.. t.v a it rsi i vuice in ruz.RtTaiu diock m ,eJ Human Hair "STSwitch 24 Inches, 9 Or. 'K er 22 Inches a it ne 2 '-..Oa. Straight . m3 Greatest harin i in Hair Goods i ever known. Send sampls with 1 money order, and we will match your hair perfectly. If out sat- i istied your money refunded. OMAHA HAIR CO. nu a i c Room 303 0"WA. i t JAMES SOCHOR ! -i; TAILOR i Now has the spring styles of merchant tailoring cloths in stock. Do not wait for YOUR SPRING SUIT until others have ordered ahead of you. Be a leader. I am now using the new French process of T dry cleaning and pressing -does 4 not injure the daintiest fabrics. H"H-H"H"H"H-'M'i--H""H The Majestic. 5 and 10 cents. WANTED. WANTED To trade, a fine piano for a good - single driving horse-Plattsmouth Music Company. 63-tf SALESMAN WANTED-To look after our interest in Cass and adjacent counties. Salary or Commission. Ad dress Lincoln Oil Co., Cleveland. O., ' 69-3 MEN WANTED QUICKLY-By b;g Chicago Mail Order House to distiib ute catalogues, advertise, etc., $25.00 a week. $M.OO expense allowance first month. No experience required. Manager Dept. 500, 3S5 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Illinois. M-3 Fruit Tree True To Name. I have the agency of the Watrous nur.-eries of Des Moines, Iowa, tie most reliable institution of its kind in the west. Every tree tested in the nursery before being sent out. I have dealt in nursery 6tock for years and can say this stock is correct in every re spect, and prices right. If in need of anything drop me a postal and I will call. Ornamentals of every description. 70-4 C. C. Dkspain. Severely Scalded. While engaged in butchering at his home north of the city last evening Henry Stull slipped from a platform in to a vat of hot water, severely scalding his left arm and both feet. AG ENTS - SALESM EN -The best ar ticlewonderful invention just pat entedtremendous seller, 1 $25 a day profits easy. Selling the "Patent Head," a marvelous efficient device, strongly appeals und quickly sold to grocers, butchers, farmers, hotel men and others. The "Patent Head" is the greatest economy ever olfered. It means a big saving. Stops waste from barrels. Keeps their contents sweet and fresh. Clamped in place it remains there as solid as the barrel itself until released by a simple turn of the key. Positively make the barrel germ, dust and air proof. Agents are telegraphing daily big orders. Hundreds of letters from live agents say that they never made so much money so quickly. You can easily clean up $500 to $1,000 the next 30 days. Act quick. Territory going fact. Particulars free. The National Sales Agency, 1219 Ohio Building, Toledo, Ohio. 6P-6 To Visit Sunny Italy. John Schiappacasse and daughter, Cecil, left Tuesday for Italy for a visit of a couple of months. It has been some thirty-five years since Mr. Schiap pacasse left his native heath and he naturally looks forward with manv pleasurable anticipations to this visit. Their many friends join in wishing Notice. In thi District Court of the United States for the District ot' Nebraska. In tho matter ot f , N Ltt: "B-nkruptcy. At Room 615 hrarnleia Kuildinu. in the citv of Onikha. Douiilan county, Ni branka. on the Itf'h lay ot January, A. D . r.9. before thrle G M Donald, refnrra in bankruptcy. On this 'JKth day of January, 1909, on lilinir and reading tie petition of the above named bnndrupt for hi discharge herein, it in ordered, that the nth day of February, ISftl, he and the name i hereby fixed a iHe day on or before which all cr dit r of and 1 1 other persona inierexted in the said estate, and in the matter of dixcharjrc of said hnikrtipt, aha I, if they desire to oppose the aame, tile in my office at room 61S Brandeis Buildinir, Oma) a. Nebrraka, in said cUtrict, their appear ance in writinic. in opposition to the irrantinirof sa'd diJcharne. and also, w.thin ,un day there after, lilt- in my said ollice. specificationa of the grounds of said opposition. Witnens my hand at mv office in Omaha, Ne braska, the day and date Hi"t above written. Chski.ks U. MrnoNAi.D. Hefereein Taikruptcy. Notice. To t.irzv Mayheo, defendant, take ooticrt 'l-n on tie I'.th day of Jimuaiy, i'j09. Murtl a Mi ybee, plaintit? herein, tiled her p. tuion in the f Btrict Court of Cass county, Nebraska, Huninst said de fendant, the obiect and piaver nf which is a ditoice from the bonds of matrimony, for the res son that the defendant has desert) d the plaintiff for mo-e than two ytnrs last past, and fails and refused to support plaintiff, anri is an habitual drunkard, and has treated plaintifT with extreme cruelty. You are therefore rcquirtd to answer said peti tion on or before Mare h IS. IPOS. Dated January 2i, I'M. By M. Aui'hkk. Martha Mavbf.e. het attorney. 71-8 plaintiff. Legal Notice. In the District Court of the I ounty of Cass, Nebraska. Daniel Lynn, et al.. Plaintiffs. Nol,co of Ke Andrew Lynn. e?al .Defendants. crcc' Salu- Notice is hereby Kiven that upon February 20th A. D. I'M at Uin o'clock a. m.. at th couth door of the cowit home in the County of Casa, Ne braska, 1 will offer at public sa!o the following described litnda: The southwest quarter, of the southwest quarter, less one otinthe south aide thereof, numbered lo thirty-one (3D containing seventy-three (.73) o le hundredth of an acre; lot eleven (11, in the north-east corner of aaid land, beinir occupied by tho right-of-way of the Missouri Pacific railroad company, there being about thirty-eight ar.d eighty-one hundredth CM.81) acrea in the title of the partie heret . Also, sub lot five (5) being the south ten acrea off the north-west quarter of the south-west quarter, except lot twelve (12) occupied aa -ailroad right-of-way off the east end thereof, being about ninety six one hundredths '.9.) ot an acre: also lot six 16), being the south ten (I') acres of the north-east quarter of t he south-west quarter ex cepting lot thirt ten (13) off the ei at end of said lot six (6), occupied as railroad r ght-of-way. also, lot sometimes called twentf-ono 21) and some times called forty-one (41), beirg the noith ten acres of the south-east quarter oi the south-west quarter excepting lot thirty-two. being twenty one hundredth (.21) of an acre in the south-east corner therein, being aeventy-two feet wide and extending north one hundred and twenty-five feet: also, excepting therefrom a part of sub lot ten (III) off the west end of said ten acres used as railroad right-of-wav: also, the east three fourths of the south one-fourth of the north-west quarter of tho south-east quarter being about seven and one-half acrea, and somet mes known as sub lot thirty-nine i'M: tho south-west quarter of the south-east quarter, known of sub lot twenty oxcept a strip of land one hundred thirty-seven any one half feet (U7&!;) in width from the muthern boundary of said tract extending sixty ( ) rods north along the west line: also, except ing a lot commencing at the north-west corner of suil south west quarter of the south-east quarter running south twentv (20 rode thenceeosl twenty (201 rods them-e north twenty 20 rols. thence wc:-t twenty i20 rods to theplaceof lieiiinning.n'l n Section twenty-three (2,). Township ten I i0 N rt'i KunKe Tliii lcon 1.131, all in Curs county. Nu braska. This sale is made pursuant to an order issuiil hy the Judw of the. District Court on January 25th A. D. I'.Kri). and at suid sale said property will he offered in its separate tax sulslivisions and also in Kross. and ul.-o in scvcrnl subdivisionr, suitable for small places: thesu suldmsions will lie an- nouncid at the salu. M. II. Siiukmakkh. Hymn Clark. i'olc I.'eferre. Attorney, ). Legal Notice. SUte of Nebraska. I . County Court County of Cass. i m umw t-0""- In the matter of the estate nf Martha Jul an. de ceased. To all person interested: You are hereby notitied that there has been filed in this court the petition of reward Martin, ad ministrator of aaid estate, alleging therein that this court entered a final decree in said estate on the 3rd day of January, PIOS, without legal notice to the heirs of aaid estate nor himself as adminis trator. Thepravcrof said petition is that said decree be set aside and that aaid administrator be allowed to correct an error in his final report, showing therein that he has a balance row amounting to lltmOO. You are further notified that a hearing will be had on aid petition before this court at the county court room in the City of Plattsmouth in aaid county on the 2iith day nf February, 11)00. at 1 o'clock a. m. That all objections, if any. must be filed on or before said day and hour of hearing. Witness my hand and the seal of said court this 22nd day nf January, 1909. Al l. EN J. Hkkhon. tKM Isf.Ai.l County Judge, Geo. E. Dovey, President. F. E. Schlater, Vice Pres. H. N. Dovey, Cashier C. G. Fricke, As3't Cash. FIRST NATIONAL BANK PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. t Transacts a General Banking Business and Repectfully Solicits a Share cf Your Patronage. voyage and a safe them a pleasant return. Fhoto post cards of Taft at Platts mouth. Now on mile-Ten different! views at 5c each. Nemetz & Co. next ! to P. O. Stutn nf Nilimftkn ! Count vnf Cum . Legal Notice. ( hs. In County Court. Interest Paid On Time Deposits. t $ 5 t t t f WINTER EXCURSIONS LOW RATES WINTER TOURIST RATES:-Daily reduced rate excursions to California, Old Mexico. Southern and Cuban Resorts. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS:-First and third Tuesdays of each month to many points west, so Jth and southwest. PERSONLY CONDUCTED EXCURSION to Florida by Superintendent Public Instruction of Nebraska, Mr. J. I McBrien, leaving Lincoln and Omaha December 19th. Write G. W. Bonnell, C. P. A. Lincoln, for itinerary. GOVERNMENT IRRIGATED HOMESTEADS in Horn Basin and Yellowstone Vallcy:-One of the last chance to secure good farms from the Government at low prices. Go with Mr. D. Clem Deaver on the next personly conducted excursion. He will help you secure one of these farms. No charge for his $51 services. Excursions first and third Tuesdays. W. L. PICKETT, Ticket Agent, Plattsmouth L. VV. Wakely, G. P. A., Omaha. the Org In the matter of the estate of Jxaac Julyan. dc ceaiw!. To all persons interested: You are hereby notilicd that there has been filed in the court tho account of the nilminixtrator of j aaid cntate nml his petition for final settlement, alleging therein among other things that the heirs of llna estate nor himself as administrator, had no notice of the bearing befure this court on the ;)rd day of January, I'.HiS. at which time tiniil Wn.i. u IL, i;, l decree was entered in thia estate. The prayer nf I WOW IS the time to have your piano a petition is that said decree bo set asulcan I I tuned. Mr. Decker of the Plattsmouth ! " cc;un " h1,'",!n allowed, and that ho I . . ' be discharged as such administrator. iiiumi is an expenenceo; man in I lou x lurmcr mmnm mm mere will nc a tbia lim nf umeb i hwir'nK unon "'' account and petition before this una nut oi worK. court in the county court room in the City nf t- " " " - 1'lattamouth in aaid county, on the 2ilth day of hebruary. l'.ani at 10 o clock a. m. That all ntv must be tiled on or before aaid day aring. A'hMH:t'':--M.4MX 1 ieetion. if any. A ! ; and hour of hei s TH8 Plattsmouth Stock siaSW.; 1 and Grain Go. Wise Talks by the Office Boy You can take my word for it-whatever a fellow hopes to be, he will be, 'unless he gets on the wrong car. Whenever I hear one those worldly wise chaps using that express&ion, "Where do I get off?" I always feel like edging up and saying, "Put him off at Plattsmouth because he will then know just where he is going get off and we will all know where he is getting off. We know that he will get off better than he expected for the simple reason that we are primed to the muzzle with new goods and we don't care how soon the people know it. Times are improving, business is improving, people are imtroving, everything is improving except the weather and you can't improve that because it isn't made to be bossed. Have you tried our Plattsmouth brand of M & J coffee? Then you can't go wrong on. H. M. SOENNICHSEN MMMMMHMMIMMItHMMIMIIIMIIttlllHMtlMT court mom in the City of Plattsmouth. Nebraska. I nn the i:lrH Hav nf Fwbrnurv VMIII at Inn n'rlnlr hand and the seal of said court this i a. m. and that all objections, if any. must bo filed Have a pfivate wire to all the market centers including Chicago, New York, St. Louis and Kansas City which fruarrantecs tho beat of service. If interested call for any information concerning the market, and ask for our market letter. FRANK COBELM AN. MCR Platts. Phone 45, Coates block. January. l'X'U. Al.i.r.N J. Hkkhon. County Judge. Legal Notice. Stale of Nebraska, t . r-.... County of Caaa. t "' In County Court. In the matter of the eatate of Amelia Hoffman, deceased. To Julius Hodman and all persons interest' d in said estate: You are hereby notified that the Executrix of the eatate of Amelia Hodman, deceased, has filed in this court her petition, praying therein for a final settlement of aaid eatate, that her account be allowed and that the real and personal property of said estate be assigned to said K.xecuthx as provided by the terms and conditions of the will of said deceased, duly probated and allows! by this coart. Yoq arc further notified that hearing will he had on said petition 'buf ore this court at the county on or before said dnv and hour of hearing. Witness my hand and the seal of the county court nf Cass county, Nebraska, this 20th day of January, If H). Au.kn J. Br.r.soN. 6M Ueai.1 County Judge. REFEREE'S SALE. John C. Wharton, Attorney. Room mS-New York Life Building. Omaha. Nebraska. By virtue of a decree of partition of the Dis trict Court nf CasaCoumy, Nebraska, entered In aaid Court on the 2ft h day of Heptemlier A. 1). l'.Ms and an order of sale entered In said C urt on the Mh day nf October A. D. long in an action therein pending wherein Ida M. Kramnlen is plaintiff, and John H. Krampien. and Martha Kraracien. his wife. Maggie at. Gallup and John N. tiallupher husband, Kaphia M. Krampien ln competent end Conrad Raumgarrner.Ciusrdian of Sophia M. Krampltn, Incompetent and Julius M. Flagler Mortagee arc defendants, ordering and directing the sale of the following described real eatate situate in Casa County, Nebraska to-wit: The south half (S.Mof the north-cast quarter (N. E.1) and thoeouth half iSM) of tho north half (N of the north-east quarter I N. E.1) and the north half (N. of the south-east quarter IS. hM) all in section twenty-aix. C!6 township twelve (12) north of range ten (10) east of the 6th P. M. In Cass county, Nebraska. NOW THERKFUKE, I, James Koberon. the undersigned referee duly anoointad hv te dis- trict court of Cass county. Nebraska, t..Vake partition of the lands hereinbefore descriliecTWill on the 24th day of February A. D. 1009 at V O'clock in thft fnranmn nf mrniA Amv a Ik. ajii.' frontdoor of the Court House of Cass County, Nebraska, in tho city of I'lattsmouth in said county and atate. offer for sale and sell said real eatate above described at public auction to the nigneai Dinner ror cash to aatufy said decree In partition according to the terms thereof and costs and accruing tosta. I Said sale will remain open "Pour- JaaiesRoiwiTmw. W-W - Referee.